Secret of the Cave (2006)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Secret of the Cave (2006)

Post by bunniefuu »

[agitated breathing]


[wind blowing
and seagulls]

It's been
a long time.

[Roy, off]
Funny thing about life,

is how traveling

doesn't bring you
any closer to someone.

It can't take you
farther away
from yourself.

Ireland is
a long way
from Seattle.

My dad dragged me
half way across
the planet

for some conference
he had to go to.

Then dumped me
with my uncle
that I barely knew.

It was the same village
my dad grew up in.

He told me
he was leaving
me there

so I could
get to know
my family better.

But I thought it
was really because

he didn't want
to take the time,

because he didn't
want me around.

And he didn't know
what to do with me
without Mom.

All I knew was
that I didn't want
to be there at all.

Anybody home?

I wonder where
everyone is.

I'm sure they'll
be back soon.

Ben was expecting us.

I'm gonna have
to go.

You'll be safe.
Look around.

It's the safest
place on earth.

[motor running]

Look, son,
I'll be back soon.

I know.

Time will fly,
and we can hang out,

and sort through
some stuff, alright?

You'll be
perfectly safe.

You're just
leaving me here?

You'll be fine.
I've gotta go.

You understand?


You'll be safe.

[distant clip-clop]

[distant voices]

[many people
speaking at once]

[bike rings]

Alright, get
out of the way.

Come on,
let's go.

Well, you know
what they say.

In lreland,
the inevitable
never happens.

The unexpected
constantly occurs.

You don't recognize
your own family, boy?

Eight o'clock,
he said.

I should've know
that meant ten.

Well, I figured
as much.

Not to worry.
Where is he then?

He had to go
and make
some presentation.

Alright, that's it.
Turn him over.

Nah, you and
your horse
have done plenty.

But I just
want to help.

[several voices]
Oh! Oh!

Would you
ever step back?

Honoring the faithful
departed is no laughing
matter, Missus.

Come on, boys.

Let's give Alistair
the respect
he's deserving.

Let's go.

Let's see here.

Alistair McGlochlin--

Pastor'll bring
a curse on us all.



Alistair McGlochlin

was, uh,

a good man, and--

as many men are

and Alistair is, uh,

definitely o--one
of them.

Or--or rather was,
seeing as he's--
he's dead.

No longer
with us.

Yes. He--he
lived with us,

and, who he was,

he--he was.

Who was
Alistair McGlochlin?

I'll tell you
who he was!

And I knew him
better than any
of you.

He was--
he was a good man.

A good man!

Right you are, Peter.
You're right there.

[male mourner]
That's true, Peter.

Let us pray.

[Aunt Mary]
Hard to believe
it's been 10 years.

[Uncle Ben]

We met your mother
and you for the
first time then.

You were
just a toddler.

How are you
holding up, Roy?


Leave it to
my brother.

So, you must be
worn out altogether.

You probably haven't got
a wink of sleep, you
poor creature.

Well, after you're
good and rested,

we'll have to show
you around
the village.

And on Midsummer's Eve
there's a festival
on the village green.

You won't want
to miss it.

That's odd.
Now how did
this happen?


Hm? Oh yeah,
I'll be right
with you, dear.


Well, anyway,
here it is.

The shop takes
up most of it.

We live
in the back.

Mom? Yeah,
everything's fine.

No, he dropped
me off.

I really don't want
to talk about it.

I just don't.


Well, how
far is that?


Okay. Okay.



You too.

[thunder rolling]

[dog barking distant]

[soft thunder]

[rain pattering]

[eerie voices]

Voices coming
from the cave,
he said.

Did you say Peter?
What about his dog?

Aye, last night.
Coming from
the cave, he said.

This place has been
haunted for years.

Oh, my.
Sure it has.

Still, I wouldn't go
down there after dark.

Much less
go inside.

It must
be smugglers.

[Mrs. Mclntyre]
Smugglin' what?

Fish from the sea?
Don't be daft.

[Uncle Ben]
Let's not get
carried away.

