Climb, The (2002)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Climb, The (2002)

Post by bunniefuu »

Rescue One Baker to base,
do you copy? Over.

Roger, Rescue One, go
for base. Over.

We've got a visual on

on Baylor's Peak, dangling,
possibly unconscious.

We can't do this ourselves,
who do we have available? Over.

Both teams are
tied up already. Over.

It's a 3- possibly
4-man operation.

Any other support
in the area? Over.

It's a long shot but
Michael Harris is listed

as working the base
at Thomas Ranch.

Your discretion. Over.

Roger that. We'd better hurry.

Rescue One, out.

I did it, again!

Me! All by myself!!
You hear me?!

Thanks for the ride fellows

but I sorta had other plans,
you know what I'm saying?

We got a call about a climber
dangling unconscious

up by Baylor's Peak, we've got
a real bad storm moving in.

I'm glad you guys were up here.

Looks like we've
been deputized.

Michael Harris.

As in the Michael Harris
who climbed Astroman,

in 4 hours and 20 minutes?

Yeah, but I didn't free solo
the Naked Edge in 59 minutes.

Yeah, well you know,
that was a misprint.

Actually it was 56 minutes.


Hey, hey--Don't you guys have
a chopper to fly or somethin'?

Well, even at 59 minutes,

it's an honor to be
your partner today.

Yeah, except for
I don't do "partners."

Strictly solo.

Ok, boys, there he is.

Can you land above him,
on that crag?

No, There's no way--not with
the way this wind's kickin' up.

It's not safe.

We're gonna have
to lower you down.

There's no time
for all that nonsense!

Or, you could just go do
something stupid like that!

How you doin', brother?

My name's Derrick Williams,
I'll be your rescuer today.

So let me get my hero thang
on--gonna get you home.

Go ahead, Harris.

Bring it down,
bring it down, to the right.

Wave them off,
this wind's kicking up again.

Too late!

You still want to go
solo on this one?

Very funny!

OK, he's got it!

You all set?
He's secure!

Good to go!

I could of handled it
on my own, you know.


He's stable now.

All of his vitals are
checking out.

He's going to be ok.

He sustained a nasty concussion
up there, Mr. Leonard,

but he's going to pull through--
he's really very lucky.



Thank you.

How's he doin', Mack?

He's going to be ok.

What did you find out?

Couple hotshot climbers managed
to get him into the chopper.

Pulled off quite a feat.

Quite a feat?
They saved my son's life. . .

heroes, in my eyes.

These rookies, they think
just because Daddy's got

a lot of money, and they can
afford to buy a permit and

the best gear in the world they
can climb any mountain they see.

But life doesn't work like that.

See, it's what's in you
that counts, now remember that.

See, I taught y'all
something again today.

Where was I?

Dangling from the rescue
helicopter, baby.

Dangling from the rescue copter,
thank you, baby.

So there I was, hangin' from
this cable, me and the gurney.

We were flyin' back and forth,
it was spinnin' like a top

in these 100-mile-an-hour winds,

and I'm tryin' to get back
to the ledge.

Derrick, Derrick,
it says right here

there were
40-mile-an-hour winds.

Yeah, but where I was--
underneath the chopper blades

and everything--
it was 100 miles an hour.

Chopper blades. Okay.
It was a mistake.

See, that's what
you call a "misprint."

I don't know why I talk
to that paper anymore.

They always do that to me!

Anyway, the point is, that I'm
a thousand feet above the rocks,

just hanging by a thread,
staring death. . .

I think I found
another "misprint."

It says right here that it was
a 500-foot drop.

I ain't reading
this lying paper no more.

Finally, I make it down
to the ledge,

and I snap the gurney shut,
and we're going to raise him up.

Wait a minute,
hold up, hold up.

You telling me you did
all this on your own?

Yes, pretty much.

Well what about
this other guy

whose picture is just
as big as yours?

Lucky for you it was
Mack's kid up there

with you otherwise you would
not be on the front page.

Hey, maybe you can talk
his daddy into buildin'

one of those discount stores
in our neighborhood.

Are you planning
on wallpaperin'

with all these papers?

Well, yes, as
a matter of fact I am.

Cheryl ran out
and picked these up. . .

Ok, gotta go!

because she figured
y'all might want to get

the autograph
of a bona fide hero.

Let's get out of here and go
make some room for his head!

But I love every
square mile of it!

This here is
a good woman, y'all!

Mark my words, good woman.

All right who wants
one first. Me.

I'll make it out
to a special. . .

You think we've got
enough chips over there

or should I bring over
some more?

I'll tell you what you're
gonna need more of--

somethin' to break
that spell.

What are you
talking about?

You know what I'm
talkin' about, girl.

You're playing
with fire with that man.

I know what I'm doing. Okay?


Many of you have read
or heard about the heroic rescue

that took place,
on Baylor's Peak Friday.

Our own Michael Harris was
just half of the team

that the Lord used to save
a life just two days ago.

would you stand please?

Glad he's back
safe and sound.

Looks like I'm getting
my 15 minutes of fame,

huh, sweetheart?

Black and white
working in harmony

with Mack's name attached.

This is good, Mack,
this is very good.

Considering all the bad press
we've been gettin' lately,

I'd say it's
very good indeed.

Let 'em write all the
negative stuff they want.

It's not
that simple, Greg

I mean, when they write that
Mack Leonard is not concerned

with the people on the
south side of town, that hurts.

We're running
a business here,

not a social service,
and putting a store

in that neighborhood
is just bad business.

