Love Story 2050 (2008)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Love Story 2050 (2008)

Post by bunniefuu »

Excuse me sir, can I interrupt you?

It's about Karan.

I said, not today.

But he is already here sir.

Then send him back.

know how to make an excuse.

I can't stop my 60 million dollar
takeover for his silly weekend trip.

Alba, I don't care how
you do it! But avoid him!

Sorry about that!


You must know he didn't mean it.

Hey Karan, we had a great holiday.
And missed you a lot.

How was your Europe trip?

You already know it, friend.

What happened, did your
dad turn you down you again.

The story of my life!

See you Karan!

Let's go boys!

'I can't stop my 60 million dollar
takeover for his silly weekend trip. '

He has taken your car.

Doesn't matter. It's okay.

Not the M. G!


Dad could have k*lled me.

Excuse me!

What are you doing with my car?

That's my favorite car, Karan!

I know, dad.

That's why I took it.

Come back to the office, now!

I did come to the office, dad!

I was busy at that time.

Now I am!

Well, sometime later
we will plan this trip.

I am on a trip, dad.

Not a scratch on my car, Karan!

Don't worry dad, there
won't be a single scratch.

Not a single scratch.

'Not a scratch on my car, Karan! '

'Not a scratch on my car, Karan! '

Honestly, I am tired of you Karan!

I am tired of shouting!

Why do you always shout dad?

Why don't you ever talk to me!

Talk! What do you want me to do?

Tell you stories?

You are not a child anymore Karan!

Excellent dad!

At least you know how
old this trouble maker is!

Don't change the topic!

My M. G! My favorite car!
Custom made pars!

It hasn't been
even three months yet!

And the car is a wreck!

Isn't it funny dad!

You have more feelings for a car
than for your 23 year old son?

What do you care for?

This house! The cars! Companies!

One day, it will all be yours.

But you will only realize
the value of everything...

...when you will lose it.

And when will you
realize the value of your son...

...when you will lose me?


Good night dad!

Mom! No mom, this is not fair!

Today, I won't let
you take dad's side.

I feel very lonely, mom.

I really miss you.

When I go out, no one says...

...'Son, take care of yourself. '

When I come home,
no one says to me...

...Karan, have you come...

No one ever says, eat
on time, sleep on time.

Don't watch the T.V.

Don't shake your leg!

Get a hair cut, for Christ sake!

No one says anything at all!

I really miss you mom!

Hey Karan!

My man!

What's up!

What is the matter?

Did uncle...

Leave it. It's okay!

Okay, forget about it.

We have brought something for you...

...which you will not want to miss.

Guess what?

Tickets for the
Adelaide X-treme Sports Event!

Yeah baby!

And let's see what it says!

for Mr. Karan Malhotra...

...starting tomorrow at 9 A. M!

Sana, come here.

Just a second.

Sunny, Please!

Sheena, I don't want you here!

Just go!

...the car racing starts in an hour.

...the grand bike.

The first is Streets...

Sana, I am going to
have another breakup!

But you just had one last
month, didn't you Sheena?


That was with Shekar!
Now it's with Sandy!

Sandy is a very cool guy!

But, I am bad luck for him.

We have gone on two dates.

And everything
possible has gone wrong.

Who told you that you
are responsible for this?


And, today he is
taking part in a race.

And what if he lost because of me.

No Sheena, don't worry!

Don't worry!

I will talk to him!

Either he won't take
part in this race.

And if he does, he will have to win.

Where is he?

Come on! There! There!

There he is! There he is!

- There!

Near the bike. - Don't tell
him that I have sent you, okay!

Actually tell him!

And, you will handle
it, right! - Yes, yes.

Fine, handle everything.
- But where are you going?

What's in that place?

Damn easy.

Alright buddy, you be careful.

Alright mate, you have a good one.
- This is Karan. You are Billy.

This is a hard one, you
have a really nice one.

Take care of yourself.
- Alright.

Excuse me!

Hi, I am Sana!

Me too!

I mean you too! I mean...

I am Sheena's friend.

Sheena! Yes, of course!

You believe in fate, correct?

Well, we're meeting like
this, isn't this fate?


It's not because of fate,
it's because of love.

Well, only fortunate ones find love!

Yes! But love can change fates too!

It doesn't destroy your fate!

For the sake of love, you
will have to win today! - Race.

Because if you lose.,
- No problem!

And what if I win?

Then we will celebrate
this victory together.

- All the best.

Where were you?

We were searching all over for you!

I need a bike
- You want to race!


You found him cute!

Why, are you feeling jealous?

No! But for the first time
you liked one of my boyfriends.

Either you have changed,
or my taste.

Your taste hasn't changed,
it has improved.

Well done Sheena, I am proud of you.

Who told you that
you can win this race?

Sana did.

Sana! - Really!

Who is Sana?
- Sheena's friend!

And who is Sheena?

'Back to the pit, big pretty... '

I don't know?

Hey, come on. Watch me.

Sunny will win.

Karan. Come on karan.


Come on, come on you can do it.
- Yes. - Come on.


Oh no
- Go. Go. Go. - Yes.

Come on. Yes. Yes.

Come on.
- Do it.

- Come on.

Come on.

They are going towards the pitch.

Come on Sandy.

The one who has won is not Sandy...
- He is Sandy.

What's wrong with you?
- Sandy has lost, Sana.

Come let's go from here.

Hey Karan, cheer up dude. You won.

Yeah, I know but where is she?

There you go champ, you have won.

Now he is the champion,
he is become arrogant.

Karan! What are you looking for?

Don't ask what?

Ask, Karan whom are you looking for?

Sheena, it's just a race.

Someone wins and someone loses.

But Sandy wins this race every year.

For the last time,
it's not your fault!

Then whose fault is it?

I don't know!

Come on, let's go sit on
that roller coaster! - No, no!

...Come on!
- No, no!

Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys!

I think that was Sana!


Yes she is!

Listen, has he gone mad...

Where did he go?

What the hell are you doing here?

Of course not.

Have you gone mad?

Not until now.

But seems like your friend
is going to drive me crazy!

Anyway! Place and time!


Operator, can you
get him off please!

I can't stop it before
it takes a full round.

Oh God! This is so embarrassing,
everyone is watching...

...can you please get off?
- Okay!

Oh my god. - Karan!

Come on!

All I am asking for is a date!

You had told me, if I
win we will celebrate.

All in the name of love.

You asked him to win
the race and not sandy!

What difference does it make?

If Sandy had to win the race,
then he would have won it!

How can Sandy win, when
my lady luck is with me?

Excuse me!

I am not your lady, and I
am definitely not your luck!

Of course, you are his lady luck.

That's why he win the race, and me...

...I am just unlucky!
Unlucky! Unlucky!

Sheena! Please behave yourself!

I am not talking to you!

I am not talking to you!
- Girls! Girls! Girls!

Calm down! I am hanging!

So Sana, where would you like to go?

Excuse me, I don't
go out with strangers!

Alright then!

Karan! Age 23! From Sydney!

Current status single, and waiting!

Say yes, Sana! He is so adorable.

Are you out of your mind?

Please say yes Sana, he will
fall down, die... turn into a ghost...

...and will come and scare us!

...Just say yes...
- Oh sorry.

Relax! Relax!

We will go out okay!

Don't worry about it!

We are on for a date!

So, when and where?

Shall I pick you up or
will you come by yourself?

First dinner or straight partying!

So, how would you like to
spend the evening with me Sana?

Not with you Mr. Karan!

Hey! Hey! Hey! That's not fair!

And what you did
with me, what was that?

You put me in an
embarrassing situation...

...and then blackmailed me!

All you get is a big no!



We will meet again!

Definitely meet again.

She put your
entire heroism to shame!

Karan, that's the last samosa left!

Pick it up!

He doesn't want samosa, he
wants Sana! - He wants Sana! Okay...

It's not funny guys! I am stressing!

I can see her everywhere!

See that poster there!

That's Sana!

These girls that you can see!

Both of them are Sana!

- These flowers...

I can see Sana in every petal.


That bus that you see!

I can see Sana in that too!

God! Sana! Sana! Sana!

All of you are laughing!

I am suffering! It's not funny!

Hey lover boy, Sana
really is in that bus.


Oh no
- I am sorry, guys. - Idiot.

I am sorry. - Idiot sorry.
- Stop it, she is my car.

You are in a hurry to go somewhere.

Get you.

- Hang on.

Take him.

Come on. Come on.

Please guys, sorry.

Here I come Sana.


Hello. Hello.

What are you doing here?


You, here...

I was following your bus.

Battling the traffic,
escaping the wrestlers.

From the port, to the top of the
bridge, and then on top of your bus.

And then, finally here
on top of your house.

I mean Outside! Inside! Whatever...

Okay! Okay! Okay!

What do you want?


Thank you!

Karan, what do you really want?


I want you to fulfill your promise!

I won the race, for you!

I know!

But you shouldn't have won!

It was a mistake!
- Mistake!

You asked me to win,
that's why I won!

If you would have asked me to
lose, I would have easily lost.

But you asked me to win,
so what am I supposed to do?

I don't know!

I thought you were Sandy!

But you are not Sandy!

Hi, I am Sandy!

Kalidas has said,
what's in the name?

Not Kalidas, Shakespeare!

What's in the name Saba?

