02x12 - Helpful

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Emergency!". Aired: January 15, 1972 – May 28, 1977.*
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Series follows two rescuers, who work as paramedics and firefighters in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
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02x12 - Helpful

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Hissing ] [ Man On Speakers ]
new problem located in our area...

[ Metal Clanging ]
Something's botherin you.

Whatever give you that idea?

Well, you keep mumbling to yourself,
and you punched your pillow 11 times...

by actual count...

And now you're foolin'
with the resuscitator

and don't even know
what you're doin'.

It's that noticeable, huh? Yeah.

SO? I don't want
to talk about it.

Look. If it's something
you don't want to talk about,

you should talk about it—
Make you feel much better.

I said, I don't want
to talk about it.

Look. Let me ask you just this
one thing. I don't want to talk about it.

Look, are you sore at me? I
mean, I-is it something I did?

No. It's got nothin' to
do with you. Okay. Fine.

That's all I wanted to know.
I won't bring it up again.

Forget it! All right! It's forgotten! I
don't even know what we were talkin” about.

I’m dumb, that's what it is.

Oh! [ Chuckles ]

Now I understand.

Now you understand what?
You and Joanne had a fight.

We had a fight! Yeah, it
must have been a beaut.

Imagine eight on
the Richter scale. I

thought the ground
shook a little out my way.

[ Chuckles ] Sorry. Look.

What happened?

I don't want to talk about it. I
know, Roy. You've already said.

Now, come on. What happened?

All I said to her— I said
to her, I was gonna...

[Alarm Blaring ]

[ Dispatcher On PA. ] Station 51,
sheriff’s report a man trapped in a car...

at Halsted and Woodbine, the
northbound freeway on-ramp.

Halsted and Woodbine on the
northbound freeway on-ramp.

Timeout 1114

- Station 51, 10-4. KMG-365.
- [ Siren Wailing ]

[ Sirens Wailing ]

[ Sirens Continue]

[Sirens Stop]

How'd that happen? [Vince ] He busted
a boulevard sign about a mile back.

He saw me in pursuit,
and then he just took off.

I followed him up here. I
guess he got a little rattled.

How many in the car?

Just the one guy. I've
already sent for an ambulance.

We better check it out.

[ Dispatcher On Radio ] 10-4, Engine
41. E.T.A. of gas company, 10 minutes.

[Siren Blaring ]

Be careful. We don't know
how steady that thing is.

He's alive. He's comin' around.

[ Dispatcher] Squad 31,
no answer on the callback.

This door is jammed.
We better jack it open.

Jack, Marco, we need the
Porta Power, on the double.

Get that knot.

Rampart, this is Rescue 51.

Rampart Emergency. Go ahead, 51.

Rampart, we have a traffic accident with
one victim. Can't tell how badly he's hurt.

It'll be a while before we
can get to him. Stand by.

10-4, 51. Rampart standing by.

Oh, Kel, 51 has
a traffic accident.

Get Dr. Varner or Joe Early, will
you, Dix? I've got a skull fracture in 3.

[Slavic Accent ] How
much is it going to come to?

All right, but how
many? Dr. Varner?

Hold on a minute. Squad 51 has a
traffic accident. We're standing by.

I'll be right there.

Listen, I'm doing
everything that I can.

I'll take care of it. I promise.

But you must give me time.

All right.

Listen, but keep
trying for them.

Aah. It's no dice.

This whole frame must be sprung. Why don't
we just pull that whole thing out of here?

Nah, that would take too much time.
He's got some kind of a head injury.

Hey! Hey, don't move!

[ Car Rocking ] Do
you understand?

Don't move!

[ Dispatcher] Squad
59, cancel your response.

[ Rattling ]

- How "bout if we get him out
the other door?
- Ah, too dangerous.

- If that car goes over, we'll be under it.
- Tell me.

All right. [ Clears Throat ]

- Roy, what do you think?
- It's okay.

[ Gasping ] Okay.

Feel any pain anywhere?

My head. All right.

- Look, don't move, huh?
- Hold it!

- Don't move around in there!
- You feel any pain anyplace else?

Leg? No, head. Leg.

