04x11 - Assassination

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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04x11 - Assassination

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, one-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


It looks like 10702
hasn't been built yet.

One-Adam-12 requesting
an address verification

on family dispute call.

One-Adam-12, 10702.
Do you wish a recheck?

Adam-12, Roger.

It's probably a mistake.

Why don't we get out
and knock on a few doors?

One-Adam-12, officers need help

on Kilmore between
Overland and Ranch.

We're being fired on.

All units, officer needs help

on Kilmore between
Overland and Ranch.

sh*ts fired.

Adam-12 to 14,

cut your lights and
cover from the alley.

East side, report to L20.

It's been about five minutes.

Got a feeling they split.


L20 to Adam-12.
The area is sealed.

Cover from your end.
We'll start the move.

Adam-12, Roger.

L22, 14, Z11, and 4.

Start your assigned deployment.

This is where he fired from.

Must have been an a*t*matic.

He popped off six
sh*ts in three seconds.

Lucky he was a lousy shot.

A decent marksman could
have picked us off from here.

Maybe he was in a
hurry to get out of here.

Yeah. I figure it took us about four
or five minutes to seal off the area.

He was probably long gone
by the time we started rolling.

One-Adam-12, come in.

Adam-12, go.

One-Adam-12, on your
call-back number, it's non-existent.

Adam-12, Roger.

Phony call. It was a setup.

One-Adam-12 p.m. watch clear.

One-Adam-12 p.m. watch clear.

Mac say if detectives
turned in anything?

Nothing to go on except
those shell casings.

Criminal conspiracy section
came in on it earlier this morning.

- Militants?
- Maybe.

Maybe not. They're
checking all the angles.

Sure would be a relief to know
if the guy was looking to k*ll us

or just any policeman who
happened to roll on that call.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

meet One-L20 on tact 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

One-Adam-12 to L20, go.


Community Hospital has
an 8-year-old boy in surgery.

He's in need of
a rare blood type.

They're flying it in from
Orange County by helicopter.

The closest heliport is
at Grand and Cloverdale.

The chopper should be
landing in just a few minutes.

Doctors are running out of time.

Code 3 is authorized.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

One-Adam-12 on a
station call to the heliport,

Cloverdale and Grand.

Code 3 from Rampart and Broxton.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

All units, One-Adam-12
is en route.

Code 3 from Rampart and
Broxton to Grand and Cloverdale.

How far is it to the hospital?

About ten minutes.

Thank God. The doctor
gave me an hour when I left.

He's my little brother.

Where's the blood?

They're making a direct
transfusion. I'm the donor.

Get in the back seat
and strap yourself in.

Get down.

What is it? What's happening?

You see anything?

Must be on the
building across the field.

What's happening? Why?

Wish we knew. Just take it easy.

We'll get some help
here in a few minutes.

Get the mike.

This is One-Adam-12.
Officers need help

at the heliport at
Cloverdale and Grand.

sh*ts being fired from the
building west of Cloverdale.

All units, officer needs help.

Grand and Cloverdale
at the heliport.

sh*ts being fired from the
office building on the east.

It's One-Adam-12 to L10.

Roger, Adam-12. Go.

We just picked
up your passenger.

We're now attracting sn*per fire

from the building
west of the heliport.

We're pinned down.

Roger, Adam-12.

You better try and get out of
there. There isn't much time.

I'll try and distract them.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

We don't have time
to wait for our backup.

Now listen... You
get inside the car

and lay down flat
on the back seat,

and don't move an inch, okay?


Yeah. Anything to make
you think it's the same dude?

That's enough for me.

The only question
left is who and why.

Right. Yes, sir.

How are they doing?

The doctor says the
little boy will make it.

He fell on a bottle
and cut an artery.

His sister is one of the
ten people in this state

with a compatible blood type.

Newport PD found her
on the beach in Balboa

and got her to the chopper.

Yeah, and LAPD gets her shot at.

She'd rather forget that part.

Yeah, me, too.

What did Mac come up with?

They confirmed where he was...

The roof of that warehouse.

They also found a
transistor radio he left behind.

He had the bands jacked
up to receive our frequency.

Oh, great.

There's more.

Mac found a piece of
paper underneath the radio.

Our boy keeps track of Adam-12.

His last entry was the station
call to Cloverdale and Grand.

How's that grab you?

It narrows the field
down, doesn't it?


