03x20 - Log 76: Militants

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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03x20 - Log 76: Militants

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


All units in One-Adam-12
Officer needs help.

Ambulance sh**ting.

Exact location is the rear
of the drive-in restaurant

at Avenue N and Manchester.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Did you read that?


Get an ambulance.

Norm. He's hit bad.

The ambulance is on
the way. What about you?

I'm not sure.

My back.

Feels like it's on fire.

I can't move my legs.

I feel a pulse.
He's still with us.

I got a partial out.


male Negroes

ran eastbound down the alley.

We heard the broadcast.
The area's being sealed off.

- Take it easy, Walt.
- I'm sure I got him.

- Both of them.
- Walt, you were
staked out here.

Didn't you see the 211 go down?

No bandits, Pete.

It was a... ambush.

They just opened
up on us from...

from behind.

We didn't have a chance.


We don't have much to go on.

Just the broadcast
Barrett put out.

He was ambushed by two
male Negroes, possibly on foot.

He thinks he wounded both
of them, but we can't be sure.

Far as I know, we have
two units, code 100.

One on Manchester,
and one on Avenue N.

Perimeter's covered,
Pete. Hunter's at 104th,

and there are two X units
staked out on the south side.

Okay. The rest of us can
shake the area on foot.

Johnson, you and
your partner stay here

and preserve the scene
for the investigators.

Pollack, you guys take Avenue N.

We'll take the alley.

Doesn't make sense.

Yeah. Let's go.


Blood. Looks like
Walt hit him, all right.

Drop it!

There's your answer.

The Brotherhood.

What about Walt? It's
been over two hours.

They were just finishing
up in surgery when I left.

The doctor says he'll
be down in a little while.

Excuse me just a moment.

Mrs. Woods?

Your husband's doing
all right, considering.

He's asking for you.

Take the elevator. Room 204.

Can I get you something,
Nan? A cup of coffee?

Thanks. No.

Three years, I've waited.

What's two hours more?

Hey, what is it about this
police work that hooks you guys?

I don't know exactly, Nan. I
guess it's doing something useful.

That's Walt.

"I'm makin' a contribution,
honey. Don't you understand?"

No. I don't understand.

I never have, Pete. I
don't think I ever will.

It's different for us.

Walt never could
just do a good job.

He had to be the best.

The job. Overtime.

Court. School, four days a week.

And now this.

No crime. No victim involved.

Except himself.

No contribution.

Just shot down like an animal
by one of his own people!

They weren't his people, Nan.

Not by a long shot.

Uh, Nan, you're gonna
see the doctor now.

Right over there.

How's he doin', Sarge?

Well, he was hit four times.

One b*llet severed
his spinal chord.

He's alive, but paralyzed
from the waist down.

Doc says it'll be lucky if he
can ever sit up in a wheelchair.

The suspect you picked
up in the alley just died.

We've I.D.'d him
as William James.

According to some
papers in his wallet,

he's got a brother that
lives at 1090 Wilshire.

Homicide's checking out the
pad. They'll make notification.

Well, come on.

I've got a lobby full of
news people out here.

I'll give them the
basic information,

but not the identification.

Sergeant, how about
the rest of the story?

There's not much
more I can tell you now.

Officers Malloy and Reed
here found the suspect,

close by the single sh**ting.

He offer any resistance?

He tried, but he
passed out first.

He was wounded prior
to your finding him?

That's correct.

Sergeant, have you
identified the suspects yet?

So far, just the
one that expired.

I'm sorry we can't
really his name.

The next of kind
have been notified.

His name was William
Randolph James,

and he was ex*cuted by the pigs.

The pigs are murderers.

They m*rder*d a young brother.

A boy. A child of the people.

Do you have any witnesses
to support that statement?

Witnesses for what?
For your r*cist courts?

We don't need no witnesses.

The r*cist pigs have just practiced
more genocide of black people.

Pretty impressive bunch.

