Hunchback, The (1997)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Hunchback, The (1997)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, come back!

Oh, what a wonderful day.
? Good morning.

There's music in the market? Nice

The streets are about? Lived

The city is in? Urbi

It's very busy

There is a reason this
anxiety and emotions appear

just can not? That we celebrate saèekamo

Our favorite holidays

On Love

Song's in the air

Is what we'll create magic

what are you gonna give us a promise

That sweet golden bell La Fidel

will soon clear ring

The best of the Festival
Day of Love is here

Ladies and gentlemen,
vrmena little.

You must find her true love.

find your soul mate...

because we are facing a festival of love.

Some came with small
love to steal a kiss

Some are still in love
the blessing after years of marriage

All parade
promenade in pairs

To be joined
the celebration of the most beautiful of all

Day of Love
Your song is in the air

what we're gonna create the magic of
whose name I publish

That golden bell, sweet La Fidel
will soon ring clear

The most beautiful of all festivals
Dan Love is here

Oh, how would the stars
glisten on the water

When will sing trubadurt
poems about true loves

ghosts can be raised

with fire in his eyes

While you gypsy girls
oèaravaju game

Day of Love
Your song is in the air

what we'll create magic
what are you gonna give us a promise

That golden bell, sweet La Fidel
will soon ring clear

Best of all OPD Festival
Day of Love is here

Ah, watch the rituals

while graðani together
two by two.

Oh, there seems to be
a for everyone.

Ah, yes.
Too bad for me has only one, huh?

Ha! And one more.
Trust me.

Ah, thank you. Hey!

- Was it a shot?
- Mo? That.

- Pull back!
- No!

Calls - Back.

Will you be the two of you all day or will
you help me to get ready for the festival?

Here it is in
triumphal return.

Oèaravajuæi city, eh?

Come on. Extract marble, eh?
We must uglancamo La Fidel.

- What is the festival -
- Silent?

Or the bell tower!

Toro? Toro!

- Toro! Toro!
- Charge!

Zefiro, slow down a bit.



- Listen to your mother, young man.
- Yes, Dad.

Look at her.

La Fidel,
bo? Are majestic.

Do you want a ring
for my mom, Quasi?

Of course he wants, and your
mother will be down on the square...

and vikaæe loudly into the night...

"I love my husband? And Febus."

Oh, really? And where did you get such
an idea that I yell so loud?

Because you'll have to
hear while I cried...

"I love Esmeralda!"

- Yuck.
- Yes, yuck.

whose name you'll cry tomorrow, Quasi?

- Nièije, I guess.
- Who will you cry out yours?

I think that no one will not, Zefire.

Well - well, why not?


It takes more than just watching.

One day You'll be ready.
And when you, you'll find it.

One day. Ah.

What can? Will change at all?

Oh, man! It is a circus!

- Irafa?
- See how high!

- Look!
- Oh look at the monkeys.

Doðite, my friends!

As part of the Festival of Love...

circus has come to Paris!

Doðite, doðite all...

in Sarušov Circus!

You see clowns? Onglere...

gutaèe fire and maðionièare.

And now, I present
you the most beautiful ornament...

I do not see!

My assistant, Mad -

Well, my assistant Made -

- the empty
- No staff.

Well - Well, of course not!
You have come to the circus to see it.

Where is Madelejn?


Ladies and gentlemen...

Please contact
your so? It up...

it will Madelejn mighty...

just done
its bold point to? Go...

without a network? E.

And the crowd went crazy.

It began a murmur in the crowd while
Madelejn begun a graceful way.

catch your breath Madelej
because it is so close to death.

A crowd exploded with applause!

May I? Is more!

Thank you.
You're very kind.

Where you been, my little jewel?

Oh, well, would-be-I was, uh -
- St-I stood.

Well, of course I was standing.
I mean, I always sat.

That would be stupid, I guess.
? Sorry.

I- am-I only? Want to
further contribute to the circus.

