04x10 - This is Rome

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Suits". Aired: June 2011 to September 2019.*
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On the run from a drug deal gone bad, Mike Ross, a brilliant college-dropout, finds himself a job working with Harvey Specter, one of New York City's best lawyers.
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04x10 - This is Rome

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Suits...

Sheila Amanda Sazs, will you marry me?

Yes, I'll marry you.

When we have kids, world, watch out.

Louis, I don't want kids.

Sheila, I'm gonna be a father.

Mike Ross is not coming back to this firm.

You heard Louis. He already gave him the job.

I want to know why the hell you came back.

What matters is that I'm staying, because this is where I belong.

This makes it look like Forstman's payment never went to any offshore accounts, and that you never took a piece of it.

That's forgery.

Which is a less of a crime than what you did.

I had no choice!

Bullshit, you had no choice!

You could have said "no" at any g*dd*mn point along the way.

One thing is for sure.

When all this is over, I'm gonna fire the shit out of you.

I wouldn't be back here if it wasn't for Louis.

I'll take care of it.

"Dear Harvey and Jessica, "I put all of you in jeopardy for my own personal gain.

"Effective immediately, I, Louis Litt, "am resigning from Pearson Specter.

Please take care of my home."

One, two.

Give me a second, gimme a sec.

You're not dressed for it.

Maybe we can get you some trunks, go a few rounds.

I think I've already gone a few rounds.

I need your help.

Anything. What can I do for you?

Clients. I need clients.

Louis, the by-laws say that...

Come on, Harvey. You think I don't know what they say?

I wrote the by-laws.

Yeah, and who'd you write 'em for, huh?

Jessica, and she's not gonna make an exception for you.

Well, maybe she'll make one for you?

She's not going to.

Harvey, do you think I want to be here?

I tried to get interviews at six different firms and every one of them said the same thing: It's a bloodbath out there.

Which means if I can't bring business with me, I might as well move to Siberia because I'm never gonna find a job in this city.



I'm not askin' for the moon.

Just three companies that I brought to the firm myself when they were nothing.

Let me talk to Jessica.

Thank you.

Harvey, you don't look busy.

Would you like to attend the international securities law symposium?

That depends.

Is it in Vegas, Miami, or Rio?


Send Paul Porter.

What can I do for you?

I just saw Louis.

No. He's not getting any clients.

He just wants three.

Letting them go won't break us.

No, it won't, but it will open the floodgates for every partner that ever thought of leaving and taking their clients.

He's not every partner and he's worked his fingers to the bone for both of us, and he's asking for a crumb.

And I give him that crumb, and next thing you know, all the cookies in the cabinet are gone.

You don't know that.

I do know that instead of talking about giving Louis' clients away, you should be working on keeping your own.

Jessica, I'll find a way to keep Versalife, but that has nothing to do with Louis.

We owe the man something.

And I'm giving him something.

My phone rings and he gets a glowing recommendation instead of me saying that he left after committing a felony.

No one's gonna call if he can't get in the door.

That's on him, not on me.

Are you sure we should be doing this?

You really want those vultures in bankruptcy picking through his stuff?

It just doesn't feel okay going through his things.

Rachel, you haven't heard from him. I haven't heard from him.

If we don't pack up his stuff, who will?

I guess you guys had the same idea I did.


He didn't take that either?


I just cleaned it.

It was smudged and I didn't want to give it back to him dirty.

He must have been in such a hurry.

He was in a hurry 'cause he was ashamed.

Come on, let's get this over with.

Jessica, what...

Am I doing here?

I'm here to tell you that I know you know the truth about Louis' resignation.

I don't know...

Yes, you do, and I'm guessing you didn't like it.

You're right.

I didn't.

Because I don't think that he deserves to be fired.

That's funny, because I think you both deserve to be fired.

What do you...

You knew what he did, and you said nothing.

So that's why you're here.

To fire me.

No. I'm here to give you a second chance.

Those don't look like my case files.

