07x06 - A Bite Out of Crime

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Forensic Files". Aired: April 23, 1996 – June 17, 2011.*
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Documentary that reveals how forensic science is used to solve violent crimes, mysterious accidents, and outbreaks of illness.
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07x06 - A Bite Out of Crime

Post by bunniefuu »

in 1997 two years after a series of

unsolved kidnappings and sexual assaults

in California one of the victims

suddenly recalled an important detail of

the crime she never told police she left

some forensic evidence in the assailants

vehicle evidence that left quite an


nestled at the base of the magnificent

Sierra Nevada range Visalia California

received unwanted publicity in 1995 a

serial r*pist was stalking young women

sometimes striking in broad daylight all

of the descriptions of the assailant

were similar but not identical

this woman was the first victim whom

we'll call Maria I was 16 years old

trying to keep up my grades do good in

school on July 14 1995 as Maria was

about to walk into her apartment she

stayed outside for a moment to smoke a


just as she lit the match a stranger

appeared he pointed a g*n at her ordered

her to get into the vehicle told her if

she did not he would k*ll her

the man admitted being high on

methamphetamines he drove her to a

deserted field assaulted her then let

her go

at the hospital a r*pe test kit did not

recover any biological material suitable

for DNA testing

Maria described her attacker as a young

white male with curly hair about six

feet tall his w*apon was a

semi-a*t*matic p*stol that face never

leaves your mind

never he just feel sad betrayed hurt

angry you get mad you just go through a

lot of pain Maria said the assailant

drove a blue or grey pickup truck police

found a tire impression near the crime


they photographed it and made a mold of

the impression ten days later there was

another incident a 33 year old woman

parked in the local shopping centre was

accosted by a young white male in a

white Ford Bronco end of your purse now

and enjoy Jeanette see you she

challenged him verbally and he fled

two weeks later a college girl was

stopped by a man in a blue Thunderbird

asking for directions I'm looking for

Esplanade Street could you get any help

me I don't but the girl was suspicious

and ran away later that morning the same

man stopped a young woman will call and

tell me how to get to Spinoza Street

actually would you mind getting in the

car and just driving with me to show me

I'm an agreed to show him where to go to

look at him he was a tough guy who you

could imagine luring the girls in her

cart because he looked relatively clean

Ted was relatively soft-spoken I had

nice vehicle along the way he stopped

behind a dairy barn saying he needed to

get some fresh air

and notice drug paraphernalia and

pornographic material in the backseat

the pornography depicted degradation and

v*olence towards women now fearing for

her safety she decided to run away when

she opened the door the man put a g*n to

her head he tied her hands hit her in

the head and the salted her eventually

he allowed her to go and she ran over a

mile and a half for help and described

the as*ault as particularly demeaning

while he was doing it this guy was

particularly brutal particularly

demeaning to the women that he was

assaulting and that was consistent with

all three of the cases at the crime

scene police found shoe impressions

possibly those of the assailant

and said the w*apon was a semi-a*t*matic

p*stol the same type of g*n used in

Maria's as*ault the victims each

described the attackers physical

appearance differently and if it was the

same man police questioned why he drove

a different vehicle to each crime

detectives in Visalia California were

investigating four separate incidents

involving attempted kidnapping robbery

and sexual as*ault in each case the

perpetrator was described as a tall

young white male carrying a

semi-a*t*matic p*stol he left little

forensic evidence behind a shoe

impression at one crime scene and some

tire impressions at another but the

vehicles were different and the victims

gave different descriptions of the

assailant raising questions about

whether it was the same man there was a

discrepancy in the height which often

occurs when you're attempting to

describe an assailant who has just

sexually assaulted and abused you at

gunpoint there was also some issues with

regard to describing the suspects hair

his hair length the first break in the

case occurred when police in Fresno

California about an hour's drive away

arrested a man they suspected of

committing similar crimes there he found

out that a similarly described suspect

with a similar vehicle have attempted to

separate kidnapping at incidents up in

their City

later in the day actually the same day

that our victim here in town was

confronted to see if this was the same