That's what gets 'em
in print. They attract.

Not everybody.

Members of the Brotherhood,

and little Willie James
was shot to death.

He was ex*cuted by the pigs,

who had long
laid in wait for him.

How do you explain the
injuries to the two police officers,

if they, in fact,
ambushed James?

Little Willie was trying
to defend himself.

He shot back at the
pigs in self-defense.

The fact is that Little
Willie James was m*rder*d!

And that must
never be forgotten!

The Los Angeles
Police Department

m*rder*d Little Willie James,

in cold blood.

And every single pig on that
murderous police department

is guilty of his m*rder,

and we swear, we
swear that his murderers

will be brought to justice.

They will be brought
to justice in the streets!

And they will be revolutionized!

They will be revolutionized
right here to death!

- Hey, Kenny?
- Jim.

- Hey, how you doin'?
- What's going on?

Go on. Step back
here. We can talk.

Pete. Come on.
Want you to meet him.

Keeping me busy.

Carol, you remember
me talking about Jim Reed.

This is him in the flesh.

- How do you do?
- This is Carol, my wife.

- And my boy, Timmy.
- Hi, Timmy.

This is my partner, Pete Malloy.

Pete, the Jameses.

Kenny and I played football
all through high school.

- Hi, Kenny.
- My pleasure.

What are you doing down here?

I don't know. I got a
strange call at home.

A guy says a friend of
yours is in Central Receiving,

and hangs up.

I didn't know what to
think, but we came anyway.

Mr. James, what's your address?

I'm afraid we have
some bad news for you.

It's, uh... it's about
your brother, William.

Willie? What about him?

Now what's this about Willie?

He was involved...

in an incident
with the police...

earlier tonight.

- He was shot.
- Shot.

How bad was he hurt?

Uh, Kenny, I...

I'm sorry.


- Willie's dead?
- Yeah, he, uh...

he was one of two men who ambushed
some policemen over on Manchester.



He's just... He was just a kid!

Only 18 years old!

He wou... he couldn't
ambush anybody.

When we found him, Kenny,

he was wearing the
Brotherhood uniform.

I know he was
hanging out with them.

Agreed with the things they said

about social conditions,
the plight of the black man.

As a matter of fact, so do I, but I
don't go out and ambush anybody!

Neither did Willie.

I can't believe he would
do anything like that.

These detectives missed
him by about five minutes.


Last time I saw Willie, I guess
he was about 10 or 11 years old.

Like Kenny said, it's...

It's kind of hard to believe
he was involved in this.

Kids grow up, you
never know into what.

The outstanding suspect has
been identified as Cleotis James.

Male n*gro. 28 years.

D.O.B. 10/24/42.

Six feet. Black
hair. Brown eyes.

Known to drive a 1967
Pontiac blue two-door.

License. Nora-Ocean-Ida 743.

He's a brother of the deceased
suspect, William James.

Possibly wounded. Armed.

Should be considered
extremely dangerous.

Any questions?

Okay, that'll do it. We're running
a little late. Let's hit the field.

I'd forgotten Kenny
had an older brother.

Did you ever meet him?

No, he'd already left home
by the time Kenny and I met.

Hey, Reed!

My good friend, Jim Reed.

I recall you telling me it was
the police that were ambushed.

Hey, hold it.
What's the problem?

The problem is this.

I thought we were friends,

but you lied just
like the rest of 'em.

Wait a minute, Kenny.
I told you the truth.


You forgot to mention the fact
that Willie was shot in the back!

That's right. He was.

After he shot two
policemen from behind.

He was running away, Kenny.

A wounded officer fired
that shot, trying to stop him.

The Brotherhood says it
was the other way around.

Well, the evidence
proves otherwise.

Like I told you, we were there.

He had a r*fle.

You and all your kind.

The evidence is just more
of the lies you fabricated.

Oh, you told a nice story.

All neat and wrapped up in
a nice little police package.

My friend, Officer Reed.

