01x15 - Laughing Fit

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Code Lyoko". Aired: 3 September 2003 – 10 November 2007.*
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Series centers on a group of teenagers who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko to battle against a malignant artificial intelligence known as XANA who threatens Earth with powers to access the real world and cause trouble.
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01x15 - Laughing Fit

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music starts]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love

If we give, all we've got
We will make it through

Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world

Today, make evil go away

Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all

Code Lyoko, be there when you call

Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall

Code Lyoko, stronger after all


[computer blipping]

[woman laughing]

I've never seen her laugh so much.

You're telling me!
I've never seen her laugh at all!


The gas I've just inhaled
in a small quantity

is called nitrogen protoxide, N2O.

[laughing] For those of you
interested in chemistry, of course,

although it's better known
as laughing gas.


[Ms. Hertz] You can see why this gas
is sometimes used in hospitals to...

relax patients
who are going to be operated on.

[Ms. Hertz laughing]

Not a bad idea.

Nothing like a laughing attack
after an appendix attack.


But let's try to stay serious.

In strong doses,
this gas can be highly toxic,

provoking very serious modifications
in perception

and even lesions in the nervous system,
sometimes even fatal.

So one can, as the saying goes,
literally die laughing.


Only one thing can neutralize the gas:

All you need is one drop to volatilize it.

[Ms. Hertz] Enough of that! Get out
a sheet of paper for a surprise quiz!

[theme music]

[Ulrich] She's been sulking for two days.
Nothing seems to cheer her up.

I can try some of my jokes on her.

That might do the trick.

I'm not saying you don't have
a good sense of humor, Odd,

but I'd rather go and talk to her.

You think Ulrich will manage
to get her to smile?

Yeah, sure as Julia Roberts is gonna call
and invite me out to dinner!

Yeah, I think you're right.
She's really down.

[Yumi] Please, Ulrich, leave me alone.
I really don't feel like talking.

But I feel like talking... and with you.

If you like talking so much,
talk to yourself. Okay?

[Ulrich sniffles]

[girl] Don't worry, Ulrich.
Not all girls are like Yumi.

[making coy noises]

Yeah, that's a shame.


[Sissi] Hey wait, Ulrich.

Are you coming tomorrow,
to the rehearsal? Huh?

Yeah, I'll be there,
but not for you. It's for Odd.

For your information, it's thanks to me
that Odd's playing the music.


And if you want to be part of the group,
the role of Romeo is just ideal for you.

And I suppose that you, of course,
are Juliet.

Yes, that's perfect casting,
don't you think?

Well, it's a perfect reason for me
not to play Romeo!


[theme music]

[tense music]


[slithering and spluttering]

[steam hissing]

[ominous sounds]


[woman] It's you, darling.

I said to myself we couldn't stay angry
with each other for...

-Oh, hello, Ulrich.
-Good evening, ma'am.

I wanted to talk to Yumi.

[Ulrich] What about your dad? Where is he?

Um... staying with a friend from work.

And what was it your parents argued about,

I have no idea.

My mother tried to tell me,
but... I didn't understand.

[Yumi] And I'm not sure she did either.

Yeah, those arguments are the worst.

I'm really glad that you came.

Thanks, Ulrich.
You know how to cheer someone up.



[Aelita] It's strange
that they're mad at each other.

Yumi and Ulrich always get along so well.

You know, Aelita, very often people
who get along well have fights.

[Aelita] Oh, really? What about you and I?

-Why don't we ever fight?
-You and I? I don't know really.

Anyway, XANA's been quiet lately.

Too quiet, don't you think?

What I worry most about
are the risks you all take.

You know,
XANA would really love to get rid of you.

Don't worry, the only one of us
who's in any real danger today is Odd.

He's rehearsing with Sissi.
Now that's what I call a risk!

[soft guitar music]

I don't know if she'll appear tonight.

But uh... [mutters indistinctly]

I know she loves me.

That's awful!
It's about as flat as a pancake!

It's not me, it's the lines.

What's wrong with the lines? Hmm?

[laughs] I can't even say them.

There's nothing wrong with them. It's you!

You know how long I spent on the text?

Well, my guess would be about 30 seconds.

I dare you to repeat that!

[Sissi] I'd rather you repeated
your lines, Herb, and with feeling.

Nicolas, there's no reason
for you to be on stage,

and Odd, you're playing much too fast.

Sure. If I play slower, it'll give me
enough time to take a little nap.

