02x26 - Log 173: Shoplift

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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02x26 - Log 173: Shoplift

Post by bunniefuu »

Lincoln X-ray Ida 483.

One-Adam-12. A 415... fight
group with chains and knives.


Call just came in
from store security.

It was change of watch,

so they called
the station direct.

"Summer's Department Store."

That's your area, is it?

Yeah. What is it, shoplifting?

Right. Security's holding a
suspect in the manager's office.

Okay. We'll get right on it.

Something wrong, Malloy?


Nothing I can't handle.

You're in a different
world, partner.


Oh. No, not really.

When MacDonald
gave you this note,

you looked as though
you'd seen a ghost.

I guess I did in a way.

A ghost? At Summer's
Department Store?

Yeah. A real live ghost.

Gentlemen, come right in.

Good morning, sir.
I'm Officer Malloy.

This is my partner Jim Reed.

How do you do? How do you do?

I'm Mr. Bernard, the
store general manager.

I wouldn't have
called except, well,

one just can't let a thing
like this go on forever.

I mean there's an
end to everything,

and this is it, gentlemen.

I understand your
security people

have the shoplifting suspect
in custody, is that right?

Yes, I'm afraid it is.

We simply can't look
the other way forever.

As much as I hate to,

this time we must prosecute.

Hello, Pete.


Been a long time.

I'm sorry it had
to come to this,

Miss Courtnay,

but you left me no alternative.

Miss Hayes has all the details,

so if you'll excuse
me, gentlemen.

The name is M'Liss Courtnay.

Reports are filled in,
and she's had her rights.

I'm still thinking about
those rights, by the way.

I'm Jane Hayes.

Jim Reed. Glad to know you.

Diamond wristwatch, huh?

Yeah, a good one.

Retail value $2,500.

I suppose you're
prepared to get up in court

and prove that I'm the
thief. Is that correct?

Quite correct, Miss Courtnay.


What are those for?

Unless you find the watch,

you've no reason to
arrest me, have you?

Well, you're already
under arrest, Miss Courtnay.

I saw you take the
watch, remember?

But you didn't find it when
you searched me, did you?

What happened?

Oh, she was pricing jewelry.

The store's had
trouble with her before,

so I kept an eye on her.

She palmed the watch,
slipped it into her bag.

I caught up with her outside,

but when I did,
the bag was gone.

The watch, too, of course.

Is she a kleptomaniac?

I'm not sure it's
that simple, Pete.

I've been working
here part-time,

oh, nearly six months now,

ever since the department
gave me permission.

Yeah. I know.

She's lifted merchandise
half a dozen times.

Up till now, though,
it's all been small stuff.

The manager's been putting
it on her charge account.

Today she decided
to graduate, I guess.

Yeah, I wonder if she
knows how hard she could fall.

A gal can get hurt that way...

Falling, I mean.


You've got a long memory.

Have I?

How long has it
been, Pete, a year?

A year and a month.

At least you bothered
to keep track of me.

That's something, I suppose.

I heard you were practically
engaged to some guy.


Some guy who's willing
to overlook the fact

that I'm a policewoman.


Just like that?


Good luck.

What are they doing to that man?

Buzz in!

Getting ready to book him.

Will they do that to
me? Put me in that cell?

No. You'll be taken
to Sybil Brand Institute.

We just brought you here first

because we want to
talk to the detectives.

Aah! Out of here!

Get me out of here! Aah!

Get me out of here!

Aah! Get me out of here!

Don't put me in there!

I don't want to...
Get me out of there!




Ah, that scuffle only
lasted about 30 seconds,

and when it was
over, she was gone.

We got on the horn right
away to Communications

and put out a broadcast.

The arresting officer was Hayes.

That the policewoman
assigned to Devonshire Division?

Yeah. She's been
there about a year.

She works store
security on her days off.

Jan Hayes. her
father was a good cop.

So's she.

Well, a 484 and a $2,500 watch.

Find one, maybe
you'll find the other.


All units, One-Adam-12,
reports additional

on the grand theft suspect
that escaped from custody.

A female Caucasian,

light brown hair,

wearing a rust-colored
suede jumper,

dark blue or black
turtleneck sweater,

high tan boots, and
a beaded headband.

