Abdication, The (1974)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Abdication, The (1974)

Post by bunniefuu »

[Choir singing softly
in latin]

[Singing grows louder]

I, christina,
sovereign of sweden,

Do hereby abdicate
my throne

And do invest all my lands
and all my powers

Upon my successor.

By the grace of god,

May he reign in peace.

god save the king.

God save the king.

God save the king.

God save the king.

God save the king.

God save the king.

God save the king.

God save the king.

God save the king.

God save the king.

God save the king.

God save the king.

God save the king.

Ha ha ha!

[Bells ringing]


But she is not
expected for a week.

she is here.

Tell the pope
I've arrived

To throw myself
at his feet

To become his newest
and most ardent catholic.

Tell him I've sworn
not to take my first communion

Till I receive it
from his hand.



We won't steal

Caught him off guard,
didn't i?

What do you think,

Will the vatican suit us?

I think it will
suit me very well.

And one week from now,

We're to welcome
this woman into the faith?

Not exactly
what one hopes for
in a convert, is she?

She always
presented herself
as a philosopher,

A lover of art
and learning.

She's depraved,
a libertine.

The church has been to bed
with libertines before
and survived.

It could be
only rumor.

If people believe it,

It has the force
of fact.

She must not be
allowed to come.

But all rome has been
preparing for months.

What about the decorations?

Oh, by all means, don't let's
waste the decorations.

She is
the most powerful

Protestant monarch
in the world.

Her conversion
is a victory,

And it will bring

Back to
the sanctity of
holy mother church.

If these reports are true,

Her conversion
to catholicism

Might be
the greatest victory

The protestants
ever had.

Which side
are you on?


We can't
admit her.

She could make
a laughingstock

Of the church
and all it stands for.

We should see
the proofs of
these stories.

How do you find proofs
for these stories?

From the source.
From her.

We must send someone
to investigate her.

Where is she now?

In the north of italy,
I believe.

Then we must have time
to investigate her.



So we must send
an envoy to her
at once

To impede
her progress--

What is it,

she's here.

The queen is here.



His holiness
must be told at once.

His holiness will not
receive her.

But when her retinue

The whole city
will know.

Her retinue
will be delayed

And her presence in the vatican
kept secret.

Her conversion
will not be celebrated

Until we have determined
that it is in the interest

Of the holy church
to do so.

Until we have

That her conversion
is sincere.

How is it
to be decided?

His holiness
has required

That before he
receives her,
she be examined.


A ritual

I could better use
a bath.

It's for the good
of your soul.

My soul has survived
abdication, conversion,

And a thousand miles of jogging
in square-wheeled carriages.

I shall not make the rest
of the journey on my knees.


I already poured out my soul
in letters to his holiness.

But you won't be
examined by him.

Who, then?


An ancient cleric
hiding behind his curtain

"yes, my daughter.
No, my daughter."

Please, madam.

I shall not expose my soul
to some faceless creature.

do it eye-to-eye, then.

I expected the pope
to take me in his arms.

I did not expect
to be held

Outside his doorstep.

I quite understand.

I insist on seeing
the pope at once.

I'm sorry.

I am queen.

if you'll forgive
the distinction.

Where are
your maidservants?

I prefer
the company of men.

What is he saying?

That we should go
back to sweden.

Dominic, show him
the queen's

Yes, your eminence.

Your eminence!

Yes, dominic?

I can't understand it.

He won't accept
any of the rooms I offer him.

How many
has he seen?


You've shown him 12 rooms,
and none of them are

They are satisfactory,
but not sufficient.

How many
do you require?


For your

For myself.

We'll do our best
to accommodate you.

I thought the fellow
was mad.

He gets it
from his mistress.

We can't possibly--

Give her
the entire tower.

The entire...

Naturally, we will wait
until you are less tired.

I am never tired.

I thought that you
might like to...

I always
look like this.

Rest does not
improve me.

