7aum Arivu (2011)

Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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7aum Arivu (2011)

Post by bunniefuu »

Kung Fu is the principal
Martial Art form

China is the most ardent of countries
in propagating this art.

These are schools that
train in Martial Arts

The chief of all these schools is

The Shaolin Temple

This stands tall as
a Buddhist temple and

as a school for training
in Martial Arts

Being the first to teach
them this art...

and for having founded
the Shaolin Temple...

the man who is revered as
God by them even now was

the 3rd born prince
ofthe Pallava King..

Bodhi Dharman...

a Tamilan

Kanchipuram , Pallava Dynasty

This school is a part
of the Pallava Dynasty

at a time when other countries
engaged in human sacrifice...


Along with several other arts

Medicine was also a special
part of the curriculum

The cure for several deadly diseases

lay in an amazing form
of Medicine called...


An expert in all these forms was

Bodhi Dharman

Besides Martial Arts

He was also well versed in
the art of Mesmerism...

...the practice ofwhich enables
control ofthe 5 elements

As instructed by his Teacher...Bodhi Dharman was leaving for China

The teacher should have a reason
and a larger good in mind...

for sending me to China

Mother, Father, thank you
for understanding this.

These are inscriptions l have written...

at the appropriate time, these will
prove important and useful

After a three year long
journey on land...

Bodhi Dharman reaches the village
of Nanyang in China.

The villagers predict that
huge danger awaits them

On seeing Bodhi Dharman
who reaches the village then

they assume him to be the evil force

They are relieved that the
danger has been averted

But the real danger...

The deadly disease that k*lled
millions of people in China

struck that village as well.

Bodhi Dharman taught his
expertise in medicine...

to physicians who came from
several parts of China.

The village that had recovered
from disease

had another danger in store

Beasts in the human form

At a point when people knew only
of his medical proficiency..

They realised that he was a Master...

...in the base forms of
martial arts ''Kalari''

and had power to control
anyone through hypnotism

Never having seen a wonder like
that in all their lives

The Chinese wanted to learn
this art of self defense

Bodhi Dharman who was fondly
referred as Damo...

... by the Chinese people

stayed in the village and
taught them his skills.

Several years later

when he announced his decision
to return to his motherland.

Once again they misinterpret
the Astrological reading

Bodhi Dharman realizes that
his food has been poisoned

They pleaded that if
Bodhi Dharman's...

mortal remains are buried in that soil...

their county will be rid
of any disease in future

Bodhi Dharman accepts their plea.

Even today, Bodhi Dharman
is worshipped...

in the many temples build
for him across China.

This Tamilan who is being
worshipped in places...

...like Japan , China and Thailand

is known to how many of us?


l've never heard of him

l swear l don't know

Sory, l don't know... no idea

l don't know

Bodhidharma?Who is this?

l don't even know my
grandfather's name.

ls this a name of a movie?

l am hearing this name only from you

Sorry l don't know

lf an art that has been taught

and later forgotten by us...

turns against us?

Great Bombay Circus

Good news for the people of Chennai.

The show that you have been
eagerly waiting for...

is here at island grounds, Chennai

Two shows daily

Three show on weekends

Request the people of Chennai

come and catch the excitement
and enjoy the show

Hey, what is happening?

Eveyone is doing their own work.

No one is paying attention to us

These guys are not going
to fall for this

Call Arvind on the phone now

Oh Ringa Ringa!
Let's have fun as a g*ng

Yeh Pinga Pinga!
It's hip hop Song...

Oh! back then or now...
Friendship never fades

You come in as one...

But together we are
a thousand gardens...

One by one we become one...

The fun and dancing
is due to begin

Each day is[as sweet as] honey...

A friend's friend
that's me..

Hey gama gama!!!
Will my heart behold..

Do what you thought of doing...

Hey gumma gumma!!!
wil my eyes sleep...

Take what comes your way...

Hey gamma gamma
Will my heard behold

Do what you thought

Hey gumma gumma!!!
wil my eyes sleep...

Take what comes your way...

Oh Ringa Ringa!
Let's have fun as a g*ng...

Yeh Pinga Pinga!
It's a hip hop song...

Oh! Back then or now...
Friendship never fades...

You come in as one...

But together we are
a thousand gardens...

Ye Aiyle Aiyle Ye Aiyle...

This life is also like a train...

The running or chugging is a style too..

lt doesn't stop even when it does...

Oh Oiyle Oiyile o Oiley...

All the enjoyment is
in our hands

Life without it is like a
prison in this world

Jump Reap in plenty...

Refill as it reduces...

learn with clarity

Accept the mistakes
you know you made...

Hey Gama Gama!!!
Will my heart behold...

Do what you thought of doing...

Hey guma guma!!!
Will my eyes sleep

Take what come your way...

Hey gama gama!!!
Will my heart behold...

Do what you thought of doing...

Hey guma guma!!!
Will my eyes sleep...

Take what comes your way...

We have touched the peak...

We've joined hands to become a g*ng

We've played the song of friendship....

Our hearts have turned buds of a flower

Evemhing has become
fresh and new...

The minute gone by is old now...

Eveyday is different and new...

Evemhing is ours now...

lt's going to be fun and
dance cause we like it

And the more we win
more are going to join us...

We touch the clouds
as we soar higher

And as we realize
we gain speed...

Oh ringa ringa!
Let's have fun as a g*ng...

Yeh Pinga Pinga!
It's a hip hop song....

Oh! Back then or now
Friendship never fades...

You come in as one

But together we are
a thousand gardens...

One by one we become one...

