Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)

Post by bunniefuu »

[ rousing theme playing]

[ intriguing theme playing]

[ passengers conversing

[ man on PA speaking German]

MAN [ on PA]: Attention.

Please prepare
for docking procedure.

[ speaking German]

[ majestic theme playing]

[ zeppelin engines power down]

[ speaking German]

[ speaking German]

[ speaking German]

[ speaking German]

[ typewriter clatters]

[ typewriter bell rings]

[ typewriter bell rings]

[ intercom buzzes]

WOMAN [ on intercom]: There's a
package for you, Miss Perkins.

They didn't leave a name.

Said it was important. Thank you.

[ man clears throat]

I don't like this business

you're getting yourself into.

I'll be just fine,
Mr. Paley.

You know what
a careful girl I am.

I move my mouth, words come out,
you don't hear.

I'm late for a movie.

I don't like it
when you smile at me.

You don't like my smile?

I don't like
what's behind it.

Listen, Polly,
six scientists are missing,

probably dead.

Now, somebody out there
means business.

I don't want you
in the middle of it.

It's only a movie,
Mr. Paley.

I'll bring you
some popcorn.

[ majestic theme playing]

Toto, I have a feeling
we're not in Kansas anymore.

We must be over the rainbow.

You sent me this?

Who are you?

What's this
all about, Mr.--?


Dr. Walter Jennings.
I'm a research chemist.

I specialize
in nucleic-acid emissions.

The bonding enzymes
in proteus molecules which--

The missing scientists.
You said you knew who was next.

Yes, I--

I have a deadline
to meet, doctor.

I was one
of seven scientists

chosen to serve
in a secret facility

stationed outside
of Berlin

before the start
of the First World w*r.

It was known only as
Einheit Elf,"Unit 11."

We agreed never to discuss
what went on behind those doors.

The things we were made
to do there...

Terrible things.

I shouldn't
have come.

Now I know
we're not in Kansas.

Are you a good witch
or a bad witch?

Doctor, you said you knew
who was next.


Don't you see?

There is only one left.

Who? Who is it, doctor?


He's coming for me.

[ sirens wail]

Who? Who's coming?


It's Totenkopf.



Right over there!

MAN: What is it?

MAN [ on speakers]:
All citizens, attention.

New York City
must be evacuated at once.

Proceed in an orderly manner
to the East River Drive.

All members of the police
and fire department

on leave or off duty

shall report immediately
to their precincts

or company command.

This is urgent.

[ phone rings]

Editor Paley.POLLY: Mr. Paley.

It's me, Polly.Polly, what's going on?

They're calling
for midtown to evacuate.

Listen, Mr. Paley,
I don't have much time.

I need you to dig up anything
you can on a Dr. Walter Jennings

and someone named Totenkopf.

An address, a phone number,
anything you can find.

It's important.

Totenkopf. Who is he?

He may have something to do
with the missing scientists.

Quick as you can.

Polly, listen to me.
I want you to get out of there.

I want you to put the phone
down, close your notepad

and get the hell out of there.

Wait a minute.

I can see something now coming
into sight above the Palisades.

They're crossing Sixth Avenue.

Fifth Avenue.

They're a hundred--
They're a hundred yards away.

Polly. Polly!

Oh, my God.

Polly![ machine g*ns firing]



[ machine g*ns firing,
people screaming]

[ blows whistle]

Stop! Come back!

[ heavy pounding]


[ policemen yelling]

Get out of here!
Get out of here!

They've broken through
the perimeter.

Send reinforcements.

Send everything
you've got!

Emergency protocol 90206.
Calling Sky Captain.

Come in, Sky Captain.

Repeat. Calling Sky Captain.
Come in, Sky Captain.

This is an emergency
protocol, 90206.

Calling Sky Captain.
Sky Captain, do you read?

Calling Sky Captain.
Come in, Sky Captain.

This is an emergency
protocol, 90206.

Calling Sky Captain.
Sky Captain, do you read?

Repeat. Calling Sky Captain.
Come in, Sky Captain.

This is Sky Captain.
I'm on my way.

[ dramatic theme playing]

Oh! Oh.



[ pulsating hum builds]



ANNOUNCER: Further details of the attack continue to pour in.

The central portion
of the city

is blacked out
from radio communication

due to damaged power lines
and electrical failure.

Cables received from English, French and German news agencies

now confirm the attack
was not limited to the city.

The BBC is reporting

that a steel mill in Nuremberg

was virtually excavated

by what witnesses describe
as a mechanized tornado.