They're not, but I didn't come empty-handed.

I got you somethin'.

A job?

General counsel at Procter & Gamble.

Procter & Gamble? What is that, a joke?

They're in Cincinnati, which is like, American for "Siberia."

It's American for "number 31 on the Fortune 500," and it's a chance to make a fresh start.

Whose idea was this chance?

Her majesty?

Oh, yeah, I bet she loved that.

Ship me off and never see me again.

Louis, it was my idea, and you should take it.

Well, would you take it?

No way on earth.

You know why?

Because this is Rome, you're a gladiator, and so am I.

Then be a gladiator.

Take this job and fight your way back here.

I don't have to go to Cincinnati to fight my way back here.

I can g*dd*mn fight Jessica.

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ living in a beehive of your mind ♪
♪ me and missus so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ all right ♪

♪ Suits 4x10 ♪
This Is Rome
Original Air Date on August 20, 2014

♪ the greenback boogie ♪

You here to pick up your things.

I'm here to pick the three clients that are mine.

Those clients, like everyone this firm represents, belong to me, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Oh yes there is, 'cause pursuant to the by-laws, you're required to inform clients of any attorney's departure.

If you fail to do so prior to me giving you formal notice, they're up for grabs.

Well, you wrote the by-laws.

I'll take your word that's what they say.

Oh, I see. You don't think I can take 'em from you, huh?

Well, I'm the one who brought them in and answered their call at 4:00 in the morning, when all you did was take your cut.

Is that all I did?

Yes, and that's why I'm gonna win them, because I deserve them.

And that's what it always is with you, Louis, isn't it?

What you deserve.

You're g*dd*mn right it is, and you have some nerve tellin' me no after all I've done for you.

What you've done is break the law, and I'm still willing to give you a good recommendation.

I don't need your bullshit recommendation.

I need clients, and if you're not gonna give 'em to me, you better strap in, because I'm gonna take 'em.


You haven't returned any of my phone calls.

I don't like contact during transitional periods.

But you didn't even say goodbye.

What is there to say, Katrina?


When you're ready, I would love to take you out for dinner.

We can't do that. You're on the other side now.

What are you talking about?

I gave Jessica notice.

I'm going after three clients.



We're gonna go do battle, and I do not want to put you in the position to fraternize with the enemy.

You're not the enemy, Louis.

Jessica had me contact all of your old clients in person.

She what?

You can't approach them. It's over.

I have to get going.


I am so sorry.

I didn't want to do it. Don't be.

If it had to be somebody, I'm glad it was you.

I'm in the middle of a merger.

What's so important that I had to come down to your shitty office?

This used to be your shitty office.

And after that, it belonged to six other people, five of whom are now gone.

What's your point?

That things can change in the blink of an eye.


Yes, Louis.

Took all of ten seconds to scrape his name off the wall.

How long do you think it's gonna take Jessica to scrape off mine?

What are you lookin' for, Mike?

Harvey, Jessica sees me as a huge problem.

The solution is just to get rid of me.

I don't want that to happen, so I need to solve an even bigger problem.

And you want me to give you a bigger problem.

I just got back.

I need you to give me the biggest problem you've got.


Sterling Pharmaceuticals is merging with Pfizer.

Come on, smart guy. You want to solve the problem?

You better be able to identify it.

There is no problem. They merge.

They only make up 26% of the market.

That's... that's not over the limit for 10b-6.



Versalife puts us over the limit.

We have to drop them.

Unless we figure out a way around 10b-6.

Like I told Jessica I would.

You told her that?

Harvey, no one has ever been able to do that.

Listen to me. You want to make a splash?

Part the Red Sea.

Oh, no.

"Oh, no," what?

You have that look on your face like you want me to have some emotional conversation I don't feel like having.

You know what, Harvey?

I just came in here to see if you needed anything.

I don't.

Okay, fine.

Listen, I know that this whole thing with Louis is upsetting you.

