04x04 - The sn*per

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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04x04 - The sn*per

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle, code 3.


Yeah, this road will take
us back to the Valley.

Hey, where was I?

You were telling me about
some disaster in your yard.

Yeah, I'm being overrun
by a family of gophers.

I've tried everything. Flooding,
traps, but nothing works.

Highway flares.


Buy yourself a box
of highway flares.

You light them and stick
one down every gopher hole.

Sulfur drives them out.
They won't come back.

I also have a cure for
prickly heats, swollen ankles.

And, if required, you can deliver
babies in the back seat of a car.


One-Adam-12, code 6 on Hillside.

Drive 2 miles south of the
intersection of Norman Road.

abandoned police vehicle.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

This is One-Adam-12
requesting identification

of police vehicle
shop number 82261.

One-Adam-12, stand by.

One-Adam-12, the
vehicle in question

is 1L25. That unit shows clear.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

I saw this guy hitchhiking.

When I slowed down he
took off over the side of the hill.

I chased him and
found him with this.

I should of taken a few
minutes and called in my position.

We'll take him in.
We're in the watch.

Great, I'll follow you.

By the way you know what you were telling
me yesterday about the highway flares?

Yeah, did you try it?

Yeah, last night I had my
backyard lit up like a six-car accident.

It worked, right?

You know, it's amazing.

By this morning,
they were all gone.

That's one of the

but most effective
ideas you ever given me.

I'll over look that remark.

Come on, let's go to roll call.

This is Robin, aka Robert Saydo.

Height 5'10". Weight 155.

We have some soft intelligence
that leads us to believe

Saydo is a head of a militant
left wing group here in the town.

The way we have it he's been
stock piling arms and expl*sives.

Unfortunately, the intelligences
too soft to get a warrant

for conspiracy to violate
deadly weapons control law.

In the meantime, we have a
misdemeanor warrant on him

for inciting a riot
at City College.

You've all got your mug
sh*ts and descriptions.

And if you see this
guy, don't bust him.

Call in and give Mac the scam.

We might want to ride
on his tail for a while.

See if he'll lead us
to the stash of arms.

That's all I got.

Okay, hit the street.

It's what we need,
another b*mb thrower.

Maybe we'll get lucky
and nail him with the arms.

I doubt it. Even if
we turn this joker,

he probably won't go
anywhere near them.

Guys like that are spooky.

They get a charge out
of having an armory.

It makes them feel important.

Maybe he'll be stupid enough

to go by and take a look
at them every now and then.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,
meet 1L90 on tact 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

One-Adam-12 to 1L90 go.

Just got a call for you, Malloy.

Fred Tibbles wants you to
meet him in the lower level

of the parking complex
at 2300 Montclair.

He's there now.
He sounds worried.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Who's Tibbles?

One old guy that used to work

as a security guard
down at Newton Division.

Pulled me out of a bad
scrap a few years back up.

g*n beef with three guys.

Pete, you're looking great.

You, too, Fred.

This is my partner, Jim Reed.

How's he treating you?

Fine, sir. We get along.

Good, that's real good.

What can I do for you, Fred?
Just name it. I owe you one.

Oh, no, you don't. That
was a long time ago.

We don't bring balances forward.

Not you and me.
Never have, never will.

Um, this is kind
of private, Pete.

I'll stay here and
watch the radio.

I guess you know I've been
working down at the harbor.

Yeah, you told me.
Security guard on the docks.

Of course it ain't
like the old days,

with me pulling rookie
cops out of g*n fights,

but I like it. The
pay is all right,

and I don't have to walk around

as much as I did at the old job.

I just sit outside
in this guard house.

It's a lot better on this
gimpy old leg of mine.

Look, you got something
else on your mind,

why don't you hit it head-on?

I didn't know how
tough it'd be to tell you.

Not that you can help me much.

Try me.

Pete, I'm being shook down.

No, no, not the way you think.
Not the ordinary shake down,

but it's costing
me plenty anyhow.

That's why I asked
you to meet me here

in this cloak and
dagger kind of place.

I hope I can help you. Why don't
you give me the whole picture?

Well, there's a ring of thieves

been covering the
wharves pretty good.

They got the whole place cased.

They got guys inside
telling them about

the arrival of shipments
and all that stuff.

Detectives have been
working the docks.

The problem is there's so
much activity down there.

It's impossible to
stake it out effectively.

We just don't have
the man power.

Well, they paint up trucks and
make them look like common carriers,

and then they phony
up bills of lading.

They drive their truck right
down to the pier in mid-day,

load it up with stuff,
and take it right on out.

And nobody is the wiser.

How's that affecting you?


I've been turning my back.

I know when a load
of hot stuff goes out,

but I haven't been
looking that good,

and I ain't been talking at all.

That doesn't sound
like you, Fred.

