01x16 - Claustrophobia

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Code Lyoko". Aired: 3 September 2003 – 10 November 2007.*
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Series centers on a group of teenagers who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko to battle against a malignant artificial intelligence known as XANA who threatens Earth with powers to access the real world and cause trouble.
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01x16 - Claustrophobia

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music starts]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give, all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪


[computer blipping]

[Jeremy] Aelita, do you read me?

[Aelita speaking through computer]
Yes, Jeremy. Hi!

All alone? Where are the others?

[Jeremy] They're out playing soccer.

But I was feeling tired.

[Aelita] Tired? That's interesting!

Jeremy, how do humans know
when they feel tired?

Well, you feel like
you don't have any energy,

like having weak batteries,
and so we rest a while.

And... is resting
something you like doing?

I used to find it really boring.

But ever since I met you, Aelita,

it's such a pleasure hanging out together.

It is for me too, Jeremy.

[Odd grunting]

-[Odd] Hey Ulrich, pass it over here!
-You won't get by me!

[both grunt]

[grunting and gasping]

-[both] Mmm...


I don't believe it!



Oh, no!

Another goal! Seven to one!

-This is turning into a romp.
-[Ulrich] It sure is.

[Yumi] Okay guys! It's getting late.

-I've gotta head for home.
-Okay. So long, Yumi. See you tomorrow.


You guys are so bad!

What a couple of losers!



Do you guys need a little help?

-Who are you?
-Theo. I'm new around here.

I just moved into town.

Wow! And I like this school already!


[both chuckle]

-Hi, my name is Sissy.

And these two friends of mine
are Herb and Nicolas.

The worst soccer players you ever saw.

Nice to meet you.


-Odd is the name. And he's Ulrich.
-Hi Theo! Welcome!

-Do you play?
-I sure do. Let's go!

Which team should I play with?

We don't need you, okay?

I thought you were down seven to one.

-What do you think, Sissi?
-Why not? Yeah, okay.

It sure can't get any worse.

[Theo] Mmm...

[Theo clears his throat]


[theme music]

[digital whirring]




[ethereal music]

-[Aelita] All right, Jeremy. I'm here!
-[Jeremy speaking through computer] Okay.

We're looking for the tower where part
of the scanner programs are stored.

It's at thirty degrees north, Aelita.

-I'm on my way.
-[Jeremy] As soon as you're connected,

I'll download the data that you find.

It'll help me understand
materialization better.

Okay, guys! We've gotta stop.
It's time for dinner.

Nine seven, we beat them.
What do you think, princess?

Theo saved you guys from humiliation.

Who cares about soccer? It's a dumb game.

If you ask me,
Herb's got it in for Theo.

[indistinct chatter]

[bell rings]

Great! Peas and carrots
for the umpteenth time.

[mystic music]


-[boy gasps]
-[Sissi] Mmm...


-[laughs] Hey!


Hey, why don't you eat with us, champ?

Thanks a lot, but I can't abandon my team.

-Do you mind?

Hey, stop trying to worm your way in!

You're not in our group,
so go take a hike.

Well, yeah, I know, Herb, but I'd love
to join your group, or should I say...

Sissi's group, is that it?
What do I have to do?

Well, you've gotta pass
our initiation tests,

and they're very really
dangerous and hard.

-Much too hard for you.

Initiation tests?

-Tell me a little about them.


Test number one! You have to clean
all the toilets with a tooth brush.

That sounds like a pretty dumb test.

It's like the kind they give
to a ten-year-old at summer camp.

So I'll pass on that one.

Okay! Since you refuse
to pass our tests... Ciao!

Hey! Since when do you
decide on the tests?

I'll tell you what you have to do.

You're gonna mummify the skeleton
we use in the science room.

Okay, now that sounds cool!

-[Herb grunts and mumbles]

[theme music]

[Aelita] Jeremy,
did you manage to gather all the data?

[Jeremy] I did, but it won't do any good.

Not unless I can pirate the access
codes for the scanner programs.

-[Aelita] But that's almost impossible.
-No, Aelita! I think it can be done.


-[dog making noises]
-[Odd laughs]

[tense music]

-Okay! They've left their rooms.

We'll tell you all about
Operation Theo later.

-Here I go!
-[Aelita chuckles]


Still a long way to go.

[Odd laughs]

-What are you gonna do, Herb?

I'm gonna warn our old friend, Jim.

