02x04 - Log 23: Pig Is a Three Letter Word

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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02x04 - Log 23: Pig Is a Three Letter Word

Post by bunniefuu »

Lincoln X-ray Ida 483.

One-Adam-12, a 415... fight
group, with chains and knives.


What's the matter, mister?

I've never been inside
a police station before.

You're a liar, Bates.

According to R and I, your
package is 2 inches thick.

Lewd conduct,
enraging public decency,

and now big casino, 288-PC.

This your child molester?

Yeah. We gave him
his rights at the scene.

Sergeant Miller's
still out there,

but he asked us to bring
Bates in and book him.

How's the victim? Not too good.

Right. Mr. Bates
here is kinda rough

on knee-high boys,
aren't you, mister?

I'm not responsible.
I've been drinking.

Why? To get up enough nerve
to enter that playground restroom?

Or are you afraid
that little five-year-old

might have att*cked you?

Take it easy, Reed.

Get him away from here.

He scares me.

Okay. Put him in
the t*nk. Yes, sir.

I'll have it fumigated
when he leaves.

Got a minute, Pete? Yeah, sure.

I'll start on the report.

Look, I'll admit that Bates
is no prized specimen,

but even so, your partner was
coming on pretty strong out there.

Let me ask you something.

Is that Reed's
customary attitude?

Bates is the first sex
offender Reed's ever busted.

Do you remember your first one?

Reed's a probationary policeman.

That means he's got less
than a year in the department.

Now frankly, and I don't care
what the circumstances are,

I don't think he's qualified
to be judge and jury.

Not now, not a
hundred years from now.

That's just not our department.

Look, Mac, you and I weren't the
greatest probationers on the planet,

but we got the job
done, didn't we?

A job that's a lot tougher now

than it was seven
or eight years ago.

I guarantee you Reed's
a better probationary

than you or I ever
thought of being.

He's better trained,
better educated,

smarter all the way around.

Maybe that's the
problem. He knows it.

We'll work it out. Good.

Because if you don't,

I'll do everything in my power

to help get that
load off Reed's chest.

The badge.

All 97 pounds of it.

That your bust in
the t*nk over there?

Yeah. Nice guy, huh?

What's the charge?

We grabbed him in the park.

Sounds like a sick man.

Yeah, he's sick all right.

Hey, I, uh... I saw
the bulletin board.


How's it feel to be
an ex-probationer?

Great. It's been a rough year.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Funny. I never really
thought I could do it.

Figured every day
something would happen,

and I'd be tossed out on my ear.

Your sex offender over
there in the t*nk reminded me.

How's that? Happened
about six months ago.

We collared this purse snatcher,

only he didn't believe in just
grabbing a woman's purse.

He used to hit 'em in the face.

"Just for kicks," he said.

I wanted to hit him.

Yeah, I know how you feel.

Yeah, I know that blue rulebook,

and I believe in it.

But I sounded off.

Not much, but almost enough.

Is that so?

My partner really
let me have it.

That's when I learned
about sick people.

Feels good to get out
of the station. Yeah.

Incidentally, that was a
pretty fair report you wrote.


Not to change the subject,

but when's that
baby of yours due?

Oh, it won't be long now.

What are you pulling
for, boy or a girl?

I don't know.

At first, I wanted a
boy, and then, uh,

Jean introduced me to this
little bundle down the street.

Her name's Vicky.

Blonde, blue eyed, 30 pounds.

She can talk your arm off.

Thinks I'm the living end.

A girl like that would be okay.

Come to think of it, that was
pretty sneaky of Jean, wasn't it?

Well, when you were leaning
on Bates back at the station,

is that what you were
thinking about, your son?

I guess I was at that.

Hardly what you'd call
an unbiased attitude.

Sorry. You want to trade me in?

What for?

You're the latest
model, aren't you?

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12.
Unknown trouble.

Possible DB. 10328 Toluca Lake.

One-Adam-12, Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

I'm Officer Malloy. This
is my partner Jim Reed.

What seems to be the trouble?

The child's dead and
that's all there is to it.

What child?

Well, they lived right
here, the Ashtons,

Ruth and George.

Patsy was 2 years old

and George used to spank
her something terrible.

He k*lled her sure
as twice two is four.

Could I have your names, please?

This is Mrs. Cunningham.
I'm Helen Ryan.

What makes you
think the child is dead?

Well, about a week ago,

after we heard Patsy
screaming for hours,

the Ashtons disappeared
in the middle of the night.

Two days later, the
moving van pulled up,

and they took everything.

That boat George
is so crazy about,

the TV antenna,
even the birdbath.

Everything except
Patsy's swing set.

I take it you didn't care
much for the Ashtons.

Well, nobody did, but
that's beside the point.

