01x02 - Log 141: The Color TV Bandit

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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01x02 - Log 141: The Color TV Bandit

Post by bunniefuu »

1-Adam-12, 1-Adam-12,

possible 459 suspects there now.

1-Adam-12, 1-Adam-12,

a 415, man with a g*n.

1-Adam-12, no warrant.
Lincoln, X-Ray, Ida 483.

1-Adam-12, a 415, fight
group with chains and knives.

Hey, my turn, you
bought last time.

I'll buy the coffee,
you buy the dinner.

Big spender.

Only with my friends.

Speaking of friends,
how were your days off?

Except for one hour fantastic.

What do you mean one hour?

The subject of marriage came up.

You know, you
ought to get married.

You don't know
what you're missing.

Oh, I know what I'd be
missing. My freedom.

What'd you do?

I painted the back bedroom,
you know, for the boy?

For the boy? The kid
hasn't been born yet.

Boys run in my family.

You're pretty sure of yourself?


Would you like to put a
little money on it? Say $5?

Why don't we make it $15?

Why $15?

Because the doctor
charges $15 more for a boy

than he does for a girl.

Well, welcome back, troops.

Hey, you guys were
working Adam-12

while we were on
days off. How'd it go?

Man, that burglar of yours
just about drove us nuts.

That's what I wanted to ask
you about. Where'd he hit?

And 1003.

Three times, huh?

Yeah, and the last one went down

while we were still taking
the report on the second one.

Color TVs?

Nothing else.

The same M.O.?

Pretty much. Pried the
louvers out of the window,

used a blanket around
the TV, hauled it to

the back fence. Car
was parked in the alley.

That's the same guy. He's
been driving us nuts too.

Well, you can have him back.

Let's go. I wanna see the
Watch Commander before roll-call.

7014 clear, 7045, roger.

Can we talk to you
a minute, Lieutenant?

Sure, Malloy.

You know all those 459s that
have been hitting in our area?

I've heard.

How's about letting us
stake on area for a few hours?

We can catch that guy if we
didn't have to chase radio calls.

No, we're spread too thin. Just
do the best you can between calls.

Yes, sir.

If we don't get him soon, we
can stop worrying about him.

He'll run out of TVs to steal.

The last burglary
was at number 1003.

Second house from the corner.


Just what I thought.
He's working his way west

towards the freeway.

His escape route?

Right. Here's
the way I figure it,

we work our way west, too. We check
every house with a color TV antenna,

and we look for cars
with no backseats.

Why no backseat?

He's got to have
someplace to put the TVs.


We're going to cover this
neighborhood so close,

people'll think there's
a unit on every block.

1-Adam-12, 1-Adam-12,
an abandoned child

at 1222, Harper, Apartment C.

See the woman at
Apartment B. Code 2.

Anyway, that's what we're
gonna do when we get the chance.

You called the police, ma'am?

Yes, yes, I did.

What's seems to be the trouble?

I think one or both of the little boys
that live in Apartment C is very sick.

Heaven only knows where the mother
is and there's no father that I know of.

Excuse me.

Police officers. Open up.

You hear anything?

Yeah, somebody groaning.

Does the landlord live here? No.

Would anybody but the tenant
have a key to the apartment?

Not that I know of.

Okay, we'll have to kick it in.

No sign of injury.


Yeah, it figures.

See if you can find his brother.

I'll check the kitchen.

What's the matter with him?

Looks like he got
into his mother's stash.



Oh, that's awful.

That's terrible.
Well, that's criminal.

Yes, ma'am, it certainly is.

She didn't pay her phone bill.
Can I use your phone, ma'am?

I've got to get him to
a hospital right away.

Yes, certainly.

You call an ambulance?


Are they in any danger?

Depends on how many pills
they took and how long ago.

What's going on here?

What are you doing
in my apartment?

What's with the kids?

We thought maybe
you could tell us.

Oh, there's nothing wrong
with him. He's just sleeping.

He's done this before.

It, uh, doc says it
ain't no big thing.

What about his brother?

Yeah, him, too.

The doc says they'll outgrow it.

Is that so? Kinda
like epilepsy, huh?

Yeah. Yeah, that's
what he called it.

There's nothing wrong
with 'em, just a little epilepsy.

No big thing to
call the police over.

Not that I don't appreciate
it, you understand?

Well, I'll take care of them.

You don't have to
hang around anymore.

They'll be all right.

What's your name?

Judy Hallan.


You're under arrest.

What for? What did I do?

For violation of 11-500,

of the health and safety code.

Penal code section 273-A, Sub 1.

Speak English,
cop, I ain't no lawyer.

Possession of heroin,
possession of dangerous dr*gs,

possession of paraphernalia
to inject dangerous dr*gs,

possession of paraphernalia
to inject narcotics.

And any person who
willfully allows or permits

a child to be placed
in such situation,

that its person or health is endangered
is punishable by imprisonment.

"You have the right
to remain silent.

