Eden Log (2007)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Eden Log (2007)

Post by bunniefuu »

Therefore the Lord God sent him forth
from the garden of Eden

to till the ground from whence he was taken.
Genesis 3.23


Whatever your origins may be,
your arduous journey ends here.

The sacrifice of what is dear to you,

your consented efforts, makes you...

a natural candidate for citizenship
in our society.

Eden Log offers you its passport.

You are capable of entering in the cycle.

Eden Log counts you among its own.

The contract is fair.
It is thanks to your work below...

that you will build your paradise above.

Look after the plant
and it will look after you.

After this exchange,
you will be called to join us...

without any other authority
than your own will.

Without any other form of reward
than the call...

of your new life.

The call.

Who are you?

I... don't know. I...

I don't know who I am.

Stay away!

You're awakening it.

Where are we?


I don't know how you managed to survive
until now,

but please,
go back where you come from!


Tell me how to get out of here.

Where do you want to go? Up there?

There's nothing left up there.

It's over. Their paradise, their promises.

It's all over, you understand?

I put an end to all of it. Me!

I opened their eyes.

Thanks to me,
the whole world will know the price to pay...

There is no way out.

Please, go.

- Did you hear that?
- What?



Then it's already too late.

What was it?

The end. The end of the man you once were.

Get it over with quickly. Believe me.

Get it over with!

You can't escape from it.

I was the architect of this lie.

You can't get out.

But don't worry.

Soon, you won't suffer anymore. Go!

Access to scientific data authorized.

Revitalization of memory in process.

- Open your level.
- No way.

- First tell me the meaning of all this.
- Calm down.

Security is not within your competence.

Just open the network to surveillance.

The protocol is clear.

Access to the zero network
is for technicians only.

It's guaranteed.

I cannot let your guards through.

It is a case of absolute necessity.

Your irresponsible attitude constitutes
a breach of contract.

The plantation is supposed to be

Surveillance stops at the collector
on level zero.

- Not below.
- You must let us resolve the problem.

Resolve the problem?

There's a w*r below!

Have you seen the images?

You don't have the right to go against
the workers' will

and keep them from answering the call.

The network will not be used
for repressive ends...

and certainly not by your guards.

You must give us access.
The rest isn't within your competence.

Do you hear me?

You may not put forth your conditions
to the council.

Take it as you wish.

But as long as we don't get information
on the condition of the workers at the top,

no one will go back up.

End of discussion.

You are right.

This discussion is over.

Everything was recorded.

If your screws try to get in,
I'm warning you...

I will let everyone know up there
what's going on here...

and what fate Eden Log has in store
for immigrant populations.

We still have laws!

- We're in position. Everything's ready.
- Then go!

Find a way to get that working again.

Requesting contact with the surface.
What's the situation?

The elevators are still blocked
in the upper levels.

What about the plantation?

It's completely blocked.
The workers are in the terminal stage.

They're out of control.

Get to the upper level, the rest of you.
On the double.

Images have been broadcast
throughout the whole network.

That is why the technicians
are obstructing access.

- It complicates things.
- Recover the data from the labs.

The rest is left to your discretion.

- I see.
- The secret.

Only the secret matters.

New mission. Take control of the laboratories
and the technicians.

Take control of the technicians?

We're cleaning up.
I want footage of all this.

Check your recorders!

The broadcast remains dangerous
for the whole system.

We're unable to locate the technician
from level-3.

His knowledge of the network
is a serious handicap for us.

You'll find a way. The outside
isn't yet ready to accept the secret.

You are its guardian.

What about us? What do we do now?

We neutralize the lab and go back
to the plantation.

We have to locate the architect.

We don't have a choice.
Nothing can get out of the network.

No signal. No people.

Disconnecting memory.

Access to scientific data unauthorized.

Check this out.

I'm sick of walking around
tied to this leash.

Would you rather get lost in the network?

Actually, I'm sick of these corridors too.

The faster we get our hands on that
assh*le, the faster we'll go back up.

Great! One more dead end!

Let's hope the other team
has had better luck.

Access to security data authorized.
Map display in process.

We've already searched that whole area.
It's impossible to go any further.

