A Sound of Thunder (2005)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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A Sound of Thunder (2005)

Post by bunniefuu »

I haven't seen any wildlife yet.

We could be in downtown
Pittsburgh for all I know.

Dad, how are you holding up?

I'm fine, I'm fine,

except for you asking me every
two minutes how I'm holding up.

I am sorry honey.

I'm hot.

How much further do we...

Jesus, take that thing out of my face!

Sorry, Dad doesn't like cameras unless
he's got his trench coat over his face.

How's the old man doing?

Heart rate slightly elevated,
blood pressure normal.

I got $100 says Travis taps
his daughter tonight.

Sucker bet.

You might want to record over the last bit.

When are we gonna see something?


If you don't talk,

you just might hear something.

Hear what?

All right everyone, get ready!

Now remember your weapons won't fire,

until mine does, so be patient!

What the...

Wait for my command!

Dad, how are you...


Remember whatever happens,
do not step off of the path.

Thank you for sharing.

My God!

Cute, isn't he?

You don't see that in downtown
Pittsburgh, do you Mr. Wallenbeck?

sh**t, for Christ's sake!

Heart rate elevated.

sh**t it!


Hold it.

Not yet!

Are you crazy?

sh**t it!


Anything to say, Mr. Wallenbeck?


and lady.

Today you stood shoulder to shoulder
with Columbus discovering America,

Armstrong stepping on the moon,

Brubaker landing on Mars.

You are true pioneers,

on the very last frontier.

Time. On behalf of us all at
Time Safari Incorporated,

I congratulate you on a truly thrilling hunt.

I'm proud to know you.

I have to say...

of all the jumps I've seen,

your group's was by far
the most courageous and skillful.

I was scared out of my mind.
My heart's still pounding.

That's a nominal physiological
reaction to the jump.

Your heart rate will slow
as we gain distance from the event,

and adrenaline flow is reduced.


It is.

Can I ask you something, Mr. Hatton?

Of course.

Anything at all.

Where's Travis Ryer?

You look like you could use a drink.

You're a government inspector.

You're supposed to drink on the job.

I don't drink.

Do you mind if I tell you something.

Well this is the best you can feel all day.

I hate these jumps, is all.

Picked the right line of work.

Biding my time.

Couple more years, I'll be out.

Civil Service pays you guys enough
to retire early?

Have a good night.

This is the clearest reading of molecular
blood structure we've ever had.

You are correct, Dr. Ryer.

I'm getting closer and you know it.

Yes, Dr. Ryer.
Contain your enthusiasm.

My function is to facilitate
the operation of Time Safari,

not your private research.

On that subject,

will you be filing your report
on today's jump tonight

or at the last possible
moment tomorrow, as usual?

Nobody likes a nag.
Reminding is not nagging.

You've got an answer for everything.

I have to.
I was extremely expensive.

It's not always a good quality.

I understand, Dr. Ryer.

So don't have the last word.

I won't, Dr. Ryer.
You did it.

I'm sorry, Dr. Ryer.
You did it again.

Anything going on between
you two that I should know about?

Good evening, Mr. Hatton.

Hello, TAMI.

The guests are asking for you.

I'll be finished in a few minutes.

When I say guests,
it's a euphemism. I mean clients,

as in people who pay.

If I remember correctly our business goal,

our clients keep us waiting,
not the other way around.

I'm almost done.

I don't think you're catching my drift.

You work here so you can study

your silly animals who don't exist anymore.

I work here so I can grow rich and fat

and own everything that does happen to exist.

I hired you, because you're
this big deal scientist

and clients pay more for a big deal
anything it makes them feel important.

Rotten, I know.

Then progress is a rotten business,

which is why you have to go out there
and mingle with them.

They pay, you study, I get rich.
Is this a great country or what?

By the way.

Did I mention you signed a contract
and you have to do this?

I don't remember if I did.

My speech was that good?

Or were you done anyway?

Some things to remember us by.

A safari suit, boots, helme and
a holo-disc so you can relive the jump.

And I suggest you take an especially
close look at this disk, Mr. Wallenbeck

Why's that?


I can't be certain until I review it myself,

however I'm pretty sure,

your shot that brought him down.

Well, yeah.


A toast to all of you big, brave hunters!


How is the vine? You want to sh**t
dinosaurs, you're afraid of a little blood?

You don't understand the danger
of what you're doing!

You keep messing with the past,

one day you'll ruin the future!

You! You should know better!

Are you so stupid
you can't see you're being used?

Well, that was fun.

Harder and harder to get good waiters.

What was she yelling about?
The usual,

time jumps will destroy the world. Crackpot.

A century ago she would have been
screaming about the Internet or biotech.

Some people are afraid of progress.
She's a dinosaur herself.

Let her yell all she wants.

Don't let her spoil the party.

I'm fine!

I prefer walking on my own, thanks.

Hold on.

It's ok.

I'll take care of it.

Would you like to explain me
what that was all about?

You don't have a clue what you're doing.

You could destroy everything,
I mean everything.

Listen lady, no offense but I think
I'm qualified to offer an opinion.

I work with TAMI. I lead the jumps.

and I said maybe you're
the one who is a big clueless.