No. What's upsetting me, is you saying you're here to see if I need anything when you really want to talk about Louis.

I'm worried about him. He's in a really bad place.

You think I don't know that? That's why I tried to help him.

I got him a job on a silver platter and he threw it in my face.

And he shouldn't have done that.

Yeah. Then why are you here?

Because I still think we can help.



You did a good thing by getting him that job.

It was the right instinct, but it was the wrong city.

Yeah, I can't get him anything in New York.

I'm not talking about New York.

Then what the hell are you talking about?

Nice grouping.

How'd you know I'd be here?

Because you go mudding when you're happy, and you come here when you're looking to blow off steam.

Well, I am blowing off steam, Donna, and I'm not finished, so unless you can handle a p*stol, do me a favor please and just leave me alone.

Uh, how do you...

Connecticut junior p*stol championship finalist.

Three years in a row.

What years?

Ask me that again and I will use this on you.

Is there anything that you can't do?

No, there isn't.

Including talking Harvey into getting you another job.

So where is it this time?

Cincinnati? Minneapolis?

Anchorage, Alaska?



Yes, Sheila.

You got Harvey to do this for me?

I got him to give you his word he will do it, but after you turned down Cincinnati, he's not gonna make the call unless you say you're on board.

I can't.

What do you mean, you can't?

Donna, Sheila values strength.

She's gonna see this as me coming to her at a time of weakness.

Louis, you go to Boston with the sole purpose of being with her, she's gonna see that as a sign of love.

Tell him to make the call.

Okay, Kyle, I think the question you have to ask is, "where do I see myself in ten years," and unfortunately, the answer is, "not as a Harvard graduate."


Louis, what are you doing here?

I'm here to take you back.

I-I don't understand, the way we lef...

I don't care how we left it.

Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of you, and I can't hold it back anymore.

Sheila, I love you, and I want us to be together.

Louis, this is wonderful, but it's... it's...

It's just a lot to take in.

To believe that you're really ready to commit.

Well, how's this for ready?

I'm taking a job in Boston.


I quit Pearson Specter.

Oh, my g...

I can't believe it.

You did all that for me?


Well, I...

Well, what?

I got a job in Boston for you.

Louis, did you make that decision before or after you quit your old job?

What difference does it make?

It makes a huge difference.

You don't call for six months, and then...

One day you wake up, quit your job, and suddenly I'm supposed to fill the hole in your life?

No-no-no-no-no, it's not like that.

Okay, then what is it?

I mean, do you know how hard it was for me to not call you?

I was tryin' to move on.

Then why didn't you move on?

Because I realized that I don't need New York.

I need you.

Louis, geography was the least of our problems.

No, I know.

And... and I want you to know that I've come around on that.

You don't "come around" on children.

I don't want them, and I'm not going to change my mind.

You don't have to, because I've changed mine.

Okay, and I believe that you believe that, it's...

Well, then if you b...

I'm just sensing that you don't know where I'm...

Louis, when I asked if you'd quit first, I was asking because if...

If I believed that you were really ready to give up children, I would run into your arms and never let go, but if you're doing this because you're down and out...

But that's just it.

Do you understand that I was going to change my entire work schedule weeks ago for you?

Before all this. You were going to.

But you didn't.

Sheila, please.

You have to understand where I'm...

It was good to see you, Louis.

Please go.

I see frustration.

You see me getting my ass kicked by FTC rule 10b-6.


Harvey needs an update and I don't have shit.

And if you were Harvey and he was Jessica, you'd say you're all over it.

I can make that happen.

I'm all over it.


Donna, send a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue to Jonathan Palmer, and get him tickets to the next Sox game, and then find out when his wife's birthday is, his kid's birthday, his dog's birthday.

How am I supposed to...

I don't care how you do it.

Figure it the hell out.

Harvey, this is a thank you to him.

Why are you so mad at me?

It's not a thank you, it's an apology for you talking me into getting him to give Louis a job.

What did he...