He's got a pain in his leg. It's
bloody. I'm gonna check it. Just a sec.

All right.

- Hey, don't move, huh?
- Hold it! Don't move around in there!

What about back here? [Groans ]

Uh-huh. Feel any pain over here?

[Groaning ] Yeah. Yeah.

All right. Take a deep breath.

You understand?
Take a deep breath!

[Sighs] Okay, did that hurt?

- Yeah.
- Right. Hold still, now.

I can't find any broken bones.

I think it's all right to move him.
I’d like to get him out of here.

If there's any doubt in your mind,
leave him, and we'll try something else.

Well, he's got a bad cut on
his leg, and he's bleeding badly.

His pulse is weak and thready. Look,
if this thing goes, it's gonna go fast.

- Yeah, I know, but let's
do it and get it over with.
- Can you manage him?

- Yeah, I can manage it.
- Okay.

All right. How do
you want to do it? Uh,

well, I'll pull him out
headfirst, toward me.


Well, all right. I'm gonna
move you out, all right?

I'm gonna pull ya. Are
you ready? Yeah. Yeah.

Just take it easy. Don't
move too hard. [Grunts]

[ DeSoto] Watch the leg.

[Gage] Okay. Got him.

[ Gage] Rampart,
this is Rescue 51.

[ Dixie On Radio ] 51, this
is Rampart base. Go ahead.

Rampart, we have a male,
approximately 25.160 pounds.

He has a severe bruise and a
cut with bleeding on his forehead.

He has a large
cut on his right leg.

He's lost quite a bit of blood.
He's still not fully conscious.

What are the vitals,
517 Hold for vital signs.

B.P is 80 over 40.
B.P. 80 over 40.

- [Gage ] Pulse 120.
- Respiration's shallow.

Respiration's shallow.
We'd like to start an I.V.

- Go ahead. I.V. with Ringer's lactate.
- 10-4. I.V. with Ringer's.

- Is the patient in much pain?
- Some pain. Moderate pain.

- He's still a little groggy.
- Give him 10 milligrams M.S. L.V.

Uh, Rampart, confirm that last
medication? Ten milligrams, M.S. I.V.?

[ Switch Clicking
] That's correct.

What's the matter with those firemen?
Doctor, the patient has a head injury.

51, stand by on that last
instruction. [Gage] 70-4.

Right you are.

Cancel the M.S. for now. Let me
know if the pain becomes severe.

10-4. Cancel MS.

Thank you, Nurse.
That's two I owe you.

- I'll send you a bill.
- I'll be right back.

That's a funny one. Yeah.

[ Siren Wails ]

Pressure's 100
over 70. Pulse is 88.

[Varner] Is the
ambulance there yet?

- Yes, it is, Rampart.
- Bring him on in.

All right, E.T.A.
about 15 minutes.

I hope you don't think
I’m just incompetent.

No, of course not.

Sometimes you do prescribe
morphine if the patient is in pain.

Even though it can make
diagnosing a head injury difficult.

- I know.
- And the other night,
that business with the diabetic.

Look, it wasn't
that big a mistake.

It wouldn't have made that much
difference if I hadn't caught it.

I don't have any illusions I've been
saving patients right and left for you.

But still, I'm deeply
grateful for your help.

It happens. Sometimes this
place can be a madhouse.

As far as I'm concerned, we all work
together for the sake of the patients.

You are a nice
person, Miss McCall.

Dixie. And I’m a doll.


You see, what it is, ['m...

I'm having kind of a
difficult time right now.

- I’m sorry.
- 1, what you call,
moonlight three nights a week...

in the emergency room
over at Mann Memorial.

Doctor, you don't owe
me any explanation.

But I want you to know...

Uh, see, I've got a lot on
my mind, and—I mean...

-It is very difficult, because— -Why don't
you talk it over with Doctor Brackett?

- Oh, no. No.
- Well, maybe he can help.

I would rather he did not
hear about these things.

Oh, yeah, I see.

Well, I've worked for
Kel Brackett a long time,

and we're good friends.

That does not make
me the ward fink.

Oh, no. But sometimes these things do
come up in conversation, just in passing.

Yeah, and I’m careful
about casual gossip too.