The others are taking care of that gallery.

We still have this part,
and we'll be done with this level.

- He must be in the more humid areas.
- Probably.

He could be there, there or there.

Maybe he's hiding there.
Maybe he changed levels, even.

Enough already.
There's no point arguing about it.

How is he able to find his way
without dropping breadcrumbs? I don't get it.

It's because of the darkness.
Not enough oxygen gets to the brain.

Shut up!

At least, they don't have any more problems.

Tell me how we're supposed to find
a fugitive in a maze he designed himself.

Ask the people at the top.

Up there! He diverted the evacuation pipe!
Masks on!

I can't believe it.

Over there! He's going up the ducts.

It's no use being so restless.

Sorry about the music.
It's the only way I found to calm them down.

Well, sort of.

I don't know how much longer
all this is going to last.

I hope I won't be here to find out.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

Calm down. And...

Don't stay too close to the walls either.

Do you understand or not?

Up until now, I've done pretty well.

Before you got here, I thought
I was the only one in that situation.

The problem is, if you can't talk anymore,
it means your mutation has already begun.

And I won't be able to keep you.

It's the only place
that's still a bit protected, here.

Maybe you're hungry.

Wait. I'll see what I've got left.

Hey, that's a guard's harness!

What's a worker doing with that? Huh?

Why won't you answer me?

You'll calm down, eventually.

I have all the time in the world, here.

You're going back outside.

But first,

there's a little experiment
I'd like to try on you.

Untie me!

If you can talk, it means
you may still have a chance, you know?

No. I don't know anything.

Where are we?

What is this? You? The cages?
What does it mean?

We're between the plantation and the surface.

They harvest the sap down below,
and the collector is above.

We're in the maintenance network.

- The what?
- The maintenance of the plant.

It's the technicians' network here.
Where they organize everything...

Each floor has a specific purpose...

I'm only a botanist here.

I don't know everything that's going on.

I need to get out of here.

The workers went up that way...

In that state.

I guess they're drawn to the plant.

The plant fed them.

But without any control and at too high
a dose, it made them rot.

I thought my only chance was to wait
till hunger drives them to k*ll each other.

I hope I'll still be alive by then.

We ended up getting used to each other.

But I don't kid myself. If there wasn't
that piece of plastic between us...

I wouldn't hold out long enough
to get out of reach.

It still startles me. After all this time.

What I don't understand...

is how you were able to avoid
the effects of the plant.


It's beautiful, isn't it?

Its sap has infinite energetic properties.

And believe me, it's only the beginning.

Let me test you.

Don't worry, you've got nothing to fear,
except knowing a bit more about yourself.

If you're healthy,
the plant will try to contaminate you.

It will trigger the alarm...

and the transfusion will stop.

You can't hold it against it.
It's as if it was trying to make contact.

Access to the greenhouse authorized.

Releasing mixture.

I'll find out what it wants from us

The process is reversing.

Impossible! It can't be!

The plant has always been sterile.
Where do you come from?


They found something, I think.

Meet me at the glass. Watch the entrance.

They finally found the way.

They're after me.

Don't move.

They're everywhere! Watch out!

It's a simple security measure.

Until you get your wits back.

Opening hatches.

I'm sorry.

I can't take the chance to take you with me.

No! Get away!

It's not me. It's not me.


You're not like them.

I don't get it.

The plant. You.

The guards coming down.
The workers going up.

An elevator!

Damaged data.

Insufficient data.

Nothing works here.

Access to scientific data authorized.

Revitalization of memory in process.

I am the last technician
before the exit level.

I don't have much time left.

We were gullible.

We believed in the perfect cycle.

Energy generated for the outside,
distributed everywhere and to everyone.

Men digging underground,
impervious to the pain of their efforts,

revived at the surface
by the fruit of their work,

will thus earn their place
in this new society.

The structure is different here.

It'll never hold!

We knew what we wanted from the plant.

We believed in its generosity.

But its conditioning comes at a price.

It defends itself against us.

What's happening to me now
happened to the workers down below.

But I won't end up like them.

I've got no choice
but to graft myself to it.