News agencies
in Paris and Madrid

speak of strange
burrowing machines

rising from the ground,

robbing entire communities of their coal and oil reserves.

with military resources

stretched thin
across the globe,

world leaders
must once again call upon

the elite mercenary forces
of Sky Captain

and his army-for-hire

to uncover the meaning
of these mysterious events.

Where's Dex?

[ hangar buzzer sounding]


I thought you said
this thing was big.

Can I have it?

You find out
where it came from,

and I'll buy you one
for Christmas.

Oh, I need to show you

I recorded this signal

just before
the first machine appeared.

I didn't think anything of it
until I played it back.

[ oscillating sound whines]

Morse code?

See, that's what
I thought at first,

but the syntax
is more complex than that.

There's a sub-carrier hidden
in the lower frequency.

I think it's being used
to control them.

If it shows up again,
could you track it?

I can try, yeah.

Good boy, Dex.

In the meantime, see what you
can do with that thing.

Find out
what makes it tick.

You don't mind, do you?I don't mind.

I wanna know
where it comes from, Dex.

Who sent it here.

MAN [ on radio]: Switch to
map coordinate 69 SW by 49 E.

[ sighs]

[ cracks neck bones]

Tummy ache?

How you been, Joe?

Miss me?

Get out.

Well, it's nice to see you too.

Dex said you might be
in a mood.


Get in here!

It's been three years,

You're not still mad
at me, are you?

Can't even remember

what we were
fighting about.

You sabotaged my plane.


I spent six months
in a Manchurian sl*ve camp

because of you.

They were gonna cut off
my fingers.


for the last time,

I didn't sabotage
your damn airplane.

All so you could get
a photograph of Tojo Hideki

in his bathrobe, remember?

You know,
I'm starting to think

that you've invented
this whole sabotage nonsense

to cover the fact that
you were running around on me

with your
little mystery girl

the whole time
we were in Nanjing.

Never happened.
All in your imagination.

Who was she, Joe?
What was her name?

That's enough.

What are you gonna do?

sh**t me?

Oh, great.
We all made up.

It's been
a pleasure, Polly.

Let's do it again
in ten years.

Escort Miss Perkins
off the base, Dex.

If she resists, sh**t her.

Hi, Polly.
Hi, Dex.

I gotta...It's okay, hon, I know.


It's just as well.

I guess you wouldn't have been
interested in this, anyway.

Where did you get that?

There's more
where this came from.

Lots more.

[ laughs]

I want that blueprint, Polly.

I want this story, Joe.

And you're gonna help me get it.

Maybe we should show her, Cap.
Maybe she can help.

Show me what?

[ sighs]

Show me what?

My God. What is this?

Where do they
come from?

They started appearing
three years ago

in remote areas.

We managed to keep it
a secret until now.

They show up
without warning,

they take what they need,

and then they disappear
without a trace.

Three years and we still
can't explain what they want

or who's sending them here.

POLLY: A man came to see me
today, a scientist.

He was terrified.
Said someone was coming for him.

I asked him who he was so afraid
of, and he repeated one name:


He nearly went white
when he said it.

Totenkopf, who is he?

He's the invisible man.

I've been through
every library record twice

for anything.

I've called
every contact I have

from Paris to Bangkok.

This is the only thing
I could dig up.

He ran some kind

of secret science unit
outside of Berlin

before the start
of World w*r I.

Something called Unit 11.

It's been
more than 30 years

since anyone
has spoken his name.

Until today.

Note the insignia

he used
for the unit.

It matches the markings
on all of these machines.

The scientist,
where is he now?

We're in this together,
right, Joe?

Nothing gets published

until I say so.

You don't write
a sentence

or take a photograph
without asking me first.



[ shutter clicks]

[ thunder crashes]

[ laughs]


I missed you.

Thanks for saving my life
today, by the way.


Were you down there?

You missed me too. How nice.

POLLY: This is it.
This is Jennings' lab.

[ thunder rumbles]

Dr. Jennings?

It's Polly Perkins.

[ knocks on door]

Dr. Jennings!

It's locked.

That window there.

I may be able to get in
through that window

if I can attach a line...

[ glass shatters]

It's open.

[ mysterious theme playing]

POLLY: We're too late.
Someone beat us here.

[ thunder crashes]

[ elephant trumpets]

[ elephant trumpets]

[ elephant trumpets]

All right, Polly...

no more games.

What the hell
is going on?

I was hoping
you could tell me.

[ clattering]

[ dramatic theme playing]

POLLY: Dr. Jennings!

You must stop him!

