Stars in My Crown (1950)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Stars in My Crown (1950)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hear that?

Might say I was raised
on that song.

Hearing it takes me back...

back to the old times
when I was young,

Back to Walesburg.

According to the song,

we're promised a city of gold
in the hereafter.

I used to think that was
a long time to have to wait.

But I know now that
there is a city of gold

right here on earth
for every one of us,

the city of our youth.

Walesburg's only one
name for it; that's all.

Walesburg not as it is now,
but as it used to be.

I just have to shut my eyes,
and I'm there.

Nothing's changed.
Even I haven't changed.

I'm always a boy in Walesburg.

And there at my side, just as he'll
always be, is the parson.

Parson Gray.

Passing before me are all the people
who were a part of my growing up,

People like Mrs. Belcher,
who took in boarders,

and her niece, Faith Samuels,
the district schoolteacher.

Sweet, pretty miss Samuels.

Did you hear that, John?

Granny Gailbraith, who could remember
seeing George Washington.

Thad Carroll, who had served as
drummer boy at the first Bull Run.

Lon Backett, who kept the general
store and had a finger in every pie.

Even Chloroform Wiggins.

His ma had never heard
of chloroform until he was born,

and she thought it was
a mighty pretty name.

And all the others,

Walesburg people...

Gone now, most of them,

and yet as close to me still
as people in a favorite story...

A story that had its beginning
before I was born,

on the day the parson
arrived in our town.

This wasn't much of a town then

in those first hard years that followed
the w*r between the states,

but it suited the parson.

Right from the minute
he stepped off the train

and started to look around.

He must have attracted
plenty of attention

as he walked down main street
for the first time

in his brand-new black pulpit coat

and faded gray cavalry breeches

and his big old Bible in his hand.

But he just kept on
walking till he got to.

Jerry Higgins' saloon.

He didn't have to call for quiet.

It just followed him through
that room like a hound dog.

Boys, I'm your new preacher,

and I aim to give my first
sermon right here and now.


Now, seeing that this is as
new to me as it is to you...

I reckon we'd best
begin at the beginning.

"In the beginning was the word,

"and the word was with God.

And the word was God."

From that day on,

Walesburg and the parson
kind of grew up together.

He preached around in back rooms,

and he prayed in parlors,

and he led the singing in barns.

* Shall we gather
at the river *

* Where bright angel feet have trod *

* With its crystal light forever *

* Flowing by the throne of God *

* Yes, we'll gather at the river *

* The beautiful, the beautiful river *

* Gather with the saints
at the river *

* That flows by the throne of god *

And by the time work
started on the parson's church,

his victory was won.

Just about everybody in Walesburg
took a hand in that church building.

And if ever a house of god or man
was put together with loving hands,

this one was.

Yes, the parson's church is one of
the nicest parts of the parson's story.

And now I was in the story, too.

Had been ever since
I could remember.

My parents had died
when I was small,

so I'd come to live
in the parson's house,

sharing the parson's heart
with the parson's wife,

who was my aunt Harriet.

What's this?
Dinner not ready yet?

Garfield, we better get a new cook.

Enjoy the service
this morning, Harriet?

Well, now I'm glad to hear that.

Everyone else was saying what
a good service it was, too.

John Kenyon, you know

you don't have to do
everything the parson does.


You know, to tell you the truth,
I found it pretty good myself.

- Don't you laugh at me, Mr. Gray.
- Why, Harriet, honey,

what gives you the idea
I'm laughing at you?

I am standing around
with a big smile on my face

just 'cause I feel good, and you-
Yes, well, all I have to say is:

You should be
ashamed of yourself.

I was brought up to believe

that a man who broke his
solemn promise to a lady

was a pretty poor sort of a man.

Oh, Harriet, I guess you found me out.

I am a pretty poor sort of man.

I was intending to mention it sooner.
Something always came up.

This morning was
just the last straw.

You promised me
time and time and again

that as long as I played
the organ for the services,

I could choose the hymns.

So I have.

Yes, and promise is all you do.

Never mind what I want to sing;

What anybody else in
Walesburg wants to sing.

Oh, no, week in, week out,

it's that old "stars in my crown".

I like "Stars in my crown".

Oh, I know you do, Mr. Gray.

I assure you, it's
common knowledge.

Never hear the last
of it in this world.

And if you have your way,
it'll be the same in the next.

John, you put those shoes
and stockings right back on.

They make my feet hot.

I don't care. You're not
going barefoot on the Sabbath.

It isn't respectful.

- Aw, Garfield.
- Language?

Now, John, do exactly as
your aunt Harriet says.

Any woman who can bake a
chocolate cake as good as this

deserves all the
consideration she can get.

Now, Harriet, honey,
about this hymn business.

It's for you to say what you want done
and for me to do it.

Don't be shy about
expressing your desires.

Just speak right up,
and I won't open my mouth...

except to do the preaching.

If the day comes when
you don't open your mouth...

That's my last word, Harriet-
except to do the preaching.

* Will there be any stars *

* Any stars in my crown *

* When at evening
the sun goeth down *

* When I wake with the Blessed *

* In those mansions of rest *

* Will there be
any stars in my crown? *

After the parson
and my aunt Harriet,

the most important people
in my world

were Uncle Famous Prill
and his old dog Belle.

Uncle Famous knew everything
about hunting and fishing,

and I don't guess there was
a boy or man in Walesburg

who hadn't had him for a teacher.

* Any stars, any stars in my crown *

* when at evening
the sun goeth-*

Hello, John.

Hello, Chloroform.

Hello, uncle Famous.


Where are y'all going?


That's where I thought you was going.

Well, good-bye, John.

Bye, Chloroform.

Bye, Uncle Famous.


Boy, possess yourself.
Leave Mr. Frog be.

He ain't gonna help
you catch no fish.

Oh, they ain't biting today.

Maybe they ain't,
and maybe they is,

but I just seen a big old catfish
come sneaking this way.

I know just what he's thinking.
He's thinking,

"Uh, that old man,
he's too smart for me,

"but that boy, he's so
taken up with Mr. Frog,

I'm gonna grab his dough
ball and just scat away."

Now, how'd you know
he was thinking that?

I been on close terms with catfish

ever since I was big enough
to scratch myself with my left hand.

If I don't know what
they's thinking, who does?

