04x18 - Adoption

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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04x18 - Adoption

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


I was sort of
thinking we could go

to one of those fancy
restaurants up on Sunset.

I lost a bet for dinner,
not a week's salary.

Look, Pete, if it was just me,

I'd say let's get a hamburger
and we'll call it square,

but Jean likes French food.

You said she could have
the choice of restaurants.


I tell you what. We
won't order à la carte.

You know, I always
thought you were my buddy.

A fish.

That's what you called me

when I took
Phoenix and 8 points.

Yeah, I remember like it was
yesterday. You said I was a fish.

Okay, tell Jean I'll
pick you up at 7:00.

- Let's hear it for Phoenix.
- Oh, come on, Jim.

It was a bad bet.
You just got lucky.

So, you know, don't sit there
and act like Nick the Greek.

One-Adam-12. See the maid.

A missing child. 134
Chestnut Drive, code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Oh, Officers, I'm
so glad you're here.

We had a report
on a missing child.

Yes. Won't you come in?

I left him in the carriage

and went to the
kitchen for a minute,

and when I got
back, he was gone.

Well, how old was he, ma'am?

Seven months, almost eight.

- He couldn't even walk.
- Mary, what's going on here?

We had a report
of a missing child.

What's your name, sir?

Wilkinson. This is our house.

Will you excuse us
for a moment? Mary.

There's been a mistake.
Thank you for your trouble.

You found the baby?

The baby's been at
his grandmother's.

Mary was simply confused.

Sorry about the inconvenience.

I don't know, Pete. I think we
ought to turn it over to detectives.

Yeah, me, too. I tell you what.

Let's grab 7 at the station,

and tell him about
it while we're there.

This is One-Adam-12
requesting code 7 at the station.

One-Adam-12, okay 7.

Some kid's toys around,

and the maid said that
the baby was missing.

I guess the lieutenant
filled you in on the rest.

Yeah, the father and the mother
came home and denied everything.

Said the baby was
at the grandmother's.

Yeah, and gave
us the bum's rush.

Well, I've got to agree

that it looks like maybe
the kid was snatched

and the parents are
afraid to call the police.

- Well, I'll do
everything I can.
- Which is?

I'll send a man out there

and try and get them
to cooperate with us.

Good luck.

Well, we have a
little dance we do

with people like the Wilkinsons.

Sometimes we can convince them

that cooperating with the police

is the best way to
get their children back.

Anyway, we'll
give it a good try.

Thanks for the lead.

Aren't you going to
finish your sandwich?


How come?

I'm saving up my
appetite for tonight.

Oh, thanks.

I've been listening to
your stomach growling

for 20 minutes.

Well, come on, Pete.

This bet was your idea.

Why don't you stop
thinking about your wallet

and be a good loser, huh?

Hey, Pete, you
ever have escargot?

At 2 and a half a serving?

That much, huh?

Must be pretty good.

Well, have some and let me know.

Okay, you got a deal.

All units in the vicinity
and One-Adam-12,

a prowler there now.

2604 Marshall.

One-Adam-12, handle code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

The game's over.
Hold it right there.

You, uh, you startled me.

Everything's all right.

I, uh, I was just
locked out, that's all.

Anybody inside?

She won't let me in.

Your wife?

Well, you might say

I'm just a good friend
who wants to help.

By forcing your way in?

Why don't we try the front door?

Police officers, Miss.

We'd like to talk to you.

I'm Officer Reed.
This is Officer Malloy.

We had a report of a
prowler on your property.

Do you know this man?

Certainly she knows me, Officer.

She's just terribly upset.

Let her answer, okay?


You don't want the law, do you?

It's all right, Officer.
He's a friend.

You see, Officer?

It was just as I said.

Now, uh, if you'll
leave us alone.

Listen, if you need
any help at all, Miss,

just let us know, please.

One-Adam-12, clear.

One-Adam-12, clear.

What do you want to
call that, a family dispute?

That's close enough.

Do you ever get the feeling

people just don't
want to confide in you?

We're 2 for 2 in that
department today.

All units in the vicinity

and One-Adam-12.

A 211 just occurred
at the college.

316 Scout Street.

One-Adam-12, handle code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

All right, which one of
you guys called the cops?

Are you all right, sir?

Oh, yeah. I got
hit, but it ain't much.

What's your name, sir?

Harry Rustin.

I'm the trainer here.

Now, look, uh,

there's really no
need for the police.

You've been hit, Mr. Rustin,

and by the looks of this place,

it's been ransacked.

I'd say there's plenty
of reason for the police.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

All right, you guys.

Coach Stobie wants
you running dummy drills,

so why don't you get at it, huh?

Let's move, huh?

Do you think you
ought to see a doctor?

Oh, no, no, no.

I used to fight in the Wilders.

I've got hit a dozen
times like this.

Don't faze me.

What were they after?

Well, beats me.

