01x08 - End of Take

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Code Lyoko". Aired: 3 September 2003 – 10 November 2007.*
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Series centers on a group of teenagers who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko to battle against a malignant artificial intelligence known as XANA who threatens Earth with powers to access the real world and cause trouble.
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01x08 - End of Take

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme tune intro playing]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪


-[film projector whirs]
-[dramatic music plays]

[woman gasping]

[monster growls]


[monster growls]

[woman sighs]

Totally ridiculous.

Wow, that was great.

I thought
the special effects were pretty good,

but well, it wasn't scary enough.

You're kidding.

How come your teeth were chattering?
For the sound effects?

[Jeremy, Ulrich and Yumi laugh]

Dear students, your attention please.

I would like you all to give
a warm welcome

to the director of the film
you've just seen,

and which we all found very...


And here he is now, James Finson,

who is honoring us
with his presence today,

to discuss his work
in the fascinating field of cinema.


Uh, that's right,
and I'm also here to look for locations to

sh**t my new film.

[multiple] Wow!

[Finson] In fact, I heard
there's an old factory around here

that nobody uses anymore,
which I'm very interested in.

A factory? Oh, no! Not ours!

[theme music]

[kid] Great! Thank you, sir.

[Jeremy] If Finson finds out about
our super computer, we're in trouble.

And that means we absolutely
have to stop him from using it.

Yeah sure we do, but how?

Hmm. Nothing to worry about.
I got an idea.

How come every time he says
there's nothing to worry about,

I get worried. And I mean, worried!

[Sissi] Oh, I'm so glad
to meet you, Mr. Finson.

I just love your films.

I'm a big fan of yours.

Oh. Oh, really? Well, I can't argue
with your taste. I like my films too.

What's your name?

[Sissi] Um. Why don't you just write

"To Sissi, a rising star

who I'm going to give
the leading role to in my next film."

I think I'm going to write

"To Sissi, who's got a lot of nerve!"

...and a lot of talent!

Well, I'm very sorry, Sissi,
but the casting is over.

The parts have all been distributed.

So, better luck next time, huh?

[sad trombone]


[clears throat] Uh, hello, sir.
The factory you were talking about,

I was wondering
if you'd already been there.

No, but I'm going to start
my scouting later today.

Well, you see I know the place inside out,

and, uh, I really don't think
you could find a better guide.

[laughs] It looks like everyone
in this school has a lot of nerve.


[Finson] Fantastic!
It's even better than I thought!

[Ulrich] Yeah, it looks all right.

The trouble is it's falling apart.

Hopefully, the ceiling
won't fall on our heads.

That's great. I love a dangerous sh**t.

That's what I always look for.
An actor is always better under pressure.

Um, Mr. Finson, you better
watch out for your equipment.

It's crawling with rats.

[Finson] Rats? That's lucky.

I've got some big scenes
to sh**t with rats in them.

Conclusion: Never trust Ulrich when
he says there's nothing to worry about.

Yeah, he tried to gross him out.
Instead, he's even more excited.

[Ulrich] You're right, it's a great set.

Too bad about all that uranium
they stored here for so many years.

Maybe one day,
it won't be radioactive anymore.

Mmhmm. Do you know where
this freight elevator leads to?

Oh, that old thing?

Uh, it stopped working ages ago.
Anyway, they say that

-when it was working, it...
-[loud clanking]

-[ghost noises]

What was that noise?

That noise? Oh, it's nothing.
Nothing at all. Uh...

[Jeremy] Well, there is an old rumor that
this factory is haunted by ghosts,

but I don't believe a word of that.


This place just keeps getting
better and better than I thought!

And you seem to know
every nook and cranny of it.

[action music]

I know!

How would you like to work
as a technical adviser on the film?

-Yes! Do it!

Are you serious?

Of course I am!

[all] Yay!

[all] Shh!

Uhm, well, it would be a great honor, sir.

The only problem is that the principal
would never let me miss my classes.

Let me talk to him.

[theme music]

[Herb] Sissi, your father will never let
Ulrich miss even one hour of school.

Hmm. We'll see about that.

Nothing's gonna stop me from
becoming a big movie star!

[both sigh]


Wow! He said no. Incredible!

I even promised
to put his name in the credits.

Uh, Mr. Finson, can I talk
to you for a second?


[Jeremy] I don't believe it!
Sissi got a part in Finson's film.

Yeah, in exchange for convincing her dad
to let me skip school.

Ulrich and Sissi
working together on a film.

This could be
the beginning of a great romance.

Yeah, right.

She won't leave me alone for one second.

Your real job
is to be there, in the factory,

making sure that nobody discovers our lab.

