G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)

Post by bunniefuu »




WARDEN: James McCullen,
you Scottish pig,

you've been found
guilty of treason for
the sale of military arms

to the enemies
of our Lord,
King Louis XIII,

even whilst
you sold arms to
our Lord himself.

Your king is
a vile bag of filth
who murders his own allies.

[GROWLS] I should have
charged him double.

You tried to overthrow
the Crown in conspiracy
with its enemies.

Unlike your
simpleton king,
his enemies know

that it is
the true McCullen destiny
not simply to supply arms,

but to run the wars!

Do you have anything else
to say before the sentence
is carried out?

Yes, I do.

Clan McCullen
is far greater
and more powerful

than any of you
could ever imagine.

My sons will
continue to rise
long after I am gone,

as will their sons

and, God willing,
their sons.

It shall not end
with my death!

We are not going to
k*ll you, McCullen.

We're going to make
an example of you!

So that no man,
woman nor child

may ever see your
treacherous face again,

you shall wear this mask
for the term of your
natural life.

No! No! No! No!

McCULLEN: For nearly
four centuries,
my ancestors have been

the greatest creators
of weaponry in the world.

But perhaps
in this century,
I'll outdo them all.

perfect little soldiers

originally developed
to isolate and k*ll
cancer cells.

But at MARS Industries,

and with the help of
a little NATO funding,


we discovered
how to program them
to do almost anything.

For example, eat metal.

Watch this test
of the world's first
nanomite warhead.

Each of these
warheads contains

and has the ability
to eat anything
from a single t*nk

to an entire city.

As you can see,

it quickly converts
to eating any and all
material in its path.

Once unleashed,
the nanomites
will not stop, ever.

Once the target
has been destroyed,

the launcher triggers
a k*ll switch unique
to each warhead

that short-circuits
the nanomites,

preventing any
unwanted destruction.

I'm pleased to announce
that tomorrow morning,

your first order
of nanotech warheads

ships from my factory
in Kyrgyzstan.

Weapons case on the move.

ETA two minutes
to NATO team.

DUKE: All right,
listen up. NATO wants
the best of the best.

That's why we're here.

We got Panthers
front and back.

RHINO's carrying the
package in the middle.

Minimum distance
at all times.

Apaches are covering us
from overhead.

Detail, attention.
Fall out, boys.

MAN: Captain Hauser,
Mr. McCullen requires
a signature.

Not gonna explode,
is it?

They're not weaponized yet,
and the k*ll switches
are inside.

All the same,
I'd avoid potholes
if I were you.

Hey, Bill?Yeah?

Put that in the RHINO,
would you?

All right, ladies!
Mount up!

Okay, Apaches, we're heavy,
so keep your eyes open.

Roger that.
Skies are clear
all the way to Ganci.

Hey, Duke,
I've been thinking.

You know,
I warned you about that.

I've been
thinking about where
we should transfer to.

Don't say the Air Force.The Air Force!

What did I say?
I thought we were done
with this conversation.

You were done with
this conversation,
not me.

You know,
I've been flying

since I was
Thirteen years old.

You know, I don't think
your dad's crop-duster
counts as hours logged.

RIP: I'm talking
jets, man. Jets.

And you know I qualify
every time we're on leave.

You want to get up
in the air?

I'll buy you
a trampoline.

I filled out
the application.

Really? They accept
those in crayon?

Come on, dude.
Give me one good
reason why not.

'Cause I want to
be on the ground,
in the fight,

not flying over it.

ON RADIO: Pioneer 1,
this is Pioneer 2,
going night vision.

Roger that.

Go ahead and back off.

Give me some separation.

ON RADIO: Pioneer 1,
this is Pioneer 2.
Going NVS.

MAN: Roger.

RIP: Hey, Duke,
weren't we supposed
to meet up

with the recon team
at 40 klicks?

DUKE: Yeah. So?

Well, we just passed
kilometer 41.

Eyes out, eyes out!

Sweep's still clear, sir.

Roger that.
There's nothing
up here but us.

Tom, put a self-test
on the flare and start
to scan for...


What the hell is that?

Pioneer 1,
you've been hit.



Bird down! Bird down!
Back up! Back up! Back up!

All units,
we are under attack!
They're after the warheads!

Pioneer 2, engage!

Put that assh*le
on the ground!

MAN: Roger that.
Put the hurt on this guy!

Tommy g*ns.
Firing, firing, firing!

Missiles armed.Match and sh**t.

Match and sh**t!
Missiles off!

They shot him
right out of the air.

Oh, my God.

Pioneer 2 is down!
We've lost our air!
They're boxing us in!

DUKE: All units,
fan out! I repeat,
all units, fan out!

I want SAMs on that thing!
Light him up! Light him up!

He's coming around.
Get those .50s on him!


RIP: Hold on!


You okay?

Yeah, but my leg is pinned.
What the hell was that?

DUKE: Come on,
we gotta get
in this fight.

RIP: Careful, my leg!

Come on, buddy,
let's go. Let's go,
get up, come on!

Duke, you gotta
protect those warheads!

Shut up! I gotta get you
out of here first!

Fire at the opening!
Right side, right side!


DUKE: Get up, get up,
get up, get up!

RIP: My damn leg!

You wait here, okay?Where are you going?

I gotta go
get that case.

Air Force, right.

Don't move!


Hello, Duke.


Now, you have to admit,
you had that coming.

DUKE: Ana!






DUKE: Ana! Ana!

Don't make me
sh**t a woman.



[g*ns COCKING]

Stand down.
Stand the hell down!

Put the w*apon down, sir.We're not the enemy.

Pointing your weapons at me
doesn't make you my friend,
now, does it?

Please hand over
the case, sir.

I don't know you,
and I sure as hell
don't know who they are,

and until I find out,
I'm not lowering anything

and I ain't handing
anything over.

If it weren't for us,
you'd be out there with
the rest of your boys.

So hand over the case.RIP: What's your unit?

That's classified.

Someone would like to
have a word with you.

State your
name and rank.

You first.

My team just saved
your life, son.

This is the part
where you get
to say thank you.

Those aren't the words
that come to mind right now.

I wasn't told anything
about any support
for this mission,

so why don't you tell
your team to stand down?

