02x11 - House of Tunnels

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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02x11 - House of Tunnels

Post by bunniefuu »

You have the mark.

Why didn't you tell me?
Who are you?
Nina, shh.

Nina, you're making me look normal.

Who Who are you, To break up with me.

Amd then send me text messages.

Saying you still like me?
I guess I'm just a crazy person.

You were sending her text messages.

While I was doing the presentation.

Classy, Fabian.

I simply cannot apologize enough, Mr.


No need, Victor.

Their youthful zest.

Confirms that I've made the right choice.

I like the pupils here.

- I knew fab
-ina was still super mushy.

It's written all over your faces.

I think it's a cover story.

For what?
Amber, this is something we have to do on our own.

Come on, you guys.

There is no "I" in Sibuna.

There is, actually, Amber.

I know, but you get my point.

Does anybody care I'm hungry?
Back in the dusty cellar again, Just like the old times, You know, when we used to share.


Matching tattoos right before you split up?
It's the mark of anubis.

It means we have to find the mask of anubis.

For this egyptian spirit.

So far, so Sibuna.

If we don't, we forfeit our lives.

Oh, well, I didn't want anyone else to get involved.

In case they got cursed too, Like this crazy person.

Wha if by "crazy," you mean "trying to help you," Then guilty as charged.

When you're done squabbling, I am trying to deal with the fact.

That my best friends are totally cursed here.

And I know how that feels.

So here's the deal.

We have to put in the combination.

And go through that door.

You don't.

We can't ask you to take a risk like that just for us.

Have you seen the colors I accessorize with?
I am the queen of risk.



Can we go find this mask now?
Because I think they're doing cake upstairs.


Here goes.


Yes! It's some kind of study.

Seriously, there isn't gonna be something.

Behind door number one that isn't old and crusty?
Fabian's been gone for ages.

What's he doing with her?
Probably just kissing or making up, Etcetera, etcetera.

Or doing homework.

I mean, probably that one.

The good news is, I am going for my bolt cutters, And when I return, you shall be released.

What's the bad news?
And does it involve a toothbrush?
On any other day, yes.

But luckily for you, Today is a great, great day for me.

Today is a great day for us all.

Your attention, everyone.

We've signed on the dotted line, And the exhibition is officially ours.

Where's Jeffrey?
She went to take over her speech.


She was dumping me at the time.

Must be real hard for you.

I just don't understand her reasons.

I mean, I thought she really liked me.

Well, I mean, you still go to Australia now, right?
See you later, crocodile dundee.

Maybe I should talk to her again first.

Bad idea.

You do not want to seem desperate.

Oh, Mick! You're missing all the fun.

Have a bun.

Ha! Yay.

Yay! I tell you what, I'll talk to her for you.

Mara listens to me, And if she's got doubts, I'll know.

I can't believe you're being so sympathetic.



That's me.

You're not eating that?
This must be it.

At least we know we can get out now.


That's Sarah.

Look at this.




Robert Frobisher

It was Sarah's dad's.

Weird place to keep your jewelry.

A momentous occasion.

The book of !sis is just a whisker away.

Eternal life is within our grasp.

Efficient running of this school.

Is within my grasp, Victor, But not if I waste time.

Chasing things I will never have.

I am so thrilled to be involved, Mr.


I'll ensure that no one interferes with the exhibition, Just as you asked.

There's a different hieroglyphic on each one, A spider, crocodile, cow I've seen these before.

Same as the amulets.

But how do these amulets help us find the tunnels?
We've hit a dead end.


Have you seen these?
They look like journals.




They're Robert Frobisher
-Smythe's diaries.

Why don't we take a few each.

And see if they make any references.

To amulets or doorways, yeah?
Eh mm Great, Because I had nothing planned for the rest of my life.

You look happy to be young, free, and single again.

I've made a terrible mistake.

If he came along that corridor now, I'd tell him not to go.

Okay, sit down.

Come on, you'll be fine.

Come on.

You need some time alone.

I understand.

I tried.

I really tried.

Well, what did she say?
It's bad.

She started using your name.

In the past tense.

What does that even mean?
It means she thinks the sooner.

You move halfway around the world, The better.

Where have you been?
I'm quite busy right now, so Oh, too busy to tell anyone.

About the whole al
-fie thing.

Too embarrassed, maybe?
Okay, so we go public, But I tell people in my own way.

In my own time.

Got it?
Got it.

Let's seal the deal.

Hey! You're Fabian's godfather, aren't you?
The total ancient expert.

Know anything about omelets?
Big shiny things with pictures of animals on them.

Do you mean amulets?

So you really are an expert.

"today I saw a cloud that looked like a sphinx.

What a Joy it is to be alive.

" This is so boring.

If I read anymore, my eyes are gonna fall out.

I've got the lowdown on the amulets, Not omelets, whatever you two might think.

They were worn for protection.

Against what?
Bad luck, danger, evil spirits.

How did you find that out, Amber?
I've always been the brains of Sibuna.

That's why you need me.

Okay, I asked Jasper.

But he's your godfather.

We can trust him, right?
Yeah, but we still need to be discreet.

Look, I think we should go.

And take another look at those amulets.

Uh, guys SoI spoke to Mr.


It's official.

I'm moving to Australia.

When do you leave?

It's so decided?
Well, I reckon some people just can't wait to see me go.

But, I I We should never have let Amber get involved.

If anything happens to her, I'll never forgive myself.

Hey, it won't come to that.

But we've reached a dead end.

