02x16 - Log 54: Impersonation

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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02x16 - Log 54: Impersonation

Post by bunniefuu »

Lincoln X-ray Ida 4-8-3.

One-Adam-12, a

with chains and knives.


Be right with you.

I feel lucky. Wanna flip?

Have you had breakfast?

Uh, coffee. No chow.



Hey, tails.

How about that. Congratulations.

First time in over a week.

Hello, troops.

How you doing, Harv?

Coffee. Where's Duke?

There's a rodeo in town,
where else would he be? Coffee?

I'll have steak and eggs...

Wait a minute. Wait
a minute. Just coffee.

I should have known.

Oh, good, you're here.
I saw your car outside.

What's the matter,
Freddy? You got a problem?

Yeah, I've been robbed.

You're kidding.

No, I'm serious.

As a matter of fact, it was
about five minutes ago.

And right in my own office, too.

Now, just keep your seats.

The guy is long gone
and so is my 350 bucks.

You don't seem
too upset about it.

Well, why should I be?

I know who he is and I
know where to find him.

Is that right?

That's right.

His name is Forest.

Oh, oh, he's a detective

with the Los Angeles
Police Department.

Well, anyway, the guy
comes in as bold as brass,

says he's working on
a special assignment

with the Treasury Department,

mentions a few counterfeit bills

that's been floating around,

and wanted to
know if I still had

the gate receipts
for last night's fight.

And you did?

Yeah, well, I still
hadn't gone to the bank.

So I hauls out the
dough, 350 bucks worth.

Well, what kind of
identification did he show you?

A badge and an I.D. card.

Are you sure that it
was the real thing?

Now, the badge I
couldn't swear to.

He kind of flashed
it, real quick like.

But I checked the card,
and that was the real thing.

Go on.

So I get the dough...

Lot of bills and some change.

He counts the 10s
and 20s, and he says,

well, maybe I better
call down to the office

to see if there's been
any new information.

He even used my phone.

Hi, Mr. Rivers.

Hey, I was okay last night, huh?

You were lousy.

I knocked the guy
out in two rounds.

Listen to my trainer.

I saw the fight.

You really should've
had him in the first.

You just can't
win... that's all!

He's really a good
fighter, you know?

When Forest used your phone,
do you know who he talked to?

Who knows. He just
wrote down a serial number

and then started out the door.

Then he stops like
he's got a hunch,

you know what I mean?

The serial number
that he wrote down

just happened to
match one of your bills.

Yeah, but now he says,
well, maybe we better take

all the bills downtown,
just to check them out.

And he asked me to come along.

So that seemed
pretty straight to me.

And I step in the back
to tell the boys in the gym

I'd be gone for a while.

And when I come
back in the office,

he's gone and so
is my 350 bucks.

When you showed him the money,

he probably memorized
the serial number.

The phone call was
obviously pre-arranged.

Now you tell
me. We'll report it.

There should be a detective
here to talk to you in about an hour.

Oh, now wait a minute, Malloy.

You must be out of your mind.

A detective just takes me
for three and a half yards,

and you want me to
talk to another detective?

Well, it must be somebody
impersonating an officer.

Oh, sure it was.

Now, look, pal, I know a
detective when I see one,

so don't send me any more.

I talk to you guys or
I don't talk to nobody.

We'll do whatever we can, okay?

All right, now that I believe.

But no detectives
investigating detectives.

We got a deal?


I'll buy the 487,

but aren't you a little
premature on the 146A?

Malloy told me you
probably wouldn't go for it.

What makes you so sure
someone's impersonating an officer?

Well, you don't think
it's really Forest, do you?

I hope it isn't.

I don't know for sure,
and neither do you.

Wait here. I want to show
this to Lieutenant Moore.

You were right. Live and learn.

Why's everybody so anxious to
assume that the guy actually is Forest?

Are we?

Sure sounds like it.

I think you're the
one that's assuming.

Malloy, Reed.

The description this 487
victim Rivers gave you,

is it accurate?

Pretty accurate. Yes, sir.

According to this, it
fits Forest pretty well.

Well, Rivers was
uncertain about the badge,

but he seemed pretty sure it
was a Department I.D. card.

