01x04 - Hot Ice, Cold Hearts

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Quincy, M.E.". Aired: October 3, 1976 – May 11, 1983.*
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Series follows Dr. Quincy, a resolute, excitable, ethical and highly proficient Medical Examiner (forensic pathologist) for the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office, working to ascertain facts about and reasons for possible suspicious deaths.
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01x04 - Hot Ice, Cold Hearts

Post by bunniefuu »

(Quincy) There it is, honey,

(Quincy) Welcome
to Avalon Harbor,

What's the matter with him?

I've lost respiration.
His heart has stopped.

But this is the height of the
season. A panic could be started.

Think of the panic
that would be started

if they find a few more bodies.

Nothing must stop this
transaction, do you understand?

(Alex) She just
gave him a slight jolt.

To catch fish, you
need a good lure.

I only promise to... to make
you happy, not to make you sad.

I think we're
dealing with m*rder.

A homicide?

I told you we might have need
for another stonefish accident.

We made it, Alex.

Only to the roof, Liza.

Hard part's still ahead.

[blade scraping]

(Liza) How's the time?

Right on schedule.

The guard should be
making his rounds right now.

(Alex) We have
three minutes flat

from the time he gets
out of the display room.

Secure that rope.

[tool tapping]

[guards speaking Spanish]

(Alex) Wow, look at that.

(Liza) Exquisite.

(Alex) Our fences were right.

$1 million, easy.

What do you say
we try for $4 million?

Don't get greedy, sweetheart.

You don't have enough
time to get them all.

I can do it.

It's not in the game plan.

[men grunting]

[continue speaking Spanish]

[Liza whispering] How
much more time do we have?

Less than a minute.
Let's get going.

I'm going back down.

You'll never make it.

Yes, I can.

(Alex) No!


I told you I could make it.

You know something?

You're crazy.

And rich.

(Liza) I told you I could do it.

You know, it's a shame to
destroy anything so beautiful.

Darling, this is one time

when the pieces are
greater than the whole.

How long will it take you

to remove the
diamonds from the setting

and implant them in
the deck of the boat?

Just a few days of hard work,

and then we'll have
a nice, leisurely cruise

up the coast to Catalina,

get there in time for the
Fourth of July fireworks.

That'll be a perfect
cover for the transaction.

How about the three fences?

Will they get there in time?

I have a feeling, when
I tell those turkeys

it's $4 million
instead of $1 million,

an earthquake
couldn't keep 'em away.

Nothing can stop us.

(Quincy) There it is, honey,

(Quincy) Welcome
to Avalon Harbor,

And a glorious Fourth
of July weekend.

[sail flapping]

[sail rustling]

Take the helm, will you, honey?

Steady as she goes, will you?

Honey, steady! Steady!

Quincy, be careful!

Into the wind! Into
the wind! Starboard.

(Quincy) To the right.
Starboard. To the right.

(Quincy) Into the wind, will
you? Into the wind! To the right!

(Quincy) Holy... To the right!

Into the wind, honey.
Oh, boy, look at that.

Holy mackerel, honey.

[Lee laughing] Get in here!

That's what you get for
being a back-seat driver.

(Maria) Liza, Alex Cale.

(Maria) But I still see
only one of the fences,

Jacques de Fame.

(Maria) They're probably
still waiting for the others.

Uh-uh, Norkwist.
Everything's set.

Can't be put off now.

(Norkwist) I'm sorry, I
have a last-minute problem.

(Alex) Well, you better
fix it when you get back,

[speaking in German accent] Alex

I insist you postpone
the unveiling.

Sorry, can't be done.

Horst Mueller's already here,
and so is Jacques de Farge.

Now, are you gonna
be here, or not?

[sighs] Ja, all right.

[plank creaks]

[wood continues creaking]

As soon as you
get to Los Angeles,

catch a cab to the Long
Beach seaplane port.

Just a hop from there to Avalon.

All right.

Hmm, what's the problem?

We caught him in
the salon with this.

They have Juan.

[boat engines whirring]

Juan, when I found
you in Mexico City,

you convinced me you'd be loyal,

someone I could trust.

Senor Alex, I am sorry.
Please don't be angry.

Oh, I'm not angry.

Just a little
disappointed, I suppose,

but I understand where
you're coming from

too well to be angry.

I'm just a little surprised.

Never thought you'd
try to double-cross me.

(Alex) Take him
down to the study.

(Lee) These are
some yachts, huh?

(Quincy) They sure are.

(Quincy) They're ego trips
for people with lots of bucks

who don't know the first
thing about real seamanship.

Well, I admit, this,
uh, craft you borrowed

from your hippie
friend at Danny's Bar

does test one's seamanship.

How many times
do I have to tell you?

Freddie is not a hippie. He
walks to his own drummer.

Crawls, you mean.

I never saw a man
stagger like that in my life.

Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

Freddie only staggers because
he suffers from polydipsia.

That's why he
rarely uses the boat.

I'm sorry.

You should be.

What's polydips...
Whatever you call it?


(Alex) Put him on the bed.

Juan, there's just one
thing I'm curious about.

How'd you find out the diamonds
were cemented into the deck?

I saw them when they were
first brought aboard, Senor Alex.

Sorry about that.

But I was only
going to take one.

You know, to give me a start?

I got it, Juan.

Everybody needs a little
boost up the ladder, don't they?

What's that?

That's the spine from the
most poisonous fish in the world,

the stonefish.

You just might as
well lie still, Juan.

This isn't going to hurt a bit.

Hold that, please.

[Alex grunts]

(Alex) Take him up on deck.

Thank you.

He tried to steal our diamonds.

Well, I don't think

he'll be too ambitious
from now on.

So what happens
when they find the body?

Won't it cause a fuss?

Only among ichthyologists.