There are things
in this world

that are not
of this world.

And it's at our peril
that we ignore them.

Peter's getting on.
His hearing's not
what it used to be.

[door opens]

You weren't there!
You didn't hear!

I've heard
many a thing
in my time.

And I've been alone
on the mountain

when the wind
is howling like
the banshee!

And the thunder and rain
like a thousand voices!

Don't you talk to me
about "the wind!"

[Mrs. Mclntyre]
Oh, come
on, Peter!

We all know
there's ne'er
a thing in that cave!

Well, there
is now.

You all go out there
and you'll hear it.
All of you!

[eerie voices]

You all saw
the disgrace done

to our good
friend Alistair!

And I told you
that fool
of a pastor

would bring
a curse on us all!
Well, now he has!


You'll get what
you deserve

for not properly
respecting the dead!

Get out
of the way!

Needs some more
fiber in his diet.
Not too regular.

We'd all do
best to leave
this alone.

Best to leave.

Eighty cents.

Why, you'll not
be charging me

apple core, Wallace.

That's not
good business.

I'll give you--
five cents.

See you now.

That was quite
a bit of fuss
now, wasn't it?

We're usually busy
in the mornings,
but not crazy.

That's not
like Peter.

Abbey, wait!
You need anything?

You and Oscar
keeping up okay

with your folks
out of town
and all?

We manage.
And they have
been ringing.

Good. Good.
This is Roy.

How about bringing
him with you on
deliveries today?

Brilliant. I saw
him yesterday
at the funeral.

Come on.

Have fun.

What was all
that fuss about?

Some old guy.
He was creepy.

That would be
Peter McDonald.

He heard something
at some cave.

He did?

So where is it?

Have you ever
actually been inside?

Sure I have.
Wanna go?


Yeah, what's the matter?
You afraid of the dark?

No. How would
we even get
to it?

When the tide is in,
only by boat.

Other times,
over the rocks.

You can walk
right up.
I'll show you.

Just try
to ignore
old Corky.


I wouldn't
get caught--

sneaking around
Alistair's haunt!

You don't believe
in ghosts, do you?

Don't say
I didn't
warn you.

All you'll
find down there

is a proper respect
for the world beyond.

Well, 'twas good
to know you.

I'll tell the others
that you won't
be coming back.

Why not?

Alistair, if
you ask me,

has some
unfinished business.

The night
Alistair died,

it was peaceful.

The sea was flat.

I don't know
what woke him.

But I thought
I saw a figure
standing in my room.

I didn't move.
I didn't dare breathe.

But in all
my years,

I've never seen
such a stare.

How do you know
it wasn't just
a dream?

I don't know.
Could've been
that only.

All I know is,

that now Alistair
is buried up there
above the cave.

And Peter's news
is no surprise
to me.

You better
run along.
That way.

The cave was
the only interesting thing
in this whole place.

But all I really wanted
was to be home.
With Mom.

You don't even know
your own son.

If you'd just given
us one minute from
whatever was so important,

we might not
even be having
this argument. Again!

What does that--

I'm providing
for this family--

You're never here.

If that's the way
you feel, just go.

[distant footsteps]

[door closes]


You asleep?

Oh, honey.

I'm so sorry.

I just--

I need to leave
for a while.

We'll make it
through this.

I promise.

I love you.

She'd said everything
would be fine.

And for now,
I was stuck here
and had to believe her.

[metal noises outside,
dog barking distant]

This is mad!

Don't know
what to tell ya.
Prices went up!

Well, I'll
tell you!

[Mrs. Mclntyre]
Someone stole
my turf!

Hang on.

They took it all.

No oranges
this week.

That's fine.

Uncle Wallace?

Not now.
What's this
charge here?

It's standard.

It didn't used
to be.

It is now.

Something was
in the street.

It was never
standard before!

[Mrs. Mclntyre]
What will you
do about it?

Go with Mrs. Mclntyre
and find this turf?

What's turf?

We burn turf
for warmth.

It's been done like
that for 1 000 years,

and I'm not
about to stop.