[ rustling]

[ whispers]:
Stay here.


I don't wanna hurt you.

Miss Perkins.

I'm here, doctor.

I'm going to
get you some help.

You must promise.

If Totenkopf
finds them,

the countdown
will begin.

This world shall end.

I don't understand, doctor.
Find what?


He's dead.

I think
I found something.

Dr. Jennings
had this with him

this morning
at the theater.

[ siren wailing]

I'd better get back
to the base.

I'm coming with you.

Of course you are.

[ tense theme playing]

[ tires screech]

Reconnaissance picked up

something on radar
traveling at over 500 knots

and coming straight
for us.

How long before
they reach us?

MAN: There!

Get my plane ready.
I'm going up.

[ dramatic theme playing]

What are you doing?

I'm coming with you.

Don't be stupid.

Remember what happened
last time you flew with me?

We had a deal.

This is not
a game, Polly.

People are gonna die.

You are not
leaving me, Joe.

Not this time. This is
my story, and we had a deal!

MAN: Go, go, go!

Get in.

There you are.

[ bleeping]

Cap, this is Dex,
do you read me?

Hang on, Dex,
I'm a little busy.

Come in, Dex.

Look, whatever you do,
don't sh**t!

Uh, okay.

You shot it, didn't you?

Yes. Listen, Cap.

The signal's coming
from one of those machines.

You gotta keep them
in one piece.

Which machine is it, Dex?

There's no way
of telling.

It could be any one of them.

I think I found it,

Wait, Cap,
I'm losing the signal.

It's heading for the city.

Don't let it get away.

I need you to bounce
that signal back to me.

If we lose it now,
we may never get it back.

You let me know when
you've got something, Dex.

I'll let you know. Out.

All right, I want
a full-spectrum sweep

of every incoming signal.

Amplify any variant
frequency cycle

and route them to me.

POLLY: They've come back
for the generators.

Who is this guy?

You okay?


There's a bottle
of Milk of Magnesia

under the seat
if you need it.

I'm fine.

You don't look so good.

Pull up!

I see it!

POLLY: It's getting away.

[ bleeping]

I lost the signal, Cap.

I'll find him, Dex.
Sit tight.

Go left.

Sit back, Polly.

There's a shortcut
down Broadway.

You can catch him

on 42nd Street.

I know these streets
like the back of my hand.

Go left!

[ horn honks]



Okay, okay, now go straight.

No, no, no, go right! When?

Back there.

I could use a little more
warning next time.

Go left!


[ Polly squeals]

Tell me you got something,

We're getting clobbered
up here.

It's no picnic
down here either, Cap.

Hang in there,
I've almost got it.


Dex! We can't hold them
off any longer!

I'm almost there.

We have to evacuate now!

Go ahead without me.
I'm right behind you.


Okay, turn left
at the drugstore.

Left again.

We're going around in

Will you just trust me?

Go left!

It's a dead end.

That's not supposed
to be there.

It's a dead end!

There's no way out!

Oh, bugger.


[ gasps]

There's the lead ship.

Shortcut! Ha!

I got us here, didn't I?

Dex. Dex!

Thirty seconds, Cap,
that's all I need.

Thirty seconds.

Plus or minus.

Listen, I'll try
and take them out

over the water,
buy us some time.


Still glad you came?

Joe, I found it! Joe!

JOE: Dex, come in.
Where is it?

[ groans]

Come in, Dex.
Are you there? Dex?

Dex, do you read me?

Dex, are you there?

[ suspenseful theme playing]

[ groans]

I can't outrun them
much longer.

Hold on.

POLLY: Joe, what are you doing?
You're heading straight down!

You're gonna k*ll us!

I know what I'm doing.
Just hold on.

We're going too fast.
We're not gonna make it.

Joe, you have to pull up!

Pull up!

We went underwater.

Dex rigged it up.

Got the idea from one
of his comic books.

You mean, you knew this
the whole time,

and you let me think
we were gonna crash?

I thought
we were gonna die!

You should have
said something!

Look, Polly,

it was your idea
to tag along, not mine.

If you can't take it,
that's not my fault.

Oh, I can take it.

I can take anything
you dish out.


Because that was nothing.

Dex, come in.

Do you read me?

Do you read me, Dex? Copy.

[ dramatic theme playing]




[ clattering and whirring]

They're everywhere.

Joe, look out!

[ groans]

[ high-pitched whining]

[ pulsating humming]


Why would Totenkopf
do this?

Why Dex?
It doesn't make any sense.

He was looking
for something.

Dex said he knew where the
transmission was coming from.

