02x20 - Log 104: The b*mb

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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02x20 - Log 104: The b*mb

Post by bunniefuu »

Lincoln X-ray Ida 483.

One-Adam-12, a

with chains and knives.


Amalgamated Products.

What do they make
here? Beats me.

Whatever it is though, somebody
must have tried to heist it.

Thank you.

Oh, come in, gentlemen, come in.

I'm Officer Malloy, this
is my partner, Jim Reed.

How do you do? I'm Phil
Watters, Plant Superintendent.

You reported a
theft, Mr. Watters.

That's right, and there's
the thief right there.

His name is Elmo Constant.

Works in our
shipping department.

Our security man's
already made out a report.

It's a lie, I never
stole anything.

We've been having a lot of
trouble around here lately...

Accidents, stealing,
a little of everything.

Maybe now it'll stop.

This report indicates theft
and subsequent recovery

of some kind of
electronics equipment.

Could we take a
look at it, please?

I'm sorry, that item's
back in stock now.

We'll have to book it for
evidence, Mr. Watters.

I'm afraid you can't do that.

It's classified equipment.

Under no circumstances
can it leave the premises.


Well, Malloy, what do you know?

Hello, Ed.

You two know each other?

This is the guy I've been
telling you about, Mr. Watters.

Pete Malloy, the big operator.

A guy that got me kicked
out of the Police Department.

Look, I'm trying to tell ya,

I don't know what
they're talking about.

I ain't no thief, do
you understand?

Admit it, Bowler, you're
looking for a pigeon and I'm it.

If I'm lying, I
hope I drop dead.

What are you
waiting for, Malloy?

Arrest him.

I'll make the charges
stick, don't worry.

Or maybe you were thinking
of taking his word over mine.

I'm sorry, Mr. Watters,

we can't make an arrest
without some sort of evidence.

Now, if you think you've got
a case, we'll be glad to listen.

I'm sorry we bothered
you gentlemen.


Still playing it by
the numbers, huh?

Friendly warning, kid.

The name's Reed.

If you're ever in a jam,

don't count on too much
help from your partner, here.

Is that so?

Yeah. I'll tell you
something else, too.

That guy in there is guilty
and I plan on proving it.

I'll be calling you
again, Malloy.

Wait and see.

"No evidence of
crime committed."

If Watters and Bowler
have it in for Constant,

why don't they just
fire him? Beats me.

They'll be lucky if
he doesn't slap them

with a civil suit
for false arrest.

I'd be tempted, I think.

Why'd Bowler get kicked
out of the department?

He was making an arrest,

used excessive
force on the suspect.

He acts like he holds
you personally responsible.

I was a witness.

What do you think of that?

You having some trouble?

Yeah, some people should
look where they're going.

Nice little radio.
How's it work?

Oh, it works like a charm.

Does it belong to you?

Of course it does.

What about the
rest of this stuff?

That yours, too?

Oh, oh, it's all
mine, don't worry.

I'm, uh... I'm just moving.

I just checked out of my room.

Where was your room located?

Uh, the old one?

Uh, that apartment
building right there.

Uh, well, I... I
got to be going.

I'll be seeing you. Which room?


Which room are you moving from?

Oh, uh, 402.

Would you mind showing it to us?

The room?

Well, what for?

If you guys are
looking for a room,

that one's already rented.

I guess we're out
of luck, partner.

Oh, maybe there's
another vacancy.

What's the manager's name?

Oh, now look, fellows,
I got to be going.

I got to meet a guy, you know.

Before you go,

can't you tell us the
manager's name?

Oh, uh...

Hey! Hold him.

You thief!

You lousy, stinkin' thief!

Wait a while, take it easy.

That stuff he's got,
it's mine, I tell ya.

Some friend you
turned out to be.

I gave you a flop and
you steal me blind.

Look at that!

It's my shoes he's wearing.

Now, can you believe that?

I couldn't help it,
C.J., and you know it.

But it's all your fault.

You shouldn't
have left me alone.

What are you waiting for?

Lock him up and lose the key!

Now, I ask you, who
can you trust nowadays?

Look, are you sure these
things belong to you?


Everything, including the shoes.

Now make him take them off.

This sidewalk's hot.

All right, you want
to put the bags down?

All right, you want to
show me some I.D.?


Oh, yes.

Herring, is that your last name?

That's right, Herring.

I'm Blanch, C.J. Blanch.

That's him, that's the man!

He's the one. Don't let him go!

He robbed me, Officers.

Just now, not five minutes ago.

Well, Mr. Herring, it looks
like it just isn't your day.

Not him. Him!

Thought I didn't
see ya, huh, buster?

I saw him though.

With his hand right
smack in the till.

By the time I got
out of the kitchen,

he was gone and
the dough was gone.