It's down to you or me.


Been through 150
arrests we've made.

I can't put anything together.

Why don't we hang it up,
Mac? My eyeballs are falling out.

All right. Will you
check your log?

There's a possibility
something will click.

I don't want to pass it up.

Neither do I, believe
me, but I'm telling you...

Nothing in those reports is
going to get us any closer.

I'm going to check with Jean.

Hello, honey? Look, I'm sorry.

We're going to be
a little bit longer.

Who was it?

Well, what did he say?

I want you to stay put.

Make sure all the
doors are locked

and don't open them until
the radio car gets there.

Right. I'll be home right away.

Some guy just called the
house, wanting to know if it was

the residence of Jim
Reed, the policeman.

- What did Jean tell him?
- She told him yeah.

Murphy, send a car
to Jim Reed's house.

Roll them code 2.

Tell them to wait inside
with his wife till we get there.

Now look, it's probably nothing,

but don't worry.
If it's necessary,

I'll put a stake on your
house until this is over.

There's no need
for a stakeout, Mac.

As soon as I get home, I'm moving Jean and
the baby over to her her mother's house.

I just woke up to the fact I'm
not too healthy to be around.

- How's Jean doing?
- She keeps bugging me.

She wants to move out of
her mother's and come home.


Not until I'm sure.

Two days isn't enough.

Something will
break pretty soon.


Want to buy some flowers?

I didn't do nothing.

I'm sorry.

You surprised me
a little, that's all.

- Okay?
- Okay.

What's your name, son?


Okay, Jimmy, you just
made yourself a sale.

Sure is.

Well, here.

Gee, thanks, Officer.

Thanks a lot.

Forget it. This thing's
grinding on all of us.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

an attempt su1c1de in
progress at the service station.

Ludellin and Beach.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Some people don't know
when they got it made.

Stay there.

This man is crazy.

Says he's going
to torch himself.

Who is he?

Search me. I never
saw the guy before.

Came in here and
asked me for a light.

I loaned him my
lighter and said,

"Don't go near the pumps."

That's when he grabbed the hose.

Don't come any closer.

Stay away from me.

We only want to talk to you.
Why don't you put it down?

I got nothing to
say. Leave me alone.

Please stay away from me.

One spark from that thing,
he'll go up like a match box.

Keep him talking.

What's your name, Mister?

Would it make any difference?

I'd like to help you.

It's too late for that now.

Come on, you're upset.

We got plenty of time. Why don't you
tell me why? There's got to be a reason.

Why should you care?

Because we're talking
about a human life.

It's something too
valuable not to care.

Come on now, give me a try.

And block off all traffic
surrounding the station.

L20, Roger.

We'll keep the fire
department out of sight.

Adam-12, Roger.

You got a CO2 extinguisher?

Yeah, sure. Over in the office.

Most people don't have
the choice of living or dying.

You do.

You don't understand.
Nobody does.

I understand, but I still
say it's the wrong way.

Now come on, let us
help you. Put it down, huh?

No. You get back.

Listen, we can talk about it.

Don't waste your
life for nothing.

I'm warning you.

Don't do it now.

You had no right.

No right.

He was out of work for three
months, and his wife left him.

I guess he just
couldn't hack it.

One attempted su1c1de report.

What's the number now?

I thought you might like to know

SID made a comparison
on those shell cases.

They match up.

Same g*n fired.

- What about prints?
- Nothing.

Detectives were able to
get a run-down on the radio.

A pawn shop on North
Broadway sold it last week.

Any record of who bought it?

Yeah, but it doesn't
do much good.

He used a phony name and laid
a bad check on the pawn shop.

How do they know it
was a phony name?

Because he's a
well-known paper hanger

they've been tracking
for two months.

Goes by the name
of Maury Stover.

Yeah. Maury Stover. We got a
flyer on him about a week ago.

He's got about

That's him.

Now give me a reason why
he should be gunning for you.

I can't. Nobody else
knows him. Why should I?

Flyer said he was a male
Caucasian, about 25 or 30.

That description could
fit half a million people.

Maybe you picked him up
one time under another name.

Yeah, maybe.

The only paper
hangers I've busted

are all the friendly
types, passing NSFs.

We don't have any
more than we started with.

Except a phony name.

Yeah. Maury Stover.

The only thing in my favor
so far is he's a bad shot.

