01x05 - Big Bug

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Code Lyoko". Aired: 3 September 2003 – 10 November 2007.*
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Series centers on a group of teenagers who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko to battle against a malignant artificial intelligence known as XANA who threatens Earth with powers to access the real world and cause trouble.
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01x05 - Big Bug

Post by bunniefuu »

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪


[children voices and birds chirping]

And so my mom says: "I'm not gonna
let you go out dressed like that."

Then she says: "Just look at your t-shirt.
You can see your navel!"

Well, you know me. I tell her:

"Listen, mom, everyone dresses like that.
It's the latest style."

-So then she says...
-Hold it a second.

It's Ulrich. Just look at him.

Oh, how can anyone be that handsome?

[Sissi] Hello, little ones.

Aren't we a bit wet behind the ears
to be looking at boys?

I don't believe it. Look at yourselves.

You've even got a drop of milk
from your bottle on your cheek.

[Tamiya] Hmm?

[snickers] She believed you, Sissi.

Not only is she a baby,
but she's also dumb.

Hey, Nicolas,
you should defend her, not insult her.

You dumbbells ought to stick together.

Besides, girls,
you're setting your sights much too high.

Ulrich's way out of your league.

Why don't you just go back
to your dolls and stop dreaming?

Oh, yeah?

You think that because
you're a few years older and play the snob

that all you have to do is snap
your fingers, and he'll come running?

I don't think. I know.

There isn't a boy in school
who's not dying to go out with me.

Stick around and learn.

[Sissi] Hi, how are you?

Well, what do you know,
it's Miss Conceited in person.

[Sissi] Nobody asked you, creep!

So Ulrich, when are you going to stop
being so shy

and finally tell me
how you feel about me, huh?

You're wrong. I'm not shy, not at all.

I'm just allergic
to anyone who's stuck up.

And in that category, you win hands down.

[everyone laughs]

[only Nicholas laughs]

[Sissi grunts]

I'll bet she's been telling you
how nobody can resist her charm.

She's right, too.

Just take a look at the two "nobodies"
she's always hanging out with.

-[Nicholas growls]
-[Sissi] Take it easy.

[tense music]

Wow, you ought to be a dog trainer
when you grow up.

Go on, laugh all you want.
Show your friends how clever you are.

[Sissi] But I see the way you look at me
when they're not around.

I think she's hallucinating.

Oh, no! Speaking of dogs,
I have to go and feed Kiwi.

I'll go with you.

Wanna come, Yumi?

I'll see you later.
I promised Jeremy I'd stop by and see him.

[theme music]


Hi Yumi, come in.

[Yumi] What are you doing?

I'm working on a new program,
a sort of catastrophe alarm system.

The idea is to rate non-natural disasters
on a scale of one to ten,

and once I've got it finished it,

I'm gonna get it onto every website,
or information network, if you like,

and any time the system registers
a disaster that rates higher than five,

it automatically informs me.

And then what?

[Jeremy] It's the surest way for me
to identify a possible XANA attack.

Wow, that's cool.

What's on your mind?

Well, it's... it's Ulrich.

I wonder...

do you think he likes Sissi?

Sissi? You're kidding. Come on.

I never would have believed it,
but you're really jealous, aren't you?

[angrily] What? You're kidding.

How can you think for a minute
that I could be jealous of that dimwit?

That is ridiculous!

Hey, eat a little slower, will you?

You look like Nicolas in the lunchroom.

Don't insult my dog, huh.

His manners are ten times better
than that sloppy airhead.

[chuckles] I've got a great idea
that might be fun.

What do you say we take our friend Sissi
down a peg or two?

There's nothing in the world
I would rather do. What's your idea, huh?

[phone rings]

A message:

"You're the fairest of them all.
I can't resist you.

Meet me in the garden shed."

[gasps] I knew it!

[theme music]


[male tech 1]
Do you read me? What's going on?

I can't contact any aircraft!

[female tech 1]
The traffic lights are all blocked!

The city's gonna be in total gridlock.

[female tech 2] The trains aren't
stopping anywhere. What's going on?

[male tech 2] I don't know,
but I've got a sort of eye on the monitor.

The train switches aren't responding.
The trains are out of control.

[female tech 2]
Have you contacted the conductors?

[male tech 2] Most of them.

The problem is that trains 3611 and 9432
are completely a*t*matic,

and they're on a collision course,
and I can't stop them!

[female tech 2] They're freight trains.
How long before they collide?

[male tech 2] Twenty-six minutes.
But the 3611 is a special convoy train,

carrying a load of highly toxic chemicals!

[theme music]

[Jeremy] One last adjustment
and the program should be ready.

There we go.

Now there's nothing left to do
but wait until XANA rears his evil head.