- Where'd he go to?
- He didn't say.

Oh, there he is now!

Get out the way.

Oh, that's a big one.
Stand back, now, stand back.

Well, bang my time.

I done spake in pride,

and the lord had
his ear out and heard me.

Go on home.
Your mammy wants you.

Famous, I'd like to talk to you.

Howdy, Mr. Backett.


Yes, sir.

Famous, got some good news for you.

You know that mica vein I've been working
on my 60 acres near your place?

And making a mighty
good thing out of it, too.

Well, that vein has run
smack-dab into your property line.

Found out about it this morning.

Now, what do you say to that?

Well, sir, I don't know.
I don't see it's anything to do with me.

Why, it's your property, ain't it?
It ain't my property.

If I don't get title to that land,
I'll have to close down the mine.

So, here I am
with a little proposition.

can take it out in credit at the store.


- Sell my land?
- That's the ticket.

Well, sir, thanks all the same, but

I been making out on that
place a sight of years now.

Yes, but that isn't what I asked you.

Yes, sir.
What I mean is that...

Well, I reckon I'm just
too old to make a change.

Not enough money for you, huh?

Now, no hard feelings.

Mind you, I like a sharp trader,
I always did.

Only wished I was one myself.

I'll give you 80 cents an acre,

provided you take out
half in credit at the store.

- Well, sir-
- 80 ct. an acre, that's 80 times 20.

That's $16, Famous, more
money than you ever seen.

Mr. Backett, let me ask you something.

- I got this here suit of overalls.
- Yeah.

I got a long-tailed coat for Sundays.

A house, got a bed,

and I gets my vittles


Mr. Backett, what does I want with $16?

Now, you look here.

The boys I've got working for me
ain't gonna blame me

when the mining has to stop
and their good wages along with it.

It ain't me they'll be throwing down on
when their family has to do without.

No, sir, I wouldn't want
such as that on my conscience.

Think it over, Famous.

Yes, sir.

Watch your pole, boy!

Get ahold of it! Get ahold
before he takes it away!

Hook him out of there!

Pull 'im!
Pull 'im!

That's right.
Look at that! That's a cat.

Catch his mouth and watch his fins.
If he pinch you, he'll poison you.

Your hand will swell up
like a puff adder bit you.

Get away from there, Belle!

That's a nice one.

Well, well, many happy
returns to the day, son.

Howdy, Famous.

Howdy, Parson.

Just met Lon Backett driving off
looking mad enough to bite himself.

Is that true about his mica vein
going over to your side of the fence?

I reckon it's true, right enough.

People are telling it
like it's a big joke.

Myself, I don't think it's so funny.

I don't want to make no
trouble for nobody, Parson,

but that's my place.

I ain't never had no other.

What's going to happen to me
if I has to sell my land?

Uncle famous doesn't have
to sell, does he, Parson?

You're a free man, Famous.

That's right, uncle Famous
'cause the law says.

Just saying a good
thing don't make it so.

Lon Backett puts me in mind of
an old foxhound I used to have

name of Governor Dobbs.

Old Gov had a voice like a $12 bugle,
and he loved to use it.

Seemed he wasn't just happy enough
to live

unless he could tell
everybody what to do.

Got to where every time
I turned him loose in the pack,

he'd start giving tongue
whether he picked up the scent or not,

just to prove he was top dog.

Some folks are like hounds
in that respect, I reckon.

- Good story.
- Don't rush me.

Trouble was,
when it come to trailing,

Ol' Gov never did know
a buck rabbit from a bumblebee.

You know what that fool dog did?

He led the whole pack
plumb into a flock of skunks.

Ah, I guess Lon Backett
will have to kick up

an almighty big stink
before he learns his lesson.

You ready to go, John?

I thought we'd stop by the
Isbell place on the way home.

Come again soon.

We'll sure do that.

I guess the parson and I had been out
to the Isbell place a hundred times.

The parson used to say the Isbell farm
was everything a farm should be.

Hey, Jed.

What's more,
he acted like he thought.

Jed Isbell himself
was everything a man should be...

Anyway, almost everything.

Well, now!
Climb down!

Get a drink of the best
well water in the county!

- How's that game leg of yours?
- Just tol'able, J.D., just tol'able.

A lot of folks thought Jed Isbell was
a strange friend for a preacher to have.

But then, the Parson
and Jed had fought side by side

from Fort Donelson
to Missionary Ridge.

The w*r had welded bonds that
nothing, it seemed, could break.

- How you been there, J.D.?
- Fine, fine.

Guess you ain't heard the news.

Hey, Chase.

Jed, you got enough tow-headed sons
to start a Swedish Sunday school.

Howdy, Parson.

What was your news?

Nothing special, I just
bought 40 acres of bottom land

from the widow Matthias,
that's all.

More land?

The boys talked me into it. They felt
that I wasn't keeping 'em busy enough.

It was a good buy, prime soil.

I figure we'll get a bale
an acre off of that land.

You'll do it, all right.

You got the Lord on your side.
Don't you know that by now?

Well, now let me see, Parson.

I don't remember taking
on any extra hands lately.

Just me and the missis
and the boys.

And two good mules
named Sam and Ike.

I think we'll get along
without any help from the Lord.

Well, folks can get
along without eyes, too,

but they can't see.

Come on, John.

You boys ought to take better
care of this old billy goat,

keep him out of fights
he can't win.

See you, parson,
good-bye, now.

- How are you, Sarah?
- Just fine as silk, thank you, parson.

- My, don't they grow!
- They sure do.

- These are for Harriet.
- Thanks.

And I'd be obliged if you
leave this soup for old Doc Harris.

Tell Bessie just to add water.
Can you remember that?

Remember that, John.

When you coming to church, Jed?

Just as soon as you get God to
plow that bottom land for me.


I'll see what I can do.

Get along, josh!

What's the matter, Chloroform?

Why you running away?
He's not gonna hurt you.

Don't you let him hurt you, Chloroform!

Now, Perry, I didn't say
you couldn't knock it off.

I just asked you
not to do it.

You said I couldn't.
Isn't that what he said, boys?

That's what he said.
Sure did, he sure did!

Did you see that?

He's scared!

He's right scared.

Now, Perry, I was just joking
all the time. Perry, I...

I think I'll just draw
your picture on that wall.

Now, now, Perry, now, PE...

