03x15 - Log 26: LEMRAS

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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03x15 - Log 26: LEMRAS

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


The Lakers lost again.

Did you go to the
game last night?

Yeah. We had a couple tickets.
Jean's sister sat with the baby.

I didn't know Jean dug
basketball all that much.

That's where she met me.

- The basketball game?
- One I was playing.

I didn't know you
played basketball.

There are a lot of
things you don't know.

I was All-Conference
for two years.

Well, hooray for our side.
We got a star in our midst.

Well, it was a small conference.

All units in the vicinity
and One-Adam-12.

A 211 is in progress.

12144 Tamarac. At the market.

One-Adam-12 out, code 3.

One-Adam-12, roger.

It's about 10 blocks from here.

- Holler when we hit 11800.
- Right.

If they're in there, let's
try and take 'em outside.


requesting clear frequency

for emergency broadcast.

All units of
Frequency 1 stand by.

One-Adam-12, go ahead.

One-Adam-12.211 in progress

at 12144 Tamarac confirmed.

Two armed suspects
inside, holding hostages.

sh*ts fired.

All units. One-Adam-12 reports

there is a 211 in
progress, and sh*ts fired.

12144 Tamarac.

Two armed suspects
inside holding hostages.

Called a couple extra
units to block off the area.

They've got two hostages,
the proprietor and a woman.

Get your hands off of me!

Shut up, lady, or I'll
shut you up for good.

Now listen to me, cops!

I got two free rides outta here!

We walk out and drive
away, or they both get it!

Sounds like he means business.

I think we may be able to take
'em without anybody getting hurt.

- How?
- You stay here and
keep 'em talking.

Reed and I will get in position
on both sides of the door.

Once we're set, you try to get 'em to
come out, and we'll jump 'em from behind.

It's worth a try.

Just remember, our primary
concern is the safety of those hostages.

- You go around back
and take the far side.
- Right.

Hey, coppers!

You hear me talkin'?

We walk out now, or the
lady and the guy get it!

How do we know you're
not gonna hurt 'em anyway?

You don't.

You'll have to trust
us. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Now do we come out with 'em,

or do I k*ll 'em right here?

You got about two seconds!

Okay. Okay.

What is it you want?

We come out with
Barney and the lady!

One funny move,

or if anybody tries to follow...

All right. It's your show.

Just take it easy.

You bet it is!

Try to follow us,

and the lady gets
it! You understand?

All right. Come on out.

Just don't hurt them.

We're comin' out!

Remember, one funny
move and they get it!

All right.

Come on out.

That's bein' good boys, cops.

Stay nice.

Just as ya are.


Hold it!

Okay. Get an ambulance.

You lousy fuzz! You
said you'd let us go!

No, I only said I'd
let you come out.

Let's go. On your feet.

- I think you broke my foot.
- I hope so, mister!

Roughin' me up like that!

After it took me
an hour and a half

to get ready for
that party tonight!

Let me ask you something, lady. Where
did you learn to use your heel like that?

I watched a lot of
cops shows on TV.

- You ever play any basketball?
- Football.

Um... All-Conference, or...

Well, it was a very
small conference.

One-Adam-12. One-Adam-12.

See the man, a 459 report.

1348 East Arden.

One-Adam-12, roger.

It's about time you got here.

We just received the
call a minute ago, sir.

People can't go away for a
week without getting robbed.

Money. Bonds.
Jewelry. Everything.

- I'm Officer Malloy. This...
- Never mind that.

I wanna know where you were
when my house got robbed.

Handling other calls. That's
why we need your cooperation.

Cooperation? What
kind of cooperation?

There's certain precautions
people can take, like...

Like improving the police force?

Like leaving some lights
on and the radio playing

when you're away.
Did you do that, sir?

- No, I didn't.
- And not leaving an empty house

full of valuables, and then extending
a printed invitation to burglars.

Don't try to shirk your
responsibility by putting it off onto me.

Mister, we're not
shirking anything.

We're here to help you. Now
do you want that help or not?

Of course I want that help.

Even if it is too late.

My wife is upstairs,
a total wreck.

She was so upset, she had to
take a sedative and go to bed.

- I'm sorry.
- Could I have your name,

Edwin M. Kale. And
don't you forget it.

I've got friends who
are high up in this city.

Councilman Jones just
lives three doors from here.

Did you know that?

Yes, sir.

You police are paid to
keep an eye on our house.