Only the extraction from the plant
can block the mutations.

But nothing can reverse the process.

Now I know what society does with the sick.

They never come back down.

Eden Log must have decided
it was the price to pay.

We, the technicians of the network,
will not keep this lie going.

They left everything open.

Eden Log.

Forerunner in new energies.

I remember, in the beginning,
they had said that with just one tree,

and the exploitation of its roots,

there would be enough energy
for a whole city.

And I believed it.


It's the sap collector.

The plant is above it.

The cubes.

They're connected to the machines.

Don't go back! Never!

Don't you get it?

The people in the cubes...
It wasn't to cure them!

They don't want the energy from the plant...

but the energy from people!

What was that?

Did you hear?

I'm sorry.


Not me. It can't be.

Not after all this time.

I'm doomed.

It's you.

You're the one who contaminated me.

It's you! You contaminated me!

I know...

I know this place.

I know.

I know this place.

Go up to security.
Make contact with the surface.

Access to scientific data authorized.

Loading memory from level-2.

I've arrived at the plantation.
Requesting contact.

Urgent. I don't copy.

I'll send you the footage.

I'm the network botanist.

The plant is becoming more and more toxic
as it is growing.

It seems that the more we take its sap,

the more the plant defends itself.

The warnings sent to Eden Log
have remained unanswered.

The architect from level-3, the most capable
of finding his way through the network,

has decided to go down to report
what is happening above,

in the plantation.

Here's the footage
I've been able to retrieve.

It's my turn. It's calling me.
I know what's in store for me.

End of recording.

Loading level-4 memory.

Everything was recorded!

If your screws try to get in,
I'm warning you...

I will let everyone know
up there what's going on here...

and what fate Eden Log has in store
for immigrant populations.

We still have laws!

- We're in position. Everything's ready.
- Then go!

Find a way to get that working again.

Requesting contact with the surface.

- What's the situation?
- What about the plantation?

It's completely blocked.
The workers are in the terminal stage.

They're out of control.

We're unable to locate the technician
from level-3.

His knowledge of the network
is a serious handicap for us.

Recover the data from the labs.

The rest is left to your discretion.

I see.

The secret. Only the secret matters.

Loading security data.

Decryption of security data. 20%.

New mission. Take control of the laboratories
and the technicians.

Of the technicians?

We're cleaning up.
I want footage of all this.

- The broadcast remains dangerous...
- Decryption of security data.


Decryption of security data.


Decryption of security data. 90%.


Reading security data.

Are you going to be okay?

I'm going to get help.

Can you hold on?

Requesting contact with the surface.

The plantation is devastated.

We're stuck below. Do you copy?

Nothing works.

Do you copy?

Access to security archives authorized.

Welcome, Tolbiac.

Revitalization of memory in process.

The situation is critical.

We have intercepted the footage
from the plantation.

Attention to all guards.

Following orders from the council,
get ready to go down

and silence the plantation.

End of the revolt at the plantation.

Task completed.

Elimination of the architect.

Task completed.

Access to the observation scientific network.

Task completed.

Recall your forces. It's Tolbiac.

Mission completed.

The council is satisfied with the way
you have carried this mission.

The revolt of the plantation workers and
the network resistance have just been a hitch

which we look forward to rectifying.

You are the most apt to secure the area,

and what is already the model
for a new exploitation.

Let's reinvest the plantation.

Access to the greenhouse authorized.

You must regain control.

We're ready to go down, sir.

Open up.

You have helped us preserve
the most important thing.

Maintaining the secret.

Just long enough for us to bring our citizens
to acknowledge

that their daily life requires
a new social order.

To bring them to understand
we must have the courage

to impose a solution
on these faraway populations,

from lands of frustration.

All these men and women
who don't have a choice but to hope

for what we've never been able to offer them.

We need men like you.

Conscious of abnegation,

of the necessary sacrifice
this new world requires.

The time will come when the secret
will no longer be needed.

Our citizens will eventually accept
what our needs require of these populations.

After a period of deprivation
and suffering,

we'll finally have a way to integrate
all these populations into our civilizations.

At last, the return to Eden.

For all that.
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