01x01 - Log 1: The Impossible Mission

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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01x01 - Log 1: The Impossible Mission

Post by bunniefuu »

1-Adam-12, a 415, fight...

1-Adam-12, 1-Adam-12,
possible 459 suspects...

1-Adam-12, 1-Adam-12,
ambulance, sick child.

You won't talk it over, uh?

It all got said last night.

I think you're making
a mistake, Pete.

Seven years on the job,
senior man on the watch.

Maybe. You've been
assigned a new man tonight.

Name's Reed, Jim Reed.

Never guess it, would you?

He finished up in
the top 10 of his class,

sh**ting four-dollar
money. Looks good on paper.

They all do.

Too bad he won't have
somebody to hold his hand.

I did that once, remember?

All right, generally,
you look pretty good.

We could use a few less
fingerprints on the cap bills.

Some badges aren't hitting the
shine rug as you leave the locker room,

and remember, in this division you
can cut yourself on those shirt creases.


Watch, attention!

Okay, let's hit the field.

Fall out!

Didn't we meet at
roll call? Yes, sir.

You know, I can tell right off,

Yes, sir? ...you got a
real flair for police work.

Yes, sir. Reed, do me a favor.

Yes, sir? See if you can
manage to follow me to the car.

Bill, how about those reds, were
they checked? They were BO last night.

They're okay. Shotgun's
locked in the rack,

gave it the five-point safety
check. I'll sign you out for it.


Helmets in the trunk.


You know what this is?

Yes, sir. It's a police car.


This black-and-white patrol car

has an overhead
valve V-eight engine.

It develops 325
horsepower at 4800 RPMs.

It accelerates from

It has a top speed
of 120 miles an hour.

It's equipped with a
multi-channel DFE radio,

an electronic siren capable
of emitting three variables:

wail, yelp and alert.

It also serves as an outside radio
speaker and a public address system.

This automobile has
two shotgun racks,

one attached to the bottom
portion of the front seat,

one in the vehicle trunk.

Attached to the
middle of the dash,

illuminated by a single
bulb, is a hot-sheet desk,

fastened to which
you will make sure

is the latest one off the
teletype before you ever roll.

Yes, sir.

It's your life
insurance. And mine.

You take care of it,
it'll take care of you.

Yes, sir. You want me to drive?

I just heard. Captain
will be here at 8:00.

Coming by to pick up his speech.

I'll be here.

You've got some
days coming, Pete,

maybe if you'd give
yourself a little more time.

I ran out of that two weeks
ago at that warehouse, Val.

See you at 8:00.

Hats in the back
these roofs are too low.

Oh, sure.

Anything special to do
with the old hot-sheet?

Fold it up and save
it for scratch-paper.

We've got a whole
pad right here.

Fold it and save it. It's
gonna be a long night.

The keys?


Clear us.


You know where the radio is?

Yes, sir. It's right there.

Clear us.

This is...

This is Unit-1
A-I2, we are clear.

1-Adam-12 clear.

1-Adam-12, 1-Adam-12,

a 415, fight,

4000 block west to
Magnolia, Code 2.

Yes, sir, you want
me to look it up?

That'd be a good idea.

Yes, sir, I'll have it for
you in just a second.

Not for me, for you. Huh?

That's why you're not driving.

There they are. Two
guys and a woman.

Hit the reds.

Hold it! Well, that's enough!

All right, lady,
now hold it, hold it!

It's still on me,

I know it is. I can
feel it, I can feel it!

Take it easy,
lady, take it easy.

What's this all about?

I'm in my truck,
that's it over there.

I'm just tooling
along this side street

and I see this crumb
trying to as*ault this lady.

That is a lie.

Was he trying to as*ault you?

No, I don't know what
he was trying to do.

He kept putting his
fingers in my mouth.

I was trying to keep her
from swallowing her tongue.

Sure you was.

What do you mean
swallowing her tongue?

I saw this woman
jumping up and down,

going through all
sorts of gyrations.

Then she fell to the street. I
figured she was having a seizure.

Are you subject to
seizures, ma'am?

Of course not. It's this thing.

I know it's on
me, I can feel it.

Feel what, ma'am, what thing?

I'll show you,

I had it in a box
before it got away.

See, it was in here.