I guess the guy was in here

because when I come
back from the field,

why, he was waiting,

and walks in that door

and bang, let me have it.

You didn't see him?

Uh, well, uh, no.
Just a guy, you know,

and he, uh, kind of big, maybe.

It looks like he cleaned
out the medicine cabinet.

Yeah, well, you can't
tell about kids these days.

Was it one of the students?

Uh, what...

Uh, well, no, I don't think so,

but I... I guess it could
be one of the students.

Mr. Rustin, what was in here?
Were there any narcotics?

Now wait a minute, buddy.

I'm a football trainer,
no drug pusher.

Okay, what was in
the medicine cabinet?

To tell you the truth,
I ain't exactly sure.

Well... You know,
vitamins, mostly, I guess,

and then maybe some painkillers.

But, uh...

Come on. I'll show
you what I mean.

See, Coach Stobie,

he told me exactly what to do.

It's all, uh, all
done by numbers.

Like, for instance,
take this guy,

name of Jimmy
Barlow. He's a tight end.

He takes two number 3 tablets

and two S's and one green.

I put them in a paper cup,

and I set them
out before practice.

You mean you don't know
what you're giving them?

No. Oh, that is
except for the S tablet.

That stands for salt pills.

But I'm telling you,

it's all worked out
by the team doctor

and Coach Stobie.

Dr. Sundstrom?

Yeah, him and Coach Stobie.

Please don't touch
anything, Mr. Rustin.

We'll tell detectives
about this.

They'll probably send
somebody out from SID

to dust the room
for fingerprints.

No way. He wore gloves.

You sure?

Yeah, I'm pretty
sure, but, uh...

Now look. Uh,

you know, I'm not
all this upset about it.

So a guy comes in and
boosts a few vitamin pills.

So what?

Well, Mr. Rustin,

Since you don't know
what was in the cabinet,

we have to consider
the possibility

there were narcotics.

We'll have to follow up on it.

Okay, but, uh, listen.

I don't want to
file no complaint.

Dr. Sundstrom.

Might be some kind of clinic.

Let's pay the doctor a visit.

Can I help you?

We'd like to see Dr. Sundstrom.

Oh, is this about Charley?


Charley Hall. Well, he
was here this afternoon,

and I overheard him
with Dr. Sundstrom.

So naturally, when you came in,

I assumed...

This is about Charley, isn't it?

I'm not sure. Could you give
us a little more information?

Well, Charley Hall.

He's the star halfback
for Alimain College.

He came in here this afternoon,

and he burst into
Dr. Sundstrom's office

and started to
thr*aten the doctor.

I've never seen anyone so angry.

And then, when he left,

Dr. Sundstrom
called Coach Stobie,

and then he left.

Do you know what
he was angry about?

Dr. Sundstrom is
the team physician.

He's also head of the alumni.

It was something about that.

Could you be more specific?

I'd like to, but maybe
you'd better get the rest

from the doctor.

Can you tell us where
we can locate him?

I'm not sure, but I think
he told Coach Stobie

that he'd meet him
at Charley's house.

Oh, wait a minute.

I have the team
list in the files.

I'll get you the address.

Here it is.

Charles Hall. 235 South Dotson,

- apartment 3.
- Thank you.

This is One-Adam-12.

Show us code 6 at

apartment 3.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

If Charley Hall was the one
who knocked over Rustin,

That would explain why
he didn't want us involved.

Yeah, he wouldn't want his
star halfback thrown in jail.

It's coming up on the right.

What is it with you?

All we're doing is
winning the Cups, that's all.

I'm telling you,

I'll go to the cops
if you don't quit.

You're not going anywhere.

What's going on here?

Come on in, officers.

Oh, it's, uh, it's really
nothing, officers.

Just a little disagreement.

I think maybe you'd better
tell us who you all are.

Well, uh, my name is Sundstrom,

Dr. Sundstrom. I'm a physician.

This is Coach Stobie
from Alimain College,

and this young gentleman
here is Charley Hall.

He lives here with his parents.

What's this all about?

Well, go ahead, doc,
tell him all about it.

Well, now, I don't think
that'll be necessary.

I stole some dr*gs
out of the trainer's cage

in the locker room
of Alimain College.

dr*gs that these two guys

have been giving out
to the football players.

Now just a moment...

You're admitting a
burglary, Charley.

You'd better know your rights.

I know them, and I
don't want an attorney.

I just want these guys stopped.

Listen, Officer, we were just
talking to Chuck about this.

He seems to be
under the impression

that we're pushing
dangerous dr*gs or something.

I don't understand how
he could be so misinformed.

Officers, I, uh,

I think I can clear
this whole thing up.

You see, we've just
started a new program

for our football
team this year...

The careful administration
of certain dr*gs

to stimulate their
performance on the field.

Now, this medication was
prescribed by a physician,

so it's all perfectly legal.

All they want is to win.