I don't think the spirit's.

Exactly gonna be thrilled with us.

These amulets must mean something.

Amber said, "protection against evil spirits.

" Yeah, I just think it's gonna take more than a necklace.

To protect us from this curse.


Come look at this! Fabian, come look at this! So we found our hidden tunnel system.

It's behind the bookshelf.

We just need to trigger the opening, So I was thinking we'd go back down there later tonight, Or sooner.

Whoa, Trudy, how many people are actually leaving?
Well Mick isn't the only one.

I've been offered a job.

Assistant curator at the exhibition.

First Mick, now you.

Since when did everyone become so selfish?
I need you, Trudy.

What if we get someone who doesn't think it's funny.

To pull spaghetti out your nose?
Don't, please.

I'm missing you all already.

SoMick, One more day and it's, "g'day, Australia.

" Ready for boot camp?
Really, not.

I guess I need to get back down to my p.


Right, Mara?
Right, come on.

What are we going to do for his send

I've got enough food in there to feed a Mick.

I'm thinking Operation "make it seem like we don't care, And then we jump out and tell him we love him.

" So, pop quiz.

Is it just a coincidence.

That you broke up with Mick.

At exactly the right moment to make him follow his dreams?

My turn.

When are you going to help poppy track down your dad?
She needs you.


Your dad clearly has stuff he needs to say to you.

I should be taking notes.

You're clearly the authority on honesty.

Me and Mick has nothing to do with you.

Oh, and another thing, Yeah, maybe I am interfering, But I just want to stop you doing something you'll regret.

Mara What did you say to her, Clarke?
I'm the one who just got slammed.

But I guess you know how that feels.

We're supposed to be friends.

I mean, it just seems like she doesn't want to know.

You know, the sooner I'm out of here, the better.

Trudy will be in the library, so we can Oh.

Of course, Mick's leaving party.

But we'll never get past.


Let's go choose what to wear.

Or we can borrow the cellar key.

From Victor's office.

It might be our only chance today.

Nina, no! Oh, bless you.

You've come to help.


Come on, Amber.

Uh Looks like our cellar trip is cancelled.

No, no, no, no, no.


Victor! Victor! Hey.

Victor! Yes, is there some kind of emergency?
Uh Wait, Mick, what are you doing?
You're not leaving now, are you?
Yeah, I thought I'd get an earlier train.

I hate good

Well, I must prepare.

For the arrival of the exhibit, So if you have nothing of any consequence to say W

Wait, wait! Yes, I do.

Victor, it's party time.

for he's a jolly good fellow for he's a jolly good fellow.

That's right, Victor.

It's party time! I did not authorize any party.

Uh, bit early, Fabian.

We're not ready yet.

There's no time like the present, Trudy.

Whoo! Surprise.

Surprise! Oh.

That was too close.

Did you get it?

Back to plan "a.

" Whoa, whoa, whoa, look out.

Surprise! Oh, guys, thanks so This is amazing.

Come and get some food.

Trudy's made a cake with your face on it.

Yeah, I'll be there in one sec.

- Mara a no

I'm sorry, Mick.

Ah, she's still freezing me out.

Oh, come on.

The guy you've wanted since forever is leaving.

I know I just couldn't sit here.

Okay, I give you both permission to slap me.

If I ever get like this over a boy.

Actually, I'm good.

I've been slapped enough.

I'm putting him first.

I can't let him stay for me Even if that means.

Sitting right here till he's gone.

Guys, come on.

All get together.

Yeah, get together, okay.

One more, come on.


- And 3

- Smile.

- One more, one more.

There we go.

Do one over this way.

Ooh, that's a good picture, actually.

Sorry, Mick, but your taxi's waiting.

Bye, mate.

Bye, Mick.

I hope you'll be okay.

I wanted to give you this.

I know it didn't exactly bring us luck, but I bet things will be different in Australia.

Thanks, ambs.

No Mara?
I guess, uh I better be going then.

You guys okay?

Let's do something to take our minds off it.

They just made themselves scarce, so I never thought I'd say this, But bring on the cellar.

Oh, bye, lovie.

- Oh, bye.

- Gonna miss you.

Mick! Mick! Mick! Mick! You wanted to make sure I've definitely gone?
No, there's something I really have to say.

Listen, me first.

I want to say thanks For everything.

If you hadn't been so honest, I really wouldn't be doing this.

Hey, snap.

What did you want to say?
Nothing, just Don't you dare forget me.

As if.

Bye, Mick.

That was really brave.

He'll understand one day.

You think?
This is Mick we're talking about.

Ow! I'm kidding.

Come on, guys.

Let's go eat.

Before Alfie personally inhales the buffet.

Poppy Clarke, You will never make a Cat burglar.

I was looking for Mara, not you.

Tell me you weren't going on a quest.

Well, if you weren't going to help me Dad really went to anubis.

You weren't making that up.


Same time as sweetie.

Doesn't it make you curious?
Come on, Jerome.

There's stuff we need to know.

If we do this, We're gonna do it properly.

I'm gonna hire a private investigator.

Correction: We are going to hire a private investigator, yeah?
There's no hidden catch, But there is this symbol of a bird.

On the top shelf here.

I've seen that somewhere.

Here it is.

It's the ibis, the symbol of thoth, The God of wisdom and learning.

He sounds awesome.

I've seen him before, On one of these books.

Yep, here he is, Our crazy, fun
-time God.

Of moldy old books.

I take it back.

Books are awesome.

Let me out!
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