01x01 - Teddygozilla

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Code Lyoko". Aired: 3 September 2003 – 10 November 2007.*
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Series centers on a group of teenagers who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko to battle against a malignant artificial intelligence known as XANA who threatens Earth with powers to access the real world and cause trouble.
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01x01 - Teddygozilla

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme tune intro playing]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪

[digital sputtering and beeping]

[theme tune fades into background]

[Milly] Okay, are we rolling?

[Tamiya] Yeah, but we're upside down.

[Milly] Hello fellow students
of Kadic Junior High.

Your ace reporters, Milly and Tamiya
are here to bring you an exclusive

for today's school news,
and it's really big,

since as I'm pretty sure you already know,

tonight is the big night,
the night of our annual school prom.

[camera static buzzing]

our cameras weren't authorized

to film the site
where the festivities will take place.

But I can make out
from where I'm speaking,

the girl who might be crowned
our beauty queen tonight,

just as she was last year.

I mean of course,
your principal's daughter, Sissi.

Let's see whether
she'll answer a few questions.

Well, Sissi, how about a few words
for our TV audience before the big night?

Sorry Munchkins,
I only talk to real pro reporters.

-[Sissi] I have no time

-to waste on a couple of nerds.
-[Tamiya sighs disappointed]

But it's for the school news program.

[Milly] What about freedom of the press?

Milly, little dipsticks your age
don't have any freedom. Understand?

Anyway, who needs your dumb reporting?
What do you know?

Besides, you've got a problem.

Don't forget you have to have a date,
and I don't know anyone

who'd want to go
with a jerk like you... even them.

[Sissi] I'll bet if you asked them,
they'd run like scared rabbits.

Who needs them?
There are lots of other boys.

[Sissi] Oh, Yeah?

What are you waiting for, then?

Try and find one.

[Sissi giggles mockingly]

[hesitating] Ulrich, would you...
would you be my date tonight?

[pauses doubtfully] I'm sorry Milly.

It wouldn't be a very good idea.
I'm too old for you.

And, well you see,

-I promised to go with Yumi.
-[Sissi] You see?

[laughs mockingly]
What did I tell you?

But don't worry Milly, I'm sure
you'll find a boy for the sandbox dance.

[Sissi] Meanwhile,
why don't you go play with your dolls?

[footsteps rushing and door creaking]


Milly wait!

[Yumi] I hope you're proud of yourself!

[tense strings playing]

[synth and drum beat playing theme tune]

[digital sputtering and beeping]


[Jeremy] Aelita, this is Jeremy.
Do you read me?

[Jeremy] Aelita?

-[digital sputtering scanning]
-Hi. How are you?

I'm fine. How about you?


I didn't see anything unusual
around the towers. It all seems quiet.

Well, for the moment.

You know, I'm making progress
with my research, so...

So you can come and live with us.

The key to materialization?

You found it at last?

[Jeremy hesitating] Well no,
not yet but... I'm working on it.

It's just a matter of time.

Then XANA won't be able to do anything
to harm you...

-or us.
-That's great. Thanks.

[theme tune playing]

[Tamiya] Milly, don't cry.

We'll go to the prom. You'll see.

As for the news, Jim said it was okay.

We have until nine o'clock.

-[Milly sobbing] It's a waste of time.
-[Tamiya sighs disappointed]

Better face facts, Tamiya.
They don't care about us or the newscast.

[dramatically] I hate them, all of them!

I hate every single one of them!

I hate everybody in the world!

[Tamiya] You don't know
what you're saying.

-It's just the...
-[Milly crying] Stop it.

I'm sick of you too!
So just leave me alone!

-[crying dramatically]
-[Tamiya] Hey...

It's true.
Ulrich could've been a little nicer.

[tape ripping]

Don't look so gloomy, Ulrich.

Is it because of Milly?
You could have said yes.

You know me and the prom...

Even if I was your date?

[Ulrich] Sissi really did come on strong.

If meanness is one of the qualities
of a beauty queen,

she'll get reelected all right!

That's true,

-but try to get Miss World to see that.
-[laughs sarcastically] Miss World?

Miss "In her own world," more like it.

-[everyone laughs]
-[Sissi snarls angrily]

-[piano notes playing]
-[birds chirping]

[sighs] At least you don't care
how old I am, do you?

We understand each other.

We're not like those dumb older kids
who always want to run things.

They think that because we're young,
we don't count at all.

If for once, we were older,
a lot older than them,

-they wouldn't laugh at us, would they?
-[Tamiya knocking] Milly?

-are you in there?

Are you finished sulking?

Hurry, we have work to do.

[Milly] Okay, okay, I'm coming.

You stay right there.
I'll be back for you.

[door creaking and slamming]

[Tamiya] We have a report to finish
on the prom, remember?