Tell me, cardinal.

You are a cardinal?

I am a cardinal.

This formality

Before I can
see the pope--

Is that usual
vatican procedure?

vatican procedure.

Do you never
make exceptions?


Then surely
I can be one.

I'm afraid not.


There are doubts.

About what?

The sincerity
of your conversion.

I gave up a crown
to become a convert.

So it would seem.

No one in the history
of the world

Ever made
such a sacrifice.

So anxious were you
to become a catholic?

So anxious.

And yet
it took you a year

To make the journey
from stockholm to rome.

The roads were muddy.

Were the ballrooms

Of hamburg, antwerp,
and brussels muddy, too?

I was enjoying

For the first time
in my life.

What made you suddenly
decide to cut short

The merrymaking

And descend
on the vatican?

I insist on
seeing the pope.

I'm sorry,
but that's not possible.

The pope led me
to believe he would

Welcome me as a daughter
the moment I arrived.

So he had hoped.

Then why am I still
standing here?

Because of this.

The pleasures
and depravities

Of christina,
queen of sweden.

Have you read it?

I haven't time
to waste on scandal.

You refute the book?

I laugh at it,
and so should you.

Or can't the church
be expected
to appreciate

A little humor?

The church loves
humor, christina,
if that's what it is,

But there are reasons
for us not being
amused by it.

And what are those?


From priests and bishops
all along your route.

Tales are told of you
in every dining hall

And tavern in europe.

Your escapades

Are keeping an army
of gossips alive.

Then why didn't you
stop me coming?

We wished to judge
for ourselves.

Why did you let the choice
fall to azzolino?

He could turn this
to his own advantage.

Not at all.

I think he'll
find himself
in a trap.

As we all know,

Azzolino is not
the world's best
judge of women.

No. Let him have
the honor.

I refuse to submit
to this!

You cannot escape
your life

By hiding
in the vatican.

I came here
for a haven
and a refuge.

You came here because
of god-knows-what
political intrigues,

Debauchery, lechery,

And expected the pope
to welcome you.

You insult me
to suggest

I came
all this way

To rebel against
the holy father.

I must have evidence

That if you are to be
a guest of the vatican

You will abide
by its rules.

What do you think
I would do--

Break your china?

Ride my horse
through your crypts?

You cannot become
a catholic for your
own convenience.

For whose, then?

If you have done
these things

And are repentant,

You will be accepted.

If I have done
these things

And am not

Then you will not.

And what if
I have not done
these things?

That is why I want
to hear your story.

And what if I don't
choose to tell?

Then you
are free to go.

Go? Where?

Well...where should
a lady go

Who has given up
a protestant throne

To become a catholic?

Who has arrived to spend
the rest of her life in rome,

And the pope refuses
to let her in?

Who would care
to entertain a lady

Who has neither god
nor country?

I am a convert.

Then go where
other converts go.

Where do they go?


But there's no anywhere

For the former queen
of sweden, is there?

So you must be greeted
and accepted by the pope.

Well, then,

Are your instruments
of t*rture ready?


[Rooster crows]

[Bell ringing]

What's your name,


How long have you been
a cardinal, azzolino?

Long enough.

Have you ever
examined a queen?


Does the prospect
disconcert you?

I assume
you're mortal.

Come, azzolino,
let's start the day

With some good
french wine,

And I will tell you
the story of my life.

I want to hear
the story of your life

Without french wine.

Not even a little
sacramental sip?

What do you want
from me?

and obedience.


Have I come
all this way

Once more to play
their doll queen?

good girl, your majesty.

Now smile.
Oh, come on, smile.

Chin up. High.

That's better.

I became queen when
I was very young.

All I had to do
was smile

And obey
my prime minister.

your left knee.

Bow your head.

Yes, oxenstierna.
Yes, oxenstierna.

I was
the best-behaved child

You could ever
wish to meet.

That's not what
they say about you here.

