01x24 & 01x25 - House of Scares/Fakers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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01x24 & 01x25 - House of Scares/Fakers

Post by bunniefuu »

So Victor, it's back to good old fashioned room searches and peering through keyholes, eh?
Don't you have classes to go to?
Hey Victor! Have a nice day! I may not have my cameras any more.

But I'm still watching you, remember that.

Guys, guys, I woke up early this morning and went back down under the stairs, and I found this.

Hg Wells
- 'the time machine'?

It's "beleathered" like it says in the clue.

And it's about time travel so it could be "the only place where yesterday always follows tomorrow"?
Yes! What did you find?
Actually nothing.


But if it's there, I will! Amber wants to see the photo of "victor the ever

" That is soooo creepy.

It gets even creepier.

There are two or three other ones, all from different years.

And that same Victor is on them all.

Do you think he's a ghost or I don't know a vampire?
No, Amber, I do not.

Although, I do think it's confirmation of the existence of an elixir of life.

Okay, so now we've got proof, can we go tell someone?

This is just getting too scary We have got the photos to back it up.


Who do we show them to?
It's not enough proof.

Photos can be doctored.

Fabian's right.

We need to get our hands on the elixir itself.

That means going back down to the cellar.

If it means going into the cellar again then that's what we'll do.

We'll go back, we'll steal some of the stuff, bring it back and get it analysed.

Don't worry.

I'll do it myself.


We stick together.

I'm coming with you.

I'm coming too.

Sibuna, Amber?
Come on.

You started this club.

You named it and everything.

It's not the same without you.


Sibuna yes.


Oh yes.

We, buddy, have just been offered the opportunity for 'best prank of the year'.

Where were you this morning?
I was out with Mick.

You're spending a lot of time together these days aren't you?
I'm helping him with his training that's all.

I'm seeing him again after school at three, and then tomorrow at 9.

Be careful Mara.

He's a heart

No he's not, he's a sweetheart deep down.

Just like he's smart deep down.

Good morning everyone.

Listen, before we start today's class, I'd like to draw your attention to this sheet of paper on the wall here.

Anyone who's interested in auditioning for the school play, sign your autograph up there.

Amber, Nina how are you doing with the script?
Nina's all over it.

Right Nina?
I've written some of the early scenes.

But I'm not sure if they're winkler
- worthy yet.

Don't worry about it okay?
It all work in progress.

But I would like to start auditioning from next week if that's okay.

Next week?
I'm sure it'll be great.

I'm not.

I've gone with the whole Sarah theme.

But, I just hope I'm doing the right thing.

And stop! Dude you're tough.

The more we improve your lung capacity, the better your stamina.

That's good.

I didn't know you had this side.

This very very cruel side.

Ha ha ha.

What did you expect me to be like?
I don't know.

Like Mara.

And what's Mara like?




Sensible! I'll give you sensible.

I want 400 metres out of you now.

And I want it to be a new personal best.

You're back! Ah it's so good to see you! Trudy you're back! Careful, sweetie you'll break my ribs! Trudy Trudy Trudy Trudy Trudy! I'm so pleased to see you! Welcome home, Trudy.

We've really missed you.

And you have no idea just how much.

Seriously, we've all lost weight.

Welcome home! Can I help you with dinner tonight?
Or cleaning, anything, I've just missed you sooooo much.

Thank you, sweetie, but no school work comes first.



The hall is not a lounging area.

A word to the wise Trudy.

I don't want you listening to the students' little conspiracy theories again.

I know.

I'm sorry.

It's just they seemed so convinced that something was going on.

They're teenagers.


Over active imaginations.


So, can we put all that behind us?
Start again?
I don't see why not.

Oh good.

Oh thank
-you Victor.

You know I think the world of this place.

Just keep your head down and do your work.


Head down.

Do my work.

Come on! Come on, Mick! Keep pushing.

You're nearly there! Come on! Don't be such a lady! Show me what you got! Did I do it?
A new record.

By two seconds! Yes!!! Trudy! Trudy! Trudy! Trudy! For you Trudy.

We're all so pleased to have you back.

Stop it you guys.

Don't cry.

Cook! We reckon Victor got into some serious trouble from sweet and Andrews for f*ring you.

Don't be disrespectful, Fabian.

I'm sure Victor thought he was doing the right thing.

Time to put your feet up, Trudy.

We'll finish this won't we Mara?

And Alfie is going to make you a cup of tea.

Am I?
Does he have to?
Hey, it was just a tiny fire last time.

And I bought you some cake Trudy.

It's not as nice as yours.

That looks lovely sweetheart.

It is good to be back.

So what's with the secret smile?
I'm just a little bit on cloud nine.

Oh yeah?
We kind of kissed.

Uh oh.

Are you not happy for me?
I don't think you're his type.

He's not going to date you.

You've got nothing in common.

What do you even talk about?
His training programme?

Don't get me wrong.

I like Mick.

But he's not exactly an intellectual challenge.

He's very sweet and kind and he's got a big heart and I'm your friend.

I don't want this to end in tears.

Since when did you become such an expert on relationships?
I think it's important that friends are honest with each other.

You know what I think?
You're just jealous.


Surprise, surprise.

It's atl back in place.

He may be creepy, but he is good.

Even the stuffed Cat.

Ugh! Right, we know why we came here.

Let's get searching.

It's okay, it's okay.

Don't worry.

What was that?

Victor has been busy.

Which one is it?
This was the one I saw him drinking.

Are you sure?
As I can be.

It looks the same.

I really hope that was another Cat.

Here puss.


Amber, I don't think.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning.

