Undead (2003)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Undead (2003)

Post by bunniefuu »

Yes, yes, yes,
we take care of things here.


Well, well, well...

your family has left you with
a bit of a burden, haven 't they?

A property, left to you.

You haven't got any brothers
or sisters, have you?

No, only child, very lucky.

Let me tell you something,
life is full of responsibilities...

Miss Chaplin.

When you inherited your
parents ' property, their farm...

you inherited their responsibilities,
their debts, your debts!

Mate, that chick is a doll.

You know, she is like
untouched country.

No, mate, Aggie is the boss here,
but she is on another call.

I can 't stop apologizing
enough, I really can 't.

Let me put you on to her nephew,
he 's the other boss.


Aggie Whipple 's Charters,
Wayne Whipple speaking.

Yeah, mate.

We can fly you out there, it 's
dry this time of the year though.

I know the lake you're talking
about. What 's wrong with it?

A loony Marion guy
reckons he was abducted.

No, that was months ago.

No, mate, I can assure you
there 's no aliens up there.

No worries, whenever you want
to go, you pay me and I fly you.

No worries, mate. Alright buddy,
I 'll talk to you on Wednesday.

Dickhead, don't be drawing
on my girl, alright?

We here at the firm we take no
pleasure in performing these tasks.

But you knew, you knew!

You knew of our strict policy
on failure of payment!

You failed us.

-I 'm sorry, is there anything...?

-He 's the biggest arsehole ever.
-Excuse me?

Don 't think because it 's your first
day, he 's going to go easy on you.

I would rather go back
to working in a bake shop...

than be that thing's partner.

Come on, Constable, let 's go!
We haven 't got all fuckin ' day!

There's a prang out on South Road,
you can do your f*ckin' nails later!

Good luck.

Hi, Gran, it 's me.

Rene, your granddaughter.

I 'll be in the city tomorrow, okay?

All right?

I need to come and stay
with you for awhile.

No, I can 't stay here.

The farm is gone, Gran.

I know Mum and Dad loved the place.

So did l.

Anyway, I 'm getting a ride.

No, he 's from the city.
Yeah, that agent guy.

Here she comes. I gotta go, mate.
I 'll catch you later.


All the way, Rene, all the way.

Get it all sorted out?

OK, let 's hit the road.

-Come on!
-Come on, kid!

Come on, kid, you nearly
got through me the last time.

By the way, Ruthie...

tell George Earl is taking
the boat out on Sunday.

-That 's great.
-They might have a nice day.

-I 'll tell him.
-Thank you. Bye bye. See you later.

We stay here or
we head up to Oneawelly 's Dam.

-lt 'll be just like last year, mate.

I can 't go up to Silverwood.
Ronnie is at Silverwood.

Ronnie is at Silverwood. Ronnie,
who didn 't have the decency...

to return to me my prized mower.

You prick!

-Let 's go and see him.
-No, mate, no.

You wanted the mower then?

Are you all right?

Bugger me!

You call this ashortcut?

Stay here.

Can anyone hear me?

Don 't you know how to drive,
you wankers?

You drive too close together...

you should always have
two car lengths ahead of you.

Just some chick, mate,
she is really messed up.

I did what I could.

Is there some other road
we can take?


We should have gone right back
to the Warren Ridge turn.

No, you should
have flown us out, Wayne.

Not with those bloody rocks
falling from the sky, Honey.

Everyone's leaving town
on Warren Ridge Road.

With all the traffic and congestion,
believe me, this way's faster.

Can I use your phone?

Those things you saw out there,
that 's only the beginning.


The beginning of the end.

The end of what?

The world, the universe, everything.

God, I hope no one is hurt.

But someone may be hurt.

-I don 't see anyone.
-We have to see if anyone 's hurt!

Stay in the car.

Be careful.

It 's okay, love, don 't move,
we 'll get you help, alright?

What the hell are you doing?

Sally? Shit! Shit!

It doesn 't work.

Dry your hair.

My name is Rene.

Miss Catch of the Day.
I know who you are.

I 've seen you around town, you know.

Let me in, let me in!

Please let me in!

Help me!

Open the door!

Let me in!

About time!

This mad thing, it k*lled Aggie,
punched a hole through her head.