They say that you were
brought up as a boy.

oh, come on.
Once more, your majesty.

Chin up.
Yes. Higher.


which of these creatures
are you?

None of them...
Both of them.


Let's play the truth game!

I don't want to play
the truth game.

Your entire future's
at stake,

And you call it
a game?

I was thinking of something
I used to play

When I was a child--
a truth game.

I was rather good at it.

I used to play it

With my dear friend ebba...

And that most handsome
of all young gentlemen,

Magnus gabriel de la gardie...

And my cousin charles.

Is this charles
the present king
of sweden?


And you abdicated
to him?

Does that surprise you?

It seems to be
an advantage for a king

To have no character.


Anyone who lies
has to forfeit a kiss.

Ha ha ha!

What's the biggest lie
you've ever told?

About my age.

I always say
I'm two years older.

I lied about
where I was
last christmas eve.

Where were you?

Behind the stables.

What were you
doing there?

Wouldn't you like
to know?

My biggest lie
was in mathematics.

Once I cheated.


What about you,

I never lie.

Was that the truth?

Was and is...

In this,
you are the harlot of
the northern hemisphere.

How picturesque.

In this, you are
a man in disguise.

but possible.

Why did you
give up the crown?

It was too heavy.

Why did you
never marry?

I'm allergic
to gold rings.

Why did you become
a catholic?

To come
to a better climate.

In the year since you
gave up the throne,

You roamed the streets
carousing every night.

You commanded
for your pleasure

Entertainments of the most
disreputable nature.

Some say you even
took part in them.
Is it true?

Oh, yes, it's true.
Everything's true.

What do they
accuse me of--

m*rder? r*pe?
The seven deadly sins?

Whatever you like.

The pope will have to
assign someone else
to this task.

I do not take the church
and what it has to offer

Nor do i,

Then I give you
one more chance

To tell the truth.

I have nothing to tell.

In that case,
I'm wasting my time.

These documents stand.

You allowed her time
to visit her horse,

And you know
the condition of the pope?

I know that
if I hurry her,
she'll sense it.

I already understand
the lady well enough

To know
that would be fatal.

If the pope dies before
you have made a recommendation,

It'll make no difference.

Altieri will be
our next pope.

He will make peace
with the turks.

He'll encourage
the w*r between
france and spain.

I know
what's at stake.

How long will it take
for her to be examined?

I don't know.
She's given up
so much,

And I don't yet
know why.

Perhaps giving up power
is something

You are not capable
of understanding.


What's the matter?
Can't you sleep?

Sleep is the refuge
of idiots.

Why do you sleep
in 20 beds?

It's more restful.

You afraid of the dark?

That was long ago.

Why did you become
a catholic?

To cure me
of insomnia.

We can assure you of beds,
but not of sleep.

I thought this was
the house of miracles.

For some, it is.

Then it will
have to be for me.

Why can't you sleep,

mamma! Mamma!

Why do
all my babies die?

My babies.

All my babies!

Don't be afraid.

Dwarfs bring you luck.

Always have one
when you're with
child, christina,

Or you will give birth
to a monster.

go away!

Go away.

She was
weak, hysterical.

I hated everything
about her.

Why do you keep
a dwarf?

For luck?


Why, then?

To remind me
of my inner self.

And you see yourself
like that?

How do you see

Thank god I have
no daughter.

I couldn't bear
anyone to feel
about me

As I felt
about my mother.

She made you
hate women.

Hate women?

Surely you know

The worst thing
I'm accused of
isn't hating women.

Have you ever
found a woman
of such grace

That she was,
in every form,
every gesture,

Exactly what a woman
should be?

I'm afraid not,

But as a prince
of the church,
of course,

I try to imagine
the blessed virgin
in a form like that.

The blessed virgin?

I'll match my ebba
to her any day.


Come on!

[Horse whinnies]

[Horse whinnying]

I'll never be like you, ebba.

Oxenstierna said
that when I fell in love,

I would feel beautiful.