We could turn this into
one big turkey sh**t.


Or not.

Easy, Ripcord.

How do you know me?Expert marksman,

second in your battalion.
Weapons specialist,
jet qualified.

I told you.Not now, Rip.

My name is General
Clayton Abernathy.

Perhaps you've
heard of me, Duke.

General Hawk.
NATO forward command.

Yeah, that was
my last job.

I'm in a whole new
outfit now.

DUKE: Uh-uh.

Hey, I just need to
deactivate the tracking
beacon for security.

Put down that
weapons case, son,

and let us deliver
those warheads.

No way.
I signed for them.

It's my mission, my package.
I carry them, I deliver them.

Well, that's just fine,

but you seem to be
a little short of
transportation right now,

so my Team Alpha
will deliver you to me.

And where exactly
are you, sir?

Come see for yourself.


I thought all you
Special Ops guys
were tough.

We are tough.
But we're also

I got it. Thanks.

Wow, this is some
primo stuff here.


Hey, bro, you got
some real lifelike
hair over there.

And a kung fu grip.

SCARLETT: Lie down.RIP: Okay.

What kind of outfit
is this, anyway?

It's not regular Army,
based on all the accents.

You're British.
What are you,
French North African?

Where were you born?

[LAUGHS] Duke wasn't born.
He was government-issued.

What about you?

He doesn't speak.Why?

He doesn't say.

He doesn't say.
So, somehow you're
all in the same unit,

but one you can't
tell me the name of,

We'd get tossed
for telling.

You're gonna go after
those guys that hit
my convoy, huh?

Well, whoever you are
and whatever this unit is,

I want in.


What's up?HAWK: Good job, Joes.


Welcome to the Pit,
Duke. I've read
a lot about you two.

Well, you can't believe
everything you read.
See, I actually...

I understand we even
tried to recruit you
a few years back.

I never got asked to
join any Op group.


You don't remember Thailand
about four years ago?

Right before you
broke up that bar?

About four years ago,
my boy had issues.

I mean,
his issues
had issues.

DUKE: I've been
in the military
my entire life

and I have never seen
a tac operation like this.

HAWK: All right,
you trusted me,
I guess I'll trust you.

G.I. Joe does not exist,
but if it did,

it'd be comprised of
the top men and women

from the best military units
in the world, the alpha dogs.

When all else fails,
we don't.

Ten nations signed
on in our first year,

working together,
sharing intel.
Now we have 23.

What's that?Camouflage suit.

It photographs everything
behind you and puts it
in front of you.


Mr. McCullen is
standing by, sir.

Patch him through
via TelePresence.

DUKE: So who hit us?COVER GIRL: Currently unknown.

thing's for sure,

she's got highly classified
intel and state-of-the-art

which means there's
a whole hell of a lot
of money behind her.

Their capabilities
are beyond anything
we've ever encountered.

Yeah, that's the one
and only reason why we got
our asses kicked out there.

We need to find out
everything we can
about her.

Knowing is
half the battle.

Mr. McCullen,

CEO of MARS Industries
and the builder
of these warheads.

General, clearly you were
the security option
I should have chosen.

What did you just say?

My team did everything
we could out there,

and a lot of
good men went down.

Yeah, but not you.

That mission was
classified, so clearly
someone sold us out.

I spent 10 years
and 13 billion euros
creating these four warheads.

Your job, Captain,
was to protect them,

and if it wasn't
for General Hawk,
you'd have failed.

That's not
a fair assessment.

He followed his orders
to the letter.

Well, that wasn't enough.

Now, so the bastards
who att*cked you
can't find you,

you need to disable
the tracking beacon
hidden in the case.

We already have.

Good man.

But allow me to
check them to see if
any have been damaged.

Open it, please.

My scan says
they're intact, sir.

What's the code?


Please keep me informed
of your progress, General.

SCARLETT: Breaker?

My voice analyzer
on that guy was going
up, down and sideways.

Looks like McCullen's
working an angle he
don't want us to catch.

We're on a deadline.

We need those
warheads now!

You knew that!
Ten years
setting this up,

wringing money
out of NATO,

this was supposed
to be the easy part.

If you had let me
stage the as*ault at
your precious factory,

I could have contained
the situation.

And lost the trust
of our clients
in the process.

It had to be
NATO's fault!

What happened?

Did you hesitate
when you saw him?


This had nothing
to do with him.

Forgive my jealousy.

Have you
tracked the case?

They, of course,
the homing beacon.

I gave them a code to
quietly reactivate it.

It's in Egypt. The Pit,
only mentioned in whispers.

I will get those
warheads back.

I hope so.

If I were really there,
I might actually
let you touch me.

I'll send a jet.


Business first.

Besides, I'm married,

If you had sent me
in the first place,
it would already be done.

I'm sending you now,
Storm Shadow.
No more mistakes.

The schedule mustn't be
compromised any further.

Keep your eye
on her for me.

American politics,
governors, senators,

No wonder nothing
ever gets done.

That's what
we're going to fix,
Mr. Zartan.


DOCTOR: The king cobra,
magnificent creature.

Nature's Grim Reaper
and symbol of
lethal purpose.

Unseen until it strikes.

Its venom can k*ll
a full-grown elephant
with a single bite.

Very nice.

So far we've created

stand before you.

Is it working?

DOCTOR: We injected
solution into each subject.

When they finally
stopped screaming,

brain scans showed
a complete inactivity

of the self-preservation
region of the cortex.

English, Doctor?

They feel no fear.

Cortical nerve clusters
show complete inactivity.

They feel no pain.
Concepts of morality
are disengaged.

They feel no regrets,
no remorse.

The nanomites join together
as a fighting mechanism,

first blocking,
then expelling
the cobra's venom.

And they're
completely obedient?

Of course.

The real-world
are endless.

So, you tell me,
is it working?

Send a team to rendezvous
with Storm Shadow
and the Baroness.

DOCTOR: Consider it done.
The Joes will never know
what hit them.

The 20th Neo-Viper
is already set up
in Washington, DC

and awaiting
your signal.

You've done well.

You've thrown the caber clear
out of the yard.

Construction of
the presidential bunker
has also been completed.