Not Saba, Sana!
- Exactly!


Since I've seen you, I can only see
in you in everything and everyone.

When I look into the mirror,
I see your face not mine!

Hello. Say something.

Karan! Are you free this evening?

I am free right now,
shall we go now?

Don't push your luck!

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. She said yes.

Life is good. Life is great.
Life is good. Life is great.

Romeo and Juliet!

Romeo and Juliet!
- Yes.

Do you remember the balcony
scene in Romeo and Juliet?

Where Romeo risks his life
to give a rose to Juliet!

It's so romantic.

There should be
something special in the boy!

There is always something special in
every boy, isn't it Sana? - Karan!

I know what special quality
you Romeo should have? - What?

One, he should be smart and sexy!

Two, he should have muscles, or
else how will he climb the balcony?

He should be able to make you laugh!

And he should have a
lot of love for you!


So basically I know
what you are looking for!


I am smart, I am definitely sexy.

I can make you laugh, I am strong.

There's a little
problem about love! .

But I'll come along.
- Stop it Karan!

Come on, it's the truth!

Stop it.
- This is the truth, you know it.

"Say the truth!"

"Say the truth!"

"Say the truth! Say, Say the truth!"

"Say the truth. Say the truth."

"Say the truth. Say the truth."

"Looking at me,
doesn't your heart say?"

"One that loves you and
always stays close to you!"

"Should be like me...
or should be it me!"

"Should be me, yes it should be me."

"Should be like me...
or should be it me!"

"Or should be it me."

"Say the truth!"

"Say the truth!"

"Whether you accept it or not!"

"You desire to find someone!"

"Whether you accept it or not!"

"You want someone to
be crazy for you!"

"One that sings only for you!"

"One who forgets
himself in your presence."

"One that only loves you!"

"Only you."

"One that only looks at you."

"Only you."

"Say the truth!"
- "Say the truth!"

"Say the truth!"
- "Say the truth!"

"Say the truth!"
- "Say the truth!"

"Looking at me,
doesn't your heart say?"

"The one that loves you,
always stays close to you!"

"Should be like me...
or should it be me!"

"It Should be me,
yes it should be me!"

"It should be me,
yes it should be me!"

"It should be me,
yes it should be me!"

"Say the truth!"

"Say the truth!"

Karan, what are you doing
here so early in the morning?

Waiting for sunshine!

But it was dawn a long time back!

It is just now.

What do you want now Karan?

Nothing! I just, came
to give you this flower!

You didn't come so far, so early
in the morning, to give me a flower.

So you might as well
tell me what you want.

One more day,
please! Just one more day.

Karan, I can't!

Please, I promise I
won't disturb you at all!

I will just look at you from far!

No! Now go!

Come on Sana, say yes sometimes.

It is such a simple word!
It is such a nice word!

Y E S, yes!

Is your name Sana? Yes!

Do you live here? Yes!

Will you go out with Karan? Yes!

Are you leaving?
- Yes!

No! No! No! No!

Come on, please say yes.

Karan, you and I don't
have anything in common.

We are completely different.

Rubbish! We are just the same.

Two arms, two ears,
two eyes, one nose.

Now, even my face
resembles you slightly.

You won't give up!

Is that a yes?
- Yes!

Yes. Yes. Yes.

She said yes again.
- You are my lucky charm.

I love hot dogs.

Not like you, I mean,
like true love.

If hot dog would have been a bitch...

...I would have been married by now.

I can see, true love.

You know what I feel.

Your life is...

Is like a hotdog without a sausage.

I am sure you haven't done
anything exciting in your life.

Of course I have.

Like what?

Like painting, like poetry,
like gardening.

I said something exciting!

Painting, poetry, blah-blah!

What do you mean then?

I mean, today you
should do something...

...that you have never done
ever before in your life.

Right here, right now.

Something crazy, something
wild, something, naughty.

Excuse me! - No, no, no I
don't mean that naughty.

Well like, a little naughty,
I mean something crazy!

Like, robbery!
- Robbery!

You mean stealing!
- No, I mean eating.


I am not asking you to rob a bank.

Something small, so
like something very small.

Like a mini-skirt, like that one.
- Are you crazy?

Come on, it's just for fun!

What difference will
it make to anyone here?

Look, I have never done
anything like this before...

That's why it's important to do it.

Otherwise, accept it. All your
life you will live like this.

Like this hotdog without sausage.

Are you trying to challenge me?


Actually yeah,
because you can't do it!

Sana can't do it!

There is no way in the world
that you can do it! - Stop it!

You don't have a chance.
- Stop it!

You don't have a scope.

Stop it Karan, I will do it fine.

You will do it!
- Yes.

Excellent! Great, done!

Which shop, take your pick.

Come on.

That one.

What's up!
- Hi!

Come on Sana, you can do it.

Excuse me!

How much is that for?

The price is written on it!
- Excellent!

Karan! I stole it! I stole it!

Why are you getting so excited?

You didn't win the Olympics.
It's just stealing!

Yeah, but look he is so cute!

Winkydinks says hi
to Karan! Hi Karan!

Hi Winkydinks!

Yes, nice name isn't it?

Winkydinks, do you
want to kiss Karan? Yes!

How sweet!

Winkydinks, time to go home.

Why but, no! Karan! Karan, no!

Sana, it's stolen,
we have to return it!

Yes! But Winkydinks
doesn't want to go home.

Winkydinks, do you
want to go back home?

No ma'am, see so sad.

How sad!

Hey you! Stop there!

Oh damn!
- Bye!

Bloody shoplifters!

Okay, now it's your turn.

My turn! What turn! U-turn!

Karan! To do something
you have never done before.

Well come to think of it,
I have done everything.

I have done it all.

Okay, what about poetry.

Poetry! Please Sana!

Come on, it's lot of fun
and it's really easy. - No!

For example.

You say, there is mischief,
there is love in your eyes.

And, I'll say, there is allurement,
there is acceptance in your eyes.

I will live in your eyes,
what's the big deal!

Poetry is useless.

One second!

Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, can
you please come closer, come closer.

Not you!


People, listen to me.

This gentlemen here, is going to
recite some meaningful poetry...

Karan Malhotra, age 23 from Sydney.

Current state is single
and finally fluttering.

I can't do this. Have
you lost your marbles?

"Why has the
ambience changed suddenly?"

This is so unfair!

I am going to Winkydinks.
- Karan, it's really easy!

No Sana!
- Come on. - No.

"Why has the weather
changed so suddenly?"

"Why has the weather
changed so suddenly?"

"It's the nature of life,
what else do I say?"

"This breeze, what
does it say to you?"

"It says, you continue to sing."

"Where does road take us?"

"Come, let us see."

"Do these flowers
always smell so good?"

"They have a good heart,
what else do they say?"

"Why has the weather
changed so suddenly?"

"It's the nature of life,
what else do I say?"

"Since the past few days, I feel."

"This world... is
such a beautiful place."

"If there is a heaven,
it's right here."

"Why? Why do I feel that?"

"When life is
filled with happiness."

"When every moment is joyful."

"Then everything looks lovely."

"It may be a sign of love."

"Why are the petals so delicate?"

"They are shy, and what do I say."

"The birds on the trees,
what are the lyrics?"

"They are repeating."

"It seems they are
trying to tell us something."

"Why do I feel so?"

"The birds singing all they know."

"The true meaning of
living life is to fly high."

"They want us to
believe in this too."

"That's how it is."

"Why is this ray of
light so goldenish?"

"It's becoming evening,
what else do I say?"

I love the rain!

The rain is so romantic,
isn't it? - Yup!

You know what's the
best part of rain? - What?


When someone steps in the
puddle and gets splattered...'s so fun to watch it.

Like when we play football.

One kick after another,
and another, and another.

If you come out of the mud, you
will realize how romantic rains are.

Karan! Karan!

Karan! Stop it, come here!

Tell me Karan, you know
almost everything about me!

Won't you tell me
anything about yourself?

Karan Malhotra, Age 23, from Sydney!

Current status single and
splattering! Splattering!


About yourself! About your family!

Mummy used to love me a lot.

I felt as if, she showered
all her love in 10 years.

My dad, he is great.

But God has been
very unjust with him!

He gave such a big man only 24
hours, like any other ordinary man.

But he manages.

At least, he does
manage his business.

And the only one left is me.

I have all the time, all
the time in the world.

Fast cars, bikes, sports.

Anything with an edge.

The more dangerous
it is, the better.

Why do you like danger Karan?

Maybe I want to see, the
limits I can push myself too.

And if someday I do stray far away.

No one will miss me.

So, will I have to
show you another movie.

...or will you spare me for a day?

No Karan! I am going
back home tomorrow.

I came here to study.

And it has been 3 days
since my holidays started.

Everyone is waiting for me at home.

I had forgotten, you
have a real family.

My train will leave at 10 o'clock
tomorrow from Central Station!

If you want...
- No Sana!

I won't come see you off!

I hate goodbyes.

Won't you even ask, when
will I return? Where I am going?

What's the use?

I'm going back to Sydney too!

But there's no one waiting for me.

But I will return next year.

And I am sure that a
boring girl like you...

...won't have a boyfriend even then.

Oh! I have got you something!


I didn't steal it!
I have bought them!

Because we can't
live without you, ma'am.


Either my luck is bad,
or your timing!