Are you sure she is dead?

Mate, it punched a hole through
her head, what does that tell you?

-Yeah, but is she dead?
-What? Are you fuckin ' nuts?

It was eating her brain.

-lt 's that loon Marion, isn 't it?
-Yes. Do you have a car?

It 's stopped up on the road. Aggie has
the keys, but she doesn 't have a brain!

Police, open the door!

Constable, get out of the way!
Move your f*ck arse now.

What are you? Dumb and stupid?
She said open the fuckin ' door!


When I was a kid, we respected our
parents, we didn 't fuckin ' eat 'em!


It 's all that crack marijuana, fuckin '
hippie, surfie, dole bludging pricks!


Marion? Marion...

you keep those fuckin ' g*ns
pointed at me, pal...

and I 'll finish you off faster than
a birthday cake in a fat chicks ' party!

Drop the g*ns now, sonny.

f*cking now!

k*ll them!

Hon, come on!

Come on! Come on!

f*ck me!

Downstairs, go.

Come on!

Hurry up you bastards, move,
they 're right fuckin ' behind us!

Move you fuckin ' poofters, move it!
Shut the door, you hairy prick!

Shut it, you w*nk*r!

Shut it!

Jesus Christ!


What the hell were those things?
How can they get back up again?

What is this place?

-The only safe place.
-lt 's like a morgue in here!

The only safe place? Can I have
a cup of teawith this fruit cake?

-Everyone try and stay calm!
-Can anyone tell me?

We 're all going to die.

-We 're stuck in this tin can now.
-No one is going to die.

Alright, f*ck it,
just f*cking listen up!

No one is going to die, not today.

Not on my f*ckin' watch!

What about all those dead
pricks dying outside?

Hey, don 't you fuckin ' mess
with me boy, fuckin ' w*nk*r!

Constable, what 's this Dickhead
got your fuckin ' w*apon for?


-Still got a license, big boy?
-lt 's upstairs, want to get it?

Molly, you tell this boy
what 's gonna be.


We haven 't got all fuckin ' day!

Well, until you provide us with a
license for a category H w*apon...

a firearm, including an air p*stol
and a blank-fire firearm...

under 75 cm in length and
a registered g*n club membership...

that complies with the amended
Weapons Act regulations of 1997...

and is signed by a member of the
body of the certifying club...

I will have to confiscate
the g*ns from you.

Give me a f*ckin' reason.
I 'm fuckin ' beggin ' you. Boy!

Good boy. Good boy.

Good boy.

Alright, I 'm the law here, so
you fuckin ' listen to what I say...

when I say it and
we get through this OK.

We got help on the way,
we got help on the way!

So you listen to what I say,
when I f*ckin' say it...

and we'll all be eating Mrs. Welman's
BBQ snags by tomorrow morning.

Mrs. Welman was eaten out
on the road half an hour ago.

You keep fuckin ' messing
with me, boy...

and I 'll straighten you out faster
than a poofter in a fuckin ' rodeo.


The phone doesn 't work.

Give it to me!

Come in, Base.

-Base, please come in
-lt doesn 't work!

-Tracy, do you hear me?
-lt doesn 't work!

-Shut up! Don 't go...
-lt was the storm...

...stopped it all. Mobiles too.
-Constable, calm down.

-Where are the rest of the police?
-They 're on patrol.

They 're all dead, eaten alive.

-I 've never seen anything like this.
-I have.

-What the hell is happening here?
-lt 's an invasion.

You have to be fuckin ' kiddin ' me.

The end of life as we know it.
We are the chosen ones.

The ones who will stand and fight.

It 's getting better,
you've got shits for brains.

-You 're a fuckin ' loonie!
-You have all been sent to me...

...for a reason.
-Will you just shut your fuckin ' mouth?

You dead shit fuckin ' monkey
bag fucker!

These things are brain
eating zombies.

There's no such things as zombies.

So how does it feel, Rene?

How does it feel to be trapped
in this town with the rest of us?

Just leave me alone.

You don 't even look at me
when I speak to you.

That title was mine again. I won
that competition fair and square.

Roping two pigs together isn't a talent
fit for winning Miss Catch of the Day.

No bloody way!