[tense music build-up]

[static buzzing]

[creeping slush]

[loud roar]

[theme tune playing]

Hey, I hope you two aren't gonna follow me
around all day long.

As far as I know, you're not beauticians,
so stop sticking to me like glue.

I don't need you. Understand? So scat!

[hesitating] Uh...

Sissi, we thought...

Take this advice: Don't think.
It doesn't suit you.

[both boys] Uh...

[chuckles to self and sighs]

[sighs relieved]

-[heartbeat thumping]

[Sissi] A bunch of babies at our prom!
They've gotta be kidding.

-[sighs relieved]
-[upbeat music playing on the stereo]

And that other freak
who had the nerve to invite Ulrich.

Can't believe it.

If anybody's going out with Ulrich,
it absolutely has to be me.

I am the star, the diva of the school.

[heartbeat thumping]

[Sissi shrugs and giggles to self]

[heartbeat thumping intensifies]


[heartbeat thumping quickly]


[heartbeat thumping quickly]


-[music fades to low volume]

[heartbeat thumping]

[exhales and giggles]

-[tense music playing]
-[heavy footsteps]


[heartbeat thumping]

-[heartbeat thumping very quickly]
-[Sissi sighs]

[bottles rattling]

Who's there? Answer me! Who is it?


-[Sissi yelps]

[yelps and squeals]

-[Sissi yells]

[theme tune playing]

[door creaking]

Move along. Back to your dorms.
Everything is just fine.

Looks as if we've got ourselves
a super scoop.

What do you say we take a look
to make sure that our old friend XANA

isn't behind this.


-What do you think?
-[Jeremy] A simple short circuit.

Too many appliances
plugged in at the same time.

[Yumi] Yeah, the hi-fi, lights,
lady shaver, curling iron all together.

What do you expect to happen?

[Jeremy] Not to mention
the brain stimulator.

[laughing] although she probably
never figured out how to use it.


[camera flashing]

[Tamiya] I don't know what happened,
but if you ask me, Sissi had it coming.

[Milly] I couldn't agree with you more.

[Milly gasps]

Oh, no! My teddy bear is gone!

[Jim] Aha! Caught you!

It's forbidden to play in the garden shed.

-Wait a minute, Jim. It was my...
-I don't wanna know why.

I've told you a hundred times

that this place
is much too dangerous for children.

Look at all these rusty tools.

What do you think this is,
a kid's playground?

-[Milly] We know but...
-[Jim] No buts.

Now I hope I made myself real clear.
Entry forbidden.

Access reserved for adults.

[Milly] With you,
everything is off limits.

Now you listen here,

I would change the way I talk
if I were you, little girl.

[angrily] Little girl! Okay, I'm young.
So what?

It's only big kids
who can say what they think?

So you think you're real big kids.

Okay, that's fine.

News report or not, the two of you
are grounded for tonight in your room.

Great, Milly, really great!

Thanks to you, it's goodbye prom.

[yelling] Now, beat it!

-[Milly sobbing]
-Aw, Look at the pictures we took.

They're really fantastic.

[Odd] Something wrong, Milly?

Somebody stole her teddy bear.

[sobbing] And I'm sure
one of the big kids did for spite.

Milly, you're right. Look at this.

It's a picture of Sissi's room.

[Milly] And there's my teddy bear hidden
under her pillow. Incredible!

[jokingly] Ah, who'd have believed it?
Soon she'll be playing with dolls.

Okay, come on now. We've gotta find her.

If Jim catches us in the dorm,
we're in big trouble, Milly.

[Odd] You go back to your room.
I'll handle this.

[both sigh and then laugh]

[ominous music playing]

What's going on now?
Who's there? Come on out!

-[rustling noises]

[nervously] You better watch out.
I'm a black belt.

-[Jim yelps]

-[Jim shrieking loudly]

[puzzled] Hmm?


[puzzled sigh]

[Mr. Delmas] You're sure, Jim
that this is your attacker.

[Jim whimpering and babbling]

[Mr. Delmas] And you say
he's an expert in martial arts?

[Jim whimpering and babbling]

I think it would be better
not to call the police. Right, Jim?

[Jim whimpers]

What happened to Sissi?

It was...
it was kinda weird, don't you think?

It was a short circuit,
a simple short circuit.

What else could it be?

[Jeremy] I'm not so sure,
and you know just what I mean.

Anyway, let's play it really cool.
Walls have ears, you know.

[Yumi] Well, I've gotta go now
and get ready for the prom tonight.

Sometimes being a day student
can really be a total drag.

[Ulrich] Don't complain. No one wakes you
at 6 a.m. You have hot water,

and you don't have to sleep
near smelly Odd.

[Yumi chuckles]

[Yumi] See you later.

[door creaks and shuts]

[Mr. Delmas] Odd, are you looking
for something?