What is the point,
Mrs. Cunningham?

You'll find out. Come on.


Now do you see?

Well, "see" isn't
exactly the word.

Swing set's pretty rusty.

Same thing I said.
It's all worn out.

That's not why
they didn't take it.

Patsy's dead.

What do they need
with a swing set?

Is the house locked?

Yes, sir, and the
landlady's out of town.

Is that where it's coming from?

I don't know.

She's not under there,
Officer. We looked.

You looked, dear,
without your glasses.

That poor baby.

She was such a
sweet little thing.

Why don't you two
ladies go on home?

We'll take a look around and
then we'll come and see you.

Come on, dear.

Now, you let us know
where you find her.

Promise? Yes, ma'am.

That poor baby.


Did you find
something? Take a look.

Gunny sack.
About the right size.

I'll get it out of there.

Wait a minute.

How many dead body calls
have you been on, Reed?

Not too many.
Let's count 'em up.

You've been with me ever since you
got out of the police academy, right?

Right. You've never
had another partner.

So the only DB calls you've
rolled on have been with me.

Yeah, the one back at the hotel.


You still want to
go get the sack?


I guess we better
get homicide out here.

It's a little late,
isn't it? Why?

If there was any physical
evidence underneath there

besides this, uh, body,

you've pretty well messed
it up, wouldn't you say?

Yeah, I guess I have at that.

Well, what do you think
we ought to do now?

Only one thing to
do, call the coroner.

No, we don't call the coroner.

Homicide does.

In this case, though,

I doubt if either one of
them would be interested.

Some kind of fish.
Pacific mackerel.

Fun to catch, hard to clean.

And if you're moving,

a great way to get even
with your neighbors.

The old lady. Nothing
but a busybody.

That's true. Mrs. Cunningham
might be the neighborhood busybody,

but in this case, she
did the right thing.

She suspected something,
and she called the police.

That's the way a lot of dead
bodies turn up sometimes.

Not today. No.

Today we got lucky.

All we got is a sack of fish.

But the next time it might
be altogether different.

Then why didn't
you stop me? What?

Well, I crawl under a porch,

I dirty up a clean
uniform, skin my knees,

and all for a
sack of rotten fish.

And you knew it all the time.

That's right.

And next time,
you'll know it, too.


I'm sure glad Sergeant
MacDonald is not around.

Just isn't my day.
Mac's all right.

There's something I've been
wanting to ask you, Malloy.

What's that?

Well, everybody around
here says the same thing,

that you could have
wiped out MacDonald

on the sergeant's
examination a couple years ago,

but you wouldn't
even take the test.

Doesn't make sense.

To you or to me?

Well, sure, out on the
street's where the action is,

but you're not
getting any younger.

You got to look ahead.

When opportunity comes along,

you got to grab it.

I'll remember that.

Then why? Why what?

Why don't you want
to be a sergeant?

I like what I'm doing.
Is that all right with you?


I still don't understand it.

Something wrong?

Your nameplate.

I got it on.

Yeah. Upside down.

Somebody put a hole
in your shirt, Reed?

Oh, no, I was, uh... looking
for evidence under a porch.

Takes all kinds, I guess.


Anyhow, the suspect
is a guy named Bates.

Ever hear of him?
Doesn't ring a bell.

Same age as my
kid, five years old.

You know if they said
who made the bust?

They did. I missed it.

When did they get the word?

About an hour ago.

Internal injuries.

The kid died on
the operating table.

I'm not gonna make
it, am I, Malloy?

You'll make it.

Don't be too sure.

Now on top of everything else,
I got a locker door to pay for.

I've bought a few
of those myself.



Just be glad they don't
build them like they used to.

All units in the vicinity,

and One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12.

A 4-5-9 there now.

See the man, 1200 Loma Linda.

One-Adam-12, Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

The burglars are over there now.

Three times in the last
four months they've hit me,

but today I just let the
telephone ring and it worked.

They came right over.

How many are
there? One and a half.

I beg your pardon?

Come on, see for yourself.

Now watch.

Here he comes.


Whoa! Hold it now.

Easy there, son. You're
not going anywhere.

He's got a companion, an adult.

He's parked in a
car down in the ally.

I saw him from an
upstairs window. You sure?

Well, why do you think
I didn't grab the kid?

I was afraid the other one
would come in sh**ting.

Freeze, mister, right there!

Don't move!

His name is Standish,
Johnny Standish.

Hi, Pop.

I told you we shouldn't
have come back here again.

Mr. Barns was laying for me.

Weren't you, pal?

Shut up, Johnny.

There's a stack of loot
out on the back porch.

Johnny just drops it over
the fence into the ally.

The brains there picks it up.

Is that how it works, Johnny?

For the last four months,
I've been wanting to ask you.