Now, if we sold
one warhead on
the black market,

I could continue
my research.

I appreciate your thirst
for knowledge, Doctor,

but this world is
messy enough. No.

What it needs
is unification,

It has to be taken
out of chaos by someone
with complete control.

Beijing, Moscow,

When these
missiles detonate,

the world will turn to the most
powerful man on the planet.

When I'm finished,
the money will
take care of itself.

You'll be able to do
all the research
you want.

We grabbed this image
from one of our
tactical cameras.

Now we're running her face
through an infinity scan.

Hey, isn't that...[SHUSHING]

We have access to any
photograph on any server,
anywhere in the world.

Yep. Everyone gets
photographed in
some way at some time.

Football game,
ATM machine, airport...

We'll find her,
and then we'll find out
who sent her.

From NATO, sir.

Are you okay?

What happened to her?

HAWK: Hmm.

Well, it appears that
I've been made official
custodian of the warheads.

Looks like your mission
is complete here, Duke.

When you move them,
she's gonna come after you.
You know that, right?

And with her
intel and toys,
she'll find you.

What's your point?

You're going after her first
and we want in.

General, it was our team
that got wasted out there.
We deserve payback.

You don't ask to be
part of G.I. Joe.
You get asked.

You scouted me
four years ago.

Now I'm ready.
Let's have at it.

Well, I've lost men,
too, Captain.

If you want revenge...I know her.

Excuse me?

You said knowing's
half the battle, right?

Well, I know who she is.

She was a blonde.
Her name is Ana Lewis.

I could tell you everything
you need to know about her,

up until the
last four years.

After that,
obviously, a lot of
things have changed.

my wife is home.

Hello, Daniel.
How was your meeting with
the Minister of Defense?

He was thrilled.
The accelerator
performed flawlessly.

I wish you would
have been there.

You and your
little lab rats
are so clever.

How was Monte Carlo?

ANA: I didn't get
what I was after.

I suppose
I should be grateful.

Most husbands would be.

Most husbands
don't have such
mysterious wives.

They know exactly
where they are
and what they do.

They think they know.

Ana, I don't wanna fight.
I missed you.

Well, I never tire
of a good fight.

But not with you,

Let me freshen up
and I'll meet you

I do love you,
my beautiful Baroness.


McCullen gave me orders
to k*ll the Baron

if he so much
as touched you.

Well, he's my husband.
Of course he touches me.

And besides, his work at
the lab goes much better
after we've touched.

And that's the
important thing.

So what are you doing?
Spying on me?


If I was spying on you,
you would never know.

Getting closer.

You were my
best student.


I'll be coming with you
to retrieve the warheads.

We go at dawn.


Come on, Ana.

Okay, so, I've been
wanting to do this
before we deploy.


Duke, it's beautiful.
It's too beautiful.

I'm only going to
buy one of these,
so why not?


So what do you say?

Say yes, you idiot.
He's a real American hero.

Thanks for ruining
the mood, Rex.

I apologize. I just came to
offer you a ride back to post.

What? It's time already?

Yeah, we got
to go at 0500.

[SIGHS] Is it...

Yeah, it is, right?
That's why you're pulling
Rex out of the lab.

Ana, look, I'm sorry,
but I can't...

Yeah, yeah, classified,
top secret,

you'd have to k*ll
me if you told me,

And speaking of
classified information,

you still haven't
answered me.

Yes. Yes.
Of course it's yes.

On one condition.

You have to promise me
that you will not let
my genius,

egghead brother get hurt.

He's the only family
I've got left.

Promise me, Duke.

I promise.

RIP: Hey!
My three favorite people.

DOCTOR: Mr. Weems.
Good, man?


[CHUCKLES] Wow. Nice rock.
That's a lot of love.

Are you proposing?I'm actually done proposing.

I already said yes.

Oh, my God!

Beautiful! You guys are
like the little white couple
on the wedding cake.

How cute.
Give me some love.

Congratulations. Wait.
It's not official.

ANA: What?RIP: It's not official.

Not until you answer
my question.


Do you love my boy?

Always and forever.

You may have blackmailed
your way onto this team.

Doesn't mean
I've got to like it.

But it does mean
I've gotta get
you mission ready,

Joe style.

Standing in front
of you are Delta-6
Accelerator suits.

What does it accelerate?You.

It'll make you
run faster, jump higher

and hit harder than
any of your enemies.

Let's suit up.

Head-to-toe hydraulics
and highly pressurized

An advanced cybernetics
heads-up display helmet,

which feeds
into the suit.

You think it,
it does it.

Twin gas-propelled
grappling spears

and triple-expl*sive,
fire-and-forget rockets.

And my personal favorite,

a 10-millimeter caseless
Gatling submachine g*n,

capable of firing

Fully self-contained

Perfect for a couple
of cowboys like you.


I just missed
everything you said.
Hey, how do I look?

Pretty cool, huh?Any questions?

Sergeant Stone.

Are they Joes?

Hell, no.
They're jokes.


You're gonna
need these.

Just so you know,
when I get a target
in my sights,


I take it down.

Oh, shit!




Just so you know,

some targets
are harder to
hit than others.


You're gonna need
that helmet.


Stand down,
Snake Eyes.

All right. Walk away.
It's over. It's like


I'm nasty with it!You missed one.

Come on.
That gotta be some kind
of a record or something.

The record is
all 20 k*lled.

Who did that?
Let me guess.

Snake Eyes?No. Me.

If you're gonna sh**t
at something, k*ll it.
Otherwise, take up knitting.

HEAVY: Beginner's luck.
Stay focused.


STONE: Ah-ah-ah!

I have never seen
Snake Eyes take a hit.

They're Joes.


Let's go.

Hey, man, Breaker told me
that Scarlett graduated
college at 12 years old.

She's like some freaky
little deadly genius.

I get it, Rip.
You like her.

Sorry, my bad.


To hell with it.

Rip. Rip.


Into the valley of
death rode the 600.

Hey, what are you doing?
A little beach reading?


Look, I think you and me
got off on the wrong foot.

See, I'm attracted to you.

And you,
you're attracted to me.

And him,
the damn Zen master,

he creeps me out. What I'm
trying to say is...