She looked alright, though,
in that outfit she was wearing.

Maybe I don't look as good
as you in a bikini right now...

with Wayne Junior on the way, but...

but I've got asinging voice like an
angel and if you hadn 't cheated...

Come on, Sallyanne, I was broke!
That was the only reason I entered.

...and forget all about
your duties as queen.

You are to preserve the best interest
of the town. That 's your No 1 priority.

Ladies, you need to shut up
with the girlie talk and calm down.

-The situation is under control.
-Help will be here soon.

If you feel scared,
just think of a happy place.

Your folks ' farm always
seemed to make you happy.

-I 'm having a turd of a day.
-Remember when we were kids...

your dad used to swing us on that
tyre he hung from that tree?

We were happy then,
there was room to swing...

but you couldn 't swing
a cat in here!

Thanks, Molly.

I don 't get this,
how do they know where we were?

-They can smell us.

-They want to feed off us.
-We 're like spam in a fuckin ' can...

-Good job!
-Are we safe in here?

No food, too many people.

-And water, where 's your taps?
-No taps down here.

The bottled water is upstairs.

You don 't want to drink
the tap water.


Tap water is t*nk water...

t*nk water is rain water,
the rain is all part of this attack.


And there was this light
coming down from the clouds...

and it was sucking up
bugs and stuff.

Well that explains it, a light coming
down sucking up bugs. Bullshit!

Well, people hallucinate some times
when they panic, I know I do.

It 's probably just the sunlight
coming through the clouds.

That's what it was.

-That was no sunlight.
-And the meteorites falling? I saw that.

The whole town saw that.

Well, I am no weather girl...

but I am sure this kind of thing
happens all the time.

You're a fisherman.

We used to sell these in my store.

Damn things sold better
than the g*ns ever did.

It brings me good luck.

And you call this good luck?

I'm still breathing.

-She's one of them!
-No, she's having a baby!

-What baby?
-Get me to the hospital.

-We have to leave.
-No one leaves until I say so.

-We have to get her out of here.
-We 've got two cops here.

-They know how to deliver a baby.
-That 's right, we do.

-There you go.
-I 'm sure you do, Molly.

See if the cervix is dilated and,
Sergeant, you mop up her water.

We 're out of here!
Molly, get her ready now, do it now!

Alright, we 're leaving, let 's go.

-We must prepare.
-They 're leaving.

-They 'll die, we must stick together.
-We have to take her to the hospital.

That 's a girl.

I 'm staying here.

-We 're leaving.
-Come, slowly.

Come on!

Come on!

We gotta get her going!

God! Let 's get out of here!

You gotta be f*ckin' kiddin' me,
pal! Put it down!

Put the bag down,
get your hands away!

Get your hands away.
Get up, up, up!

-Where is the car?

-How do we get there?
-Through the kitchen.

-Where are the car keys?
-ln the hallway.

-Can we get to them easily?
-Depends on what 's still up there.

Remember, I 'm in charge.

You go first, big guy.


They 're all gone.


The contractions have stopped.

f*ck a dead duck,
you little f*ckin'... f*ck!

These crazy fuckin ' pimply faced
fuckin ' g*ng banger!

fuckin ' come into your fuckin '
house, fuckin ' unin-fuckin '-vited!

Come on!

What 's wrong with fuckin ' youth
fellowship? What 's wrong with it?

f*ck ya, fuckin ' fuckin ', fucker!

All the way, Rene.

Fuckin ' hell,
you fuckin ' piece of shit!


Die, you fuckin ' headless fuckin '
mother fuckin ' piece of shit!

Take the fuckin ' g*ns, Constable!

See you on the other side, sunshine.

Upstairs to the bathroom now!

Get f*cked, prick,
we're heading to the car!

Crap, everyone upstairs now!

Follow me! Follow me!

Backing up! Backing up!


There 's so many of them.

These things won 't die.
I 've never seen anything like it.

sh**t 'em in the brain.

They won 't get back up again.

Garage is down there.

We're still the law here. Nobody goes
down until I've checked it out.

On your bike, Constable.

Go on, get down.

What is it, Constable?

What is it, Constable?

It's clear!

Come on down.

Are you okay?

Are you sure?