How very precious
you are to me, ebba.

I love you, ebba.

I love you, ebba.

so the accusations

Of unnatural love
are true?

I didn't say--

I tell you of beauty.
You call it--

What you were
describing was--

Love. I was
describing love.

I loved that woman
more than I ever
loved a man.

Did you never find
a man you could love
as I loved ebba?

My sins are mine,

We're discussing

Love is so rare.

Must we deny it
when we find it?

I don't regret my life,

Except the last
few days of it.

I've had enough of
waiting around here,

Denied the courtesies
granted to an ordinary
kitchen maid!

Am I pure enough
to be let in?

I refuse to answer,

But you'll see
how the world will laugh

When they find out
I walked out on the pope.






Where have you been?

What have you been doing?
Tell me!

Well, cardinal?

The queen of sweden
has decided to leave.

Then the allegations
were true?

I didn't say that.

I said she's
decided to leave.

We should
like to know

What you
have decided,

Not to restrain her.

That is a very
momentous negative.

there is no
true catholic

In the whole
of europe

That is not
waiting to hear

How rome

And christina
receives rome,

And you decided
to let her go
like that?


Well, I think
that someone
else should--

Carranza! It is
the cardinal's

It would be wrong
of any of us
to interfere.


People are beginning
to gather in the square.

How could you
let her go?

What will
she do?

I'm gambling.

I think she will
get to the gate
and then turn back.

[Men singing in latin]


Is it true
the pope is ill?

Is it true?


How long
has he been ill?

Some months now.

Is it serious?

It is
in god's hands.

Come all this way
and find him dying.

No matter
what happens
to the holy father,

The church remains.

If he dies,
who will succeed him?

Go and pack, birgito.

It is obvious we came to rome
at the wrong time.

So you have ambitions?

Ambition is
an evil demon, cardinal.

You should
guard against it.

Do you think I don't know
what's happening here?

You are using me now.

You are mistaken.

Am i?

You forget I've played
these power games myself.

Is that
what you think?

Very well.

If you want
to go, go.

The gates
are unlocked.

You're free.

You can begin
your life
in rome.

My life in rome?





Music, laughter.

Music, laughter, yes.

You will have
lost your chance

My chance?

To find out
why you really came.

Stay and talk to me,

I think you need us
very much.

[Bell rings]


If you only--

What is it?

It seems so strange
to call somebody "father."

Don't you remember
your father?

Oh, yes...

I do.

[Drum beating]

[Trumpet fanfare]

[Drum beating]

I lost my father, too,
when I was very young.

Strange--i never
thought of cardinals
having fathers.

We do. And brothers
and sisters,

Uncles and aunts.

But no sons?

No sons.

What a shame.

Then holiness
could be inherited.

Like royalty?

Like royalty.

You sigh
when I mention it.

Was it
all so difficult?

You ask that
only because you haven't
yet had power yourself.

I have a little.

It makes me wonder
why you gave it up.

Why I gave it up?

The crown--it is so little.

You know, azzolino...

I once gave up the sun.

How beautiful
it is, magnus.

I wanted to bring
something worthy of you,

So there was only
one thing to bring--
the sun.

Tell me all
about the court
of france.

It's said that louis
has three mistresses.

Tell me
what they wear.

Well, the women
have a new style.

What new style?

They wear tight laces...

That pull
their waists in

Very small down here...

And push the rest
way out in front

Up here like this.

What's the matter?


I was only trying
to show you.

Do you mind?


It's just that
I'm queen.

I have to be--
I have to--

I understand perfectly.

I want you
to know that--

Don't even
think about it.

I understand.

Ha ha ha!

I have a surprise
for you.

I'm going to make
him my husband.

De la gardie?

Hasn't he a
beautiful name?

I love
to say it.

De la gardie,
de la gardie.


I'm announcing
it tonight.

quite impossible.

You have to consult
the council.