He took 15 bucks
out of that till

and he didn't even
pay for the chili dog.

Search him.

I'll bet my money's
still on him.

All right, mister, open your
hand and take it out slowly.

Oh, come on now.

You mean you
think I've got a g*n?

I was just going to
give her loot back.

That's all, okay?

What's so funny, friend?

You and me are gonna
be roommates again, pal.

Can I at least have
my shoes back?

My feet are k*lling me.

My money, you mind.

Your money will be
booked as evidence, ma'am.

I'll give you a receipt for
it. You can get it back later.

All right you two, let's go.

Come on.

What did he do?

Well, it looks like he cleaned
out his friend's apartment.

Now, wait a minute.

You mean he was
stealing from him,

while he was stealing from me?

Is that right?

Yes, ma'am.

I know it's confusing.

What's the matter?

Oh, Blanch and Herring.

Yeah, if they ever
bring back Vaudeville,

those two will get rich.

No, the traveling
expenses would k*ll them.


When I booked them, they
both demanded separate rooms.

You want to see if there's another
unit somewhere around here?

This is One-Adam-12
requesting any available unit

in the vicinity of
Budlong and Eden.

Meet us on Tach 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Any available
unit in the vicinity

Budlong and Eden,
meet One-Adam-12

on Tach 2 and identify.


You better switch it to Tach 2.

One-Adam-12, this
is One-Adam-15.

We're six blocks
south of your location.

What's the problem?

It sounds like we've
got a couple hot rodders

in the area playing drag strip.

Roger. We heard them, too.

They're about three
blocks west of us.

We'll try to sneak up
behind them from this side.

What do you say?

Roger, 15. We'll
turn toward you.

There they are.

I don't think she's
going to stop.

This is One-Adam-12
requesting an ambulance.

We have a T.A. with
injuries, Eden and Hill.

This unit not involved.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Are you all right, ma'am?

Ma'am, are you all right?

Oh, no.


You're wasting your breath.

I don't believe it.

He couldn't be
dead. He couldn't be.

I wouldn't bet on it.

He was the best driver I knew.

The best!

What's your name?

It was her fault.

You saw her, didn't you?

The stupid dame.
Didn't you see her?

Yeah, we saw her.

I'll k*ll her!

I'll k*ll her! Get
him out of here!

I'll k*ll her!

Your suspect still raising Cain?

Yeah, he's blaming
everybody but himself.

I got another one for you.

Ed Bowler. Again?

He just called. You
better get right over there.

What's the deal? He
says he found a b*mb.

There it is.

Just the way I found it. I
haven't touched a thing.

What makes you
think it's a b*mb?

I case the buildings, sonny.

This is the only thing I found
that wasn't where it belongs.

Well, was there a
b*mb threat, Bowler?

Watters' secretary received
the call about an hour ago.

Watters wasn't in,

the girl notified
me immediately.

Gave the building a
shake and found that.

My secretary just told
me... Did you find the b*mb?

Yes, sir. Right over there.

What? That package? Yes, sir.

Where's the fuse,
shouldn't there be one?

Not necessarily, sir.

Shouldn't we dump it in a
pail of water or something?

No, sir, that's exactly
what we shouldn't do.

Don't worry, Mr. Watters,
I'll handle this.

If this is a b*mb, I want it
handled by professionals.

This is a storeroom
for shipping supplies.

Constant works in
shipping, he has a key.

Now, as far as I'm concerned,
I have all the answers I need.

Cool down, Ed.

We were lucky once
when Constant agreed

not to sue us for false arrest.

Let's not stick our
necks out again.

We've had b*mb scares before.

They've always turned
out to be false alarms.

I'm betting this one will, too.

I'd like to call a b*mb
squad... they're the pros.

Well, what about my employees?
I've got a full shift working.

I'd advise you to
clear the premises, sir.

But that decision's up to you.

I guess we'd better
evacuate the plant.

Yes, sir.

I'd also suggest you don't
say anything about the b*mb.

It's a b*mb, huh? You
made up your mind?

No, sir, but we don't
want anybody to panic.

Okay, Ed, get with it.

How many people inside, Malloy?


The plant super
staged a practice fire drill

to clear the building.

Employees are all out in
back in a receiving yard.

Do they have a fire
protection setup?

Yeah, it's standing by.

You all set? Right. Let's do it.

Hi, Ed Bowler, plant
security. Building's cleared.

This is Sergeant Casey
and I'm Sergeant Bell.

Fire Arms and
expl*sives sections, huh?

Yes, sir. It's right in here.

You better wait
outside, Mr. Bowler.

Oh, yeah, well,
whatever you say.

That's it over there.

All right, move this
crate back out of here.


What's on the other
side of this wall?

The computer room.

If that's a b*mb
and it goes off,

they're out of business, period.

So are we.

There's no timing mechanism.