Your job is to stand
here and look nice.

Hello. Oh, great.

- I want to do even more.
- I want, my little ekler.

I have the perfect job
for a girl like you.

Up in the tower of Notre Dame...

is a ring of extraordinary value.

I want to climb up and discover
that the bell is called La Fidel.

- Why?
- So what? Want to steal it, silly.

I'd be rich. I could
I travel the world with style and comfort.

Ne. Why do you always have to steal?
Mis-I thought -

I thought?

It's not your stronger side,
zer not, my little candy?

No, this is mine.

- And what would have been without me?
- On the street.

Exactly so.
Because there is a cold world -

For a girl like me.
What do I do?

Oh, great.

There's the bell? Live in the tower.

Nasmeši him.
Spend time with him, seduce him...

and he'll tell you exactly what? Want.

Uh, hello.

- The danger, girl.
- This wonderful character.

What am I, chopped d? Igerica?

Tr-tra? Their bell.

? Wants you, Rmpalija.


- Go there, sugar.
- Nn-not. What to say? Em?

Open your mouth.
Something will go out already.

- J-j-j -
- Nothing comes out.

I called Madelejn.
I- I with the circus...

and, oh, just worship? Avam tone.

What is La Fidel?

Bells, you smetenjaèe.
Love ringtone. Rasprièaj it.

Can-do is hide from me?

Ne. And what's so funny?

Nothing. Only - It looks like
to wear really big hats.

Oh. It.- This
Sounds ridiculous, right?

Ne. Just that I never
looked that way.

Yes, that is -
This is a brass beret.

A two-cylinder dual-tone.

W- hat in C-minor!

- monsters!
- Monster?

Well, they -
were? Live!

But it is stupid, right?


You think I'm stupid.

Not at all.

That means that I have fancy.

- I really think so?
- Indeed.

- What's your name?
- Quasimodo.

Well, Quasimodo...

Would not like to doðeš
here where I can see you?

J- j-I gotta go.

? Sorry.

Oh, poor man.

Are you okay?

Ne. You saw the way
that was looking at me.

Well, then, let the
look back, baby.

- Do you believe in miracles?
- Wonders what kind of miracles?

Oh, znap,
usual wonders.

I do not follow you, baby.

Well, I see people together,

and it looks nice to you
with someone who loves you.

I suppose
just wondering if...

can be? That a
can love me.

Imagine someone to love

who loves


If you look into her eyes and see

Imagine that the
mojo to be

And this is not so rare

Mo? Common to find everywhere

It's usually a miracle

What can? Frequently find all
around you every day

Or is it possible? Only seasonal

As proleæe or May

There are so many

of ordinary miracles

the usual species
wonders that promotes

Or can they? That too
gradually fell to about

So you miss

A sudden attack
distant lightning

the reins of the Cathedral? In the stones

The baby starts to walk
the story one day

Then shockingly grown up

I love

That volcano of emotions

No gypsy potions 10.000

I can spreèiti

Yes, this is love

Of course my view is skewed

But people really taken
love for granted

There? No but true

Of all the wonders

and mysterious bo? Anstvenih
large and small

when people fall in love
they really dotuèe

Oh, I see it
Feel it

to Know

Imagine someone to love

who loves

Imagine that you look into her eyes

I see

Imagine how weird

it would be

If you would normally wonder

It could happen


Go to the circus!
Leave a good impression!

Hmmm, what to wear
occasion of the carnival?

- Nothing.
- Dear! Oh!

Mo? That blatant bit
the first date.

Quasi, perhaps? Frequently stay here
and hope èudu...

or mo? Frequently go out there
and myself to create a miracle.

You're right.
I'm going to the circus!

- Oh, but what about footwear?
- I have the perfect thing, baby.

Well, how do I look?

Uh, too?

- No, no. I mean -
- Of course not.

- Wow! Excellent hat, Quasi.
- That you're new.