You know they
been leaning on me?

thr*aten to burn my house.
Beat up on me and the wife.

I don't scare that easy, but I know
they would have carried out them threats.

Aah, time works on
a man's nerves, Pete.

It's kind of like sand running
through one of them hour bottles.

Two, three weeks
I've been dummied up.

I don't have any
self respect left.

Beginning to be that don't
like the sound of my own name.

I'm glad you called, Fred.

With your help, we should
be able to close them up.

Don't hate me, Pete,
but I can't cooperate.

I've been thinking about
it since I called the station

and it ain't all that easy.

Don't hate me, Pete.

I don't hate you.
I can understand.

I'd be lying if I didn't tell
you I was disappointed.

What can I do?

Stand up to them. Work with me.

We'll give you protection.

You're gonna graft
yourself to my tail?

You know what will happen?
They'll set up a time and that'll be it.

All you have to do
is finger one load.

Tell us when one phony
truck is coming off the dock.

That'll crack it wide open.

To that it's just a matter

of cleaning up the details.

We'll pick them all up.

I can't do it.

Pete, don't ask me. I can't.

Why did you call me, Fred?
It didn't get us anyplace.

Why, I don't know. I just
had to tell you about it.

I thought maybe you
could find another way.

You're looking for
an easy way out?


They won't let me.

As much as I want to, I can't
help you till you'll help yourself.

Pete, you don't understand.

I'm 64. One year
from retirement.

You know what I think?

I think you wanted to ease your
conscious by laying this on me.

You knew when you called
that if you didn't cooperate,

there was nothing I could do.

I'm sorry, Fred.

He just...

It's all right. I heard.

It's quite an echo down here.

Let's get out of here.

Seems like an nice old guy.

Hey, mind if we
don't go into it?

Hey, about something to eat?

One thing about you,
Reed. You're consistent.

What's the trouble, sir?

I've been highjacked.

You want to give
your name, please?

Tom Grey.

Nobody has taken anything
from me since I was 16.

Find that too hard to believe.

Uh, how did it happen?

Well, I was at this
intersection on Dorsing.

Car pulled in behind me and
rammed right in the back of the truck.

While I was exchanging licenses

with the clown that hit me,

about ten guys jumped out
and put a rag over my nose.

I was out like a light.

Ten guys?

Uh, look, I'm gonna get kidded
to death about this anyway.

Can't we say ten guys?

Well, how many did you
actually see, Mr. Grey?

Well, there was at least two
and the guy who was driving.

What was the truck
carrying, Mr. Grey?


Whole truckload of pantyhose?

There's nothing
wrong with a guy driving

a truckload full of pantyhose.

A load's a load.

Last week I was
hauling tractor parts.

Okay, Mr. Grey.

- What happened next?
- Well, nothing.

When I came to, I was
in the back of the truck.

And was parked was all the
way over on this side of town.

The load was gone. I was just
crawling out when I spotted you two.

I'll get a team out here.

What time did it happen?

They piled into me
about 10:00 this morning.

About three hours ago.

Well, I'll have SID check
the truck out for prints.

Sorry it happened, Mr. Grey.

Yeah, well, if anybody
cracks wise about it,

they're gonna be picking
gravel out of their forehead.

Yeah, I can imagine.

That's the fifth truck with
the same MO in three weeks.

Yeah, but why a
load of pantyhose?

Though defense. Doesn't
make much sense, does it?

No, not a whole lot.

One-Adam-12 meet 1L20.

Crenshaw and Bethel. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

There he is.

I got a call from the station.

That civilian you met this
morning called in again.

- Tibbles?
- Right.

He wants you to call him
at this number before 4:00.

There's a pay phone over there.

I said he seemed
like a nice old guy.

Yeah, okay, I got it.

We'll be there.

And, Fred, thanks.

Tibbles have anything?

A load of fur pelts is
being stolen off the dock

at 4:30 this afternoon.

The carrier is supposed
to be a union trucking van.

Not much time.

Won't be able to get a plain
car stake setup that fast.

Well, have to use black
and whites and a chopper.

And one other thing, this
is the second heist today.

The first one was
around 12 noon.

A load of transistor
radios and TV sets.

Went off the docks
in a Westside van.

That matches up with the
time Tom Grey's van was stolen.

Yeah, it also
answers the question

why anybody'd want to
boost a truckload of pantyhose.

What are you guys talking about?

You know that series
of truck highjackings

detectives have been working on?

I think the highjackers are
after the trucks themselves.

Not what's in them.
Then they use the trucks

to steal valuable
cargo off the docks.

That could be.

Well, we got a stake to
set up and not much time.

It's about time.

We're right, this
operation is a lot bigger

than even Fred Tibbles knows.

Yeah, sure figures that way.

Okay, I think we got our boy.

Union truck is just
pulling off Pier 10.