Uh, fish scientists.

[Juan screaming]

[Juan continues screaming]

Here's a perfect toast to
a near-perfect crossing.

And to a perfect
holiday weekend.

To Quincy's Catalina.


Hey, honey, now you gotta
admit I've kept my promise.

It's been all play
and no work, right?

[helicopter whirring]
And no telephones.

No telephone, no way
anybody can reach me.

Later, I'm gonna take you out

for the best lunch
you've ever had.

(Dan) Hiya, Quincy!

Oh, no.

Hey, it's been a long time.

Yeah, I've been saving up
for your heavy touch, Dan.

Hold this thing.

Let's see, it's 14
feet times three,


$42? I could get
a hotel for that.

Not over here, you can't.

[engine whirring]

(man) Patrol One to Dispatch,

we found a diver
off the breakwater,

He's in a lot of pain.

I don't know what's
wrong with him,

We're bringing him in,

You better get Dr. Egan
down to the pier.

(woman) This is Dispatch,

We'll try and locate the doctor.

Dispatch, this is Patrol Two.

(Dan) I have a
doctor right here.

Oh, come on, Dan!

(Dan) I'll bring him on over.

Oh, Quince.

(woman) 10-4,

I don't have much
of a choice, do I, hon?

[Quincy grunts]

(Dan) Great, okay.

Let's go.

[Juan coughing]

(Quincy) All right, stand back.

(Quincy) Give him a
break. Come on, get back.

What the matter with him?

I've lost respiration.

Get an ambulance down
here right away, will you?

A taxi will have to do.

(Parsons) Henry, find Pete.
Tell him it's an emergency.

It's Juan.

His heart has stopped.

See if they have an
extension cord, will you?

Then rip off the end.

And see if you can get me
a slab of cooking grease.

Hey, Duke, we got a problem.
We need an extension cord.

Great. Hold that end.

This is gonna be quite a trick.

Think it's gonna work?

(Quincy) I don't
have much choice.

All right, let me have
that grease, will you?

Plug it in.

I got a pulse.

Taxi's here.

Get him to the hospital
as quickly as possible.

Call ahead and alert
the Intensive Care Unit.

It'd be a lot better if
you went along with him.

Oh, I intend to.

I wanna be there when
he regains consciousness.

I gotta talk to him.

Well, what do you
have to question him for?

I've never seen
symptoms like that before.

I wanna find out if he has
a negative medical history,

so I can combat it
as quickly as possible.

What do you have that can
replace the best lunch in town?

Excuse me.

What are you doing?

I'm about to transform

this desert of
yours into a garden.

You know, my... my sister
and I couldn't help noticing

the heroics of your husband.

Oh, no, not husband.

(David) Oh, no?

Well, then, uh,
your doctor friend.

(David) I saw you
come ashore with him.

That's right.

We came ashore for
the best lunch in town.

You're holding it in your hand.

That's right.

Well, my cook
will do much better.


Yes, on my boat.

I insist, you must
have lunch with us.


Uh, thank you very much,
but, uh, I don't want to impose.

Oh, please. Please, my
sister will be so crushed.


[seagulls cawing]

Give me a clamp, will you?

(Egan) What's going on here?

Who are you?

I think you better
answer that question first.

I run this hospital.

Oh, the missing doctor.

I happen to be in charge of the
Fourth of July celebration in Avalon.

I was over at the pavilion
seeing to the preparations...

Well, you make me
proud to be a doctor,

proud to be an American.
Can I have the clamp, please?

The clamp!

Give him the clamp.

Tell me, what is your,
uh... What is your etiology?

The symptoms suggest

the introduction of a
highly toxic substance.

Maybe venom from this.

Are you suggesting a
venomous sea animal or fish?

You have a better guess?

My idea of medicine

is not to engage
in guessing games.

Oh, come on, Doctor,
we can fool the public,

not each other, huh?

So believe me when I
tell you I have no intention

of walking around your
territorial imperative.

I know this is your bailiwick,

I give it back to you.
He is now your patient.

But I do suggest you
keep him on a monitor...

Nurse, put this patient
in high Fowler's position.

It's a precautionary move.

Just in case it is an embolism.

Couldn't hurt.

Then, on the other
hand, couldn't help, either.

You will excuse me.


Oh, Quincy. How's the boy?

He's out of the woods.

Oh, thank goodness for that.

What is that, a
rundown on the case?

No, no, this is a weekly report

that goes to the
mainland every Friday,

come rain or shine.

Parsons, listen, I want
you to do a favor for me.

What's the favor?

Well, do you know
who Prof. Wren is?

For sure. He's the best
marine biologist we have.

Right. Look, I want you to call
him, 'cause I want to meet him.

Well, I'm not so sure
that's a good idea,

butting into his Fourth
of July weekend.

You know, the
man's got a temper.

How do you know
he's gonna lose it?

You don't know what
I'm gonna ask him yet.

Unless it's to do with keeping
the peace on this island,

I don't want any part of it.

Listen, Parsons, tell
me, when is the last time

you made a positive
decision about something?

27 months, three days ago.

You sound like a
prisoner counting off time.

Right the first time.

Okay, okay, forget
the introduction.

But I called the institute,
there was no answer.

The least you could do is give
me his unlisted phone number.

Parsons, like you said,

he's the best marine
biologist we have.

And if what I suspect is true,

there is going to be
an epidemic of bodies

floating up to the shore,

and if you don't
give me the number,

you're gonna be
held responsible.

I gotta talk to him.

If he wants to know
where you got the number,

you didn't get it
from me. Agreed?

Is a blood oath good enough?

(Lee) Quincy!

(Lee) Quincy, over here!

(Lee) Over here!

(Lee) Hi, Quincy!

What're you doing up there?

I just finished lunch.