Come on!
It's not going to be as bad as all that.

Are you sure it's not too heavy?

[Ulrich grunts dragging a luggage]

When I think that I'm about to become
a big star, and that you, Ulrich, honey,

are lucky enough
to witness the event live!

-[Jeremy scoffs]
-[Sissi] Oh, I envy you. I really do.

[Sissi] Uh, hello.
Mr. Finson is expecting us.

Do you have cell phones by any chance?

Uh, cell phones? Why of course!

How could think we didn't?

Confiscated. Mr. Finson's orders.

[tense music]

[man assistant] During the sh**ting, it's
forbidden to communicate with

the outside world without Finson's okay.

That's so there are no leaks
about the script, or newspaper gossip.

That's also why everyone sleeps here,
with guards at the entrance.

[blond man]
We sh**t this one from above, right?

[man assistant] Apart from
all that, it's a lot of fun.

Yes, but what if we have
to get in touch with, uh,

our parents, for example?

In case there's a problem, huh?

When you sh**t with
James Finson, there's never a problem.

Cut off from the rest of the world!
That's so incredibly romantic.

It's almost like
being alone on a desert island.

Fantastic. I can't wait.

Well, it's time for you all to meet
the main character of my movie.

Prepare yourselves for a big surprise.

[all gasping]

Don't be shy. Tell me what you think.

It's my best monster yet, right?

And to top it all off,

I've invented a way to make him squirt
slimy, disgusting threads of goo.

It'll knock your socks off. You'll see.

[piano music]

Funny, but it makes me
think of the alien in that film, uh...

-I can't remember the name...
-My creature is unique, young man,

and my movie will be
like no other ever made!



Mr. Finson, I'm very anxious
to get my script, if you don't mind.

I'd like to start working on my lines.

You see,
we professionals are very serious.

Oh, why, of course.

Just one second. Here it comes.

-[Finson] There.
-Thank you.


You've got it kid!
You'll be the alien's first victim.

Twenty seconds on the screen.

Yes, but twenty seconds of glory!

-[Finson laughs] Gory glory, too.


[theme music]

[crickets chirping]

I think we can sh**t that one in no time.

[dramatic music plays]

The problem gonna be the next scene.

[dramatic music keeps playing]

[music turns ominous]


Hey, what're you doing in the lab?
Anything wrong?

They took my cell phone away.

Finson's totally paranoid.

It won't be easy
staying in touch with you.

-[footsteps approaching]
-[Sissi] Well, well!

What kind of a weird place is this?

Hey, Ulrich, please tell me that
that wasn't Sissi's voice I just heard.

Uh, Sissi, listen.
I can't explain this to you,

but, uh, you can't
tell anyone about this or else...

Or else what? A monster's going to
squirt goopy goo all over my face, Ulrich?


-[monster growls]
-[Sissi gasps]

-[monster growling]
-[Sissi screams]

Jeremy, we've got a big problem here.

Ulrich, what's going on?
What's that noise?

-[Ulrich] Follow me. Hurry up.

-Come on!

[door closing]

Ulrich, what is going on? Answer me!

[both panting]

[both gasp]

[monster growls]

[machine slowing down and stopping]

[Sissi gasps]


[tense music]

[Ulrich] Up there.

You gotta climb up. I'll follow you.

[monster growls]

[Sissi gasps]


Let's go. We can't stay here.

Through here. Come on.

X.A.N.A.'s up to something.
A tower's been activated.

[Jeremy] I'm launching a scan
to localize the tower.

I'll wake Odd, call Yumi,
and we'll be on our way.

[dramatic, ominous music plays]

[man] Who's the moron that...
Oh, it's you, boss. I'm sorry. [laughs]

Not bad, huh?
I just composed it for the film.

Okay, all you lazybones,
let's go. We've got a movie to make.

[Finson] Go get the alien.


-[man] Boss!

Better come and take a look. Uh...

We've got a little problem here.

[tense music]

A little problem huh?

You call this a little problem!

Go and find him, you understand?

He couldn't have walked out on his own.
Go find him!

Mr. Finson, the two youngsters
have both disappeared.

[theme music]

[tense music]

Finson's alien monster...

It's come alive!

How can a machine, made of plastic and
rubber, come alive like...

[monster growls]

[tense music]

-[Sissi screams]
-[splattering and growling]


[snoring softly]

[action music]

I'm gonna try and find Ulrich and Sissi.

-We'll stay in contact, okay?

Aelita, Odd's about to make the plunge.
How do things look?

[action music]

Pretty bad. You were right, Jeremy.
X.A.N.A. is up to no good again.

I've localized the tower.
It's in the polar region.