Hey, keep all your bad jokes for yourself,

Okay, now let's take it again
from the top, and try to concentrate!

[slow guitar playing]


[Herb] I don't know
if she'll appear tonight.

But I know... but I don't know
if she loves me.

[Herb] Oh, a guard en garde...


-[Odd laughing]
-What is going on?

Well, what is it now, Odd?

-[Odd laughing uncontrollably]
-[Nicolas] Come on, it wasn't that bad.

You're not gonna wanna laugh
when I get through with you!

[Herb] Forget him, Sissi!


[Odd gulps and coughs]

[Odd coughs]

[ominous music]

And don't bother coming tomorrow, Odd.

We're performing a tragedy,
not a musical comedy!

[Odd] Huh? Hey wait...

[theme music]



Good evening, sir.
I would like to see my father.

Just a second. I'll get him.

Would you know why your mother and father
aren't talking to each other?

I was afraid of that.

Yumi, how nice to see you. Come in.

Daddy... I want you to come home.

Listen, Yumi.

This is between your mother and me,
and she and I have got to work it out.

Oh yeah, and how?

You're not even willing
to talk to each other! [sniffles]

I think I've got an idea.

It was crazy.

I really didn't feel like laughing at all,
but it was impossible to stop.

As soon as Sissi poured water on me,
that was it. I stopped immediately.

N2O, laughing gas.

[Jeremy] Ms. Hertz said the only thing
that could volatilize it was water.

You think this could be a XANA thing?

You never know.

Aelita, keep looking around.

Okay, but no pulsations for now.

Let's see if the bottle of laughing gas
is still in the science room.

[Odd] Kiwi, you stay here.


[Sissi] If you've come to apologize, Odd,
don't bother!

Oh, it's you, Ulrich.

What are you doing here?

Well, I was wondering, Sissi,

if there was a part,
even a little one, that Yumi could play.

And why would I want to give Yumi a part?

Forget that I even asked. Good-bye!

No, Ulrich, wait, I...


There just might be a solution.

Aelita and I, we never fight.
You think that's normal?

[gasps] Yeah... No... How do I know?

You think we'd fight
if she lived here in our world?

What I do think is that we're gonna
get caught if you don't hurry up.

[knob rattles]

[Jeremy] Bingo!

[Jeremy] It's empty!
Guess we ran out of gas,

if you pardon the expression.

Tomorrow, we'll go to the factory
instead of the play and check things out.

[seagulls cawing]

Aelita? Hey, Aelita, can you hear me?

[shrill rattling]

[Aelita panting]


[computer's voice] Communication refused.

-Okay, Jeremy, I'm ready to go.

[action music]




Thank heavens, a tower just in time.

-[Aelita yelps]

[Aelita panting]


[Jeremy] I'll transfer you
to the mountain region.

I've spotted some monsters there.
The tower can't be far.

[Jeremy] Transfer Odd.


[Jeremy] Scanner Odd.

[ominous music]


[Jeremy] Virtualization.

[loud whirring]

-[computer] Data transfer problem.



[breathing heavily]

I feel very weak, Jeremy.
Did anything happen during the transfer?

Jeremy? Can you hear me, Jeremy?


Jeremy, can you hear me?

[Aelita] Jeremy!

[Odd shouting] Jeremy!

[theme music]

Well, there we are.

I've put cue lines up everywhere, Ulrich.

[Sissi] You'll see.
You'll make a perfect Romeo.

-Hey, I'm doing it for you.
-She's right, you know.

You do make a perfect Romeo!

Okay, Yumi, now come with me,
so I can show you your costume.

I can't believe you stole my part!

It isn't my fault, Herb, I swear.

I wonder why I don't just slug you.

Fear, maybe.

[Yumi] Please tell me
I don't look too dumb, huh?

Don't be silly.
You look really stunning.

I hope we're not doing this for nothing.
Did you talk to your folks?

Yeah, they're gonna come.

-Both of them? How'd you do it?
-I lied.

I told each one of them
that the other wasn't gonna come.

[chuckling] Adults can be
such children sometimes, huh?



[panting and grunting]


[Jeremy screams]

[smoke swooshing]

[Odd] Oh, oh.

This is not a good time to desert me,

The welcoming committee looks really mean,
and I'm not feeling too good.

-[Odd] Jeremy!
-[computer] Virtual envelope damaged.

[shrill rattling]

Things don't look so good.

[Jeremy panting and grunting]


-[Jeremy screams loudly]
-[water splashing]

[water spluttering]


[theme music]

[man] Good evening.