He didn't show up to the interview, and what's happening with our Versalife problem?

I'm all over it.

Yeah, "all over it" means you don't have d*ck.

Next time I see you, have something.

Jonathan Palmer's in Boston.

Harvey got Louis a job there because of Sheila, didn't he?


Donna, if he didn't show up for the interview, it means it didn't work with Sheila.


He's gonna be devastated.

You bring him his box of stuff yet?

No, but I'm going to right now.

Let me do it.

Listen to me.

Harvey's pissed at you because you don't have anything and Louis needs me.

Donna, I am here because that man put my well-being before his own.

He gave up going after Sheila for me.

For all I know, that's why it didn't work out for him up there and it's...

The least I can do, is comfort him when he's down.


Come in, come in.

What are you doin' here?

Stuff has been sitting on your desk for days.

I wanted you to have it.

Okay. I'll need it for my new office.

You got a job?

Not yet, but I will.


Order of the Coif.

Yeah, look who graduated magna cum laude.

Summa, actually, for all the good it'll do me.

I know there's got to be a story behind this key. Yeah?

From one of your first cases or...

Mike, do me a favor, please.

Just stop it, will you?

Stop what?

Stop asking questions that you already know the answers to just to stay here longer.

Louis, I'm not...

You're not what?

Examining me? Yes, you are.

You're just making small talk while you look around the room to see if there are any sharp objects in the vicinity.

That is not why I came here.

Well, it wasn't to deliver a box of my shit.

Look, when I was drowning, you threw me a lifeline, okay?

Okay, well, that's nice of you to say, and I appreciate you bringing over my things, but they're not exactly a lifeline.

I heard about Boston.

What'd you hear?

That Harvey got you a job and you didn't even show up.

Well, why would I when the love of my life rips out my heart and then stomps on it?

Louis, I'm just trying to help.

Well, you can't!

I don't have Sheila.

I don't have a job.

And right now I'd just prefer to be alone.


Well, I don't care what he says.

15% of bullshit Is still bullshit.


What can I do for you, Mike?

I can see you're busy, sir, so I'll just jump right to it and...

Hold it right there.

If this is your asking me for Rachel's hand in marriage, you know, you're goin' about it the wrong way.

Sir, I think if I were gonna do that, I'd have the foresight to ask your wife how to approach you first.

Good answer.

I'm actually here about Louis Litt.

Yeah, I heard he resigned.

He did, and he's looking for a job.

A fellow like that should have his pick.

Well, the partnership agreement prohibits him from taking clients.

Ooh, shit.


Ah, Jessica doesn't play around, does she?

She took his firstborn too?

Look, I know it's bad out there, but...

Bad? It's the apocalypse.

And I'm not runnin' a soup kitchen.

If a partner can't bring me clients...

What's that?

These are Louis' billables for the last 15 years.


This guy ever sleep?

And he doesn't just bill.

He trains the associates, he publishes.

He will give his life to you.

And you want me to do this because you're with my daughter?

I want you to do this because I've never asked you for a thing, and the first time I am, it's a favor for someone else.

That's the kind of man that your daughter is with.

So it's because you're with my daughter?

You're gonna see it how you're gonna see it, but the real question is: What are you gonna do about Louis Litt?

I'll meet with him.

But there's no guarantee.

Well, that's all I can ask.

You tell my daughter to give her old man a call sometime.

Yes, sir.


You look happy.

I am happy, because today I did a good thing.

You're going to let me paint the bedroom robin's egg blue?

I said I did a good thing.

I didn't say I did a ridiculous thing.

I got Louis a job interview in New York.



That's amazing!


Oh, I love you.

I'm gonna fix you a drink to celebrate.

Well, you should fix one for yourself too, because I couldn't have done it without you.

What do you mean?

I mean the interview's with your dad.


I went to your dad for Louis.


It's really sweet. But... Let's just say there's a reason that I didn't go to my dad to pay for law school.

I thought you said it was because you wanted to do it yourself.