[soft music]


[woman assistant] Do you really think it
was those two kids who stole the alien?

[man assistant] If it was them, they
better hope Finson doesn't find them.


[tense music]

Okay Jeremy, I'm in.

[Jeremy] Aelita's on her way
to the polar region.

That's where the scan localized the tower.
I'll launch the transfer.

Transfer Odd.

[action music]




[Aelita] Odd!

[Odd] Nice little place,
but it could use a little heat.

The tower plateau is in that direction.

Let's go. If we run, it'll warm you up.

[theme music]

I don't get this at all.

Why did he leave us alone,
when he could have just as easily...

I'm pretty sure he wanted to use us
as bait to attract the others.

When you say the others, Ulrich,

do you mean that whole g*ng of yours?
But why?

Ulrich! Sissi!

Oh, Yumi!

Whatever you do, don't move a muscle.

Boy, aren't you funny!

Oh, Yumi! I never thought
I'd be saying this to you one day,

but I'm actually very glad
to see you for once.

You can kiss and make up later.

We've gotta go
or X.A.N.A.'s gonna get his way.

-[Finson] Come out of there!
-[all gasp]

And make it snappy!

[drama music]

Odd, Aelita, watch out!
X.A.N.A.'s sent his monsters out.

Just behind you,
there's a swarm of them armed with lasers.

[Jeremy] Twenty life points per impact.

[Odd] A little battle's
bound to keep me warm.

[action music]

[Odd] Talk about a reception committee!

Laser arrow.

Oh! Odd, watch out!

Let's keep going.

Yumi! Yumi, can you hear me?
Where are you?

Come on, answer me, Yumi. Please answer!

Tell me right now!
What have you done with my alien?

[door opens]

[monster growls]


But... What...

Let's go.

-Boss, did you find the--

Don't let them get away! Get a move on!

[monster growls]

Stop! I created you.

You have to obey me, you hear?


[tense music]

[monster growls]

Jeremy, it's Yumi.

Yeah. I did find them,

but X.A.N.A.'s taken possession
of a monster who's gonna be here--

[monster growls]

Odd, Yumi and Ulrich are in big trouble.

There's not much time.

[Aelita gasps]

[Odd] Wow, that sure is steep!

[Odd] But we have no choice.


-[Odd laughing]

-Wow! What a fabulous ride!



Hey, I think I just might
settle down and live here!


[Odd] Yeehaw!


By the way Jeremy,

what's at the end of this?

[Jeremy] Well, I, uh...

[Odd] Oh, I get the idea. Geronimo!

[Aelita] Ahh!


[Jeremy] At any rate,
the tower is pretty close now.

Thanks for the info, Jeremy!

[theme music]

[tense music]

-You think he's called it quits?
-I doubt it.

For once, I had a chance
to show how talented I am,

and that mechanical monster
has to go nuts.

And what's more he decides to pick on me.
I don't understand.

What did I ever do to that plastic
piece of junk to deserve that, huh?

Hey Ulrich, you think you can get her
to keep still for a second?



Well Aelita, any sign of that tower yet?

Yes, but I may be seeing double.


Jeremy, there are two towers.

How can that be?

I only saw one on the holomap.

X.A.N.A. must have done that
to confuse us.

Well, we've gotta choose one,
and pronto, too!

Hello, Jeremy?
Well, have you got any news for us?

Yumi, what's going on? Answer me, Yumi!

[Jeremy] Yumi!



[Odd] I know what you're gonna tell me.

Hurry up!

Well, for your information,
we're not exactly having a tea party here!

[action music]

-Get down!

Aelita, you've gotta choose
one of the towers now.

I can't hold them off much longer.


[Odd] Laser arrow.


Take that!

Oh no, I'm out of arrows!

Here I go.


[ethereal music]

[Yumi and Ulrich struggling]


if I happen to choose the wrong tower,

it'll be all over. You know that.

I have faith in you, Aelita.




Jeremy, I'm sorry. I chose the wrong one.

No. Wait!

[ethereal music]

Return to the past now.

[rewind sound]

[theme music]

[Ulrich] Great idea to use
the factory for a movie.

Thanks. I must confess that
my ideas are...

I say this with great modesty,
absolutely ingenious. Here.

It makes a great set.

By the way, you do know
that a film was shot here once before.

You're kidding!

No, a science fiction movie with an alien.

[laughs] And a fabulous picture too.

No. No, I've given it some thought,

and I don't think
the factory is a good idea.

Besides, it wasn't
my idea in the first place.

What's that?

How dare you accuse me of lying to you!
I can find another producer, you know!


-[Finson] I'm not upset!
-[all laughing]

[theme music]
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