I took the liberty of
fulfilling your promise.

What promise?

He gave me the best
lunch on the island.

I hope you won't mind.

Oh, why should I mind?

I'm glad to see Lee's
having a great time.

Listen, there's
quite a bit left here.

Why don't you join us?

Oh, thanks a lot.
No, thanks, though.

His sister will be crushed.

Right, better forget it.
It's all right. Forget it.

Quincy, for hors d'oeuvres

there's a cold plate assortment

of corned beef,
pastrami... Lean?


Uh, roast beef...
Rare, I'll bet.

(Lee) Rare.

And German salami.

And then, for the main course...

The main course?

It was terrible, just terrible.

I've never seen
anybody in worse pain.

A fish bit him?

No, it stung him.

The stinger was
still in his leg.

But he will be all right?

I think so.

Well, I hate to eat and
run, and it was delicious,

but I did promise Lee

I'd take her on a
tour of the island.

Listen, I did happen to
notice you in the crowd,

you know, where
the excitement was.

You didn't recognize
the boy, did you?

Did he say he knew me?

Oh, no, he didn't say
anything. He hasn't come to yet.

We have very little chance
of knowing each other.

You see, I'm not
from around here.

I'm from Mexico.

Well, thanks again. It
really was delicious. Let's go.

Boy, did you ever see a
strawberry like that? May I?

By all means.

So big. Here, Lee, go ahead.

May I take a piece
of cheese? Please.

Thank you, thank you very much.

(Lee) Bye.

[water lapping]

[boat engine starts]

You think he suspects?

It's hard to tell.

Maybe we should
make a try at Juan.


As long as he's unconscious,
there's no trouble.

(Lee) It's hard to believe

you're taking me for a ride
without any ulterior motives.

You're getting to be a very
suspicious person, you know that?

Steps too much for you, Quince?

It's high up here.

They should have
an elevator, anyway.

[panting] Oh, boy.

Oh-oh, I think
we're trespassing.

Dr. Quincy.

We're not trespassing.

[panting] Prof. Wren, nice
meeting you. Lee Porter.

You know each other? No.

Your call from Avalon
was quite a surprise.

You called him?

Well, it's not polite just
to drop in, now, is it?

(Wren) This Fourth is my
first weekend off all year.

I was just starting a barbecue
for my wife and some friends.

Now what you
have better be good.

[panting] It may not be good,

but I can assure
you, it's deadly.

Well, let me have the spine.

(Wren) I've been
doing some homework.

A tour to see the sights, huh?

Honey, look around
you, will you? Look.

People come from
all over the world

to see this wonderful place.

I won't be long, honey.

[birds chirping]

That doctor really has
you worried, doesn't he?

Well, he is a fly in the soup.

I sent de Farge over to
see what he could find out.

If I know de Farge,
he'll have better luck

with the woman
than with the doctor.

[engine stops]

This could possibly
be the dorsal fin

of a Synanceja verrucosa.

What's that?

A stonefish.

The most venomous
fish known to man.

Well, what about an antivenin?

If it was a stonefish,
there isn't any.

But if the victim makes it
through the first six hours,

your worries are
over. It's all in there.

May I borrow this?

Of course.

So it was venom.

My diagnosis was
right on the nose.

[laughs] Not quite.
About 6,000 miles off.

You see, the stonefish is
found in abundance here,

off the coast of Africa,

east all the way
to the mid-Pacific,

as far north as the Red
Sea, as far south as Australia,

but never, never
to my knowledge,

on the Pacific coast.

What about a freak migration?

It's highly unlikely, Doctor.

There's absolutely no chance

of a stonefish being found
off the coast of Avalon.

Despite this spine.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have important
things to do: a barbecue.


I read in the paper
a couple of years ago

about a school of
something or other

swimming into the
Los Angeles Harbor

from the Chilean coastline.

Oh, yes. That was the, uh...

The Allothunnus
sallai, a slender tuna.

Now, they said that was
impossible, too, didn't they?

That sort of thing happens
only once in a generation,

believe me.

Well, what if nature
tried to do it twice...

"What if"? Yes.

Doctor, I deal in facts.

All right, let me give you a
couple. This spine is a fact.

The poisoned boy in
the hospital, that's a fact.

And now I'll give you a fact,
one that'll top all of them.

If there was a migration
of stonefish here,

the Catalina coastline
is a deathtrap.

Do you know what
you're saying, Doctor?

I sure do. That beach should be
closed to all swimmers and boaters.

But this is the height of the
season. A panic could be started.

Think of the panic that would be
started if they find a few more bodies.

Why don't you do
something about it?

Check it out for
yourself, make sure.

All right. Give me the spine.

I'll check it out
more carefully.

And what about the beaches?

Oh, no. Not until I'm positive.

It might be too late by then.

Now, look, Doctor, you've
just ruined my weekend,

you're not going to ruin my
career by a million-to-one shot.

Do you realize what would happen

if I closed down the beaches

and they suddenly
found out I was wrong?

I'd be the laughingstock
of my profession!

That's the chance we take being
specialists. Isn't it, Professor?

But if I were
right, I'd be alone.

No one would want
to be convinced.

Thoreau said, "A man who
is right is a majority of one."

I'd back you to the hilt.

[scoffs] Thank you very much.

I'll let you know.



(Lee) I hope Quincy takes my
note in the right frame of mind.

I wish once, just once,
he'd get a little jealous.

I would be happy
to do all in my power

to bring that about.

Lee! Lee!

(Quincy) Lee?

(Quincy) Lee?

[door opening]

So, what did de
Farge have to say?

That Dr. Quincy is a
very dedicated man.

He saved Juan's life.

(Liza) You tried
that once before.


if at first you don't succeed...