He must have got
too close.

He was trying to tell me


Good boy, Dex.

[ pensive theme playing]

These journals belong
to Dr. Vargas.

He must have passed them
on to Dr. Jennings

before his

My God.


"Totenkopf was awarded
his first patent

"when he was 12 years old.

"By 17, he had already
received two doctorates

"and was one of the most highly
regarded minds of his day.

"One year after
his disappearance,

"ominous rumors
began circulating.

"Whispers that Totenkopf
had begun work

"on what was darkly hinted
to be a doomsday device.

"Efforts to locate him
have consistently failed,

"and to this day, his
whereabouts remain a mystery.

"Even less is known
about his companion,

an assassin who controls
his machines."

She's the one
who took Dex.

What else?

These are Unit 11
supply logs.

This is everything he's used
his machines to collect

for the last three years,

including generators
from the city.

It reads like a shopping list
from all over the world.

What have you been up to,

It'll be all right, Joe.

Dex can look after himself.

We'll find him.

[ dramatic theme playing]

[ speaking Tibetan]


My old friend Joe.

So glad to see you

It's good
to see you too, Kaji.

This is Polly Perkins.

She'll be coming with us.

Nice to meet you.

Kaji, did you get
the maps I needed?

Yeah, they're inside.

Did you get a little
something for me?

Of course.

Three cases,
just like you asked.

Vienna sausages.
My God, it's been so long.


how's your Tibetan?

[ speaking Tibetan]

[ laughs]

Come, I'll show you
the maps.

How well do you know him?Kaji?

He's old legion.


I don't trust him.

That's funny, he said
the same thing about you.

Here. Get changed.

Your clothes stay behind.

You won't be needing
high heels where we're going.

[ ominous theme playing]

Dex tracked the signal
to here,

this valley
north of Karakal.

This is where
the transmission originated.

Why is there
no writing here?

What is this place?


You know it?

It is forbidden.

It's said to be the source

of the Kalachakra,
Tibetan magic.

Those who live there

are said to have
supernatural powers.

You can get us there,

can't you?

No one has ventured
this far.

It's very dangerous.

Shambhala is said
to be protected

by the priests of
the Kalachakra lamasery.

If they find us there,
they will k*ll us.

Why? Why is this place
so special?

Shambhala is known
by many names.

To the Hebrew, it is Eden.

To the ancient Greek,

it was Empurios.

You may know it
as Shangri-la.

[ speaking Tibetan]

A storm is coming.

If you still wish to go,

we must go now.

I need to send a message.

[ indistinct voices
on transmitter]

[ transmitter beeps]

Editor Paley, this may be

the last message
you receive from me.

We've tracked
a radio signal to Nepal

in search of Dr. Totenkopf.

The story grows stranger
at every turn.

Clues about a countdown.
But to what, I don't know.

I fear time
is running out.

With any luck,

I'll be back soon
with Dex and the story.

I hope. Polly Perkins.

[ majestic theme playing]

This is where
civilization stops.

A blank on the map.

We must be careful
from here.

[ calling in Tibetan ]


[ ominous theme playing]

What is it?

It looks like
a mining outpost.

Something bad
happened here.

Seems to be abandoned.

Tell your men
we're heading down.

[ speaking Tibetan ]

I want a closer look.

[ Geiger counter
clicking rapidly]

What is it,


The whole mine's

We can't stay here. Let's go.

Where's Polly?


Miss Perkins?

We'll have to
split up.

[ Polly screams]


Let her go.

Give me the vials
and the girl will live.

What vials?
What are you talking about?

I will not ask
a second time.

Drop the g*n.

I told you, I don't know
what you're talking about.

You'll just have to k*ll us. As you wish.


Wait. Wait.

I'm sorry, Joe.

Goodbye, my friends.
Your journey ends here.

I was going to
tell you, Joe.

You have to believe me.

What was in those vials?

I don't know.

You expect me
to believe that?

I'm telling the truth, Joe.

Dr. Jennings gave them
to me just before he died.

He said that
the world would end

and the countdown
would begin

if Totenkopf got his hands
on them.

[ grunts]

You've done nothing but lie
to me from the beginning.

Okay, I'm a liar.

But I don't exaggerate.
That is what he said.

That was what Totenkopf
was looking for.

That's why he took Dex.

I'm sorry.

I never meant
for any of this to happen.


[ sizzling noise]

Do you hear that?


[ sizzling noise intensifies]

That noise again.


What are you doing?

Come on!

Oh, great.

We're safe.

Polly, this may be
our last moment together.