A mysterious and powerful virus

infected all of the country's main
computer systems just a few minutes ago.

The infrastructures affected
are very numerous and vital.

They include communication, banking,
subway systems and air traffic control.

The most imminent danger however,
is the probability of a major train crash.

For more information, here's John Swamp.

Thank you Ellen. That's right.

Two freight trains
are on a collision course,

and one of the trains
is carrying highly toxic chemicals,

which if spread into the atmosphere,

would cause an unprecedented
environmental catastrophe.

[train horn blows]

[train horn blows]

[Ellen] John, is there
any way of preventing this disaster?

None at all, for the simple reason that
the trains are both computer operated,

and therefore impossible
to control at this time.

It'll take a miracle to stop them.

The authorities are considering
an evacuation of the local population.

You try to warn Ulrich and Odd.

I'll head over to the lab to contact
Aelita and prepare the transfers.

[theme music]

[birds chirping]

-[phone vibrates]

Yumi's trying to reach us.
She's gonna blow our cover.

Gotcha. I'll shut off my cell phone.

What's going on with them?

Come on,
one of you's gotta be able to answer.

I'm here, Ulrich.

[Sissi screams]

[sad trombone]

[groans disgusted]

Oh, what is going on around here?

[Odd and Ulrich laugh]

[Odd] Irresistible Sissi.

You're right.
Not even a dog can resist your charms.


Hey don't knock it, Ulrich.

This is a step up because Herb and Nicolas
are no match for Kiwi.

[giggles] Sorry, to drag you away, Kiwi.

-[Sissi groans]
-[Odd whistles to Kiwi]

You'll pay for this!

That's okay. soon as you're all dry,
send us the bill.


[Sissi grunts]

[Sissi grunts]

[Kiwi panting]

Kiwi. go home now.

-[Kiwi barks]
-[Odd] Go home, boy.

That's it.

[Ulrich] It's a shame
we didn't take a picture.

[Odd] Yeah. Imagine the headline
in Milly's and Tamiya's newspaper:

"Sissi and Kiwi. An Impossible Romance."

[Odd and Ulrich laugh]

[groans] I seem to recall
a school rule that says:

"Pets are strictly forbidden on campus."

Rules must be obeyed!

[theme music]

[train horn blows]

[train horn blows]

[action music]

Aelita, do you read me?


I was working on your latest
materialization program.

Forget it for now.
There's no time. We've got a big problem.

XANA's launched an attack.
Have you noticed anything?

No, but I'll go have a look around.

Yumi, were you able to contact them?

[Yumi] No, they've shut
their mobiles off. I'm looking for them.

-[door creaks]

Where in the world can they be?

[soft music]

[Kiwi whimpers]

That's it. Go beddy, bye now,
you horrible little mongrel.

Oh, Yumi, you got here too late.
You missed a great show.

Sissi's got herself a boyfriend.

Although "boy" is not exactly
the right word. Anyway, they're in love.

Hey, I've been trying to reach you
for fifteen minutes. Thanks, guys.


XANA has just launched an attack.

[Ulrich] Okay, I read you. It's urgent.

[Jim shouting] Hey, you there!

Oh, no,
as if we didn't have enough problems!

So it seems you forgot the rules
here at school, huh?

Pets are not allowed.

Yeah, we know that, Jim,

but you're not gonna make a big deal
out of a little dog, are you?

That's for the principal to decide.
Follow me.

[Odd grunts]

[dramatic music]

You're even a worse pain in the neck
than I thought.

How could she do such a thing?

She got her revenge, but we can't worry
about it now. There's no time.

C'mon, there are too many lives at stake.

[theme music]

The situation remains unchanged.

The two freight trains
are completely out of control.

Army units have begun to evacuate
the people in the immediate area.

Now for other news around the country.

The capital is in a state
of total gridlock.

Huge traffic jams are creating chaos,

and the police are totally swamped
and unable to help,

and since all alarm systems are down,
there's a tremendous amount of looting.

[Jeremy] Got anything new, Aelita?

Yes, I do, Jeremy.

I've picked up pulsations.

It seems that the activated tower
is in the desert. I'm on my way.

Hey, where's Odd?

He's in the principal's office
'cause Jim found out about Kiwi.

Okay, you two,
get ready for immediate departure.

Do we really have to stay here?
Don't be like that. Come on, Jim.

You heard the principal.

You've gotta stay in the study hall
until your parents get here

and pick up that mutt!

[sad trombone]

[Odd sighs]

And I'm gonna stay here
and keep an eye on you.

[theme music]

[Jeremy] Transfer Ulrich.

Transfer Yumi.

Scanner Ulrich.

Scanner Yumi.