[cardiograph beeping]

[window thudding]

[injection spurting]

[cardiograph continues beeping]

♪ J'[guitar playing]

Look at this book
Prof. Wren loaned me.

It's very informative.

It says that stonefish

are almost impossible
to spot in the water.

Is that because of
camouflage, or pollution?

Where'd you get your sense
of humor from, a coroner?

Well, it helps.

No, inertia and poison.
Those are their trademarks.

They just sit there,
food goes by, zap.

Well, for a fish that doesn't
like to move around much

isn't the trip from
Africa to Catalina

quite a change of pace?

Puzzles me, too.

Is Prof. Wren
going to look into it?

Are you kiddin'? He's so upset,

he's afraid his Fourth of July
weekend is gonna be ruined.

Mmm, imagine.

I'm sorry, honey.

I ruined yours,

and all the promises
I made to you.

It doesn't matter.

One way or another, all
the promises have been kept.

Everybody's been so nice.

Now, see, you're saying
that to make me feel better.

You shouldn't do
that. I should pay for it.

No, I'm not. I mean it.
The day was perfect.

And Jacques was a delight.

Jacques? Who's Jacques?

Jacques de Fame.

He's like right
out of the Casbah.

You mean like Charles
Boyer, out of the Casbah?

Yeah, sort of. Is that right?

Mm-Hmm. You know he
sailed all around the world,

all alone, in an
18-foot sailboat?

What's the big deal, huh?

I mean, anybody could
do that with the right crew.

Well, he was nice.

Well, it's good to see that
you're not so bored, anyway, huh?

Oh, I'm not.

You're not, huh?

That's good. Mmm.


♪ J'[guitar continues playing]


How did it go?

Juan's gone. For
good, this time.

Then that's that.

Well, I don't know.

That, uh, Quincy
fellow's like a bloodhound.

He won't let up.


Is he involved with
the police somehow?

He's a medical
examiner. I suppose so.

But that's back in Los Angeles.

What's he doing, digging
into this over here?

Mmm, maybe he's got
a Don Quixote complex.

Has to hit every windmill.

You know, frankly, that
kind of fellow worries me.

But why?

What can he
accomplish in two days?

I don't know.

Let's see if he'll let up
now that Juan's dead.

What if he doesn't?

If he doesn't,

then the good doctor
may find himself

the victim of an epidemic.

This is starting to make
me feel warm all over.

My whole body's
getting the tingles.

Lee, one more tingle

and we're not gonna
wait for the lobster.


Oh, hi, Parsons.


I heard you made
contact with Prof. Wren.

Yeah, thanks a lot.


He wasn't as happy
about it as you are.

Well, if it wasn't for Quince,

the diver wouldn't have
been past the danger period.

The Professor
agreed to that much.

Well, it just goes to
show you, doesn't it?


How you experts make
mistakes from time to time.

What do you mean?

That young fellow? He died.

(Quincy How? )

Respiratory failure.

Respiratory failure?
That's impossible!

Well, that's what Dr. Egan
wrote on the death certificate.

A death certificate
without an autopsy?

♪ J'[music continues playing]

Well, we'll see about that.

Oh, Quincy. Honey, I'm sorry.

I gotta move on this right
away. I can't waste a second.

An autopsy has to be
performed on that kid right away.

I'll take care of the check.
Sure, I'll take care of it.

Look at this, I left
my wallet at home.

Honey, you got your
credit cards with you?

Come on, let's go, Parsons.

Excuse me, Fréulein

but I just noticed the sudden
departure of your dinner partner.

Oh, thanks for
pointing that out to me.

May I introduce
myself? Horst Mueller.

Now let me guess, you're German.

Now, what could have
possibly given me away?

It cannot be my
accent, or my name.

I know. Of course, sure.

It's my enlarged left eye

where my monocle
normally goes, isn't it? Ja?

Herr Mueller,

may I ask you a
personal question?

Of course, anything,
but it's Horst.


Are you trying to pick me up?

Uh, p-pick you up?

Get to know me better?

(Egan) There will be no
autopsy, Quincy, and that's final.

Dr. Egan, this is a clear case

of an autopsy necessary
on its own merit.

Now that's the law.

Look, Parsons is the law here.

And I'm the resident physician.

Now, the patient died
of respiratory failure.

Prof. Wren will back me up,

because he believes that
your diagnosis has no merit.

Oh, he'd say that
about Watergate

if it interfered
with his barbecue.

Be that as it may.

And you,

what are you gonna
do, just stand there

and let him get away with this?

Dr. Egan is one of the most
respected men in our community.

If he says he's
done his job right,

it's no business
of mine to butt in.

Okay, then I'm gonna
make it your business.

As an official medical
examiner of Los Angeles,

I hereby inform you that that
boy's death was suspicious

and warrants an autopsy.

Now, you, as an officer,
have to act accordingly

and if you don't have
the backbone to do it,

I'll find somebody who has!

Quincy, you come with me.

No, you have
something to do here, sir.

I said come with me!

Come on, I said, come on.

In here.

Quincy, I'm sick and tired.

I'm sick and tired of
you, and this island,

and everything else
that makes me look like

something not worth
wiping off a pair of shoes.

I was the best shot at the
Academy, you know that?

I could sh**t that out
of your hand at 50 paces.

Do you believe it?

What's not to believe?


There. Go on, hold this.

What for?

Hold it. Hold it tight.

Black belt. I'm a man of action.

Now, I'm warning you,
you keep your mouth shut

or I'll move it to
another part of your face.


You can scare me,
but you can't stop me.

Why don't you let me help you?

Look, I know my job,
and I'm telling you,

I think we're
dealing with m*rder.

A homicide? Yeah.

And if you're
the one to solve it

will you tell me how they're
gonna keep you out of action?

Well, what about
the lab and that stuff?

There aren't any
facilities around here.