I'll notify the captain,
the detective commander,

and Internal Affairs.

They'll all want
to interview you.

I don't get it,
Lieutenant. Get what?

Well, why don't
you just call Forest in

and have him confront
Rivers face-to-face?

It'd be a lot
easier, wouldn't it?

Reed, Detective Forest will
get the same consideration

any other citizen will get
who's suspected of a crime.

No more, no less.

But Forest is a policeman.

An investigator, himself.

If he's guilty, some of
the dirt will rub off on us.

You and me.

So we're tougher on our own.

I wouldn't want
it any other way.

How about you?

I can't argue with that.

All right, there's to
be no mention of this

to Forest or to anyone else.

Do I make myself
clear? Yes, sir.

Okay, that's it.


Look at it this way.

If Forest is guilty,

then he's no longer
a police officer.

He hasn't been since the
moment he crossed over

and became a thief.

The point being, it's not
a policeman we're after,

it's a thief.

Remember that.

Yes, sir.

Hello, Malloy, Reed.

Hi, Forest.

Say, what are you guys up to?

Anything interesting?
No, not especially.

How's that juvenile
you brought in last night?

He's dead.

Overdose of reds.

What's the matter,
Reed? You got problems?

Yeah, I'm all thumbs.

How's your son
getting along, Hal?

Not good.

Tell him I said "hello," huh?

Will do.

Brand-new pair of laces.

I heard you ask
Forest about his son.

What's wrong with the kid?

He hurt his hip playing
high school football.

Bone thing.

Injury wouldn't heal.

About six months ago,
osteomyelitis set in.

He's been operated on twice.

It's bad stuff.

Yeah, and expensive.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

415... woman, Grant and Olive.

Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Keep me up all night, huh?

Nothing on your
mind but booze, huh?

Forget you got a wife, huh?

No-good alchie!

Step back!

All right, lady. All
right, lady. Take it easy!

Now, hold it! Lady,
will you take it easy!

Come on. Now, let me go!

I got a perfect right to...

Just get lost, will ya?

Now, you heard what
they said. Just get lost.

Will you simmer down and
tell us what this is all about?

It's about bashing a
car, that's what it's about.

What's a matter? You
blind or something?

Whose car, ma'am? Dunkit's!

That's who. Dunkit's.
Who's Dunkit?

That drunken bum I'm married to.

I'm making a
pedestrian out of him.

Is the car registered to
your husband, Mrs. Dunkit?

No, it's registered to me

and I've got the
pink slip right here.

I figured somebody'd
blow the whistle on me

as soon as I started
swinging that bat,

so I brought the
title down with me.

It's her car, all right.
Yeah, it's my car.

Now just back off
and let me get to work.

Don't you think that'd be kind
of a waste of money, ma'am?

No, I'll save money!

As soon as that drunken
bum can't drive to a saloon,

maybe he'll stay
home once in a while.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Dunkit, but
you're going to have to knock it off.

There's a law against
wrecking your own car?

No, ma'am, but you're
creating a nuisance,

not to mention a traffic hazard.

A traffic hazard.

What do you plan on doing
about all this broken glass?

I'm planning on cleaning it
up, just as soon as I get through.

That's what I'm planning
on doing, cleaning it up.

Where do you live, Mrs. Dunkit?

Right up there.

Would you do us a favor?

I'd be delighted.

Push the car back
around behind the building,

have yourself a ball and we'll
just hope nobody else calls.

But get it out of
the road, will ya?

And clean up this mess, okay?

Hey, give me a
shove, will ya, fellows?

Come on, let's give
her a hand, g*ng.


Don't worry about
it, I'll sweep it up!

Oh, uh, officers?

Officers, have you got a minute?

Sure, what can we do for you?

Well, I've... By the way,
that was a pretty good show.

Too bad you had
to break it up. Yeah.

Look, there's
something I'd like to ask.

What's on your mind, sir?

Well, about an hour ago a guy
walks into my store over there

looking for a handgun.

A particular kind of handgun.

A short-barrel .38.

Well, I tell him I
can't sell him one.