I've consulted
my heart.

I need no other

that's not like you.

I know.





I came here to forget.

I thought
you came here
to understand.

No, I won't go on.

What tricks
are you using

To make me
say these things--

Things I've never spoken
to a soul before?

Words I never
thought of saying
come pouring out.


The crowds
in the square
grow every minute.

Do they?

Since she
has remained,

I think
it is time we had
your decision.

I see. You want
to throw her
to the populace

With the full
papal seal--
saint or sinner.

What I want
is a decision.

We cannot wait
much longer.

You'll wait
as long as it takes.

This woman has spent
her entire life

On display to the public.

Now, for a few hours,
she's alone with herself,

And she's no longer
a queen or a freak

Or a heathen
or a candidate
for canonization.

She's a human being--

And a very troubled
human being.

I'm sure, but I am
thinking about

The welfare
of the church.

it's time you
thought about hers.

It hardly seems necessary

When your own concern
is so intimately pastoral.

Our lord said
that the good shepherd

Would care more
for one lost sheep
than 99 of the flock.

We await
your decision,
good shepherd.

If you delay
much longer,

You may find the flock
has gone on without you.

Christina, I can't.

I want to know
what it's like.

Find out
for yourself.

Then it'll be
too late.

I'll be quiet.

I'll hide in a corner
in the dark.

Magnus will never know.



[Ebba moaning]


[Rooster crows]

you were there last
night, weren't you?

If you want to know
what it's like,
why don't you ask?

Poor christina.

Come on.
I'll show you.


Why not?

It's what you want,
isn't it?



When I touch you,
you feel nothing,
do you?

Nothing cries out
to be surrendered,
to be taken!

You will never be
a woman,

For all
your kingdom
or your wealth!

No one
will ever love you.

You don't know
how to love.

go on.

I dismissed de la gardie
from his post.

Do you think I did right?

It was
your prerogative.

I didn't ask
what was my prerogative.
I asked if I did right.

I was wrong.

were you,

I will
reinstate him.

I didn't know
what I was doing.

I let my emotions
carry me away.

For the sake
of the country,

You must begin
to think about
an heir.

"Make sons,
make daughters,

Make sons,
make daughters."

Make joy.
Make joy for
all the people

If you take
a husband.

Would i?
And, um, what joy

Would I bring to myself?

[Door opens]

Charles admires you

He has never
mentioned it.

You know that
he cannot ask

For your hand.

I know.

But I will tell you
a secret, oxenstierna.

If he did,

I would gladly
give it to him.

You would?

I would have it
cut off at the wrist

And sent to him
in a velvet box.

As for giving him

One more inch
of my body,

I will never do it.

[Sea gull squawking]

Have you noticed

That all our friends
are married?

Are they?

They all seem
very happy.

Oh? They do?

With all of them

Doesn't it make you
want anything?

It makes me want
to make new friends.


Don't touch me.

I've not given you
leave to touch me.

Forgive me.

What permission
do I have?

To speak.

What do you
want me to say?

I want you
to describe it.


Our wedding night.

Why don't you speak?

I order you
to speak!

Tell me
what you'll do to me!

You can't expect
a man to describe--

What do you know
about these things?

Such questions
are resolved for you.

You escaped from it

The day you took
your vow of celibacy.

Even celibacy
involves a decision.

Do you think
young priests

Put on a cassock
one day,

And all their
earthly longings

Vanish in the air?

Then how do
they bear it?

They devote themselves
to good works

And cold baths.

mocking me.

Yes, a little.

I'm sorry.

How old were you

When you decided
to become a priest?


Seems such a waste,

A man
of your strength,

Your capacity
of life.

For such a man
to choose

To become
a priest...

Don't you think
I have a talent for it?

An almost
frightening talent.

you must marry charles.

It is your duty.

I am
queen of sweden.

By reason
of my exalted rank

And privilege,

I'm allowed
anything I want.

