Dante 01 (2008)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Dante 01 (2008)

Post by bunniefuu »

It all began in the fire.

The primeval fire.

The fire of hell.

Like in the maw of the dragon.

Like in a fairy tale.

If we learn anything
from fairy tales,

it's not that dragons exist,

but that they can be beaten.

As in a fairy tale,
I'll begin with "Once upon a time... "

Once upon a time,

there was
a remote little station

in the depths of space,

orbiting a hell by the name of...


If anyone cares, someday,
to delve into our story,

they'll probably say it began

with the arrival
of liaison shuttle number 2.

In fact, it had all been written
long before.

A very long time before.

Since the dawn of time, perhaps.

Dante 01
Psychiatric Detention Centre

Doctors 2, Patients 7,
Security Guards 3

Welcome to Dante 01.

I hope you had a pleasant awakening.

I'll be waiting for you.

- My name is...
- Charon, the station chief.

Being so well informed, you'll
easily find the control centre.



So this is the famous "nut ship"?

Is that company slang?

In fact, they're...

Criminals and mental cases.

Volunteers to test our treatments.

I've studied all their files.

Who can claim to know men's minds?

Goes with the job!

Have you met?

Who wouldn't know our mentor?

Your work on criminal psychobiology
is a reference at Neurinos.

I'm Elisa.

What did you do to deserve
a trip to this antechamber of hell?

I've come to try out some new
treatments on the prisoners.

I'll explain the rules
of our little world...

The detention quarters
are in the levels

just below us.


The new arrival.

Time for him to meet his playmates.

They're tagged
for permanent tracking.

Dear old Rasputin
is taking things in hand.

Look. That's Rasputin.

God has answered my prayers!

God never abandons his children!

Stop raving for a minute!

This man

has come to save us.

No one can save you, Rasputin.

Saint George the Dragon Slayer can!

There are no dragons here.

Anyway, who told you his name?

God did.

Look! O ye of little faith!


Wasn't it someone upstairs?

Have you changed your name to Judas?

I serve God, not men.

You'd better.

If you got it into your head
to betray us,

you'd meet your God a lot earlier!

What's your name?

Not very chatty. All the better.

We've too many prattlers as it is.

His name is Saint George!

Once you set your mind
on something...

Saint George it is, then!

Attila, did you get the data
I asked for?

I'm working at it, sweetie.

Keep your hair on.

That will do!
Remember you're only a prisoner.

Stop playing the big chief, Charon.

I could withdraw your access
to the network.

You wouldn't do that.
You need me.

And if they found out up there,

you'd be demoted.

I want to know
why that shuttle came.

Look through Elisa's files.
And watch the new arrival!


Our new arrival!

The elegant eater is Moloch.


The other one is Lazarus.

What's his name?

I haven't heard him speak yet.

I'll explain the rules
of our little world.

As long as you abide by them,
we'll leave you alone.

Do you understand?

Does he hear what I'm saying?

Do you hear me?

We listen in
on what they say to the Answerer.

Strange name.

That's what they call it.

No screen to watch them
at the same time?

I don't need to remind you
how confined this space is.

We're sensitive
to every squeak or whisper.

With video surveillance too,
they wouldn't say as much.

The Answerer
is their only "free space".

I just wanted to help them.

I saw that they wanted to leave

this life.

I just wanted to help them...

They call him Buddha.

Lots of victims.

He says he k*lled them
out of compassion.

He still has att*cks

but nothing
like his original fits of rage.

He often just lies there asleep.

"Meditating", as he says.

Hey, Buddha!

Want to see the new boy?

Answer me!

We don't know very much

about your shuttle companion.

He was found covered in blood
on a drifting long-haul ship.

Alone on board.

Any lD?


The black boxes were scorched.

Why bring him here?

Neurinos thought the new treatments
should be tested in space.

What new treatments?

We'll talk about them later.

You see?

Look at me.

This is your card.

It gets you 3 meals a day.

Don't lose it.

Watch out for Moloch.

He'll try to nick your card.

Hey, sweetie?

Not enough!

That's enough!

Do you want them to gas us?

Sit down.