It is, but other people don't have a problem going to their parents because they don't have to wait for the other shoe to drop.

What are you talking about?

He's not gonna give something for nothing.

So you mean after this, he's gonna want something from me?

I don't know, but he's gonna want something from someone.

If it gets Louis a fresh start, I really don't care.
Oh man.... Really?


You got to be kiddin' me.


You went there too?

Every Tuesday for the last five years.

Oh. Wednesday.

Chicken parm day.

More like Christmas to me.

Oh, I believe it.

Oh, Louis.

This has been a pleasure, but it's time that we got down to the crux of the matter.

You want to know why I resigned.

Well, I did call Jessica, and she gave you a glowing recommendation, and we both know that's bullshit.

You want to know the truth.

Did I say anything about the truth?

I'm just makin' sure you know I know that it's bullshit.

But my truth is, I don't care why you left.

All I care about is what you're gonna take.


You take one client, I could give a shit How big it is, and I'll make you a senior partner on the spot.

Wait a second.

Mike Ross said that I was not required to bring business.

This isn't about business.

This is about balls.

I don't need another grinder, I need a lawyer who can kick a door in, and the door in question is Pearson Specter's.

You want to see if I can break my partnership agreement?

You're damn right I do, because if you can't do that, then what the hell good are you?

You're no different than Jessica.

I'll take that as a compliment.

Well, if you'll excuse me, Sylvia will validate you on the way out.

Yeah, well, Robert, this is New York. I take a cab.

See, that's my way of saying "get the hell out."

Well, how long is a little while?

Do you have any...


Excuse me.

Katrina, what are you doing here?

You know what I'm doing here.

This isn't your client anymore.

You're prohibited from contacting them.

I-I'm not here to see...

Neubacher Capital?

Yes, you are.

Just like you're going to go see Carver Tech and Blackthorne Simons.

How do you know that?

Because they called me.

What are they saying?

Doesn't matter what they're saying.

It's plain as day you're trying to poach them.

Does Jessica know?

Not yet.

But if you keep doing this, she's gonna find out.

Yeah, well, let her sue me, 'cause I don't have any other choice.

What are you talking about?

Robert Zane offered me senior partner if I can break the partnership agreement.

That is a major law firm in New York.

I'm not gonna get a better chance than that.


Look, tell Jessica if you have to.

I don't want to get you in trouble, okay?

But I just lost my job.

And I just lost the woman I love for the second time, all in one week.

Now I have this chance to turn my life around... with this one client.

I'm gonna take it.


You want one client, I'll give you one client.

What? Wait, no...

When you agreed to take me on, I swore that I would be loyal to you, and if I'm not loyal now, then I never was.

Katrina, if you do this and Jessica figures it out, she will fire you, and I cannot live with that.

That won't matter if you get the job and you take me with you.

Give me the g*dd*mn name.


I'm gonna tell you something, and I don't want you to overreact.

From the look on your face, I'm not makin' any promises.

I just got an email from Louis.

He's going after Versalife.

Get me Ray.

What are you gonna do?

Get me Ray!

Harvey, it was just a notification email.

You don't even know where he is!

Yes, I do.

What are you talking about?

That notification is required by the bylaws.

He's doing it at the last second.

I guarantee you he's walking in Versalife's door right now.

Hell do you think you're doing?

Not doing, did. I just signed Versalife.

You have no right.

Please, I have every right.

Because when I quit, Jessica only notified my clients, not yours, because she didn't think I had enough balls to go after you head-on.

That wasn't her, that was me, because I didn't think you would stoop this low.

Oh, too bad. You exposed your flank, now you're too late.

Yeah, and you can see the fear in my eyes.

Excuse me.

I told you, you're too late.

To tell them an unemployed clown just sold them a pile of bullshit?

You mean the bullshit that you have to drop them as a client?

The Pfizer merger.

FTC rule 10b-6.

They were not pleased that you kept them in the dark.