Look, Mack,
one of my jobs is

to make sure that
feelings don't play

a large role in what
this company does.

I know that, but
there's got to be

some kind of a, some
kind of a balance.

Of course there is.

Look, your son's tragedy
has turned out to be

a PR windfall
for your business.

That's a negative
balanced out by a positive.

And it shouldn't stop here.

We've got to take full advantage
of this situation,

this opportunity, and do
something with these guys.

Something big!


Now that's a belay!

This is called a Prussik knot--
you ever get into a jam,

you can use it
to work your way

back to a fixed rope
like this one.

The only requirement is
you gotta have muscles.

He's sure got some muscles--
just take a look at that jaw.

Hey, partner.

How you doing?

Hey Pablo, do me a favor
and show these kids a few knots.

Pablo will take care of you.

I wanted to return these

ice screws to you,
you left 'em in the chopper.

Keep 'em, I get 'em for free.

It's one of the perks
of managing this place.

Manager, huh?

Yup. Worked my way up
from the bottom--

stock boy, salesman,
supervisor, manager.

Sounds like you're
an "all-around" climber.

So, I guess we landed a pretty
big fish last Friday, huh?

Yeah, it was
in the paper and everything.

I heard they even had
our pictures in it.

Chicanagua, huh?
The north ridge.

Yeah, that's her.

It's my dream.

Mine too.

No kiddin'?

You see that
little black dot right there?

That's gonna be me.

Somehow, some way,
I'm gonna make it happen.

You see that little
white dot right there?

just some snow.

Hi, how are you?

Derrick Williams?

That used to
be my dream.

But reality has a way
of catching up with you.

Nothing's going to stop me.

See, I'm gonna do it solo.

You're gonna solo


You do realize how many teams
have tried and failed?

Yep. But you see I have this
motto-- "Go big, or go home!"

And for me, going home is
just not an option.

I will climb that mountain.

Can I help you?

Actually, gentlemen,
I'm here to help you.

Well, it's about
time we met.

Yes sir.

And you must
be Derrick

Nice to meet you,
Mr. Leonard.

No, no, you boys saved
my son's life, call me Mack.

Might even put you
in my will!

I hear Josh is
doin' much better.

He's doing much better,
he's a little wobbly,

but they say he's gonna be
fine thanks to you boys.

Sit down.

You know, when I was,
when I was Josh's age,

I used to get my kicks rodeoing.
So you might say we're all

swimming in the same gene pool
here, if you know what I mean.

Yes sir,
we're all sort of nuts.

There you go!

And if you think that's nuts,
wait till you hear

what my man here
has to say.

Why don't you tell them about
our little plan here, Greg?

Mack and I were
talking about heroes.

How there just aren't enough
of 'em to go around these days

and how it just doesn't seem
right that the kind of heroism

and teamwork that you two
displayed on that mountain

shouldn't be commended
in some special way.

Oh, I don't know, I think
that getting our pictures

in the paper and all of that
was commendation. . .

Harris, let the man finish.

Right on!

We'd like you guys to show
the public what Mackie's

is all about--
teamwork, workin' in harmony.

We'd like to run a series of ads
here in Denver and throughout

the West that says Mackie's is
committed to building community.

Now, as for the compensation,
we happen to know that you both

have your hearts set on
something that at this point has

been unattainable due to
a lack of resources.

Well, there it is:
Mount Schicamawaga.


Chicanagua, whatever.

The point is, that is
a mighty high mountain.

Our idea is
to sponsor you boys

in a climb to the top
of that baby.

What do you think?

Mack, this sort of operation

takes months of training,
and preparation.


I know.

It's a big commitment.

Not to mention trusting
another man with your life.

It's everything I've
ever dreamed of, Mack.


But um. . .the dream's
always to do it solo.




But you were climbing as
a team when you rescued Josh!

Yeah, well I didn't have
a choice then, now, I do.

But, this is your dream!

Wait a minute, hold on
a minute here boys.

We're not trying to force
anybody to do anything

they're not comfortable with.

Why don't y'all
just talk it over.

This is your life,

your dream.

We're just trying make it
a reality for you. Okay?

Just take your time.

We'll be in here, alright?

Just some things a man needs
to do by himself, you know?

Yeah, look. . .

I know you want
to make this climb

on your own
and I respect that.

It would be a great accomplishment.

But it's no less
an accomplishment

to climb with a partner first.

You know as well as I do that
we are never going to get handed

a fully funded ascent
of Chicanagua ever again.

This is like winning
the lottery.

I've got a question for you.

Do you want to "Go Big,"
or you want to "Go Home?"

And that's why the Mack
Corporation is proud to sponsor

And that's why the Mack
Corporation is proud to sponsor

these local heroes up one of
the highest and most

dangerous mountains
in South America:

Mount ah. . .Chica. . .



And we feel that Michael
and Derrick here symbolize

everything that Mackie's is
all about: That is

"Workin' hard together
in Harmony," we also think

that if we all here in
this community work together,

well I can promise you there'll
be a better life for all!

Does your
"better life for all"

include the people living
in the south end, Mr. Leonard?!

Well, I'll tell you
what I do think,

I think, that kind of question
is counterproductive.

And, as a matter of fact,
we are gonna break ground

on a new Mackie's in the
south end this coming fall!

Why don't you
write that down?

Go ahead,
write it down!!

Take a trip
on a runaway ship

with a destination course.

Sorry to say

it's not the same as
the Magical Mystery Tour.