man assaulting women in Visalia police

showed the victim Maria a photographic

lineup that included the Fresno suspect

but Maria could not identify any of the

man next police showed the lineup to an

Tim I'm pretty sure that that's him we

placed a photo lineup in front of our

one victim and she positively identified

him now

Visalia police were convinced they had

their man but there was a problem in

their initial interviews with police

both Maria and and described their

attacker as having very little chest

hair the fresno suspect had a lot of

chest hair and his shoe size did not

match the shoe impression found at the

crime scene police doubted the Fresno

man was their perpetrator their

suspicions were confirmed a few days

later when the crimes in Visalia started

all over again

a white male in a blue Thunderbird

approached the 14 year old girl and her

six-year-old sister at an intersection

and tried to coax them into his car when

they refused he sped off a few hours

later police saw a blue Thunderbird in a

convenience store parking lot

the driver matched the description given

by the two girls he was 20 year-old Chad

Melvin man SIBO the son of a prominent

local dairy farmer he was married had no

criminal record but police found meth

amphetamines in his car the mo of his

att*cks in these women were indicative

of someone who was using methamphetamine

or crank pretty heavily he was very


he was very demeaning in just very

brutal with the women it's and it's

consistent in my experience with someone

who's chronic use of methamphetamine

I know you've done this before Maria and

just taking a photographic lineup Maria

positively identified Nancy bow as the

man who assaulted her

she was visibly shaken she began crying

as I recall and was quite obviously

quite upset I'm sure I've brought back

two memories of that day when she was

with that kidnapped and broody rake but

Maria said her assailants vehicle was a

pickup truck not a sedan police found no

evidence man SIBO had ever owned a

pickup truck I also had my agency

checked for vehicles that were had been

stolen in the last month matching that

description as well and everything came

back negative I couldn't get a lead on

anything in mansi Bo's home police found

a pair of tennis shoes when forensic

analysts compared Mansi Bo's shoes to

the Footwear impressions found at one of

the crime scenes the results were

inconclusive an also identified Manziel

as her assailant from the photographic

lineup but she had identified another

man just a few weeks earlier sure

because of these inconsistencies

prosecutors wanted more than just eye

witness identification they were hoping

for scientific evidence

that's him

on the strength of the eyewitness

identifications 20-year old Chad Nancy

Bowe was arrested for the kidnapping and

sexual as*ault of an aunt Maria what was

so horrific about the case was that it

involved such horrendous acts of

v*olence forcible r*pe and robbery

kidnapped at gunpoint to prosecutors it

appeared that Mansi beau was relatively

unconcerned about the charges he was

completely self-absorbed he was in a lot

of trouble he just couldn't understand

why mom and dad couldn't bail him out of

this and he repeatedly asked for mom and

dad to be able to come down and take him

home and he thought he was you just

thought they could get him out of this

the problem facing prosecutors was that

one of the victims had previously

identified someone else

our memories are actually not accurate

at all and victims at the time of a

crime most victims are victims at

nighttime when it's dark out so you

already have a visual disadvantage we

also know that your eyesight actually

diminishes in when you're in a panic

situation when you're afraid

and so when the victim says that's the

man and they're unequivocal that did

this to me they're probably wrong with

no forensic evidence prosecutors knew

that men's evos defense attorney would

challenge the victims identification as

man SIBO awaited trial investigators

interviewed his wife despite the

circumstances she tried to be helpful

she was pregnant with their first child

at that time and she knew that he had a

had been abusing methamphetamine she

knew that he had some bizarre sexual

appetites that became worse when he was

using methamphetamine but I don't think

she suspected he was involved in these

things the Mansi Bo's home was located

on his parents dairy farm which had a

number of different vehicles a search of

the California Motor Vehicles database

confirmed the chadman SIBO did not own a

blue or silver pickup truck that Maria

described but his father once did and

recently sold it police located the

vehicle 60 miles away this is the police

video tape of Maria examining that


she said it was similar to the one she

remembered but wasn't sure it was the

same one the new owner had made a number

of repairs and improvements so the

headliner in this vehicle is dead

suddenly Maria remembered an important

detail she had completely forgotten I

