03x22 - Log 16: Child in Danger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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03x22 - Log 16: Child in Danger

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


Are you okay?

Oh, we were up half
the night with the baby.

What's the matter with him?

With the weather,
he caught a cold.

His temperature was 102.

Did you call a doctor?

No, we didn't think
it was necessary.

When my godson has
a temperature of 102,

I think you should
call a doctor.

Look, it's just a bug, Pete.

It's normal when it hits a baby

for his temperature to
go up for about 24 hours.

Well, just the same, I think...

All units in the vicinity
of One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

See the man at the
rear of 1605 Gagemont.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.

One-Adam-12, roger.

There's two of
them, still inside.

I was stacking beer
cases in the storeroom.

They didn't see me.
It's in back of the bar.

How many people in there?

Six, maybe seven.
And the bartender.

We'll go in. You stay
outside. You stay clear.

You know it, pal.

And you guys better be careful.

They got g*ns.

Down on the floor. Face down.



We're walking out.

Nobody moves,

nobody gets hurt.

There's cops
outside. Out the back.

Drop it!

Don't try it!

Face down and spread 'em.

Get an ambulance.

I got pain, cop.

You'll have plenty
of time to get over it.

Want to get their
names and addresses?

There's a little
under $100 here.

It'll be returned to you after
it's been booked as evidence.

A lousy 100 bucks.


Would've done better
on unemployment.

Did you call home while
we were at the station?

- What about?
- Jimmy. His temperature.

Look, I told you. He'll be
perfectly all right by tonight.

Next chance I get, I'm
gonna stop at a phone booth.

- Why?
- So you can phone Jean

and have her call in the doctor.

Pete, will you stop
worrying about it?

Nothing's more important
than my godchild.

- Miss.
- Hi.

May I see a license, please?

I'm sorry about that.
I'm in kind of a hurry.

Yeah, we figured you were.

Look, if you're gonna
give me a ticket,

I wish you'd get it over with.

The g*ng is waiting for some
hot dogs back at the dorm.

I'd like to point a
couple things out to you.

First you should be more careful

to yield the right of
way to through traffic

when you're making a right turn.

Second, you can't park here.

The curb's painted
red. No stopping.

Third, I wouldn't advise you to
be alone in this neighborhood.

In the daytime?

Any time at all. We've
had a lot of problems here.

My money or my life?

Something like that.

I bet you see monsters
in your dreams.

Just take care, huh?

You sound like Daddy.

- Yeah.
- I guess she told you, Daddy.

I just don't like to see a girl
alone in this neighborhood.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

see the woman... A 415.

11254 Ganesha Way. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Ganesha Way. That's industrial.


- You're too late.
- Ma'am?

- Are you the one
that called us?
- Yeah, that's me.

But it's all over now.

Say, now that you're here,

I got a drain in the kitchen sink
that's stuck up something awful.

You wanna come in and see
if you can kick it or something?

What's the trouble?

Taking care of the plumbing
wasn't part of the deal.

A manager's supposed
to collect the rent

and see that things are
kept decent around here.

And that's what I agreed to do.
Gonna come in and look at the sink?

No, I guess not, huh? Oh, well.

- Ma'am?
- Oh, changed your mind, huh?

Come on in. The kitchen's
right off the front room.

Ma'am, we can't
help you with the sink,

but we'd like to find out
about the other trouble.

- You called in
about a disturbance.
- Yeah, just down the hall.

But as you can hear for
yourself, it's all quiet now.

What was happening
before it was quiet?

Sounded like World w*r Three.

- A fight?
- Yeah, I guess so,

but I don't know what
you can do about it now.

You gotta catch 'em
in the act, don't you?

- Down the hall, huh?
- Yeah. Number 5. Barstow's the name.

If you ask me, he might've
shut her up for good.

Who might've shut
her up for good?

Well, he's her
husband. She's his wife.

At least that's what they
said when they moved in here.

- Gonna check 'em out anyhow?
- Thank you.

I wish you'd check
out my kitchen sink.



Mrs. Barstow?

What do you want?

There was a report of
some trouble here. A fight.

Excuse me. My baby.

- Eve?
- There was a report
of some trouble.

- There's nothing wrong here.
- I told them that.

Are you Mr. Barstow?

That's right. Wally Barstow.

My name's Malloy.
This is Officer Reed.

Something wrong with
your youngster, Mr. Barstow?


We'd be glad to help.

That old biddy of a manager

pokes her nose into
everybody's business.

Well, we had a
report of a fight.

Your wife looks like
she's been in one.

Just leave us
alone. I told you...

Just leave us alone.

Sorry you guys were
put to all this bother.

Trouble, sure. We
got it up to here.

I haven't worked in four months.

Eve thinks we ought
to apply for welfare.

So maybe we argued about that.

If you need the help, why not?

Welfare? No way, man. No way.

Look, she was 16
when we got married.

Her folks said, "It won't work,"

especially when
the kid came along.

Maybe if that hadn't happened.

We got something
to prove, understand?

I wonder if we could
use your telephone?

Sorry. It's been disconnected.

I sure want to get
a look inside there.

No way. No legal way.

I'll lay you odds
that kid's still crying.

No bet, partner.

A woman who's
been belted around,

and a child that cries
like it's scared to death.

I'd like to call home.


Looks like the college
delivery service broke down.

Well, she's got helpers.

Henry Young Edward

No. It's not on the hot sheet.

There's a phone booth.
You can make your call.


This is One-Adam-12
requesting a want

on California license
Henry Young Edward 1-2-2.