What would ghosts
want with it?

Make yourself useful.
Stack the turf.




That's no ghost.

Behind you!



You scared
the life
out of me.

Do you want me
to skin you alive?

Not really.

And a fine
mess you are.

You could do
with a good
pair of boots.

You run
on ahead.

You can wash up
at the house.

I'll be along
as fast as me old
legs can carry me.

[metal clanking]

What are
you doing?




Stay here!


Did you get it?

Oh, he's going
to get it!

What did you do with
me washing, boy?

Someone was there.

Or some thing.

Who are you?
Peter McDonald?
There's no ghost.

What about
those boots?

Could be anyone's.

What am l
doing here?

Someone knows

Everyone has
their secrets,
I guess.

It just doesn't
make any sense.

It can't be ghosts
or whatever.

I'm gonna figure
this out.

What happened
to your boat?


I'd swear
I tied both lines.

And the worst part
is I lost an oar!

There's a fierce
scrape on it.

I don't know
who in this town

would be stupid enough
to untie a man's boat.

Maybe Alistair
wanted to
go fishing.

Now, really, you
shouldn't joke
about the dead.

'Tis disrespectful.


That's alright.

Peter McDonald?


Has he always
been so mean?

No. Not
always. No.

Hear about
Mrs. Mclntyre's turf?

And who hasn't?
Do you think Peter--


Nah. Not
his style.

Peter usually
keeps himself pretty
much to himself.

But why all
the questions?

Here, come on.
Give me a hand
to turn this over.

Up she comes.

Are you going
to ask me--

if I took
Mrs. Mclntyre's turf?

Well, did you?

Ahh, just what
I was afraid of.

Still, nothing that
a good drop of
Archangel tar won't fix.

Hurry up, Ben, or
we miss the bus!

Roy, we're off
to the city

to get some things
for the festival.

We'll be gone
for the day.

We need you
to keep an eye out
for the delivery.

Make sure
you get a copy
of the invoice.

I'm sure you
can handle it.


Mrs. Mclntyre
got her turf back.


Heard that,
did you?

Don't forget
the delivery, Roy.


Do an old lady
a favor, did you?

You wish.

See anyone around?

Not a living soul.

How about
the undead?

Hey, ever see
anything like this?

Odd. It
looks familiar.

I just can't
place it.

Not my size.

That man's horse
has been crazy
from when he got her.

She's been mad
from day one.

[Roy, off]
It was all
pretty strange.

First the ghost
stole the turf.

Then stacked it
in Mrs. Mclntyre's.

Then left a mark.
Seemed like a lot
of work to me.

And all the old folks
in the village were
way too superstitious.


N ice.

This is my brother
Oscar. Oscar, say hello.

So you're
Roy Wallace.

I heard Mrs. Mclntyre
found her turf.

Well, so much
for the curse.

Go ahead.


T ry again.
It's easy.

Nice sneakers.
Isn't that
what you call 'em?

You should've
cleaned them up

when you had your
tussle with Mrs.
Mclntyre's washing.

Heard you gave
it what for.

Corky woke up
and found his
lost oar

coming in
through his
bedroom window

Iying right there
on his chest.

What does that
have to do

with noises in a cave,
turf or a horseshoe?

How should
I know?

Do you know anyone
in the village who
has a horse,

except for
the pastor?

I guess you
should keep on
sneaking, Yank.

Hold on to
that luck.
You'll need it.

I don't
need luck.


Oscar, stop it.



The delivery!

Oh, sorry.
I forgot.

You forgot?

Do you realize
how important
this was?

Folks are
depending on us.

I should've known
my brother's boy
would let me down.

Don't blame me
because you live
on some deserted rock

where you can't
even get some
stupid delivery.

My deliveries
were right
on track

till I put you
in charge.

And this "rock"
is your homeland.

You were
told, Roy.

You know, I didn't
even want to be here
in the first place.

I didn't know

they were having
problems like this.

My brother would
never come to me

with anything.

Then he just
drops his kid
on the doorstep.