Bye Karan!

Take care of yourself Karan!

Don't go too far, because
there's someone who'll miss you.

Will miss you a lot!


God knows, why hasn't
Karan arrived till now?

We will miss our flight!

Hey Karan! Where are you?

You aren't coming, what?

I am going to the railway station!

The flight takes off from the
airport not the railway station!

I know!

I am going to stop Sana!

So you are in love!
- Yes, yes I am!

So, we will stay back too.

We will leave only
after getting you married.

And I will dance.
- Shut up!

So much traffic. I am late.
It's already 10 o'clock.

Can you tell me what the fare is?
- It's 50 dollars.

Hey, hey best of luck.

I don't need luck I have love.

'Don't be a fool, Sana! '

'He won't come! '

Ma'am board in. It's time to leave.

Hang on.

"The Heart cannot endure the
separation... even for a moment."

"Still I don't know why...
I couldn't express it."

"You are my destiny!"

"Our love story is so strange!"

"Like the dreams..."

Excuse me.
- Yes.

The train from platform
number 6, where does it go.

Over there. All of the four
stations on the monitor there.

- Fine.

Strath Alybyn! Here I come.

Hello. Ms. Alba. Karan.

Karan. How are you?

I am doing well.
How's dad? Is he around?

No, he is in a meeting.

Great. Tell dad I will
spend time with uncle Ya.

Uncle Ya!

Uncle Ya, Ms. Alba. My uncle.
The greatest scientist in the world.

Uncle Ya.

So what brings you here?

Uncle, I just felt like
meeting you so I came here.

What is her name?


Look, your uncle can read
the movement of the planets.

Reading your face is not big deal?

Who is it? Who has
formatted your hard disk...

...and put a virus in it.


And where is Sana?

What is her address?
- I don't know?

I mean... maybe she must
be around here somewhere?

Maybe! What do you mean by maybe?

Someone told me?
- Who?

A butterfly!


You are in love,
baby! You are in love.

'I feel that I have lost something! '

'You know diary, Winky dinks says
that Karan had come to the station. '

'Winky dinks is crazy. Isn't it? '

'But why doesn't my heart agree? '

'It absolutely stupid...
like Winky dinks... Karan... like everyone. '

'Everyone is crazy. '

'Or am I the one that's gone crazy. '

'I am the one that's crazy. '

'Lost the most
beautiful thing in the world. '

'Lf you would have
been here with me. '

'You wouldn't have let this happen. '

'Just once! I want to
see him just once more! '

'Just once. '

'Then I will never let
her go away from me. '

'I will just ask,
Karan are you fine? '

'Do you miss me?

'Do you get sleep at
night? ' 'Do you feel hungry? '

'Will you have a hotdog, Karan? '

'I miss you. '

Will you have some coffee?

Okay, let me make you some coffee.

You know, when I returned from
NASA, people thought I am insane.

Except for your dad.

He was the only guy
who didn't laugh at me.


One teaspoon.
- Yeah, one.


You know, he
helped me with this lab.

He helped me with this lab.

Although he didn't
know what I was making.

You really don't know
what you are making.

Coffee, finally!

Sometimes a man gets stuck.

On the coffee?
- No!

On the machine.
- Machine!

For the past 15 years, I have
been working on a machine Karan.

A time machine!

A time machine!

I know what you are thinking.

A man who can't even
make two cups of coffee... can he ever
make a time machine.

But a time machine can be made.
We can travel into the future.

Are you serious uncle?

I am so close Karan.

I am this close.

All I need is a little bit of luck.


Good luck uncle, good luck.

Love you. Love you.

Good luck to you too.

I don't need luck. I have love.

'The rain is so romantic, isn't it? '

'I love the rain. '

'You know what the best
part of rain is? - What? '

'Mud! '

'When someone steps in the
puddle and gets splattered. '

"We were miles apart."

"The journey would take centuries."

"The heart was unaware."

"But I still felt... we
were destined to meet."

"We were miles apart."

"The journey would take centuries."

"The heart was unaware."

"But I still felt... we
were destined to meet."

"We were miles apart."

"My passion has brought me so far."

"My dreams have come true."

"Don't love me so much,
don't cherish me so much."

"What if we separate tomorrow?"

"Never... say that again."

"Never go away from me again."

"We were miles apart."

"The journey would take centuries."

"The heart was unaware."

"But I still felt we
were destined to meet!"

"We were miles apart!"

So friends.

Mrs. Bedi, you are amazing.

Always. Always. Always.

Very good. Too much. Isn't it?

What's the matter?

You are slimming down these days.

What can I do Mrs. Kapoor,
I am worried about my daughter...

...I can't find a
suitable boy for him.


But Mrs. Bhalla was saying that...

you have already
selected a boy for Sana.

Mrs. Bhalla...

She can select any stupid, fool.

But don't you think, Sana
has become a bit too choosy.

It's also possible, that Sana
doesn't have any interest in boys.

Who knows what?

Oh God!

Mrs. Chaddha, what have you done?

Oh God, please send a
boy that Sana will like.

However, stout, short!

Then If I ever ask for anything
ever again, then you can slap me.

Lord, You are very fast and furious.

I made a request, you've
already sent me a boy.

You are like me only.

Very good. Too much.

Where did the boy go?
- Karan, here.

Whatever you say.
- It's more private.

After you.

So, you and me... what next?

So cute.

Karan, let go off my hand... this is
my neighbor's hotel...

No one will see us.
- Sana.

So fast and furious, Lord.

Sana, I know what you are thinking?

Karan, come closer.
Quench my thirst.

Karan. Stop it! Stop it, Karan!

Don't stop. Don't stop. Don't stop.

Douse his craving.

He is right.

Mom. Mom.

This is Karan. Karan
Malhotra from Sydney, age 23...

...current status single
and sitting. - Standing.

Sitting is fine, son.

Black shirt and
brown hair... so cute.

Dave! Two cappuccino...
on this table... in me.

Mom! Not in me, on me.

He will write it in my account,
so it will be in me.

Karan, when are you coming home?

Yeah Karan, come home for coffee.

He is drinking coffee here already.

Come home on dinner.

Mom, not on dinner, for dinner.

First in became on, and
now you change it to for.

You don't know anything, shut up.

Karan dear, what time
will you come, tell me?

Anytime you tell me, auntie!

It's 6 o'clock!
Will you come at 6: 30?

Mom, dad is not at home today.

Unimportant detail...
yes, fine, okay.

Come on brunch tomorrow.

- Just a minute. Just a minute,

I want to ask you
something important.

Karan, I like you a lot...
I am all ready...

...but if Sana's papa too sees you,
then it will be better. - Mom.

Aunt, I will
surely come... I promise.

You are so sweet. Why won't
you be sweet... God has sent him.

Okay. Okay.

You enjoy.


You are sweet.

My mom!

She is very good, too much.

God has sent him, I swear I
never saw such a handsome boy.

If you ask me, I will get
all the rites and rituals...

...marriage and honeymoon...

...all done tomorrow itself.

So cute.

Rahul, did you hear?

He's come.

He's come.

Switch off the X-Box, and
switch on the camera vision.

Okay. Okay.

God! Man, what's up?

You are so pretty, I love you Sana.

I am lucky seat.

Karan! Son! You have arrived.
- Hello!

What happened?
- Nothing, auntie.

It's just water.

Did it rain only on one leg?

Come on. Come in.

Tell me the truth, were you
feeling nervous while coming here?

No auntie, how can I be scared
coming here when you are there.

How cute?

Take a seat, son.


Children say, that's the
lucky seat. Sit there.

What happened?

Take a seat aunt.

He is polite too too.

Sana, you sit here I
have to make the snacks too.

What happened?

Lucky seat, yeah rite.

This is Rahul and Thia.

Darling, where are you going?

Karan, mom!

Sana, Karan!

Got you.

Got you. Got you.

Rahul! Thia! What are you doing?

Give the camera to me.

Say sorry to Karan bhaiyya.

I should be the one saying sorry.

I'll speak to them.

I am sorry.

I am sorry that I am taking
your sister Sana away from you.

But what can I do?

Your sister Sana is so adorable.

And there is no one to love me.

That's why God has sent
your sister Sana to me.

So that she can
shower her love on me.

Now, I cannot give
you anything in return.

But, I can promise
you guys one thing.

I will love you more
than your sister Sana.



Come on, deal!

So Karan, what are your hobbies?

I have a lot of hobbies uncle.

Like X-treme sports, mountain
biking, tap dancing, hip-hop.

Don't you have a serious hobby?

How can a hobby be serious?

I mean, I do
everything seriously sir.

In fact, I have won the FIFA
world cup three times, on the Xbox.


In Mortal Kombat, at every level I
have broken every fighter's bones.

Do you have any
constructive hobby or you only
believe in breaking things?

He has papa.

Karan is a fine art critic.

And he loves poetry.

And... he loves to read.

What do you read?

I... sir... Archie's, GQ, Playboy...

Plays for boys. Plays for boys.

Plays, papa. Like Shakespeare.

Which is your favorite play?

The one in which the hero
climbs the... the balcony...

Polio and... Romeo and Juliet!


Sana's favorite play too.

If you have finished asking
him about old and boring books...

...then can I match their horoscopes.

Son, what is your
date of birth and time.

Not the address, I don't
want to write a letter.