Only under certain

He just laughs and
says not to worry.

So I showed him what I got.

Yes, sir.

Well, he picks out one

and he looks at
the serial number

and he says it's stolen.

So I check my list.

You know, the
list on wanted g*ns

and it ain't there.

What happened then?

Well, he showed me a card...

A Detective Forest.

Says he's got to
confiscate the g*n

for... for evidence.

So I give it to him.

As he was going out the door,

he turned around and
pointed the g*n at me.

Of course, he was grinning
at the time he said it,

but made me a little
nervous just the same.

And at the time he said what?

That if I opened my
mouth about the g*n,

he'd come back here
and blow my head off.

I guess that about cinches it.

Cinches what?

That somebody's
impersonating Forest.

He's already got a g*n.

Why would he go to all that
trouble to get another one?

Well, if you were
planning a robbery,

would you use your own g*n?

I mean, what if
you had to fire it?

Be pretty easy to
trace, wouldn't it?

I guess it would at that.

All units in the vicinity and
One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

see the woman at 459 there now.

17 Eagle Crest Drive. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

I'm the one who
called. Mary Burnside.

You said something
about a burglar?

Not my burglar,
the Garrisons'...

Next door, on the other side.

Are the Garrisons home?

No, they're on vacation.

They asked me to
watch their house.

I was driving home
from the store just now

and I noticed a truck
parked next to the house.

I looked up and I saw him.

A man in the upstairs window.

Are you sure? Positive.

Now, do us a favor.

Go back inside your
house and stay there.

What do you say?
Me? Don't worry.

I'll call a backup unit.

The keys. Where are the keys?

You looking for these?

Oh, no.

Hold it, mister!

All right, turn around.
Hands above your head.

Hands against the car,
feet back and spread 'em.

Hands up against the fender.

Feet back and spread 'em.

Say, what's the scoop?

Second-story men.

What a way to
make a living, huh?


Malloy, come in
a minute, will ya?


I'll finish up the report.

What was that with Forest?

Passing the time of day. Why?

I was afraid he might be
a little hinky or something.

No, I don't think so.

Is that what you
wanted to see me about?

No, I passed the
information on the pawnbroker

onto Sergeant Fremont
from Internal Affairs.

He's handling the
investigation on Forest.

He just called from Rivers' gym.

I think you better
get over there.

Rivers won't talk, huh?

Fremont can't get the
time of day out of him.

Hiya, Sarge.

You guys took long enough.

We were rescuing
a television set.

Welcome to the silent hour.

You guys find my dough yet?

Well, what do you
know? He talks.

I asked you a question.
The answer's no.

Did you check the station?

We're working on it.

Look, Freddy, this
is Sergeant Fremont

from Internal Affairs.


He'll need all the
information you can give him.

Fine. As long as
I hear from you.

Pull up a chair.

You guys might as
well get back on patrol.

Hey, what about the pawnbroker?

He's next on the list.

See ya, Freddy.

Yeah, thanks for dropping in.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

See the man... a 484 report.

1099 South De Soto Street.

One-Adam-12, roger.

You the gentleman
that reported the theft?

Yeah. Brand-new grease g*n.

Somebody must've
made off with it

while I was eating
lunch in the office.

You have a record of it?

A description or serial number?

Sure. Right over here.

Does that license
ring a bell? Yeah.

I'll check it out and make sure.

That's a nice set
of wheels out front.

Who does it belong to?

Oh, that?

A fellow came in,

wanted to leave it
here for a few days.

Till today, as a matter of fact.

In fact, just about right now.

Now who's the fellow?

I don't know. I never
saw him before.

He paid me in advance.

Excuse me a minute, will you?

It's on the sheet.

Uh, is, uh... Is anything wrong?

Yeah. It's a stolen car.

Hey, man, I'll get that
heap out of your way.

Thanks a lot!

That's a nice looking car.

Belong to you?

Nah, and I wish it did.

No, a friend of
mine loaned it to me.

He's out of town.

Got to meet him at the airport.

Hold it right there, mister.

Hey, what is this?
I ain't done nothing.

Put your hands
on top of the car,

get your feet back
and spread 'em.