They'll kick Theo out of school,
and we'll be home free…


-[Herb] Huh?
-What was that weird sound?

-[both grunt in fear]


[both scream]

[dog barks]


-[Ulrich] Nice work, little ghost!
-[dog barks]

What're you two guys doing here?

It's okay. We were gonna tell you.

[dog grunts]

[tense music]

[electricity crackles]

[theme music]

[electricity crackles]

Hey, things look serious
between Sissi and Theo!

Yeah, they sure do.

Huh... You finished lunch already?

No, but I want to see Aelita
for a while before class.

I wouldn't mind either.
We'll go together. Okay?

[Odd] Leave your trays.

It's a shame to let good desserts
go to waste.

[Jeremy] Odd, don't you ever
stop eating, huh?



[Odd grunts] Mmm...

You are gonna explode
if you keep this up.

Mmm... Nah... [slurps]

-[electric expl*si*n]

-[Ulrich] Hey!
-[Odd gasps]

[Yumi] Which region are you in now?

I was just in the forest.

And I thought I sensed some pulsations,
but I'm not sure.

-[Ulrich] I'll call Jeremy.

[mobile rings]

Jeremy, weird things are happening
in the lunchroom.

Could be XANA's doing.

Why? What's the problem?

There are short circuits everywhere.

Aelita, could you check things
out on Lyoko?

I will.

I'll launch a scan to see
if XANA activated a tower.

[digital whirring]

[electricity crackles]

Let's get out of here.

[Odd gasps]

-Hey, Odd!

[Ulrich screams]


Oh, no! I wasn't mistaken.

[digital whirring]

[Jeremy] Tower localized.

[digital whirring]

Jeremy, there are
very strong pulsations in the forest.

Yeah, the scan confirms it,

and Odd and Ulrich are trapped
in the cafeteria.

Yumi, I'll head for the factory.

Warn the principal,
and then meet me over there.

[indistinct chatter]

[knocking on the door]

[Mr. Delmas] Come in!

Can I see you for a minute,
sir, please? It's important.





[theme music]

-[electricity crackles]
-[Jim screams]

-[Ulrich] Did you see that?
-Jim, are you okay?


-[Ms. Hertz] Oh, Jim, say something.
-[Mr. Delmas] Are you all right?

We've got to cut the current now.



Hello, is that you, dad?
We don't know what happened.

-[Ulrich] Move.
-There's electricity everywhere.

We're trying to break a window to get out!

-[electricity crackles]

[all grunt]

I've gotta get out!

[digital whirring]

[groans] Ulrich, what's going on?

We're prisoners here
in the cafeteria, Jeremy.

I'll send Yumi to Lyoko.

We'll do our best over here.

Yumi, hurry up.
We don't have a lot of time.

I told the principal.

I'm at the passage in the park now.

[metallic sound]

[electricity crackles continue]

What is this? I just cut all the power.

With no effect at all.

The firemen are on the way.

[Yumi grunting] Go!

[grunts and screams]


[Jeremy] I have no idea
what XANA wants to do this time.

What about in town?

Have any of the other buildings been hit?

No, that's why I'm worried.

[grunts and gasps]

[Yumi moans]

[rewind sound]

[whimpers in fear]

-We'll get out of this. Don't worry, Herb.
-Let me go, will you?

-[girl crying]
-Everything'll be okay.

-Help is on the way.
-There, you see?

-[Odd] We could try the roof.
-[Theo] It's probably the same.

-It's worth trying.
-[Theo] Huh?

[Odd grunts]

[Odd] Out of the way!

[all gasp]

It's like a prison.

But how come XANA's set his sights
on the cafeteria?

It makes no sense at all.

[Jeremy] You can't get access to the city
through the school.

He probably has other ideas.

Wait, I think I understand.

It's the four of us he's after!

Us? You sure?

Yumi and I left lunch before dessert.

-If not, we'd have all been there.

He wanted to catch us all together.

XANA hasn't missed a trick this time.

We're never gonna get out of here.

[Jeremy] You've gotta play for time.
Yumi's alone.

She's gonna need every second
she can get to protect Aelita.

We'll do the best we can.

[Aelita] Jeremy,
the pulsations are really intense here.

-The tower can't be too far.
-[Jeremy] Stay where you are.

I programmed the position.

-Yumi's on her way.

[theme music]

Transfer Yumi.

[digital whirring]

[Jeremy] Scanner Yumi.


[digital whirring]

[Jeremy] Virtualization.