There's something
I need to ask you.

Yes, Joe?

Did you cut my fuel line?

Damn it!

I didn't sabotage
your lousy airplane!


Our last moments
on earth,

and this is all
you have to say to me?

Could we just for once die
without all this bickering?

There you are.
Why did you lock the door?


My film.

Polly, leave it!

There's no time!



My clothes.

What are you doing in here?
Get out.

Get out!

Not unless you have some pants
hidden under there for me.

Oh, don't tell me you're--


You can say it,

This isn't funny,

Where are we?

What happened to us?
Where are our clothes?

Stop looking at me
like that.

Like what?

Turn around, Joe.

I'm serious.
Turn around.

Hi, Joe.

[ door opens]

[ speaking Tibetan]

Ask him what he did
with our clothes.

[ speaking Tibetan]

[ speaking Tibetan]

The clothes
are burned.

Burned? Why?

[ speaking Tibetan]

[ speaking Tibetan]

He says the mine
is poisonous.

Our clothes were infected.

[ speaking Tibetan]

He says he's arranged
for a guide

to lead us back down
the mountain.

He will take us there
once we are dressed.

We appreciate that.

But explain to him
we are here to find a man.

[ speaking Tibetan]

[ speaking Tibetan]

He says we must leave
before it is dark.

There's nothing more
he can do for us.

It's very important
we find this man.

[ Kaji speaking Tibetan]

His name
is Totenkopf!

[ speaking Tibetan]

He says, what do you want
with this man?

I've come to
k*ll him.

And to find
my friend.

[ Kaji translating]

[ speaking Tibetan]

He says
he will help you.

What do you think?

[ laughs]

I think they burned
the wrong clothes.

You said I couldn't bring
anything else.

I think you look like
a woolly mammoth.

They're waiting for us.

The priest says

that Totenkopf
enslaved his people,

made them work in the mine,
but the mine was poisonous.

Those who did not die
right away

were brought here
for him to study.

Where is Totenkopf now?

He does not know.

Only that Totenkopf is gone,
many years ago.

POLLY: I can't believe
this is happening.

I only have
two sh*ts left.

We're in Shangri-la
and all I have is two sh*ts.

Everything I had
was in that bag.

You should have let me go back
for my film.

You're right,
I should have.

So where's he taking us?

To meet the only living survivor
of Totenkopf's experiments.

What experiments?

[ soft piano music playing,
noise and hiss on recording]

Ask him,
where is Totenkopf?

Tell him it's important
we find him.

[ speaking Tibetan]

[ speaking Tibetan weakly]

He wants to know why.
Why do you seek Totenkopf?

To make him pay
for what he has done.

[ translating]

[ speaking Tibetan]

His staff.

He's asking
for his staff.

He says, follow Rana.

The staff
will lead you there

to Totenkopf.

Rana? Is there such a place?

[ speaking Tibetan]

He says now that he has
helped you, you must help him.

Of course. Anything.

[ translates]

What do you want?

k*ll me.

Have you looked at this?

There's markings on it,
like a ruler.

And there's a moon
and a star.

And all I ask
Is a tall ship

And a star
To steer her by

A star.

He wasn't talking
about a place,

he was talking
about a star!

Rana is a star.

Ancient sailors
used to navigate

by using the night sky.

They could determine
their position

by the moon and the stars.

The Vikings

were known to create maps
for certain stars,

latitude tables that required
a key to decipher them.

The key was called
Jacob's staff.

This has to be the key!

You mean this could
really work?

You could really
find Totenkopf

with this thing?

We do things a little
different nowadays.

All we needed to know
was where to look.

What's the date?

March 2.

March 2.

Using Karakal Plateau
as our assumed position...

March 2...

Rana is at
latitude 20.40.

Right ascension,

Declination, minus 10.60.

There's nothing there.

Are you sure
you did it right?

I'm sure.

If the old man was right,

that's where Totenkopf is now.

Dead center in the middle
of nowhere.

What's that point

That's where we
run out of fuel.

Oh, great.

So how do we get there?



Frank Cook.
An old buddy of mine.

Runs a mobile reconnaissance
outpost for the Royal Navy.

If I can get a message
to them,

I may be able to arrange a
rendezvous at these coordinates.

And what if they don't
get the message?

Franky's never let me down.
They'll be there.

They'll be there.

Is that light supposed to be on?

Relax, Polly,
everything's fine.

[ engine splutters]

POLLY: We're out
of fuel, aren't we?

Buckle up.

JOE [ on radio]:
Manta Station, do you read me?