Taxes I pay for police
protection are astronomical.

Mr. Kale, if you'd called us to
tell us you were going out of town,

we'd have been glad to keep
a special eye on your house.

And how was I to know that?

If you attended the basic car
plan meetings, you'd know that.

Basic car plan meetings?

What in blazes is
basic car plan meetings?

They're meetings between the police
and the people in the area they patrol.

Never heard of it.

Well, the idea is for us to get
to know one another, Mr. Kale.

Problems of the community, so
we can prevent crimes like these.

I repeat, I never
heard of such meetings.

You should have. We
publicize it widely enough.

Billboards, for instance.
And mailers we send out.

And who reads junk mail?

Mr. Kale, about your burglary.

The neighbors notice anything?

Oh, the neighbors.

Well, didn't they
see or hear anything?

- Only Cindy.
- And who's Cindy?

Just a child.

Said she heard motorcycles
coming out of our driveway last night.

- It's ridiculous.
- Did she see anyone?

Said by the time she'd got to the window,
they'd gone. Must have been dreaming.

We'll have to have a complete list of
what was stolen for our report, Mr. Kale.

Paperwork. Think you can just
file a report and forget it, right?

Well, it won't cut. I want
results. This is your area.

And I'm holding
you two responsible.

Now either I get satisfaction,
or I get your badges.

Mr. Kale, you do
whatever you want to.

We have other things to do, too.

More important than standing
here listening to your threats.

So do you wanna
get on with the report?

Come on in.

How about that Mr. Kale?

About the most he can do is

make things unpleasant
for everybody that has to

investigate his
charges and complaints.

Well, I'm sure not looking
forward to hearing from him again.

You and me both, partner.

End of watch. Let's
head for the barn.

Wonder what his trouble is?

Let's find out.

May I see your license, please?

What's the matter, Officer?
Did I do something wrong?


- Will you step
over here, please?
- Now wait a minute. I...


What's your name?

What's the matter?
Don't you have a name?

Wendy Tucker.

May I see your license?

What's the matter?

- Been drinking?
- Oh, now I get it.

No, Officer, I wasn't drinking.

I had to swerve to avoid
hitting that car back there.

You saw that, didn't you?

Seven-A-75. Seven-A-75.

Cancel your last
call on Hindel...

Nine, huh? You live around here?

- Assist the fire department...
- What's he doing with her?

He's calming her down.
He has a child of his own.

Well, thanks for that.

You did see that car
weave into me, didn't ya?

No, sir, I can't say we did.

But you were driving pretty
erratically. We saw that.

Charles Hammond?
Is that your name?

Yeah. Yeah. Just give
me the ticket and let me go.

Who's the little girl?

That's my daughter. What of it?

She says her name
is Wendy Tucker.

Okay, so I'm her stepfather.
Let's get on with it, can we?

- Run him.
- Right.

It's One-Adam-12,
requesting a clear frequency

for a routine check on...

It's okay, hon.
It's all right, see?

One-Adam-12. No
record on your subject.

One-Adam-12, roger.

No priors.

She says that he
offered her candy.

Near her house, a
couple blocks from here.

She got in to take it,
he took off with her.

Usual M.O. for his type.


- Mommy!
- Wendy! What is it?

- Mrs. Tucker?
- Yes. I'm Mrs. Tucker.

What happened, Officer?

Well, nothing, except a
pretty bad scare for Wendy.

Would you step over
here for a moment?

What's the... what is it?

What's it all about?

This man was taking
Wendy somewhere in his car.

He says he's her stepfather.

But I never saw that
man in my whole life.

Wendy. How many
times have I told you

never to speak to strangers!

He lured her into
the car, Mrs. Tucker.

Oh, Wendy. Wendy, darling!

I asked you men
to stay after roll call

because you're gonna be
assigned as crime repression units,

to concentrate on this outbreak
of burglaries we've been having.

Now as you know, we've been
utilizing LEMRAS in the division.

Of course, you all know
what LEMRAS means.

Law Enforcement Manpower
Resource Allocation System.

- It's a mouthful.
- Yeah.

But I'll leave it at LEMRAS.

It's a relatively new system.

Been used mostly
in the Valley so far.

Now the way it works,

the department
feeds into a computer

statistics about
the number of calls

for services we've
been getting in our areas,

and at what time
of day and night.