[digital and electric sounds]

[moans and grunts]


The pulsations radiate in two directions.

[Yumi] Jeremy, any news?

[Jeremy] Give me a little time
to analyze the terrain.

I'm getting contradictory signals.

Impossible to tell which path
is the right one.

[Yumi] Well, we have no choice.

Each of us will explore one path.

We'll stay in contact via Jeremy.
Let's go.

[Aelita gasping]



[theme music]

-[Herb] Huh?
-[Tamiya] You see? This way,

if the walls cave in, we'll be safe.

-The roof won't fall on top of us.
-[thumping sound]

[all gasping]

Wow! [gasps]

-[Theo] Watch out!
-[Sissi gasps]

[both grunting and gasping]

[Mr. Delmas] Sissi, what's going on?
Answer me, child! Sissi!

[Aelita gasps]

[Yumi] Jeremy,
how are things going with Aelita?

Nothing to report for now, and no monster
in sight. That's really strange.

It's too easy.


Should I go on?

I'll call you back

in thirty seconds.

A quick analysis of the surroundings.

I gotta get out! I gotta get out!

Wait, no, don't Herb!
The electricity! It's live!

-Leave me alone!
-Take it easy, Herb! Calm down.

You've got to.

[Sissi] You understand?

-[electricity crackles]

[Yumi gasping]


I'm stuck. [gasps]


This tunnel has got to lead somewhere.

It's got to lead to the path Aelita took.

Here I go. [gasps and grunts]


Hold on, Aelita.


Two monsters are on the way.

[Jeremy] You're surrounded by two crabs.

[Jeremy] Run!


[Aelita] It's impossible, Jeremy!

I cut all of the wires, chief.

I doubt that. Nothing's changed.

[electricity crackles]

Have the firemen
really tried everything, daddy?

They're going to keep trying, dear.

-[Sissi] Mmm...
-[Theo gasps]

[Theo] We'll be okay, you'll see.

Jeremy, have you got anything new?

[Jeremy] I'm trying, Ulrich.

[gasping and grunting]

Aelita, can you hear me?

[gasps] Huh?


Oh, no!

Stay out of sight, Aelita.
Yumi's almost there.


[metallic footsteps]

Yumi will get here on time.
I know she will.

I have faith in you, Jeremy.

Oh, no!

I have faith in you.


[Aelita screaming]

[both gasping]

[both screaming]

[Aelita grunts]

That's what I call getting carried away.

-[Aelita gasps]
-[Yumi laughs]


[theme music]

[Mr. Delmas]
Sissi darling, you mustn't give up hope.

The firemen are going to make
an opening in the roof.


[all whining and gasping]

[all whimper in fear]

[both grunting]


There's got to be a passage leading
to the path that goes to the tower.


-[roof cracking]
-[electricity crackles]

It's all over now!

Thanks for what you did before.

I was pretty awful to you.

Jeremy, this is urgent. Come on!

They're almost there.

Watch it, a third crab is on the way!

[Yumi] There it is.

[mechanical footsteps]

-[Aelita gasps]
-[Yumi] No, leave him.


Go on now, hurry. Don't worry about me.

[Aelita] Huh.


[screams] Yah!

[yells and grunts]

[Jeremy] Good shot, Yumi,
but he's only damaged.

[Jeremy] But you took
twenty life points from him.

One more shot, and he'll be done for.

[Yumi grunts]







[Jeremy] Aelita's entering the tower.


[grunts] Yah!

[Yumi grunts]

[ethereal music]

[Herb screaming and gasping]


[digital whirring]


[all grunting in fear]


[all grunting in fear]


Return to the past now!

[all grunting and gasping]

[Odd] Hey, Ulrich, pass it over here!

You won't get by me.

[both grunting]

[Ulrich grunts]

-[Sissi gasps]
-[both grunting]



[Sissi] I don't believe it!



Oh, no!

-Goal! [laughs]


You losers!

Okay guys. I've gotta head for home.

-If you want, I'll walk you back home.
-No, I'll go.

So long, Odd, and thanks.
So, which way do we go?

-[Odd] What's wrong?

It's a lot better than having to get up
tonight to scare Herb, right?

Don't you think?
What's wrong? Come on, Ulrich.

You're toast, dude. Hmm-mmm...

[Odd] You're never satisfied.
You got a better idea?

-No? Well, me neither.
-[Nicolas grunts]

[theme music]
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