I trust everyone slept well last night?
What's it to you?
I just care.

Sleep is an essential part of life.

So tell me, did anyone hear that Cat last night?
It sounded like a combination of a very old goat and a screaming baby.

That wasn't a Cat.

It was me.

And you'd scream too if you got cornered by a pair of zombies.

Amber! Sorry.

And once again, we enter the strange and unpredictable world that is Amber's mind.

But Jerome, you must have heard the rumours of what's buried down in the cellar.

Yes I have.

The two teachers who were buried alive?
You can hear their stomachs rumbling and at night they come out and eat your brains! Alfie!!! Think we found our zombies.

You pig! I've never been so scared in my whole life! Except that time when my dad froze my allowance.


Roar!!! You think you're really funny don't you?
Well, you're not.

Lighten up.

It was a joke.

What were you doing down there anyway?
Oooh! Haven't they gone quiet all of a sudden Alfie?
Morning, Mick.

And others.

Hi Mara.

I really thought they were Victor related zombies.

Me too.

Part of his, experiments.

Or family members?
I never really thought they were zombies.


Yeah right.

You were screaming louder than us.

We still need to get the elixir analysed.

I say we give it to the police.

And the photos, and the recordings.

We can't.

They're in it with Victor and his spooky friends.

We need to hide it.

I know.

Give it here.

Hey Mara! Hi Mick.

Okay for training later?
Of course.

I wanted to talk to you about yesterday.

You know, about the kiss.

Hey, waddyerknow?
It's Mick and his 'training partner'.

What's that supposed to mean deadbeats?
Sorry about that.

You wanted to talk?
I've got basketball practice.

I'll catch you later okay?
Okay, here's a list of all the british universities with major chemistry research departments.

Take your pick.

Just stop for a second.

What are we gonna say exactly?
Hi, we're a bunch of school students who think we've got the elixir to eternal life.

Will you test it for us?
They're gonna think we're insane.

This is freaking me out.

We have the thing, but we don't know what to do with it.

Drink it?
Just an idea Okay look, I'm going to go see Sarah this evening.

Maybe she'll be able to give us a lead?
Ask her about Rufus.

They obviously know each other if he was visiting her that time.

Yeah, maybe she knows why Victor's taken him.

Okay Alfie, this is a no brainer.

The 7th graders are young, stupid and desperate for fame.

But we are bright, but broke and desperate for cash.

It says on here that Simon cowell will be coming to watch the school play?
And your point is?
It's a lie.

Of course it's a lie, but it's their fault if they believe it.

Good point.

They brought it on themselves.

Amazing grace "amazing grace, how sweet the sound" Stop.

Grace that was so not amazing.

Next! Upbeat music okay, okay.

I've seen enough.

There's bad, there's super bad, there is terrifyingly, soul
-witheringly bad.

And then there's you.

Go away.

Next! To be or not to be.

And the answer is not to be.

Next! No! But I haven't done anything yet.

That's what you think.

We made thirty already.

They're actually paying to be insulted.


Wahey! Flowers?
What's going on here?
Auditions for the musical.

I spent hours practising my leona medley and they crushed my dreams before I could even open my mouth.

What auditions?
Irish music Alfie, Jerome! I think you've some explaining to do.

I thought you saiit was his day off! Alright guys.

Time for a taste of your own medicine.

That's your worst time yet.

And it's your peak performance time of the day.

Plus you ate the perfect ratio of protein to carbs.

Are you okay?
Bit preoccupied.

Look Mara I'm sorry.

What for?
I shouldn't have kissed you.


Why not?
I feel guilty.

Like I took advantage of your generosity in helping me out so much.

You're sweet and thoughtful.

But that's not the way I saw it.

All the same it probably wasn't a good idea.

Dance of the woodland pixies boooooo! Get off the stage! Okay boys, that's more than enough.


No stage presence, no talent.


Cute ankles though.

Well that's clear then.

No roles for you in the play.

But what shall we do with them?
We could make them clean the stage afterwards.

Couldn't we use them as scenery?
Ha ha ha ha.

That is a fine idea.

You guys can be in the play as live props.

Plus, you're on probation for a month.

Plus you will repay every Penny you embezzled.

With 50% interest.

To be donated to a charity of these guys' choice.

Oh no way! Not charity! What a waste.

Well now that's up to you.

It's either that or mr sweet's office.

Don't blame me.

It was your idea.

Well if it isn't our two resident comedians.

Heard about your latest failed scam.

(Mick laughs) Yeah, laugh it up.


The me and Mara stuff.

It's not funny okay?
I mean, I don't want to give her the wrong idea so quit with the comments yeah?
Yeah, 'cos you're really going to turn down a girl who worships the turf you walk on.

Seriously can you see me and Mara together?
She's straight and sensible and into books, I'm a fitness freak.

It's never going to happen.

Sarah, did your mom and dad ever talk to you about an elixir.

Not just any kind of elixir, like the kind you buy at a health food store or something.

But the kind that gives you eternal life?
I don't want to live forever.


But do you know people who do?
I had a visitor the other day.

Now what was his name?
That's it.


How do you know Rufus, Sarah?
We used to play together when we were small.

I think you're getting confused.

Rufus is much younger than you.

He was such a sweet boy.

Do you recognise this man?
It's him.

It's him.

No, no, no, no, no, no! He means to do it, child.

He wants to tip the scales of life! It's okay Sarah.

Calm down.

Okay I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

He's the one.

He k*lled them.

Now he wants to stay forever.

But you must stop him.

"Hush little baby, don't say a word, daddy's going to buy you a big black bird."
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