No. You see.
I just heard about what happened to Jim.

-Do they know who att*cked him?

For now, I think our gym teacher

-could use some rest.
-[paper wrinkling]

[paper clacks]

[trash rustling]


[Ulrich] XANA in a teddy bear?

[Jeremy] Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

He's always where you least expect him.

Okay now guys,
who goes and who stays here?

We can't have a solo mission.
It's too dangerous without Yumi.

If you go alone, you never know
what you're gonna find over there.

-[Odd] I volunteer.
-[Jeremy] What did I just say, huh?

Well, have you got any other ideas?

There've been two accidents.

We can't leave the school unguarded,

and even going back in time,
if there's an accident, it's all over.

Odd is right. You go, and I'll stay.

If I find any clues,
I'll pass them on to you.

Go on, and say hi to you know who for me.

-[theme tune playing]
-[Jeremy] Mhm...

-[door creaks]
-[footsteps echoing]

[theme tune build-up]

[upbeat theme tune]

[wheels rattling]

[upbeat theme tune continues]

[electric guitar strumming theme tune]

[elevator door shutting]

[elevator zooming]

[machinery rattling and clunking]

[gate slamming]

[elevator zooming]

[hatch rattling and clunking]

[seat zipping]

[theme tune fading to background]

Aelita? Aelita!
Aelita, it's Jeremy! Do you read me?

[digital sputtering]

Hi there!

We think that XANA has launched an attack.

-Have you noticed anything?
-No, nothing.

But we can take a closer look.

Aelita, I'm sending Odd.
He's coming over solo.

Ulrich had to stay behind
to watch for any virus action at school.

Odd's ready to go.

[Jeremy through walkie-talkie]
How are things with you, Ulrich?

It looks like we have a problem...
a big one!

[capsule zooming]

[Jeremy] Transfer Odd.

[hatch zooming shut]

[Jeremy] Scanner.

[capsule humming]

[Jeremy] Virtualization.

[electricity buzzing]

[whooshing and buzzing]


[drum beat and synth playing]

Jeremy, it's bad, huh?

The bear got out of the school.

If he's under XANA's control...
he'll only become much madder.

It'll go for anybody that's around,

especially his mortal enemies... like you!

[shocked] Huh?

Oh, Yumi!

-[tense music playing]

[Aelita] You see that?

The tower that XANA
has activated can't be too far away.

Well... not down there anyway.

Maybe on the neighboring plateaus.

[Odd] Mmm... Oops, uh...

Too late!
Here comes the reception committee.

[Aelita gasps]

-[Odd growls]
-[Aelita yelps]

[Jeremy] Odd,

take good care of Aelita!

-[phone call connecting]

-[Ulrich panting]
-[phone call connecting]

Answer, will you answer!

[phone ringing]

[water splashing]

Odd, what's going on?

[laser beams blasting]

[Odd grunting]

Laser arrows!

-[Odd grunts]
-[laser arrow firing]

-[Aelita gasps]

[Aelita yelps]

[Odd screams]

[Jeremy] Odd, you just lost
another ten life points!

[Odd] No kidding!

-[Odd panting]
-[laser beams blasting]

[Odd grunts]

Odd, I'm afraid we haven't any choice.

[Odd gasps]

[screaming] No!

-[laser beams blasting]
-[Odd grunts]

[Odd panting]

[doorbell rings]

-[water dripping]

[doorbell rings twice]

[slow footsteps]

[door creaking]

Ulrich, watch it, will you?

-Sorry, are your parents home?
-No, they went out.

Okay. Come on. We can't stay here.

-Hey, would you mind explaining?
-We don't have time.

-Come on!

-[heavy stomping]

[mechanical footsteps]

-[Aelita gasps]
-[Odd panting]

[Jeremy] Odd, be careful.
You only have 50 life points left.

[Odd grunts]

Laser arrows!

-[Odd panting and grunting]
-[laser arrows firing]

-[laser arrow firing]


-[rocks rumbling]
-[Aelita yelps]

-[Aelita yelps]
-[Odd gasps]

[screaming] No!

-[Aelita screaming]
-[Odd grunts]

-[Aelita screaming]

-[Aelita screaming]
-[Odd grunting]

[Odd] Oh!

[sighs relieved]

We can't leave you alone
for one second, huh?

[Aelita sighs]

-[Aelita] Odd, I think I found something.
-[static buzzing]

[theme tune playing]


-[heavy stomping]

-[man] No!
-[woman gasps]

Oh, no!

-[roaring in the distance]
-[both panting]

-[heavy stomping]

-[both panting]
-[heavy stomping]


-That way!
-[Ulrich grunts]

[heavy stomping]

[Ulrich groans]

[heavy stomping]

[both groan]

[Ulrich sighs nervously]

[heavy stomping]

[Ulrich] Jeremy, it's Ulrich!