Although you think
you get it now

you're really in for it

Mackie's: Above the rest.

Mackie's: Working together.

I'm mad into the force.

Mackie's: Working in harmony.

Though you're scared
I really don't care

'cause I know
what is best.

You're in good hands
for the future plans

already decided.

lf all you care is
the promise there

it's not entertainment.

I'm mad into the force.

Can we go now?

Just one more,
baby, just one more.

Ok, that was
one more--let's go!

No, one more roll, baby,
can you toss me one?

You've shot
three already, Derrick!

I'm just trying to make sure
it comes out alright.

I mean, Look! This is
bigger than life! Look at it!

Oh yeah, look; they've made
your mouth even bigger too!

Mack said we have a full-page ad
in today's paper.

Alright Mr. Big Shot,
let's go.

We will, just
want to see the ad.

And pay for those!

I will, just as soon
as I find the ad!

Oh, come on man!

Are you saying I should
go back on my word?

What I'm saying is, you got
ahead of yourself again, Mack.

We've already got
too many properties

in the development as it is.

I can afford it.

No, you can't!

Look, let me
handle this, alright?

Don't worry about South End,
I'll take care of it.

Let's just talk
about this later.

Cut! Perfect! I love it!

But maybe just one more--
first positions, everyone.

He said that four takes ago.

Relax, man, this is how
it's done in Hollywood.

Well, if it's perfect,
why do another one?

Action, fan! Action, snow!

Where's that snow?

Give me more wind!
I want a blizzard!

Okay, Michael, we're climbing,
we're reaching.

The final thrill of victory!

And we. . .CUT!

Alright, let me down.

Get me down!

You get that?


Going again, one more time,
quickly everyone.

He said one more, we did
one more--I'm outta here.

Where are you goin' man?

We'll never
get up Chicanagua

unless we get in
some real training.

I've been training
for years.

We're supposed to train
together--we're a team remember?

Hey, lighten up
and enjoy the ride, man.

This is all part
of the package.

Let's just try to make
everybody happy.

Well, I tell you what--you
make me happy--be at the Crest

sunrise tomorrow,
just you and me.

Hey, where does he
think he's going?


I tell you,
he won't back off.

All this negative press
has finally gotten to him.

He sees this as his big chance
to redeem his reputation--

the big-hearted humanitarian
who cares about the community.

Listen to me
for a second.

The stock on Mackie's
is going down

because of his "humanitarianism."

Now as a major stockholder,
I'm not happy about that.

Mack is stubborn!

No, Mack has lost
his business sense!

He's not using his head
anymore; he's gone soft.

You just make sure
that store is k*lled.

I'll do what I can.

No, you'll just do it.

What about this
mountain-climbing thing?

Are you kidding?

That's the best press
we're getting--it stays.

I'm serious baby,

I don't know if I can work
with this Harris guy.

Well, maybe he's right--
they need to give you two

some space to get in
some real training.

Well, that may be,
but that doesn't give him

the right to start
barkin' orders at me.

"Make me happy--
be at the Crest, sunrise!"

Look, all I know is, when
all this is over, I don't want

to be left with a bunch
of memories and photographs.

I want you, okay?

Oooh, baby, come on now,
I'm comin' back.

Don't you know. . .
nothin' in this world

can keep me
away from you. . .

. . .except him.

Those must be the dirtiest
dishes in the world.

They started washin' 'em
over an hour ago.

Joseph, please.

We'll be late
and you two behave.

Don't we always, Bea?


Brrrr--I feel warmer in
my underwear at 15,000 feet.

Guess your old man doesn't think
I have what it takes either.

Now you know you should
not take that personal.

My daddy does not trust
anybody with his baby girl.

Yeah, but doesn't he know that
you're my baby girl, too?

Yes, I told him

and that's why
he doesn't trust you.

Oh--daddy's a very. . .

smart. . .man.


Let's settle some issues
right off the top.

I'm here because we already
planned on being here.

Not because you
ordered me here.

I don't take to being told
what to do, especially the way

you did it at
that sound stage.

You know what?


You're right.

I guess I just sort of
had it with that director.

I'd eaten enough fake snow
for one day.

I was worn out.

But I shouldn't have gone off
on you like that.

I'm sorry.

Yeah. . .

ok. . .that's cool.

You ride
all the way up here?


You sure you haven't
had your workout already?

That was
just my warm-up.

What? You meditatin'
or somethin'?

Or somethin'.

"Day by Day"
with Billy Graham?

Oh no--you're not one of
those born-agains, are ya?

Yeah, I'm a Christian.

lf it makes you happy.

It's not about being happy.

It's about what's
really important in life.

Nothing's more important
than climbing.

Since we're gonna be spending
a whole lot of time together,

I think you should know
something--I'm not religious.

I don't buy it, never bought it,
and I really don't want to be

tied to somebody who's gonna be
preachin' at me all day.

Well, I don't preach.


But I do speak my mind.

That makes two of us.

You'd better not run
that out too far.


I told you not to run
it out that far!

What are you doing--
you playing with me?

Just testin' your belay, man.

Yeah, well it works.

Very nice.

Nice. . .very nice!

You gonna hot dog
on Chicanagua?! Maybe.

I told you, man, I take
everything to the edge, baby.


That would have hurt.

Every time out
with this guy's a surprise.

Did I tell you that Mr. Cool
turns out to be a Jesus freak?

a Christian?

Yeah, but he's
not like you.

See, he's one of those extreme,

read the Bible every day,
memorize the scripture types.