I will send the
details to Bhatinda tomorrow.

The priest will match
both the horoscopes.

By the way, aunt.

My uncle sees horoscopes too. Yes.

I mean, he is not a
professional astrologer.

But astrology is his serious hobby.

Very good, too much.

My courier money is saved too.

Son, give me your uncle's address.

Tell me.
- Mom, let Karan eat peacefully.

I didn't stop him from eating?

Tell me as you are eating.

Very good, too much.

Quickly place all the planets
in their houses and tell me...

Relax Mrs. Bedi, please relax.

If the constellations get mixed
up, everything will be ruined.

Nothing should go wrong.

It is the question of
the children's life.

Oh, Saba. Saba.
- Wow!


It's just a lab. Come.

Khanna sir, you are a scientist
still you know all this. How?

I know, and I believe in it too.

The movement of the planet makes a
difference in the lives of human's.

It contains the rewards for
the deeds. Reincarnation too.

Oh God! Reinc...

That's why Khanna sir, whenever
I see high walls I feel giddy.

How many times have I
thought... that in my...

...past birth I must
surely been Anarkali.

Yeah, of course. You
must have been Anarkali.

If you would have been Anarkali,
then I must have been Saleem.

- Wow!

All that's fine, but,,
what's the big secret?


There is a time machine here.


Don't you know what
a time machine is?

In which you can
travel through time.

A time machine... using
which we can go into any era.

We can go anywhere.

In the past, in the future.

I know that.

But is it for real?
Of course it's real.

Uncle Ya is the coolest
scientist in the world.

so that he can come here.

So that he can do
research on the time machine.

He can construct it.

There is nothing
interesting in my hand... are just staring at my face.

Remember. Try to remember the
time, when you were Anarkali...

And you were Saleem.
Forget it Khanna sir.

I am too clever.

Even if I was Anarkali... how
could you have recognized me now.

Wouldn't my face look different now?

No! No! No!

Whenever a person
lives his life peacefully...

...and dies, then in the next
birth he assumes a new form.

But... if he dies
before time... like Anarkali.

Then he assumes the same form
as he did in his last birth.


You are scaring me.

Karan! Will you show it to me once?


Time machine Karan.

No, no, no you can't be,, no.
- Please, please, please...

...No, no way. - Please Karan,
I will do whatever you say.

Anything I say.

Open sesame. Stop!

You cheat.

Oh my god, Karan! What will
uncle say if he sees this?

Oh no. What have I done?

Uncle won't remember anything.

I remember.
- What?

You are too sexy.

Oh! This wasn't written here.

I can't remember it.

You are thinking as if
you used to tutor Einstein.

Come on.

What's the matter
astrologer cum scientist, you are...

Is there any problem?

No! Sana has a very nice horoscope.

My child is so nice.

Her constellations will be the best.

Match the horoscope with Karan's.

I will do it in a day or two.

Shall I leave the horoscope here?
Yes, leave it back here.

Leave Sana back here too.

Karan will drop her.

Goodbye, good luck.

"He came to match the horoscope.
To get them married."

I never tell lies. Trust me.

This machine really works, Sana.

Oh my God!

That is so unreal.

Does it work.

I don't know.

Depends. On what?

It does work?

Welcome to the time machine.

I am nervous.
- Don't be.

After you sunshine.


How does it start?

Can you press that button?



So sunshine, what time, what place?

Mumbai. Where I was born!

Mumbai! 1986!

Excellent choice.

Finally I will be
able to see you naked.

High... hopes!

We have already seen the past.
Now we will see the future.

We will see whether the
world has changed or not?

Type it!

M U M B A I! Mumbai!

What happened?

I am scared.

Trust me Sana.

Nothing will happen.

There is nothing to be scared of.

Mumbai, and the year.

Type the year.

very strange Karan.

Give me your hand.

Close your eyes.

I promise. I won't do anything.

Type wherever you feel like.

What did I type?

Mumbai 2050!

- Yes.

So want to go to Mumbai 2050.

Yeah! I guess.

Should I lock it?

Let's go to 2050.


What's happening, Karan?

This actually works. It works!

What do you mean it works,
you said it works.

I just said it, for the kiss.

Uncle Ya!

Have we reached the future?

Am I still handsome?

Welcome to the future, uncle?

Get out.

We are still in 2008.

No uncle. I don't know why
I gave you all the access codes... the time machine.

Get out of my lab.

Uncle Ya, you should be happy.

The time machine worked,
you are a genius.

The time machine has not worked.

For the last time,
we are still in 2008.

Uncle Ya, the light,
the smoke... the machine.

You have short circuited the machine,
that's why all the smoke here.

And the sound is of
the exhaust machine.

Get out or I will give you one.


Uncle. It's not Karan's fault,
it's entirely my fault.

I had asked him... I am really
sorry. I am sorry. - It is my fault.

I vented my anger on someone else.

What kind of anger?
- No. No. No.

Tell that fool, that I
am not angry with him.

And tell him, that I love him.

And I love you too.

Yeah. Yeah. That's the key.

You stick around, enjoy the lab.

No, no, no darling stick around,
enjoy the lab. I will send Karan.

Karan! Karan!

You write a diary too.


What do you write in the diary?

No, that's personal.
- Personal.

Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
- What?

Pull over.
- Why?

Pull over.
- What for?

I'll just tell you.

- Ice cream.

Ice cream.

No way. No.

It's so cold, are you crazy?

Yes! I want ice cream right now.

Sana, you will fall sick!

I don't care.

I am eating ice cream, you want one?

No way, I don't want to fall sick?

Why are you laughing? What's funny?

You portray yourself
to be such a daredevil.

Living on the edge, and all.

And you are scared of an ice cream.

Yes, I am scared.

It was different before, Sana...

Now I am scared.

I want to take care of myself.

I want to live, Sana!

I want to have a long life.

I want to grow old
and die in your arms.

No, correction.

I don't want to die at all.

I want to live forever with you.

That's by far the most romantic
thing you have ever said to me.

Are you going to kiss me?


But only after eating the
ice cream, with my cold lips.

My first cold kiss.

Well, Mr. Malhotra.

You just wait right here.

You are going to be
kissed very shortly.

With my cold lips.

- Hi!

One strawberry ice cream please.
- Yes!


Are you sure you
don't want ice cream.


Just a kiss will be fine.

Sure! I won't share my ice cream.

We are going to
share our entire life.

Who cares about an ice cream?

Come on.

Come on. Waiting for my cold kiss.

Sana! Sana!

Sana! Sana!

What happened?

Oh god!

Sana. Oh no.

Is she alright? Can we help?

I will call the ambulance.
- Sana!

Nothing will happen to you Sana!

Nothing will happen to you.

Nothing will happen to you Sana!

Ambulance is coming.

Nothing will happen.

Sana. Sana. Oh god!

Stop Karan.


Nothing will happen to you, Sana.

Nothing will happen to you.

Nothing will happen to you.
Nothing will happen to you.

God, somebody help!

Somebody help!

I will take you to the hospital.

You will be fine!

Come on, for Christ sake!

Somebody... Sana!

Today, destiny and time
both have not favoured.


No. Nothing will happen, Sana.

Stay with me, Sana!

I am sorry Karan.

I love you!

I love you, too!

I love you, Karan.

I love you, Sana!

I love you!

Stay with me, Sana!

Today I met a boy.


He is fully mad.

I am turning mad along with him.

Maybe this madness is called love.

Karan and Sana in
love forever and ever.

Karan! Karan, look at me.

Look at me. Look at me.

Look at me.

She's gone, Karan. She's gone.

Life is a cycle, Karan.

First it gives happiness, then
sorrows, then happiness again.

First comes the day
and then night, then...

My Sana is no more, uncle Ya.

Is it the truth?

My Sana is no more, uncle Ya.

My Sana is no more, uncle Ya.

My Sana is no more, uncle Ya.

She is no more with me.

I cannot see her anymore.

I cannot feel her. I cannot
even hear her voice, uncle Ya.

It is not fair, uncle Ya. It
is not fair. It is not fair.

I cannot live without her, uncle Ya.

Return my Sana to me, uncle Ya.

I don't want anything else.

Do something. Do something.

"Death or Life..."

"Whatever be the barrier."

"It doesn't wait."

"This kind of love."

"It will melt God's heart."

"How is our love story?"

"It's like a dream, our love story."

Ms. Chalk. Come on please.


You fool. You are a lousy fool.

You wasted 15 years.

Where is my chalk, Chalk?

I have got it. I have
got it. I have got it.

It works. It works.

I can't believe it yes it works.

It works Karan, it works.

My time machine works.

Good uncle Ya.

I am happy for you.

Brother Karan.

Brother Karan.

You don't look happy.

Look, I can't see you like this.

If by bringing Sana back I
can put a smile to your face...

...then we will bring back Sana.

Bring back Sana.

From the past.

We just have to go 4
days back, that's it.

All you have to do is
avoid the accident, that's all.

Uncle Ya.
- Yes.

Is it possible, uncle Ya?

Can Sana... is it possible, uncle Ya.

Not until yesterday,
but it is possible now...

...thanks to the time machine!

Are you ready?

Come with me boy.

Oh no, this can't
happen to me now? No.

What happened, uncle Ya.
- It's hung.

The time code has been locked.

It's stuck in one place.

