02x06 - Saddled

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Emergency!". Aired: January 15, 1972 – May 28, 1977.*
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Series follows two rescuers, who work as paramedics and firefighters in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
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02x06 - Saddled

Post by bunniefuu »

It's not serious. I
think you'd better...

Excuse me. Dr. Early,
Dr. Brackett would like to

see you in Treatment 3
as soon as you're free.

Tell him I'll be right there.

We'd better keep her overnight
for observation anyway.

What have you got,
Kel? Hit-and-run victim.

I don't think she'll make it.

Now don't you get cute, Kel.

It's just a broken toe. Quiet.

We're the doctors, and
we'll do the diagnosing.

What happened?

Some Klutz ran over my
foot with a portable %-ray.

- Hope you got his license number.
- Uh-huh. That's all I need— another comic.

What do you think, Joe?

Amputation may be necessary.
It's really too soon to tell.

That's a bit extreme,
don't you think?

How do you feel about
defibrillating it first?

That's a very
original thought, Kel.

Who knows? It may be
a medical milestone. Mm.

Yeah, all right, you clowns. Cut out
the fun and games. I've got work to do.

And they say doctors
make lousy patients.

- Let's get an X-ray of it.
- Oh, no. Not on your life.

You think I’m gonna give
that klutz another shot at me?

[Stanley On PA. ] LA,
Engine 51. Fire under control,

Return assisting companies.
Engine 51 out 20 minutes.

[ Dispatcher]
Engine 51. All units

responding with Engine
51 return to quarters.

LA clear.

You just have to know
what I'm reading, don't you?

I do? I can feel you asking me.

All right.

It's a saddle catalog.

Yes, I'm buying a
saddle and a horse.

Well? Well, what?

Well, go ahead. Go ahead.

You know, Johnny,
you're too suspicious.

I wouldn't kid you
if you were serious.

How does $10,000 grab
you? That's very serious.

Mm-hmm. I figure I can pick up at least
that much every year— on my days off.

You know how?

No, but you're gonna tell
me, right? Uh-uh. Rodeos.

Rodeos? Rodeos.

There's at least a dozen
of them in this area alone.

I mean with real fat purses too.

Now, calf-roping
is my specialty,

but, uh, I may enter into
some of the other events.

I am going to be
rolling in bread.

Or something else.

Have you ever tried
calf-roping? [ Chuckles ]

Well, have you?

You know, it just so
happens— I had to ask.

It just so happens I
was raised on a ranch.

I mean, I must have roped
a-a-at least a thousand calves.

And I was taught by
experts— My people.

I can handle a rope better
than any— [Alarm Blaring ]

[ Dispatcher] Squad 51. Woman
injured. Possible head and eye injuries.

At the lunch stand,
Corner of Hale and Dickens.

Hale and Dickens. Time 0902.

Squad 51, 10-4.
KMG-365. [ Engine Starts ]

[Siren Blaring ]

[Tires Screeching ]

Ah, just what I need—
The jolly boys in blue.

You called about an injured
woman. Not me. Her boyfriend.

Why don't you get "em outta
here so I can clean up this mess?

Oh, thank God. Help her, please.

What happened?
Uh, it was all my fault.

We were drinking pop, and I got
the bright idea to shake up the bottles.

Really smart. Her bottle exploded in
her face, and she fell back, off her chair.

When she fell, she hit
her head on that pipe.

Hey, blue boy. Wait a minute.

This ain't no hospital. I’m
trying to run a restaurant here.

Hey! Let go, mister. This
girl could be badly hurt.

So take her to a doctor.

I can't check pupil reaction because
there may be glass in her eyes.

Pulse fast and pretty weak.

Rampart Base, this is
Rescue 51. Do you read?

This is Rampart. Go ahead 51.

Rampart, we have a female
patient. Approximate age 18.

She's unconscious and
bleeding from minor facial cuts.

She fell and hit her head. She has a
contusion with a possible concussion.

51, what are the vital signs?

Vital signs are
pulse 170 to 120.

B.P. 90 over 60, respiration 18.

We can't check the pupils because
of possible glass in the eyes.

- 51, start an I.V. with Ringer's lactate
and transport as soon as possible.
- 10-4.

Now will you get her
outta here? [Sighs]

I said— Yeah, we heard you.