Now what?

If you weren't ready
to be put in jail,

where would you go?

She's got credit
that won't quit.

She could be out of the
country in less than an hour.

She's an amateur.

Scared, and her
parents are rich.

Skyline Road, wasn't it?

Yeah, 1162.


Police officers.

We'd like to talk
to Miss Courtnay.

Miss Courtnay isn't in.

Then could we please
speak to her parents,

Mr. and Mrs. Courtnay?

Mrs. Courtnay is entertaining.

I'd appreciate it if you'd
tell her it's important.

Yes, sir. Wait just a moment.

Nice place. Yeah.

Taxes must be something else.

I wouldn't be surprised.

I'm Mrs. Courtnay.
May I help you?

We'd like to talk to you
about your daughter.

Oh, dear. I have a
garden full of guests.

Why on earth do you want
to talk to me about M'Liss?

Mrs. Courtnay, your
daughter's been arrested.

Arrested? What for?


Oh, there must be some
mistake, I'm sure of it.

There's one other
thing, Mrs. Courtnay.

Your daughter also
escaped from custody.

You don't say.

Well, I suppose I can
spare a moment or two.

Come in, gentlemen.

This is my daughter's
room, gentlemen,

including this horrible picture.

As you can see, she's not here.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, you can
search if you want to,

but I assure you,

M'Liss never stole
anything in her life.

I'll admit it doesn't
make much sense.

Of course it doesn't.

There's been a
mistake, naturally.

A store detective
observed your daughter

steal a watch valued at $2,500.

Oh, I don't believe it.

It not only doesn't make sense,

it's positively absurd.

Her uncle's estate
will make M'Liss

extremely wealthy
in her own right

when she reaches age 21.

Extremely wealthy.

Until then, her
father will continue

to provide anything she needs,

as he always has in the past...

Most generously, I might add.

Yes, ma'am.

Frankly, officers,

I'd hate to be the one
to tell Mr. Courtnay

his daughter's in trouble.

In five years of marriage,
I've never come between them.

I see.

Nothing here.

Well, then,
gentlemen, if that's all,

I do have guests waiting.

Mrs. Courtnay, do
you know the name

of the man in this picture?

Of course not.

Do you mind?

No. Please hurry.

Officers, I simply must
return to the garden.

Yes, ma'am.

But if your daughter comes home

or if you hear from her,

would you give us a call
at this number, please?

Yes, I'd be
delighted. Thank you.

I'm sure this will all turn out

to be simply a matter
of mistaken identity.




Merodach. What does it mean?

That character's name, I guess.

Well, the picture,
that incense altar,

That whole thing seems like some
sort of oddball devotional setup.

Yeah. Sanctuary.

Any unit in the vicinity,

79023 Wilshire Blvd.

A 484 suspect there now

in the parking lot of
Summer's Department Store.

We'll handle the 484.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

It was the Courtnay
girl, all right.

One of the salesmen
was outside on a break.

Recognized her on the side wall.

By the time she notified
me, she disappeared.

We spotted her
later in the parking lot,

but before we could
seal it off, she got away.

How do you figure?

Must have crawled
under a bunch of cars

and made it to
one that drove away

before we could
get to her. Yeah.

I'll call it in.

How'd she get away from
you down at the station?

Oh, uh, some suspect
tried to make a break,

and Reed and I had
to help subdue him.

In the confusion
she slipped away.

Well, looks like
we both struck out.

Did she ever mention
anybody named Merodach?

That's a name?

I think he's one of
those occult characters

that finds our Mediterranean
climate so productive.

She's got his picture
up in her room.

Oh, kids are always plastering
their wall with pictures.

Hero, worship.

Oh, she worships this one

on some kind of
a homemade altar.

You tried the telephone book?

Have you got one?

In the manager's
office. I'll check for you.

Merodach? Yeah. D-A-C-H.


I'm Officer Malloy.

I'd like to ask you
a few questions.

It is the moment of silence.


You may come in,
but silently, please.

Spirit of Heaven, remember.

Spirit of Earth, remember.

By the sacrifice of mercy,

may perfect health
shine like bronze.

May the Sun God bring life.