Oh, yeah,
not like me.

Come on, baby,
you know what I mean.

Hey, let's not start with
the God thing.

Not tonight.

So, is he a good climber?

I'll give him that.

But his style's way
too uptight, too planned.

He's gonna have to loosen up.

Maybe he's just being
safety conscious.

That's what worries me!
We'll get halfway up Chicanagua

and he'll realize there's
a storm blowing and instead of

attacking the summit fast
and loose, he's gonna want to

turn around and head home!

And if we do get in a jam,
will he be able to think fast

or is he gonna want to
stop and pray about it?

But of course, you won't get
into any jams, right, Derrick?

Not me,
baby. . .not me.

Remember this? Huh?

When we first met.


Just to be with you.

Hi, I'm lookin'
for Derrick Williams.

Hi, I'm Cheryl,
Derrick's girlfriend.

He's talked
a lot about you.

Oh, he's talked
about me, huh?

Well, when he's not
talking about himself.


He's talked a lot
about you, too.

I don't know if
I ought to hear that.

No, it was good,

well, mostly--from my
point of view, it was.

Alright, see ya, baby.

I'll be back for dinner,
that is, unless of course,

Safety Man here wants
to take things slower.

ln which case I'll be back
a week from Thursday.

At least he'll be
back in one piece.

It's a crutch, man.

That kind of faith is for people
who don't think they can

get the job done themselves.

You know what I got faith in?

A good solid cam,
a strong rope and me.

Besides it's a little misplaced,
don't you think?

I don't know if I'd be
putting all my trust

in a father who lets
his own son die?

What's his dyin' 2000 years ago
got to do with me today?

See what I'm saying?

It'd be real nice if there was
some bearded old man in robes

up there that was gonna make
everything turn out alright,

but I grew up
a long time ago.

There ain't no tooth fairy

and ain't nobody gonna
look out for me, but me.

Yeah, that's one more
for you old man!!!

You hear me, Pop?!!!

I came, I saw, I conquered!!

Who you hollerin' at?


You sure sound angry.

It's none of
your business, alright?

And if I sound angry, it's cause
we're never gonna make it up

Chicanagua if you keep taking
20 minutes on every cam!

I got a news flash
for you.

We're never gonna make it back
if you don't stop hot-doggin'!

You gotta rethink
your whole style, man.

It's way too cautious.

I wouldn't have to be
so cautious if you'd just stop

and think for 20 seconds
before you risk both our lives.

Look, there is no forgiveness
up there, at all.

You make a mistake, you die.

And if you don't
take it to the edge

every chance you get,
you're dead already, baby.

Give me a break--there's
a huge difference

between taking it
to the edge and foolishness.

You callin' me a fool?!

No. . .no, I'm just saying

that we don't have a chance
of making it up that mountain

if we don't start thinking
and training like a team.

Ok, so then follow me,

You're up late.

I'm just doin'
some reading.

I hope you're not
in the Book of Judges tonight.

Should I be?

Hey, hold up, whoa. . .

come here, sit down here
for a minute.

Cheryl, I'm your father.

lf I see you making some poor
choices, I've got to speak up.

Years ago you told me
that I was old enough

to make my own choices.

And I respected you for that.

Now all I ask is that you
respect the choices that I make.

Derrick is. . .

Derrick is
a good man, Daddy.

An angry man.

Because he's hurting.

Maybe you can't see that.

And if you can, maybe you
just don't care, but I do.

You are in a relationship
with a man

who doesn't share
your values.

Now when the storms come,
and believe me they will come,

what's gonna be your compass?

Whose values will decide?

We love each other, Daddy.

Our values will decide!

Oh, Cheryl. . .

everything. . .

and I mean everything
comes with a price.

Good-night, Daddy.

Good-night, baby.

You really are
a gadget freak, man.

Look at this-- you got
your GPS, your altimeter,

your portable toothbrush set.

What have you got
in here anyway?.

Oh come on, man, Dex?!
You don't need this stuff.

It's just in case one of us
runs outta juice

up in the death zone.

Dex is for wimps, man.

This is about
man against nature.

Oh, right,
what was I thinking?

Okay, look at this.

I'm thinking
we start here at base camp,

head southwest, up through
the San Carlos pass.

Ok, good so far.

And hit the east ridge here.

No, no, no the east ridge
has been done.

It's boring!

There's no challenge in it.

There's plenty of challenge
on the east ridge.

Come on, man, we gotta do
somethin' trailblazin' here.

Look--check this out.

How do you steer this thing?

Look-- from base camp,
we go north,

then we tippy-toe around this gully
here, bivi here on day 2,

then we attack the summit
from high camp here.

You do know that Covington
lost his life

last year on the North ridge?

He was climbing solo,
by the way.

Yeah, well with all due respect
to the dead, Covington didn't

know jack squat
about what he was doin'.

What are you talking about?
He only summited Everest twice,

Annapurna, K-2--
I think he knew what. . .

Blah, blah, blah--I'm tellin'
you, we can do this, man.

I don't know,
North Ridge is. . .

What? Dangerous? I thought
that was the point.

No, the point is, to get to
the top, and come back alive.

Relax man, I'm not
trying to get us k*lled.

Just come close!

You want somethin' to drink?

Yeah, anything.

Who's the babe?



Want to help
a brother out here, man?

She at least got a name?

Renee, she was my wife.

It comes out!

She split on you,
didn't she?

Yeah, sort of. . .
she died.

Alright, let's not push it,
it's slippery here.

Come on, hey watch
that hold, alright?