Where are you, Franky?

What are you doing?

You can't land this
in the middle of nowhere.

JOE: I'm not.

I'm landing it on that.

What is it?

It's a mobile airstrip.

Dex had a hand
in designing it.

It's kind of a secret.

You can keep a secret,
can't you, Polly?


I can keep a secret.

Two sh*ts.

MAN [ on radio]: Permission
to land on platform 327.

Maintain your present course.

Copy, 327.

Welcome aboard, captain.

Joseph Sullivan.

I was sure
you'd be dead by now.

[ laughing]

It's good to see you too,

This had better
be important,

or one of us

is in trouble.

It's important.

[ Polly grunts delicately]


What is that?

You be nice.

Commander Cook,
meet Polly Perkins.

Polly Perkins.

I've heard so much
about you.

It's a pleasure to finally
meet the competition.

It's been a long time since
Nanjing, hasn't it, Joseph?

So, Franky,

I hear you've been
having trouble

with that number-three

or at least you
were last time--

[ alarm buzzes]

Commander, we're tracking
six enemy submersibles

bearing 30 degrees

Who wants
to k*ll you now?

MAN [ on PA]:
Man your battle stations.

All hands on deck. Follow me.

Take us to 10,000 feet
and deploy countermeasures.

Yes, commander.

Reconnaissance located an island

of our current position.

It is not, however,
on any of our charts.

That has to be him.

That has to be who?

What have you got me
into this time, Joseph?

Nothing you can't handle,

Polly, try not
to touch anything.

Enemy warships

bearing 316, mark 4.

Closing fast.

Give me a visual.

Launching radio imager.

We're receiving
a signal.

On-screen now.


Commander, we've lost power
to the forward rotors.

We're losing altitude.

All engines, reverse full.
Get us out of here.

Francesca, you've got to
get me on that island.

I'm not about to risk
the lives of my men

for one of your
silly antics.

He's got Dex.

Rescind order!

You'll never make it
from the air.

We have to find you
another way.

JOE: There's a tidal flow on
the eastern face of the island.

It's too deep.

We're not rated
past 300 meters.


...this area here,

there's an undersea inlet
at the southern tip

and it runs beneath
the entire length of the island.

That is your only way in.

Everything else is sheer rock
to the edge of the water.

What about those machines?
How do we get past them?

Leave that to me.

Alert the amphibious squadron.

[ alarm buzzes]

MAN [ on PA]: Report to main station carrier.

[ men shouting]



I can't hear you, Polly.

You'll have to speak up.

FRANKY [ on radio]:
Keep your nose up, Joseph.

You always were bad
at the short takeoff.

Keep up, Franky.

I don't wanna have to
come back for you.

I thought your takeoff
was just fine.

Thank you, Polly.

So you heard that,
did you?

Manta leader to Manta team,

impact in ten seconds.

to amphibious mode.

Impact in five,
four, three,




You remember our milk run
over Shanghai, don't you?

We had the target buttoned up

and he was jinxing in the flak.

Pops a rivet,
thinks he's taken a hit.

And started yelling:

"Protect the rabbits!" "Protect the rabbits!"

"Protect the rabbits!" "Protect the rabbits!"

[ Joe and Franky laugh]

Enemy target

spotted four points
to the right.

Depth, 1,600.

Look sharp.

Joe, watch out!

[ grunts]

Joseph, there's the inlet.

I see it.

Get ready
to make a run for it.

We're about to clear you a path.

Hold on, now, Polly.

Hold on.

Manta leader to Manta team,

arm cluster torpedoes
and stick close

to element formation.


Joseph! Pull up!

Joseph, it's still alive.

Do you hear me?


Do you hear me?

POLLY: What is it? Do you hear me? Pull up!

The rudder's jammed.
I can't steer.



JOE: Thank you, Franky.

That was close.Get ready to make a run for it.

You're only going to have
one shot at this.

Franky, what are you doing?
This is no time to show off.

POLLY: She's heading
straight for it.On my mark.

JOE: She's going to ram it.POLLY: It's su1c1de.

Franky, pull up.


Pull up, Franky.



You're all clear.

Good luck, Joe.

Thank you, Franky.
We'll take it from here.

She's some kind of girl.

Yes, I know.

I'm taking us up.

[ wildlife chirping,

[ intriguing theme playing]


[ leaves crunch]

[ animal twitters]

What is it?

JOE: One of
Totenkopf's creatures.

[ animal calls]

You're not
gonna photograph that?

I've only got
two sh*ts left.

Who knows what's
waiting for us out there.