Quasi, do not worry.
Oèaravajuæe look.

Welcome, welcome
Sarušov the Circus!

Magic! Magic!

Tricks on which
you never dreamed!

See? Onglera!

Doðite, doðite all!

Oh, wow!

- Wow!
- Zefiro, be near.

No? Want to lose you.
I do not believe these people.

- What does that mean?
- Well, just look at them.

I mean, traveling from town to town

- Gypsies?
- Yes! No!

I - I - Uh -

Uh, uh, so, Quasi, um...

Where is your only Madelejn?

I do not know, but you-sure
I'll go out soon.

I do not understand.
You did not see him.

No? More I want to
take part in it.

You should have to think about it
if you stole from me.

- But I had only six.
- And you are hungry...

and it was only a few novèiæa.

Oh, you moron, not so close!

- I made a mistake.
- Yes.

I did I gave the authorities?


- or workshop?
- Ne.

If someone has received?

- He cared about you as a true friend?
- Ti.

Oh, yes.

All you have to
look good for him...

and he'll tell you what
what? Want to know.


I could kiss the...

but I fell in love.

Dogi, draguljèiæu.

Boys and girls!

Balm for your senses.

enthusiastic for your soul.

Wow! Yes!

Welcome to Sarušov Circus!

- Haba Haba!
- I present my assistant -

Madelejn lovely.

And now, zapanjiæu you
with a little magic...

what does the modern era.

Look at La Petite!

No skreæite view of the beast...

I'll do that because it runs out
the front of your eyes.

Well look.

You see that creature
disappears into the air.


Wow, wow, wow, wow!

Sarus is amazing!
I would like to connect the circus.

Hey, hey, perhaps? That can
connect to the circus.

Yes! Could that be? Ongler. What do you think
Quasi? Onglirao and I would -

Uh, uh, uh, uh Quasi?

- Alo?
- What are you doing?

Nothing. You watched his girlfriend
view pigeon.

Oh, it-it's not my -

Who said that she is mine
That is -


Where do you go?
Go there.

I want to have a bell.

- I thought you had forgotten me.
- It will never happen.

- I will always be there for you.
- Always?


I think if ever

I am in great
hurry or distress

It'll be right there

bièemo pair

So you shall never me
leave all alone

We'll always be a couple, the two of us

This is raèunica to
you'll be others? Ati

Let's just say hang on
a rope above the boiler evil witch

What keys

a sticky liquids

Our rope is broken, and
I fall and strikes

Within her boiler full of glue

Even if you're from the sticky glue
dr? Aæu for you

- I dr? Them you.
- Hey, not fair.

I can not help you.

Dr? Assets together.

- the very best friends.
- Always we will be.


By all small and large

Bli? Than tails and friki

two of us we will succeed

Dr? Aæu to you

As fast as the house sat

It'll be there as fast

No one chose rather nebih

Dr?'ll Take you


- interfere with children.
- Hello. M-Madelejn, hi.

I- am-I-am-I-
I'm just - Hello.

is happy to have such a
good friend like you.


- Hey, you were svtarno good up there.
- A, I?

It's nothing. I just have to
stand there and look nice, you know?

- That's nothing.
- No, no, yes.

You-you have to look skreneš
audience would watch the trick.

Hmm. You mean...

hocus pocus they?

draw the illusion?

abrir their Kadabra?

In fact, really be
? Wished to walk on? Go.

Oh. But I'm not good at it.

Oh, I do not believe it.
I'm sure you can? All common.

j- Paris is very beautiful.

M- I mean, you - perhaps
you have not seen him before,

and the other hand, can? That are not.

A- if not, may? That we can -

I could, you know, you show it? Em.

I'd really love it.

Oh, great.

I love you, love you,
I love you, and me.

You're a genius.

Captain Stra? E,
I insist you do something.

They took my silver! Ghosts coins authorized
payment to the owner of the earth! Izbaciæe us!