"If you give up the right,

"anything you say can be used
against you in a court of law.

"You have the right to speak
with an attorney and to have one

present during questioning.

"If you so desire and
cannot afford one,

an attorney will be appointed for
you without charge before questioning."

Do you understand these rights
as I have explained them to you?


Do you wish to waive
the right to remain silent?


Whatcha got?

Couple of kids got into their
mother's stash. They're both out cold.

Any idea what they
took and how much?

No, I'll see if I can find out.

Mrs. Hallan, how many pills
and what kind did you have?

Do you know how many
your kids might have taken?

I never saw that
stuff before in my life.

What kind of a mother are you?


She won't say but
it looks like reds,

rainbows and blue
heavens in her stash.

I'll take the little
one out for you.

Okay, appreciate it.

Okay. Let's go
catch our burglar!

Should I clear us?

Wait till we get
back into our area.

Malloy? Yeah.

While we were at the station, I
called Central Receiving about the kids.

What did they tell you?

The doctor said it was close,
but it looks like they'll be okay.

Boy, what about
that mother of theirs?

That's something I
wanna talk to you about.

The way you sounded back there.

Reed, you're a
sworn police officer,

you've got a badge
and a g*n to prove it.

You're supposed
to be a professional.

You didn't act like one.

The situation and everything.
I guess it kinda got to me.

You're not supposed
to let it get to you.

You let yourself emotionally
involved, you can't do your job.

That's part of
learning to be a pro.

Maybe the toughest part.

I guess you're right, Malloy.



I'm glad the kids are okay too.

Look at that, will ya?

There goes 10
minutes down the tube.

You're gonna write
her, aren't you?

You bet.

May I see your
driver's license, please?

Why are you stopping me?

You made an illegal left turn

causing another car to jam on
it's brakes to avoid hitting you.

Oh, really?

Your driver's license, please.

Gotta get that old
quota, don't you?

No, lady, I've got better things
to do than to give you a ticket.

Then why aren't you doing them
instead of harassing honest citizens?

I asked you for your license. You committed
a traffic violation and I'm going to

cite you for it. Now if you'll
cooperate we can get this over with.

Is there anything else
you'd like me to do?

Like take me out of
the car and search me?

Take it out of
the wallet, please.

You look like you enjoy
pushing people around.

Is this your present address,
Miss Dickens, 1234, Hill Down?


I'm going to fight you
in court, you know.

That's your legal right.

Nice girl.


My uncle is a very
prominent attorney,

M.L. Worthing. You've
heard of him, I'm sure.

No, ma'am.

You will, because he'll represent
me when I take you to court.

Yes, ma'am.

Somebody's gotta
stop you storm troopers

from pushing around
tax-paying citizens.

I'm citing you for violation
of Section 22-100B

of the California Vehicle Code.

If you'll please sign at
the bottom, Miss Dickens.

I'm not signing anything.
I'm going to take you to court.

Yes, ma'am, I understand that.

But if you'll read on the
ticket it says at the bottom,

"Without admitting guilt I promise to
appear at the time and place listed below."

Now how are you
going to fight me in court

if you won't agree to be there?

Oh, I'll be there all right.

How are you gonna be there
if you won't sign the ticket?

In that case, I'll sign it.

Thank you, ma'am.

Okay, partner, let's go.

Why didn't you tell her if she
didn't sign the ticket she'd go to jail?

'Cause she's the type
that would love to go to jail

just so she could
holler "police brutality."

Besides, I didn't want to
spend the time booking her,

not with our friend out, scooping
up all the TV's in the world.

Maybe he took the day off.

I doubt it. He's probably a hype

with a big habit and he can't
afford to take the day off without a fix.


Hey, there's a TV
in the back seat.

Stop! Police officers!

He tossed something.

Reed! Don't jump! There's a...

pool on the other side.

"and cannot afford one,

"an attorney will
be appointed for you

"without charge,
before questioning.

You understand each of these
rights I have explained to you?"

Yes, sir.

Do you wish to give up
the right to remain silent?

Sure. Besides, what's
there to talk about?

That car over there...

Never saw it before in my life.

What about the
TV in the back seat?

Oh, was there a
TV in the back seat?

Gee, what won't they think
of next? A TV in the back seat.

You wanna play games, huh?

Games, what games? I'm
just jogging down the street

and two cops run
after me and tackle me.

We ordered you to
stop, you ran from us.

I didn't even know
you were behind me.

That's the gospel truth.

You're making a
very serious mistake.

We are? What's your name?

Do you have any ID?

Benny Johnson.

But I seem to
have lost my wallet.

Here's my partner.
Maybe he found it for you.

Looks like he's been stealing
more than TVs. Any wallet?


These keys fit the car? No.

Any place you might have
missed another set of keys?

I don't think so. I went right
back over the same way.

I looked around the pool to see if
there was anything on the bottom.

You want me to go back?

No, we'll run the car for a want and
DMV and then take him back to the station.