May Merodach,
eldest son of the Deep,

give perfect strength,
prosperity, and health.

May Ninsegal not turn her
face toward another place.

Okay, mister, that's enough.


Right. The eldest
son of the Deep.

The Earth is filled
with unbelievers.

We're looking for a
girl named Courtnay,

M'Liss Courtnay. Ninsegal.



That is the name she has chosen

from the Ancient
Books of Babylon

to which Merodach holds the key.

Do you have any idea
where we can find her?

She is awaiting the
summons of Nebbs,

the Great Steward,
supreme among the gods.

We're talking about a
different kind of summons.

She's wanted for
grand theft and escape.

Merodach rebukes the vain charge

of the Assyrian in Caldia.

Do you know where she is?

I have told you.

She awaits the summons of Nebbs.

Do you have any identification?

A driver's license or a
Social Security card?


Is this your real name?

I have nothing to hide.

Do you own a car?

Yes. It is parked in the
garage across the alley.

How long has it been since
you saw Miss Courtnay?

Quite recently,
within the past hour.

Where was that?

Here. She brought an offering.

Then she left,

refreshed, as always by
brief moments of meditation.

Do you have any idea

why she'd steal a
$2,500 diamond watch?

Is that what you're
accusing her of stealing?

That's right.

If I had only known.

Known what?

The offering that she brought me

was a diamond watch.

We'll have to confiscate
the watch as evidence.

Do you seriously think
that I would accept

such a symbol of
trenchant materialism?

I refused it, of course.

There are things
far more important

between Miss
Courtnay and Merodach.

Like what?

Her soul.

The propitious spirit
of Miss Courtnay's soul.

We asked R&I to run the mystic.

He calls himself Merodach.
His real name's Ellrod.

They came up with three priors,

all out of state.

Same MO, same
charge: suspicion of fraud.

Occult stuff with some
kind of a pagan twist.

Any convictions?

No. They couldn't get a witness

to testify against him.

Well, I'll check
with Lieutenant.

As soon as someone's
available in detectives,

you'll turn it over to them.

Any objections if
we stay on the case?

Well, just get out and clear.

If you're in the area
and not busy, go to it.

Thanks, Mac.


Hold it, Pete.

Go ahead.

All right. Thanks.

That was Hayes from
Summer's Department Store.

Your suspect's
father just showed up.

Wants to see the manager.

What's the trouble?

I'm terribly sorry,
Mr. Courtnay.

Mr. Courtnay,
I'm Officer Malloy.

Yes, yes, I heard.

What's so all-fired important?

I'd like to talk to you
about your daughter.

There's nothing to talk about.

I'm just about to write a check

in favor of Summer's
Department Store.

Well, I wish it
were that easy, sir.

Would you prefer if
we spoke in private?

There's nothing to conceal.

I'm simply transacting
a little business

with the general
manager of the store.

Mr. Courtnay has
been most generous,

and he came here
entirely on his own.

Isn't that correct, sir?

That's right. You
didn't telephone him?

Nobody telephoned
anybody, Officer.

Mr. Courtnay, your
daughter was arrested

for felony shoplifting.

Later she escaped from custody.

Those are pretty
serious charges.

My daughter made one mistake.

She doesn't deserve
to have her life ruined.

This could be the best thing

that ever happened to
your daughter, Mr. Courtnay.

Would you mind leaving
us alone for a moment?

Of course not. Not at all.

Sit down, young man.

I admire a man who
knows his job and does it.

But I have a job to do, too,

and I'm hoping you can see

that it might just
possibly take precedence.

Malloy, wasn't it?

Yes, sir.

Malloy, there's
more at stake here

than you know about.

My wife's reputation,
for instance.

How do you think it'll look

if word of this
affair leaks out?

Mrs. Courtnay does
a lot of good work.

Right now she's
funding a large new home

for indigent children.

Second, there's my
position to consider.

I contribute a
fortune every year

to community affairs.

I pay your salary,

plus the salaries of
the great many others.

If you're talking about
taxes, I'm sure you do, sir.

Right. Then you
do see the point.

Now, there is no need

for this to get any
more involved, is there?

Mr. Courtnay,

if you don't want this to
get any more involved,

I suggest you cooperate.