What does that mean?

If it is a b*mb,

it isn't set to explode by
any mechanical timing device.

The trigger's either
electronic or chemical.

Okay, Malloy, you and
your partner clear out, huh?

Well, let's try a window.




Careful, not too deep.


Those guys are
something else, huh?

Couple of the best.

Six sticks.

I don't see any
chemical detonator.

Let's get it out of here.

I'll get the sled. Yeah.

It's a b*mb all right.

We'll bring it outside
before we try to de-arm it.

You fellows might
survey the building.

Look for some sort of remote
electronic triggering device.

What do we do if we find one?

Just don't press any buttons.

Malloy, you did
say you'd requested

no radio transmission
in this area, didn't you?

Yeah. Good man.

Bell, give me a
hand, will you, please?


Probably set the
blow by remote trigger.

If this doesn't blow it,
we'll carry it out of here.

That's it.


Yeah, it's all yours.

Twitch it around.
Okay, get me in position.

Wait, now.

All right?

I'm set.

That's enough.

Let's get it out of here.

Easy does it, pal.

Watch those feet.

At times like these I
wish they were smaller.

I told you I've already
checked the building.

The only b*mb is
the one we found.

You want to check
somebody's locker?

Try Constant's. Here.

Reed. A remote TV tuner.

So what?

You know, one of those
things, you press the button

and change the channels...
You better not touch it.

What do you think?

Let's go ask
somebody that knows.

Ah. That should do it.

No amateur made
this baby. You bet.

Well, find something,
Malloy? I don't know.

Hi, Mac. Case, how goes it?

Can't complain.

If this thing is the
remote triggering device,

it'll be easy
enough to find out.

We'll check it through
a volt ohm meter.

We found it one of
the employee's lockers.

Elmo Constant.

He's a thief and he's a liar,

but I'll admit I never
pegged him for a bomber.

Well, a little while ago
you seemed pretty positive.

Yeah, I guess I
did at that, didn't I?

Hello, Bowler.

Okay, now if this
meter registers

when I press this little button,

you found your
triggering device.

Bingo, we'll book
it with the b*mb.

I'll go get Constant right now.

Where is he?

With the employees
in the receiving yard.

Wait a minute, Ed.

Let us handle it, okay?

No nitro crystals.

Look, I ain't going to take
the rap for no b*mb attack.

I don't even know what
you're talking about.

And that's the truth.

He claims that he has no idea

how that remote gizmo
got in his lunch pail.

Okay, so I picked
up a couple of bucks

for putting that package
in the storeroom.

I didn't know it was a b*mb.

Who paid you to put
the package in there?

I told them... It was Mr. Baker.

He works in Experimental.

Give me Experimental.

Well, Malloy,

it looks like I wasn't
so wrong after all.

I'd say we were
all pretty lucky.

Hello. This is Watters.

Is Mr. Baker there?

He what?

I see, thank you.

Baker went home
about an hour ago.

Apparently he wasn't
feeling very well.

Do you have his address?

Oh, I can call him for you.

I'd rather you
didn't do that, sir.


I'll call another unit
to take in your suspect.

You and Reed check out Baker.


Hello, this is Mr. Watters.

Yes. Give me
Mr. Baker's address.

What did Watters say
about this guy, Baker?

Oh, good worker, quiet type.

Been with the firm a long time.

There it is, up there.

This is One-Adam-12,
show us code 6

at 337 South Wyler.

One-Adam-12, Roger.


Mrs. Baker?

Mrs. Baker passed
away six months ago.

Do you live here alone, ma'am?

Just the two of us,
my brother and I.

I'm all he has left.

It was a shock. A great shock.

Well, does your brother work
for Amalgamated Products?

He did.

I beg your pardon?

He walked out this afternoon.

Ten years without a promotion.

Did you ever hear of
anything so terrible?

Where is your brother now?

Oh, he came home and
went right out to the garage.

It's his own, private
castle, you know.

Is it out back? You
enter through the alley.

Thank you very much.

He'll only tell you

to go away and leave him alone.

Yes, ma'am.

Sounds like a car engine.

No handle.

Must open by remote signal.



There's a window on this side.

Okay, get an ambulance!

This is One-Adam-12
requesting an ambulance

to the alley behind

We have an attempted
su1c1de in a vehicle.

Carbon monoxide gas.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

What did Constant say when
MacDonald turned him loose?

Something about leaving town.

I think he's had about all of
Amalgamated he can take.

I can't say that I blame him.

Old Baker had it
figured out pretty good.

All Constant had to do was get
curious enough to press that button.

I'm just glad Baker
waited until after lunch

to plant his trigger.

Hiya, Mac.

Well, you guys had a
fairly busy day, didn't you?

Tell us about it.

Got a call from the hospital.

Baker's out of danger.
He's gonna live.
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