I was sure.

But— Well, until I
get established...

You understand.

Doctor, as long as I don't think
you're going to endanger a patient,

you don't have
to worry about me.

[Woman on P.A. ]
Dr. Goldman needed in Surgery.

Dr. Goldman— Hi, Dix. Hi.

How's the patient? He's okay.
He's got a possible skull fracture.

Hey, Dix, we're gonna need some compresses,
probably— I already took care of that.

Probably the big ones?

Oh. Hey, Dix, you should've
seen this accident. You

know where this guy finally
wound up putting his car?

- Yeah.
- I already told her.


Ah, that's good.

And, Dix, this new
doctor we have...

Dr. Varner. I asked
about the M.S.

She just had trouble reading
Dixie's handwriting, that's all.

Come on, let's go. You can
grab that stuff for me, if you will.

Well, it was real
nice chattin' with you.

Gotta do it again sometime.

[Woman on P.A. ] Dr. Hoffman,
Administrator's Office.

All right. Now how'd you
and Joanne come to fight?

Well, what it was, we
had spaghetti last night,

and Joanne said to me, “How
do you like it?” I said, “Fine, but...

you ought to taste
Mike Stoker's spaghetti.”

- That did it.
- You're kidding me.

No. You know how great
Mike Stoker's spaghetti is.

Now wait a minute.

You and Joanne had a fight
over Mike Stoker's spaghetti?

Well, there were a lot of
other things building up.

- But that set it off.
- You really like
Mike Stoker's spaghetti that much?

- It's great spaghetti.
- Yeah, I know, but...

You've been married long
enough to know that there are

certain things you just
keep your mouth shut about.

What makes you an expert?

Well, Joanne isn't
mad at me now, is she?

[Gage] Squad 51 in quarters.

Anyway, with women— [ Chuckles
] Even though they are your wife...

You gotta keep on your toes.

Cap, was there a
call for me? Nope.

[Sighs] I thought she'd call.

You know, patch things up.
Uh, how long you been back?

About a half an hour.

I guess she's still
burned up at me.

[Sighs] Man, I can tell you're
not ready for this beef at all.

I'm gonna have to start
doin' some heavy thinkin'.

Good. You can start by thinkin'
about how to mind your own business.

I brought Dr. Varner
along. Fine.

I don't know what
I've got here, Kel.

She says she's had
aches and pains and...

bouts of severe
shortness of breath.

It's been getting worse
over the past few weeks.

Apparently, she had a bad episode this
afternoon. Her husband brought her in.

Can you hear anything?

I thought I heard a rumble once,
but, uh, now it seems clear as a bell.

Mrs. Hale, this is Dr. Brackett.

He's head of our
Emergency Service.

Then it is serious, isn't it? No, I'd
just like him to listen to your heart.

You just take it easy.

They don't save the
serious things for me.

I usually work on scraped
knees and hangnails.

Sometimes nothing at all.

I don't hear anything.
How do you feel now?

- Scared.
- He means, are you
having trouble breathing?

- Anything like that?
- Not now, no.

- Have you ever had rheumatic fever?
- No.

Everything else check out? Yeah.
Course, we haven't run any tests.

- Do you mind if I listen?
- Please.

Psychosomatic, maybe? Could be.

- 1-I went to our own doctor.
- Be quiet.

Turn on your left side, please.

Nurse, would you help
her. No, on your left side.

That was three weeks ago.
He couldn't find anything.

There's something
wrong. I know it! Shh!

I got a strong diastolic
rumble. Really?

It's probably mitral stenosis.

But an atrial myxoma
is a definite possibility.

Well, that's pretty rare.

Not a thing. You found
something, didn't you?

We've got to find it
before we can clear it up.

That's half the battle.

Dix, set up for an

What are you going to do to me? Well,
it won't hurt. How's that for openers?

All set.

I’m going to take
an echocardiogram.

Have you ever watched
any submarine movies?

Do you know what
sonar is? I think so.

This works the same way. we're
going to bounce a signal off your heart,

and it'll show us
what's going on inside.

Oh, no! I’m doing it right now.

I told you it wouldn't
hurt. Now you just be still.