Say, Perry,
Don't you think that's about enough?

It's enough when I say it's enough.

Pick up your hat and get out of here.

Perry puts me in mind
of a colonel I had once.

He never learned to protect his rear.


- Well?
- Well, Dan Harris.

You just get home?

I arrived in Walesburg last night.

I take it you came to see my father.

I have a present for him from Sarah
Isbell. You just add water...

Well, he's resting.
He can't be disturbed.

- He's not worse, is he?
- He's tired out.

So am I; half the town's
been here today,

and the other half will come tomorrow.

He can't improve under that kind
of treatment. Nobody could.

I'd appreciate it,

if you'd spread the word that we're not
holding open house here.

Well, don't get excited, Dan.

We want him to get
well as much as you do.

Give him a chance.
Please stay away from him.

If there's any messages-

You, Dan, who you clamoring at?
That the parson?

Yes, sir, it's the parson.

Well, send him out here.
It's me he come to see, not you.

Side porch.

Well, good to see you at this hour.

Sit down, sit down,
put your feet up.

I'm afraid I can't stay.

Oh, you don't want to
pay no attention to Dan.

I was treating heart cases
before I met his mother.

Put your feet up
and be comfortable.

You sure there's
anything wrong with you?

You look spryer than
a jaybird to me.

The fact is,
if you want to know it,

I've walked out of my front
door for the last time.

Next time I make the trip,
I'll be riding in style,

and you'll be helping
to carry me.

For once, doc,
I hope you're wrong.

Well, for once I ain't.

Here's Dan come to chase you away.

Calls himself a doctor.

Well, I learned more medicine
holding ol' Doc Gilbert's horse

than he'll ever know.

Here, what...
what are you doing?

I'm entitled to one
pipe a day, ain't I?

One pipe a day, Parson.

Doctor's orders.

It's warm.

You ain't no doctor.
You're a dadblamed detective.

And quite a stranger
in Walesburg at that.

We're hoping this time he'll take off
his hat and stay awhile.

Oh, Dan's home to stay this time,

- ain't you, Dan?
- If you say so, pop.

Yes, everything's ready for you-
ready and waiting.

You won't even have
to change the shingle.

We don't have to talk
about it now, do we?

Walesburg won't be needing
a new doctor for years yet.

Well, don't do no harm
to make plans, son.

I remember the day
you was born.

I ran up and down the street
like a short-pantsed kid,

telling everybody I met,

"Got another doctor
in the family now."

I never did make a plan
that didn't have you in it.

But somehow lately,

my feelings for you are
kind of getting all mixed up

with my feelings for this town,
the folks in it.

I've lived so close to 'em

and taken care of them so long,

they're almost as much
my family as you are.

Well, you look
after them for me...

You and the parson here.

Now, pa, don't...

Yes, Bessie, what is it?

- Someone wants the doctor. I told-
- You tell them the doctor's resting.

- Well, who is it, Bessie?
- The widow Smith.

She's got pains in her chest again.
She's bad.

Annie Smith?

Reckon you'd better go, son.

I don't know about that, sir,
they asked for Dr. Harris.

Bessie, you're a fool! You go
and tell them Dr. Harris is coming!

Well, son...

I wish it was anybody
but Annie Smith.

That's one case
he ain't likely to win,

and it's good to win the first time.

I reckon I don't have
to tell you that, parson.

I reckon you ain't forgot the first time
you got up to preach

down yonder
in Jerry Higgins' saloon.

Come to think of it,
Dan's worse off than I was.

At least I didn't have
your shoes to fill.

Yeah, he'll fill 'em all right.

Right now, he's a little long on
education and a little short on sense.

He's got a lot to learn.

Even with that,
he's a better doctor than I am.

Don't you tell him I said so.

Got a match?

Well, I may as well smoke here.

No smoking in the hereafter.

* My savior comes
and walks with me *

* And sweet communion here have we *

* He gently leads me
by his hand *

* For this is-*

* Oh, beulah land,
sweet beulah land *

* As on the highest mount I stand *

* I look away
across the sea *

* Where mansions are prepared
for me... *

Parson, you're wanted
over to the widow Smith's.

How's Annie?
Not so good, I'm afraid.

What do you want?

I've come to say a prayer for Annie.

Mrs. Smith's very ill.

If you really want to help her,
you'll leave her to me.


I'm right here, Annie.


It's all over.

No, doctor, it's just beginning.

You can go in now.

The rest of you
had better go home.

Here, you,

what have you done
to your hand?

Dropped the stove lid on it 2 days ago.
Don't amount to nothing.

It will amount to something
if it isn't properly attended to.

Why haven't you seen a doctor?

Doc Harris is sick, ain't he?

You call around tomorrow.
I'll take care of it.

Don't amount to nothing.

- Dan?
- Good night.


I was thinking of
a saying your father has.

He says if the Lord
wants a person bad enough,

it's not up to him
to stand in the way.

Mr. Gray,

we'd better get something
straight right now.

I love and admire my father,

but that doesn't mean that
I have to accept his ways.

As long as I'm doctor in this town,

you'll oblige me by
asking my permission

before you interfere with my patients.

I don't know about interfering.

I came out here tonight because
I was sent for, same as you.

We'll be meeting like this right along
and you may as well get used to it.

Souls don't always enjoy
perfect health, you know,

any more than bodies do.

Well, I'm not interested
in souls, Mr. Gray.

And when I want a sermon on the subject,

I'll come to church for it.

Good. I'll be glad
to preach you one.

Well, that'd be
a waste of your time...

and mine.

Good night.

Good night, Dr. Harris.

Yes, he's right here.

Someone to see you...

Dr. Harris,
this is Bobby Sam Carroll.

Bobby Sam,
quiet down, dear.

The doctor isn't
going to hurt you.

We've had a little accident
with a fish hook.

Yes, where?

Why, at the Sunday school picnic.

Oh! oh, it's caught
in his leg.

You see, it won't come out
this way because of the barb,

and it won't come out
this way because of the eye

for the fishing line, you know?


Bobby Sam!

I'm afraid some of the older
boys have been frightening him.

With stories about me?

Never mind.

Now, John, what did I tell you?

Nothing terrible's going to happen.

John was showing
Bobby Sam how to cast,

and the first thing...

Dr. Harris!

Let me have one
of your hatpins.

Look here, stop that!