I got it.

You alright?


Hold on.

Ouw! I smashed my knee
coming over that lip.

Can you climb?

Probably not the best idea.

Here's what's left
of my cell phone.

That cinches it.

Guess I gotta climb outta here
and go get some help, huh?

Be right back.

Wait a minute-you're gonna climb
this overhang, whip over the

verglass, rep down the Bowl
and be back here in the morning?

That's a pretty good plan B.

Plan B? What you got,
a plan A?

Yeah, leave a prearranged
check-in call for 8:00.

That way when we don't call,
they know something's wrong

and they come looking for us
first thing in the morning.

Yeah, well, that would be
fantastic if one had actually

taken the time to ah--
you did that, didn't you?

Yeah, I did that.

So, ah, that would make you
the smart guy, wouldn't it?

Pretty much.

Safety Man. He delivers.

My sister married
this guy in Phoenix,

and she wanted
my mom near her.

They all hate the cold.

Yeah, I know how they feel.

What about your dad?

You mean the guy
who happened to be there

when I was conceived?

He took off when I was 10.

Derrick, I'm sorry.

Don't be. . .I'm not.

Did you ever hear
from him again?

Nope, don't know
where he went or why.

I always figured he traded up--
you know, new wife, new kids.

Then one morning
we got this call saying

they found his body
in a hoteI all alone.


Chumps way out.

So ah, since we're
laying all our cards

on the table here,
what about you?

Tell me about
your old man.

You don't want to
hear about that.

Hey, I opened up here,
it's your turn!

Well, actually,
he's my hero.

Moving off
the dad track. . .

tell me about her.

She was in a ah,
car accident.

She was driving
home from work

and ah, a guy ran
a red light.

She never made it out of ICU.

I was ah,
climbing that day.

I had free-soloed
Liberty Spire.

She hated it when I did
stuff like that.

But I always told her
it's safer than driving.

How long ago was this?

2 years, 3 months and 18 days.

Maybe it's time to ah,
I don't know. . .

start lettin' the healing in.

Maybe you're right.

Are you takin'
my advice?!

Yeah, I guess I am.

God works in mysterious ways.

There's our ride.

As the two climbers prepare
for their departure

As the two climbers prepare
for their departure

to the southern tip of Chile,

there is hope and optimism
that the common dream

of two men will soon be
realized on one summit.

ln the meantime though,
there are still concerns

as to the other story regarding
Mack Leonard, and that is

the continued delays
in the promised store

in the south end of the city.

Hi, I'm Mack Leonard.

Your local Mackie's Super Store

is committed to building
community--your community.

See, we believe that
working together in harmony

is more than just a good slogan,
It's a good idea.

Stop by and see us;
tell them Mack sent you!

Mackie's: Above the rest.

I'm Mr. Derrick Williams
and I'm the King of the Quarry.

You are all my subjects!

It's more like this:
"Go Big, or Go Home!!!"

He has got you man.

I do not walk like that!
Nobody walks like that!

You walk like that!

Worst part is, this is
how he climbs mountains.

You think we can make that. . .
ridge over there?

Hold my drink, baby.

Y'all check this out
here. Right?

Check my partner's style
right here!

Michael Harris. . .

Now, this is him
on level ground, alright?

Both of you look like
proud peacocks out there, man.

Let me get you some ice.

Great, thanks.

You're not going to put
that commercial on again

are you man?
Come on, man! Oh, man!

You know
that day you came by?


I don't want you
to get the wrong idea.

Derrick andI
aren't living together.

But there has been
some compromise on my part.

Why are you
telling me this?

I don't know, I guess,

hearing Derrick talk about
you and your faith

just made me feel like

I'm not living mine
very well right now.

Well look, we all go
through periods like that.

I've sure made my share
of mistakes.

I always try to remember
this thing that my dad

used to say to me whenever
I blew it: he just said,

"When you get to the next turn,
try and take the high road."

It sounds like God might be
speaking to you about something,

and if he is,
you need to listen.

Thank you.

You look a little bit
like Michael Jackson.

There he is!

You like that move?

That is
a brilliant commercial.

When you gonna start buildin'
that store you been promotin'?

Yeah, Derrick, where's that
Mackie's you promised us?!

You know, South End
could use a Mackie's.

I didn't promise you
anything, alright?

You want a Mackie's,
talk to Mack.

Yeah, right.

What are you talking about--
they haven't broken ground yet?

Don't hold your breath
on that one, Michael.

The only thing
he's broken is his word.

You think everybody
had a good time?

Yeah, what about you?

I'm still havin'
a good time.

Are you? Yeah.

Not tonight, Derrick.

Not tonight? Come on,
there's nobody here.

Can you think of
a better time?

C'mon, we can just pick
all this up tomorrow.

It ain't going nowhere.

I'm not staying the night
tonight, Derrick.

Alright, what'd I do?

Nothing. It's not you.

Come on, I'm a big boy,
you can tell me.

It's me. . .

I don't know, I just
feel like it's time

I just start doin' what
I know is right, you know?

I think it's time we
start takin' the high road.

Taking the what?

The high road!

Whoa! I'm a low-road
kind of a brother.

So you gonna have to explain
to me what "taking the high road

means", cause I don't
know nothing about that.

You know what? It's late.

Let's talk tomorrow, okay?

I'd rather talk tonight.

Or not talk.


No, no, we can talk tonight.

I'm just going to be up
all night anyway.




"High road?"

Michael, these things
are complicated.

The timing just hasn't
quite worked out yet.