Suit yourself.

There's a clearing up ahead.
Totenkopf can't be far.

[ roars]





Oh, great.

Come on!


Come on!

Are you mad?

Are you completely insane?

You could have gotten
yourself k*lled!

[ sniffles]


It's okay.
No, it isn't.

I didn't mean--I shot the ground!


When we were running,
I shot the ground.

[ laughing]

It isn't funny.

I only have one shot left.

One shot!

[ Joe continues chuckling]


What is it with you
and that stupid camera, anyway?

You gave it to me.

You don't even remember,
do you?

You were flying with
the American volunteers

in Nanjing,

I was covering
the evacuation of Shanghai.

I remember.

Joe, I wanna
ask you something

and I want you
to tell me the truth.

I don't care one way
or the other, I swear.

I just need to know.

The girl in Nanjing
was Franky, wasn't it?

Polly.How long were you seeing her?

Look me in the eyes.

I never fooled around
on you.


I sabotaged your plane.

Three months.
I knew it!

I can't believe I ever
trusted you, you lousy--

[ machinery rumbling]

He's here.


You all right?

Through there.

[ clanking]

[ gasps]

Through there.

[ bats screeching]

[ tense theme playing]

[ majestic theme playing]

[ elephant trumpets]

[ lion growls]

[ monkeys screech]

My God, Joe.

It's an ark.

He's building
an ark.

What are you doing?

You honestly think

you're gonna find
something more important

than every single creature
on Earth being led two by two

inside a giant rocket ship?

I might.

Like what?I'll know when I see it.

[ machinery grinds]

[ monkeys screeching]

[ voice on PA speaks

VOICE [ on PA]:
Ten minutes to liftoff.

They've started
the countdown.

We have to find

[ voice on PA speaks
in French]

You've got a gift.


POLLY AND JOE: Dex! Hurry, get in!

[ speaking German]

Are you all right?
How did you find us?

We escaped into the tunnels
once the countdown started.

Some of the scientists
were caught.

They didn't make it.

The machines
that were guarding us

are loading everything
on this island into that ship.

We've got
about ten minutes

to stop that thing
from blasting off.

Dex! Get us out of here!

[ grunts]

[ triumphant theme playing]

Good boy, Dex.

Thanks, Cap.

Who are they?

They're Unit 11.

Or what's left of them.

They were brought here to finish
what they started 30 years ago.

Finish what?

Tell them.

Totenkopf believed
that humankind

was doomed
to extinction,

so he proposed the unthinkable:

To build a vessel
that would carry

the building blocks

of a new civilization
into space.

He used his machines
to collect specimens

all life on Earth.

What Totenkopf called
"The World of Tomorrow."

Those vials that
Dr. Jennings gave me,

what were they?

Adam and Eve.

Totenkopf's masterpiece.

Seeds of
a technological utopia.

We smuggled them off
this island,

knowing Totenkopf
would never leave without them.

But now that
he has them again,

there is nothing left
to keep him here.

Then let him go.

Let him go
where he can't harm anyone.

No, no, no, that ship
must never leave this Earth.

Why? What haven't you told us?

DEX: When the rocket
reaches 100 kilometers,

at the edge of space,

Earth will be incinerated.

How do we stop it?

DEX: Only Totenkopf
can stop it now.

But we've never been
allowed near him.

He's too well guarded
even to be seen.

Where is he?

We're on our way,

Good boy, Dex.

Careful. Careful.

DEX: Hurry,
they'll be coming for us.

[ klaxon sounds]

[ man speaking German over PA]

Through there.
That's the only way in.

VARGAS: You see,
there is no way past them.

[ voice on PA speaks in French]

Five minutes, Joe.

VOICE [ on PA]:
Five minutes to--
Wait here.

You'll be k*lled.

He knows what he's doing.

I think.

Hey, that's my g*n!

Dex? Try shaking it.

We must hurry.

Don't do it,
you idiot!

Doctor, stop!

[ screaming]

Who dares come before me?

Who dares enter this place?

What has begun
cannot be stopped.

The time for
this world is over.


Hello, doctor.

Why are you doing this?

I have been witness to a world
consumed by hatred

and bent on self-destruction.

Watched as we have taken
what was to be a paradise

and failed in
our responsibilities

as its steward.

I know now

that the course the human race
has set for itself

cannot be changed.

I am the last,
desperate chance

for a doomed planet.

Now, leave this place

or die!

Is it safe?

Well, there's only one way
to find out.

I meant throw something.

He's not here.

We're too late.

These are his
personal papers.