Now, look.

This is you,

and this is that fishhook
sticking into you.

Now here's the eye.

That's for the fishing line, you know.

Now, I'm going to take and cut the eye

right off that hook like this.

Then I'm going to pull the shank out
with one pull,

like this.

See? That's all there is to it.

Now, you won't make a fuss about
a little thing like that, are you?

* 10 green bottles
hanging on the wall *

* If one green bottle
should accidentally fall *

* There'd be 9 green bottles
hanging on the wall *

* 9 green bottles
hanging on the wall *

* 9 green bottles
hanging on the wall *

* If one green bottle
should accidentally fall *

* there'd be... *

Bobby Sam: 8!

* 8 green bottles
hanging on the wall *

Some other time, Bobby Sam.

Come on, pinhead.

Oh, and we're very grateful
to Dr. Harris, aren't we?

Don't mention it, miss...

Faith Samuels.

I guess I was still in short dresses
when you went away to study.

I'm the schoolteacher now.
I live next door.

Miss Samuels, what makes you think
I never saw a fishhook before?

Why, I didn't say-
Do I impress you as the sort of man.

Well, who isn't the sort
of man who goes fishing?

- Well, you-
- Do I, or do I not, Miss Samuels?

Yes, you do.

I see.

Thank you.

I have to go in.

Why, Dr. Harris.

Miss Samuels,

I came to inquire if you would care

to go driving with me
some morning fairly soon.

I thought maybe
we might take a lunch

and go as far as Tom's creek.

We might even do some fishing.

Why, I...

I would be delighted.

Good. We'll start
tomorrow at 8:00.

Folks wondered
what a sweet girl like Faith

could see in young Doc Harris.

I guess the only person
who knew the answer to that

was Faith herself.

As for young Doc,

when he drove her home
that afternoon,

he drove slowly,

as though he didn't
want the day to end.

* 10 green bottles
hanging on the wall *

* if one green bottle
should accidentally fall *

* there'd be-
* 9 *

But the happy day was forgotten

when he saw the silent crowd
in front of his father's house.

Don't they sound plain
all of a sudden?

Wind's freshening.

I know it.

Pa had a hound once,
chased a fox for 10 days.

Only give up when he died of starvation.

Pa says I'm named after him-

Aw, that's just a joke.

I know it.

Sounds like this old fox
is working his way around that hollow

in back of uncle Famous's place.

Most likely got his hole up there.

Most likely fixing to hole up.

You don't have to tell me
all that's happening.

I wasn't telling you.

All right.

On the way home, you want to
stop by and see uncle Famous?

What for?

Aunt Harriet made a big pan
of gingerbread yesterday.

- I brought him some.
- Maybe it's all gone.

It was a big pan.

Sounds like that fox changed
his mind about holing up.

Sounds like he's doubling back
across Uncle Famous' place.

I know what it sounds like.

I was just talking.
You don't have to listen.


Come on over here.

Famous, what's been happening here?!
Some kind of accident?

No, sir,
I reckon it wasn't no accident.

Told you how it'd be when I
had to close down the mine.

No, sir, it'ain't in
nature for men to sit quiet

whilst the bread's took
out of their mouths.

Famous, I tell you what I'll do.

I'll make you one more
offer for this land of yours.

cash on the barrelhead.

- What do you say?
- Mr. Backett, that's uncommon kind.

Aw, no, it ain't nothing.

But I told you before

I couldn't see no reason
why I should sell my land,

and there ain't nothing
happened to change my mind.

Nothing's happened?!

No, sir.

Why, your stock's gone, ain't it?

Your stores is gone.
Your feed and green crop,

your corn crop.

Where you fixing to get money
to buy seed to plant again?

How you aim to restock and rebuild?

How you gonna live?
Where's the money coming from?

Why, you old fool,
you'll starve to death!


Go on home and fetch some
seed corn out of the crib.

Cabe, tell your ma
we'll be wanting some chickens

and all the bacon and meal
she ain't got any use for.

Jeb, we'll be needing
the mules and the plow.

Rolfe, you and me better start
cleaning up this field.

Mr. Isbell?

Just don't mention it,
don't mention it.

No, sir.

You's a real Christian, sir.

When you coming to church, Jed?

Hup! get along there!

Hey, if you was God,

what'd be the first thing you'd do?

Heap of things.

No, I mean the first.

I don't know.
What'd you do?

Well, first off,

I'd make it so it was
summer all the time.

No Christmas?

Oh, I'd have it in the summertime.

I'd have everything in the summertime...

'cause that's all there'd be,
just summer all the time.

Gee, what about school, though?

There wouldn't be any school.

Whoever heard of having
school in the summer?

Whoever heard of having
Christmas in the summer?

Well, God could do it if he wanted to.


Another thing. If you was God,
and it was summer all the time,

and there wasn't any school,
what would the schoolteachers do?

I don't know. I haven't
come to that yet.

But I know one thing.
There'd be wars all the time...

fighting every day,
but nobody'd get k*lled.

Who'd win?

Well, my side, of course,

and I'd be the general.

And I'd ride around on a white horse
just like Robert E. Lee,

and I'd never wear any shoes.

That ain't fair.
You'd have all the fun.

What's the good of being God
if you can't have all the fun?


Hey, here comes somebody.

Hurry, close the well up.

It's the enemy.

Hurry up!

I'll only be a minute.

Faith, can't I have an answer,
a real answer this time?

Look, I've done
everything you said.

I've waited.
I've tried to be patient.

Dan, please.

I know what I'm asking.

I'm asking you to leave this town,

your home where you've
lived all your life

and where you're loved and secure.

I'm asking you to give all of that up

just to be with me.

All I want is to be with you.
You know that.

* Oh, them golden slippers, oh *

* them golden slippers *

* golden slippers,
I'm gonna wear *

* 'cause they look so-*


Yes, mum?

Have you got
your new shoes on?

Let me see you walk in them.

Hurry up, now, I want those shoes
broken in before school takes up.

Why do I have to wear those
shoes to school anyway?

They don't make me any smarter.

Well, we can always hope. walk!

Here's the parsonage, Professor.

Good morning, buckaroo.
Your pa to home?

He ain't my pa.

Well, whoever he is,
tell him I want a chin with him.

Yes, sir, I'll fetch him.

Hold on, there.