You're Travis Ryer, don't you?

That's right.

Well Mr. Ryer, there's a lot
about TAMI you don't know.

Thanks, it's Dr. Ryer.

Well Dr. Ryer.

Well, one of the many things
you don't know is that I'm Sonia Rand.

Then I invented TAMI, you assh*le.

Excuse me!

Miss, wait up a second.

Now look, there are seven
credited names on TAMI's patent.

And I don't recall
a Dr. Rand being one of them.

Yeah, I don't have time for stupid people.

But why don't you make some time.

How about we stop with the insults,

because it is starting to get on my nerves.

Do you think I'd devote
my career to designing

an amusement park ride for rich men

to compensate for their little willies
by sh**ting prehistoric animals,

is that what you really think?

No, what I think is, if you were a guy,

somebody probably would have knocked you
on your ass a long time ago.

Well, you're a hunter, so sh**t me.

If you oppose to the way TAMI be use,

why build her in the first place?

I built her because I'm a scientist.

Possibilities was to drive us.

What they want was impossible
line it could be done.

I applied for a research grant
with a company called CJN Co.

So they handed out money
to allow the place.

They paid me and left me alone,

for your actual dream come true
until I finished developing TAMI.

Then why haven't I heard of you?

I'm a nerd, not a lawyer.

Turns out there was a clause in my contract,
not optically well read more.

CJN Co. owned the patent on
whatever I developed with their money,

and guess who controls
interests in the company?

Charles Hatton.
Very good.

It seems I also signed
a non-disclosure agreement,

that's why Hatton removed
all trace of my name,

and except some occasion
like for tonight shut me up.

See I get little upset watching you people
destroy the world with my dream.

That's the kind of things can piss someone off.
What's your excuse?

You really want to know?

I'm getting close.

Really close.
Close to what?

Well look carefully in.

Tell me what you think it is.

It seem a DNA strand of some kind.

Then can you tell what kind?

No, I got a D in Biology.

His ancestor.

When I was a little boy my grandfather
used to tell me stories

about actually seeing real animals in the wild.

Can you imagine seeing this cat run free.

The last wild animal born
out of captivity was a crocodile.

She died 38 years ago.

Then the poachers started hitting the zoos
and the virus took care of the rest.

Millions of years of evolution,
and we k*ll them off in a few thousand

and screw up their DNA and
process we can't even clone them.

He was beautiful.

That's why I do this job.

When we go on a hunt we obviously
can't take physical samples,

but I've created a way
to take remote DNA readings.

But you know I can only do it in bits,
but the bits add up.

One day, I'll reconstruct the DNA from
animals that lived long before the virus.

I really think I can bring them back.

Saving animals by k*lling them,
that makes sense.

Well the animals we hunt have to be
in the last seconds of their life,

so we don't upset the course of history.

That allosaurus is shot cleanly,

seconds before he gets
bogged down in a swamp

5 minutes before a volcano erupts,

and fries him in hot lava
he stuck in the ground.

Listen Doc, do you think I wish

people would willing pay for
a photo safari instead of a hunting safari.

The problem is they don't.

There's no other way.

There's no other way beside bring rich tourists
back to the past to jeopardize the future.

Look, I appreciate what you're trying
to accomplish I do.

But you don't understand
the danger what you are doing.

This is bigger than anything you
or anyone else is working on.

What do it for was bulletproof?

We have a new government
agency is assigned to us.

They check our protocols,
up, down and sideways.

That's how Hatton got the green light.

You don't have a clue
about Charles Hatton!

It's about money.

It's always the same when
there's so much of it involved.

But this, this is different.

If you mess this, you mess with
the whole of evolution.

Nothing is bulletproof.

It must have been amazing.

God help us.

Hey Pal!

You break it, you bought it.


Whhat's that?

The molecular structure of allosaurus blood.

No way.



The doorman let me in.

I told him I was your cousin from St. Louis.

I always did like Aunt Martha.

I'm afraid I've k*lled it.

Or at least driven it to su1c1de.

Got a bit of a brown thumb.

Maybe a little sunlight will help.

You just moved in?

No, I've been here for about two years.


Chloe thinks I'm going to a farm.

What's that about?

My wife told her I was going
to sow some wild oats.


Little kids are adorable.

Could you say that with less enthusiasm?

I never been fond of adorable.

I rate it adorable just below perky.

Look, you have a family,

I think family it's nice.

Without families what would
we do with Christmas?

Me? I keep runing my company
and that's about it.

Someday your kids will grow up.

My company will be acquired by somebody.
So what?

The fact is?

We're both sleep walking through life and what
you admit it or not we're bored out of our minds.

I'm not bored out of my mind.
What your kids?

What's the last really exciting thing you did?
Play fetch with your dog?

Come on, it's awake and safe.
This'll arouse the old, dormant male instinct.

Make us feel alive.

It's awfully expensive.

Ted, what's the point of being rich if we
don't buy things other people can't afford?

Hey George, how's Adriana?

I can't complain.

And if I did, who would listen?

Tell me about it.
George, could you...

I'll get a cab for your cousin.


Standard liability release forms.