Never lose sight of them.

That's nothing. Par for the course.

When Caesar intervenes,

they calm down quickly.

Did you put him in charge?

No. The prisoners won't let us
impose anything.

They organise themselves.

We just watch
that they don't k*ll each other.

Sometimes we intervene too late,


Maybe if you applied
the protocols more strictly...

There's more to life than protocols!

I've been looking for you.

So you're the new one?

What's your name?

I'm Buddha. And you?

Not going to answer?

You're in pain, eh?

You know...

I can deliver you from your pain.

I can help you to the other side.

Where there's no pain.

I just want to help you.

I just want to help you...

It's the same every time, Buddha!

Any new arrival,
you try to strangle him!

I just wanted to help him.

Don't talk rubbish!

You get off on k*lling,

not helping!

You don't decide who dies,
is that clear?

It's clear.

Is that clear?

It's clear, it's clear!

It's clear, Caesar.

Catch him!

What is it now?

Buddha tried to strangle
the new one.

They're going to sort him out.

- We'll go in.
- How?

The anaesthetising gas first.

Wait 5 minutes.

That gives us an hour.

We can treat Buddha.

That never does any good.

Any better suggestions?

We could test my new protocols.

What are they exactly?


Intelligent programs to neutralise
chromosomal dysfunctions.

A DNA patch to solve the mystery

of the human psyche, eh?

Ah! Liberation
through the power of words!

Is that yourtherapy?

Which do you prefer?

Risky new procedures
or tried and trusted techniques?

Neither. We're after efficient
and commercial solutions.

This isn't the time.

We'll try your new treatment.

Without me, then.

Cer and Berus... They're asleep.

You can go in.

What if they woke up?

Couldn't happen.

They'd have to hold their breath
for 10 minutes.

It's funny.

I've never been in here
without Persephone before.

More anaesthetic?
He could be a handful.

No, those straps are strong.


Berus, knock him out!

Wait, he's calming down.

Wait for it to take effect.

You can take him back.

Was it you?

Was it you who saved me?


I don't know what they did,

but before you got to me

I felt like my blood was on fire.

Who are you?

Why do you never speak?

Never mind.

You will when you're ready.

Now I'll look after you.

Come on.

How did the experiment go?

As if you didn't know!

I saw Buddha reacting very violently
to your treatment.

A normal defence reaction.

The program adds
corrective sequences to the DNA.

And the added sequences

don't conflict
with the existing sequences?

That's the risk.

We can't yet predict
how the guinea-pigs will react.


Those headcases signed a contract
with Neurinos.

They're the worst kind of criminal,

only left alive
if they'll be guinea-pigs.

Why does the word shock you?

As an expert in human,
even criminal, behaviour,

I'm against using
the word "guinea-pig".


Let's see what you've got.

What's that?


Permitted losses: 100%

It is said that on the gates of hell
is written:

"Abandon hope,
all ye who enter here. "

Yet it is here,

in the midst of these pariahs,
these reprobates,

that the true sense of my quest
became clear.

I, Persephone,

having devoted my life
to curing minds,

saw, in the body of a patient,

the birth of a possible salvation...

The force that emanates
from Saint George is beyond us.

I do not understand it yet,

but I know that no one
on this station shall be spared.

Second Circle

- Am I disturbing you?
- A bit.

I wanted to check you were OK.

You don't need anything?

I'm fine, thanks.

By the way...

What do you think of Persephone?

Just like I imagined.


She's been here too long.
She lacks objectivity.

Yes, perhaps.

Neurinos doesn't trust her.

When will you be leaving?

When I have enough significant data.

Why? Does my presence bother you?

No. Quite the contrary.


Charon sweetie, are you there?

I managed to get
into the shuttle's computer.

Trouble is,

the files are very well protected.

Restricted to Neurinos staff only.


Surely you can bypass that.

Yeah, probably.

But to do so,

I'll need your password.

Don't you have it?

You do disappoint me.

I'd have to be a genius to manage
with the gear you've given me.

Let's see
what kind of a genius you are.

You never keep your promises,

Do you understand
why I can't trust you?

I know I never kept my word.