What's that sticking
out of your ear there?

Parson? Parson?

Parson! Parson!

A man just pulled a
watch out of my ear.

- Parson Gray?
- Yes, sir.

Your servant, ma'am.

Parson, I'm Sam Houston Jones
from the panhandle of Texas...

A businessman, sir, as you can see.

My line is to make folks
happy inside and out.

Now, in pursuit of my policy,

I'll put on a little
entertainment tonight,

and I'd be obliged if you'd
share in the festivities.

I'm prepared to give your church

Isn't that a little unusual?

Nothing unusual about it,
just stimulates confidence.

If I can tell the folks in these parts
that their parson's coming,

they'll know it's all
right for them to come.

What does your entertainment consist of?

Well, sir, there's a band,

there's Frank and Zeke there.

Play any kind of musical instrument.

Frank sings too,

like a cross-eyed meadowlark.

I'm the featured attraction.
I do magic tricks

and give educational talks, illustrated.

With a free sample.

What do you say, parson?

Well, I'm sorry, mister.
Uh, Professor Jones.

I'm afraid I can't
accept your kind offer.


if you should decide to come
at my church next Sunday

and put something in the collection,
that's your business.

And, of course,
if I decided to bring my family

to your show tonight,
that's my business.

I won't promise to buy
any medicine, though.

Oh, come here, buckaroo.

Come here, son.

What in the world have
you got in your other ear?

Why, it's not in your ear at all,
there it is right there.

Uncle famous.
Evening, Famous.

- Evening.
- Evening, parson.

Step aside, folks,
and let the parson pass.

- Evening, Mrs. gray.
- Good evening.

Good evening.

Is that a new hat, Ms. Gray?

No, it isn't new. It's just my old one
with a different ribbon on it.

Step this way, folks.
Right this way.

Let the parson in there, please.

Hey, Jed.


How's that game leg of yours?

Tol'able, J.D., just tol'able.

Maybe you ought to buy that medicine.
They say it's good for old folks.

Don't seem to help you much!

I don't think that's very funny.

What's the matter?
You feeling bad?

Ain't this a silly way for a full-grown
man to make a living?

All right, now let's get it
nice and quiet here, folks.

Quiet down.
Nice and quiet.

My friends, you are about to witness
for the first time on any stage,

a feat of black magic, legerdemain,

and sleight of hand taught
to me by an old Indian friend.

A feat astounding, confounding,
and pretty near impossible...

You wait and see if it ain't.

I'm gonna require the assistance of
some young gentleman from the audience.

How about you, buckaroo?

You'll lend a hand, won't you?

Come on up here.
Don't be shy.

You don't have to go up
there if you don't want to.

That's it.
Well, it's the parson's boy.

My goodness sakes.

Fine husky boy you got
here, parson, yes, sir.

What have you got in under there?

Just a minute, let's see.

What in the world is this?

Just look at that.

Look at that!

Does this belong to you?

Now, don't you let it worry you.
You just stand...

He's got something in here, too.
What is this?

Hold on. Look at that:

A whole crock of sausages.

What do you know? He brought
his supper along with him.

You hungry, buckaroo? Of course.
I never seen a boy your age that wasn't.

We're gonna do something about that.

Bring on the fixings, boy.

Yes, sir. Lookahere, buckaroo.

Are you game to sample some
of my celebrated specialty,

Professor Jones' popular 'n
penetratin' pickapoo puddin'?

Won't take but a minute
to throw it together here.

We'll just put some flour
and some water in there,

Then some fine old aged pickle juice.

Put that right in there.

Pulverized apple core, and some
essence of old rubber overshoes.

Any of you ladies

out there like a recipe
of this unusual dish,

you're welcome to come around
after the show.

Just bring along your
paper and your pencil

and some smelling salts, that's all.

Now a pinch of baking soda.

We'll put that in there.

Some melted candle wax,

and how about it, men: wouldn't you
like something different for a change?

Sure would!

Well, you just ask for delicious,
pernicious pickapoo puddin'.

Now I will finish it off

with a dash of this
famous pickapoo extract.

We'll garnish it with a
tail feather of a tom turkey.

We'll let it simmer awhile,

put the lid down on it tight closed...

Hold that, boy, will you?

Now we'll repeat the magic formula.

duzza duzza buzza da
buzzadabaloo presto change,

And there's your pudding.

Well, don't you want to
see how it turned out, son?

Come on, let's have a look at it.

That's all today.
Thank you very much.

Now, if you folks will gather
in here a little bit closer,

when you hear the name of my product,
Old Jones's lodestone tonic,

Well, friends, there are just

What are these 3 words, my friends?

"There is hope,"
that's what they are.

Now, friends, I don't care
what's your ailment...

Be it the lights or the liver,
Be it the nerves or the organ,

Be it recurring, malignant, epidemic...

Fetch young Doc Harris.

He didn't eat much supper to speak of.

We thought it was just
the excitement of the show.

I'm afraid it's typhoid.

- Slow fever?
- What can we do?

Not much.

Keep him as comfortable as possible.

Give him a spoonful of
this if he gets restless.

And ice when the fever's bad.

Now, listen.

He's young, and he's strong.

He's got everything on his side.

With a little luck, there's no reason
why he shouldn't come through this.

Let's go down to the creek.

Let's go swimming.

Let's have a drink.
I'm thirsty, awful thirsty.

The sun's so hot.

Let's put our heads in the water.

You haven't slept for days.
I'm gonna put you to bed.

I'm not tired.

Just lie down a little while, honey.
I'll be right here all the time.

I'll call you if anything...

Remember what the doctor said?

It's up to John now.

That's the way.

Days sure seem like years
at a time like this.

All I can think of now is the times
I wasn't sweet to him,

the times I spoke sharply to him.

I don't know if he always understood.

A little boy doesn't
always understand that

you love him and still
speak sharply to him.

It's so hard to know.

He's always been just
the same as my own to me...

Just exactly the same.

Maybe it hasn't been
the same for him.

I suppose it's foolish of me

to think it could ever be the same.

Don't talk, honey.

I just wish I'd been
sweeter to him, that's all.

He's such a good boy.

He's never done anything really bad.

I just wish I could tell him
what a good boy he's been,

what a blessing.


Aunt Harriet?

Yes, dear?

I'm hungry.

* will there be any
stars, any stars in my crown *

You're going to be late, Mr. Gray.