The ambulance should be
here any minute. Are you okay?

Yeah. This is all we
can do for her here.

[ Dispatcher] Squad
3, what is your status?

It's about time.

[ Dispatcher]
Unit 108, identify.

- What's her name?
- Uh, Lisa.

Lisa Hill. 'm Mike
Allen. Can I come along?

I got my bike outside.

[Sighs] Sure.

We'll be taking her to
Rampart Emergency.

Now, what's that?
What's your name, sir?

Ben Wesley. What's yours?

DeSoto. Fireman Roy DeSoto.

It's my duty to inform you
that the connecting hose...

to the unvented gas
heater you have back there...

Is in violation of the county fire code
and the state health and safety codes.

- It's what? Why, you're
nuts! I've had that...

-I'm sorry, Mr. Wesley,
but it is a hazard.

You'd better turn off
that gas valve and replace

that old hose with an
approved connector.

You can't make
me. You’re no cop.

No, but I think you
better do it anyway.

Figures. Put a uniform on a jerk,
and right away he thinks he's God.

[ Siren Approaching ]

[ Gas Shuts Off]

[ Tires Screeching ] Okay.
Okay, so it's turned off.

Satisfied? Mr. Wesley,
this is not personal.

This is for your safety as
well as for your customers.

You have three days to
get that connector changed,

And I advise you not to
use the gas heater anymore.

It is dangerous.
Oh, yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Anything you say, sir.

[Siren Blaring ]

Hey. Don't worry.

She's in pretty good hands.

You've had a pretty bad bump, young lady,
but I don't think there's any fracture.

I want some precautionary
X-rays. They're standing by.

- Does that eye hurt pretty badly?
- Yes.

Complete wash-out.
Ophthaine stain with fluorescein.

I want to examine
the eye more closely.

I'll have Sally start the wash.

Hey, Sally. Uh. Now
hold on, pussycat.

Watch it, buddy. I just
left a leprosy patient.

[ Chuckles ] [Dixie ] Sally.
Dr. Early needs you in 4.

Split. Yes, ma'am.

Uh, Lisa? Lisa Hill.

- Are you a relative?
- No. I'm—I'm Mike Allen.

- Boyfriend.
- [Sighs 11 wish.

What about her parents?

Oh. They'll probably sh**t
me, and I can't blame them.

I mean, shouldn't they be
notified? You'd better call them.

Yeah. Yeah I'll do that.

Then I'll go some
place and cut my throat.

You know, when I was a kid, I used to
watch a lot of cowboy-and-Indian movies.

I never thought I'd see
a for-real Indian cowboy.

Ha ha.

What are you doin'?

Every good rope has to be stretched.
Don't you know anything about ropes?

Not much, I guess. I never knew
that you had to put ropes in a can.

It's a professional's trick. Keeps the
ropes from being affected by the weather.

Dry, they get too stiff.

Damp, they get too limber.

Fascinating, isn't it?
Listen, I'm very impressed.

No, you're not. But you will be as soon
as I start cashing those big rodeo checks.

[Alarm Blaring ]

[ Dispatcher] Station 51,
Engine 24, Engine 107.

expl*si*n at the lunch
stand, Possible injuries.

Corner of Hale and
Dickens. Hale and Dickens.

Timeout 1141. [ Engine Starts ]

51,10-4. KMG-365.

[Siren Blaring ]

Hale and Dickens?

Isn't that the same place—
Yeah, that's Ben's Place.

10-to-1, he tried to relight that
gas heater without checking the pilot.

That's gas, all right. You'd better
get him out of here as fast as you can.

Let's get that crowd back.
This place can go again.

I'll get the stretcher.

Before you do anything,
shut off the gas and electricity.

Then get that reel line in
there and overhaul this mess.

[ I Radio Chatter ]

LA, Engine 51.
Fire under control.

Station 51 out 15 minutes.
Return assisting companies.

I don't know what happened.
All of a sudden, it just blew.

[Gage] All right. Be quiet.
We're gonna have to move you.

[Groans ]

[ Groaning Continues ]

The pain! [Coughing ]

[ Moaning ] The pain!

[ Wesley Groaning ]

Oh! The pain.

Rampart Base, this is Rescue 51.