You guys are
making a big mistake.

You know that, don't you?

What's your name, mister?

Clarence. Clarence Jones.

They call me Two Bits.

Okay, Mr. Jones.

Who you watching the car for?

As if you guys didn't know.

What's that supposed to mean?

Hey, we'd better go
someplace and talk.

Before we all get in
big trouble, you know?

I'll finish up with him.

Okay, friend, what do
you want to talk about?

The guy who hired
me... Your old buddy.

Now do you know? Afraid not.

Look, I'll start from the top.

A couple of nights
ago I was sh**ting crap

with some friends,
and this John comes in.

Everybody splits but me.

I had a lot of money in
the pot, you dig? Yeah.

He was vice.

A detective.

Eh, I figured he'd
take a small bust

for misdemeanor gambling.

Right? Right.

Only, it didn't happen.

He said he'd forget
the whole thing

if I'd take care
of that car for him

for a couple of days and
meet him somewhere.

Vice works plain clothes.

How'd you know
he was a detective?

He showed me his I.D. card.

One-Adam-12, one-Adam-12,
phone the station.

Can you get that? Yeah.

Would it be okay
to use your phone?

Help yourself.

Sure, I remember the name.


Detective Forest.

I gather you were on
your way to a meet.

In about 30 minutes. Where?

The address is in my pocket.

Hey, look, man,

we all got to make
a living, don't we?

You, me and Forest.

We understand each other, right?

Do we?

Sure, man.

You're not going to louse up
a policeman buddy, are you?

Did you get a backup unit?

Yeah, they're on their way.

Good. They can take
Mr. Jones off our hands.

Freddy Rivers is
still at the station.

Did you get in touch with him?

Yeah, and guess what.

Freddy saw Forest
going into Duke's cafe.

How'd you know that?

Two Bits had this in his pocket.

Duke's address. That's right.

In 30 minutes.

Late lunch today, huh?


Watching the old waistline.

I saw Rivers a little while ago.

He told me you guys
still haven't gotten a line

on that bunco... that
cleaned him out this morning.

We just fill out
the reports, pal.

Somebody else does
the heavy thinking.

That deal make me nervous,
especially without Duke around.

We do cash a lot of paychecks,

no matter what that sign says.

Harv, have you got any
change for a quarter?

I don't believe it.

He's finally going to drop
a dime in the jukebox.

Last of the big spenders.

Say, there's a car parked
outside in the yellow.

If it belongs to you,
sir, you ought to move it.

Oh, thanks. I'm... I'm walking.

How about you, mister?

That car parked outside
in the yellow zone,

does it belong to you folks?

No, I don't think
I'm in the yellow.

Maybe you'd better take a look.

Thanks, sir. Just in case.

Don't mention it.

How about you, mister?

Anything you'd like to hear?

All right, open the fist

and bring the hand
down nice and slow.

Hands on top! Feet back!

All right, who blew
the whistle, huh?

We'll tell you all about
it when the time comes.

Now what do I have to do,
pick the guy out of a lineup?

No, he already confessed.

We just want you
to take a look at him.

Well, now, let me
get this straight.

You said the guy's
I.D. was a copy, right?

Well, now, what
did he copy it from?

Wall worked in a
Turkish bath for Forest.

He used to take some
steam once in a while.

When he saw how much
they resembled each other,

Wall got the bright idea.

He lifted Forest's
I.D. out of a locker,

had it copied, and
then put it back.

Hmm. Pretty shrewd, huh?

Yeah, you'd think so, all right.

Ah, yeah, that's the guy.

Why, hello... ya chump.

Chump, huh?

Who's behind bars, you or me?

When do I get my dough back?

After the trial. Till
then, it's evidence.

What's the matter?

You mean you got a
cop that looks like him?

Yeah. He'll be conducting
the follow-up investigation.

As a matter of fact, you're
just about to meet him.


You must be Rivers.

Yeah, I feel like we've met.

Hey, is this the guy?

Well, if you're the
cop, he's the guy.

I'll be at the gymnasium
later to talk with you.

All right.

I can't figure why
everyone's so confused.


I don't think we
look alike at all.
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