Well, we can fly the
samples to the mainland,

you can send along print
cards for identification.

Yeah, I could get
your prints for you,

and I could arrange for a plane.

What are we waiting for?
Let's get me my autopsy,

get you back on the
streets where you belong.

Okay. Okay, let's go.

I know it's wrong

to be made happy by
another man's plight,

but I'm glad you
were left alone.

You're very charming. Thank you.

♪ J'[music playing]

Well, Lee. What a
pleasant surprise.


I want you to
meet Horst Mueller,

my new German friend.

And this is David
and Maria Moreno,

my new Mexican friends.

I'm beginning to feel like a
road company United Nations.

And, uh, how did your trip
around the island with Quincy go?

Just like this dinner:
it never happened.

All this way for a vacation
and all he does is work.

But I thought the young
man was out of danger.

Well, so did Quincy,
but the boy just died.

[diners chuckling]

(Mueller) Oh.

Then what more can he do,

I... I mean, he's only
a doctor, isn't he?


And if I know Quincy,
he's probably convinced

that the boy's death was
from unnatural causes,

and he's trying to
prove that right now.

Well, we just, uh,
wanted to say hello,

but we really must go.

[speaks in German]

[speaks in Mexican]


(Maria) What's the rush?

Listen, nothing must
stop this transaction,

do you understand?

Now, this Dr. Quincy,
with his meddling,

the wrong people
could be arrested.

Here are the blood samples.

I assume you have the tissues?

Right here.

I thank you for your
cooperation, Doctor.

Tell me, where, uh...

Where's our fearless sheriff?

He's arranging for a plane
to meet me at the dock.

I better get these
samples right down there.

Uh, Quincy.

Maybe you'll lose
some of your arrogance

when those tests come back. Hmm?

Well, at least we'll
both be satisfied

we've done all
that has to be done

when a human
being loses his life.

Won't we, Doctor?

[crickets chirping]

[muffled screaming]

[crickets chirping]

How interesting

that he can determine
so much from a dead body.


He probably even knows

what kind of a
boat he arrived on.

Oh, that's impossible. How?

Well, from examining
traces of things

either in or on the body.

Lee, it's getting late.

Shall I take you
back to the boat?

[glass clinks]

[sighs] Okay.

[Quincy mumbling]

No, no, no. I'm not
gonna hurt you. Please.

Please, I want you to
get me to the hospital.


Um, I think I'll stay
in town for a while.

You go ahead.

Whatever you wish, Lee.

Good night.

Good night.

Thank you. Thank you.

But, Lieutenant, I'm
telling you, I don't know.

No, it's Quincy.

He's the medical examiner fella.

He was supposed
to take it to the plane.

Now, now, now,
just take it easy.

I'll get it all worked out.

Well, of course I'm sure.
I'm the sheriff, ain't I?

(Mueller) The man is a
bulldog. He won't let go.

Good. He can't hurt
us with his mouth shut.

I insist we divide it
now and be on our way.

We wait for Henrik.

He'll be here
tomorrow, on schedule.

By then it could
be all over for us.

Have you ever met any
of Henrik's associates?

I'll take my chances
with the bulldog.

Okay. Okay. Then
we put it to a vote.

This isn't a democracy,
Herr Mueller.

It was all put
together by one man.

We'll follow his game
plan right to the end.

He hasn't made a false move yet.

But he must be told
what this Quincy is doing.

He already knows, everything.

And if Quincy goes
too deep, he'll drown.

(Liza) Look at me, Alex.

How does the man behind
the plan make you feel?

Secure. And let's
keep it that way.


What difference does
it make if they find out?

Simple arithmetic.
There are two of us,

[ties robe] three of them.

As long as they feel

there's someone out
there overseeing things,

the easier it'll be for
us to keep them in line.

So, uh, listen to me, lady,

let's not fool around with
the old status quo. Hmm?

What about that Quincy?
Is he still pressing?

He is making some
kind of tests, I gather.

Well, they could give
him some answers.

As long as he keeps puttering
around some lab till Monday,

I don't care what he finds out.

What are you trying to do to me?

I bit so deep into your
hook it's sticking in my craw.

And my supervisor, he called.

He's after my jugular vein, too.

I was mugged.


D-did you say you were mugged?

That's right. What, did
they get your money?

They weren't after my money.

Well, what did they
take? Did they...

(Parsons) The laboratory
stuff and the prints.

They got all of it.

[whistles] Quincy, show
me where you were hit.

[exhales] I wasn't hit.

I didn't think so.

I was chloroformed.

The people who did this
just wanted the specimens.

You expect us to buy that?

Well, it's pretty
obvious, isn't it?

That means we're
on the right track.

Somebody doesn't want us to
know how that diver really died.

Quincy, you gotta do
something, and real fast.

If word gets back on this one,

I'm gonna stay on
this rock forever.

All we have to do is get some
new blood samples, that's all.

Not in my hospital, you don't.

Oh, man. I gotta get
myself out of this mess.

Parsons, listen,
this guy is crazy.

Now, let's not
get in any deeper.

Lives are at stake here!

Now, Quincy, in your
paranoiac state of mind

your stonefish could be
threatening to invade Chicago.

(Egan) Look, Parsons,
I've gotta write up a report

on everything that happens
in this hospital, in detail.

(Egan) Now, can you
imagine how it will read?

Two sets of tests and
samples on an imaginary toxin?

I mean, come on,
I'll... I'll look like an idiot.

I don't believe you guys.

(Quincy) You're something
else, you know that?

All you're worried about
are budgets, and barbecues,

and what other people
are gonna think about you.

We got a dead boy on our hands!

Come on, let's keep
our minds on the issue

and not worry about whether
it's a good career move or not.

All right, let's
even think of that.

Parsons, I've gotta be right.