- My bracelet is gone! - Bracelet.
May you will you describe the bracelet?

- My ušteðevina disappeared!
- Okay, okay, do not worry.

The king's guards? Ar
working on the case.

We will find the perpetrators.

Where we find them, I do not know.

Just a moment.

he started looting Chain
since the circus came to town?

A coincidence?
Nebih said.

How many times have I been wrong?

Achilles, it was retorièko question.

You know, tomorrow is the festival of love.

- Would you, uh like to go?
- Oh, I do not know.

Oh, but, please.
'll Be nice to spend.

Well, uh, I would.

To try my èuveni souffle, eh?

- Oh, is spoiled.
- No, no. Try it.

We think it's a weed.

Oh, no. Smell.

Oh, smell the flowers.
Gemini are.

That is rosemary.

This is my favorite
place throughout Paris.

Is not it wonderful?

But I - I do not see anything.

Close your eyes.

Listen, Paris.

Oh, Quasi, it is wonderful.

Oh, come on, show? We are!

It's all so sudden

Our boy has grown

- There's nothing that they were working
- So

Now it is independent

we tried it I learn

tried to show? We

What a monster

and odd-type needs to know

- He's gone
- He left us

I do feel the left

No, he is in la-la-la

He for-la-la-la

All this Pevajmo
song in a circle

For our
great wage rhapsody

He for-la-la-la love

He for-la-la-la love

why should there be? No His love
is true, then say goodbye boy

Oh, wow

Right across the square

See Kvazija

Love he was nailed

Oh, wow

where sings stories

summer, when you walk

Love he was upset

- He is in la-la-la-love
- Oh, wow.

- He is in la-la-la-love
- Right across the square

- Sing a merry madrigal melody
- Look Kvazija

- for his wonderful condition!
- Love it disturbed the

- He is in la-la-la-love
- Oh wow

- He is in la-la-la-love
- Sing when the story

He for-la-la-la
la-la-la love

Za-la-la-la, the la-la-la
la-la-la love

Za-la-la-la, the la-la-la
la-la-la love

Oh, wow

Quasimodo in love

Oh, oh, come. Come. Come on.
Go, go, go, go. Disappear.

Mo? Frequently dry out here.

Give it, brother!

- So, what is the plan?
- Plan? Uh -

- A little light music?
- Few light sveæa?

with pleasant head
head of the fire?

- Cheers!
- Oh, thank you.

You're welcome. Hey!

- Psst!
- Oh.

Oh, it is wonderful.

Yes, you did.
We-think, that is.

This is La Fidel.
It's his name.

La Fidel -

But it's even better with
the inside.

I- pokazaæu you.


This must be worth a fortune.

You should zagreješ.

Here, put this.

You're very kind.

Do you think there is something else
in addition to what I see?

Do I have something due?


I know, I'm not much for watching.

I've never met
someone like you, Quasimodo.

I mean, you understand the world...

better than anyone
who I ever met.

I really think so?


I made this for you.

Now you can always? Frequently watch...

through my eyes.

Well, you should -

M- I, I-it would be better -
K- late and so -

I - I - again stutter.

I was just stupid.


No, I can? Not.

Thank you.

You'll see-and tomorrow?

Oh. Just my heart that year
watch our guy like that.

Yes. It seems to know what you need.

I hope it is not contagious.

Doðite to see the beautiful Esmeralda...

in her love of dance.

Careful, you might lose heart.

- Esmeralda
- Ja! I want to play!

- And I want to play!
- Can I play?

Esmeralda! Esmeralda!
You must help me.

Quasi, St-what?
What happened?

I think I'm sick.
I feel it in? Honestly...

and at the same time and wonderful!

And then, wonderfully awful
terrible iii wonderful.

- euphoria.
- I can not eat. I can not sleep.

I looked, iii hardly breathe,
but you do not care?

Yes! Yes! Exactly so.
What do I do?

- So, should it to? Frequently what oseæaš.
- Oh, and as I?