That's a lot of forms.

There's a lot of liability.

We are taking you back 65 million years,

to hunt the greatest predator
the world has ever seen.

We are the first and only people
to be able to do this.

We are using technology that wasn't
even a dream a few years ago.

A new federal agency,
the Department of Temporal Regulation,

as been created for us,
this is not a game.

There is no reset button.

Today, on this hunt...

someone will die.

The prey or the hunters.

There is no middle ground.

Imprint where indicated.

By the way, deposits are non-refundable.

Sure we should do this?

There's a six-year waiting list.

We paid double to cut to the head of
the line and you want to slink home?

You gonna spend the rest of your life
with balls the size of BBs?

What the hell!

They're so big I can hear them clanging.

How was the other night
with the lovely Ms. Wallenbeck?

It's none of your business.

He said defensively.

If you must know, I sent her home.

Before or after?

Sometimes you can be a real brat.

Jen you know, but I promised your father
that I would always look after you.

Are you going to lecture me? No. No.

I just...

because Jeffrey and I
only went out for like...

Who is Jeffrey?

You don't know?

No. Who is he?

I thought you were talking about Jeffrey.

And what exactly did you and Jeffrey do?

Nothing I...

Tell me now.

Not going to happen.

What were you going to say just now?

I don't know.

I was wondering,

I know we're sure about what we're doing...

Yeah, and?

Maybe what?

No. It's nothing.

Tell me Derris?

What do you doing when you're not spying
for the government on us for working for?

You got a family? Wife?

Significant other?


You probably go crazy at home, right?

Lampshade on your head,

chicken feet, whips.

I know it.


This is...

Mr. Middleton and Mr. Eckles.

Gentlemen, this is your jump team.

Jennifer Krase will record
the holo-disc of your hunt.

Marcus Payne is your jump technician.
Let's go.

Dr. Lucas keeps everyone ticking.

And this...

is Dr. Travis Ryer.

You must be Mr. Eckles.

It's an honor to meet you, Dr. Ryer.

You're half the reason my wife let me do this.

What's the other half?
He has a huge insurance policy.

Mr. Middleton.

It's nice, see we've few clients who are atually
look like they know what they're doing.

I have a good feeling about this jump.

You're in for the ride of your life.

We have developed technology
that is absolute cutting edge.

Actually, it was developed for us
by a Dr. Sonia Rand.

Isn't that correct?


your weapons are laser designated.

They're gauss r*fles.

They fire frozen liquid nitrogen b*ll*ts that
completely dissolve in 2 minutes.

Wait a minute.
We'll take down a dinosaur with ice?

Second rule of time jumping.

Don't leave anything behind.

Not another.

I'm getting track marks.

The third rule of time jumping,
don't bring anything back.

Ok that, that's number two and three.
What's rule number one?

No matter how small.

No matter how small, never change
anything in the past, nothing.

You k*ll a bee, then maybe the flower
it was going to pollinate doesn't grow.

And the seeds doesn't get spread,
don't get spread.

And the animal that was going to eat the vegetation
doesn't have food to eat and they dies.

And it was carrying genes for a new kind
of animal that doesn't get to occur.

And it alters the course of evolution.
A single bee.

And the farther back you go,

the more catastrophic
any changes could be, so.

Rule number one?

Don't change anything.

Hey. Brass balls, remember?

Everyone, visors down.

This is a com check.
Everyone hearing me ok?

Ryer, check.
Krase, check.

Derris, check.
Lucas, check.


Tell him you can hear him.

Ok, follow me.

Hands to your side.

My God, it's so tight.
I can't move.

Does he need to be so tight?

We are going to enter the virtual receiver.

You've got to stay still or the particle
beam will not hit the right spot.

You want all those atoms winding up in
the same place and as the same people.

If you feel disoriented during the shield

concentrate on your heartbeat,
it'll calm you down.

And whatever you do,
don't look into the light!


Just kidding guys.
This is supposed to be fun.

Let's go get him!

Everyone ok?
Yeah, we're both fine.

Remember, don't touch anything.

Something up, Mr. Eckles?
My g*n doesn't work!

Believe it or not,
that's a safety feature.

They're all tied to Travis's g*n,
won't fire until he fires first.

Why the hell not?

To keep clients from
sh**ting things they shouldn't.

Hey, Derris, how about we don't
mention this in our report.

No harm, no foul.
Appreciate it.

Remember I'm not really that big of a d*ck.

I just to like to talk.

This guy Eckles is barely holding it together.

BP's through the roof,
breathing's shallow.

Watch him, ok?

This animal's big, right?

Really big?

Better be for this money.

Check it out.

That's him, isn't it?

Hey guys, remember...
Is that him?

Wait for my command.

Remember whatever happens,
do not step off of the path.

Holy shit...

Cute, isn't he?

Get a grip, Ted!

All right, big guy.

Three steps.

Now turn your head to the right.

Wait! Not yet.

Hold it.

Hold it!


Jenny! Jenny, take the shot!

Payne, we got a major problem here!

The designator shorted out! The safety
won't release on the other g*ns!

They won't accept the target!
Fix it!

Even if I could, it'll take time!

We don't have time!