Why else are they
trying to stop me?

And I'll tell you something,

if they stop me,
they're stopping you.

You can take your dream and
you can throw it out the window.

You might as well buy yourself a
big, nice, comfortable easy chair

'cause you're gonna be
here the rest of your life.


I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna take those samples
to the mainland personally.

[clicking tongue] Oh!

Come on.

[engine starts up]

I want to speak to Col.
Choate, Washington, DC.

It's urgent.

Place a call to your supervisor,

Tell her it's a Code A-13.

Now, Officer, I'm, uh,
sorry, but that's it. I'm sorry.

But he seemed so sure.

Well, you have to understand
Dr. Quincy's nature.

He's always so sure.

But he sounded like he
knew what he was doing.

Well, Quincy is one of
the best men that I have,

but you... you remember
the story of, uh, the little boy,

you know, when he
was good, he was good,

and when he was bad,
he was... he was bad, uh...

And you fellas went over the...
over the samples thoroughly, huh?

Sam Fujiyama is
my top technician.

Now, I had him do
the test personally.

And you're positive
about your analysis?


Yes, I'm positive
about my analysis.

Oh, boy. When It.
Chernov hears about this,

my name is gonna be mud.

Vic Chernov, you mean?

[chuckling] Oh,
for heaven's sake.

Vic and I are very good friends.

Why, you know, we... we
make it a point to have lunch

every, uh, couple
of months or so.

Parsons, I, uh, know what
you're going through, but, um...

Sam, I like him.

I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.

You go back to
Avalon and I'll just forget

that this incident
ever happened.

Well, that's really nice
of you, sir. Really nice.

Well, what is this world about,

if one man can't, uh,
help another man?

You're a true gentleman.
I really appreciate that.

[clearing throat] And it just goes
to show how you shouldn't listen

to what somebody else has
to say about somebody else.

Quincy said something about me?

Well, lies, all lies.
No doubt about it.

Do you mind telling me
why you made me lie to him?

Sam, all of us are
men in the trenches.

A superior gives
an order, we obey.

Ours is not to
reason why, ours is...

Yes, sir.

See you later.

Sylvia, get me Col. Choate,
Washington, DC, the Treasury Department.

[brakes squealing]

Hey, where you been?

You recognize me. How nice.

I was looking for
you at the boat.

I didn't get back
there last night, either.

Oh, uh, how'd you get the
bathing suit and everything?

I went early this morning.

I'm sorry. You waited at the
restaurant for me, didn't you?

Only until we finished dinner.

"We"? Who's "we"? Hey, you
ran into that Casbah guy again?


Oh, I know, uh, Moreno
and his sister, right?


Well, I didn't think you knew
anybody else on the island.

I didn't. But the
island's so friendly.

Ahhh. You're getting to be a
pretty friendly type, aren't you, huh?

Thanks, Quincy. So are you.

Are you kidding?

Everybody on this
island hates me.

Not everybody.

Well, everybody
except you, honey.

I didn't mean me.

That girl I saw you
entwined with last night.

That girl you saw me...

Oh, honey, that?

That girl helped me
after I was mugged.

You were mugged? Oh.

And that girl came
to the rescue? Shh.

Is that what you're
trying to tell me?

Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Oh, Quincy.

Hey, what are you doing?

It's the only sleep he's had
all of the time he's been here.

It would have been
better for all of us

if he never came
here in the first place.

How did it go?

A nightmare.

No telling what
would have happened

if it wasn't that
nice boss of yours.

Nice boss? You don't mean Astin?

He's a first-class fella.

I hope your police work is a lot
better than your character analysis.

Huh. It's certainly a lot better

than the sample
analysis you had.

Doc Egan was right all along.

Astin told you that?

And the Japanese technician.

I don't understand that.

Well, understand this.

You came here as a
tourist, you stay a tourist.

I don't want to see you again.

I was so sure I was right.

Well, right or
wrong, it's over now.

And I believe you
about the mugging.

You do? Yeah.

You're terrific. You stinker.


So let's listen to the
sheriff and enjoy ourselves.


I just don't understand
why the analysis...

No, just sun, fun, and us.

Those are the only
allowable words

for the whole rest
of the vacation.

Come on, I'll buy you a hot dog.


And I promise you, I'm not...

No! Don't promise.
No, no. Don't promise.

I won't promise.

Every time you promise...

I only promise to make you
happy, not to make you sad.

You did go back to the
boat last night, didn't you?

No. I didn't go
back. Yes, you did.

Look who's there.

(Quincy) Hey,
Professor! Going diving?

(Wren) No, fishing.
For stonefish.

Oh? You have a
conscience after all, huh?

A curiosity.

I checked that spine again,
and it's definitely from a stonefish.

Is that right?

Uh, your enthusiasm sounds
like it's waning, Quincy.

For stonefish, it has.

I don't believe there're
any in these waters.

(Wren) Well, let's
hope you're right.

Hey, you want a hand?

(Wren) Thanks.

Help's a little hard
to get on the Fourth.

We'll be right there. Come
on, honey, we'll have fun.

What's the matter?

I told you not to
make any promises.

But you understand
I have to do this.

Yeah, I know,
that's the problem.

I have this uncanny knack
of always understanding you.

That's why you're terrific.

And I promise you this is the
last promise I'm gonna break.

Honest, honey.

(Liza) That Dr. Quincy,

he told the Professor he doesn't
believe in the stonefish anymore.

We gotta figure a way
to keep him off balance

till Norkwist gets here.

After that, I don't care
what they figure out.

Maybe another
distraction would help.

What kind of distraction?

A stonefish.

Well, that would keep Quincy off
our backs for the few hours we need.


(Wren) Not yet.

I'll take one more sweep around,

and then we'll go back to shore.


[Wren yelling]


[Wren continues screaming]

Would you put this
away for me, please?