Shift your arse, pal,
I 'm driving this shitbox.

Nobody is driving
this shitbox but me.

-Take me to Boongabby Hospital.
-lt 's too far.

I don 't want to go back into town.

Hurry up! Let's go!

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

Just get us out of here!

We 're nearly out of Berkeley now.

Shift your arse, princess.

I 'm watching you.

I feel like I 'm going to throw up.

Me too.

My God.

This can 't be real.

It 's metal.

You know, I don 't get this.

It takes the council 2 years to fix
a pothole in front of my place...

yet they can knock this up
in a couple of days.

This ain 't no council job, Waynie.

Maybe those things built it.


What do you reckon built it then?

I 've never seen anything
like this before.

I saw a pineapple twice the size of
awatermelon, but nothing like this.


Here we go again with your crazy-arse
alien story. The whole town...

...is sick of it!
-They 're not aliens...

they 're zomies, okay?

We should go back in the van.

That 's really gonna help, Wayne.

-Well, what do you reckon?
-We just gotta think calmly.

My God.
We 're trapped.

We 're all gonna die!
We 're all gonna die!

Nobody is dying today,
not on my watch!

We 're okay.

I 'm gonna fuckin ' climb it.

-What? You don 't even know how it is.
-This is not in discussion!

No way are we going back.

Maybe there 's an opening
further down.

We 're all fenced in.

Dead set?

Can I have a look?

Doesn 't matter,
I climb the poofter here.

Sir, do you think that 's such a good
idea? You don 't look real well.

-Who the f*ck is in charge here?
-You don 't know what 's inside it.

And what about that help
you said was coming?

Constable, collect all their
weapons and hold on to them...

till my return.

Good luck, mate.

I need you to relinquish
your weapons.

Jesus Christ, you 're taking
your sweet time, aren 't you?

The Storm.

It 's gonna rain.

It 's the rain.
I 've seen it.



It 's gonna rain.

Just get in the car.

Come, Molly,
we have to get in the car.

Babe, you 're smoking!

Pour this on me!

Take it, take it, hon.

No, she is one of them!

We have to help him.

f*ck him!

He 's gone, let 's go.

Come on!

-Are you burnt?
-No, it doesn 't burn, it 's weird.

Take it.

Molly turned into
one of those things.

You must have seen her.

Who the hell is that?

It's another one of those zombies.

Let 's get out of here.
Come on, let 's go!

I wanna go!

Hey, Nutbag, drive.

I can 't take this anymore,
it 's just one monster after another.

Aliens, we must fight them.

Like hell we must!
Keep driving.

I just want to go home.

I 'm having a baby.

Molly turned into
one of those things.

-What are you talking about?
-She was normal when I saw her.

Look, I know what I saw.

Fine, Molly turned into
a flying zombie, wonderful!

More importantly, what the hell
was that thing back there?

You reckon it was one of those
Aliens you have been talking about?

-Can't remember what they look like.
-We 're gonna die.

Well, think, it could have been
any poor bastard back there.

I just want my Mum.

-There's gotta to be another way out.
-Damn, skippy, we 're flying out.

What makes you think
things are better over that wall?

-lt couldn 't be any worse.
-Listen to him...

if we go over the wall,
we should go prepared.

-What do you suggest?
-Well, we need supplies and stuff...

...we should stop in town first.
-We should go straight to the airfield...

because those things
could be everywhere.

No, no. Honey, she is right,
we should go back into town.

-This is crazy.
-All right.

Alright, take us into town.

Maybe they all got out in time.

No, we left town
long before anyone else.

Right, get out.

Just stay there.
Can you see anyone?

-You want to get out of here, right?
-Of course.

Watch him, make sure
he doesn 't do anything stupid.

And we 'll go in there.

Babe, give that g*n to Rene.

-No way, I'm not giving it to her.

Give that g*n to Rene,
I give you mine.

Good girl.

Alright, stick close to me.

Let 's shop.

It 's warm.
Tastes like camel piss.

Ropingtwo pigs together isn't a talent
fit forwinning Miss Catch of the Day!

You know, you act crazy.

I 'm just doing what I must do.

Why do you believe
you must do anything?

You know why.

-That Alien story of yours.
-Yes, I was att*cked.