It's says Mumbai 2050. I
can do nothing to change it.

Mumbai 2050, uncle?


Uncle, Sana wanted to go there.

That night when we came
inside the time machine.

She typed this with her own hands!

She typed this with her own hands!


That means...
- She knew, uncle.

I can feel it uncle.

I don't know why but I can feel
that Sana is waiting for me, uncle.

She's waiting for me, uncle.

She is there! Trust me, uncle!

I can feel it uncle.

Just take me there!

No, no, no, no!
- Mumbai 2050!

Karan, it's easier
to go in the past...

...because we know what has occurred.

There is a risk in
going into the future.

How will people... be?

Will we be able to come back?
You understand what I am saying?

I don't care uncle!

Just take me to her once! Please!

Anyway... anyway, there is
no one here who misses me.

That's right, who will miss you?

Actually the one who will
miss you... is coming with you!

I am coming with you!

Come on, sit. Here we go!

In the box... in the box... c'mon!

Time is not linear, just like
there is a difference of 8...

...and half hours in New York...

...and in Bombay... you
know it's not like...

It's time travel, it's instant.

We will land in Mumbai at

It will be a Friday, okay?

We will get only 30
days in the future.

You got to do your job in 30 days.

Now, on 22nd October at

...we will have to come back.

And what if I don't find
Sana in 30 days, then?

I am sorry Karan, the
machine is auto-locked.

will return with or without us.

Good luck!

I don't need luck,
uncle, I have love.

Good luck boy!

We have reached! We have reached!


Uncle Ya, looks like
we are in some ruins!

Are you sure we are in 2050?

I am checking! I am checking!

This board looks old... quite old.

This property is under dispute. By
order Mumbai High Court. September...

...2039... oh my God!

Uncle Ya, we are in the
future, check this out!

We are! We are!

We are in front of Marine Drive!

Mumbai 2050, we have made it!

That's right!

We are in Walkeshwar,
in a run down property.

No one comes here anymore.

Rahul! Thia!

What were you doing in the machine?

- Sorry!

When we heard, that you
are going to meet Sana...

...we couldn't stop ourselves.

We want to meet Sana too!

We miss her.

Okay, okay, but you will
have to behave yourselves.

Thank you! - Thank you!

I am here, Sana!

I am here to take you back!

What happened,
Andy? I can't find it.

Come on Andy!

You don't know how important it
is to find them for Dr, Hoshi!

Some people must be aboard it!

Where are they? Find them?

Police! Are they looking for us?

We will have to hide! Yes, we
will have to hide. C'mon! Let's go.

Just find it!

Don't try! Just do or die!

Come on, quickly!

Come on, come on.

Close the door uncle!
- Close it.

Switch on the light!


What is this uncle Ya?

I think it is a
robot recycling yard.

All the old and inactive
robots are kept here to be fixed.

Like a robot hospital, you know!

Look at this one.
She is quite pretty!

Help! Help! Karan!

Karan! Are you okay, Karan?
- Damn! Oh God!

Help! Help me please.

Help! Help! Help me Karan!

It's a humanoid robot.

The robot in which artificial
intelligence has been used.

Technically, this robot can feel.

Jesus Christ!

Uncle Ya, this
robot can help us too.

You think you can repair it?

Why not!

- Thank you Karan! Thank you Karan!

You are welcome! Thank you Karan!

Thank you...

Wake up princess!

Thank you! Thank you! What...

It is a very old model, uncle!

It's not old, it's a smart model.

I spoke the last sentence in Hindi... she replied in Hindi!

If I would have asked in English,
how are you doing young lady!

I am fine, thank you!

Who are you exactly?

My ID is, Q. T!

Quintessential Terrestrial!

An artificial human being.

Artificial what...

No. No... I think Q. T is better.

A cute one... Q. T! Correct?
- Yeah.

You have given me a new life,
you are my new master.

Master! What is all this crap?

We are friends, Q. T!

You can call me buddy,
partner, dude... - Sec C!

Section C is right here!

Q. T's permanent memory chip!

Anything that's here,
can never be erased.

From today you are Sec C!

Sec C!

Quintessential Terrestrial!

Weight 52 kilos!

Control unit, wireless transmission!

The three standard laws of robots.

We don't harm humans!

We love humans!

We serve humans!

And we love kids too.

Sorry Sec C, I can't find your ID!

Have you come from another world!

Not from a different world Q. T,
but from a different time.

But we don't know anything
about this time, or place.

We have come from the year 2008,
to search for someone.

The police can arrest you
anytime for having no ID.

You cannot stay here
for long, like this.

Q. T, what's that?

The City Centre, this is
where all the youngsters hangout!

Wow! Let's go Q. T, please!

Then, where are we going Q. T?



Whose house is this Q. T?

Dr. Kolatkar! We are
absolutely safe here!

I have the access codes
to all the areas here.

After all, I was born here.

I love this place.

Look at it.

Welcome. Greetings.

I am Kanta!

I'm the housemaid of this house.

You have come to our
house for the first time.

If you need anything,
then just say Kanta...

...and I will come instantly!


- Nothing Kanta, you leave!


Kanta, you can go!
- Ok.


Sorry Kanta!

Will you guys stop it?

No one is going to say Kanta! Kanta!

I am sorry Kanta, that... it's okay.

Q. T, I am seeing you
after such a long time.

Dr. Kolatkar would have
been so happy to see you!

Right now, he has gone to
Tokyo along with his family...

What happened?

What happened?

If Kanta informs Dr.
Kolatkar that I am here...

...then he'll activate the sound
alert and all of us will be caught.

So I've removed the
problem from the roots.


This is a first generation robot.

It's good that you
have Australian dollars!

Now they are collector's items!

You're rich. Let's go down now.

Fake ID activated!

Fake ID activated!

Fake ID activated!

Now there is a ID chip
in everyone's wrist!

You will be fortunate if
this works even for a month!

No bill, no guarantee!


Tell me Sec C!

What are you thinking?

We don't have much time Q. T!

I have to look for Sana!


Sana, the one who has left
her memories in my Section C!

And has come here

like embracing every passerby!

Hey! Watch out!

Uncle Ya, this is not
Australia. It's Mumbai!

Honeymoon packages,
starting at 17 million IN R!

Now have your honeymoon on the moon.

Tour the moon, spend
your holidays on the moon.

See you on the moon.

A beauty of a car.

But its strength lies in its style.

Ceat tires!

Celebrating 100 years of Ceat Tires.

Are you eating it
yourself or giving others?

Give it to madam.

Which one do you want ma'am?

Kolkata, or Benarsi!

And you? Chhotu, give
them their betel-leaf!

- Forget it!

What kind of a snake is this?
- It's a robot! - Robot?!

Seems like there are no more
real snakes left in the world.

So Sec C, how did
you find our world?

It's the same world, Q. T!

Only the time has changed.

I had told you!

In such a big city,
amongst so many people... is impossible to
search for one girl!


That's Zeisha!

That's Sana, Q. T!

That's my Sana!

I have come here for her!

That's Zeisha! Pop star,
rock star, superstar Zeisha!

The world's most famous singer.


That's my Sana, Q. T!

Where can I find her, Q. T?

In the sky.

In the sky?

"Hey you, lover boy!"

"Will you be my toy?"

"Hey you, lover boy!"

"Will you be my toy?"
- I've to get there now.

"Hey you, lover boy!"

"Will you be my toy?"

"Hey you, lover boy!"

"Will you be my toy?"

"Hey you, lover boy!"

"Will you be my toy?"

Drive faster.

"Will you be my toy?"

"I play with toys
and then shatter them!"

"I can accept you and
then choose to leave you!"

"I play with toys
and then shatter them."

"I can accept you and
then choose to leave you!"

"Hey you, lover boy!"

"Will you be my toy?"

"It's a new evening,
it's a new night!"

"Let something new happen!"

"Life is now!"

"This is life!"

"Without it, life is meaningless."

"Dance away, live
life to your fullest!"

"What will you get
by being sorrowful?"

"Hey you, lover boy!
Will you be my toy?"

"Hey you, lover boy!"

"Will you be my toy?"

"I play with toys
and then shatter them!"

"I can accept and leave you!"

"I play with toys
and then shatter them!"

"I can accept and leave you!"

"Hey you, lover boy!"

"Will you be my toy?"

"Hey you, lover boy!"

"Will you be my toy?"

"Hey you, lover boy!"

"Will you be my toy?"

Q. T, we don't have much time!

"Hey you!"




- Q. T!

Hey Zeisha, are you coming tonight!

Yeah, I am coming!

Now I will have to go.




No, please step back! I said, no.

Oh God! We will have to go
to the rehearsal! C'mon!

Excuse me, thank you.

Sana, I have come to
steal some fate from time.

I will take you along with me!

System overloaded.

Boo stop eating power!

So what?
- I work so hard too!

Zeebelle doesn't tell me anything!

Activate the mirrors please!



Coming Zeebelle?

Bring my blue-T, Boo! So late!

What Zebelle?

Blue T! Blue T!

Where is the Blue T?

What would you like today? Touch!

Blue T! Touch!

There is the blue T, out.

Have a good day!

I tore it!

Now what should I do?
- That's it!

If you don't get me my top by
the count of 3! You have had it!


I hid it!
- Zebelle!