The heart.

The chest.

The heart wall.

And there it is.

- You hit it right on the nose, Doctor.
- What is it, Doctor?

Well, we believe you have an atrial
myxoma. Get a picture of that, Joe.

It's a growth inside your heart that
moves back and forth with your heart valve.

Causing a temporary
obstruction in the flow of blood,

which brings on your
shortness of breath.

Got it?

We'll have to do a
heart catheterization.

[ Gasping ]

I'll go alert Cardiology.
All right, Joe.

Dix, is her husband
still here? I think so.

I'll talk to him, as soon as
I see if I can reassure her.

She's pretty scared.

Oh, nice job, Doctor. Thank you.

It's a left atrial myxoma,
Frank. No question about it.

Right. He's on the way up.

[ Sets Down Receiver]

Listen, uh— Just between us,
what's your impression of Dr. Varner?

- You got something in mind?
- Well, no.

Nothing too
specific. It's just that...

Well, one minute, she's as
nice as pie, and the next minute,

she snaps my head
off, for no reason at all.

Well, I've noticed she
can be, uh, changeable.

Then some people are
more volatile than others.

- Yeah, I suppose.
- And, she is a good doctor.

- Is there something you think
Brackett ought to know?
- No, no.

Just forget I mentioned it.

[Woman on P.A. ]
Dr. Hoffman, 64, please.

[ Gage ] Anyway, so! figure
you made your big mistake...

Was when you got
defensive with Joanne.

I mean, women have a built-in k*ller
instinct when it comes to things like that.

Now, what I figure you want to do— What
I want to do is not talk about it with you.

I mean, after all, it
is kind of personal.

[Sighs] Well, I am
involved anyway.

- Why are you involved?
- Because.

I'm your best friend.

Now;, if you consider
the psychology...

of a woman— from a Freudian's
point of view anyway...

You'll probably discover that
it's your job that Joanne resents.

Not the spaghetti thing at all.

That's all I need, for him
to start to get deep with me.

- [ Whimpering ]
- Look, it is possible.

Anything's possible,
including the fact it

just might all blow
over if I forget about it.

If I leave it alone. If
you leave me alone.

Fine! Okay, fine. I was
just tryin' to help you.

If you want to wallow in your own
self-misery, go— Wh-Where ya goin'?

I'm gonna go call Joanne. Ah!

To see if thing's have
blown over, right? Right.

Right. Wrong.

Now, if it were me, I'd let her call.
That's precisely why I'm calling her.

You should talk to him, Boot. He's
thinkin' more on your level than mine.

No, don't play with that. Get
outta there. Don't play with it.

Put that...
- Boot!
- [ Growls ]

Boot. Come on! Come on, boy.

Come on! Bring that back
here. Come on! Come on, Boot.

Boot! You dumb—
Bring that back...

- Put that thing down,
you dumb dog! Boot!
- She wasn't home.

[Thud ] Boot— Ow! Boot.

Come here, Boot.
That's very interesting. An

expert on women, you
can't even cope with a dog.

Women are easier. Boot!

Come on, Bootie.
Attaboy. Come on!

[Woman on P.A.] Dr. Elizabeth
Varner, Dr. Elizabeth Varner,

report to Emergency.

How many more are coming?
Four or five. I’m not sure.

Did she say where
she was going? No.

Well, how long ago
was this? About an hour.

[ Muttering ]

Put him in 3. I'll
handle this one.

What's with Varner, Dix? Oh, uh,
Gail said she left about an hour ago.

Said she'd be right back. She's
been on page for five minutes.

I don't think she's
in the hospital.

Hello, Frank? Kel Brackett. Hey,
look, we're snowed under down here.

Could you let me have
somebody for a couple hours?

g*nsh*t and knife wounds.
There's been a g*ng fight.

Right, Frank. Thanks.
On the double, huh?

Cancel Varner's page, and when she
does get in, tell her I want to see her.

[ Alarm Blaring ]

[ Dispatcher] Squad 51, a man
injured, 2217 Laurel Terrace.

2217 Laurel Terrace.
Cross street Hill.

Time out 1724.

[Stanley] Squad
51, 10-4. KMG-365.