We're attracted
to each other.

Thank you!

That's what you're saying.
It's not what I'm saying.

It's not?

So, what are you saying?

Attraction is an emotion.
Emotions are not based
in science.

And if you can't
quantify or prove that
something exists, well,

in my mind, it doesn't.

Okay. I'll get back
to you on that one.

HEAVY: Attention!
General on deck!

At ease. Duke,

you scored in the
top half percent of all
people we've ever tested.

Rip, if we average
your scores with Duke's,
you pass, too.

Welcome aboard.Thank you, sir.

of course.

Thank you, sir.


Sir, sensors detecting
seismic activity
to the southwest.

Probably just a tremor,
but have a team check it.



ANA: There's our
little weapons case.

All right. You three,
guard the machines.




Sorry to
disturb you, sir.

That's all right,

I need you to sign here,
here and here. And also
here, here...



Goodbye, sweetheart.


That's right.
You don't k*ll women.

For you, Zartan,
I'd make an exception.






Warheads, Rip! Come on!

MAN: Go, go!


We've got the warheads.
Prep the Mole Pods
for evac.

We're on our way.

We're already on it.

ANA: Now how do we
get out of here?

Follow me.

Like that's gonna happen.

Find the control room.
Open the exterior hatch.

And secure this area.NEO-VIPER 1: We're on it.


MAN: Go, go!

ANA: Can you fly
one of these things?

Don't move!
Ana, put the case down.

Fine. Done.

Stop. Ana,
stop right there.

You can't sh**t me, can you?I will if I have to.

Deep down, you're
still the same man
I fell in love with.

Don't force this.

What could have been.
Right, Duke?


Just give me the case,
God damn it.

Move and I'm gonna
blow her away.

Do it. You already
k*lled me once.

RIP: Duke, watch out!



Ana, drop the case!

Hello, brother.



Eat this!


DUKE: Hey, genius!


ANA: See you, Duke.


How many warheads?

WOMAN: Four,
Mr. President.

Any threats? Demands?

None so far, sir.

We take this to mean the
t*rrorists are unfocused.

No clear goals.PRESIDENT: No.

It means they
intend to use them.

MEDIC: General Hawk
is stable now,

but he won't be conscious
for another day or so.

He's one tough bastard.



You all right?I'm fine.

I didn't want anyone
to see me like this.


I don't know.
All the men we lost,
General Hawk wounded,

my neck just
doesn't seem important.

You almost lost
your life out there.

You have a reason
to be concerned.

First fight I lost
since I was a kid.

My father
taught me to win.

Look, I don't see how you
could teach anybody to win
everything every time.

I mean, look at you.

You're still here, right?

You get knocked down,
you get back up.

Maybe that's what
he wanted you to learn.

But then again,
that would be an
emotional response,

one that can't be
explained or quantified.


Hey. Looks like
we're all seeing
ghosts today, huh?






Storm Shadow!


English, Storm Shadow.
Where are your manners?

He is hungry.

We need to invite him in
and show him the path.

He is a cur,
a weakling!

He does not
fight like one.

Now, what shall
we call you?

This belonged to
an ancestor of mine.

He was caught
selling arms
to both sides.

The French forced him
to wear it for
the rest of his life.

They called him Destro,
destroyer of nations.

So why do you keep it?

So that I never forget
the most important rule
in dealing arms.

Let me guess.
Never sell to both sides?

Never get caught
selling to both sides.

Take the warheads to Paris.
Have them weaponized.

Then I want you to test one.Test one?

We'll let CNN
show the world how
well they perform.

Fear is
a great motivator.

I have a target in mind,
one the French will
never forget,

as I've never
forgotten what they
did to Clan McCullen.

Are you ready,
Mr. Zartan?

Born ready, Doctor.

This is going to be the
achievement of a lifetime.

Yes, as a master of disguise,
you have no equal, my friend.

Eighteen months of
studying my target,
learning mannerisms,

but the devil is
in the details.

let's get it going.

One more thing.

I'll control my own brain,
thank you very much.

Let's do this.


That was a bit nasty.

DOCTOR: Think so?

Let's run some tests.

Eye color. Skin tone.
Hair follicles.

And initiating facial
reconstruction tests.



We gotta find out
who's holding their leash.

With their weaponry,
financing and intel,

these guys are
high-line pros.

That limits
the possibilities.

Hey, the weapons case.


Remember, McCullen had us
open the weapons case?

What about it?I bet you he gave us a code

that reactivated
the tracking beacon.

You're right.
McCullen, that
son of a bitch.

So, McCullen uses NATO
to fund his R&D

and then he steals
the warheads back.

And who says
you're not
a thinker?

Hey, I found her.

DUKE: Yeah,
that's her all right.

Her name is
Ana de Cobray. Baroness,
if you're feeling formal.

RIP: Baroness?
Wow, she really
traded up, huh?

Financially, of course.

DUKE: Who's he?BREAKER: Daniel de Cobray.

Big shot French scientist.
Runs a lab in Paris.

What kind of lab?

Particle accelerator.

Oh, my God.
They're going to use him
to weaponize the warheads.

Well, that's where
she's going.

I like croissants.


DUKE: Go, go, go, go!SOLDIER 1: Come on! Let's go!

DUKE: Pull up
on the truck!

SOLDIER 1: Go, go, go!

SOLDIER 2: Two o'clock!

DUKE: Go, go, go, go, go!

Go, let's move!

SOLDIER 3: In the alley!SOLDIER 4: Get down, get down!

You see them?

Two more on the left!

SOLDIER 6: Get down!

Dubble Bubble?
It always helps me.


Yeah. Hey, you good?


All right,
Mr. Science Officer,
you're up, okay?

You don't find it
in four minutes,
you get out of there.

That house will not
be there in five.

I already called
for the air strike.

Come on! Here we go!

I got you!
Go, go, go, go!

Oh, crap!

SOLDIER 7: Rooftop!

Hey, Duke,
I gotta level with you.

I hate it when
you level with me.

It's going to be
a long five minutes.

No, no, no!
It's too early.
It's too early!

Duke!Rex! Rex!




RIP: Duke! Come on.
We gotta go.

I gotta get Rex.We gotta go, man!