- Snip it Boo, bring me my top!

It got torn!


Turn around! Turn around!

Turn around!
- No!

I don't want to be kicked!

C'mon! - One kick for three mistake
s! That was the deal.

I have made only one mistake.

Oh yeah!
- Just one mistake!

Mistake number 1, you tore my T!

Boo, Now I will be kicked.

Mistake number 2,
you have delayed me!

- Mistake number 3... talking about that
stupid Ricky Martin you have...



Dirty! Boo's dirty!

I will be kicked.

Boo, you have so had it from me.

Aww! My bummy hurts!

You are the
naughtiest robot in the world.

Shell House, the most
beautiful house in the city!

They are so pretty, Boo!

It's so strange!

These Shell houses
are here everyday.

Yeah. - But it seems like I am
seeing it for the first time today!

This Dr. Hoshi is quite a dude.

And so are you!

And so are you, my boy!

You want to eat something?

Yeah. Q. T! Q. T darling!

Some chow-chow!


Chow-chow? Uncle...

Q. T, who is this Dr. Hoshi?

Dr. Hoshi is a powerful scientist!

He is so powerful, even
the government doesn't...

...dare to ask him questions!

He has many powers

Some nachos?
- Sure, nachos!

I have heard that he
can teleport himself!

Using his mind power, he
can go anywhere he desires!

Everyone is very scared of him!

Hoshi rules!

For the past 13 years,
everyday... every moment...

...Hoshi has dreamt
of only one thing!

Just one!

And today, it's going to come true!

The time machine is here!

Dr. Khanna, who constructed
the time machine in 2008!

Who eventually, in
the the last 30 years...

...became the biggest
scientist in the world!

He had an assistant in his lab!

Dr. Ya trusted him a lot.

Horain Shimantho!

Alas if only his trust of 7 years...

...could have lasted
for 10 more minutes.

But, on the night
of 27th July, 2037!

Dr. Ya arrived 10 minutes earlier!

Dr. Ya lost his life,
and Hoshi lost his dream.

While dying, Dr. Khanna
destroyed the entire lab.

So sad, and so stupid!

If Hoshi would have
acquired the time machine.

He would have used it so deviously...

...that the world would
have fallen at his feet.

But, he will still make
the world fall at his feet.

And we will begin
with these two faces.

Take a close look! Find this face!

Go, Find him!

Cheer up Karan, buy some clothes!

Get ready to meet Zeisha!

Look, you can buy from Lawman.

Welcome to Lawman shopping.

You're in the image loading area.

- Stand straight!

Thank you!

Welcome, your shopping starts now!

Rock star, Pret,
Haute couture, Gothic!

Haute couture!

Right, loading site!


Jackets, it is.

Number 7!

Number 7 loaded, colour!


Try something else.

No. Fine, different style!


- You like it?

Okay, I will take this silver one!

Loaded sir!

Thank you for shopping in Lawman.
- Ok.

Zeisha's next public
appearance is on Thursday, Q. T!

She will perform a show
with her selected fans.

I will be able to take you there!

You will be able to see her too.

But talking to her
will be difficult!

Love is never easy, Q. T!

Ira presents, Zeisha's challenge.

The show you wait for every week.

Who knows her the most!

Sana! Sana!

Relax guys! Thank you. Hi!

Who's going to be on
the hot seat today?

Who will come on the hot seat today!

Good evening people!

Welcome to Zeisha's challenge show...

...and today, I will challenge... you!

So let's see.

How well do you
really know your Zeebelle!

Are you ready!

Let's start!

Thank you! Thank you!

Al right! So let's see,
who will I question today?

Me! Me! Me!

Go for it! Go for it, Sec C!

Who knows Zeisha better!


Hi Zeisha, I am bugs.

Your question!

Which is Zeisha's favorite color?

Favorite color!


Poor bugs, you are squashed!

Zeisha's favorite color is black,
that was so last season!


Who next?

Me! Me! Me!
- In the white...

- Hi Zeisha... this is Maira!

Your question!

What is Zeisha's favorite pastime?



How passe!

You don't know Zeisha at all!

Sky biking!

Riding in the high sky!


That's what I like!

Hello. Hello.
- Hi

Help me!

You are tall. I want to see too!



Zeisha! Me!


Seems like you don't
know anything about Zeisha!

Zeisha, I know you more
than you know yourself!

Oh really!

Now you will have to come here!

The boy is quite handsome!

Hi, welcome to...


Welcome to Zeisha's challenge!

Why don't you have a seat!

Zeisha decides on her choice
on the hot seat for the day.

Okay, I hope you know the rules!

The questions will be about
me and only I will ask them!

I hope you understood what's
your name? - Wrong question!

The questions should be
only about you, right!


But I will still answer it!

Karan Malhotra!


Both look good together!

My first question!

What is the name of my first album?


Exactly! Me, meaning Zeisha!

What Zeisha thinks!
What Zeisha desires!

Who is... Zeisha!

Wrong question!

Only I will ask the question,
and you will answer it!

Minus 500 but, I will answer it!

Zeisha is tomorrow's woman
that yesterday spoke about!

She is a mystery! She's an
enigma... she... is a riddle!


What kind of films do I like?

Love sto... Horror!


What's my favorite season?

That's easy!



I love the summer!

In summer, we can do
open air concerts...

...and, I get to wear my shorts.

So, why am I lonely tonight Karan?

Your eyes are waiting for someone!

You are missing someone!

You want to... share
your life with someone!

Why am I lonely tonight!

Song No. 3! Album Me!

Less right, more wrong!

No points.

I am very happy!

I feel complete!

And anyway, Zeisha
doesn't need anyone!

Right everyone!

It's so obvious people,
you don't know...

...Zeisha anymore than
her name and her fame!

But I have recognized you!

Relax Karan!

You need such an upgrade!

Only then, maybe you will be
able to understand Zeisha!

Anyway, good luck!

Thank you!
- Thank you people for coming.

That was all for today's show!

And I will see you next
time on Zeisha's challenge!

Come back next week...


Keep in touch!

For invitations for the
next week, check out...

She looks exactly
like Sana, isn't it?

It's just that her hair is red!

Fool, she is Sana!

But she doesn't know it!

Then we will tell her,
isn't it brother-in-law?

No Rahul!

The world has changed a lot!

And your sister Sana too!

So, won't she recognize us too?

How do I explain
these children, mom?

She doesn't even
remember who she is!

How can she
recognize these children?

How can I make her
believe that she's my Sana?

- Yes.

Come on, let's have some breakfast!

I have a message!

It's from Boo!

I will switch on the speakerphone!

Everybody listen.

Hello Boo!

Hello Q. T, great news!

Zeisha was thinking
about Karan last night!

She didn't even write the new
song! Mana will be very angry!

Who is Mana?

Don't ask me who Mana is!

Have you ever seen a wild cat?

She is a wild cat!

Mana is just like that!

Mana is Zebelle's best
friend and manager too!

I don't like her!

Oh, Mana!

What happened, Boo?

What can I say Q. T? I am ruined!

Mana caught me slandering her!

What else can happen to a
fool like you, foolish teddy!

Foolish what...

Boo, what nonsense are you speaking?

Tell me!

My ears hurt.
- Okay! Okay!

I am not talking nonsense,
just clearing my hard disk!

You are using this regional
language deliberately, to tease me!

But you know what?

I don't care!

Where is Zeisha?

- Fine!

What happened Boo!

Q. T! I will give you such
a wonderful news...

...that you will jump with joy!

In the evening, Zebelle will
play Mortal Kombat in Gamers Zone!

You want another one?

Want another one!

Yes! Zeisha rules!

Get out of here!

Game over...

Boo this is so boring.

I am tired of winning!

Who is the next loser! Come on!

Let's go!

Want to try me!

What timing!

Lover boy!

Is losing your hobby or habit!

Come, I'll go easy on you!

Let's go, Sunshine!


Where do you get
these ancient names from?

From the place I have come from.

And... that is?

Well, to be honest with you... 2008!

That explains it!

Welcome. And I am from 1937!

Nice to meet you!

Why have you come here?

For love!

Just a tip!

There is no such thing
as love in our world!

So maybe, you will have
to return empty handed!


Enough of this verbal shapang!

You want to play, let's go!

Game on!

Good luck lover boy!

I don't need luck! I have love!

Bring it on!

What a nice shot!

I've come here to
receive those sh*ts.

Want another one!

Come on lover boy


Watch me!

Play on, best of luck!

I don't need luck! I have...

Let's go!


I win!

Game over. Zeisha wins.

I told you, you would lose!

Didn't I tell him, Boo?

That's what you think!

But Zebelle, he was good!

Dr. Yatinder Khanna, Science Centre!

You will get all
the information here

Everything here is about me!

Hello there!

We have information
about people living in Mars

Do you want to ask anything?



Hello there, were
you looking for me?

No, time machine,

Time machine! On your right,
next counter please!

Thank you!

Hello there, were
you looking for me?

No, time machine.

Hey kids, come on I am
asking about myself!

Yeah, let's go!

Dr. Yatinder Khanna!

Good looking! Genius!

Good morning,
greetings! Welcome to my museum!

I am Dr. Yatinder Khanna!

Worlds first time traveler!

Anything you want to know
about me and my inventions!

You can ask, you will
get the right answer!

As they say, from the horses mouth!