-I 've heard that story before.
-No, you haven 't.

I was almost eaten
by their k*ller fish.

It all seems so crazy.

Giant walls, acid rain, zombies.

Crazy has definitely
come to this town for avisit.

After the fish attack
they abducted me.

I must have fought
them off somehow...

I can't remember how,
but they threw me back to earth.

Not only did I survive
the fish attack and the abduction...

I walked away without ascratch.

It 's a gift, a power I have.

I must use it to fight,
but I can 't do it alone.

There is no one left but us four.

Jesus Christ, Babe, could you make
any much fuckin ' noise?

The other two are heading down
the same track as the cops.

Think about what you 've just seen.

I am not crazy, the strongest ones
are always the last ones left.

you have the same strength I have.

I don 't feel strong,
I feel sick again.

I think the infection
is in the air now.


But time is short,
so you'd better ask yourself

Are you a fighter, Fish Queen?
Or are you zombie food?

I just want things
to be back to normal again.

-I want my farm back.
-Then take it back.

Take the whole town back.

Alright, let 's go.


-Stop, save your b*ll*ts.
-Mate, where did you hide those?

Go, go!

Come on, let 's go.

Come on!

Get in, get in!
Come on!

Come on, come on,
the loopy prick 's gone. Get in!

Come on.


It 's the rain, get your coat off.

Rene, come on!

-You stay here, alright?
-No, Wayne, please don 't go.

I 'll be back, alright?

-What are you doing?
-We need this stuff.

Here, take this.


Come on!

Come on!

Who are you, what 's going on?


Come on!



I 'm over the wall!

-We have an expl*si*n.
-Roger. Going to investigate.

Send helpover here.
I' ve found a body.

We need assisance,
We need assisance!

Over here!
There's somebody over here!

We've found a body,
looks like a police officer.

-There's nobody else?
-We' ve found one victim...

Iooks like the pilot.

Stay behind the barricades.

If you go through the barricade,
you'll be shot.

If you go through the barricade
you Will be shot!

We Will open fire!

The Army is preventing anyone
from entering or leaving...

the town of Berkeley.

Those who broke through
the blockade this morning...

are now quarantined along with
the rest of the town's residents.

It is believed that fragments
from the Nierle comet...

created a meteor shower
over the township.

No evidence of the alleged plague
sweeping through the town...

has been reported since
the departure of the Alien craft.

At this point we can confirm
that Berkeley...

is the only community to be
bombarded with these fragments.

It 's a boy.

-He 's fine.

I 'm sure Wayne will be okay.

Nurse, nurse!

I 've been shot.
Someone shot me!

Someone shot me!

Someone shot me!

All those people...

they wouldn 't have died
if we didn't sh**t them.

I think you are forgetting
the whole thing...

when they were trying to rip off
our heads and suck out our brains.

Your wounds from the fish attack
that magically heeled...

the rain did that, didn't it?

Aliens are the saviours, not us.

One day you 're out on your boat,
you get att*cked by zombie fish.

They munch at your face...

Iike you are the main course
at a crazy country boy buffet.

You walk away,
tell the town your story...

they think you 're mad,
everyone thinks you 're mad.

You think I 'm mad.

-No, you 're not mad.
-lt happens again...

this time it 's not zombie fish,
it 's zombie Berkeley.

But this time I 'm prepared.

I 'm ready to fight whatever
they can throw at me.

Still, I wasn 't strong enough.

The strongest ones are always
the last ones left.

If that 's not me, it must be you.

I 'm just a Fish Queen,
nothing more.

If that was the case, you wouldn 't
have battled the Undead and lived.

You would have been the entree
on asmorgasboard of brain food.

Take care, Marion.

-Brings me good luck.
-You callthis good luck?

The outbreak moved faster
this time.

It spread so quickly,
it couldn't be stopped.

It spread beyond Berkeley
and across the country.

Those that I could save from
the Medical Centre are here now.

At least for the time being.

The last couple of months
have been nothing but clear skies.

The Aliens haven't come back,
maybe some daythey Will.

Until then,
I must contain the infection.

Sallyanne said that my first duty
as Catch of the Day winner...

is to preserve the best interests
of the town.
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