Black Hawk's waiting!
We gotta go!
Nothing you can do!

Nothing you can do,man! Come on!I gotta get Rex.

Ready. Aim. Fire.

[g*ns FIRE]

Forward, march.

Are you going to
sign in or shall I?


Who is this?

Hey! What are you doing?
What's going on here?

I need you to do
something for me

and I don't have
much time.

What are these things?

They're warheads, dear.

And I need you to
weaponize them for me,

or we'll k*ll
everyone in here.


Hey! This is
a civilian laboratory!

We don't have
the correct programming
protocols for weaponizing!

The protocols
are in the case.

I told you, I don't have
much time.

is that Dubble Bubble?

But it's my last piece.

BREAKER: Mmm-hmm.

Come on, give it to me.
All right, there you go.

HEAVY: All right.
Stick to the plan.

Scarlett, Snake Eyes,
take the front.

Rip, Duke, take the back.
Breaker will be our eyes
and ears.

I'll give the
orders from here.

You do what I say,
when I say. Got it?

Yes, Daddy.



BARON: Here.

They're all alive.Merci, Daniel.



I told you I'd k*ll him
if he touched you again.

I heard you
the first time.

Okay, we're almost there.
Scarlett, you better put
your suit on.

That's her.

HEAVY: Take that
Hummer, Snake!


Careful. They're worth
millions of dollars each.

Millions of dollars.
Got it.


Jesus.My bad. My bad.

Won't happen again!


Thanks a lot, buddy!

Come on, Scarlett, babe.
You in or out? We gotta
get in this fight!

Tracking signal is good.
Don't let go of that
truck, Snake Eyes.

ANA: Let's get that
bastard off the roof.



RIP: Look out!

Whoa! Hey, Heavy, it's getting
thick out here!

HEAVY: Yeah, I know.
They're driving right into
the heaviest traffic.

What kind of
escape route is that?

Maybe they're not
trying to escape.

Maybe they're
heading somewhere.

Possible target?Yes.

Some place with
a lot of metal.

They're going
to blow it up.
All units!

Guys, you have
to stop them!

Yeah, we're working on it.I mean right now!

They're going to detonate
one of the warheads on
the Eiffel Tower!

Crush him!


He's underneath.
k*ll him!

That redhead is really starting
to piss me off.


Oh, God!

I got you. I got you.


Nice save, slick.Come on,

don't start being all nice to me
now. Gotta go.


Get in!

All right, Rip,
let's take this thing
down! Hang on, Snake!


Try this on
for size, boys.

Oh, shit!


We lost them!

Cut through that building
across the street.

DUKE: Where's the door?Make one!

Right! Come on, Rip!

I'm coming.
I'm coming!

I don't have them!
Where are they?

They're evacuating the Tower.We're only 2 kilometers away.

Snake, we're running out of
time. You gotta do something.

It's now or never.

He gave up.

He never gives up.


ALL: Whoa!

Coming through!




DUKE: Okay, that was crazy.
I didn't expect that.

What happened to you?
I went through the train.

What happened to you?

I jumped over it.You can do that?

Yeah. I told you
to read that manual.

There's a manual?



Next time, I'll drive.

Here. Take the
k*ll switch.


Come on.
Get out of the way!

BREAKER: Hey, guys,
they're alive and
they're on the move.

And they've activated
the warhead. I'm tracking
the k*ll switch now.

Duke! Duke,
it's on the Baroness!

Storm Shadow has
one of the warheads,
and it's armed!

Get out of my way!
Get out!

Get out!

Nice shoes.

You get the warhead,
I'll get the k*ll switch.

Yeah, I'm on it.

RIP: Damn,
that ninja's fast!



Oh, no!

HEAVY: Bloody hell.


They're gonna
eat through
the entire city.

Duke, you have to
hit that k*ll switch!



Oh, God.




Congratulations, Duke.
You just saved Paris.

Or at least most of it.


Is that blood?

Spaghetti sauce.
Don't ask.

They got Duke.We know.

What are you doing?

Plugging into his
cerebral cortex.

I hate to break
the news to you,

but I don't think he's
gonna give you much
in his dead condition.

The brain survives
a couple of minutes
after death.

We can retrieve the
electrical impulses from
his most recent memories

and convert them to images.Well, can we find Duke?

We need to find the other three
warheads first.

If this guy
remembers his way home,
maybe we can find both.

Okay, here come the images.

Let's see where
this guy's been.


He's still alive!He can't be.

He's got 3-inch
needles in his head!

Hey, dead guys
don't breakdance!

HEAVY: What's
happening, Breaker?

they're eating him.

Must be some sort
of self-destruct.

Hurry, Breaker!

BREAKER: Come on,
come on, come on.

No. No!

No, no, no!

DOCTOR: The beauty
of nanotechnology.

RIP: We are screwed.Relax. I got everything I could.

What? Then what the hell was
the, "No, no, no, no!" for?

That was for McCullen.
They were watching us.

Okay. So what
did you get?

Actually, not that much.
Just images.

Come on, Frenchie.
I thought you said
you was the best at this.

I am the best at this!All right.

Nobody can do what I just did.Okay.


Wait, no.

We didn't do it.
We're the good guys.

Put your hands up, Rip.We don't have time for this!

HEAVY: We're not
allowed to engage
with friendly forces.

RIP: They don't look
too friendly to me.
I gotta get my boy.

Look, Captain...Rip!




We're still trying
to locate the three
remaining warheads, sir.

What's the status
of the Joes?

They've been detained.

The French
are pretty upset.

Of course
they're upset.

Get me the
French Ambassador.


...in a matter of seconds
by a strike by a m*ssile...

Hey, no, no!


Please don't touch that! That's
my equipment. It's very...


Okay, he's touching it.

Nice going, slick.

It's not his fault.

He's just emotional.

Here, let me look at that.I'm fine.

Just trying to help.

The French have agreed
to let you all go

on the condition
that none of you return.


Never?It could be worse.

What do you mean by never?
Like, never, never, ever?

There's more.

All of you
have been recalled by your
respective heads of state.

Team Alpha is to
return to the Pit.

What about Duke?

ANA: Call McCullen.
Tell him we have
the three warheads.