It's a shame.

She's staying
at a friend's
house now?

They wired him
again today.

I guess

the paperwork
of the divorce
finally came through.

All he's got
to do is sign.

Some of us
are luckier
than others.

Well, luck
requires discipline.

Lord, be powerful
in our lives.

Teach us patience.
Show us the way.

Help us with Roy,
as he's our guest.

And be with his
family, our family.

His mother,
our brother.

Guide us
and protect us.

Deliver us, Lord.


Is that
the lot?

Aye, that's it.

How are things?

Can't complain.

That'll be $ 5. 70.

I'll not have you leaving
without everything
you came here for.

Are you sure
everything's alright?

It's not what
you're thinking.

Sure there's no
harm in waitin'.


I'd best be off.

I've got to set
up for the festival.

Fixing that statue
from my garden

is what you'd
best be doing.

Past the church,
beyond the ruins,
stay to the left.

I'll find it.

I was off to find Peter
McDonald's cottage.

Look for some
new clues.

But first I had
questions for
someone else.


No. I'm looking
for you.


that's a first.

Around here
any way.

You're the Wallace
boy, right?


Well, what can
I do for you, Roy?

Don't imagine
you're here to talk
about the Lord.

Your horse.


Oh, what
about her?

Where is she?

I haven't seen her
since the day
of Alistair's funeral.

Do you
know something?

Where'd you
get that?

Mrs. Mclntyre.

Why so curious?

I just want to figure
out what's going on
around here.

[neighs softly]

[loud barking]

I don't know
anything about this.

Once, I understand.

But it's
happened twice.

And now, I'm paying
for what I'm getting.

Maggie, I didn't
send this.

Look, I thank you but
I wasn't asking
for anything.

You wouldn't be
behind this now,
would you, boy?

I'm no ghost.

Aunt Mary,
can I see that?

What are
you thinking?

Has anyone bought
this stuff lately?

Don't you go gettin'
on the wrong side

of any angels
of the Good Lord.

Well, there's
always Edmund.

He's in here
every day.

Did you buy that stuff
for Mrs. McKay?

No, I got it
all right here.

But if it's
a mystery
you're after,

you see this
old bike here,

the chain came off
a couple of months ago.

I still use it
from time to time
but, uh,

only on
the downhills.

But I came out
this morning and--

there's a brand
spanking new
chain on it.

Who did it?

I don't know.

The oar was leaning
in through the open
window by my bed.

I felt a thumping
in my chest!

I thought
I was having
a heart attack.

There's my name
on it there.


That's short
for Cornelius Orsak.

You didn't do
this, did you?


But I still think
it's Alistair,
settling his scores.

This whole thing started
with Alistair McGlochlin,

and everyone seemed
to think he was
behind it.

It's never fun
walking up to
a stranger's house.

Especially when
they're dead.

[metal clanking]

Coming to
the festival tonight?

Of course.

Where have
you been?

I've been looking
for you all day.


We've got to get you
trimmed up for the
festival tonight.

You're looking
a bit woolly yourself.

I've got another one
for you when
you're ready.

[cheerful music,
cheering and clapping]



You're blocking
the Yank's view.
Move yourself.

Oh, like this?

You should be
dancing out there.

I don't think so.

You have to dance
like nobody's watching.

So I heard about your
big scare at Alistair's.

Did you actually
see anyone?


I was just kidding
earlier about
the stones.

I know.

But they did
have to put down
that poor little sheep

you hit with
your wild pitch.


[flute playing]


Champ. Here.


Evening, Peter.

I wouldn't
be smiling
if I were you.

What do you think?


The way I see it
it all started with you
and your blooming horse.

Anyone who
dishonors Alistair

had better be ready
for what's coming
to them.

What exactly are
you suggesting, Peter?

What exactly
am I suggesting?

What exactly
am I suggesting?

Hey, listen everyone!

The pastor
wants to know

what exactly
am I suggesting.

Well, I'll tell you
what I'm suggesting.