We won't be using it again.

That's what you said last time.

Prof. Wren.



Another stonefish accident?

This was no accident.

All right, boys, let's
take him to the morgue.

No, no. His body's going to
the hospital for an autopsy.

You stay out of it.
Now, leave him alone.

You're interfering with the law.

Oh, don't talk to
me about the law.

I'm an official
medical examiner,

and I'm taking
jurisdiction here.

Government Code,
Section 27491.2.

"It shall be unlawful for
any person," any person,

"to remove, handle,
or touch a dead body

prior to getting approval from
the coroner or his representative."

I'm that representative,
and I'm telling you

whatever's done to this man will
be done on my say-so, not yours.

Mine, you hear?

You're a psycho.

You touch him, you'll
see how sick I am.

Don't you realize, you're
sitting on two murders,

and you're the only one
who can do anything about it.

Now, you cool it. I don't wanna
hear another word out of you.

You know, if you were sellin' vacuum
cleaners, I'd be owning three of 'em.

Well, I've had it. I'm finished
buying anything from you.

So, just stay out of my way.

Please don't ask me
to do that, Parsons.

I can't. I may have
caused this to happen.

Look, do me a favor.

Please, take him to the
hospital for me, will you?

All right, all right.

All right, you guys, let's
take him to the hospital.

I'll meet you there, honey.

I'm sorry. But I
didn't have a choice.

What do you mean
you didn't have a choice?

You could have told Parsons
the truth, couldn't you?

Why not?

There was a g*n at my head.

A g*n? Who?



Oh, I don't know. Maybe
there was a g*n at his head, too.

All right, Sam.

Tell me what those
tests really said,

Quincy. Quincy?

What's the matter?

Trigger finger.

[whispering] Are
you talking to Quincy?

Sam? Sam!

What have you told him?

Happy Fourth.


Quincy, this is Astin.
How's your vacation?

Just like I never left. Dead
bodies all over the joint.

Well, that shouldn't
concern you.

You make the most of the
little time you have left. Enjoy,

May I ask you a
personal question?


No. Like what?

Well, don't get flustered,
it's easy. True or false.

You lied to Parsons about
those tests, didn't you?

Quincy, listen carefully.

You are to dig no further
into anything but sand.

You are to stay away
from the situation

until at least after tomorrow.

What situation? And
what's gonna happen tonight

that I gotta wait until
tomorrow to find out about?

Quincy, now, please,
you just have to trust me.

Well, there are things
that you don't understand.

Why don't you try me?

Quincy, now you listen
one last time, now.

You back off.
Enjoy your vacation.

Don't hang up, Astin. Astin!

[hanging up phone]

Well, I guess we're gonna
have to do it ourselves.

What? The tests.

We can't.

Are you still against me?

[sighing] No.

No, not since I
read that fish book.

And when I saw where
the spine had stuck,

in Prof. Wren's
neck, of all places,

I knew you were right, Quincy.

But I don't have the
necessary facilities for tests.

We'll improvise!

All we need is
some blood samples,

we'll go into the aorta for a
look, some liver sections...

Excuse me. What's
the matter, honey?

Don't you wanna
hang around and wait?

It sounds fabulous, but I pass.

Something I said.

Horst! Hi.

[water lapping]

Lee Porter, remember?

Uh, certainly, Fréulein,
yeah, but I'm busy right now.

I look forward to seeing
you another time, ja? Bye.

(Alex) Norkwist.

Alex, how are you?

All right. How was your trip?

Fine, thank you.

Why don't we go over to my
boat and we'll talk things over?

Maria? Hi, what're you up to?

Oh, I'm, uh, I'm
looking for David.

Well, that shouldn't
be too hard.

Let me help you. No, no, no.

I... I, uh, wouldn't think of letting
you waste your day doing that.

Maria. Excuse us, Lee. Come on.

So how do I know they
haven't been removed already?

Because if they had,
there'd be no floor left.

Who did it?

A young fellow I picked
up down in Mexico.

And, uh, where is he now?

I'm sorry, you're
too late. He's dead.

(Norkwist) So, we are all here

except for the headman.

Is he coming?


He trusts us?

[ice clinking]

He trusts me.

[boat engine humming]

(Maria) There comes
de Farge, Liza, Mueller,

Norkwist, and Alex.
They're all there.

It looks like it's all set.

It better be.

What's this?

That's an official
coroner's report.

By whom? Me.

You mean, I came all
this way to pick this up?

The toxin found in both
victims was not stonefish venom.

It was amphetamines
and a synthetic toxin.

Now, they have almost
the same symptoms.

Don't you see?

Those deaths were made to look
accidental, but they were m*rder.

How dumb do you think I am?

And how many times
do you wanna cry wolf?

This paper gives you a
legal obligation to move.

Are you threatening me?

No, I'm pleading with you.

What do you want me to do?

First, I want you to accept
these deaths as homicides.

Then, I'd like you to
do something about it.

Okay, I'll do
something about it.

Where are you going?

I'm going outside
to get some fresh air.


Now, Quincy, Quincy, listen,
I'm on my way out to a barbecue.

Astin, please.

Now, do I have to remind
you that it is the Fourth of July?

And need I remind you that, unfortunately,
death did not take a holiday?

[sighing] Right. Quincy,
what I have to tell...

Can you hold?

Do I have a choice? Of
course I'll hold. I'll hold.


You all through here?

In a minute, honey.

(Astin) Quincy? Yeah, Astin.

Now, Quincy, Quincy,

what I have to tell you
is highly confidential.

Now, can you be discreet?

Well, of course I can be discrete.
This is Quincy, remember?

Now, what's going on?

The Mexican National Museum
was robbed of $4 million in diamonds.