You are a son of a bitch.

Who's the clown now?

You're a son of a bitch.

I'm only taking one client that you're gonna have to drop anyway.

The least you could do is be a gentleman about it.

A gentleman? I got you two jobs!

Two jobs in Siberia!

Out of pity.

I got you those jobs out of compassion, just like when I fought for Jessica to not fire you in the first place.

But when I take Versalife back, it's gonna be without any feeling for you at all.

What happened?

I lost them, but I'm gonna get 'em back.

What I want to know is how the hell did Louis find out that we had to drop them?

I don't know.

People know shit.

People don't know shit.

People get told shit.

Jessica, I know I wanted to throw him a bone, but I did not tell him.

I wasn't talkin' about you.

I was talking about Mike Ross.

Bullshit, Mike didn't tell...

Tell me you didn't have him working on Versalife.

That doesn't mean...

I knew it.

He was working on Versalife.

He owes Louis for bringing him back here.

That is motive and opportunity.

You just want him gone by any means necessary.

Oh, I think I have been more than clear about that.

Yeah, well, try another theory, because Mike would never do this.

Oh, there are a lot of things you never thought Mike Ross would do.

Sell out an old man's company.

Get in bed with a billionaire.

Cut his boss out of a deal.


People change, Harvey.

And to top it all off, Louis is taking Versalife to Robert Zane.

Mike Ross' future father-in-law.

Why don't you think about that?

Mike, I need to know what you have on Versalife.

It was me.

What was you?

Louis going after them is my fault.

What did you...

I went to Robert Zane and I asked him to give Louis a job.

That's it?

You didn't tell him about Versalife?

Of course not, wh... You think I would do that?

Never mind what I think.

You went to one of our biggest competitors and put 'em together with a desperate Louis.

I did it because Louis was desperate, all right?

I went to see him the other day to bring him his stuff, it was just...

The other day?

You're telling me when you were supposed to be helping us keep our client, you were busy giving them to Louis on a silver platter?

I was, but I also figured out how to get them back.

Why didn't you tell me then?

'Cause I was trying to think of a better option.

What the hell's wrong with this option?

It involves going to Walter Gillis.

Well, look who decided to drop by.

The man who lost me my company and his partner who tore it to shreds.

Walter, I understand how you must feel.

So, why are you here?

Because we have a proposition for you.

Does it involve an apology?

It is an apology.

You want me to buy Versalife?

We want you to buy a division of Versalife.

The division that makes that drug.

They've been working on anti-addiction meds for years.

Look at the results.

This one works.

But it's a money-loser and it's gonna take years.

They don't have the capital, the patience, or the will. But you do.

And let me guess, you two are here out of the goodness of your hearts.

You want the truth?

He'd be here whether this was for his own good or not.

For me, I'm here because it gets me out of a jam.

So you can stick it to us if you want to, but if you do that...

You're gonna miss the chance to save a lot of other people just like Phillip.

Don't ever talk to me about Phillip again.



This is how all this started, with you using my son.

No, I'm the one who used your son.

I used him to get control of your company, but everything Mike did from the second he met you was to save your company, because when it comes to caring about people, he's twice the man that I am, and by the way, he never gave up on you, and he never sold you out.


You're right, it is.

Mike, no.

The truth is, is that I gave you my word.

I told you I would never sell you out and then I got into bed with someone that I never should have trusted and I lost you your company.

Yes, you did.

And that company was your family.

It gave you purpose, but you still have money, and this is a purpose.

Walter, if you don't want to do this, I get it.

But I need you to understand that the only reason I even thought to come to you in the first place is that I'm gonna regret what I did to you for the rest of my life.

Can I come in.

Of course.

I hope you're not furious with me.

I'm not mad.

You're not?


Well, good.

I wanted to... Thank you for setting up that meeting with Robert Zane.

I just hope you understand that if I had a choice, I never would have gone after Versalife, but I had no choice.

Louis, we took them back.


But you had to drop them.