NEO-VIPER: Right away.

Why didn't you
just k*ll me?

McCullen has
something special
in mind for you.


What happened to you?

Now you care?


I am sorry.

I'm sorry about Rex.

I'm sorry that I couldn't bring
Rex home.

And I'm so sorry
that I couldn't
face you afterwards.

Well, everybody's sorry
about something.








Okay, so what about Duke? We're
just gonna forget about him?

HEAVY: We've got
our orders.

RIP: Look, man, what if it was
one of your guys?

What if it was Scarlett or
Breaker? What would you do then?

Looks pretty remote.
Might be a good location
for a base.

Snow. That leaves us with what,
a third of the earth?



Hey, is that
McCullen's shadow?

What you got?

Spherical trigonometry.I must have missed that class.

If you know the height of the
object, the length of the

and the time and date that
the image was captured,

you can figure out
its location.

That's why I
missed that class.

HEAVY: All right, Breaker,
give it to me. What have
we got?

Okay. McCullen is

His shadow is

This image
has decayed 6%,

which means it's 51 hours
and 17 minutes old.

That's at
the polar icecap.


What do you say, sir?

I said you've been
ordered back to the Pit,

but I didn't say when and I
didn't say which route to take.

Maybe a northern one.

HEAVY: That is
a lot of ice.

BREAKER: Thousands
of miles across
and 10 stories thick.

Locating McCullen's base
will be like finding
a needle in a coal mine.


Oh, right.

Haystack in
a coal mine.

No! McCullen has
plans for him!



And what was your plan?

Run 3,000 miles
across the ice?


Stupid soldier.

NEO-VIPER: Move it.

That's strange.What?

When they stole
the weapons case,
I set my scanner

to look out for
the tracking beacon
in case it came back on.

And it just
came back on.

That's my boy!

Three left.

Take the warheads
to the missiles.

I want them ready to
launch in one hour.

It will be done.

My beautiful
Lady of the Lake.

This bother you?

It's funny, isn't it?

The entire balance of power in
the world about to shift,

two guys can still have a
stare-down over who gets the




I'm gonna make you
very unhappy.

I'm already unhappy.NEO-VIPER: Get up!


from the Aqua Cam
is coming online now.

HEAVY: Bloody hell.

They've built
a military base
under the polar icecap.

It's the perfect location.
Nearly undetectable,
easily defensible.

Duke's got to be
in there somewhere.

And the warheads.

We have to find a quiet way
to get inside.

Elevator cables.
They've got
a surface entrance.

there's something else.
Going to sonar view.

They've got
tunnels running
through the ice pack.

SCARLETT: Hey, look,
they've got their own
attack subs.

Okay, what's that?BREAKER: m*ssile tubes.

HEAVY: Must be for
the nanomite warheads.

Take us up. I'll create
a distraction from outside
and keep them busy

while you lot infiltrate
the facility from above.
We'll find Duke...

Grab the warheads.k*ll all the bad guys.

As you all know,
Team Alpha is under
direct orders

to return to their
respective national bases.

But I have something
I need to do which
goes against all orders.

So, if any of you decide
that you have to leave now,

I will certainly not
hold it against you.

Okay, then.

DUKE: What are you gonna do with
the warheads?

You take to your training well.
That's good.

Still trying to
develop intel.

So you won't mind
telling me.

Isn't it obvious? I'm a
businessman. I'm going to use

Millions of people are
gonna die if you launch
those warheads,

so what is it
that you want?

To strike fear
into the hearts

of every man, woman
and child on the planet.

Then they'll turn
to the person with
the most power.


No, not me. You're not seeing
the whole picture.

Then tell me.

I don't wanna
spoil the surprise.



Meet the genius behind
all my nanotechnology.

You are too kind.

As you can see,
we are loading my
nanomite warheads

into the high-V missiles.

Once at maximum velocity,
Mach 5,

not even the Joes
have the technology
to catch them.

So, who's this?
Another recruit?

Albeit a rather
unwilling one.

I'll prepare him
for the procedure.

All teams, listen up,
this is General Hawk.

The mission is a go.
I say again,
the mission is a go.

Good luck, Joes.


The teams have
been deployed, sir.

Get me
a satellite uplink.

I wanna see everything
that's going on down there.


You picking up anything?

NEO-VIPER 2: Negative.
There's nothing
on the scanner.

RIP: Nice sh**ting.SCARLETT: Thank you.

We're a long way
from Miami.

SCARLETT: Whoa. That's a Night
Raven. They actually built one.

Looks fast.
That McCullen
got some gadgets.

DOCTOR: MARS Industries

on this planet.

Did you know that, Duke?

There are two sides to
McCullen's operation,

the Sword and the Shield.

The Sword creates
and sells weaponry.

The Shield creates
defensive technology,
like high-tech bunkers,

which are supposed
to protect one from

from a nuclear blast
to a nanomite warhead.

Unfortunately, the bunker
in which I took shelter

was just a prototype.

Who are you?


You son of a bitch!
Ana buried you!

Moving ceremony,
I'm sure.

The three-volley salute.

Boots on the ground.
A folded flag in her arms.

Why? Why didn't you
just come in?

Because I discovered

...subject number 23.

This will only
hurt a little.

What comes next,
more so.

Listen, Mindbender,
do whatever it takes.

So will I.

Remember, science
requires sacrifice.


It's beautiful,
isn't it?

Stay where you are!

Are you going
to sh**t me?


These aren't chemical
or nuclear, are they?


They're something
much, much better.

It is beautiful.


Nanomites, it's beyond...

It's light years ahead
of what anyone else
is doing in the field.

Proximity alert.

Aerial attack imminent.
All personnel to the bunker.


Come on.
Come on! What?

What are you doing?
Don't close that.

If we live,
I'll show you everything.


We survived that
blast, somewhat.

And Dr. Mindbender
and I escaped

with his research,
which I perfected

and which you will now
experience first-hand.

Does Ana know about this?
About you?

and she never will.

Commence the
launch sequence.

MAN ON PA: Commencing
launch sequence.

T-minus four,
three, two, one.

Ignite primary engines.


We have ignition.

RIP: They're launching
the missiles!