I'm allowed
to marry a man
I do not love.

I'm allowed
by night

To submit
to god-knows-what

Idiotic fumblings
and horrors

And by day
to rule the fumbler

And the entire

If there is
one thing

You have taught me
since I could hear,

It is the
specialness of me.

Kings rule...

And indulge
between the sheets

In every sort
of pleasure.

Then they go
off to battle

And joyfully
await news

Of the arrival
of their sons.

Find me a man
who will bear
my children.


Find me
a battalion of men

Who will each
let me have
my way with them

And then will
watch me

Ride out of
their lives forever
at the dawn.

Find me
a chance encounter
at the hill

Where I pursue,

And he takes
the consequences.

Christina, you realize

You are asking
the impossible.

I am queen.

I can have
anything I want,

And I tell you

I will not submit
my body and my mind

To what is asked
of me.

charles was
no match for you.

Who on god's earth
would be a match for me?

It would have to
be a man...

Quite rare.

To allow oneself
to be possessed

When one has been
born to rule.

And then, I have
never felt...


I don't know.

Then would you
swear now

What you swore

That I'll never
give myself to a man?

Yes. I still swear it.

I swear I shall never
give myself to a man...

Unless it be to you.

[Church bells ringing]

I'll tell her
you are present

To record
my questions

And her answers.

But, your eminence,
I don't write quickly.

Then sit
and scribble,

But stay.

Where is
your mistress?


I've come to continue
my examination.

Are you aware
that the entire vatican

Is talking about
our sessions together?


and the cardinal,

Alone together,
day after day.

Doesn't the gossip
disturb you?

Not at all.

How completely
you are, cardinal.

It goes
with the hat.

I thought
you might feel

You were
being compromised.


Then why haven't you
thanked me for my gift?

If I were
choosing a gift
for the vatican,

I don't think
I would pick

The r*pe of
the sabine women.

But, azzolino,
they were all converts.

In my experience,
conversions are done

Less strenuously
these days,

And the converts
wear clothes.

I'll have them
painted on.

Bring the goblet
to my apartments tonight.

What are you doing,

Courting you.

I'm serious.

So am i--quite.

Why did you
never marry?

The inquisition

Why did you
never marry?

Why didn't you?


Most people take
marriage for granted.

What was there
about you and me

That we didn't?

You and I are--

Is marriage
a natural state

Or the most

Marriage is
the natural state.

Not to me.

It's god's way of renewing
the generations.

My pig renewed
the generations

And as far
as I know,

She was never
a bride.


Your refusal
to marry

Is making
the entire country



Because they are

Of their vicarious

Of my wedding

They're anxious
about the succession.

They want you
to have children.

Do they?

Then I have
good news for them.

My friends,

I want you to be
the first to know.

I'm going to have
a son.

God in heaven.
What are you saying?

Next tuesday.

I am going to present
the country with my heir.

Here he is.

Congratulate me.

I will be the first
woman in history

To have a son
two years older
than herself.

I want to have
a son with you.

Our son--

Someone to love us
and live on after us.

How many times do I
have to repeat

I have no intention
of marrying

Or bearing

But why?

The subject
is closed!

You ought
to marry.

Why won't you marry?

I'm dedicating
my maidenhead to god.

ha ha!

It was the only thing
I could say

To stop them
pestering me.

They're protestants,
you see.

To them, virginity
has no value.

It never
occurred to them

I'd find a place
where it's celebrated.

So you used
the church.

Oh, no.
The church used me.

The only thing
I had to do was whisper,

And it sent emissaries
to tempt me

Into the one
true faith.

They sent me priests.

I met with them in secret.

I never saw their faces.

We talked of god.


[Drunken singing]

Tell me of redemption.

By christ's death
on the cross,

He made satisfaction
to god

For all our sins.

Tell me of penance.

Penance is
the sacrament

By which sins
are forgiven.