Come on, up, up, up.

What about you?
You going to church like that?

I'm playing hooky today, like you.

Mr. Gray...

Plenty of time, Harriet, plenty of time.

Oh, you always say that. Here.

I declare, Mr. Gray, I could get
your whole...

congregation ready
for church...

before I could you.

Well, Harriet, you have to admit
the result's worth the bother.

You don't sound like you mean it.

Maybe you're still looking
for that straight stick.

That's such an old joke.

Gonna miss your sweet voice today.

Sometimes you sound
like a ribbon drummer.

Now, go.

John, keep your window open,
you can hear the singing.

Are you gonna sing
"stars in my crown"?

I think that might be arranged.

Don't you cut your eyes at me, you two.
I know what you're thinking,

and it won't do you
a particle of good.

Gussie Lou Lyles is going to
oblige you at the organ, Mr. Gray,

and the hymns are all picked out.
Would you like to know what they are?

You see, John? You can't
get ahead of your aunt Harriet.

Straight stick, indeed.

Straight stick what?

Oh, it's just an old story.

I never heard it.

It's about the young men
who used to come call on me.

Tell me the story, aunt Harriet.

Well, you see, before I met the parson,

I was never satisfied with any
of the suitors who came calling.

I used to laugh at them and
make jokes about the way they acted.

Finally, my mother said to me:

"Harriet, I once knew a man
who went walking in the woods

"looking for a good, straight stick
to make into a walking cane.

"He hadn't gone far before he found

"what he thought was
the proper oak limb.

"But as he went to cut it,

"he noticed it wasn't quite
straight enough to suit him.

"I'll just look a little
longer, said the man.

"And it was the same with
every tree in that wood.

"The first thing he knew, it was dark,

"and he'd spent the
whole day in that wood,

and he didn't have anything
to show for his trouble."

Mama said:

"Harriet, that's the
way you are about men."

"Why," she said, "every man born

"has something the matter with him.

"And if you're looking
for the perfect man,

you'll never find him."

But the minute I saw the parson,

I knew mama was wrong.

Aunt Harriet?

Yes, dear?

You know, I'm glad
I live with you and the parson

instead of with a ma
and pa like other boys.

Did you hear what I said?

* Will there be any stars,
any stars in my crown *

* When at evening
the sun goeth down *

* When I wake with the Blessed*

*in the mansions of rest *

* Will there be
any stars in my crown? *

I was still in
bed when school opened,

but the parson went down as usual
to start the term off in style.

Now, there's one thing more
I'd like to ask you.

How many of you say
your prayers regular?

Fine, fine. That's first-rate.

Just so you don't get
to leaning so hard on God's help

that you forget
how to help yourselves,

puts me in mind of a time...

I think it was in the battle
of Chattanooga in '63...

My horse fell with me, see, and
I had to make a dive for cover.

Well, I lit right alongside this old
tobacco-chewing lance corporal.

He looked at me laying
there on the ground,

and he looked at the Bible
sticking out of my pocket.

He says to me: "Son,

"just 'cause you're a prayin' man

don't mean you don't have
to keep your hind end down."

Well, I know it's been a long summer,

and you're all anxious
to get back to your books.

I think those books will keep
for one more day, don't you, children?

Class dismissed.

Mr. Gray, I'd like a word with you.

May I ask what you're doing here?

May I ask why you're asking?

Use your head, man.
There's typhoid fever in your house.

If you don't want to spread it,
go home and stay there.

Now, wait a minute.

Slow fever comes
from bad drinking water,

not from bad preaching.
Or even from good preaching.

Kindly allow me to know my business.

- Did you visit John this morning?
- Yes.

When talking to him
you sat on his bed, touched him?

Yes, I suppose I did.

That makes you a potential carrier.
Don't you realize that?

Don't you realize that by coming here

you have exposed these children
and miss Samuels to infection?

You can stop right there.

Sure, I've been going in and out
of John's room. So have you.

I've been going about my business,
paying calls and making speeches.

So have you.

If what you say is right,
they ought to lock us both up.

How long could this town
manage without me

or somebody like me.
Who'd do my work?

Who'd do mine?

School had hardly
opened when it had to close again.

Faith Samuels
was down with slow fever.

And in no time, lights were burning
till daylight all over town

as the sickness
spread and kept on spreading.

You're late, Mr. Gray.

I stopped by the Isbell place.
Chase has got slow fever.

Chase too?

Don't say anything to John.

I never saw Jed in such a state.

He's scared.

Wanting to yell for help,
not knowing who to yell to.

To tell you the truth,
I'm scared myself.

Come and eat.

Faith Samuels, Kim Aldridge,
Effie Meyers, both the Ware girls,

Little Carol Bowie,
Bobby Sam.

And now Chase.

And tomorrow, someone else,
unless we find the source.

We've got to find it.

When Mr. Backett came by
with my provisions,

He said he thought it strange
that you hadn't thought

to examine the school well.

If Lon Backett had half
the brains he was born with,

he'd know it couldn't be.

John came down with
the fever first.

That was before school even started.

That's so.

This chicken pie is good.

Chicken pie?

Why, Mr. Carroll.

What is it, Thad?

The missis sent me, parson.
It's our Bobby Sam.


Parson, will you come?

Of course I will.

Go in if you want to. I've given up
trying to tell you what to do.

But there's a child dead in that house

who might be alive
if it weren't for you.

You've said enough!

He's dead.

- I'll go straight over.
- No, wait.

I told you, didn't I, about having words

with Dan Harris down at the schoolhouse?

Happened again tonight.

He has a notion all this is my fault.

He's pretty near got me believing him.

How does he mean,
your fault?

He means I picked up
the fever from John

and passed it on to
the other kids somehow.

Even gave it to Faith.

And no telling how many others.
It isn't true.

Who are we to say it isn't true?

He's a doctor, he's a good doctor.
He knows his business.

I guess I should have listened to him,
but he riled me, kind of.

Now I keep thinking
maybe he was right.

Maybe he's been right all the time,
only now, it's too late...

Too late for Bobby Sam, anyway.

Harriet, what am I going to do?

You're going to keep on, of course,
the same as always.

With all this trouble, now's
the time when people need you most.

- They...
- You know what Dan Harris told me?

"Go home and stay there."

I wasn't man enough to do it.