[Siren Blaring ]

Wait a minute. Is
there a dog on the roof?

Yeah, looks that way.
That's what I thought.

[Woman] He's here!

[Sighs, Grunts ] Don't move!

Agnes, please?
Where do you hurt?

My shoulder and my back.

How'd it happen?
He fell off the ladder.

[Dog Whining] I haven't let him
move. He's lying exactly where he fell.

You're lying on a rosebush. [
Chuckles ] So that's what hurts.

Do you hurt anyplace else?
No, just the darn rosebush.

Why don't we get
you off the rosebush?

[ Scoffs ] I thought you're
not supposed to move them.

- It's okay.
- [ Grunts, Sighs ]

There you go. There we are.

Well, you got a
shoulder dislocation. I'm

afraid you're gonna
have to go to the hospital.

He'll go to the hospital.

I'll go to the hospital.

Rampart, this is Rescue 51.

51, this is Rampart. Go ahead.

Rampart, we have a
male, approximately 25.

About 150 pounds, victim of a
fall. Probable dislocated shoulder.

The vital signs
seem to be normal.

- 51, are there any other injuries?
- No, but he's in considerable pain.

51, give him 30 milligrams pentazocine
.M., and transport as soon as you can.


Uh, Scott, can you
get us an ambulance?

Sure thing.

Gonna have to give you a
shot. For the pain, you know?

Can you get the dog down for us?

How'd he get up there? He
chased the cat up onto the roof.

Must have gone up from
the toolshed in the garage.

- Dogs can't climb like that.
- Agnes, I didn't put him up there.

All right, you're gonna feel much
more comfortable in a few minutes.

You wanna get the dog down?

Well— [Sighs]

- Dogs can't climb.
- I guess he was so excited...

that he didn't stop to think
about that on his way up.

- [Chuckles]
- [Ladder Clattering ]


[ Barking ] Oh, uh...

Wh-What's his— What’s his name?

- Sheba. - Her. [ Chuckles ]

[ Barking, Howling ]

Hello, Sheba. Hello, girl.

Come on. You want
to come down? Huh?

[ Whining ] Wanna
come down? Come on.

Come on. Come on, Sheba.

Okay. [Sighs]

Everything's all right.

Ah— Steady, girl. Steady, girl.

Attagirl. [Whines]

You have her?

Come on down.

Sheba, you
naughty, naughty girl.

[ Barking ]

- [ Meows ]
- [Barks]

Sheba, come back here!

Firemen, would-would
you— [ Chuckles ]

[ Both Sighing ]

You can talk to them now. [ Woman
On P.A. I Dr. Jackson, Treatment Room 1.

Dr. Jackson, Treatment Room 1.

Well, I guess that about does
it. I'll get on back upstairs then.

Thanks for the help,
Ralph. Anytime, Kel.

Any sign of Dr. Varner yet?

Three hours. I hope she
has a good explanation.

Well, where were we?

The fact that Stoker makes better
spaghetti than Joanne is a reality.

What does she want
you to do? Lie to her?

Exactly. I don't know why I didn't have
sense enough to do that in the first place.

Well, that's your trouble. See, you
think you're wrong, and she knows it.

- Look, the next time— - [ Kelly ] Hey,
Roy, what are you makin' for dinner?

- [ Gage ] What
difference does it make?

Now look, Roy, what
you should do is— -Yuck!

Dixie, it's Dr. Varner.

Dr. Varner. Are you all right?

What time is it?

Go on home, Gail.
I'll take care of her.


Look at the time.

I just came out here to get
something, and all at once it hit me.

I guess I dozed off.
What are you on, Doctor?

- Dextroamphetamines?
- You don't miss much.

- What did you tell Dr. Brackett?
- No, nothing. I...

We had a crisis this afternoon.
He had to borrow some help.

- That's awful.
- Well, he's still inside.

I’d say, the sooner you
talk to him, the better.

- It is too late.
- Well, he'll chew on you, but
I don't think he'll break the skin.

I'm in violation of contract.

I’m allowed one outside job— with
permission— a reasonable number of hours.

I've been moonlighting
another job too. Three of them.