Cut it, cut it out!
For Christ's sake guys!

This is part of the show, right?

Over here, come on!
Try and get me!

Come on, you bastard, take me on!

Come on!

Get behind the bushes guys!

Take me on! Come on!

That's right!
Come and get me!

Get behind the bushes!
We're not going alone!

You guys, run!
Take off!

Get behind him!

Over here!
Take me on!

Come on!
Over here, you assh*le!

Hey! Hey!

What are tou doing?

Hey! Hey! Over here, big guy!

Jenny, no!

Jenny, get down!

Go, yo!

Come on, over this way!
Over here.

Come for me!

Jenny, go! Go!

Payne, where the hell is that g*n?
I got it!

Over here!

Over here! Look at me!

Now try it!

Don't you ever,

pull a stunt like that again!

If anyone's gonna to died trying to save
someone's rich, fat ass, it's gonna be me, got it?


Where are the clients?

Let's go.

Anyone hurt?

They're fine.

You sure he's dead?
You want to check his pulse, Ted?

He fell right where he was supposed to.

You got lucky.

Did anyone break any protocols?

Then we're clean.

Travis, the volcano.

We better get going.

Follow me.

By the time I'm done suing you,

I am going to own this joint!

That's your right, Mr. Middleton.

I understand you're upset.

But I said to you,

look beyond your immediate feelings.

Look at what you achieved today.

I almost achieved getting eaten man!

And you weren't.

Since we have been in business countless
clients have jumped back through time,

faced the allosaurus and gone home,

trembling and proud
that they cheated death.

And in reality, they cheated nothing.

It was elaborate expensive,
authentic and a fantasy.

It was controlled.

The outcome never in doubt.

Not for a moment.

You two.

Circumstances were thrust upon you,

like all moments of great courage.

Sue me if you want to,

but for Christ's sake look at what
you two did today.

You faced death for real!

All controls off and you survived!

You stood shoulder-to-shoulder,


Columbus discovering America,
Armstrong walking on the moon,

Brubaker landing on Mars!

You are true pioneers!


I salute you.

I swear, that dude could sell
art lessons to a blind man.

So what happened?

Moisture damage.

A leak from a broken box of nitrogen b*ll*ts.

I tested the g*n before we jumped,
but the short occurred after.

We have to change our whole procedure.

This cannot happen again.

It was an accident, you know?

We cannot have accidents.

While I was a physics major in college we...

studied something called
the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

It proves that there is no such thing
as zero tolerance. It doesn't exist.

You basically can't be
a 100% sure of anything.

No matter how hard you try, accidents...


We can't have accidents.

Good evening, Dr. Ryer.

How about this weather?

I guess this is what they call Indian summer.

70 degrees, in November!

It's something different,
that's for sure.

Unseasonably hot weather continues
today with highs in the upper 80s.

The skies will be clear and the humidity
will remain around 90 percent.

Thousands of fish beached themselves
on the shore of Lake Michigan overnight.

Scientists from the University
of Chicago are to investigate.

They're at a loss to explain
what caused the phenomenon.

But the beaching provides an opportunity
for amateur fishermen,

The Health Department recommend waiting
until the cause is determined,

before you eat any of your catch.

Suicidal fish.

That's a new one.

The Health Department also says
that the UV count is extremely high,

so even know, you might want and go there

to soak up this amazing warm sunshine

in this end of November,

you'd better protect yourself.

An SPF of 45 or stronger is recommended.

What happened here?

Check it out man.

This wall's at least three feet thick.

Yes. That plant must've really wanted out?


You've seen me skinny-dipping.

You were eight.
Get over it.

When did you become such a brat?

You ready for this today?

You know what they say
about falling off a horse?

Take a cab?

Get right back on.

What if your horse weighs
12,000 pounds and tries to eat you?

Everyone, everyone!

Mr. Zong, Mr. Chang,

get ready for the ride of your lives!


Don't you want to say something
about the light?

Gentlemen, please don't look at the lights.


All right. Let's do this.

You feel it?

Something's off.

Something's different.

Travis! Look!

My God.

What is noise?

Back to the portal!

Everybody get back!
Come on. Move!

Move! Get them back to the portal now!

Come on, let's go!
Hurry, let's go!

Move! Move! Move! Move!
Get back!

Jenny, leave it!

When the path retracts, it'll fall!
On the ground!

Get them back to the portal now!

Come on Jenny! Let's go.

Come on! Go!

I said, let's go!

I can do this!
Can did you calm down!

Come on, keep moving!


Jenny, run!

Lucas! Lucas!

What the hell just happened back there?

TAMI missed her entry point by five minutes!
We were late!

Ok, take a look,
make sure everyone's all right.

TAMI has never been off by
a millisecond before.

TAMI, why were you off in your calculations?

Please be specific, Dr. Ryer.

On our last jump, you missed our entry point
by five minutes, why?

I'm afraid you're mistaken, Doctor.

My calculations were precise.

You were sent to the correct coordinates.

We need to talk.

We've just stepped into a world of trouble.

She was off by five minutes,
out of 65 million years.

It's a minor glitch, we can fix it.

I had to file a report.