VARGAS: He would never leave
without them.

He must still be here.

We must find him.JOE: I found him.

It's impossible.

It can't be.

DEX: The last entry
in his journal

was made
on October 11, 1918.

He died over 20 years ago.

We've been chasing a ghost.

[ machinery whirrs]

VOICE [ on PA]:
Three minutes to liftoff.

[ voice on PA speaks in German]

They never stopped.

They're finishing
what they were programmed to do.

Don't you see?

This entire island
is Totenkopf.

Every wire,
every gear.

He's found a way to cheat
even his own death.

So how
do we k*ll

somebody who's
already dead?

[ rocket rumbling]

JOE: How do I stop it?VARGAS: Nothing can stop it now.

There must be
some way.

His machines
would never allow it.

Leave the machines to me.
Dex, show me what to do.

[ scientist speaking German]

DEX: If you can cut the lead
in the system terminal,

it should create a short...

[ speaking German]

...which will ignite
the fuel line

before the booster engines
can fire

and destroy the atmosphere.

That's it?

That's all I have to do?

The terminal's
onboard the rocket.

You won't have time to escape.

Contact Franky as soon
as you're off the island.

She'll know
exactly what to do.

What are you talking about?
I'm going with you.

Not this time.

We had a deal.

You're not gonna
leave me now,

just when things
are getting interesting.

I won't let you.

I wish we had more time.

And I only hope, one day,
you can forgive me.

[ romantic theme playing]

[ romantic theme ends abruptly]

Take care of her, Dex.

Good luck, Cap.

[ klaxon sounds]

[ voice on PA speaks German]

[ rumbling]

One minute to liftoff.

JOE: We meet again,
my mysterious friend.

How do you wanna do this?

[ engines power up]

[ cracks neck bones]




[ Polly whistles]

Nice shot, Polly.

[ grunts]

What took you so long?

She's a machine.

[ laughs]

VOICE [ on PA]:
Ten seconds to liftoff.







[ doors whirring]

[ cow moos]

[ animals bleating
and screeching]

We've gotta get those animals
off the ship.

VOICE [ on PA]:
Ninety kilometers
to booster ignition.

There's no time.

That's our only way across.

Eighty kilometers
to booster ignition.

[ alarm buzzes]

Danger! Danger! Danger!
Cargo release imminent!

What did you do now?

Come on!

Seventy kilometers
to booster ignition.

Sixty kilometers
to booster ignition.

Hold on!

Please! Don't touch
anything else!

POLLY: There's no time.
We'll never make it.

Fifty kilometers
to booster ignition.


Forty kilometers
to booster ignition.

DEX: Come in, Manta station.
Do you read me?

Thirty kilometers
to booster ignition.

Franky, it's Dex.
Do you read me?

[ alarm beeping ]

[ alarm beeping quickens]

It didn't work.

Twenty kilometers
to booster ignition.

Joe, you're
running out of time.

You've gotta do something.

And God saw

that the wickedness of man

was great in the earth...

He thinks he's God.

And God said unto Noah,
the end...

Shut up!

Ten kilometers
to booster ignition.



Why won't you die?

Five kilometers
to booster ignition.





Warning. System failure.

Booster malfunction.

Danger. Danger.


Warning. System failure.

Booster malfunction. Look!

Danger. Danger.

POLLY: What is it?

It might be our way
out of here.

I see them,

Ready as*ault teams.

All hands on deck.

[ triumphant theme playing]

One shot.

You got
your story.

[ camera shutter clicks]



It's all right.

You don't have to
say anything.

Lens cap.

[ dramatic flourish]

[ grand theme playing]

Somewhere ♪

Over the rainbow ♪

Way up high ♪

There's a land ♪

That I heard of ♪

Once in a lullaby ♪

Somewhere ♪

Over the rainbow ♪

Skies are blue ♪

And the dreams ♪

That you dare to dream ♪

Really do come true ♪

Someday I'll wish upon a star ♪

And wake up
Where the clouds are far ♪

Behind me ♪

Where troubles
Melt like lemon drops ♪

Away above the chimney tops ♪

That's where ♪

You'll find me ♪

Somewhere ♪

Over the rainbow ♪

Bluebirds ♪

Fly ♪

Birds fly ♪

Over the rainbow ♪

Why, then ♪

Oh, why ♪

Can't ♪

I? ♪

If ♪

Happy ♪

Little bluebirds fly ♪

Beyond the rainbow ♪

Oh, why ♪

Oh, why ♪

Can't ♪

I? ♪

[ dramatic theme playing]
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