Never mind, it's all a mistake.

Thank you very much all of you.

Some kind of lizard?

It's a salamander.

Yes, ma'am.

My son's pet.

I guess I thought it crawled
out of the box, but it didn't.

No ma'am.

It must have been
something else I felt, I guess.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, I hope I didn't
cause anybody any trouble.

You don't have much
confidence in me, do you?

I checked you out in one piece,

I want to check you
back in the same way.

It's none of my business, but there's
something eating you, isn't there?

You called it. Yeah?

It's none of your business.

1-Adam-12, 1-Adam-12,

possible 459 suspects
in a 1959 green Buick.

See the man, 587
Moorpark, Code 2.

Sure got here quick
but you missed 'em.

Who's that, sir?

Two men in a green Buick
sedan sitting in there bold as brass.

What were they doing that
aroused your suspicion?

Listen, when you've been
burglarized three times in three months

it don't take much.

Where were they parked?

In that lot, right
across the street there.

How long ago did they take off?

Just two minutes before you got
here, they headed east down Moorpark.

Can you describe the men?

Just two men,
that's all I could see.

Bareheaded. Caucasian?

They were. Did you get the
license number of the car?

Indeed I did.

We'll check it out.

They are up to
something, those two.

I can feel it in my bones.

Three burglaries
in three months.

If you're right, maybe
you won't have a fourth.

Run it for a want.

This is 1-Adam-12
requesting want only

on Lincoln, Queen, Ocean 314.

1-Adam-12, Lincoln,
Queen, Ocean 314.

What do you figure, think
they're still on Moorpark?

We'll work a grid system.

Know what that
is? A circle search.

Maybe they cleared
the neighborhood.

Maybe. They shouldn't be hinky.

I got a hunch they're
still floating around.

What makes you think so?

Like the man said,
I feel it in my bones.

Green Buick sedan.

Big as life.

Lincoln, Queen, Ocean.

1-Adam-12, come in.

1-Adam-12, Lincoln,
Queen, Ocean 314,

occupants wanted for 459 PC.

Consider armed and dangerous.

If located, hold for Burglary,


DR 67-387-213.

following suspect vehicle...

Eastbound on Moorpark.
Eastbound on Moorpark. Standby.

Keep that mike in your fist,

as soon as I hit the
reds, they'll rabbit.

Put out a pursuit and
roll up your window.

following suspect vehicle

eastbound in Tujunga Wash
between Lauren Canyon and Colfax.

All units on frequency standby,

1-Adam-12 in pursuit.

Tujunga Wash crossing Vineland.

We'll stay to the left
of the low-flow channel.

They're gonna get in trouble
when they hit the confluence.

They're running out of road.

They're gonna burn!

All right, get out!

Hands up!


You guys play rough, don't you?

You were doing the driving.

That was a good bust.

How often do you
make this kind of arrest?

Not often enough.

I could live without that
Indianapolis qualifying.

Sure you wouldn't wanna
finish out the watch at the wheel?

If we stay parked all night.

How about seven? Fine with me.

1-Adam-12, okay 7.

Good place. You eat here often?

I switch around. I eat
out all the time anyway.

You're not married?

Never found anybody
that'd put up with me.

Three years for
me. Wife's pregnant.

We waited till I was sure I was
going to make the job to start a family.

Guess that's the way to do it.



You said it was none
of my business before,

but I'd like to know. Know what?

You got some kind of
problem, maybe I could help.

No, I mean it, Malloy,
I'd like to help if I can.

I don't need any help.

Wouldn't you like to talk
it over with somebody?

All the talking's done.

Sorry. I guess I was outta line.

No, you're not outta line. I
suppose I owe you this much.

You won't be seeing me
after tonight. I'm leaving the job.


Why? You had to
ask why, didn't you?

You don't have to tell
me if you don't want to.

About three weeks ago, a nice
young kid about your age got blown up.

He was married. They
had a six-month-old baby.

It tore me up inside and it's not
gonna get well as long as I pick at it.

Well, in this kinda work, you
get used to guys dying, don't you?

Not when they're your partner.

KMA 787, 7:00 p.m.

1-Adam-12, 1-Adam-12,
ambulance, sick child.

297, Crosby Place.

Officer, my baby,
hurry please, my baby!