To be valid,

You must
confess your sins

To an ordained

And have
the firm intention

Of sinning no more.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Tell me
of sanctifying grace.

Sanctifying grace
is the new life

Given to the soul
by the sacraments,

Making it the adopted
child of god.

Tell me of the peace
to be found in christ.

Tell me of the visions
of the saints.

Tell me of love, joy, god!

Tell me of ecstasy!

I do want to convert!

I'm in love with god!

I accept the body
and the blood of christ!

I accept the body
and the blood!

I accept the body
and the blood!

The body
and the blood of christ.

I accept the body
and the blood of christ.

I accept the body
and the blood.

I accept the body
and the blood of christ.

I accept the body--

you must
keep your mind

On the matters
we are discussing.


You have to
make a decision.

Our troops
are in europe.

We cannot
ignore the w*r,

But we still have time
to choose our allies.

Now, will it be france
or spain, christina?


Yes. That has been

The traditional course,

But you see,
this time, we have--


They are the
better lovers.

this is serious.

Then it is not
to be discussed

the children.

You may go.

And you, too.


What do you want?

I want to be loved.

The people
love you.

Send them to my bedroom.

Christina, you've got
to make a decision.

Do you want
to hear a song, oxenstierna?

They tell me
it's very popular

In all the taverns.

♪ The queen of sweden
sleeps alone ♪

♪ And swears
she'll never marry ♪

♪ Is she
a monster, dame ♪

♪ Or man? ♪

♪ Oh, which sex
does she carry? ♪

♪ Come board the monster,
dame, or man ♪

♪ See which sex she'll carry ♪

I'll tell you
what sex christina is.

She isn't any.


Leave me alone!

[Sea gulls squawking]

I'm going to
give up the crown.

you are here
under false colors.

You came
for another kingdom.


You saw yourself
on a raised dais

next to the pope

On an equal throne.

I didn't
mean to--

You did expect
to be the queen of rome.

You still expect it.

Once the pope's door
is open to you,

You expect to reign
along with him.

The accusations--

Are they true
or false, christina?

All false.

All true.

What are they

I gave myself
to anyone...

At any time?

I gave myself
to no one.

I've never loved...

Not even god.

You have come to him.

You have
confessed to him.

He will not turn away.

May almighty god
have mercy on you,

Forgive you your sins,

And bring you
to everlasting life.

May the almighty
and merciful lord

Grant you pardon,

And remission
of your sins.


I've told you things

These last
few days...

I've never told
another human being.

When they ask you

If christina...

Is worthy
of being received
by the pope,

What will you say?

I will answer yes...

But you realize

That if I recommend
you be admitted,

It is only
on one condition.

What condition?

That you never again
allow yourself

To display to me...

To behave towards me
as you have been doing.

You dare propose
such a bargain.

Have you
no feelings for me?

You cannot ask this
of a priest.

I ask it of you!
I feel for you!

You cannot love me
and the church!

But I do!

Then you must stop!

What will you do
if I don't?

If you're not
accepted here,

There's nowhere else
for you.

I know that.

Then, in heaven's name,
help me to help you.

You must promise
to obey the church's laws.

They ask too much!

If you want the church
to bring you to god--

I don't
need the church
to bring me to god!

I was born with god
within me!

You must obey the law!

I will not!
I will love you
if I choose.

I will defy
the pope.

I will defy
the church.

I will defy heaven!

You will not
be admitted...


As god is my witness,

You will never be
received by the pope.

[Running footsteps]

Have physicians been
sent to her?

She refuses
to see them.

Who's caring for her?

Only her servant.

You must refuse her

with the pope...

For your sake.

It's the only thing
you can do

To disprove
the rumors.

You asked me
to question her.

You could lose

If there is scandal.

How could you
let yourself?

Everyone is saying
that you and she--

Is there no possible

Between a man
and a woman

Except the sexual?

Despite centuries
of learning,

Does it all come down
to that one animal fact?

How dare they say

That we are that much
or that little
to each other.