Mack said you were
gonna build a new store.

I just want to know when
that's going to happen.

Where's Mack anyway? I want
to talk to him about this.

You're talking to the man
in charge on this one.

Mack's out of town
for two weeks.

Fine, I'll call him.
Where is he?

Michael, I don't
tell you how to climb

because the fact is,
I don't have a clue.

So don't tell us how
to run our business.

But my picture is plastered all
over town because we had a deal!

The deal was about climbing
a mountain--nothing more.

This whole thing is
a scam, right?

You guys have only been
in it for the publicity.

Well let me tell you something,
it's about to stop.

I don't know if you
value your integrity,

but I certainly value mine
and it's not for sale.

How dare you question
my integrity!

You start building
that store

or I'm going to pull
out of this climb.

Why don't you put
that on a billboard.

Yeah, Yeah. Thanks.


Not now, baby.

We gotta talk.

Later, alright?

I've got some business
I got to take care of first.

This is more important.

Nothin' is more important
than me climbing that mountain.

So everything else is just
gonna have to wait, sorry.

I'm pregnant!


I'm going to have a baby.

Our baby.

Wait, wait
a minute, Cheryl.

Cheryl, I'm not
ready to be a father.

Well, you already are.

This wasn't part
of the plan!

It's time
to find a new plan, Derrick!

It's that simple,
isn't it?

So, what do you
plan on doin'?

What do you
plan on doing?

It's your body,
it's your call.

This is our baby!!!!

I can't even believe
you're talking like this!

What do you
expect me to say?

"Baby, I love you?

Baby, let's get married,
let's have a family?"

Reality check, baby.

I must have been crazy
to think I could change you!!!

You said you never really
knew your father, right?

Well, congratulations--
you're just like him.


You are not going
to quit on me, Harris!

This is my shot!

I'm not going to just let you
slam the door shut in my face!

The door's not shut--
they've just got to

come clean on their promise
and start building that store.

That's not gonna happen,
and you know it!

When I give a man
my word, it's real.

And when a man gives me
his word, I hold him to it!

They lied to us.

You quit being so naive,
you boy scout!

When Mack said he was
going to open up a store

in the south end,
that was for the cameras.

Alright? For the Press!

They don't care about us,
they're in this for themselves.

We've got to be
in this for ourselves.

So just forget about
everybody else, is that it?

That's the way the
game's played, bro'!

That's not
the way I play it!

There are some things
that are just more important

than climbing a mountain!

Not to me, so you just make
a stand on your own time, alright?

No, I'm through with this.

From now on, I'm going
to take the high road.

It was you!


You're the one that put all
that "high road" talk

into CheryI's head, then
she comes home talking to me

about how things are gonna
start changing between us.

Maybe some things
needed changing.

You know,
for a second there

you almost made me forget
why I like going solo.

"No one comes to
the Father except through Me."

No one comes to the Father
except through the Son!

We're going to have
to see about getting you

back up on Baylor's Peak
before too long.

Definitely. Look, Michael,

no promises, but I'll
see what I can do.

I think I know who fouled up
this whole thing.

Great. Well listen, Josh,
I really do appreciate it.

Alright, take care.

So long.

Lord Jesus, help me.

I am so sorry.

Forgive me.

Was it me?

Come on, Pop,
here I am, man.

You proud of me now, Pop?

Alright buddy.

Did you see my commercial?

C'mon, man, just put that thing
down--just toss it here.

Hey, it's not a THlNG!

It's a titanium alloy ice ax--

on sale now at The Quarry,
if you hurry on down you could--

Hey, hey, hey,
I go solo, pal.

Put the ax down, sir,
stay where you are.

Alright, don't sh**t,
I give up.

From now on I take
the "high road."

Good, just
take it easy.

Alright, just
take it easy.

That's the problem, brother.

I take nothing easy!

I'm Derrick Williams andI
take everything to the edge!

Alright sir, just
give me the ax, sir.

Sir, give me
the ax, please.



Come on man,
come on down.

Give me the ax!!!

I Gotcha!

Whooo! Now
THAT'S a belay!

Hey, what are you doing?

Thank you, Carole.

He's coming in.

Josh! Mack!

How are you doing, Greg?

I thought you were
in Dallas for the week!

I'm sure you did.

What's up?

You are--actually,
you're not up, you're out.

You're fired.

I'm sorry?

Are you? Good!

Well, if I were you,
I'd get on outta here, pronto.

Before I call the feds,
or the SEC or your mommy.

For what?

Forgetting that
you work for me.

You ever have
any secret meetings

with any of
our shareholders, Greg?

Maybe been
on their payroll?

You can't prove a thing!

Oh yeah?

You want to see the file
or you just want to

walk outta here
like dad suggested?

Excuse me, but
what is that file?

I don't know,
I just grabbed it off your desk.

Chip off the old block!

Also today, the Mack Corporation
announced it is making good

on its pledge to break ground
on a new Mackie's Super Store

in the south end,
one of the more

economically depressed
areas of the city.

It has long been thought that
the decision by Mackie's is

the trigger needed to spur
other local business leaders

to invest in the area.

Yes! Yes!

Oh. . .ouw.

You're a little bit
late for church.


Story of my life.

How you been?

Ok, how about you?

I'm still me.

That was a pretty good stunt
you pulled off with Mack.

Josh helped.

Look, I'm not
any good at this.

I just came by here today,

you know, to tell you
that I lost it,

and I was wrong.

I should've
talked to you first.