How do you read? We read
you loud and clear, 51. Go ahead.

Rampart, we have a male
victim. Age approximately 40.

He's suffering from second-
and third-degree burns...

on his face, his chest and
his arms from a flash expl*si*n.

He was thrown against the wall, but
there's no apparent injuries from that.

He's conscious, but
he's in very great pain.

Vital signs are pulse 130.
Blood pressure 90 over 50.

Respiration's 18 to 20.

51, can you setup
an EKG? Negative.

The chest area is too
badly burned for that.

51, start an I.V. with
normal saline and transport.


I'll need a sterile
room and a burn tray.

Ask Joe to stand by to help
with the debridement. Right.

[ Woman On P.A. ] Ident
and doctor. Treatment 2.

Ident and doctor.
Treatment 2. Oh, Mike.

Did you talk to her
parents? Uh, yes, ma'am.

They were in Riverside with some friends.
They'll be here as soon as they can.

Is Lisa— Is she
gonna be all right?

Well, the word I got was
the X-rays are negative.

- That means no sign of fracture.
- [ Relieved Sigh ]

Oh, what about her eye?

They're almost finished
with the examination.

It won't be long now.

L-I wish it was my eye.

Mine are just eyes,
but hers are so...


It's not a dirty word, Mike.
You might even say it to her.

Now try and relax, okay?

No more glass in it.

I think you're a very
lucky young lady, Lisa.

Oh, it feels numb.
That's the anesthesia.

When it wears off, your
eyes will probably hurt a little.

But there are only
minor lacerations,

nothing that
nature can't handle.

Sally, patch both eyes.

We'll have to keep those eyes covered
for a while until the lacerations heal.

But they'll be all
right. Don't you worry.

Thank you, Doctor.

Joe, Kel wants you to help with
the burn patient that's coming in.

Okay. I'll do that.

Make the arrangements for a
sterile room and set up a burn tray.

Right away.

Why do I have to have both eyes
covered? It saves strain on the good one.

If we leave that uncovered, it
tries to do the work of both eyes.

Oh. What a stupid
thing to happen.

Mike probably thinks
I’m a clumsy idiot.

I bet he never calls me
again. Don't bet too much.

He's outside right now
worrying his head off.

- About me? Really?
- Really.

Now you just lie still and rest.

I’m gonna sue all
of you jerks for this!

I'll get those shiny
badges. Bunch of Gestapo.

All right, just take it easy,
mister. Room 3, huh?

Don't tell me to take
it easy. I'll sue you too.

And the fire department
and the county!

Thanks a lot. You bring
us the nicest patients.

That was nothing. You should
have heard him in the ambulance.

You would have thought it
was our fault his place blew up.

The rewards of public service,
Johnny. All right, you just wait.

By the time you get through scrubbing
and debridement, he'll be hating you too.

We'll really worry about it.

As you know, the purpose of a
“ropes, knots and hitches” drill...

is to make sure you can
handle ropes in an emergency.

Being able to make the right
knot in a hurry can save lives.

Maybe your own. Who knows? Done.


Uh, a few too
many thumbs, Kelly?

Well, let's try again. But
not you, John. You supervise.

See if you can't teach
'em to do it a little faster.

All right, gentlemen.
One more time. Go.

[ Dispatcher] Squad
59, cancel your response.

Don't feel too badly, gentlemen.

There is no shame in
being beaten by an expert.

It's just experience—
And talent, of course.

And I want you to know that,
if anybody needs my guidance,

I'd be more than happy to help.

And I want you gentlemen
to also understand one thing.

That even after I
become a rodeo star,

my skills and talents
will still be at your di...

All you have to do is just ask.

What are friends for
if not to help out a...

[Alarm Blaring ]

[ Dispatcher] Squad
51. Child in a coma.

3705 Orchard
Street. Apartment 12.

3705 Orchard Street.
Apartment 12. [ Engines Starting ]

[Siren Blaring ]

Oh. It's Timmy, inside.
I’m afraid he's dying.

Are you his mother?
Yes. I'm Mrs. Collins.

He was lying on the ground
in the yard when I found him.

I- think he fell out of a tree.

He must have hit his
head on a rock or a branch.

His head? What about his
arms— The bruises on his arms?