- What would she say?
- Sorry?

For this you can help.

- you're just gonna to discover that I have.
- But I -

Hey, you're ready.

This event is responsible
for the chain of robberies.

- What?
- I love the circus, Dad.

- I'd like to connect ii -
- Absolutely not!

- These people -
- "These people"?

How can? Common to
uopštavaš such people?

But gypsies were guilty of
Crime as those from the circus.

Madelejn not.
It's different.

Well, I can? To...

a mo? That you only used to
be used and in some way.

I do not think you could
I was only interested in me personally?

Oh, of course - that every order
interested, but let's look at facts.

Nagi some, and I will.

Achilles, I believe in this?
All we are angry me.

How often to dogaða?


What are you doing, my little cabbage?

- Ve? Bam.
- Why muèiš yourself?

Oh, where have you found a monster
dr? And its bell, draguljèe?

He's not a monster,
and I'm not your draguljèe.

? Want to have to ring.

No? More I want to take part
in your Krag.

Oh, really? And to think that before? Ivis?
With its appearance?

- Quasimodo see something that
you do not see. - Oh really?

Well, what if he is
some desi nesreæni case?

If I have to go
up with his men...

and I do it to you? The way,
humpback could be povreðen.

No! Can not? Es!
Ti - You would not do it.

If it? Elisa? Sustainable, then
odmami bell somewhere...

while I steal La Fidel.

Take it somewhere.

Oh, great.

- Captain! - I'm here because of
the occurrence of robbery.

appear? Oh.

I found some lotion
is doing wonders for the complexion.

- I thought the occurrence of robberies
in the city. - Portraits!

Well, nothing is missing...

but little of my hair!

Are you clever enough
to go back to?

Oh, no, I guess not.

My investigation brought me here.

Oh, it's true, Captain.
And it's my fault!

You - You acknowledge?

I respond to it.

You know, she was a thief
more than six years.

I thought it might odviæi
if you give her a job...

and place can? E
call home.

Oh, Madelejn.

- Oh, Madeleljn.
- Madelejn?

- Madeleljn.
- Where is she?

I went. She and humpback...

are walking around town.

- Thank you.
- No, thank you, Captain.

Go back to their jobs.

Perfect. Manufacturer
I trick-century...

while the girl takes
hunchback and captain.

- Madelejn! J - JJ-I would like to
poprièam leo with you. - Oh, uh -

Yes - To walk.

- I got it!
- Ears!

- Ears! Ear! Ear!
- Ears!

Oh, oh, oh! Mr. Sarus!

Can I join? Be given a circus?

- Ah, the price you plaæaš.
- Hey, Wait!

I can join the circus if? Want.
Hey, guys, where are you going?

- Have you seen this? Woman?
- Ne.

Do you can? To know where
I can has naðem?

- What are you doing there?
- Uh, nothing.

Hey, who are these clowns?

Madelejn to? Is that La Fidel...


Something is rotten in Denmark.

Oh, Madelejn. You fool!
View this manually? Necessary thing.

Oh. What -

Oh, great.

I'm rich, rich! I wonder
if true diamond underwear.

Oh! Fidel La steal!

Here, Dr.? This.

What part of "etc?
And this" was too demanding?

- You need something to you? Em.
- There's something I need to know.

Madelejn, you know,
the festival is tomorrow...

I thought iii -
I think we could...

you know, to go?

Quasi, I'm not the person
that you feel me.

But I would like to be,
more than anything.

Madelejn, tell me the truth.


What happened to La Fidel?

They stole it! Dad was right.

Let's go! We have to
find out where they took the bell.

OK. There was a lot!

Something is wrong.

- We must at? Hurry!
- But - but, Quasimodo, I -

La Fidel! He disappeared!
Bell was stolen!

We have to find him,
or will the fall festival!

Sarus! How could I have
to be so great a fool?

- Sarus?
- City Close -

every street,
every river, every yard!