There's a doggy
door, but no dog.

How come?

Did he run away?

No, he died.

I've just never had the
heart to nail up the door.

I'm sorry.

So am I.

How about another
glass of milk, Johnny?

You haven't got a
beer around, have you?

I told you to shut up.

You understand, Johnny?

That's enough out
of you, Standish.

What happens now?
Do I go to the bucket?

We'll think about it.

What's your full
name, Mr. Barns?

George Barnes.

But I'll refuse to press charges

if it means sending
a 10-year-old to jail.

Well, in this city, Mr. Barnes,

we don't send

You mind if we use your phone?

It's right in there.
I'll call Juvenile.

Well, here I go again.

Oh, will you get me out of here?

Aren't you forgetting
something, Standish?


Your son.

You forgot to say good-bye.

Where do you figure
he'll end up? Johnny.

Another foster home probably.

Later on San Quentin maybe.

Or the White House. Who knows?

One thing at least.

His old man won't be
bugging him anymore.

Not for a while anyway.

All units in the vicinity

and One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

Two suspects with
g*ns there now.

At the grocery store.

8854 Wilkins Street.
One-Adam-12, Code 3.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Open this! Open this!

It's locked! Can't you see?

Hold it right there!
If you move, I sh**t!

sh**t, pig!

Go ahead and sh**t! No!


Turn around, hands
against the fence.

Don't sh**t! Please
don't sh**t! I got no g*n!

On your feet. Come on.

You're a tough guy, whitey.
You're a real tough guy.

You're a tough guy.

Feet back and spread 'em.

What's your name?

Vern Bayliss.

He's Binger, Carl Binger.

I didn't know he was
going to sh**t him!

You shouldn't have
said that, Bayliss.

All right, pay attention.

You're both under arrest.

"You have the right
to remain silent.

If you give up the
right to remain silent..."

You're pigs, both of you.

You're big, fat pigs.

"If you give up the
right to remain silent

"anything you say
can and will be used

"against you in a court of law.

"You have the right to
speak with an attorney

"and to have the attorney
present during questioning.

"If you so desire and
cannot afford one,

an attorney will be appointed for
you without charge before questioning."

You understand these rights
as I've explained them to you?

I understand you're a pig.

A cop pig.

All right, turn
around, both of you.

Look behind you, whitey.

Tell me what you see.

Let's go.

Those are my people, whitey.

What are you going
to do about 'em?

Do all the talking
you want, Binger,

but don't incite
to riot, you dig?

Oh, I'm smarter
than that, whitey.

I'm just going to
talk sweet and low...

right in your pretty pink ear.

All right, get moving.

Okay, break it up, folks.

Hey, let's go get 'em.

Hey, wait a minute.
Are you guys crazy?

You know what
happened back there?


Grocery store up the street.

That pair shot and
k*lled a man and his wife.

People that have
been grub staking

this neighborhood for years.

Yeah, white people.

No, black people.

You're going to
lose your cool, pig.

What if I stop right here
and spit in your face?

Pig! Go ahead, pig!

That's all we need
is more trouble!

Once upon a time,
there were pigs.

They squealed and the squealed,

and a whole bunch of them
came crawling out of the sty.

There's some more.

They're pigs!

See these pigs?

You're not doing
anything about 'em!

That's right, soul brother.

All we wanted was
a bottle of wine!

k*ll these pigs!
k*ll these pigs!

k*ll these pigs!

You didn't say a
word all the way in.

What's the problem?

I was thinking about Bates.

That five-year-old kid
who was alive and well

when we came to
work this morning.


Is there a trick to
it? A trick to what?

Putting them out of your mind.

The boy, Bates and the others.

I still haven't learned
how to shut them out.

You will.

Mind if I come in?

Not at all. Come on in.

Your sergeant out front
said you were still here.

I'm glad I found you.

What can we do
for you, Mister...

Smith. Jessie Smith.

I was there when you
got those two gunman.

Yeah, I remember.

There's something I
wanted to talk to you about.

But all of a sudden,
I don't know.

I feel kinda silly.

We appreciate what you
did out there this afternoon.

You helped stop something
before it got started.

Thanks. That's what I
wanted to talk to you about.

Go ahead. We're listening.

Those people in that store,

the ones that were
shot and k*lled,

they were friends of mine.

We're sorry to hear that.

They were friends
of that neighborhood.

But if I'd never heard of them,

I'd still feel like I
had to apologize.

You know what I mean?

We understand.

Be seeing ya.

So long.

And Mr. Smith?

Thanks for coming in, huh?

Thanks, Sergeant. Sure.

Good. I see he
found you all right.

Nice guy. Yeah, he is.

How you doing, Reed?

That's a good question.

He's doing just fine.

Just thought I'd ask.
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