Well, we are cooperating.

Aren't we, Malloy?

Mr. Courtnay, for
your own protection,

I should tell you that
harboring a fugitive

makes you an accessory.

Now, that's also a felony.

Who says I'm harboring anybody?

Well, you've obviously
talked with your daughter.

Now where is she, Mr. Courtnay?

Nobody said anything
about talking to M'Liss.

This morning, when we
interviewed Mrs. Courtnay,

the name of the store
was never mentioned,

and the arresting
officer, Miss Hayes,

says that she
didn't telephone you,

and neither did the manager.

So how did you know
where to come, sir,

if you haven't spoken
with your daughter?

Is Miss Courtnay
at home now, sir?

There just has to
be another way.

There always is.

Not this time, sir.

She was at home when I left.

What do I do now, Malloy?

Call your house, but don't
speak with your daughter.

Just make certain
she's still there.

Oh, she'll be there, all right.

What do you mean?

I locked her in her room.

Malloy. Let me
talk to MacDonald.

Mac, I'm at the Courtnay
girl's house right now.

No, she got away, but she
might decide to take a cab,

so why don't you
put out a broadcast?

Okay. We'll keep in touch.

If she comes back,
where do I call?

Where you should have
called in the first place.

I gave your wife the number.

Yes, I know. She told
me. I wouldn't listen.

Bad habit of mine, I guess.

Poor M'Liss.

I gave her everything
except myself.

Oh, darling.

Please, you mustn't
blame yourself.

One-Adam-12, code 6 at
Melrose Place and Highland.

Shows code 5 at that location.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,
phone the station.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

That was MacDonald.

The cab company verified a fare

from the Westside area
to 2816 Melrose Place.

The driver described our girl,

and she was carrying
a leather purse.

One-Adam-12, cancel the code 5

and put us code 6 at

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Spirit of Heaven remember.

Spirit of Earth, remember.

He that makes an image
that injures man, remember.

He that makes an evil face,

an evil eye, an evil mouth,

an evil poison, remember.

And now

may Ninsegal, wife of Minasu,

welcome the Propitious Spirit.

And now may the Propitious Genie

settle upon this body.

Now you are, now
and ever, Ninsegal.

Yes. Oh, yes.

Okay, folks.

It is the end, and
it is the beginning.

Your arrival is
fortuitous, gentlemen.

We were just about to telephone.

Yeah, I'm sure you were.

Ninsegal will confirm the truth.

Merodach speaks only the truth.

I'm ready now.

You, too, mister.

Turn around.
You're under arrest.

May I ask what I'm
being charged with?

Accessory to grand theft

and harboring a fugitive.

Such a waste of time and energy.

What's that supposed to mean?

Simply that this
will turn out to be

what you call a bad
arrest, gentlemen.

Is that so?

Ninsegal will testify

that I refused the watch,

that I had every intention
of telephoning you.

I cannot lie, but
I shall be waiting.

Ninsegal will return

to the rich life of
fullest realization.

You know, my father locked
me in my room like an animal.

Yes, ma'am.

All my life I've
tried to talk to him,

to say "I love you,"

but he never listened.

Now he'll never know.

That's too bad.

He'll never know
the Propitious Spirit.

How sad.

How very sad.

I want to thank you, gentlemen,

and apologize
if you'll accept it.

There's no need to apologize.

That's very kind of you.

I'm afraid I wouldn't
be so charitable.

Will you excuse me?


How's the girl taking it?


She's on Cloud 9.

The Propitious
Spirit, she calls it.

She's already
planning the golden altar

she's going to
build for Merodach

When she comes
into her inheritance.

He's going to have to
wait a couple of years

to enjoy it.

How's Courtnay doing?

I feel sorry for that guy.

He tried to get M'Liss
to talk to his lawyer,

and she wouldn't talk
to either one of them.

A million bucks, and it won't
buy him visiting privileges.

She seemed happy about it.

Yeah. She said it was
the first time in her life

she ever made her own decision.

Well, so long, apparition.


Reed here claims
that you're a ghost

from my sinister past.

And you told him I'm a lady cop.

Best one I know.

Well, thanks for
that much anyhow.

See you around, Officer.

Yeah. See you around.
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