But I know that won't happen again.

It's too late.
No one here wants to die

because you can't control yourself.

That was before.

Before what?

Before he cured me.


He cured you? You're insane!

I told you, Caesar.
He's an angel sent by God.

Cured or not,
I don't want you starting again.

Deal with him.

- Keep out of this!
- Buddha's cured!

Get out of my way!



He's not wounded, he's breathing!

It's incredible!
Shall I take a blood sample?

He was in his death throes.

Now look at his heartbeat.

If that's not a miracle...

It was just a superficial wound.

Moloch's wound disappeared

through the new one's intervention.

There must be a rational explanation

for his recovery.

I can't k*ll someone
who saved my life.

What do you say, Lazarus?

You ask me to waste him, I will.
I couldn't care less about him.

Maybe you weren't so badly injured.

This Saint George
is causing trouble among us.

The others think he's the Messiah.

You understand, Moloch?

If we don't do something,

they'll get rid of us.

What is it?

It's since the last shakedown.

If we don't stop him,
we won't have long left.

They'll make him chief.

They'll strangle us in our sleep.
For revenge!

They won't spare us.

If he can cure people,

he can also k*ll them.

k*ll him nice and quietly.



No one will bother you here.

I'll fetch you a blanket.

That's it.

I'll keep watch.

What is it?
I've never seen you off your food.

I don't know...

I feel a bit peaky.

Enough time wasting!
We've got work to do.

A present from Caesar.

- Where's Persephone?
- Listening room, I think.

She likes wasting her time.

I don't like seeing
those 2 together.

Who's there?

Is that you, Buddha?

The Answerer is busy.

That's OK.

We'll wait our turn.

Why can't we see them?

They're in the blind spot.

That's not a good sign.

The light...

Stop it!

This scumbag tried to k*ll you.

Caesar didn't want him dead.

You should gas them, boss.

Look at this shit!

Can your messiah save you now?

What's got into you, Moloch? Let go!

Third Circle

I'm sure I saw him dying.

At least 10 fatal blows.

He'd lost almost all his blood.

This time you can't deny
that it was

a resurrection.

Resurrection or not, I must try
new treatments on this man.

And I'm determined to do so.

How do you explain
his miraculous cures?

Their "miraculous" nature

is not proven.

You knew, didn't you?

- What?
- That he's no ordinary man.

He wouldn't be here if he was.

Stop acting dumb!

The company sent him here

to isolate him.

He's exhibiting
exceptional characteristics.

What's it to you?
You're not concerned by this affair.

What will you do with him?
Dissect him?

To get to the bottom of the mystery.

You can always resign.

I'm in charge of psycho-genetics
here, and I forbid any manipulation

of this man.

I have an official letter
countermanding your authority.

Stuff your letter!

What do you say, Charon?

We've discussed this.
You know what to do.

I'm relieving you of your functions.
This is official.

Do you realise what's at stake here?

Not just you or me.

All of humanity!

Oh, humanity...

They'll commercialise his genetic
codes and then eliminate him.

We must keep him alive,

understand what he is.

We have to stop her

changing his metabolism.


Sorry, Persephone. I can't.

Neurinos has given her
authority over you.

They'll leave
when the shuttle's ready.

It was all planned in advance.

Get out.

I'm doing it for your good.

"How sad a path it is to climb
and descend another's stairs."

What does that mean?

You never saw this coming!

Don't be too hard on Persephone.

I don't understand.

She cares more about the prisoners
than the results.

The straps!

Let her go!

Let her go!

Charon, do something!

Be reasonable.

I'll let you join the others.

Let her go!

An emergency. Let's go!

I've opened the airlock.
Let her go now.

- What else could I do?
- Make sure the straps are tight!

You told me he was dead.
We don't usually restrain corpses!

Hi, sweetie.

There you are.

Just to tell you
we'll soon be crashing into Dante

and burning up in hell,
like the damned that we are!

That's nonsense.

I know what you're playing at,

I cracked your files
a long time ago.

Your Elisa and her nanotechnology

were really going to f*ck us up!

We were all going to be contaminated
from the inside,

like a common computer program.