Jeez, Clay, you didn't have to do that.

I had no alternative.

Of course you had an alternative.

You could have thought
big instead of little,

which is all your pea-brain is capable
of before it explodes.

So now you get to cause me grief,
just because you can.

History's not a class struggle,
it's a vision struggle.

It's people like me trying...

to get free from narrow
minded pricks like you.

Nothing moves without us,
we're the goddamned engine.

This is out of my hands now.

Like hell it is? Is a small minor...

I guess you know that regulations dictate
that this meeting has to be recorded.

Of course.

On behalf of the Temporal Regulation
Division I proclaims this facility closed,

until further notice.


Access denied.

They don't waste time.

You can't ask me to do that.

I'm not asking you to do anything!

I'm simply reminding you the potential
delicacy of our situation.

What's done is done.

Even I have my limits.
I can't.

Travis, we can't leave this to some
government agency to figure out.

Why not?

It's their job.

They're bureaucrats.

If they fell out of a window, it would
take them a week to hit the ground.

Do you have any idea how long it would
take them to clear this up? They'll have...

TAMI shut down for months, I'll go bankrupt.

What happened today has to be
connected to our last jump.

We must have changed something.
You just made that up.

Something happened back there.

I know it.
Really you know it?

You don't know anything of the kind!

I'll tell you what,

there is someone who does know.

You ok, man?

We represent the tenant board.

We have vines growing into our windows,
own the halls,

one broke the elevator!

Open this door at once!

Dr. Rand!
This is loaded, now back off!

She's crazy!

You're crazy!

Dr. Rand, I need...

Excuse me.

Where are you delivering that?

Rand. 7-E.

I told you, I'm not responsible.
Look outside, it's happening out there too.

Use your brain while you still have one.


Lady, it's real heavy.

Close the door.

Put it by the rhododendron.

The white flowers.

Then go.

I thought I recognized your voice.

You sound just like TAMI.
Although, she's a little nicer.

That thing doesn't work.
It's an antique.

I've been expecting you.

I'm afraid we've done it.
What you warned us about.

I knew it.

What do you mean knew it?
Don't I seem a little on edge?

About the same as last time actually.

How far back?

The Cretaceous.

Oh Jesus.
And what did you change?

We don't know.

As far as we can tell,
no one stepped off the path.

The animal fell in the k*ll zone.

The k*ll zone, the path.
The k*ll zone, the path.

You're so blind.

24 hours, isn't it?
Since you got back.

Yeah, almost exactly.

Watch this.

Son of a bitch.

That was you, proud of yourself?
No was that?

A time wave.
So much for your system being bulletproof.


Let's go.
Get moving!

What is that pipe for?
Water for the oxygen condensers.

Over there, get over there!

The oxygen!

Come on!

You ok?

Look at this!

This tree was never here before.

It's extraordinary.

It's ok.

I think the window's our best bet.

Jesus, why didn't this happen until now?

Why the delay?

When you change something in the past,
the future isn't affected all at once.

Changes come in ripples,
like dropping a stone into a pond.

So you mean there'll be more of these.

And they'll get bigger and bigger.

All the changes in evolution that you affected,

will come in the waves.

It'll start with climate, then vegetation,
the early manifestations of life.

Then come the more complex organisms.

So what will happen in the last wave?

It'll be us.
We wave goodbye.

Last wave changes
the last species to evolve,

h*m* sapiens.
God knows what we'll become.

We may have no eyes,
we may be sea creatures.

We may not exist at all.

We don't have too many more waves
before that one.

Can we fix what we did?

I don't know.


No, no way.
There's no way I can allow another jump.

I'll lose my badge.

If we don't fix this, you won't have
a chest to pin that badge on, moron.

Careful, you don't want
to start calling people names.

She says it's the easiest way.

No actually, I said it was the only way.

I also said I would help.

I didn't say I would be
in the same room with you.

Ok, hold on.

I go back to just before the
original hunting party arrives,

meet them when they step out of the portal
and turn them back.

Whatever went wrong never happens.

Things go back to normal.

How can we be sure it'll work?

We can't be sure if it'll work,

but we can be sure doing
nothing will not work.

No. I'm sorry.

The whole of time has been turned upside down

and you're running around with your
toothbrush worrying about your pension.

We have more than just
a software problem on our hands.

We have...

got to fix this,

and we have to make sure no
one ever finds out about it.

If I go down, I'm not going down alone.

Can you compensate for TAMI's margin of
error so he gets where he has to go?

Well, I built her.

How's that?

I want every moment
of this jump recorded, understand?

Another time wave is coming!
Hang on!

Is everyone all right?

Lucas, make sure everyone's ok.

Give me your hand.

Let's see if the backup generator works.

The power is out all over the city.

Power's probably out all over the world.

Why couldn't I get back?

You weren't able
to jump through the time wave.

Remember, I explained
it's like a ripple in a pond.

We can't break through the rings.

We seem to be stuck ahead
of the changes that are occurring.

What do we do?

Jesus Christ, what do we do?

Let me work on it.

This is not a time for panic.

Actually, as times for panic go,
this is right up there.

What we need to do is take a look at
the jump and find out what was changed.