You forgot to mention
he was shot in the back!

And you forgot to
mention Cleotis James,

who just happens to be
wanted for attempted m*rder.

- He's your brother.
- That's right. I didn't.

I didn't happen to think of it.

But it makes no difference.

He got out of your police
trap, and I'm glad he did.

- Where is he?
- Don't make me laugh.

You think I actually
would tell you if I knew?

Help you butcher
another black man?

Come on, Kenny. You don't
know what you're talking about.

- You're upset.
- I think, for the first time,

I do know what
I'm talking about.

The Brotherhood
has the right idea.

I'm just sorry it took me
so long to wake up to it.

They ignore the law,
and k*ll innocent people.

Is that what you think is right?

Maybe it's time for that.

Time for me to pick up the g*n.


How can he not believe me?

We were friends. We went
all through school together.

Played football together.

It's not you. It's the
uniform he doesn't believe.

Somehow, somewhere,
he's been convinced

not to believe in
what it stands for.

Afternoon, Officer!

I just bet you didn't stop

to pass the time
of day, did you?

No, sir. May I see your
driver's license, please?

Sure can.

Right up to snuff.

Just got it renewed yesterday.

Didn't want it to expire.

Today is my birthday, ya know.

I'm 75 years old.

About that stop sign back there,

I just plain didn't see it.

I guess I was day-dreaming.

Yes, sir.

Is this your correct
address, Mr. Jenkins?

- 207 Beverly?
- Yep.

Lived there nigh unto 40 years.

Uh, listen.

I'm sorry as the devil
about that stop sign,

and making those people
stomp on their brakes that way.

But you aren't gonna
write me up, are ya?

It wasn't just the
stop sign, Mr. Jenkins.

This is a residential district.

The speed limit's 25.

You were doing better than 50.

But dag nab it, son,
I won't do it again!

It's my birthday!
I'm 75 years old.

And I've never been written up
in 61 years of automobile driving.

I'd say that's a pretty
good record, wouldn't you?

Yes, sir.

- You writing me up anyway?
- Yes, sir.

my record's marked.

I started off in a Model T.

Drove darn near everything
that's been built since then.

Without one ticket!

Yes, sir.

It's downright cold,
that's what it is.

You just don't have any
feeling for an old man

on his 75th birthday.

Yes, sir. I do.

I just wanna help you
get to your 76th birthday.

One-Adam-12. One-Adam-12.

Meet One-L-90 on Tack 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

One-Adam-12 to L-90. Go ahead.

L-90. I just received
an anonymous call

that the suspect Cleotis James

was seen in the
vicinity of the 200 block

of North 73rd.

I repeat, the caller
did not identify himself.

Check it out.

One-Adam-12, roger.

It's near the Brotherhood
headquarters, isn't it?

That's right.

You think it's a setup?

There's always that possibility.

I'm unarmed, but I guess
that doesn't matter, does it?

Do you sh**t me
now, or do you wait until

you find me alone
in a dark alley?

Put your arms down,
Kenny. You're not funny.

Ah. The alley it is, huh?

Did you follow me here, or is this just
another routine harassment mission?

We're looking for your brother. I don't
suppose you'd know where he is, though.

Why don't you ask them?

Hey. Why aren't
you going in, fuzz?

For good reasons, Kenny.

Our informant was anonymous.

Probably cause is too weak
for a search or a warrant.

The g*ns are legal. The Brotherhood
guards are on private property.

They haven't violated any laws.

Yeah. You mean if a
black man's facing you,

you get in your
car and take off.

The policeman's a
statutory creature, Kenny.

The law gives us our
tools and our restrictions.


Waiting for reinforcements?

No. As a matter of fact, we're
just getting ready to leave.

Oh, what a shame.

Ah, it's just as well, though.

When you get back,
maybe I'll be up there,

instead of here.

- Then you haven't joined yet.
- No.

I've been busy,

making arrangements
to bury my brother.

Listen to me, Kenny.