[Ulrich and Yumi grunt]

Everything's cool, Jeremy.
The transfer was successful.

No problem, and Aelita's here.

Okay. Great, and no monsters in sight.

[Ulrich] Any news from Odd?

[Jeremy] No, not yet.
I'm try to contact him.


[phone rings]

-Huh? Well, what do you know!
-[Jim] Huh? What did you say?

Uhh... nothing, I uhh...
I have to go outside for a minute.

Dogs have well...

they have certain "needs,"
if you know what I mean.

[sad trombone]


Forget it. What he needs
is to get some sleep.

[sighs disappointed]

[theme music]

[action music]



The tower is there.

That's too easy.

Yeah, looks like a real XANA trap.

Hey, Jeremy,
do you see anything on your screen?

No, nothing, not even a single monster.

Hey, Kiwi, come on, wake up.
Want a biscuit?

-[Kiwi wonders]

A nice big doggy biscuit? Huh?


Hey, what's the matter with him?

I warned you.
If I don't take him out for a walk,

you're gonna have some mopping up to do.

[Jim] You think I'm stupid, huh?

Soon as you're outside,
you'll take off, right?

Me? I wouldn't do that, Jim.

Okay now, stop.

You can't pull that one on me.

I'm gonna take the dog out myself,
and you're gonna stay put and not move.

You got that?

[train horn blows]

Fourteen minutes.

Just 14 minutes left before
the two trains collide with each other.

Remember, one of them...

[Jeremy] Alert, you're surrounded
by four monsters.

Where are they? I don't see any monsters.

[Ulrich yelps]

[Aelita and Yumi grunting and yelping]

[intense beeping]




Yumi, Ulrich, get out of there now!
You're losing too many life points!

[Ulrich] Great idea only how do you
suggest we do it? Sprout wings, huh?

There are a lot of rocks on your right.
Try and lose them in there.

[mechanical footsteps]

[Ulrich] Yumi, take Aelita away with you.
I'll handle them.

-But Ulrich...
-[Ulrich] Don't argue. Run!

[grunts and inhales]





Impact! [yells]


-[Ulrich grunts]

[Ulrich yells]

[theme music]


Well, are you gonna do it or not?

How're you doing, Jim?
Walking your "wittle" doggy?

-[Milly and Tamiya laugh]
-[Jim grunts]

Okay, you had your chance.
We're going back now.

[Kiwi groans]


I don't believe it!

[sad trombone]

Oh, no!




[Odd] Hey, did I miss the party?

I guess you could say that.

Ulrich has the grand total
of ten life points left.

What about the trains?

Eight minutes to impact.
Better get a move on.

[Ulrich grunts and yelps]

[grunts] Impact!

-[Ulrich grunts]


[Ulrich gasps]

[grunts loudly]

-[Ulrich grunts]


[Yumi] Run!

[Yumi and Aelita panting]

[theme music]

[Jeremy] Transfer Odd.

Scanner Odd.


[Odd grunts]

[Yumi and Aelita panting]

[mechanical footsteps]

[Yumi and Aelita panting]

-[lasers blasting]
-[Yumi panting]

-[Yumi grunts]
-[Aelita groans]

[both groan and gasp]

[Yumi grunts]

[Yumi] Telekinesis!





-[heavy crash]
-[grunts] The coast is clear!

[Yumi grunts]

Oh, no!

Jeremy, help!

Hang on. Odd is on the way.


[Jeremy] Welcome back to our world, Yumi.

[exhales exhausted]

[Yumi] I'm sorry, I did what I could.



[Ulrich] Aelita,
you're crazy! What are you doing?

Get out of there, now!

[ethereal chant]

[rocks rumbling]

Yes! I was sure she'd do that!

[Yumi gasps]

[Aelita grunts]

[panting heavily]

-[Odd groans in slow motion]
-[Aelita groans]

[Odd] Laser arrow!

[tense music]

[tense music]

[everyone gasping]

-[Jeremy] Yeah!
-[Ulrich] Just in time!

Return to the past now!

[Sissi] Alone at last, Ulrich,
just the two of us.


-[Herb] Wow!
-[Sissi yelps]

Herb, what the...

-Sissi, I love you too.
-You what?

[Herb smooches]

Cut it out!
Are you out of your mind or what?

[Herb grunts]

But I got your text message.

"Meet me at the garden shed.
I love you. Sissi."

We're gonna give Tamiya and Milly
a real scoop.

Guess who's gonna make the front page
of the next school paper?

Just keep dreaming, you creep!
In the meantime,

you've got some explaining to do
when my father hears about this!

Hey, Sissi, wait a second!

That's really such a shame.

We've just seen the beginning
and the end of a beautiful romance!

[everyone laughs]

[theme music]
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