Where's the ambulance?
We called for an ambulance!

Should be here any
minute. The child in there?

On the bed. Please do something.

We left her for just a minute.

My... my wife was sewing
a button on my jacket.

I-It just got it back
from the cleaners.

The baby got tangled up
in the plastic bag, that right?

Yes, w-we left her
for just a minute.

We were going to
give her her bath.

Dear God,

please don't let my baby die.

Please don't let
little Gladys die.

Please, dear God.

Dear God...

Might be better if you
wait in the other room.

It's no good. You better
tell 'em it's no good.

I'll keep trying, but
she's not responding.

I'm not sure I know what to say.

I'm sorry.

Isn't there anything you can do?

My partner's doing
everything he can.

You mean my baby's dead?

Gladys is dead?

She's so young,

sometimes they don't respond
like an older person would.

Dear God in heaven!


help us.

My partner's doing all he can.

He's doing all he can.

Is that the ambulance?

That's your baby!

You grow up and swim
the Channel, Gladys.

You got the lungs for it.

He's not in.

He said to tell
you he was sorry.

He's running late.

Carson dropped his
speech off on the way home.

He told Carson he'd stop by
the station after the affair tonight.

Said he'd meet you
when you go end of watch.

Maybe I'll take a minute, scratch
it out and leave it on his desk.

You know how the old man
is about resignations, Pete.

He'll want you to
write it in his presence.

Major 415 at the park.

sh*ts fired, only one car clear.

Make it two.

1-Adam-91, request back-up...

16-85-1, roger.

About 30 kids holed up there in the park
by the fountain. Three of them are armed.

Kid in a n*zi uniform has a
shotgun, two others have revolvers.

Anyone hurt? Woman this side of the
street by the name of Thelma Martin.

n*zi kid and the others
slugged and robbed her.

She's in pretty bad shape.
The ambulance is on the way.

According to witnesses
they've shot the neighborhood.

Street lamps, windows,
k*lled two dogs.

All right, you and your partner
divert all traffic and pedestrians.

Malloy, you and your partner
see if you can contain 'em

on the south side of the
park. Don't let 'em out that gate.

I'll put that unit
on the north side.

Avoid any crossfire.

See 'em out there? Yes, sir.

Holed up in that
barbeque hut. Yes, sir.

See that next
tree over? Yes, sir.

Move to it and stay put
till I tell you what to do.

Yes, sir. Repeat
it back, junior.

Move to the next tree
over and hold. Right.


Hold it!


Reed, hold it!




Reed, are you all right?

Hold your fire! It's me, Reed.

Downing, you wanna
tuck these three away?

Who do you think you
are, Sergeant York?

Got in behind 'em.
Nothing to it really.

Really? You
could've been k*lled.

When I give you orders, boy,
you obey 'em, understand?

Yes, sir, but I could
see from where I was

that I could come up behind 'em.

I didn't figure you had
the same vantage point.

So I just took the initiative
into my own hands.

See if you can take this
piece into your own little hands

and put it back in the rack.

Yes, sir. I thought I
was doing the right thing.

You're not supposed to
think yet, junior. Yes, sir.

It's when you start
thinking before

you're supposed to think
that you think yourself dead.

See this tree?

Marry it if you have to,
but I want you right here

when I finish talking
to the Lieutenant.

Yes, sir.

Good man, isn't he?

He will be if he stays alive.

You could keep him that way.


I don't know.

He's too headstrong,
too eager, too young,

not loose enough.

He listens good
when he wants to,

but all the time you can
hear those wheels spinning

figuring a better
way than he's told.

He talks too much
when he shouldn't,

not enough when he should.

His radio procedure
is rough as a cob.

About all you can say for him
is he wears the uniform right.

I told my watch commander the
same things about a youngster

I rode with when he
first came on the job.

Funny how you never seem to forget
the names of the ones you brought along.

His was Malloy.

The Captain's
affair broke up early.

He's waiting for
you at the station.

I heard what the Lieutenant said

about the Captain
being back at the station.

You did?

Yes, sir. I suppose you're
going back in to resign.

I couldn't turn you loose yet

on the citizens of Los Angeles.

No, sir.

Not without a leash.

No, sir.

Let's head for the Barn.
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