Those are old bruises. He's
had those for several days.

Just the one on his head's new.

Pulse is 120.

Respiration's 15.

Rampart, this is Rescue
51. [ Brackett ] Go ahead, 51.

We have a boy. Age
approximately seven years old.

He's comatose.

The vital signs are
pulse 120, respiration 15.

Blood pressure is—
Ninety-five over 65.

Ninety-five over 65.

He has a severe bruise
on the side of his head.

Mother states that he
apparently fell from a tree.

Are you sure he didn't get
these other bruises in the fall?

Yes. Most of them.

You know how little boys are.
They always have a few bruises.

Not like these. Didn't you
notice they weren't healing?

No. Is it important? I
mean, they're only bruises.

Has he been sick recently?

No. No, Timmy's very healthy.

Well, he did have a cold.

How long ago? Oh, a week.

Um, 10 days maybe.

I mean, it wasn't serious. It was
only one of those virus things.

Dr. Brackett, what's this got to
do with Timmy falling out of a tree?

Mrs. Collins, when
did the boy fall?

Exactly how long has
he been unconscious?

I don't know. Well, see, I was
next door helping Mrs. Kowalski.

She has the flu.

Timmy was home
playing with some friends.

It could've been
an hour. Maybe two.

I mean, I-I thought it was
all right. I was just next door.

I would hear if
anything happened.

Mrs. Collins, I think you'd better wait
outside. Please, can't I be with him?

Just wait outside.
We'll let you know.

You were kinda rough
on her, weren't you, Kel?

It could be kind of
rough on him too.

- I don't think she
meant any— - Save it,

Dix. Just get those
blood samples to the lab.

- C.B.C, a full screening test
and a platelet count.
- Platelet?

Have them prepare a
smear. I want that now.

Bad hunch?

More like a wild guess.

[Sighs] Or maybe not so wild.

- Suspecting what?
- Blood platelets.

Yeah. Low?

I doubt if the count
is more than 10,000.

It's only a presumptive diagnosis,
but I think the boy has I.T.P.

Oh, no. Everything points to it.

First thing we have to do is
relieve that intercranial hemorrhage.

Who's available?
Dr. Holman. He's alerted.

Good girl. I'll see him now.

And, Dix, stay after the lab. I
want that report as soon as possible.



Easy. Honey. [
Crying Continues ]

Look, it wasn't your fault.

You told him not
to goin that tree.

Come on, don't. Please.

[Boy] Mr. Collins?

Huh? Billy. What are
you boys doing here?

We came to see
if Timmy's all right.

I’m afraid he's pretty sick, Ed.

He'll be all right,
though, won't he?

[ Sniffling ] Of course.
Of course he will.

He'll be fine.

Look, you boys
better goon home...

before your folks start
to worry about you.

Yes, sir.

[Woman on P.A.]
Dr. Early. Dr. Early.

Where do you think
he is? I don't know.

Just act natural and
keep your ears open.

Grown-ups are always talking.

Yeah. They don't pay
no attention to kids.

[Woman on P.A. ]
Dr. Smith, in Emergency.

Dr. Smith, in Emergency.

Well? Not so well.

Here are the lab reports.
The platelet count is way down.

[ Exhales ] [ Clicks Pen]

That settles it. Splenectomy?

No, not yet.

- Not at all, if I can help it.
- But can you?

I don't know.

If I can just get his platelet
count back up where it belongs.

We'll start him on
injections of steroids.

Then I'll need some blood,
fast. Get me some donors— six.

Have the lab stand by to reduce
the blood to a platelet concentrate.

Figuring the parents for two,
I'll need four more donors.

And [ think I know
just where to get them.

Sally. Dr. Brackett
needs four blood donors.

For the little boy? Yeah.
Take a walk and see

if you can't nail some
of those characters...

who just love to hang
around Emergency.

They're full of something.
Maybe it's blood.

If they've got it, I'll get it.


Thrombocytopenic? Purpura.

I.T.P. for short.

It means that his spleen is
consuming his blood platelets...

The coagulants that
are needed for clotting.

That's why his
bruises didn't heal.

Does this mean that
Timmy's gonna die?

No, but it's still
quite serious.

We're going to try to restore
and stabilize his platelet level.

We'll need blood donors.
He may require more surgery.