Yumi is with me.

We're coming back to the school
to evacuate everyone.

Tell Odd to move it!
It's getting rough around here.

[computer sputtering]

Odd, hurry up! Teddy's getting real angry!


-[Aelita] The tower can't be too far away.

Let's see now.

[Odd grunting]

-[both gasp]
-[Odd] Uh-oh.

-[both gasping]

Houston, we've got a problem.

-[both panting intensely]

[both panting]

Odd still hasn't found
the activated tower.

You clear the dorms.
I'll take care of the gym.


[both panting]

-[both panting]

-[rumbling intensifies]
-[Aelita yelps]


[Odd panting]

[Aelita gasps]

[Odd gasps]
We found the tower, Jeremy.

Great! Well done!
Now all you have to do is deactivate it.

Ok. Just give me a minute
to say hello to an old buddy of mine.

[Jeremy] Cut the courtesy,
you only have 50 life points left.

You can't let him hit you.


[Odd grunts]


[muffled club music playing]

-[club music playing]
-[people chatter]

[Ulrich grunts]

Hey Ulrich!
You could've made a little effort!

I don't believe how sloppy you look.

-[Jim] Well, I'll let it go this time.
-[Ulrich sighs]

[Jim] I'll put it down
to the company you keep.

Try to chill out, and have fun.

You look like you're expecting a disaster.

[Sissi] Ulrich!

-[Ulrich groans]
-[Sissi giggles]

How are you? Hey, where did your date go?

[Sissi] Next time, just call me.

[Mr. Delmas] And now, the moment
you've all been waiting for.

The election of this year's beauty queen!
So get ready.

-[people cheer and applaud]
-[Sissi giggles]

Gotta run now. It's my moment of triumph.

[both laugh in a silly manner]

[both stop laughing]

[beam charging and blasting]

-[loud blast]
-[Odd grunts]

-[rocks rumbling]
-[Odd panting]

Well, that's what I call
a really warm welcome.

-[beam blasting]
-[Odd yelps]

-[loud blast]
-[Odd screaming]

Odd's not gonna make it on his own.

-[digital zooming]
-[Jeremy] Yes, he will.

Odd, go on, you have to hit the target.

[beam charging]

[muffled club music playing]

And now everyone, this year, once again.

It's time to elect the young lady,
who in your view, combines,

more than any other girl, charm,
grace, beauty and elegance.

-And here is our first candidate!
-[Ulrich through microphone] Stop!

-[Mr. Delmas grunts]

Listen to what I have to say.

You have all got to get out of here.

We have to evacuate the gym.
Now, keep calm.

[Ulrich] I'm not joking...
this is serious.

We are about to be att*cked
by a gigantic teddy bear.

-[everyone laughing]
-[boy] Teddy bear!

-Aha! I knew it!
-[everyone stops laughing]

I saw it too.

-I saw the giant teddy bear too.

Shut up all of you, you bunch of idiots!

Can't you see what he's trying to do?
It's a trick, I tell you.

A trick to keep me
from winning again this year.

A gigantic teddy bear, come on.

Why not King Kong while you're at it?

[heavy stomping]

[everyone screaming in panic]

-[everyone screaming in panic]

[Sissi screaming]



-[roaring and smashing]
-[Sissi screaming]

[Jeremy] Odd, it's now or never.

[beam charging]

-[Odd grunts]
-[powerful beam blasting]

[Odd screaming]




[gasps and groans]

[panting and chuckles]

[whistles relieved]

[Jeremy] Go on, Aelita! It's up to you.

[tense music playing]

-[digital warping]
-[Aelita gasps]


[tense music playing]

-[teddy growling]

[menacing music]

-[Ulrich yelps]


-[heavy stomping]
-[Ulrich panting]

[Ulrich yelps]


-[teddy growling]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[Ulrich groans]


-[loud roar]


-[Ulrich sighs relieved]
-[Yumi] Ulrich, are you OK?

Yeah, sure.

[Yumi laughs relieved]

-[digital sputtering]


[loud rumbling]

Ready for a trip into the past, Yumi?

-[rumbling intensifies]
-[indistinct reversed chatter]

[theme tune playing]

Ulrich, would you, would you...
would you be my date?


-I'd be glad to, Milly.
-[boy 2] Huh?

-I'll see you here at eight.

Why sure.
You're not too mad at me, are you Yumi?

Not at all.

Anyway, my secret admirer
will take me tonight. Right, Odd?


But Ulrich, you're gonna go with that...
that silly baby?

That's right, I sure am. But don't worry.

When your brain
gets another neuron or two,

maybe I'll go out with you too.

-[growling angrily]

-You are recording, Tamiya, I hope.
-[Tamiya] You bet I am.

-This is a scoop!
-[Milly] A super scoop!

[theme tune playing]

[digital warping]
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