God save me
from the common mind!

[Door opens]

[Door closes]


God save me from myself.



[Door opens]

Why did you come
to rome?

What are you seeking?

What kind of creature
are you to give up
a crown

In the hope
of finding more?

What more do you want?

Bless me, father,
for I have sinned.

Years ago, after
I'd taken my vows,

I possessed a woman.

I gave myself
to the pleasures
of the flesh.

I am a fallen

For a priest
to have a woman is
not uncommon, is it?

It's how he has her
that determines
the degree of sin.

The way I had
a woman

Was to be had
by her.

My love was not

It was
a raging fire--

An unconquerable

A need for her

Beyond my need
for god.

This was my experience
of love.

I was debased,

My mind and body

I was possessed
by living demons.

While I loved,
I was no longer
any use to god,

The church,
myself, or anyone.

To be with her...

To be
embraced by her...
To be within her...

I would have
surrendered up
my very life!

I have not finished.

I prayed
to god for some

I lived on bread
and water

For a thousand days.

I did not allow
myself to sleep.

I scourged myself,
and then,

After years
of self-inflicted

I was cured,

And I vowed...

Never again
to let myself...

God is here.

I want to be able
to serve him.

I want to feel
his call again...

In innocence...

As I did when
I was a boy.

I do not want
to lose myself again.

I thought

That I'd made myself

I kept my vow
for 10 long years,

And then you came--


Tormented creature.



Brilliant creature.


You told me
of your greatest fault.

Now I will
tell you mine.

My fault is that...

Despite years
on my knees,

Despite all the teachings
of the church,

Despite the sacred trust
of this uniform,

Despite all these things,
I do love...

And what is worse,
I do not think
it is a sin.

I do not even think
it is a weakness.

I do love.

I do want.

I do desire.

Do you desire me?

Yes, I do.




The woman
I admire most
for her courage.

Are we so...

Despised by god

That we are
to be denied

What others take
with ease?

If god has sent me
this love,

Can it be wrong of me
to feel it

And express it?

I want to give myself
to you.


We would be damned.

If I don't have you,

I will have no one.


Just once.

It is never once.

Once is only
the beginning.

Then let's begin...

And give ourselves
to love.

Let's enjoy
all that god has
given humans to enjoy.

Let's celebrate him.

Say yes...

To him,

To life, to love,
to everything.

I love you.

Let's say I died.


Let's say I died,

And they're bringing me
to rome to be buried,

And while they're
laying me to rest,

You and I will
be setting off

To live private lives
far from rome.

I don't want
to look at you

Across vast public spaces

And yearn for you
to tell me

That you still know
I'm alive.

You want us to run.

Is what I'm saying

No, it is not

Is there
within you some...

Small temptation
toward this other life?


We could live
as two free souls,

You and i.

We could--

[Knock on door]

Your eminence.

Yes, dominic?

The pope is dying.


[Church bell ringing]

I'm being asked
to give him up.

I can feel it.

Worlds out there
that suddenly need him...

And I am asked
to let him go.

Is this the purpose
of my life...

To abdicate everything?

[Singing in latin]

The pope has
asked to see you.

You vowed
to take communion
only from his hands.

There is still time.

He wishes, then,
to see me.

With all his heart,

Because of what
you told him of me.

Because of what
you are.

Did the pope speak
to you about yourself?

Yes. He blessed me--

Urged me
to consecrate
my life anew...

To god.

Renouncing me for him...

Like rival lovers.

You give me up
so easily.

If you think that,

You've understood
nothing of me.

Then why must this
happen to us?

All lovers feel
that they are

That they make
their own rules,

their own laws,

And that they live

As we have lived
in these last
few days--

In their own
special universe...

But god's kingdom
is greater...

And in the end,

It must be served.

Are we not the world's
strangest couple?

Saying no
to each other...

And that's the greatest gift
we each can give.

[Choir singing in latin]
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