I can't say whether I'm man
enough to do it now, but...

I aim to find out.

Tomorrow, though.
The services?

There aren't gonna be any services.

"Services will not
be held at this church

"until further notice.

"We ask your prayers for the sick.

J.D. Gray, Pastor."

When the parson
closed the door to the church,

he also closed
the door on himself.

It was all he could do now
for the folks who trusted him.

The rest was up to
young Doc Harris.

So, in a way, you see,
this unhappy time was

young Doc's real homecoming.

Now, for the first time, he knew
how good it was to be needed;

Good to be watched for and
welcomed like a trusted friend.

It was even good to go
red-eyed and dog-tired,

snatching sleep wherever he could
on the road from house to house,

in order that others might
sleep easier because of him.

He just couldn't go on
feeling a stranger among folks

whose lives had suddenly become
a part of his life.

It's all right. He'll recover.

Oh, thank God.

The lucky ones, like the Isbells,

whose faces spoke their thanks
to him better than any words.

And the others,
like Kate and Harry Ware,

whose sorrow was his sorrow.

I did all I could.

I know, doc.

I reckon what we need now
is another kind of help.

Then it began to seem to
young Doc that perhaps he too

stood in need
of another kind of help.

But beyond that lighted window,
if he'd only known it,

was a man in deeper need than his.

All that we had in those days came
from the people of Walesburg:

The house that sheltered us,

the food we ate,
the clothes we wore.

But what we learned to value
most was none of these things.

It was the living faith in the hearts
of those who gave them.

We'd never been rich-
except in that.

And now, we were poor indeed.

For days, no one had come
knocking at the parsonage door.

And for the first time
since I could remember,

there wasn't enough to eat.

If you're going out,
put on your other coat.

Did I mention I was going out?

I thought you might be going up
to the burying ground again.

They buried the Ware child today.

I saw the rigs go by.

I thought I would go up there.

Mr. Gray, it's been
nearly two weeks now.

Won't you write
the bishop to send somebody?

Somebody to do my job for me?

It's still my job.

If the folks want a change,
they'll ask for it.

It's for them to say, not me.

I reckon you're thinking
they'll do just that before long;

Maybe even hoping they will.


John believes in you, the same as I do.

That ought to be
enough for any man.

Any man except you.

You don't have to make
any pretty speeches to me.

If John and I were enough for you,
you wouldn't be who you are...

I know that.

And what you want now
is much more than we can give you.

More than food or
shelter or praise or love,

What you want is your town back again.

* it was good enough *

* for my father *

* it was good
enough for me *

Well, boy..
Come in this house.

I ain't laid eyes on you in so long,
I was near 'bout 'fraid you'd forgot me.

I've come for Belle.
Is she here?

My belle?

Well, you ain't fixin' to go huntin'
this time of night, is you?

Yes, I am. We need...

Well, aunt Harriet,
she wants me to.

You better step inside.
I'm standing in a breeze.

I've just come for Belle.

Well, Belle, she ain't
accepting invitations just now.

Look at what's happened
since you was here last.

What's the trouble, boy?

Who told you about any trouble?

Your face is doing the talking.

I can't help it.
It's awful at home.

It's just like being in jail-
only it's worse than being in jail,

'cause we ain't done nothing.

Why does there have
to be such a thing as slow fever?

What's it good for,
except to hurt people?

We can't know everything, honey.
Might be good in it yet.

We're just obliged to wait and see.

But I've waited, and I still don't see.

Well, the slow fever ain't no new story.

I reckon it's kind of like
the sow thistle in the field...

Just bound to crop up
every now and then.

I've known water just as
sweet and clean-looking

as you'd want to see
give folks the slow fever.

Seem like that fever will
get into a creek or a well

in spite of everything.

Couldn't be the creek.

I never drank any
of that creek water.

I ain't said it was the creek.

Facts is, when I first heered of
them children taking sick,

I said to myself right off,

"That school well is done diseased."

but I reckon-

- I said...
- No, I mean about the school well.

I mean, maybe that was the cause of it.

Oh, I reckon not.
I reckon they examined that well...

What's ailin' you?

Boy, where are you runnin' to?

John Kenyon!


I know what gave
everybody the slow fever.

Take it easy, son.

It was the school well.

Uncle Famous got some puppies.
Can I have one?

It couldn't be the school well, dear.

The parson thought of that first thing.

Don't you remember you were taken sick
a week before school started?

But I drank out of the well.

Say that again.

Honest, I did.

I was up there one
day with Chase Isbell,

and we didn't know
the well had slow fever in it.

Harriet, where's my hat?

Now, who's gonna notify Gene
Caldwell to board up that well?

I'll notify him.

Tell him to meet me out there.

We'll do the job together.

John, when you've done that,
you'll help me

spread the word around town.

You, too, honey.
We've got to make certain

that well's done all
the damage it can do.

Parson, they want you
over to Mrs. Belcher's.

I reckon miss Faith Samuels is a-dyin'.


John and I will tend to things. You go.


Who sent you, Chloroform?

Them over to Mrs. Belcher's.

But who?
Was it Mrs. Belcher?

Oh, no, parson. Young
Doc asked me to fetch you.


Evening, Mrs. Belcher.

Mr. Gray, I sent for you

because I know she'd
want you to be here.

There's nothing more I can do for her.

Please wait outside.

Once you asked me to leave a sickroom.

Now I'm asking you to leave one.

"This is your last chance.

"You've got 24 hours
to clear off this land.

"Get off, or get a
rope around your neck.

We mean business.
The nightriders."

Let me see.

Can't understand it.

Just can't understand it.

Why, there ain't
a man for miles around

that I ain't knowed as well
as I know this boy here.

You still don't want to sell?

I don't see how
I can do that, parson.

That's my property.
Everybody knows it.

If I've got to die,
I'll do it on my property.

Mr. Backett?

This persecution of uncle
Famous has gone far enough.

- You call...
- Now hold on, parson.

I'm a churchgoing man

but that don't give you the right
to interfere in my business.

Right now, Mr. Backett, your business
is interfering with mine.

I'm asking you, before God.
Don't you realize

what you're setting
out to do here?

m*rder one old man,
steal his property,

take your cut, and
then call the job done?

It won't end there.
Don't think it.

You, all of you...

Where have you been
in the last weeks?