I'm suggesting
that it's no accident

that the bell
in the church
belfry has rung

nary a single time
since you got here!

I'm suggesting
that you and
your horse

dishonored the dead
and there'll be
a reckoning for that.

I'm suggesting
that all the glorious
new blessings

around the village
are by Alistair's hand.

And when he's done
balancing the accounts
to the good,

he's coming for you.
T o settle the bad!

He's coming
for you!

That's what
I'm suggesting!

It's the ghost
of Alistair.
I told you!

lfyou've done something
with my horse--

Don't you dare
thr*aten me.

You can preach
all you want,

you think I'm
afraid to put you
in your place?

Peter, please!


[many voices]

There's no ghost.

The pastor's horse
is tied up outside
his house.

I saw it.


T ell your nephew
to hold his tongue.

Is that
the truth?

You have
my horse?

You let me think
she was gone?

You sad old man.

Let it go, Peter.

Recognize this?

That's the mark--
of a dead man.

Come on, Roy.

[dog barks]

Forgive me, Father.


All I've done
is stir things up.

Forgive me
my lack
of restraint.

Send your
spirit, Lord.

Good girl.
Good girl, now.

Good girl.
You're back now.
You're back now.


Someone was
behind this.

And wanted
whatever was inside.

High tide
kept me from
walking in.

But I was going
to get into
that cave.

There was
only one way.



Y eah?

Do you know anything
about Corky's boat?



I said no!


Would there be
anything you
want to tell me?


Evidently some folk saw
you down at Corky's boat
this morning.

I didn't
do anything.

I didn't say
you did.


Make sure to get
all the eyes out.

We don't want
a bitter stew.

[indistinct voices]

Let's have
a look at it.

Even a little cut
if not looked after,

can leave a scar.


I need to talk
to you for
a moment.

Corky needs
a word with you.

I'm sorry.

What rubbish are
you going on about?

An apology?

Seems he's got
some lrish blood
in him after all.



That's the best coat
of tar that boat has
had in years!

It was pretty clear
that someone was
looking out for me.

That someone cared.

It wasn't what
I was used to.

Who did this?

Why would they
do it for me?

All I know is I had
a lot of things
to figure out.

Where's Roy?



Guess what?

Oh, come on!


Oh come on!

I don't know.

Come here.

I just made it.
What do
you think?

I knew
you'd like it.

You want to come
on deliveries with
me tomorrow?


See you then--

Roy Wallace.

What do
you think?

It's peculiar,
that's for sure.

Hey, did you know
the guy who died?

Alistair McGlochlin?

What happened?

No one knows.
He was old.

As old as
Peter McDonald.

He used to sit
on that rock
by the sea.

Rest, pray.

The last time,
he sat there
till they found him.



Here you go.
See you around.

Thank you.

Mrs. McKay?


Who was
here earlier?


An angel.

This table
was falling
apart for ages.

The joke of
the whole village.

Seems sturdy now.

I'm not complaining
for what the good
Lord brought me.

This or
the food.

But I wasn't asking
anyone for charity.

This board's unscrewed.

I think I interrupted
the little cherub
before he finished.

Wait. You
saw it?

Almost. I didn't
want to scare
him off.

Maybe the Lord
will send him
back tonight

to finish
the job.

An angel?

Where's your faith?

This isn't angels.

Come back
tonight if you want
to check yourself.

But if it is
an angel, you
won't see anything.

I'll be there.

[distant thunder]

[clears throat

I'm going out
for a bit.

There's a big
storm coming in.

Not too smart
to be out on
a night like this.

I really have to check
something out
at Mrs. McKay's.

It's important.

Does she know
you're coming?


Well, you're old enough
to make your
own decision.

Be careful, okay?

I took Mrs. McKay
up on her offer.

And hid
in her shed.

If anyone came
near her house that
night, I'd see them.

All I needed was
one good look to
discover who this was.

And to prove
it was no ghost.

Just leave!

You're just
leaving me here?

[female voice]
If you see
anything, boys--

[Roy gasps]

I heard voices
and I come out
to look.