That was nothing.
I was standing right there.

My g*n doesn't work!

Believe it or not,
that's a safety feature.

They're all tied to Travis's g*n,
won't fire until he fires first.

Why the hell not?

To keep clients from
sh**ting things they shouldn't.

Hey, Derris, how about we don't
mention this in our report.

No harm, no foul.

Appreciate it.

Remember I'm not really ...

Go forward.

Let's see that.

Over here, come on!
Try and get me!

Get out of here!

Get behind the bushes guys!

We're not going alone!

Get behind the bushes!
Over here!

Can we follow them down the path?

Once they're out of range of my
recorder, there's no way to see them.

Speed up again to after the k*ll.

Then we're clean.

Travis, the volcano.

We better get going.

Follow me.

Anybody see anything?

Anything small that may have
fallen off one of us?


Boys and girls, I think I found something.

You're not gonna believe this but...

according to the physical log,
when we came back

we weighed 1.3 grams more
than when we left.

What does that mean?

It means, we brought something back.

No, it's impossible.
There's the bio-filter.

No organic matter can pass through the...

We never needed it.
We've always been so careful.

You turned it off?

You turned the bio-filter off?

It takes a lot of energy to run that thing.
It costs a fortune and we never needed it.

My God. Are you insane?

Did you know about this?

Of course not.

Why does this not surprise me?

Ok, we need to find out
what you brought back.

Did you get through?

Line's busy.

It'll be Forrest on with one of his pals.

Donna will be freaking out,

all her yard work down the drain.

Do you buy it for a minute?

The great assh*le-in-the-sky
doesn't check the bio-filter once?

He count how many jumps.

Nothing gets by that freak.

Two years and I'll be out.

That's what he told me.

Got a little touchy when I asked him
how he'll retire on a government salary.

You think Hatton paid him off?

It would be worth it,

all the money he saved on running that filter.


That's the last one.

It's gotta be on the clothes
on one of the clients.

Somebody must have panicked and stepped off
the path and around the walkside.

The sweaty guy.



I have an idea to get you back.

It's never been tried but it might work.

We can't break through the rings,

but in theory I should be able to open a wormhole
on third back on the other side of the ripples.

Instead of 65 million years,
you go back 65 million and one.

It would be like jumping over
the rings, like this.

And then what,
Travis waits for them?

Back here, will not change your fact
hasn't happened yet,

so there are no time with broken waves.

I should be able to slingshot you
forward to the target zone.

I don't know that I should,

you're not sure?
I'm fairly certain.

Another thing is don't try to intercept
the party to turn them back.

Why not?

The slingshot effect will use up
all your energy.

Your window will be small
and highly unstable.

You won't have time to explain what
you're doing, let alone convince them.

How much time will I have?

I can't say for certain.
15, 20 seconds.

Can you say anything for certain?

Yes, I can say for certain
I can't say anything for certain.

I suggest we find out what exactly
we're trying to prevent,

because when you'll there
you won't have time.

We better talk to Mr. Eckles.

It'll have to be in person.



Where are the guards?

What's that?

Oh my God.

You're all loaded, designators are off.

You can sh**t at will.

Who told you to distribute weapons?

I did.

Just one thing.

Plants like this haven't grown
in millions of years.

We're sh**ting at plants?

It isn't exactly like it was then.
It's stronger, more developed.

The alternate reality taking over outside that door
has been evolving uninterrupted for 60 million years.

Are you, are you, are you suggesting
that there are dinosaurs out there?

I doubt it. More likely,
whatever they've evolved into.

That's one hell of a just one thing.

This building is still under government control.

I can't leave TAMI unattended.

Of course not.

We all set?

Let's go.

Eckles lives on the other side of the park.

Wouldn't it be quicker going around?

Sticking to the streets?

What streets?

Good point.


That thing was huge.

Let's keep moving.

Traviis you better take a look.

They're all over.

Big mothers judging by the depth.

Couple hundred pounds.

These aren't classic reptilian.

There are other markings.

A little bit of primate mixed in.
I don't know.

That's not good.

It means we're not more than a couple
of waves away from being changed ourselves.

I suggest we get the hell out of here.

Let's go.

What do you think?

Do we go around?

What was that?

I have got to get home.


Get them out!

Get these thorns out of him.

Get them. Get them. Get them.

Get them!
Calm down!

Hold your fire!

Whateve is out there has been tracking
us since we entered the park!

You can walk?

Oh man, it hurts.

Come on, Marcus.

Try slowing your pulse rate down.

It'll slow the progress of what those
brambles put into your bloodstream.

It's too late.

Whatever those thorns put
in my bloodstream,

it's already working.

I can't feel my legs.

Watch out for these!

Oh man, I'm losing it.


going really weird.

Take care of him.

Come on.
You ok?

Get up, let's go!

Head for the bridge now! Go!

Aim for their throats!
It's their only soft spot!

Aim for their throats!


Go on, I'll hold them off.

I'm not gonna leave you.

Let's go.


those thorns.

I can't make it.

I can't and you know it.

And I know it.

Just set things right,

and I'll be fine.


Just set things right.

I'll fix it.