He can have all I got. We.

Good. You two try to relax.
We'll call you when we're ready.

[Woman on P.A. ]
Dr. Brackett. Dr. Brackett.


Fine-looking specimens.

Hmm? Uh, Miss McCall...

Well, my work. I really
should be getting back.

I don't have much time.
Oh, that's all right, Ritchie.

We'll take you first.


what do we have here?

We heard her say that
Timmy needs blood.

Yeah. We got blood.

- And Timmy's our best friend.
- We got good blood.

We drink lots of milk, eat
vegetables and take vitamins.

Hold it, gentlemen. Hold it.

I'm sure you have
wonderful blood,

and Timmy certainly
has two very good friends.

But as you can see, we have
four very brave volunteers.

That's all we need.

So, you go back to the waiting
room and let us work. Now scoot.

[Man] Engine 96, 10-4.

Hey, Johnny. Telephone
for you in the office.

Just store that
for me, will you?

[ Dispatcher] Squad
3, what is your status?

You know, that's the fourth
phone call in the past hour.

- We've been underrating Gage.
- No way.

I wonder what he's up to though.
[DeSoto ] Oh, it's no big deal.

He's just gonna arrange a
practice arena for Thursday.

You mean he's actually gonna...

No. He doesn't
even have a horse.

He's got a friend that's gonna
lend him a horse to practice on.

Hey. I've got an idea.

We're off. Why don't
we all go and watch?

Yeah. We can be his
“jeering” section. No. No deal.

Now listen. You guys
stay away from there.

But why, Roy? All we wanna
do is— I know what you wanna do.

But, you see, I
have to ride with him.

Now, if he does badly with you guys
watching him, he's gonna be miserable.

Well, we could be
wrong. He might do great.

Oh, that's fine.

Then he'll make me miserable.

[Alarm Blaring ]

[ Dispatcher] Station 51.
Truck 43. Yeah, that's right.

Save it. Bye! Camp bus off
the road, Possible injuries.

Pinecrest Road, approximately
16 miles north of Foothill Boulevard,

Pinecrest Road, approximately
16 miles north of Foothill Boulevard,

Time out 1642.

Station 51, 10-4. KMG-365.
[ Engines Starting ]

[Siren Blaring ]

[ Horn Honks ]

Camp bus. It's probably kids.

Could be really rough.

Kids are tough. They may
not even have a scratch.

Yeah, I know. Think positive.

Sixteen miles comin'
up. Keep your eyes open.

Should be some sign of
where they went over. Right.


Look at that thing. It's hanging
right on the edge of that cliff.

Could go over any second. Let's get
two lines off the engine to the axles.

Secure two more to those trees.

And let's have a reel line down
there in case that thing takes off.

Forcible-entry tools too. Stoker,
you get the equipment down to us.

All right. Mike, let's leave
the turnouts on the rig.

LA, Engine 51. We have bus off
road with undetermined injuries.

Have Truck 43 proceed to lower Pinecrest
Road and set up to remove victims.

Also request another
engine crew to assist.

I'll need at least two
ambulances. Will advise further.

[ Dispatcher] 10-4, Engine
51. Will dispatch Engine 801.

Engine 801, respond
with Station 51.

Bus accident. Pinecrest Road,

Sixteen miles north
of Foothill Boulevard,

Pinecrest Road, Sixteen
miles north of Foothill Boulevard,

Time out 1643.

All right, let's go.

[ I Radio Chatter ]

[Loud Thump ] [
Children Screaming ]

[ Screaming Continues ]
Stoker, tighten that right line.

Hey, kids! Settle down in there.

Quiet! And don't move.

The fire department's here to help you,
but you gotta sit down, and don't move.

We'll have you outta here in
a minute, but you can't move!

[ Children Quiet ]

Chet, Marco. Secure
these other lines.

Then go on back to the top and bring
down the rest of the equipment, all right?

It looks okay, Roy. Why don't
you go up and take a look?


[Boy] Don't worry.
Everything's gonna be okay.

Oh, hi.

Hi yourself. How are
you all doin” in there?

Don't worry about us. Can you
do something for Sister Barbara?

- She's hurt awful bad.
- Yeah. I'll be right in.

You stay still.

See? I told you everything
was gonna be okay.