You know what to do with epidemics?
Burn everything!

I used your password
to lock everything down.

This is my apocalypse!


Can anyone up there hear me?


What the f*ck are they doing?



You told me he was dead.

Get away!

What have you done to me?

A light...

I saw a light.

What are you talking about?

- We need a way out.
- There is one.

You have to pilot manually.

The light...

Where was it coming from...

this light?

I don't know...

That alarm
means we're all going to die!

Calm down, Lazarus.

Keep cool.

- You can't order me!
- I'm not.

I'm advising you.

Things have changed here.

You can say that again.


You have to keep
playing the chief, eh, Caesar?

- That alarm?
- That was me.

I set it off.

You'd need the gear.

I got it off the chief up there.
To snoop in company files.

- He thought he controlled me.
- Get to the point!

The point? There's no hurry, Caesar.

We've less than an hour to live.

After that: boom!


I deprogrammed the station.
It'll crash.

You're insane!

Like all of us.

We're scum, aren't we?

They mustn't erase our memories.

They were going to defragment us
in the void!

I didn't realise
you were this unhinged.

We're all going to fry!

And you, Dragon Slayer...

You won't be able to resurrect us!

I'm dead. Dead, you hear me?

Since I came to this station
I've been dead.

Catch him!

Why not the shuttle I came in?

It's only for 2.

We have to reach the piloting cabin.
In under an hour!

There's supposed to be a trapdoor.

If we get there,
we could reboot the system.

It's in the prisoners' area.


Found him?

That way.

Go on, pull.

Maybe he was just trying
to scare us.

Giving Attila a computer?
Like giving matches to a pyromaniac!

They knew up there.

How reckless can you get?

It's time to join those
I sent to the other side.

I no longer fear death.

Wait! There's only one justice.

God's justice.


- We're still alive.
- f*cking bullshit!

We're crashing into that f*cking
planet and you're talking about God?

In a few minutes we'll all be dead!
Do you understand?


Trust in God.

f*ck God!

If we're his creatures,

he needn't have bothered!

And what about his miracles?


Our station has left
its geostationary orbit.

We must reach a control panel

under your quarters,

and activate the emergency boosters.

I ask you, therefore,

to cooperate with us.

If you approve, raise your hands.

She isn't coming, then.

Aren't you afraid?

Afraid? We should have opened
the door ages ago.

And never closed it again.

I'm Charon,
the director of this station.

He's the f*cking maniac
who gave the gear to Attila!

He's the one!

That's enough!

Shut it!

We're here to help.

The panel is only accessible

via the cooling conduits.

Go on.

The trapdoor is in this part.
Over there, I think.



Going to do a runner, eh?

I never thought
I'd see a babe like you again.

- You're not...
- No, I'm not asleep.

I can hold my breath.

- You're hurting!
- You can't give me orders now.

Where were you going?

The shuttle can get us to safety.


It's meant for 2.

You knocked everyone out for that.

You're a crafty one, eh?
Like me.

A 2-year journey,
then you're free.

In there with you?

That's worth a try, eh?

But I'm warning you.

No funny business!

Go on.

After you, princess.

Wake up.

- Who released the gas?
- Who do you think?

Berus, go and check the shuttle!

Cer, the trapdoor!

It's the only way.
At least 4 metres.

It's far too long.

The cooling system is overheating.

They were in the shuttle.

Attila must have fixed the controls.
It burnt up.

We'll soon be joining them.

What's down there?

The piloting cabin.

We can break away from Dante's pull.

- Is it complicated?
- Really simple.

You just enter a code.

You'll never get down there.
It's far too narrow.

We need someone of my build.

What's the code?

Etna D10.

Have you thought this through?

My brain's not boiled yet!

Subtitles: Arigon

Caesar's sacrifice
was probably not an innocent one.

For, ifwe aspire to the light,

each of us has a duty
to drive away the shadows.

We never knew who he was,

nor where he came from.

Yet one thing is certain.

It was from us that Saint George
drew the force to slay the dragon.

His destiny
could only be fulfilled here,

at the gates of hell,

at this threshold
never before crossed

by a living man.
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