What about Payne?
I said go!

Why is he staying there?


Payne, come on!



Look, Forrest, that's Orion.

Those stars there make his belt.

I'll get you a telescope when you're nine.

That's when Grandpa got me mine.

Know what those are?

That's right,

the Seven Sisters.

Look like stars, don't they?

But each one is a whole entire galaxy.

I know how you feel.

I feel it, too.

But if we fix this,
then he'll be right back with us.

So let's keep moving.

Eckles's place is still two blocks to the north.

So what are you gonna do about it?

What are you talking about?

It can't ever happen again.

You know, if we're lucky enough to fix things,
it'll go back to the way it was before.

We have to stop it, the Hattons,
Time Safari, the whole thing.

If we fix the timeline, though,

when we come back,

we won't know any of this has happened.

So now you see the problem.

At least it means there's still
some people alive in there.

I think we can get down here.

Those creatures back there are smart.

A lot smarter than us
if we don't get over this wall.

Hey wait.

There's got to be something around here.

You see anything over there?

What's this?

I got something.

What the...


It's ok, it's ok, stay where you are.

All right.

It's ok.

We don't have room.

He saved their lives!

Go somewhere else.

You've to let us in or you've to k*ll us.

We just need to find
someone and then we'll go.

Ted Eckles.

He lives in this building.
Does anyone know where we can find him?

Apartment 6-A.

When we're done,
we'll get you food, ok.

No! That's Ally's.

The fire's going out.

Not that!

Mr. Eckles.

Who the hell are you?
Remember me?

Somebody brought something back
from your jump, something small.

Check in there.


Look at this.

We have reason to believe
somebody stepped off the path.

Are you accusing me?

We're not accusing you of anything.

Maybe in the excitement something happened.
Maybe you just don't remember.

Mr. Eckles we think something happened
on your hunt that caused all this.

If we can find out what it was,
we might be able to set it straight.

I didn't step off the path.

You think because I was scared I didn't
listen and I stepped off the path.

Well, I didn't!
He's telling the truth.

I've been over every inch of his
clothes, there's nothing on them.

What about your friend?

I... I don't know...

We weren't together the whole time.

You were separated?
Just for a few seconds.

We have to go and find him.

It could be a time wave
coming at any moment.

Where does he live?

He's not at his apartment.

His wife kicked him out. He stays at his office
at the Division Tower, 23rd floor.

We'll never make it on foot.
There's a parking garage down below.

All right. Thank you, Mr. Eckles.
Let's go.


You have to.
I have to what?

Set things right.

We will.

Sonic resonator lock mechanism.

This thinks are almost impossible to break.

Any suggestions?

If we had an audio oscillator
I could find the waves and...

How do you think I put myself
through medical school?

We promised those people
we'd get them food.

In an hour we'll have the time line
fixed and they won't need it.

What if we don't get it fixed?
Then they'll be the food.

Look out!

What the hell was that?

Alright Sonia you come with me.

You two stay to protect the car.




Be careful.

Oh what the hell happened here?

Look at this.


It's the brambles. These people
went crazy and k*lled each other.

Mr. Middleton?

Get out of here!
There's no food in here!

Mr. Middleton!

It's Travis Ryer from Time Safari.
We just want to talk to you.

Mr. Middleton, we're gonna come in.

Mr. Middleton, we just want to talk.

Ok? We're gonna come in.

What do you want?
Who is she?

Be careful, he's infected.

Hey! No whispering!

You think I can't hear you?

She's with the company.

We just want to look
at your outfit from the jump.


We think someone may have inadvertently
brought something back with him.

Who told you that?

Eckles, that little weasel?

He hates me!

He's lying!

Not your fault.
You're not in trouble.

Damn right, I'm not!

Where are you?

How dare you come here and accuse me?

That piece of crap safari!

I haven't felt right since!

Don't you run away when I'm talking to you!

Drop the g*n!

I don't want to sh**t you.

Why not?
I want to sh**t you.

Listen to me, we can fix this.

No, you can't.

Nobody can.

Tell me I wasn't lying.

Tell me we can fix this.

Family albums, nice.

Here we go!

I don't believe it.

A single butterfly.

Isn't that amazing?

Yes, it is.

What the hell are you sh**ting at?
Those birds.

If that's what they are.

Did you find it?

Middleton stepped off the path.
He k*lled a butterfly.

A butterfly?

A butterfly caused all this.
Is that so hard to believe.

It's a bug!

It's an insect that laid eggs.

The point is, Jenny, it wasn't a bug
that was stepped on, it was evolution.

Watch it!

The wave's coming!

Hang on!

This can't be good.


It's Hatton.

I got a feeling there's only one wave left,
then it's our turn to be altered.

This isn't gonna be easy to do
with flippers instead of arms, is it?

If this place is wrecked,
then we won't be able to send you back.

Then we have to find a way
to make another place work,

is it possible?

Let me think.


Ok let's take a look around
and see what we can salvage here.

Ok, ok with TAMI's hard drive,
all we need is another portal.

That's easy let's go to Home Depot.
There's one nearby at the University.

A Home Depot?
No, a portal.

Well, not exactly a portal,
a particle accelerator.