The computer analyzes all this,

then comes back
almost immediately,

predicting where and
when we can expect

the greatest
concentration of calls.

And we deploy our
patrols accordingly.

How well has it worked?

Well, the Chief says, uh,

LEMRAS has been

in predicting where
and when the calls

for police manpower will come.

You can't do much
better than that.


We know that in this area here,

we've got a pattern of
burglaries developing.

Probably by the same hoods.
They're using motorcycles.

And somehow, they're
heard but never seen.

That's the area we're
gonna concentrate on.

If you don't have any
questions, let's hit the field.

One-Adam-12. See the woman.

459. Suspects just left.

817 South Rossmore.
Handle code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

LEMRAS is right on the nose.

Well, you certainly
do get here in a hurry.

I'm Officer Malloy.
This is Officer Reed.

Oh, well, I'm Mrs. Vandemar.

Have you called the doctor?

Oh, it's nothing.
It's just a scratch.

But I did call you...
The police, that is...

As soon as I recovered my wits!

Do you want to tell
us what happened?

Well, I was out in the
back, in my studio, painting.

Oil painting.

And I started back
into the house.

I have a hair
appointment at 3:00.

And they were running out.
And they ran right into me.

I'm afraid I got
the worst of it.

Are you sure don't
need a doctor?

My husband always says

it would take a Rolls Royce
head on to really do me in.

Won't you sit down?

- Thank you.
- It's funny.

I guess you never sort of
expect it to happen to you.

I mean, burglaries are things
that happen to other people.

Did you get a good look at them?

Oh, just a glance.
Nothing helpful.

But there were two of them.

Light pants. Dark
leather jackets.

Goggles. White helmets.

They ran out, and
away they flew!

- You heard 'em leave?
- On motorcycles.

Vroom! Vroom!
And they were gone!

We got here pretty fast. I
didn't hear any motorcycles.

Well, I did. Vroom!
It was deafening!

They must have been
parked right in my driveway!

Are you sure they
were motorcycles?

Couldn't it have been a
car with a broken muffler?

I'm sure.

My husband and I are,

oh, sort of crazy.

We both ride
motorcycles ourselves.

Motorcycles. Motorcycles.
Who's got the motorcycles?

They just can't
vanish into thin air.

All units and One-Adam-12.

A 459. There now.

See the man. 8090 Arden.

One-Adam-12. Handle code 2.

- Man there now.
- One-Adam-12, roger.

Maybe this is it, partner.

One-Adam-12 in pursuit.

All units on all
frequencies stand by.

One-Adam-12 is in pursuit.

One-Adam-12, go ahead.

Two 459 suspects
headed eastbound on Vale

from 8090 Arden.

All units on all
frequencies, stand by.

One-Adam-12 is in
pursuit of 2 459 suspects

on motorcycles, eastbound
on Vale from Arden.

That's the best vanishing
act since Houdini.


It's One-Adam-12.

We've lost the two 459 suspects.

Last heading east
on Vale from Arden.

All units, One-Adam-12
has lost the two 459 suspects.

Last seen proceeding
east on Vale from Arden

on motorcycles.

All frequencies are clear.

What do we do now?

Just keep lookin'.

And listening.

This is One-Adam-12.
Inform responding units

that we are now headed
west on Mill Street.

Will turn north on McWerter.

One-Adam-12, roger.
All units, One-Adam-12

is westbound on
Mill, and will be turning

northbound on McWerter.

- How did you lose them?
- That's a good question.

Just upped and disappeared.

That van.

We just passed it. It was empty.

Was it? Let's check it out.

He's revving it.

We're now in pursuit.

A green van.
Possible 459 suspects.

Heading westbound
on Mill, from McWerter.

All units on all
frequencies, stand by.

One-Adam-12 is now
in pursuit of a green van.

Westbound on
Mill, from McWerter.

This is One-Adam-12.

Van has turned
on Phyllis Street.

- A dead end.
- Let's see 'em
get out of there.

All right! You in the van!

Come out nice and slow,
with your hands empty!

No sign of life, but
this has to be the hole

our rabbits disappeared into.

Okay, get those rear
doors. We'll cover you.

Okay. Open the crate.
Let's see what we've got.

Just in time for the
cross-country rally to prison.

Okay, boys. You can dismount.

Your joyride's over.

Well, I guess that's the end
of this batch of burglaries.

The loot and the getaway
in one neat bundle.

- They're pretty clever.
- Not clever enough.
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