[Roy, shouting]
Where are you?

[Roy, shouting]
Where are you?



I gotta go.

Why did you
leave me?

[overlapping voices]

[Roy shouts]

I'm going after
the boy.



[creaking door closes]

We'll wait here
until the rain stops.

How'd you know
it'd be open?

It always is.

Did you find
what you were
looking for?


Well, what can
you do now?

I don't know.

None of us
is perfect, Roy.

Even people
we love.
That love us.

None of us
get things right
all of the time.

Even hefty lrishmen
that look like me,

that talk too much
and say things
they'll regret.

I heard
them fighting.

I heard my
mom yelling at
my dad, saying

the only reason
she had stayed
so long was because

because of me.

I just want things
to be back to the way
they used to be.

You can't control
what people do,

but you can focus
on your own choices.

And life will get
no simpler,
believe me.

And you don't have
to be alone if you
don't want to be.

You're at your strongest
when you realize you
need to ask for help.

Usually, that's
every day.

Remember that.

Do you have any
good advice for me?

Eat all
your vegetables.


[church bell ringing]

I'd never believed it
if I hadn't seen
it myself.

How did
you fix it?

I didn't.
We just came
in out of the rain.

Did you
see anyone?

Did you?

What are you
waitin' for?

Those bells
haven't rung in
donkey's years.

What did you
do, Pastor?

Nothing but pray.

But some people
say it's ghosts,

and some, angels,

I've never seen
the like of it.


you're still here.

I'm not here
to make guesses.

As you all know,
when I've tried,
it's never turned out.

All I can tell you
is that the Lord works
in mysterious ways.

And if God himself
has chosen to smile
upon this village,

to help us better understand
the needs of our
brothers and sisters,

then, all we
can do is
thank him.


as God's
chosen people,

holy and
dearly loved,

clothe yourselves
with compassion,

kindness, humility,
gentleness and patience.

Bear with each other.

And forgive whatever
grievances you may have
against one another.


as the Lord
forgave you.


I never meant
you any harm.


You wouldn't know
anything about that,
would you?

Wish I did.

However it happened,
I'm happy for you
that it's fixed.

I know I never
had a chance
to know Alistair well,

but that bell
is ringing.

Perhaps God
has forgiven me
for my carelessness.

Can you?

I have an awful lot
of thinking to do.

Excuse me.

Thank you.


Hey, Roy.
Come on in here.

[phone rings]

I'll get it.
Morning, boys.

Try these on.


Do they fit you?

It appears they do.

Standard, I'm sure.


I thought they might help
with your investigating.



You're not giving
up, are you?


Got any ideas?

Eat your vegetables.

Make sure
you're not
missing anything.


I don't know.

Oh, don't worry.
You'll get to
the bottom of this.

Better be quick
about it then.

Your father
just rang.

He'll be
here tomorrow.

T omorrow?


Oh, and Uncle Wallace,
don't wait up.

Who said
I was going to?

You all saw the disgrace done
to our good friend Alistair.

That's the mark
of a dead man.

All I know
is that Alistair

is buried up there,
above the cave.

Somehow, I'd known
from the beginning,

that I'd end
up here.

I could've chosen
to walk away.

To never have
known the truth.

There's always
a choice.

This one
was mine.

Take one
step forward,

then take
one more.


[Roy coughs]


[door creaks shut]

[door creaks shut]


[Roy shouts]

[Abbey screams]



Hello, Roy Wallace.

It was so hard
pretending not
to know anything.

Be glad you
caught us
tonight, detective

or you might
never have solved
your mystery.

We were just
about to close
down operations.

Our parents get
back next week,

and Oscar's
off to college.

So you guys
built all of this?


That was Alistair.

So this was it.
The big secret.

Not what you
were expecting?

When Alistair
was about my age,

he was out
in the field

and he found
this hidden entrance
to the cave.

A shortcut?

He created
this place

and kept it
a secret his
entire life.

So how did you guys
find out about it?

He and his wife
never had
any children.

He wanted
someone to
carry it on.