With the right software it becomes a portal.
TAMI's hard drive is a right software.

Are we talking plug and play?

Yeah, more or less.

Which one is it more or less?

More, I hope.

Get the jumpsuit,
I'll try and make this work.

The University is two miles away.

Is that mean we travel
two miles through the city on foot?

Jesus Christ, Derris!
What are you doing in here?

Please be quiet.

What are you talking about?

You'll wake them up.
Wake who?

Oh my God.

We still have a chance,
but we have to go now.

Come on.
We're getting out of here.

Look, there's still time,
but we've got to hurry.

Suit yourself.


You can't leave me here.

Wait for me.

We can go underground using
the subway tracks.

What's that smell?

Rotten eggs?

It's a swamp.
Let's go back up.

No, this is the only way.

You're crazy, I'm not going in there.
I say we go back up and run for it.

God knows what's under there.


Come on.

We almost there?
We passed two stations already.

It can't be more than a couple
a hundred yards up ahead.

Wait a second.

Turn off your lights.

Don't make a sound.

It's ok, come on up!

it's dry in here.

Let's see if it's collapsed up ahead.

If it's clear, maybe we can get through.

Let's keep moving.

The door's blocked, we gotta go back.


This thing isn't gonna stay watertight forever.

There's gotta be access vents in the tunnel.

There's some way to get to the street.

How do we find out?

We gotta bust a window and swim up.

What if there's no vent there?

Then we drown.
But either way we can't stay here.

All right, I'll sh**t out a window.

It should take about 30 seconds
for this thing to fill up.

Stay close to me.

Take the deepest breath of your life,
then we'll go for it, all right?

Ok. Just...

Give me a second, ok?

Come on!

Hold on to me!

I got you!
Let's go!

Hold on to me!

Take a breath and go under!

Here we go!

Let's go!

Travis? Travis, stay with me!

Come on.

There's an access way down here.

Those animals are pretty evolved.
I am thinking the next wave is us.

Start praying that the backup
generators is work.


Not good.

Almost there, get ready.

Remember, even if this works
it'll be highly unstable.

You'll have about 20 seconds at almost.

Hello, Dr. Rand.
Where exactly are we?

We're at the University.

In the public sector now?

Not a good sign.

We're going to attempt a slingshot jump.
What do you think?

It's theoretical.
It's never been attempted.

There's a first time for everything.

It's gonna hurt.

You'll be back a year before the hunt
for about half a nanosecond,

then you'll be thrown forward
again to the hunt,

and will be here by now.

Now would be a good time.
I'm working on it!

I've gotta find a way to get proof.

If this works,
everything goes back to normal.

You don't remember anything
and I don't remember anything.

I gotta get proof, that something went wrong,

otherwise we wouldn't have made a difference.

We've gotta make sure
that this never happens again!

I'll find a way.

The wave, it's here!
It's coming!

Hit a button!
Any button!

I'll find a way!

Over here, big guy!

Jenny, no!

Hey! Hey!

Come on, over this way!


Payne, where the hell is that g*n?

You have to get me on the holo-disc!

Hatton and Derris turned the bio-filter off

and something went very wrong!

Very wrong!

When you get back,

make sure you check the filter
and give the disc to me!

Only me!

Don't you ever,

pull a stunt like that again!

If anyone's gonna die saving someone's
rich fat ass, it's gonna be me, got it?


Where are the clients?

Why are you looking at me like that?

You sure he's dead?
You want to check his pulse, Ted?

Anyone hurt?

They're fine.
What happened back there?

Don't you know?

He fell right where he was supposed to.

You got lucky.

Did anyone break any protocols?

Then we're fine.

Travis, the volcano...

We better get going.

Follow me.

Clay, by the way, I know.

When we get back,

the bio-filter, turn it back on ok?

Good boy.



And well done!

We promised you the experience
of a lifetime and we delivered.

As long as you know,
everything was according to plan.

What the hell happened?

Equipment malfunction.

We're ok, but it was close.

Clay, what went...
We have a problem.

I have to talk to you.

What's wrong?

You've gotta take a look at this.

I told Hatton the recorder malfunctioned
and we don't have holo-disc.

Don't let anyone see it.

Why? What's on here?

I don't know how to say this
without sounding nuttier than usual.


Of course I'm on it...


It was another you...

Actually, very much the same you.

Just take it and get outta here.

You'll understand.

You come for another argument?
I'm kind of tired, come back tomorrow.

I need to speak to you,
it's important.

Hatton send you?

If he knew what I had,

he'd do anything
to stop me from seeing you.

Well be here make yourself useful, there's a bag
of fertilizer put it on the rhododendron.

The white ones.

You know, I'm a gardener myself.

I've got a fern.

So, what do you want?

I want to put myself out of a job.

I have a disc for you.

I don't have time to watch discs.

You gonna take a look at this one.

Seen it twice myself and it's got everything.

Action, disaster, government corruption.
It's the proof you need.

Everything you've been warning us about
has already happened and it's all here.

Why don't you stop being such a
pain-in-the-ass and take a look at this?

Who gave that to you?

I did.

So, do you...

want a cup of coffee?
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