We got about a
dozen kids in there.

They're—They're pretty
beaten up and scared.

There might be some broken
bones. I can't really tell yet.

But there was a nun that was driving.
She's pinned down in there real good.

- Looks bad.
- Can we get inside?

Yeah. I can just break
in through the windows.

You wanna bring me that ax?

Okay, kids. Now listen to me.
I'm gonna have to break this glass.

- So I want you all to move
to this side of the bus.
- Let's move.

All right, good. Now
turn your faces away.

Turn your faces away. All right.

- We're gonna die. We're all gonna die.
- Come on, Debbie. We're not gonna die.

- It's practically over now.
- [ Engine Rumbling ]

Truck 43, about another
10 feet. Right below me.

Okay, now you kids
stay where you are.

There's gonna be some
firemen. They're gonna

be down here in just a
minute to help you out.

[Stanley] We'll bring
the kids right here.

[ Continues, indistinct ]

[ Siren Blaring ]

Does it hurt? Awful.

All right. Just hang
on. It won't be long now.

The rest of us are okay.
Yeah? Let me see that arm.

My arm's fine.
Just hurts a little.

A little, huh?
It's just a sprain.

Sorry, hero. I’m
afraid it's broken.

Just hold it just like that, and
don't move it. Okay? Yeah.

All right.

Splint these two and
check the rest of the kids.

I'm goin' up front with Roy.

She's alive, but she's
in real bad condition.

Two of the kids have
fractures— One leg, one arm.

The rest of them are
all right except for cuts

and bruises, and they're
being taken care of.

Get the crew to take the kids out. Tell
the captain we're gonna need Porta Power.

I'm gonna stay with her, try to
move this thing outta the way.

Get back here as soon
as you can. All right.

Cap. I'm gonna go back and work with Roy,
but we're gonna need Porta Power quick.

- [ Stanley ] Right with you.
- Is Sister Barbara gonna be okay?

Watch those ropes. Well,
we're doin' all we can.

Bring the kid's right here. Those
that don't need further attention,

let's help right over to the
edge and into the basket.

- Captain, are you about ready?
- Yeah. Right with you.

All right. Let's go.

Watch that little girl.
She's got a fractured leg.

Three at a time. Just
take down three at a time.

Okay. He can walk by himself.

[DeSoto ] Vital
signs are pulse 130.

B.P.is 70 over 40.
Respiration's 18.

There's a strong
probability of internal injury.

She's pinned under some wreckage,
and there may be some broken bones.

She's comatose and diaphoretic.

Start I.V. with
Ringer's lactate. 10-4.

Rampart, we also
have nine children...

with various injuries,
none of which are critical.

[ Siren Blaring ] They're being
transported by the ambulance.

The ET.A.is 20 minutes.

[ Gasping ] The steering broke.

Shh. Now, don't talk.

- The children.
- Take it easy. Don't worry.

They're all being taken
care of. Are you sure?

- All of them?
- All of them.


Easy now. Easy.
Okay, here we go.

Rampart, B.P.
is still 70 over 40.

51, can she be moved yet?

Negative, Rampart. It's
hard to estimate just how

long it's gonna take to
free her from the wreckage.

Okay, 51. Do everything
you can to expedite.

Better start a second I.V.
We'll be standing by here.

51, 70-4.

Bad? Yeah. Probably
internal hemorrhage.

If they don't get her in here
soon, she'll never make it.

Better alert O.R.
about kids coming in.

Have Joe stand by. Can't afford
to waste any time on this end.

Am I going to die?

No. Not if we can
help it. [ Siren Blaring ]

I feel like a bag
of broken eggs.

You're gonna be all
right. You understand?

- You're gonna be all right.
- Of course.

[ Breathes Deeply]
Would you do me a favor?

Can you find my purse?

Yeah. Yeah, it's right here.

Inside— a rosary.

And... there's a prayer book.

[ Exhales ]

There's a prayer...
pasted in the front.

Would you read it for me?

I'm not a Catholic.

I don't think God would mind.


“Remember, O most
gracious Virgin Mary,

“that never was it known that
anyone who implored your help...

'or sought your
intercession was left unaided.

“Inspired with this confidence,

“I fly to you, O Virgin
of Virgins, my mother.