Maybe we both blew it.

You know, I talked to Mack.

And they're still up
for it if we are.

And you know I'm up for it.

Well, let me think
about it, okay?

Yeah, sure,
take your time.

Hey ah,
where you goin'?

Home, I guess.

I don't think so.

Going home is not an option.

North Ridge?

North Ridge!

It is the classic pursuit of
the dream for Derrick Williams

and Michael Harris,
two American alpinists,

who have set out to conquer
what is said to be

one of the most dangerous
mountains in the world.

The South American,
Andean Giant, Chicanagua.

Widely recognized in the United
States for their advertisements

for Mackie's discount superstores,
the climbers

arrived in Santiago, Chile
this morning.

They were met here in Patagonia
by legendary New Zealand

mountaineer, Carl Douglas, who's
been hired to organize the trek.

Months of vigorous preparation
and training now behind them,

the team will
establish themselves

at a 17,000 foot base camp for
two weeks of acclimatization.

Kinda takes your
breath away, eh boys?

But don't let
those good looks fool you.

That's what a dozen
dead climbers would say

if they had the chance.

Well, we've got two weeks
of training ahead of us

before your three-day climb
to the summit.

One thing I want you
to study is the snow itself.

The North ridge is
dangerous enough.

This time of year is
the most treacherous.

It's getting into
the warmer season, that means

we can expect two things--
snow slides and avalanches.

You've always got to watch
where you step,

what ridge you traverse,
where you camp.

Remember, there's a reason

they call Chicanagua
Muerte Blanca--White Death.

I'll be watchin'
your backsides.

Don't forget, once you reach
high camp, you'll be right below

the death zone, your bodies
will be pleadin' for oxygen,

so plan that summit bid wisely.

Good luck, God's speed, mates.

Little close to
that ledge, huh, partner?

Feels pretty solid.

Just watch that belay!

Yeah, no problem.

Whoa!!! Oof!!!

You okay?


I'm coming up.


Come take a look at this.

You think that was
that British guy, Covington?


He didn't even make it
into the death zone.

It might have happened
on the way up

or maybe he fell from it.

Doesn't really matter,
we're always in a death zone.


No one gets off
the planet alive.

We're all going to meet
The Creator someday.

It's best to be prepared,

make your peace.

That's easy for you to say.

Derrick, you're carrying around
a lot of baggage

that you've got to cut loose.

Otherwise it's just
gonna eat you up.

Eventually you've
just got to move on.

It's not that simple.

You want to take it
to the edge?

You really want to go big?

Just give it up.

Whatever it is that
you're holding on to,

whatever it is you feel
like you've got to prove.

Just give it up.

Give it to God.

Let Him be your father.

I don't believe in
that sort of thing.

You don't,
or don't want to?

It sure sounds
like you're preachin' now.

No, I'm just
giving you some advice.

You know, a wise man
once said to me,

"Maybe it's time to start
lettin' the healing in."

A wise man, huh?

Yeah, or a fool.

I can't remember which.

Time to get up, boys
this is the day!

Yeah, go Carl.

We might have some weather
coming in from the south.

Thought you might
want to get

an early start
for the summit. Over.

Alright, thanks, Carl.

We'll get back
to you in 15. Over.

Roger that, Michael. Out.

Now it could fizzle out, but
better to be on the safe side.

so that means we've got

about 18 hours
up and back.

Roger that.

Oh, this just came in
from Mr. Martin.

Said to tell Derrick that he had
to admit Cheryl to the hospital,

just a little false labor,
but she's doing well.

She's resting, and the baby's
heart rate is normal.

Do you copy?

I'll let him know.

Alright, good luck, mates!

Thanks, Carl.

Talk to you
from the top. Out.

I had a feeling there was

something you weren't
telling me.

It's none of your business.

What are you going to
do about it?

I'm not even thinkin'
about it right now.

Maybe you ought to
start thinking about it.

We got a job to do.

Forget about the climb, Derrick,
this is really important.

I don't need you to
tell me what's important.

Maybe you do.

That's right, you're
an answer man, Right?

Safety man--
pretty much perfect.

It's not about
being perfect.

It's about taking responsibility
for your actions.

You wanna' pick those up?

We're gonna need them.

Come on, partner,
let's do this.

Yes, this is it!

Yes!!! Whooo!!!




Thank you, God.

Thank you. . .thank you.

Good-bye, Sweetheart.

Thank you, Lord,

for every day
I had with her.


ln your face, old man!

Oh, oh Pop!!! Pop!!!

Let him go! Can't!

Let him go!

You okay?


we made it.

We're at
the top!

Way to go, mates!

But listen to me,
that storm turned on us,

and it's coming right
at you from the south.

I repeat--that storm is
coming straight at you.

Get back down
to high camp--right away!

It'll take us 6 hours
to get back down.

We've got 3.


Derrick, come on!

Come on, we've got
to keep moving!

Just give me a minute.

Carl! Carl!

Carl! Come in!

Carl!! Carl!!

I'm not getting anything.

I think the batteries
are frozen.

I'm going to
give you some Dex!

No! No Dex.

You need it!

I don't want it,
I can make it.

Here, it's for later
if you change your mind!

I won't!

We've got to get off
this ridge before it gets dark.

Come on,
come on, get up.

We've got to
get some shelter.

Let's go!

Michael! Derrick!!
This is base camp.

Do you copy?

Michael! Derrick! Come in!

This is base camp.


Okay, where are we?

I don't know.

But I know it's sure not
the same way we came up.