Two agents,

Maria and David
Moreno, are in Avalon,

where they believe the
diamonds will be auctioned

to an international
syndicate of fences,


They'll handle it. Sure.

You stay out of it, Okay.

And have a good time
at the barbecue. Yeah.

What do you have
to be discreet about?

If I told you, then I wouldn't
be discreet. I can't tell you.

Why not?

It's top-secret.

What is?

Two deaths.

Secret? Everyone in
town knows about it.

Yeah, but what's behind them?

You were right?
They were m*rder*d?

Oh, without question.

Listen, that Mexican couple,

you know, the brother and
sister, Moreno, is that their name?

Yeah. Are they involved?

Did you happen to see them
around on your way over here?

Mmm, briefly. I think they
went back to their boat.

What's this all about, Quincy?

Come on, you owe it to
me, after this weekend.

Honey, you know I'd tell
you if I could, but I can't.

Besides, the less you
know, the better off you are.

Well, where are you goin'?

The Moreno boat.

(Lee) What are you
getting yourself into?

I don't know

but if you don't hear from me
by tonight, better send for help.

You mean it's dangerous?

No, probably not.


I wanna talk to Moreno.

(Maria) I was called by
Col. Choate in Washington

after your superior, Dr. Astin,

called him about your meddling.

Meddling? I don't know
whether you happen to notice,

or not, but two men
have been k*lled.

I'd like to know the reason why.

They don't concern you.

You're only interested in the
diamonds, that's all you care about.

Otherwise you'd have blown this
case wide apart after the first m*rder.

The dead boy worked with David
Moreno and the Mexican police.

What about you?

U.S. Treasury Department.
It's a combined effort.

There's no reason to
hang back after two deaths.

We can't move in
until we're positive

the diamonds are
aboard the Jolly-O.

There isn't any other way to prove they're
responsible for the murders as well.

Don't you see? We must wait.

Until when?

Well, we think it's
going down tonight.

Well, where's Moreno now?

He sneaked aboard the Jolly-O.

Okay. Fill me in with the rest.

How do you contact Moreno?

He'll contact me after
dark. I'll pick him up.

The Coast Guard is standing
off, waiting for my signal.

When I push this,
they'll move in.

After we have the
necessary proof.

Uh, it's always after,
isn't it? I don't know.

If we move prematurely,
they'll get away with everything.

The diamonds and
the killings, yeah.

[fireworks exploding]

[drill buzzing]



(Alex) Only $3,950,000 to go.

[people squealing]

[fireworks continue exploding]

Oh, I've been looking
all over for you.

Whatever it is that Quincy
wants, the answer is no.

But he went to the
Moreno boat alone.

He's in terrible danger.

What kind of danger?

I don't know for sure.


Oh, you gotta come with me.

Ma'am, I kinda like you, despite the
people you've been hangin' out with,

but I'm not stirring.

He grabbed me. He
slapped me around.

And then, when I was
beaten and helpless

he assaulted me.

Who did? Quincy!

Quincy did that? It was brutal.

And now, I'm filing a
complaint against him,

and I want you to
act on it immediately.

I'm not getting mixed up in it.

All right.

Then I'll go to someone
who will: the Coast Guard.

No, you can't do that.

Oh, all right, come on.

[explosions continue]

[g*n cocking]

(crewman) I found him
looking through the window.

Who are you?

[speaking Spanish]

You spoke excellent English
last night in the restaurant.

[speaking Spanish]

Well! My compliments.

You speak Spanish very well.

Thank you. What
are you doing here?

Well, I might as well tell
you, I'm a... I'm a burglar.

Uh, I thought all of you would
be ashore watching the fireworks.

He must have been
working with Juan.


The boy we caught before.

I told you we might have need
for another stonefish accident.

(Liza) Alex, let me.

[chuckling] Why not? We won't
be needing the spine this time.

And, uh, not in here. I
want to go on with the work.

(David) No, wait.

He's had it.


(Liza) Come on.


(David) Maria,
hurry, I'm hurt badly!

I think I better go with you.

It could be dangerous.

I am a doctor, you know,
I might be able to help.

Let's go.

(Maria) What happened?

They caught me.

They injected me with
something, I don't know what.

I... I can't breathe!

(Quincy) We gotta
get him off the boat.

You gotta help me. All right.

You gotta help. I'm trying.


To catch fish, you
need a good lure.

She just gave him a slight jolt.

So he'd have the chance
to bring the rest of you here.

(Lee) Oh, look,
that's Quincy's skiff!

Oh, come on, they're
probably in trouble.

(Parsons) What
makes you say that?

Anything could be going on.

Even a party.

Oh, no, Quincy would
have gotten word to me.

What're we gonna do?

(Parsons) You will do nothing.

I'm going up to have a look.

You wait down here.

You don't really expect to get
away with k*lling all of us, do you?

Oh, when we're finished here,

they're gonna rename
this place Stonefish Bay.

I've already proved that those two
deaths were not caused by stonefish.

But who's gonna believe you
when the newspapers report

that three more
bodies have been found

with stonefish spines in them?

What difference
does it make to us?

So, we k*ll them. Take them out.

[fireworks continue exploding]

[Liza grunting]

Give me the
cuffs, I'll cuff them.

They're not goin' anywhere. You
go through the cabin, I'm going aft.

I'm sure you know
what to do with that.

Go aft?

(Parsons) Everybody freeze.

[g*n firing]

Parsons, look out!

[g*n firing]

[Parsons grunting]



You stay out of it.

If you say so, honey.

[Mueller grunting]

[Alex grunting]

Didn't I tell you I'd get
you into a lot of action?

Thanks a lot, pal.

[Alex groaning]

Okay, come on.

When are the fireworks?

They're over.


Well, happy Fourth.





Well, only goes to show you.


How time flies when
you're having fun.

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