Carry what on?

The blessings.

That's how
Alistair lived,
for everyone.

He said
we were
all connected.

He often helped out
our family when
times got rough.

Put a new roof on
after the tree
crashed through.

He paid for the doctor
when our mother
got ill.

He never asked
for anything
in return.

Least of
all, credit.

Do good for
its own sake,
he always said.

So when he died,
Abbey had the idea
to do something.

For him,
that's why we did
everything in secret.

Her idea.

The talk of angels
and superstitions,

that was because
of Peter McDonald.

We were in the cave
the night of
the rock slide.

Peter must have
heard us.

Drew his
own conclusions.

You guys let him.

You guys had
half the town
going crazy.

We had to have
some fun with it.

So you guys stole--
or moved the turf?

But it took her
forever to find it.

Then you caught us
finishing the job.

I was sure
you were gonna
catch Oscar.

How did you
guys know

what everyone

That was
the easiest part.
Just look, listen.

Corky's boat?

That was me
that saw you
in the boat.

You scared me
half to death.

Oscar, come quick!

You made it
to the shore
on your own.

How did you guys
know how to fix
the watch?

That one
we paid for.

But we did
have to sneak
in and get it.

You almost caught
us so many times.

Mrs. McKay's shed.

You were so asleep.

Definitely had more
determination than l
gave you credit for.

We should go.

We've got to get
the house clean.

And Alistair's cottage?


We were never
at Alistair's.

You weren't?

I promise.
We were
never there.


Well, then
who was it?



It's alright.



[Roy shouts]

I thought
I might find you here.

Peter McDonald?

Now that
I wasn't expecting.

I heard
you're going
home tomorrow.

Weren't you goin'
to come and
say goodbye?

What do
you want?

I've been
settling things.

I, uh--

I wanted
to thank you.

For calling me
to account for
the pastor's horse.

It was the right
thing to do--

and it
took courage.


You tracked him
all the way in
here for that?

I saw poor Alistair
laid to rest.

But with all
the strange things

that's been happening
in our own village

it's like the poor man
never died at all.

I just want
to know--

About what?

About this.

All connected--
in an eternal loop.


It's the symbol
of the Holy Trinity.

It's the Father,

the Son,

and the Holy Ghost.

Alistair showed us
this mark.

Talked about it
all the time.

It's how I got
the idea.

What idea?

For the blessings.
To leave the mark.

Or part of it.

You children
are responsible
for this?

Did you really
think it was Alistair?

It was.

I found this
the night

you were over
at Alistair's cottage.

I wasn't scared.

I know
you weren't.

Did you know
about this?
What's inside?

You never looked?
Even after?

It was Alistair's.

He said we would know
how to open it
at the right time.

We found some money
at the end of the w*r.

Yeah. Alistair thought
it was a gift from God.

For us to use
to help others.

I thought it was
to help ourselves.

So we divided it.

It was never
the same after.

Then he died.

When I found
this key,

I knew, I just
knew it was
something special.

Forgive me,
old friend.

It's empty.


" I say unto you,

"in as much

"as you have
done it to these

"the least
of my brothers,

you have done
it to me."

He'll have
a good view

in the morning.

So you'll be
leaving then.


I didn't have
time to finish
the other one.

Maybe I could
post it to you.

Dad! This
is Abbey.

Hello, Abbey.


And Oscar.


Well, thanks,
thanks for everything.

I hope he wasn't
too much trouble.

None at all.
It was a
great pleasure.

Roy, we've
gotta go.

You're not gonna miss
your plane, I hope.

Well, we'll be back
soon, I'm sure.

Thanks again.

Come on, Roy,
we've gotta go.

Would you
look at that?

Who's been fixing
things around here?

What? I didn't
fix anything.

You ought to know me
better than that.


[Rob, off]
So here I am.

Is anything
really different?

I'm still me.
I'm here.

This is still
my life.

And it's not
gonna be easy.

But at least
I've discovered

that this world
isn't just about
me anymore.

If I want to,

I can change it.
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