We lost the Beijing m*ssile.
Warhead three is down, sir.

Alert all defenses.MAN 2: Yes, sir.

He's here.



What about
the other two?

We gotta find
the k*ll switches.

They're already way
too far out of range.

Somebody has to get up there
and sh**t those things down.

Well, I guess
that's me.

MAN: Sir.What is it?

STRATCOM is tracking
three warheads

that have just
launched off
the polar icecap.

One was downed

The other two are currently
entering the upper atmosphere.

MAN: We need to get you
down to the bunker, sir.

Well, they haven't
made any demands.
What's their plan?

Now, this is very cool.

Yeah, but can you fly it?

I can fly anything.

You just find a way to guide me
to those warheads.

Right. Ripcord...


Good luck.Thanks.

Hey, do me a favor.Yeah?

Save Duke.

You got it.


SCARLETT: Let's go!

The floor is pressure-plated
and laser-protected.

Anything larger than
a quarter that touches
that floor gets fried.

DOCTOR: You left me for dead,
Duke, and look at me.

Now you'll know
what it's like
to be a monster.

We don't have much time.Ana?

Oh, my God.



Security, to the
operating chamber!

I press this, she dies.

You did this to
your own sister!

I loved my sister.

Do you have any idea
the state she was in
with me dead, you gone?

Have you ever
felt truly alone?

I gave her a way to deal with
the pain. I gave her purpose.

You could have
stopped all of this

just by letting her
know you were alive!

Science requires sacrifice.

All she's done
was because of you!

And because of you, Duke.
You abandoned her.

Let's not forget
that point.

DUKE: I'm gonna
k*ll you, Rex.

Is she still alive?DOCTOR: For now.

I thought we had
complete control.

You said this
couldn't happen.

DOCTOR: I didn't
think it could.

I've never seen anyone
override the programming,
even momentarily.

She did this for him.

The pain must have
been excruciating.

What you'll have to do

is to rewire the laser panel's
brain by carefully...

Or you can
just s*ab it.

This is Scarlett.
We're in.

Deploy the SHARCs!

Detaching SHARCs 1-3...

Detaching SHARCs Alpha,
Bravo, Charlie, Delta.

Full speed ahead.

Detaching SHARCs.

Victor, Franklin, Tango
into flanking positions.

HEAVY: All right, boys.
Attack formation.

NEO-VIPER: Fan out.
Wait until the Joes
break formation.

Stay tight.
Here they come.


Fire up the pulse cannon!

We're on it, sir.


I'll do it!Put it down!

Your choice, Duke.

MAN: Charging
pulse cannon.

Everybody stay tight
on the enemy craft.

Don't let that
cannon catch you
out in the open.

Bogey at 10 o'clock.

I'm hit! I'm hit!
I'm hit!

m*ssile 2,

all telemetry and
propulsion systems


Ripcord, can you hear me?RIP: Loud and clear, buddy.

Doing Mach 6
and loving it!

Come on, girl. Time to show me
what you got.

Okay, Rip, I have the
coordinates of
the other two warheads.

The closest target is Moscow.
You'll have
to hit that one first.

Target two is Washington.

You'll be safe down
in this bunker, sir.

How soon before it
strikes the city?

Seventeen minutes, sir.

PRESIDENT: It's all up
to the Joes now.

MAN: Please hurry,
Mr. President.

We need to get you
buttoned up.


MAN ON PA: General Hawk,
we've lost our engines.
We're completely disabled.

Somebody take out that
damn cannon. There's

We're on it, sir.
All right, Snake,

the cannon control room
should be right there,

where all the laser
conduits converge.

Did you think
she loved you?

Did you imagine
your life with her?

All I know is, neither one of
you deserve her.

DOCTOR: That's it.
She dies!

DUKE: Don't do it, Rex!



Come on.


I'm gonna get you
out of here.


DOCTOR: Get up!

You're coming with me.


BREAKER: Ripcord,
the Moscow m*ssile will
impact in four minutes.

All right,
I got a visual on it.

Dead ahead.

You have to
knock it down before it
re-enters the atmosphere.

If those nanomites
hit the ground,
it's all over.

They'll destroy
the whole city.

Houston, we have a problem.

The fire controls
are not in here.

What do you mean,
not in there?

I mean, I don't
see them anywhere.

It must be

Okay. Fire!

sh**t! Blast away!
Bust a cap!

Nothing's happening!

I bet it's in
a different language.

Wait a minute.
McCullen is Scottish.

Maybe the plane
responds to Celtic.

Try Teine.What?

Teine. It's Celt,
Scottish for fire.

Okay, got it.



Nice going, ace.
You just saved Moscow.

Just doing my job.
Now guide me to Washington.

MAN: Yeah. Yeah, thanks, that's
great news. I'll let him know.

Sir, one of the Joes shot down
the warhead heading for Moscow.

Thank God.

What are you doing?
Oh, my God!


It's done.

MAN: Hello, Mr. President.
Mr. McCullen sends his regards.

Oh, my God.

So, that's what
this is all about.

All right.
Keep tight, boys.

All g*ns on that cannon.
Torpedoes away!


HEAVY: I've just
lost my wingman.

WOMAN: Retargeting
Joe submarine.

HEAVY: I've got a shot.


Pulse cannon fault.
Pulse cannon fault.

Cannon now offline.

MAN 1: The whole
damn system's down.

MAN 2: I'm trying to
bring it back online.

Now you die.


Launch immediately.

Chart a course to the ice pack.NEO-VIPER: Yes, sir.

We gotta go after Rex and

ANA: How could it be Rex?

Hey, Scarlett,
it's Duke!

He looks fine. But what's he
doing with her?

Okay, we got a track
on McCullen's sub.

He's headed up
into the ice pack.


Duke, behind us!

Looks like they're onto us.
Ana, sh**t those guys.

Love to.

When our master was k*lled,
you took a vow of silence.

Now you will die
without a word.

All right, the second one
in my sights.

Okay, Rip, you only got 30
seconds before it enters
the lower atmosphere.

I got you!


Ripcord, you missed.The warhead has entered
the lower atmosphere.

RIP: I know, I know!
I'm on it, I'm on it!


I can't shake these guys.Duke, I'm out!