“To you, I come.

“Before you, I stand...

“sinful and sorrowful.

“O Mother of the Word Incarnate,

“despise not my petition,

“but, in your mercy,
hear and answer me.


[DeSoto ] Hi. How you doin'?

[ Swallows ] I
really don't know.

We're gettin' ready to move
you outta here right now.

The way I'm tangled, you'll have
to take the whole bus. Oh, no.

Just you. I'm afraid we're gonna
have to leave this bus behind.

You never told me your
name. I'm Sister Barbara.

Yeah. Yeah, I know.
I’m Roy DeSoto.

This is my partner, Johnny Gage.

- Hi, Johnny Gage.
- Hi.

- Thanks to the both of you.
- You're welcome.

Well, you'd better stop talking.

- You set?
- Yeah, when you are.

- [ Siren Blaring ]
- All right, let's go.


Wait a minute. Hold
it. Are you all right?

It's not bad. Just
my feet. I can take it.

Well, here, let me move
it a little further down.

All right, let's go.

[ Pumping Handle ]

A little more.

All right. A little more.

- She's free.
- Splints?

- Ah, no. No, just get the stretcher.
- Okay.

Sister, this is
gonna hurt a bit.

But I don't want you to help.

I just want you to relax
as much as possible...

and let us do the work,
okay? [ Device Beeps ]

[ Chattering ]

All right. l got her.

[DeSoto ] All right. Take
the back of this, will you?

[Stanley] L.A, Engine 51. Request
helicopter, my location, for evacuation.

Okay. Pull.

Okay. [ Exhales ]

[ I Radio Chatter ]


I guess it's not heaven.

But you two sure
look like angels to me.

You're a little
sicker than I thought.

The helicopter will be
taking you out, Sister.

You should be at the
hospital in about 15 minutes.

A hel-helicopter? You...

Will you go with me?
In the helicopter, I mean.

Sure he will, 1'll
take the squad on in.

Yeah, sure. I'll stay with you.

[ Exhales ] Thank you.

[Gasps ]

Pl-Please, don't
tell anybody, but...

I’m terribly afraid of flying.

I may need you to say
another prayer for me.

How's Timmy doing?
He's improving.

Are those the reports on the
last blood sample? Mm-hmm.

Good? Better than that.

His platelet level's nearly
normal and stabilizing.

Nice going, Timmy.

And you can tell those wolves they
gave their blood to a successful cause.

Some wolves. Rabbits.

They're afraid to come
to Emergency now.

Well, they'll recover,

There are some ways in
which men are very dependable.

[ Chuckling ]

Room 4. The doctors
are waiting. Roy.

God bless you, Roy DeSoto.

You made a fast trip.

Yeah, once we got
her free. It took time.

Don't worry about it. You did the
best you could, and so will the doctors.

Come on. I'll buy
you a cup of coffee.

She kinda got to you, huh?


You know, Dix,
she's quite a person.

If there's anything she needs...

- I mean, if there's anything that I
can do, I— - I'll call Fireman DeSoto.

[ Murmurs ]

Oh, yeah. Th-This is
hers. Uh, would you?

You know, uh, I'm
not very religious.

But I got a hunch that the doctors are
gonna get some help with Sister Barbara.

Hey, Roy, I hope you're not
as shot as your partner there.

No, no. I feel wonderful.
This is a very good day.

[Gage] What are you so happy
about? Dix just called from the hospital.

Sister Barbara's gonna make it.

Hey, that's great.
I mean it. Yeah.

Hey, I almost forgot. How
did the rodeo practice go?

Fine, fine.

I don't think I'll be doing any
more rodeo work for a while though.

How come? You just had your first
practice session yesterday, didn't you?

- Yeah. We worked out all day.
- Something go wrong with the roping?

No, no. I can rope all right.

Well, what's the
problem? Maybe I can help.

No, no. It's...

[ Clears Throat ] It's just
a matter of time. That's all.


All right. Uh... [
Phone Rings ] See...

I kinda forgot how long it's been
since I've been riding, you know?

- And one hard day on a— on
a horse— - [Lopez] Hey, Gage.

- Some girl on the phone
wants to talk to you.
- Can you take a message?

She says it's important.
Some girl named Anita.


[Groans ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Murmurs ]

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