remember I did it

it was at that point that she recalled

while she was being sexually assaulted

outside the driver's side door as the

defendant had her bent over

she bit down on the weatherstripping I

wanted to leave something behind some

type of evidence teeth marks scratch

marks something I scratched the inside

of the truck and I bit down on lefty the

door by the window

I bit down really hard to try to leave

some type

tee's mark to identify

to police the marks on the black

weatherstripping appeared to be just

wear and tear but maria insisted it was

evidence the two-foot piece of black

rubber was carefully removed from the

driver's side window and sent to

forensic odontologist dr. Norman's


during his 40-year career

dr. Sperber has examined bite

impressions in a number of items found

at crime scenes I've seen them in apples

I've seen them in cheese I've seen it in

sandwiches and never before however on

weatherstripping I had never seen that


although it had been nearly two years

since those bite marks were made the

elasticity of the rubber retained the

imprints in their original form all of a

sudden I could see four small rectangles

which I knew represented the lower front

teeth dr. Sperber marked the

indentations with small dots next

Maria's teeth were set in a kelp

alginate material to make a model of her


when doctors pervert compared Maria's

dental impressions to the bite marks in

the weatherstripping he discovered a

clear a match on the weatherstripping I

noticed that one of the teeth was

sticking out the right front tooth the

victims teeth I noticed the same tooth

that right front tooth is sticking out

every tooth just fit precisely I had

never really seen a match quite so good

on inanimate object before despite the

fact that two years had passed despite

the alterations to the car made by the

new owner police could now prove Maria

had been inside that vehicle it was not

a crime about sex it had to do with

v*olence the defendants hatred for women

the things that he said to both of these

girls during the commission of the

sexual as*ault a girl remember b*tches

while he was doing it when police

searched Chad Nancy Bo's home they

discovered even more incriminating

evidence they found the pornographic

videotapes and reported seeing in mansi

Bo's car and police also found

amm*nit*on for a 380 gauge

semi-a*t*matic p*stol when JEB Mansi

beau went on trial for the kidnapping

and sexual as*ault of both Maria and

Anne prosecutors portrayed him as

extremely dangerous

a man without guilt or conscience he

didn't care who he had to hurt to get

what he wanted like I say he's a

hedonistic self-absorbed little brat as

expected the defense challenged hands

identification of Nancy beau since she

had initially identified another man

although there was very little forensic

evidence what they had was overwhelming

Maria's bite marks proved she had been

inside the truck owned by the Mansi both

family a vehicle the Chad often bothered

after explaining my conclusions under

direct examination by the prosecutor I

remember being very surprised that there

was very little questions and very

little time spent by the defense in a

cross-examination of on me and I assumed

was because the evidence is so dynamic

the sixteen-year-old biting down on the


was what you would call the smoking g*n

in the case essentially it prevented the

defense from arguing that they had the

wrong guy in that particular case and

the fact that she at the time was being

sexually assaulted thought enough to

bite down on the black rubber weather

stripping and scratch the door area is

amazing it's incredible that someone

would think to do that

the jury found Chad Mansi both guilty of

two counts of kidnapping r*pe and sexual

as*ault he was sentenced to 155 years in

prison and won't be eligible for parole

until he served 133 years

it was a huge sense of relief that this

sexual predator will never walk the

streets again he will never be able to

do this to anyone else

he's a brutal user if I'm convinced I'm

given the opportunity he would use again

he would use people again to get what he

wants for his media pleasure I wouldn't

want my daughters around him I wouldn't

want your daughters around him and I

don't think in the any caring parent

would chad Mansi Bo's conviction has

provided closure for Maria

who has since moved to San Antonio Texas

to build a new life without her bite

impressions in the rubber on that pickup

truck prosecutors might not have been

able to make their case the message that

should be sent is if this does ever

happen to someone else and they are

being sexually assaulted leave behind a

piece of evidence because that forensic

evidence can absolutely be a crucial

piece of evidence in a case I didn't

want anybody going through what I went

through by him and now I'm satisfied

with myself because I know that will

never happen to anybody else by him

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