This is the most sleep
I've had since Sunday.

Well, what are you trying
to do? Save the world...

or be the richest
doctor in the graveyard?

It is not that at all.
You do not understand.

How long did you think you'd
keep going on coffee and pills?

- You still do not understand.
- Well, then, suppose you explain it to me?

There were eight of us.

For two years, we planned
and worked to escape

from behind the Iron
Curtain, as you call it.

And finally, we got out.

It was very difficult
and dangerous.

And we had to leave
everything behind.

But then, we were free.

- Do you understand how important that was?
- Yeah, I think I do.

Then our money began to run out.

And we could not get
work permits anywhere.

So another plan was made.

I was selected to
come to this country...

with what little we had left.

It was felt that I had
the best chance of

earning enough money
to provide for the others...

until they could all come
here. [ Clicking Tongue]

Yeah, I see.

That's the reason
for the three jobs.

You're trying to support
seven other people.

Only five. Two were
k*lled during the escape.

I’m due at Mann
Memorial in 20 minutes.

But tonight, I will just go home.
Tonight, I must get some sleep.

- Thank you for listening.
- Well, thank you for telling me about it.

- At least I understand now.
- I'm happy that you do.

Unfortunately, it
changes nothing.


Dix, I thought you went home.

No. Just about to.

1, uh, just wanted to talk
to you about Dr. Varner.

I told you before, Dix. I don't want to
talk about it anymore. The matter's closed.

Wanna bet?

O[ Whistling ]

Mornin! Mornin'.

You're still bugged.

Well, I thought by now,
everything would be just great.

It could have been.

What happened? You.
That's what happened.

What'd I do? Where did you get the
bright idea to call Joanne last night...

and give her Stoker's
spaghetti recipe?

I don't know, I thought it would
help. She seemed happy to get it.

She was just being polite. You should
have been there for the excitement...

after she hung up. [
Zipping Up Trousers ]

You're a positive menace.

[ Alarm Blaring ]

[ Dispatcher] Station 51,
children lost in storm drain.

1987 North Spring.

- 1987 North Spring.
- [ Siren Wailing ]

Cross street Halleck.
Time out 0832.

[ Sirens Stopping ]

[ Dispatcher] Squad
3, what is your status?

Hi, Sarge. I'm McGill.
County Flood Control.

Sir. [Sergeant]
Here's the situation.

We got a report about two
missing boys about two hours ago.

We've been over the neighborhood,
and we turned up a witness...

who saw some teenagers pull
up that manhole cover about...

Oh, just before
noon, and leave it.

We've got 3 woman
who's pretty sure she saw...

the two boys playing
around the open manhole.

When we got here, it
was like you see it now.

There's no sign of any kids, but I
think they're down there, somewhere.

And the air down there
is... too bad to search.

What's it like down
there, Mr. McGill?

Boy, rough, huh? It's
a maze down there.

- Here's where we are, right here.
- How old are they?

- Seven and eight.
- Oh, it's gonna be rough
findin’em down there.

Well, they’ll probably
stick to the bigger channels.

I don't think they'll go into anything
that they have to crawl though.

So that'll help.

But it's been raining for 45
minutes in Santa Barbara.

Once that storm comes
this side of the watershed,

these channels will fill up real quick.
How much time do you think we've got?

Take a look. [
Thunder Rumbling ]

We'd better get 'em out of
there in a half hour or else.

Yeah. Roy, why don't you and John pick
the most likely route and get started...

And take your handi-talkie with you—I'm
gonna get us some more manpower.

You might as well
start right here.

551-8 runs straight up Spring.

- There's probably a lot of gas down there.
- We're gonna need the masks then.

Oh, uh, watch yourselves.

And another thing:
yell and listen.

Sound carries a
long way down there.

- What are the children's names?
- Kirby Lewis and Charles Nicholson.

[ Stanley On Radio ] LA,
Engine 51. Request two additional

engine companies at
our location for assistance.

[ Dispatcher] 10-4, Engine 51.

Cap, I figure if we get down there
and start yelling “Hey!” and “What!”

We're gonna wind up
chasin' ourselves— so why

don't we just call the
kids by their first names...