Okay! Okay!

Other than the time machine,
which other inventions have I done?

Not you, me!

Yes, yes, you!

The list is endless!

I made humanoid robots
like you, young lady!

Pretty lady!

You should be ashamed.

Color changing wall paint!

Laser pens!

Energy stations.

My God, how will I do all this?

I haven't even started!

Excuse me, I have
already invented all this.

You can see the demonstration
in the right wing of the lobby

Oh God, I am so nervous.
I can't breathe.

You can view my medical inventions
on the left wing of the lobby.

Look, you don't understand.

You and I, we both are the same.

I am doctor Yatinder
Khanna, from 2008!

Tell me one thing, I... I mean... we!
Did we only keep inventing things...

...or did we get married?

I don't discuss my personal life!

Your personal and my
personal life is the same...

...I told you I am Dr. Khanna!

Wrong, I am doctor Khanna!

Fine, then tell me!

Do you understand the
principles of astrology?

Principles! Astrology!

If you are the real Dr. Khanna...

...then tell me which
is your favorite film?


I am a scientist!
I don't watch films!

Really! Then who the hell
saw Mogul-E-Azam 17 times!

By God! I am not against love,
I am a strong follower of my values!

What was Anarkali's real name?




Come, come, come.

You are the fake Dr. Ya!

What did you do Dr. Khanna?

You go the system hanged!

We needed a lot of
information from him.

What happened, Zebelle!


Did you write the song Zebelle?

No, I am thinking!

Please write it, Mana has
given tomorrow's deadline!

Tell her, I cannot
do it by tomorrow!

Who, me?

No way!

Why are you so scared of her?

Come here!

She is my business manager,
not an alien!

Topic change!

By the way, Zebelle!

If you weren't writing the song,
then what were you doing for so long?

Topic change.

You were thinking
about Karan, isn't it?

Topic change!

By the way Boo, do you think
I should think about Karan?

Topic change!

By the way Zebelle, what
else can you do other...

...than thinking about Karan?

Topic change!

By the way Boo, it's
no use talking to you!

Whatever needs to be done,
Mana will do it!

Mana won't do anything!

Mana will only refuse!

Topic change!


Topic change!
- No!

I said, topic change.

Topic change! Topic change!

No, no!

Stop! Stop! You are tickling!

Oh Zeisha!

For the past half an hour you
have been talking about Karan!

Karan! Karan! Karan!

Why don't you just get
him out of your system?

Hit ice and let's go clubbing!

Good plan!

And you know what?

I think you are right!

I shouldn't meet him again!

All you people in the house!

Let's welcome the
international superstar Ziesha!

For a second I thought he was Karan!

Just forget him!

How can I forget him?

He is everywhere?

It's affecting your work Zeisha!

You haven't written a
song in last three days!

You have cancelled three shows!

Now don't tell me you
are in love with him!


Why can't I be in love with him?

Because you are Ziesha!
- C'mon Mana!

What! The party is over?

"Whether you come or not...

...I will come to see you!"

"Whether you say it or not..."

"Whether you say it or not...

...I will say it!"

"Whether you hear or not...

...I will make you hear it!"

"What my heart says!"

"My heart says to you!"

"Why is there a
distance between us?"

"Why should we stay separated?"

"Whether you take a
look or you don't...

...there are a hundred
images in them of my dreams."

"Whether you believe it or not...

...but both our hands,
have similar fate!"

"Whether you embark or not...

...the path calls you!"

"Whether you hide or not."

"Whether you hide or not...

...they stare at you!"

"Whether you get appeased or not!"

"Whether you get appeased or not...

...they try to appease you!"

"Me and my loyalty!"

"Whether you accept it or not...

...but I appear known to you!"

"Whether you say it or not...

...through the eyes,
there is a saga being made!"


"There had to be a way!"



"Sorrows had to end!"

"Some day!"

"The love that had
to blossom, it has!"

"My heart says to you!"

"Why is there a
distance between us?"

"Why should we stay separated?"

Good morning Zeisha!

Good morning!

What would you like today?

Could I have the
bedroom menu please?


The color palette!

Here is the color palette!

What color would you like?


I feel pink today!

Too bright!

One shade lighter please!


It's perfect!

Good morning Zeisha!

Good morning Boo!


Why suddenly pink today?

I like pink now!

Pink is the color of love.

Zeisha is in love!

No, I am not!

Zeisha is in love!

No she is not!

Zeisha is in love!

Shut up Boo!

Zeisha is in love!
Zeisha is in love!


Where are you?

Zeisha is in love!

Come down Boo!


Come down right now!

No way!

Stupid robot!

Incoming call, do
you want to answer?


Hi Karan!

Karan, you are still dancing?

How do you know that I am dancing?

Can you see me Karan? Then
I can see you too Karan!


Oh shucks!

Put the phone down!

But, when did I pick up the phone?

You're so funny!

That's not fair!

It's supposed to be a private show!

You feel shy too!

How sweet!

Can I talk to you after
I come out of the bathroom?


Absolutely not!

From now on, everyday
we will talk like this!

Do I have to?

Of course!

And if you disapprove!

Then I will put your
X-rated clip on the net!

That's not fair!

Everything is fair in...

But you don't believe in love!

Of course I don't!

Topic change!

What are you doing
after the shower Karan?

Do you know how it happens?

If you take two magnets,
the unlike poles attract!

Rahul! Thia! Look who is here?


Your house...

Zeisha, this is my family!

That's uncle Ya!
- Hello!

Rahul! Thia!
- Hi!

I can't believe,
that we are meeting you!

We missed you a lot!

Can we hug you?


Come, come!

Have we met before?

I sorry, but I don't remember!


Everyday you meet so many people?

How can you recognize them?

That's right!

You must have forgotten me too!

I have met you 7 times,
and out of that...

...I have forgotten 3
meetings out of that.

Come on kids, let's go!

Just a minute, uncle Ya!

Rahul! Thia! I forgot you both,
I am very sorry for that!

But I promise, it will
never happen again. Okay!

And you too, uncle Ya!

I will remember you!

But you don't forget me too!



Come on kids, let's go!

C'mon kids, let's go!

Bye kids! Bye!

They are very sweet children!

It's your family!

Forget it!

Dr. Khanna, can I help you!

Q. T!

You are too sweet.

You are too sweet.

I love you.

I love you! I love you!

I would have...

...married you! But what
can I do, there is an...

...age difference between us!

Not just age, there is a
generation gap between us!

Uncle Ya!

Don't call me uncle!

You didn't tell me!

How did you feel
after coming in 2050?


But 22nd October is coming close!

We will have to go on

...if the planets
stand in superstition!

Then we will be in
trouble, because...

...the planets will be
in the configuration...

We have to go on the 22nd October!

You think Zeisha
will go back with Karan?

That depends on Karan if he can
persuade her to come back with him!

Then will you leave Sec C back?


No, Sec C cannot stay here!

If we left him behind...

...then instantly he will
grow 42 years older and he...

Karan cannot stay here!

He cannot stay back here,
Zeisha may not want to go back...

...then what is this mission for?

You cannot see gains
and losses in relations!

Humans only make
relations and try to abide by it.

Everything else is destiny!

So this is my studio!

I compose all my songs here!


It's got an Alibaba theme?

You like it?

Well, then I am your
Alibaba for the night!

You know a lot about me, Karan!

Actually, the entire
world knows a lot about me.

But I don't know anything about you!

Tell me something about yourself.

Karan Malhotra, Age

Current status,
PhD in reincarnation!


You really believe in it?

A lot!

That's why I am doing a PhD!

Of course!

You don't believe it?


Are you crazy?

I believe, we are only born once,
we live only once, we die once...

And fall in love only once.


Wow, poetry.

That means, you are a
genius in, love, poetry.

I want to hear poetry!

Alibaba! Recite a
poetry for Marjina!

Alibaba, doesn't know poetry!

Come on, it's very easy! You
just have to rhyme the words. - No!

And anyways!

I have made an
entire career out of it!

If Alibaba cannot do poetry,
then Karan can!

For me!

Karan can do poetry!
- See!

We were miles apart!

The journey looked
like centuries apart.

The heart was unsure.

Still I feel... we were
destined to meet again.


That was actually
really good, Karan!


I will add music to it!

Maglev key base!


That was good!

Karan, sing it!

I cannot sing!

Karan can't sing!

You will have to sing!

I always sing for the entire world!

But no one ever sings for me!

Karan, for me!

"We were miles apart!"

"The journey would take centuries."

"The heart was unaware!"

"Still I feel... we
were destined to meet!"

"We were miles apart!"

"My obsession... has
brought me so far."

"My dreams have come true!"

"If I lose her now,
then why should live?"

"It's better that I die!"

"Never... say that again!"

"Never go..."

Zeisha! Oh no!


Fate and situation is playing
a strange game wit us, Zeisha!

But you had said, that
true love is biggest of all!

Bigger than fate!

I love you!

All night she has
been blabbering things!

Strange things, unknown names.

What has happened to my Zeisha?

That's why I say grandma,
stay with her.

I just can't handle her!


What is all this?

Mute off!

Last night, Zeisha was seen
in an unknown boy's arms... an unconscious state!

What is this matter after all?

Who is that boy?

Is it a case of drug overdose...
- Pause!

What is all this Zeisha?