One-Adam-12, Henry
Young Edward 1-2-2

is a 77th warrant
for a kidnap-r*pe.

They spotted us.
They're starting to rabbit.

One-Adam-12 is now in
pursuit of a gray Mustang,

Henry Young Edward 1-2-2.

All units on all frequencies,

stand by. One-Adam-12
is in pursuit.

All units on all
frequencies, stand by.

One-Adam-12 is in pursuit.
One-Adam-12, go ahead.

One-Adam-12. The
kidnap suspect and vehicle

are northbound on
Feeney Street from Wall.

Possible kidnap victim

is in a green Ford convertible
driven by second suspect.

All units, One-Adam-12
is in pursuit

of a 1965 gray Mustang,

license Henry
Young Edward 1-2-2.

Possible kidnap suspect.

They're turning.

5841, no one on the license.

7 MX-7 to Wilshire Station.

3881, roger. 3858, repeat.

Other units on three, stand by.

9045, roger. Other
unit on 20, repeat.

5841, roger.

3858, roger.

5821, clear.

Wilshire units, stand by.

Better get some help.

This is One-Adam-12.

Lost the suspects
in the 900 block.

Porter Street.

Request Air-10
meet us on Tack 2.

All units, One-Adam-12
lost suspects

in the vicinity of

All frequencies are clear.

Air-10, meet
One-Adam-12 on Tack 2.

One-Adam-12, this is
Air-10. What have you got?

Air-10, we have a positive make

on a kidnap-r*pe suspect.

Vehicle is a 1965 gray Mustang.

Also, kidnap victim

in a green Ford convertible.

Lost in the vicinity of the

Roger, Adam-12.

One-Adam-12, we see two
cars that answer your description

approaching the
rear of the warehouse,

Wheeler and Furlong.

Adam-12, enter from east.

We'll have the other
responding units enter from west.

Roger, Air-10.

Are you all right?

They just said that
they wanted to help.

I couldn't start the car.

I just couldn't get it to go.

They took your distributor
cap while you were in the store.

It started as soon as
he started to turn the key.

Then they put the cap back before
they offered to give you a push.

These things just don't happen.

Except in a bad dream?

One-Adam-12, clear.

One-Adam-12, clear.

What'd she say?

- Huh?
- Your wife.

You just called
home, didn't you?

- How's Jimmy?
- Oh, he's fine.

His temperature broke,
and he's hungry as a horse.

- She called the doctor.
- No, but I told her

you thought that it might
be a good idea, though.


She said to tell Pete
he's an old worrywart,

but a sweet old worrywart.

- That's what she said?
- Uh-huh.

A worrywart.

Yeah, but sweet.

All units in the vicinity
and One-Adam-12,

the 459 there now.

1408 Westbridge Street. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Just a minute.

What's the deal?

You live here?

Me? No, I'm just
moving a few things.

You in the moving business?

I scratch up what I can.

May I see a license?

Why, sure.

I meant your business license.

Well, I don't carry
it around with me.

- Calder?
- That's the name.

The door's been jimmied.

Oh, that. Yeah.
I had to break in.

The owner said he's leave a key,

and I guess it slipped his mind.

What's the owner's name?

Smith. John Smith.

Uh, no, Jay. Jay
Smith. That's it.

If you don't mind,
we'll just check that out.

Check it out?

Look, if you don't believe
me, I'll just put the stuff back.

Would you rather
we didn't check it?

Well, do what you
have to do. I don't care.

Turn around, put your
hands behind your back.

But listen, I offered
to put it back.

We better check inside.

Help! Help!

Get me out of here!

Help! Help!

Don't leave me here!


The freezer.

That's my partner, the jerk.

Better get him out of there

before we have
to use an ice pick.

Help! Don't leave me here!

Help! Help!


What'd you climb
in there for, you jerk?

I thought it'd be a
good place to hide.

How'd I know I'd get locked in?

Let's go, Frosty.

What's so funny?

I was just thinking about
that guy in the freezer.

Yeah? What about him?

Well, you know, out of
the frying pan into the fire?

Well, with him it was out of
the freezer into the cooler.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

see the woman... a 415.

11254 Ganesha Way. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Same place the baby was crying.

Oh, why don't you leave me
alone and take care of your own bu...

Oh, I thought it was her again.

- You didn't call?
- No, false alarm, boys.

Well, somebody called.

Well, it might have been her.

She was knocking on my door a
while ago, wanting to use the phone.

- Did she use it?
- No, she didn't have the dime.

She must have
conned somebody else.

It's all right.

What's the trouble?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, it's nothing.

Mommy. Mommy.

Mrs. Barstow, is there
anything we can do to help?

Oh, please.

Please, my baby.

Darling, darling,
it's all right.

It's all right.

I'll call an ambulance.

What happened?

Mrs. Barstow, you want
to tell me who did this?

She kept crying and crying.

She couldn't stop it.

Things have been

very difficult for us, Officer,

but he didn't have
to hurt my baby.

You shut up.

Why didn't you hit me again?

You shouldn't have done this.

I told you to shut up.

Oh, please, get him out of here.

It's none of your
business. Clear out.

He'll k*ll us.

Come out of there.

Jim, cover the front!

Barstow, you've already
bought enough trouble.


Let's go. Hands
up against the car.

Feet back and spread 'em.

Don't hurt me.
Please don't hurt me.

You guys gotta understand.

I never wanted that kid. Never.

It isn't my fault.

You can't blame me.

How would you know?
You're just a cop.


Keep reminding me of it, Pete.
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