Not anymore.

We convinced them to sell their trial drug division.

Of course. You drop a drain on their earnings, stock price goes right through the roof.

And their market share falls below the threshold.

But who the hell would buy it?

Walter Gillis.

Of course, Walter Gillis.

Louis, listen...


You won.

You're a brilliant lawyer.

You are a brilliant lawyer.

Yeah, I'm a brilliant lawyer who's never gonna work again.

Hey, stop.

That is not true.

Look... look... look at everything that you have.

A Harvard law diploma, summa cum laude, Order of the Coif.

Those are the credentials of a supreme court justice.

Nah, that and 2 bucks will get me a seat on the subway, but thank you for having the decency to tell me in person.

Louis, come on.

Let me... let me...

Let me stick around for a while.

We'll have... we'll have a couple of drinks.

You... you can tell me the story about that key.

Mike, I know what you're tryin' to do.

Now's not the time.

Please go.

Come in.

You're not Louis Litt.

No, I'm not. But if you're expecting him to show up, it's gonna be a long wait.

You here to take his spot?

I'll give you senior partner right now.

I'm here to tell you you're not getting Versalife.

I'm sorry, I don't know who that is.

It's the company you tried to poach from me.

You seem upset.

I'm not upset.

I just wanted to remind you you once told me I was a piece of shit for using your daughter against you, but now you turn around and use Louis against me?

No, that's not the same.

It is to me.

I may fight with him, but he's still my family.

Then why did he leave?

That's between me and Louis.

I wanted Versalife, but it's not worth gloating over.

So why are you really here, Harvey?

I'm here to ask you to take Louis anyway.

And why would I do that?

'Cause you're a smart man.

If you do it, I'll owe you one.

I don't need you owin' me one.

Why don't you take the night to think about it?

'Cause if there's one thing I've learned, you can never have too many favors in the bank.

You wanted to see me?

I heard about Versalife.

Good work.

It wasn't you.

No, it wasn't.

You know I thought it was you.

Harvey didn't tell me, but I didn't just fall off the turnip truck.

No, you didn't.


Every damn time I think there's no upside to having you, you do some shit to make me think it's actually nice to have you around.

So, we're good?

We're good after you bill a few more hours tonight.

Well, that's gonna have to wait until later, because I am definitely going out to celebrate.

You've earned it.


She did what Harvey would have done for you.



Is this about the...

I can either fire you... or you can resign.

The choice is yours.

You know?

I know.

Then why are you being so nice about it?

Because letting you go is enough.

And you also don't want to antagonize me, since I'll be working for Robert Zane.

You haven't heard?

We got Versalife back.

Louis won't be going to Zane, and neither will you.

I wish you luck.

You'll have my letter of resignation on your desk in the morning.

What took you so long?

What are you, the bathroom monitor?

Well, if I were, I'd say you'd gone three times in an hour.

Yes, and this is our third drink.

You know they have medicine for that, right?

You saying I'm old?

Yes, but I'm also saying I know you haven't been goin' to the bathroom.

All right, you want the truth?

I've been calling Donna.

Oh my God, that is so great.

You guys finally decided to take the plunge.

I wanted to know if Robert Zane called me back.

Called you back about what?

I asked him to hire Louis anyway.

You're kidding.

I'm not.

I even told him if he did I'd owe him one.



Oh, I'm just tryin' to figure out at what point in the last week you decided to become a p*ssy.

Oh, so doing something nice for someone makes you a p*ssy?

I didn't say that exactly.

Yes, you did.

Let's just go through some of the nice things you've done for people.

Okay, you know what, Harvey?

Guilty as charged.

I am nice, and if that makes me a p*ssy, then so be it.

Then it's settled: You're a nice p*ssy.

Miss, can I get a cosmo here for my friend?

Go ahead, order another drink.

Just be careful, 'cause you're gonna be in the bathroom in another five minutes.

You going back to the prostate again?

What, like you've never repeated jokes before?