GPS is dead.

It's a wonderful thing,

Well, we know
we gotta head down.

We're going to have some
more weather coming in.

Let's try and make
that ridge before we're in it.


Let's get
the packs.

Derrick!!! I don't like
the look of that overhang!

We should go another way.

Derrick! That overhang
doesn't look too good!!

Did you hear me???

Derrick!!! Derrick!!!

Get out of there,
Derrick!!! Watch out!!!

Watch out!!!!

Michael!!! Talk to me man!!!

Where you at?

I gotcha.

I gotcha, partner, I gotcha.

I gotcha, man,
I gotcha, I gotcha.

You made it.


Now look what
you've gone and done--

Didn't know I'd have to
carry you off this mountain

but c'mon, bro'. . .

come on, let's
get you out of here..

Derrick. . .

You alright?
What do you need?

I want you
to call my father.

Tell him
that I love him.

Tell. . .tell him,
that I'm going home.

Going home is
NOT an option!

So you can tell him
yourself! Alright?

You can tell him yourself!

Come on,
open your eyes.

You open your eyes
and look at me, Michael.

You open your eyes
and look at me!!!!

Goin' home is

We're going down the mountain,

getting on an airplane!!!.

Why'd you go and do that?


"See, if you're an expert
and you're alert,

you see these things coming and
you just get out of the way."

"Strictly solo." "It's
what's in you that counts."

"See I grew up along time ago.
There ain't no tooth fairy."

"I will climb that mountain."

"Ain't nobody gonna
look out for me, but me."

"Nothings going to stop me."
"Go big or go home."

"lf you don't take it to
the edge every chance you get."

"Strictly solo."
"You're dead already, baby."

"There are some things that are

just more important
than climbing a mountain."

"Not to me!!!"
"I must have been crazy

to think I could change you."

"You hear me, Pop???"
"You said you never

really knew your father, right?"

"I came, I saw, I conquered!!!"
"You're just like him."

"You're dead already, Baby."

"You want to take it to the edge,
you really want to go big?

"Give it to God,
let Him be your Father.

Father, Father, Father, Father."

Derrick!!. . .Derrick!!

(I lift up)

mis ojos
(my eyes)

a los montes.
(to the hills.)

(I lift up)

mis ojos
(my eyes)

a los montes.
(to the hills.)

De donde vendrá mi socorro?
(Where does my help come from?)

Good morning.

It is with a deep
sense of sadness

that I speak to you today,
to commemorate the tragic loss

of a great climber--
and a great friend.

Not only of this city's,

but a man I personally had grown
to admire and respect,

a man who paid
the ultimate price

in laying down
his life for another.

And so, in honor of our
good friend, a real hero,

the Mack corporation is
very proud to announce

that our new development
in the south end,

a community he cared
about deeply

and fought to make
a difference in,

will be dedicated to the memory
of Michael Harris.

Local mountaineer,
Derrick Williams,

returned home today after
a harrowing climbing experience

in the Andes Mountains.

His climbing partner, Derrick
Williams, says he owes his life

to the heroic sacrifice
his teammate and friend

made on his behalf.

Williams has asked that
the media respect his privacy

as he grieves the loss
of his friend.

He will wipe away every tear
from your eyes.

Death will be no more.

Mourning and crying
and pain will be no more.

For the first things
have passed away.

We do not mourn the death
of Michael Harris today,

but we celebrate his life, Lord,
the way he touched many of us.

Father, greater love
hath no man

than he lay down his
life for a friend.

Mr. Martin, ah. . .

You're no hero
around here, Derrick.

CheryI's not home.

l, ah, I came to
speak with you, sir.

Um. . .

You've heard about what happened
on the mountain?

Well, it got me
to thinkin'. . .

My whole life,

I-I've been trying to prove
something--to my father.

Actually Sir,
that's not even true.

I've been trying to prove
something to myself--

that I don't need him.

That I don't need anybody--
I'm all I need.

Sir, I was wrong.

I am the most
needy person I know. . .

and I do not want my child
to end up like that,

like me.

I need to ask your forgiveness.

I've disrespected you, and I've
disrespected your daughter,

and. . .and I am
truly sorry.

You hurt our family.

You ran from
your responsibilities.

You need more forgiveness
than any of us can offer.

You need to start
by asking God's forgiveness.

I-I don't believe that
God will forgive me.

Why-why would
he even care?

Well, well. . .

What Michael did for you
on that mountain

is exactly what Jesus did
for each of us.

The Bible says that while
we were still enemies of God,

Jesus chose
to give His life for you. . .

and for me.

Why would he do that--
I mean, for me?

Because, Derrick,
God loves you.

You are of such
great value to Him

that He was willing to die
in your place.

He can meet any
of our needs,

if we're just willing
to ask Him.

I'm willing.

Then tell the Lord--
tell him you need him;

tell him you're sorry
for going your own way.

Ask him to forgive you
for your for your mistakes. . .

your sins.

lnvite him into your heart.

lnvite him in.

Jesus. . .

I-I need your forgiveness.

I want to turn
from my sins.

I'm inviting you
into my heart.

I know I told you the story

a thousand times,
but, hey, indulge me, alright.

And this here, this is when
we were doin' all those ads for

that guy, Mack, I was telling
you about, that rich dude.

Yeah, Michael and I
saved his kid's life.

It's another misprint.

They've got a picture
of the wrong man!

You know what,

Dad's gonna be busy for
a few minutes.

See that?

Now, that's a belay.

Where you going, Mikey?
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