All right, let's see
what we got here.

Black Ray,
Eliminator, LAW.

Laser a*tillery w*apon.
That sounds good.

Scarlett!Hey, Duke!

I'm going after
McCullen and Rex.

You guys better get
the hell out of there.

I can't. Rip has one more
warhead to take down.

Rip, where is he?

The m*ssile's just gone drone.
It's going in for the k*ll!



NEO-VIPER: Sir, there's
a hostile Mantis craft
coming up behind us.

Seal the door.

There you are.

One got through.
I hit them!


Duke! They're back!

NEO-VIPER: Going hot
in three, two, one.



There's gotta be another way
around to Rex and McCullen.

Charting new course
for alternate route.

Twenty seconds
until impact.

Come on, come on, come on.

You're too close, Rip!
Back off!

Actually, I think I'm
just about close enough.


He's taking the nanomites back
into the upper atmosphere.



SCARLETT: Ripcord,
get out of that plane!

[GRUNTING] Almost there!

Eject, Ripcord, eject!



He did it.
He actually did it.



SCARLETT: Ripcord?


RIP: Didn't I ask you
not to yell at me?


Everybody, listen up!
We still have a lot of Joes
out there in harm's way.

Let's bring them home.

RIP: Did it work?SCARLETT: Yes, yes, it worked.

Good. Because I think I'm about
to get arrested, again.


MAN 1: Don't move!

Hey, hey, same team, same team!MAN 2: Hands up!

Same team.
Okay, okay, okay.

What's our status?

NEO-VIPER: We've lost aft
thrusters and the sonar.

We're running blind.k*ll them.

k*ll all the Joes.

Detonate the ice pack.

Right away, sir.

They're telling the
other ships to abort.

He's gonna
blow the ice pack.

This is Duke calling all Joes.
The ice pack's coming down!

There's a ton
of steel and ice

headed your way!What?

Everybody, pull back!
Pull back now!

Door! The door, the door!
Get the door!

Come on!

Ana, we could get
out of here right now,

free and clear,
safe and sound.

Let's get them.That's my girl.

This is cutting
it close, Duke.

I'm not letting
those two get away.

Come on, guys,
get out of there!



This is Scarlett.
We're all clear.

This is Duke.
We're clear, too.

Yo, Joe!



MEN: Yeah!

DOCTOR: Now that we have
a moment to ourselves,

I've designed something

especially for you, James.No!

This will only
hurt a little.


What comes next,
more so.

perfect little healers.



I've finally taken my place
in a long line of McCullens.

James McCullen is no more.
Now you are Destro.

What have you
done to me?


The time has come for the cobra
to rise up and reveal himself.

You will
call me Commander.

This is Captain Duke Hauser.
Prepare to be boarded.


You are relentless, Duke.
I'll give you that much.

And what's to stop me from
blowing you out of the water?

I'm taking you in, Rex.


You and what army?

My army.

DOCTOR: You know, Duke,
this has only just begun.

I'll be waiting for you.


seen encoding like this.

I mean, physically,
she's fine,

but when Rex programmed them,
he sure didn't want them
taken out.

So there's nothing
you can do for her?

It'll take some time,
but we'll take them out.


Till we get those things
out of your head,

looks like you're gonna be
seeing a lot of me around here.

You can't save me, Duke.
No one can,
not after all I've done.

Look, that wasn't you.

I'm not giving up on you.


Man, we look good.

Yeah, well, you better
get used to it.

HAWK: Heavy Duty thinks you guys
ought to stick around

DUKE: So, you're
asking us, right?

Yeah, 'cause he didn't
sound like he was asking.

'Cause you gotta be asked
to join the G.I. Joes.

I'm asking.

Well, I'm in.

How do you feel
about this?

I feel very emotional.

MAN ON PA: All Joes mobilize and
ready check for Operation

All ground transports,
rendezvous at
Base Brothers Grimm.

All Howler Hunters will
rendezvous at Base Roman Ruin.

Good luck, Joes.

WOMAN: Mr. President,
it's good to see you.

Thank you. And you.

It's nice to have you back
safely, sir.

Thank you. John.Welcome back, sir.

Thank you.
Thank you all so much.




♪ I got that hit that
beat the block

♪ You can get that
bass overload

♪ I got that
rock and roll

♪ That future flow

♪ That digital spit

♪ Next level visual it

♪ I got that
boom boom pow

♪ How the beat bang,
boom boom pow

♪ I like that
Boom boom boom

♪ Gotta get that
Boom boom boom

♪ I like that
Boom boom boom

♪ Gotta get that
Boom boom boom

♪ I like that
Boom boom boom

♪ Gotta get that
Boom boom boom

♪ I like that
Boom boom boom

♪ I got that
Boom boom pow

♪ Them chickens
jacking my style

♪ They try to
copy my swagger

♪ I'm on that
next shit now

♪ I'm so 3008

♪ You so 2000 and late

♪ I got that
boom, boom, boom

♪ That future
boom, boom, boom

♪ I'm on the supersonic boom

♪ Y'all hear
the spaceship zoom

♪ When, when I step
inside the room

♪ Them girls go ape-shit, uh

♪ Y'all stuck
on Super 8 shit

♪ That low-fi stupid 8 bit

♪ I'm on that HD flat

♪ This beat go
boom boom bap

♪ Boom boom boom

♪ Gotta get that
Boom boom boom

♪ I like that
Boom boom boom

♪ Gotta get that
Boom boom boom

♪ I like that
Boom boom boom

♪ Gotta get that

♪ Gotta get that

♪ I'm a beast
when you turn me on

♪ Into the future cybertron

♪ Harder, faster,
better, stronger

♪ Sexy ladies extra longer

♪ 'Cause we got the beat
that bounce

♪ We got the beat
that pound

♪ We got the beat
that 808

♪ That the boom, boom
in your town

♪ People in the place

♪ If you wanna get down

♪ Put your hands
in the air

♪ Will.i.am,
drop the beat now

♪ Let the beat rock

♪ Let the beat rock

♪ Let the beat rock

♪ Let the beat
rock, rock, rock

♪ Let the beat rock

♪ This beat be
bumping, bumping

♪ This beat go boom, boom
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