We were friends.
Does all that change

just 'cause I pinned on a badge?

No white man is a
friend of a black man.

I've leveled with
you from the start.

Look, I'll admit there are
things wrong on both sides.

But they don't offer anything
constructive. They're out to destroy.


Hey, man. Look at 'em.

Those are proud black men
standing there. They're building.

What? You don't build
anything on hate and v*olence,

except more of the same.

They're building pride.

Pride in black
people being black.

And they make me
proud just looking at them.

Yeah, well what you're looking at is a
carnival, and carnivals attract people.

Go ahead. Look around.

They put on a good show,
but it's all on the surface, man.

You look a little deeper,
and all you'll see is

a gutsy group of black kamikazes

who'd like nothing better
than to use those g*ns.

Yeah? Well, they
look good to me.


From where you're standing,
but take another look.

Do you honestly want that
arsenal around your wife and kid?

I'm beginning to think we're
on a wild goose chase again.

Could be.

I bet detectives got about

Probably. And they're
runnin' down all of 'em.

Not all of 'em. Else we
wouldn't be out here lookin'.

Hey, wait a minute.

- Nora-Ocean-Ida 743.
- Cleotis' car.

Question is, which one of
these places is he holed up in?

Pete, there goes Kenny.

Looks like we just scored.

Better get us a backup unit.

requesting a backup unit.

Meet us at the northwest
corner of Garrett and Adams.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Cleo, open up.

What you doin' here, man?

I came here to find
out what happened,

when Willie was
k*lled, and those cops...

You know what happened, man.
You read the papers, didn't you?

- What the brothers said?
- Well, the police say

Off the pigs! Man,
who you gonna believe?

Me, or them?

How'd you find me, anyway?

The Brotherhood. Cleo,
you gotta turn yourself in.

You crazy! Man, turn myself in?

Get outta here!

Cleo, it's the only way.

They'll k*ll you if you don't.

Just like they shot down Willie!

Turn yourself in, and
they don't get the chance.

Make it, man. I mean it.

I'm not turning myself
in to no pigs, man.

You a fool, Ken! A fool!

Now go on and
get off of my back.

Cleo. Give it up!

It's no good!

Take your chances with
the judge! You'll get off!

Freeze, Cleo! Police!

You lousy fink! You
brought the fuzz.

Are you out of your
head? I didn't bring 'em.

All right, you dudes!
Put them g*ns down,

or I'm gonna fill this
cat's brains full of lead!

Cleo, I... I came
here to help you.

Yeah! Okay, help.

No deal, Cleo. You
put your g*n down.

Not this year, baby!

I'm makin' this scene,
one way or another!

Cleo, give it up. It's no good.

You'll get off.

Cops ambushed you! You
just acted in self-defense!

- Tell 'em!
- Yeah, tell us!

And tell your
brother how it was.

Go ahead, Cleo.

It was self-defense, wasn't it?

Yeah, it was self-defense, man!

Every time a brother kills
a cop, it's self-defense!

If you do it, Cleo,

you'll be just as bad as
those cops that ambushed you.

Yeah! Tell him how you and
Willie were ambushed, Cleo!

Yeah, man!

Just like I'm about to get
ambushed right now, right?

It's true.

You did ambush those cops!

Yeah, we did it
for the cause, man!

We took another
step toward freedom!

Has Whitey made you blind,
man? Can't you see that?

I can see that Willie's
dead, and you led him to it!

- That's what I can see!
- Oh, you weak, brother.

You weak!

Man, you still crawlin' on your
belly like some house n*gga.

Now watch how a pig dies, man.

Make ya strong like
a black man should...

Kenny, it looks all right.

You'll be okay as soon
as we get it patched up.

What about... What
about my brother?

We'll book him.
He'll go to trial.

What changed your mind, Kenny?

What did you help us?

My wife.

My son.

I still don't know
the right way, Jim.

Cleo's way didn't
give them any future.
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