It will not odmaæi far
the bell and size.

Do you know about this?

I- I wanted you to? Em.
I've tried.

- You used me!
- No!

- "What is La Fidel?"
- Please!

"Come on - Let's walk."
I never inquired.

- No! That's not true!
- You were right.

Quasi,? Sorry.
Take her.

No! No! Quasi, please, just -
Let me explain.

Look at me!
Quasimodo, look at me!

Quasi! Jo, Quasi!

- Quasi, is that you?
- Say, old mine, a little help?

Hey, get us out of here!

- We must at? Hurry. - Important?
On the speed. - It's not my fault.

- One by one.
?- Zephyr is.

He went after them.

What happened to the circus?

Stand up! Okay. Prog.

It will not take much
to home and freedom.

What -

Doðite! Come back!
Back here!

They will not get away with this!
My father is a captain of guards!

Guard Captain, eh?

Captain, the city is secured,
but the Sarus no trace.

- Then we need to ask for more? Imo!
- Febus!

for Zephyr went Sarus!

- Required? And I am everywhere.
- I have people all over the city.

- We will find it.
- Required go to the wrong places.

Sarus? Lives of illusion,
but I can outsmart him.

It's like an elephant that disappears.

Uv-always has been
a tunnel below the stage.

He dragged the bell into the ground.

in the catacombs.
Mo? To use the catacombs.

A mo? Her speak
just what the Sarus? Wanted.

If we go into the ground,
he disappears from the city. Can not you see?

Listen to me.
? Your son's life is at stake.

Mo? That we should look again
as you did with me.

But going with us as a prisoner.


Where is Zephyr?

By? Uri, Gauls, lead us to it!

What better agree? E with my eyes -
diamonds or sapphires?


Submit now!

- You do not exit!
- Oh really?

I see things a little differently.

Though! Daddy!

Let him go!

Is he sleeping?
I think I will not, sir.

He's my ticket out.

you're not going anywhere, Sarus.

Now let the boy!

Allow me to burn,
and can? You'll see...

Your little boy again.

Quasimodo, he was serious. Povrediæe Zefira,
but I know how it can? We saved.

- What took you? And me
- Why, you could run away with the Sarus?

No izazivaj me, Captain!



Kvbazi, listen to me.
I know I hurt you.

? Sorry, but I am yet
someone who can? Common trust.

How do I?

I have already made such a mistake.

Quasimodo, I have more.

Well, my captain.

Mama! Daddy!

Dr? And rope.
I'll do the rest.

It began a murmur in the crowd while
Madelejn begun a graceful way.

I can.
I can.

I know you can? Frequently.

What - What are you doing here?

Just stand and look beautiful.

Get him!

No, no, no! Not the face!
Make me your face!

Oh, Mom, Dad.

- Here we go.
- Fools! I Sarus!

- This is not the end I thought nakoji.
- Get in!

No prison can not be me? Will keep? Ati!
Wait, perhaps? We agree.

Did I mention that
I work roðendane?

And now Quasimodo
ringing La Fidel...

doðite and post your love...

to hear the whole Paris!

I like? Özet!

I like? A half!

I was wrong about everything.

- I know.
- There's only one thing that you can ka? Em.

I love Esmeralda!

I love Febus!

- A? Ha. - A? Ha.
- Saèekaj little.

- A? Hmm.
- What is it?

Quasimodo, he showed me...

that the world is full of miracles.

of ordinary miracles.

It happens every day.


- Yeah.
- Yes.

- Yuck.
- Yuck.

I am so happy,
that could be ubuðam.

Au. oraspolo? and up!
Take the granite for your heart..

I like!

Au. Better she got that good
care of our boy.

Do not worry. I will.

- What -
- Huh?

I love Madelejn!

And I like Quasimodo!

Disguised angeo

Stories in his eyes

Love in every
a sincere heart

What he sees

Is it just a happy day was

When he turned around and looked at
in my direction
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