Get anything out of him?

No, except a name
which is probably a phony.



a want and DMV

on Lincoln, X-Ray, Ida 483.

1-Adam-12, Lincoln,
X-Ray, Ida 483.

You kids better get home now.

What'd you bust him for?
Is he going to the slammer?

Busted? Slammer?
What's that mean?

Arrested. Going to jail.

Gee, you don't know anything.

Oh, I see.

Well, mister, we
busted him for 21954 A.

What's that mean?

Obstructing traffic.



You kids come down
to the station sometime,

maybe we'll give you
a tour of the slammer.

Gee, thanks.

1-Adam-12, 1-Adam-12, no want,

on Lincoln, X-ray, Ida 483.
A 1961 Plymouth, four-door,

registered to Leon H. Berlin.

2903, 17th, Hermosa Beach.

What's your name?

I told you. Benny Johnson.

You're sure it's
not Leon Berlin?

I ought to know my own name.

What do we do about
the car, impound it?

Call the Sergeant, ask him
to get another unit to sit on it

while we take
Mr. Johnson into the station.

If we've got him, it's
not gonna go anyplace.

How do we know we got the
"him" that's driving that car,

maybe he's got a partner.

Guess so.

Moon Lincoln 20 on Tac 2.

If we can tie him to the car,
I think we got our TV thief.

But did you actually
see him in the car?

No, sir.

And do you know for a
fact if that TV is stolen?

No, sir.

Do we have a crime and a victim?

Sergeant MacDonald said he'd
knock on doors in the neighborhood,

see if anyone was
missing property.

That'll help.

It's obvious this suspect is up to
something, or he wouldn't have run.

But the question is, what,
and can we book him for it?

Let's run him on the
Facsimile Identification Network

and see if he's got a record.

Yes, sir.

You guys gonna
turn me loose, huh?

Mr. Johnson, we're going
to find out if you got a record.

Don't have to worry about that.
I'm clean, never been arrested.

If you're so clean, why wouldn't
you tell us what you were doing

and where you got the
stuff you threw on us?

All right. The tools are mine.

They might have fallen
out as I was jogging.

What about the
watches and jewelry?

Oh, no. I never
saw that stuff before.

Hi, Charlie. We got
a customer for you.

My home is your home.

Want you to run
Mr. Johnson on the FIN.

Lock this up for us, will you?


Thumb print and name?

You're making a mistake, fellas.

You're just wasting the
taxpayers time and money.


What's your first name?

Benny. Benjamin.

Middle name?


Relax your right hand.

How's that thing work,
Charlie? Like a teletype?

No, it's a photo process.

Like the way they send
newspaper pictures across country.

Except this is a
much sharper picture.

He's right.

Okay, Mr. Johnson, let's go.

I don't know why you
fellas don't believe me.

I'm telling you the truth.

There's a couple of reasons we
don't believe you, Mr. Johnson.

The best one is that
address you gave us.

It was the truth.

You told us you
lived at 230, Bayview.

There is no Bayview
in West Los Angeles.

I didn't say Bayview
I said Banning.

Oh, you did?

Okay, wait inside
for us, please.

Anything back yet?

No. Hear anything from
Sergeant MacDonald?

He's coming in.
He said you could

forget about the car with
the TV in the backseat.

The owner showed up. Just
taking the set to be repaired.

Stopped to visit a friend.

How'd MacDonald
decide he was clean?

The owner of the vehicle is a police
officer in one of the beach towns.

That sure puts the lid on it. If we
don't come up with something soon,

we're gonna have to kick this guy
loose. We can't book him for running.

He looked good for a while.


Okay, Charlie. Thanks.

Your suspect's name
is James Fenster.

His rap sheet is coming in now.

That's somethin', anyway.
Thanks. C'mon partner.

He's been a busy boy.

Any TV sets?

No. Jewelry, watches, cash...

Hey, Malloy?

Yes, Sergeant.
Got that evidence?

I'll bring it right out.

I went banging on
doors and found a lady

who's missing an Elmira
watch with a diamond cover.

It isn't missing anymore.

Any sign of forced entry?

She said she missed
it right after the guy

came from the gas
company to check the stove.

Then asked to use her bathroom.

You mean some guy wearing
khakis and tools on his belt,

claiming to be from
the gas company.

You got a case?

We got a case. Come on,
partner, let's go get him booked.

Thanks, Sarge.


Pete, do I have to put in that
part about going into the pool?

It happened, didn't it?

Yeah, but I feel like a fool.

Write it like it happened.

But don't feel too bad.

How do you think I
knew that pool was there.

What, you?

About three years ago, I went to
that address on a loud party call.

Oh, yeah, what happened?

I got pushed into that pool

by the cutest little
gal you ever saw.

Hey, what happened
to you guys tonight?

What do you mean?

Oh, we had to handle a
couple of calls in your area.

We were tied up
on an investigation.

What happened?

Oh. nothing much. Just
two more TVs went bye-bye.
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