I dug up that flyer on our
mysterious paper hanger.

We got one more bit of
information going for us.

He's been seen on
a couple of capers

driving a '64 maroon
Ford convertible.

A big help. Half a
million people match him.

There's probably 5,000
cars come close to that one.

Yeah, well, just the same...

When it comes to maroon
convertibles, I'll play it safe.

All units in the vicinity

and One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12.

A prowler now.

Code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Hemett Street. I'll
have to look that one up.

Never mind, I know it.
It's a dead end off Hillhurst.

Have her check the call back.

This is One-Adam-12
requesting a recheck

on a call-back number
for a prowler call.

One-Adam-12, there's
no call-back number.

The party hung up.

One-Adam-12, Roger,

I don't like it, Pete.

Like it or not, we got to
roll. Get us some back-up.

This is One-Adam-12,
requesting a unit

to assist us on
our prowler call.

Advised... It's a
possible set-up.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

One-Adam-14, One-Adam-14,

assist One-Adam-12
on this prowler call.

216 Hemett Street.
A possible set-up.

Roger, 14. Make a
drive-by and cover the back.

It's almost too quiet.

Let's go.

Look, Jim... So far, all
we've got is a prowler call.

That's the way
we have to play it.

Come on out. Police.

Freeze, Mister.

All right, get your hands up.

Now turn around, easy.

- Hold it.
- No, Jim.

You almost broke my bottle.

A policeman tells you to
freeze, Mister, you freeze.

You almost got yourself
k*lled trying to save

half a buck's worth of
Muscatel. Now drop the bottle.

Turn around. Put your
hands behind your head.

He's clean.

If I'd been where you were,

I wouldn't have
seen the bottle, either.

When he went for his belt.

It was slipping
down my pant leg.

I ain't done nothing.

Just looking for
a place to sleep.

End of watch, Mac.

Hey, that prowler you
picked up on Hemett Street...

- How'd he check out?
- He was clean.

Just a wino looking for a quiet
place to get drunk and sleep it off.

Anything new on our sn*per?


Give it some time. They'll
come up with something.

It's just that it's getting
to be kind of a drag.

Empty house, no wife,
and you playing taxi for me.

I'm not complaining.

Okay. Good night, Sarge.

Hey, Reed.

If it's worth anything,

I know what you're
going through.


Good night, Pete.

Hey, why don't
you pick me up here

and we'll go out for
breakfast in the morning?

Somebody's out kind of late.

You know him?

Yeah, I think so.

- You're Jim Reed, right?
- Yeah, right. Do I know you?

I'm Mark Donin. We met last week at
Jimmy Dukes' anniversary party, remember?

Yeah, right. How you doing?

Fine, fine.

Well, at least till
about five minutes ago.

I was on my way home
when the wheels broke down.

So I'm just hoofing it over to a pay
phone at that gas station on Fremont.

What do you need, a tow truck?

Yeah. I'm afraid the trans went.

Why don't you save yourself
the walk? Use my phone.

I don't want to put
you to any trouble.

No trouble at all, really.

- Hey, Pete, I'll see you
in the morning, okay?
- All right.

- Come on.
- Okay, thanks.

It really is kind of late.

I hate to disturb your family.

Oh, no sweat. There's
nobody home anyway.

Hold it right there.

It's you or me, man,

and I figured it
might as well be you.

Wait a minute, what
got you turned on to this?

I can't take the chance.

You might remember,
I was locked up once.

But no more, man, no more.

Don't you remember?

At the party, you were talking
about that forgery suspect

you'd gotten a
flyer on that day.

Huh? You're a smart cop, Reed.

You remembered the
description and everything.

And I said you
fit the description.

Like I said, some
day, you'd remember.

We were just talking. I
was giving an example.

I didn't say you
were the forger.

Well, I am.

You should have
kept your mouth shut.

It's been bugging me, and
I can't take any chances.

You'll wind up in the joint
for life. Give it up, man.

Oh, no. Oh, no.

It's going to look
like a su1c1de, see?

You know, like
the sn*per business

has been bothering
you for days now.

Couldn't take it anymore,

so you shot yourself
with your own g*n.

They'll go for it.
They'll believe it.

That's the way you
got it figured, huh?

That's the way I got it figured.

So long, Reed.

How'd you know?

You know those 5,000 maroon
convertibles we talked about?

One of them is parked
right down the street.
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