Kirby and Charles. Gotcha.

Hey, Kelly! [Kelly] Yeah, Cap?

Lopez? All right, you two guys take
the squad and follow on the surface.

Right, Cap.

[ I Radio Chatter
] I Thunderclap 7

[ Dispatcher] Battalion 1 has
been notified and is responding.

[ Engine Starting ]

We haven't got much time.

[ Thunderclap]



Which way?

[ I Radio Chatter ]

[ Rain Falling ]

[DeSoto ] Engine 51, Squad
51. We’re in Section 557-D.

Still no sign of the boys.

We've got four teams
working, but we're running

out of time. The rain
is getting a lot worse.

What's it like down there? Wet.

And all this bad air.

The boys are probably just
barely conscious by now.

Yeah, if they're
lucky. [Coughs ]

[ Echoing ] Kirby? Charles!

Kirby? Charles?

[Boys] Help!

Did you hear anything? Maybe.

[Voice, Indistinct ]

[ Man On Radio ] Now
seeing section 551-£.

Now seeing section 5571-M.

- Engine 51, Squad 51.
- Go ahead, 51.

Can you have everybody
keep quiet for a minute?

- I think we might have heard something.
- 10-4,51.

All units. I want complete
silence for one minute.



[ Boys' Voices, Indistinct ]

Cap, I think we might
have found somethin'.

Well, make it fast. McGill says
you got maybe five minutes.


Wait a minute. Okay.

[ Boys' Voices ]

[ Echoing ] Kirby?

Do you hear me?


[ Boys Yelling]

Keep yelling!

[ Boys Yelling]

They think they've found 'em.
They should be at Section “K” by now.

That's at 3rd Street.

Car 51, Engine 51. They should
be under the manhole cover...

right there at 3rd Street—
Get it open. [ Kelly] 10-4.

[ Boys, Echoing ] Help!
Kirby? Do you hear me?

Help! Help!

Help! Help! Help!

Come on.

There you are. All right.

Attaboy, come on! [Grunts]

We better get outta here.
We're running out of dry land.

Come on! Let's go! Right.

Hold on here. Hold
on tight. You got it?

Okay. Put your arms
around me. Hold on tight.

Here, move down the
ladder, son. Move down.

Here, hold on.

Now hold— Hold on tight.

[Coughing ]

[Coughs ]

[ Panting ]

[ Dispatcher, Indistinct ]

[Woman on P.A.
] Dr. Luis Alvarez.

Dr. Luis Alvarez.

Dixie? Hi.

Oh, uh, Dr. Brackett
wanted to see you.

I understand. I
want to see him too.

Well, I see he isn't
available at the moment.

- But he asked me to give you a message.
- He wishes my resignation.

From the other two jobs,
he does. Not from here.

- But I cannot.
- A loan is being arranged.

Enough to get the rest of your
group into this country and...

- get them started on a new life.
- A loan? But how?

I mean, you cannot get a loan unless
someone guarantees that it will be repaid.

- And I cannot.
- But someone did guarantee the loan.

Dr. Brackett.

I will repay it. I promise.

I’m really a very good
doctor, you know?

Yes, I know you are. So does he.

[ Dispatcher] Battalion 9,
call Research and Planning.

[Groans ]

Squad 51 available. Returning
to quarters. [ Engine Starting ]

[ Dispatcher]
Squad 51. [ Revving ]


Man, those kids lucked out.

According to Brackett, there's
not gonna be any aftereffects.

Another half-hour— Half an
hour nothin'. Two more minutes,

and that water would
have done it. [Sighs]

Yeah, I know. Hey, you know, while
we were in there, I called Joanne again.

- She was home this time.
- Yeah?

Well, she said she
tried Stoker's spaghetti.

She thought it was better.
She's not mad at me anymore.

See? Now, I told
ya, I was right.

Look, I know women. If I had've
never given Joanne that recipe—

Man, I knew I
was right all along.

And if I had to make a choice
between your being right,

and Joanne being mad at me—
I'd rather she was mad at me.

[ Laughing ] Well, now,
that's just some fine gratitude.

Okay. Okay, fine.

Next time, I won't even let you
tell me about it. You promise?
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