There's my mother.

Good evening.

I suppose your husband
is meeting you here tonight.

No. My husband isn't able to come.

He's... not feeling well.

Oh, Mr. Ishiyama, I'm delighted to see
that you're feeling better already.

-Feeling better?
-Your wife has just arrived.

My wife... is here?

[Mr. Ishiyama clears his throat]


[Ulrich] You're not out of the woods yet.

[wheels approaching]

[Odd] I'm too weak to fight them.
I'll have to trick them.


Here we go!

-[Odd screams]



[Odd] Laser arrow.

[Odd screams]

[Odd] Aelita, are you there?


[Odd gasps]




Hurry up.
XANA might send us more monsters.

We'd better not stay here.

[theme music]

[Ulrich stammers] I... Um...

I don't know if she will appear tonight
at her balcony.



[audience murmuring indistinctly]

[whispers] What does it say?
I can't read it.



Does she... What does it say?

Oh right! Does she love me?

Anyway, I think she does.

[audience murmuring]

Enter guard? En garde, guard!


[Ulrich] Hide, hide!

[audience laughing]

Look, it's Yumi!

Boy, they're tough.

Oh, no, where are my next lines?

I see them.

[tense music]

[smoke swooshes]

[Jeremy moaning]

Go away!

[ominous music]

[Odd] There must've been a problem
during the transfer.

I feel weaker and weaker.

[breathing heavily]


Odd, you okay?

-Yeah, I'll be just fine.
-[Aelita gasps]

[light rumbling]

You've got to hang on, Odd.
You see the pulsations?

The tower that XANA activated
can't be too far.

I hope not.

-[Odd yelps]

-Hey, what's that?
-Oh no!

That's all we needed... A labyrinth!

[Ulrich] Ah, at last you're here.

You, who is so fair and fair...

[tense music]

We've been here before, I'm sure.

[breathing heavily and moaning]

We're lost.
Without Jeremy's help, it's all over.

Well, Jeremy, how do you wanna die,
freezing or laughing?

I've gotta do something.
I can't hang on any longer!


[swooshing ominously]

You who lights up my days.

You who is the sunshine of my nights.

[Nicolas] This is awful.

He's massacring my text.
Even you were better.

Oh, my Romeo, you are my beau.

Oh Romeo, caro mio, amore mio...

-[audience laughing]


What did I say? What's so funny?


Everyone is laughing at me now.


[Ulrich and Yumi laughing]

It's not normal. They're going to choke!

We've got to find a way to help!

I know what to do.

-[Ulrich laughing]

[ominous music]

What happened? [gulps]

It was like I was being controlled.

What's he talking about?


This thing's afraid of water.

-Sissi, give me that fast.
-You could say "please."

Sissi, give me that bottle, will you?
Hurry up!

Come on.


[Yumi breathes heavily]

-Yumi, you're okay?
-[Yumi exhales]

[Ms. Ishiyama]
Darling, we were so frightened.



-[Ulrich screams]
-[Yumi laughs]

What's going on?
What's the matter with her?

[Jeremy panting]

[screams and laughs]


[breathing heavily]

-[ominous music]
-[Odd moaning]

We're almost there, Aelita.
I've just had a psychic vision.

You have to go left, you hear?

And don't wait for me. I'm too weak to go.

Okay, Odd, I'll get there.
Don't worry.

Oh, I'm not worried.

[moans and groans]


[Aelita panting]

[Aelita panting]




Water and call for help, please hurry!





[Jeremy] Return to the past now!


[soft music]

[Yumi] You gotta be kidding. I won't ever
be part of that dumb play again!

[Ulrich] At least now we know
how to get your folks together.

I'm never gonna wear
that stupid costume again!

-I agree.

I've got a better idea.

As for Ulrich, I'm really sorry,

but you've to sacrifice yourself
one more time.

At least, that way,
we can finally see you as Romeo.

Let's face it, a nice laughing fit
is good for you from time to time.

I don't know if she'll appear tonight
on her balcony,

but I'm certain...

Uh... I'm certain she... she loves me.

And I know I love her very much.

And I know I love her very much.

Oh no, a guard!


[audience laughing]

Where's Yumi?

Isn't she supposed to be in the play?




[audience laughing]

It worked.

What's the matter now? What happened?

Why are you all laughing?

You don't understand drama!

This is not a comedy! It's a tragedy!



[theme music]
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