What the hell is this?

All this is wrong?

It really is not what it looks like.

I just wanted to live like a
normal girl just for once.

Don't you understand,
Zeisha, that you are a star?

But after what happened last night!

It's pitiable!
Just look at yourself!

Just look at this!

Can you even recognize yourself?

But last night I was in my senses!

Even I can't understand
what happened last night!

I wish I could understand myself!

I wish I could explain it to you!

There is nothing to explain Zeisha!

A boy used you for his own benefit,
for cheap publicity!

He toyed along with
your feelings, that's it!

Face it, girl!

Just me, the entire
world understands it!

It will be better if
you understand it too!

The world can be wrong!
You can be wrong!

But... how can Karan be wrong?

It is so obvious, Zeisha!

Karan has hypnotized you!
- Hypnotize!

Yes! Yes! Yes Zeisha!

He is a fraud!

His ID is fake too!

And who knows whether his
name is Karan or something else!

Just go away Mana, I can't
deal with you right now!

Karan is not a fraud!

He really loves you!

I've to meet Zeisha.
- You can't go in.

You can't see her!

Wait, you can't go in!
Mana, thank God!

Tell Zeisha that...
- Just go away Karan!

Stop harassing Zeisha!


You are mistaken.

They are saying rubbish on T. V too!

In fact... if Zeisha sees it...
- She has already seen it!

She knows everything!

And this hypnotism that
you are trying to use.

That will be of no use.


What are you saying Mana...
- Oh yeah!

Go back, to wherever
you have come from!

Or else I will have
to call the police.

I can see now!

I got it!

You have planned all of this!

Shut up!

Zeisha doesn't want to meet you.

You don't know what Ziesha wants!

Even robots have
more feelings than you!

That's enough, get out!
- You get out of my way!

I said get out!
- How dare you


Zeisha needs rest!

I promise!

If Zeisha wants to meet you,
then I won't stop her!

But I want to meet her!

But not now!

Please leave now, son!

This is not the right time!

This is not my time!

That's what I wanted to tell Zeisha!

Dr. Khanna is in our custody!

Please identify their clips!
- Show me!

Beam them!

Welcome back, Dr. Khanna!

And we have traced that boy too.

Pedro, good!

We have found Dr. Khanna.

Now track that boy!

Good evening everyone!

It was a great
pleasure to have you all here!

Thank you!

Couldn't we have avoided
this stupid party, Mana!

Come on, cheer up! Smile!

Mr. Oberoi! Your
product launch was a hit!

- Thank you! Thank you so much.



It has been so long, Zeisha!

I really missed you!

Just go Karan!

But why Zeisha?

Why did you lie to me?

Mana must have made
you believe that I lied?

Your ID is fake, isn't it?

That doesn't matter!

It matters Karan!

I love you!
- Yes or no!

I love you Zeisha!
- Yes or no Karan!

It's not that easy, Zeisha!
- Yes or no Karan!

I can explain myself!

Yes or no Karan!


Yes! My ID is fake!

I have lied many times to you!

But all those lies
lead to one truth, Zeisha!

But that truth is so strange,
that no one will believe it!

I don't belong to your world Zeisha!

I don't belong to your time!

I have come here from 2008...

I have time-traveled in the
world's first time machine...

The first journey, and
that's just because.

At the other end of time,
I loved a girl very much!


We promised to spend our
whole life with each other

And then one day...
right in these arms...

...she broke that promise!

And came here!

In this world!

Time has changed my Sana so much!

Karan, you are talking rubbish.

Whether anyone in the
world believes in love or not.

But lovers meet in every lifetime!

You will have to
believe it, Sunshine!

Because, you are my Sana!

Please Sana!


Just for once, look into my eyes.

And tell me, don't you
see our love in them!

You don't see my wait for you.

Ask your heart, that
if you are not Sana...

...then why can't you
take your eyes off me?

Why do you feel, that
there should be no one around...

...but, just you and me!

Why do you feel that?

That you have always
loved me, Sunshine!


Because I love you!

I love you!

Great performance!

Great skit by Karan, and
the ever lovely Zeisha!

So please put your
hands together for them!

Everybody! A round
of applause please!

Come on Zeisha, let's move!


Listen to me Zeisha!

Zeisha, listen to me!
- Leaving so early?

I want to talk to you!

Zeisha, listen to me!

What the hell!




Just leave me!

Just get...


Zeisha, shall we go?



Hoshi's men.

Zeisha is leaving!


Come with us to Dr. Hoshi!


Your uncle is waiting for you there!

What rubbish!


Rahul! Thia! Where are you going?

We want to talk to our sister!

Right now Sec C needs us more!

Oh God!

Don't worry Sec C!

That's it! We need him alive!

Now Dr. Ya will handover the
time machine to Dr. Hoshi!

Let's go!

My God!

Are you fine?

Karan! Why are
Hoshi's men after you?

Uncle Ya...
- Karan!

'You know diary, Winkydinks says
that Karan had come to the station. '

'But why doesn't my heart agree? '

'Once! Just once, I
want to meet him. '

'I will just ask,
Karan are you fine? '

'Do you miss me?

Don't waste my time!

Where is it?

I won't tell you!

What will you do?

You will t*rture me!

What can be a bigger
t*rture than seeing your face!

Have you seen your face
in the mirror? It's awful!

You can give me shocks
as much as you want.

And I am not talking
about the electric shocks.

Just look, how my
hair has stood up due...

...all the electric shocks in my lab!

He won't tell us like this?

Bring Karan!

Get him!

With my hacking...

...I will show you such a way, that
will take you directly to uncle Ya!

How is that?

With Uncle Ya's ID!

Remember Q. T! I had embedded it!

And I already tracked it!

Dhinchak, we don't have much time!

The time machine
will leave on its own.

With or without us.

No problem!

This is the shortcut
to reach to uncle Ya!


Karan! I had told you he will come!

Why are you hitting him?

What the hell do you want?

You know what Dr. Hoshi wants!

Or else we will k*ll him!



I will tell you where
the time machine is!

Off Marine Drive!
Hoshi Park! Section T!

Dr. Khanna...

Intruder alert! Intruder alert!


I am Karan!

My little baby, he is confused!

The poor android!

ZXPD 450, waiting
for your orders, sir!

That face, is your target!

Scan it! Search it! Destroy it!

ZXPD 450 come on, hurry up!

Uncle Ya!

Uncle Ya, you okay?

Karan, why did you come back?

Come back, I just arrived!

Machine 7. Lift no. 3. Go!

Come on, lets go.

- Uncle Ya, take Rahul and Thia...

Target locked, attack and k*ll!

Damn you!

Block all the exits!

Get me Dr. Khanna!

Q. T! Come in, Q. T!

Q. T! Q. T, where are you?

Stay there, I am coming!

I am sorry sir! We
couldn't find the time machine!

Dr. Khanna!

I will take care of Dr.
Khanna and the time machine.

But you... are dead!

Zebelle! Look at what Q. T gave me!

It's so cute!

Winkydinks, do you
want to kiss Karan?


Come on kids, hurry up!

But uncle...

Brother Karan...

Maybe he has gone to pick up Zeisha!

But what if he doesn't return?

Track Karan's air bike, he
will lead us to the time machine!

'Karan, are you sure you
don't want ice cream? - No. '

'I won't share my ice cream. '

'We are going to share our entire
life, who cares about an ice cream! '

'Come on! '


I had come to
change my fate in time.

But maybe, my
efforts weren't enough!

You don't even want to turn
around and look at me, Zeisha!

I have troubled you a lot, isn't it?

But what can I do, Zeisha!

For the last time!

Let me see you for the last time!

Just one last time.

I am going away, Zeisha!

So far away...
- Don't go far away Karan!

Because, there is
someone who will miss you!

Will miss you a lot!



Don't leave me behind, Karan!

We still we have one
ice cream left to share.


A kiss from my cold lips.

And our entire life!

Sunshine! Sana!

Let's go!

Follow him!

He will lead us to the time machine!

We have only 9 minutes left!

We've traced the time machine.

k*ll Karan!

Then the time machine is ours.
- Yes, sir.


Robot, you get him.

Yes, sir.

Oh no!

Q. T how much time do we have?

- Damn!


Hold me! We have to jump!

Now! Jump!

Only 90 second left!

Bye-bye 2050!

See you later!


Karan, Zeisha! Finally!

Come on, let's go! C'mon Sec C!

Q. T!
- 4...

Q. T!

Welcome to the future!

Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!

Can anybody watch a
movie without popcorn!


Stop it!

Look at this!

Thank you God!

You brought my daughter back!

Only her hair has changed to red.

But what difference does it make?

She is my Sana!

You are very good, too much!

Just like me!

Pundit cum scientist, I
am very angry with you!

Ask why?
- Why?

When you left, why
didn't you take me along?

Then come on, let's go
in the time machine!


In the time, where you
were Anarkali and I was Salim!

Forget it!

Sana's papa will not spare you!

I will, but I will
die with happiness!

I will get so much
freedom once she leaves.

You are just...

Listen, now it's time for the
children to be happy! - Why?

For what?

Try to understand!
- What?


What say!

I hardly even know you!

Well, Karan Malhotra,
age 23 from Sydney! - Okay.

Current status single.

And waiting!

Say yes! Say yes!

Come on Karan, come on!

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