Haven't you seen
the slow fever at work?

Haven't you seen
one poisoned well spread grief

and trouble through half the town?

The poison in that well
was catlap compared to this.

If that poison's allowed to start,

it'll spread
until there isn't a whole soul

or a healthy conscience
left in Walesburg.

Well, I aim to see...

You wait and see.

There'll be no rope
around anybody's neck

as long as there's one
man of us left to stop it.


Yellowbacks in fancy dress.

You shame me, and you shame the Lord

that made you
and called you men.

And if I wasn't his servant, I'd
take a buggy whip to the lot of you.

We gonna take that from him?

- We don't want no preacher-
- Shut his mouth.

If he wants a fight,
let's give it to him.

Kind of looking forward to tonight.

Rolfe tells me you run into
trouble with Lon Backett's crowd.

That's one way of putting it.

Well, is there enough
trouble for 6 of us?

Oh, Jed, you never change, do you?

Ha ha!
Just like old times.

Well, I brung you a horse,
so get your pistols, and let's go.

I'm not taking my
pistols with me this time.

Afraid I might forget
myself and use 'em.

Well, that's what
they're for, ain't they?

Maybe, but it's not what I'm for.

Lord knows, I want you boys along...

Want you bad. But if you want to come,

you'll have to come like I tell you,
and on my terms.

So I'll just take charge of those g*ns.

Oh, now, lookit here.

You ain't got a friend in
that crowd since this morning.

And if you want to spoil their party,

you'll need
some care taken of you.

I figure I'll be taken
care of, all right.

Oh, J. D. Gray,
I don't know you no more.

When are you gonna shuck off that long
tail coat and be a man again?

When you comin' to church, Jed?

Oh-Come on, boys.

Take care.

I'll never forget
how I felt that night

as I watched the parson
set out, leaving me behind.

But I knew the way to uncle
Famous's as well as he did.

And if his town had failed him,

that was no reason
for me to do the same.

Come on out, Famous, or
we'll come in and get you!

All right, let's fetch him.

You're wastin' your time,
parson. He ain't got a chance.

Stand aside.

Stand aside, parson.

Come on out, Famous!

Wait! Wait a minute,
all of you!

And before you men go any further,

there's something I'd like
to take up with you.

Mind you, I'm not out here to try
and talk you out of anything.

If you're still determined
to do this thing,

I don't know of any way I can stop you.

I came out here to...

Uncle famous!
Don't let them do it, parson.

Don't let them!
Let go of me!

Parson! Parson! Why don't you
stop them? you gotta stop them!

You got to!
You got to!

He don't belong here, anyhow.

You didn't let me finish.

I came here tonight
because uncle Famous asked me to.

He knows he's got to die.

But like everybody else,

he wanted to get things straight
with God and man before he goes.

We've prayed together,
and we've talked together.

Uncle Famous has even made a will.

A will? A will?

Who's gonna get his property?

Yes, who's gonna get the mica vein?

Just so there won't be any argument,
I'm gonna read the will to you

right in front of uncle Famous.

And after you've heard it
and know it's really his,

you can go about your work.

The will is
in Uncle Famous's own words.

It isn't in lawyer form,
but just as he spoke it.

"I ain't been able to put
much by in this life,

"but the things I has,

"I wants to go to my friends.

"My house, I leaves
to Mr. Ernest Cumberly,

"whose daddy give me my freedom.

"I couldn't leave
this world without leaving

"something to old Mr. Cumberly's son,

"and next to my freedom,
my home is the thing I values most.

"I wants my fishing poles to go

"to Mr. Clem Elkhart.

"When he was a little boy, I teached
him how to catch sunperch.

"He didn't have as good luck as I did,

"and I told him it was
'cause I had a magic pole.

"His eyes used to shine at that.

"Maybe now he can catch some fish.

"I sure wants Mr. Perry Lokey
to have my watermelon patch.

"He was a full-growed man afore
he quit snitching my melons,

"and he knowed I seen him, too.

"That old shotgun of mine,
I wants to leave

"to Mr. Len Childers.

"When he was a little boy,
he shot it off at a cottontail

"and knocked it plumb
over a rail fence.

"I reckon he's big enough and
man enough to handle it now.

"I wants to leave my hogs and
chickens to Mr. Thad Gabry.

"My, how that boy did love barbecue.

"He could smell it a mile off.

"I wants him to give a big barbecue
and invite all our friends."

"Mr. Bill Cole can have my razor.

"Ever since he was
knee-high to a hop toad,

"the thing he wanted more than
anything else was a beard.

"Now I reckon he's got
more beard than he wants.

"Every time he hones my razor,

"I hopes it'll remind him
that the Lord will provide.

"My tools I leaves to Mr. Matt Gibson.

"One time helpin' me chop wood,

"he like to cut off
his big toe with my ax.

"Now I reckon he's the best
sawmill boss in the world."

"My old dog Belle,
I leaves to Mr. Justin Briley.

"He didn't have no dog of his own
when he was a little boy.

"I wants him
to let her run free

and not keep her on no rope."

"I wants all the mica on my property

"to go to Mr. Lon Backett.

"Seems like he wants
that mica powerful bad.

"Now he can have it.

"There's something else
I wants to leave to Mr. Backett.

"I wants him to have my Bible.

"It ain't fancy.
I guess it's almost wore out.

"But I wants Mr. Backett to have it.

I hope he reads it."

You can have him now.

There's no writin' on here.

This ain't a will.

Yes, it is, son.

It's the will of god.

* Oh, to grace
how great a debtor *

* Daily I'm constrained to be *

* Let thy goodness like a fetter *

* Bind my wandering heart to thee *

* Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it *

* Prone to leave the God I love *

* Here's my heart, Lord,
take and seal it *

* Seal it for thy courts above *

* Amen *

* Will there be any stars *

* Any stars in my crown *

* When at evening
the sun goeth down *

* When I wake with the Blessed

*in the Mansions of Rest*

* Will there be
any stars in my crown? *

* I am thinking today
of that beautiful land *

* I shall reach
when the sun goeth down *

* When through wonderful grace
by my savior I stand *

* Will there be
any stars in my crown? *

* Will there be any stars,
any stars in my crown *

* When at evening
the sun goeth down *

* When I wake with the blessed
in the mansions of rest *

* Will there be
any stars in my crown? *
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