I have no idea what...

What I'm talking about?

Let's see uh, "you see, that's funny, because blah-blah-blah," or "by blah-blah-blah, I mean blah-blah-blah."

Okay, I get it.

Oh, I'm just getting started.

I could do this all night.

Hey, you know what?

Now I have to go to the bathroom.

Go for it. Take your time, no rush.

If it hurts, call someone.

Louis, what are you doing here?

I'm waiting for Harvey.

Harvey's not here.

Then you'll have to do.

Look, Louis, I know you've been through a lot, but Harvey's gonna...

I don't give a shit what Harvey's gonna do.

Okay, you're scaring me.

You know what an Oscar looks like?


Academy Award. Bald guy.

I mean, of course we all know what it looks like, but especially you, you're an actress.

It's the highest honor in your field.

I mean, of course you don't need to be told what it is.

What are you talking about?

The highest academic honor in Harvard law is the Order of the Coif.

You don't get a trophy.

You get three things.

You get a parchment to hang on your wall, a medal to wear at graduation, and this.

Now, this key doesn't say "Order of the Coif."

It doesn't say anything.

It's just a symbol.

What does that have to do with Harvey?

It doesn't. It has to do with Mike.

You know what, Louis? It's been a long day, can...

It's about to get longer.

See, Mike asked me about this.

And I thought he was...

I thought he was trying to get my mind off of my problems, but then he did it again.

And it got me to thinking: Mike graduated magna cum laude.

He's in Order of the Coif.

But he didn't recognize this.

So he forgot a stupid key.

Mike Ross doesn't forget anything.

See, the reason he didn't recognize this was because he never got one, because...

He didn't go to Harvard.

Louis, we've been down this road before.

Mike is the Harvard database.

But he's not in the yearbook, and according to his credit report, his address during his law school years was in New York.

He even paid rent the first of the month in person.

Well, I'm sure there's an...

Sit down!

Last year, you told me not to tell Sheila about Mike's file.

You acted like you cared about me.

You didn't give a shit about me.

You cared about you!

And Harvey!


And Mike!


And Jessica!

Louis, that's not true!

Well, let's call Sheila right now.

I know all of the numbers by heart.

I mean, she may not be interested in me anymore, but she will definitely be interested in a fraud claiming that he went to Harvard.

I'm sorry.

You're sorry?

You've been lying to me since the day Mike Ross arrived.

I knew Harvey and Jessica never really accepted me, but I thought you were different.

I thought you were my friend.

I am your friend, Louis.

No, you're not.

And don't you ever say that to me again.

Where are you going?

To see your friend Jessica.

Louis knows.


I know you're a stickler for the rules, so I figured I'd just come by to return my I.D.

You want an explanation.

I want to see you perp walked through the bullpen with your pretty little jacket draped over your handcuffs.

But until then, yeah, I'll take an explanation.

When I found out the truth about Mike Ross, it had already been done.

By Harvey?

Right after he made senior partner over me?

That's when he hired the fraud?

That's the correct timeline, right?


So instead of turning him in, you cover it up.

Louis- and the one time that I do something... you don't cover it up at all.

You throw me to the wolves.

I saved you from the wolves.

Then I ask you for the smallest gesture, just to allow my career to continue with dignity, and you couldn't muster the tiniest shred of compassion.

What do you want me to say?

I want you to tell me you're a liar!

And a hypocrite!

I want you to say you're sorry.

I am a liar.

And I am a hypocrite.

But I will not say I'm sorry, because I did what I did to protect this firm.

Well, looks like the captain's about to go down with her ship.


You want something.

Oh, I told you. I want to see you in...

In handcuffs?

If that were true, the police would be here instead of you.

No, you wanted to see me squirm before asking me for what you really want.

I'm not gonna give you the satisfaction, so you might as well spit it out.

You asked me what I wanted once before, and I told you, and then you told me that I couldn't have it. But now I can.

Pearson... Specter... Litt.
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