I'll hang back and
keep you posted.

Right, Air-10.

Everybody set? One-Adam-12,
you tail them two blocks back.

Air-10 will tell you
which way to turn.

Roger, L20.

Adam-25, Adam-17,
run parallel streets.

Everybody stay out of sight.
Let the chopper call the play.

We're gonna follow them
to drop before we bust them.

Suspect moving on Ocean Drive.

Tighten up a little, Adam-12.

You're back almost three blocks.

Good, stay about there.

Adam-25, you're just right.

Adam-17, pull up.

Okay, he's turning again.
This time he's going left on 3rd.

Everybody turn left
and hold positions.

Blue sedan behind us.

Looks like a tail.

Adam-12, you have a blue sedan

moving up fast behind you.

This is One-Adam-12, L-20,
we're under fire from the blue sedan.

License 178 Ida Nora Adam.

They got a guy riding shotgun.

Not bad.

This One-Adam-12, we're
now in pursuit of blue sedan.

We got backup coming.
Stay on tact 2, Adam-12.

Go, Air-10

Roger. Sedan
heading east on Over.

Adam-17, intersect on Tremont.

1L20, stay on Ocean.
You're headed right for him.

Adam-25, hang on the truck
and pull him over. I'm leaving you.

Hold it. Hands on top of
your heads and move forward.

It looks like your friend
Tibbles turned out just fine.

Yeah, someday when
you got a spare hour

I'll tell you a w*r story

about the sh**t
he pulled me out of.


Those two guys in a
blue sedan sure got talkity.

Don't forget the truck driver.

Yep, you know,
I hate to admit it,

but you look pretty
good on that one.

Well, don't let it
ruin your whole day.

What do you got?

Go around the block, Pete.

Oh, come on.

One brilliant piece of
police work a day is enough.

No, I'm not kidding, Pete. I think I
saw our b*mb thrower Robin Saydo.

What do you think?

Maybe, looks pretty good.

I'll tail him on
foot. Call it in.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Went into a
warehouse up the street.

What did Mac say?

We're back on stakeout.

Two other units
are on their way.

Detectives want us to
send a DA down here.

We're supposed to
sit tight till he arrives.

Sergeant, I'm Paul Ryan,
District Attorney's office.

Sorry to take you
away from dinner.

Well, that's all right.

I'm Sergeant
MacDonald. Officer Malloy.

- How do you do?
- How do you do?

Fill me in?

We just located a guy
named Robin Saydo.

There's a warrant out on him.

He's in the warehouse
around the corner.

Malloy's partner
Reed spotted him.

And he's staked out in
the front of the building.

Got another unit
holding down the back.

There's a high
school back there.

- What's the warrant for?
- 404.6

Incited a riot at City College.

- Is it authorized
for night serves?
- Yeah.

Then what's the problem?

Well, we've got some soft
intelligence that this guy's a head

of an underground militant
group that's been stockpiling arms.

We'd like to get him

on a violation of a deadly
weapons control law.

Did you get a good make?

My partner did.
It's him, all right.

Well, all I can tell you is you better
hope those weapons are inside.

The warrant won't give you
probable cause to search that building.

Yeah, it could get close.
That's why I called for a DA.

Everything is still cool, Mac.

Reed, this is Paul Ryan.

How do you do, Officer?

Okay, let's do it.

Grand Miller, hold it
back. We're going in.

Right, Pete. All
quite back here.

Open it up. Police officers.

Let's go.

Robin Saydo?

Yeah, what is it?

You're under arrest for
inciting a riot at City College.

You guys made
an illegal entry here.

That's something
the courts can decide.

Don't do nothing. Stay put.

They can't search the place.

Let's go. Over there, come on.

You, too.

Okay, everybody come on in.

Hands on top of your head.

Big deal, a misdemeanor. I can
beat that charge running backwards.

What are you guys waiting for?

Take me downtown
or you turn me loose.

It looks like we're out of
luck. There's nothing in sight.

Do we search the place anyway?

Hey, what is this?

Let's discuss it, huh?

I assume you were throwing
some bait into the water.

This stuff's in here. You saw his face
when Malloy mentioned the search.

Does he got a rap sheet?

Yeah, he was picked
up a couple years ago

with dynamite caps on him.

Well, if it runs true to form,

he's probably still
interested in expl*sives.

Found this on one of those guys.

- He got it all
over his sleeve.
- Cosmoline?

Yeah, used to preserve weapons.

What do you think?

Did you say a high school
backs into this building?

Yeah, right next door.

I'd go ahead and search.

Got enough probable cause?

Enough to take to court.

From then on,
it's up to the judge.

Okay, let's go.

Over here.

You think you got a case?

I don't know. We'll
take it a prelim and see.

I hope you can nail him.

Well, don't count me out.

We could get lucky.
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