You see, Sundstrom here
is a big shot on the alumni,

and he told Coach Stobie

to give us the dr*gs
or he'd lose his job.

Now, that's all pure fantasy.

It's against the law to
give barbiturates to people.

I don't want to go through
it again with you, Charley.

It's a perfectly acceptable
practice in athletics today.

I talked to guys

from every team that we played,

and they don't
have to take pills.

And we beat them, don't we?

I think maybe we better
go down to the station

and let the detectives
sort this out.

This is ridiculous.

You got no grounds
to take us in.

I got the stuff I took
from the trainer's office

in the trunk of my car.

You wouldn't believe
what's in there.

- Long day.
- Oh, yeah?

Oh, it feels like about
eight hours to me.

I'll let that pass.

- Are you about ready?
- Yeah, I guess so.

Did you get a chance to talk
to Sergeant Olson in Narcotics?

Yeah, I saw him down the hall.

I turned this whole
Sundstrom mess over to him.

- And?
- He thinks we might
have something.

He's all set to open up an
investigation on the college.

It sounds like their
athletic program

could use a little stirring up.

Olson seems to think so.

He said they already
had a little file going.

It seems, uh,

some of the parents
of the other players

have been complaining.

Anyway, let's go.

I told Jean you'd
pick us up at 7.

Hey, where are you off to?

Pete's taking Jean
and me to dinner.

I'm starving to death.

It's no wonder.

You haven't eaten
anything all day.

Pete, if you're going
to gripe about this,

why don't we just
forget the whole thing?

Oh, no, it's all right.

Well, you coming?

One-Adam-12, day watch clear.

One-Adam-12, day watch clear.

You just had a little too
much kippered herring

and a few too many
glasses of wine.

Did you, uh, talk to
Sergeant Woods?

Yeah, while you were down
the hall at the booking cage.

He said they sent a detective
out to see the Wilkinsons,

but they refused to talk to him.

Woods said his man
feels the same way we do...

The baby was probably kidnapped,

but unless the Wilkinsons
confide in the department,

our hands are tied.

Maybe we were wrong.

Maybe the baby is
at his grandmother's

and the Wilkinsons
just don't like cops.

Now, there's a bet
I'd like a piece of.

No, thank you.

Hey, Pete, there's a
drugstore around the corner.

Why don't you pull
over there for a minute?

This is One-Adam-12.

We're in pursuit of two
cars racing on Avalon.

All units on all
frequencies stand by.

One-Adam-12 is in pursuit.

This is One-Adam-12.

Suspect vehicles have
just turned southbound

on Walnut.

sh*ts being fired.

All units, One-Adam-12
is in pursuit

southbound on Walnut.

sh*ts being fired.

Hold it!

Drop the g*n.

Face down on the deck.

All right, come out slow.

Next time I catch you
riding in another dude's car,

I'm going to bash your head in.

Forget you! Ain't no
loud-mouth jive-time dude

gonna tell me whose
car I can ride in.

All right, hold
it. Wait a minute.

You the cause of
this chase, Miss?

Well, I guess so.

But he act like he
own me or something.

He ain't got no papers on me.

Cheap litter.

We was riding down Avalon...

Coolidge, you know...

And the dude starts...
Man, he starts acting

like he's a fool or something.

You have to come down to
the station for questioning.

Okay, let's go.

You better let our
backup take her in.

How's your stomach?

It's getting better.

I took something for
it back at the station.

Good. I'm glad to hear
it. When you feel up to it,

I got another little wager I
want to discuss with you.

Nothing doing. I'm not
betting with you anymore.

One-Adam-12, family dispute.

2604 Marshall. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

That girl and the
helpful prowler.

Oh, officers.

Come in.

This doesn't concern you.

Who sent for you anyw...

Why, you...

I'm done being afraid.

You can't fool me anymore.

We can still work this out.

There is nothing to work out.

There was plenty to work out

when you were
broke and pregnant.

Why didn't you send for the cops

when I paid the hospital bills

or when I gave you
Wilkinson's 500 bucks?

You'll get your money back.

Keep the money.

But you did agree
to give up the child.

You signed the papers.

I talked to Legal Aid.
I'm keeping my baby.

The papers mean nothing.

You got my baby
on the black market.

You better cool it,
Rita. There's cops here.

Do you work for a
licensed adoption agency?

Well, it's... It's
like this, Officer...

That's why...

That's why we tried to
hide the disappearance

and refused to talk
to the detectives.

We knew an investigation

would reveal that we
adopted in the black market

and would be forced
to give up the child.

We suspected she took the baby,

so we called Tyler.

Look, you guys,
it's not like it seems.

Come off it, Tyler.

Save the soft music
for the detectives.

You understand, Mr. Wilkinson,

in this case, no matter
what was signed,

she has full
rights to the child.

Why didn't you adopt
through a licensed agency?




We just wanted the baby.

We thought this way would be...

Be somehow easier.
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