The fun and dancing is due to begin

Each day is honey

A friend's friend that's me

Hey Gama Gama!!!
Will my heart behold

Do what you thought of doing...

Hey Guma Guma!!!
Will my eyes sleep

Take what comes your way

Hey gama gama!!!
will my heart behold

Do what you thought of doing...

Hey Guma Guma!!
Will my eyes sleep...

Take what comes your way

Hey! come , let's step out for some time

l am not coming
you go ahead , l have work

Fine then , handle the Boss
if he ask for me...

l'll take some time

-Will do
- Is that Ok?


Don't keep saying the same thing

- Sir, please Sir
- NO

-Please understand
- No way can't be done

lt's an important project sir.

lt's just one day.
We are asking you only...

... because it is important

No way can't be done

Very sorry, can't be done

Please understand

l am telling you over and
over again...

..it can't be done.

-lt's vey important project
- l can't hadle you

Arvind , you talk to them

Wait, If all of you speak
at the same time...

we won't get it,
one of you speak

Sir, we are actually
genetic engineering students

We need to work on a project

- Hang on,
- for that

Why you don't tell us

We are genetic engineering students

We need a monkey for our research

We need it only for a day

if we take it in the morning
we'll return the monkey by 5p.m

He is asking us for 10,000 Rupees

The department gives us just

What if something happens
to the monkey...

Yes, What if something
happens to the monkey

lt's an important monkey
for us. It's difficult

Nothing will happen

you can come with us if you want

You can be with us the whole day

come back with the monkey
in the evening. OK?

OK, l will come just one day

lf it becomes two days you have

you have to take permission
from my boss

One day is fine Boss

l'll bring bananas for you
when l come back

Keep quiet you will ask
for 2,000 rupees just for yourself

l don't want any money

Pay 1 ,100 for the monkey...

-We'll take 1 100 Rupees

We'll be back then

Not happening

you can take this guy for free
he's jobless

The monkey is more
important to me

your wish then, let's go

-They're going to leave
- Let them go

Let's accept their offer
for 1 ,000 Rupees

Let me get you another

Deduct it from my salay

-No need
-Hey girls wait... listen to me

No need, go

Let them go, get going

What's up Arvind...

So near yet so far...
didn't manage it?

You're going to get it from me

Hey, it's her, Get this off
get this off now stop

lt's over don't get scared
what happened?

lt's that girl

-Which girl?
-That girl at the circus

-How do you know?
-l know

Hey Arvind carry me

Sory, l am feeling dizzy
and all chummed up inside

yes that's how you will be...

if you get on to a roller coaster
with a full stomach

am sure you feel like throwing up?

l said l felt dizzy after seeing her

Hey Arvind, don't go

Arvind wait for me

this is a good route too..

Hey take me along

Do something

you look like the monkey at the circus

take a good picture

That ride was great fun
we must ty it again

Hey look at this

He's there in all the pictures


Hey, they're looking

They are staring

- Hi
- Hi

- Bye
- Bye

- Tea?
- Let me up

l am vey tired

lf you follow a girl
around for an hour...

...even after she has
chased you away

you will of course be tired

The phone's ringing

lt's not my phone

lt's ringing in your pocket

Yes it is, but it's
not my phone

Will you have Tea?

lt's her phone

How did you flick it?


You rogue

you're probably the only guy
who's flicked a phone...

.. from a girl you have your eyes on

Hey, l flicked it just to return it

She will thank me when
l return it won't she?

Oh, all right.
Fine go return it she's right there

You just said you were
going to return it.

l said l am going to return it.

did l say l am going
to return it now?

l'll return it tomorrow

- Why?

lf l give it now,
she'll stop with a 'Thanks'

lf l return it tomorrow.

l'll get a meeting with the 'Thanks'

Attend the call


lf l take the call now,
She'll think l am jobless

She will be restless wondering
ifthe call is going to be attended

Must have lost the connection



My name is Subha

This phone is mine.
l lost it this morning

How sad

Please the phone has a lot of
important information

Don't worry it's with me

lf you tell me where you are
l'll come and take it.

No, you tell me the place
l'll come and give it to you

Tomorrow morning 10'O clock

Ampa Skywalk

Morning 10'o clock ,
Ampa Skywalk, OK

Thank you so much,
So kind of you

lt's fine. l happened to find
and it's safe

What if someone else found it.

will you be this careless with the phone?

No sir, l am always careful

a guy from the circus was there suddenly

he was there in three of
the pictures we took

don't know if he was following us
or whether it was a co-incidence

lost the phone in that confusion

yeah, Let's meet tomorrow and
l'll give you the phone

We'll speak relaxly then

l send you my number save it.
l am Mr.Arvind

Ok Mr.Arvind. This is my friends phone

l'll call you from this number

- OK
- Plrease keep my phone safely


as planned, this phone's going
to help you meet your love..


l was practicing catches!


Hello! this is Subha, l am
here at the ground floor

You've brought my phone right?

Yes l have.

Can you see a Mickey Mouse there?


Go to it and say the first
letter ofyour name


lf you want the phone,
then tell it

''s'' is the first letter of my name

Hello , there's just one half of it!

Do you see a flower shop
on the first floor?


Go there and say the second letter

My second letter is ''U''

Can you see a KFC in front ofyou?


ls there a guy before the last
table in a brown T-shirt

talking over the phone with someone?

- Yes
- Do you know who he is talking to?

How would l know?

He's talking to you

But you are talking to me now...


the balance piece

Sorry, didn't realize it
was you on the phone...

Hey, It's fine. So what?
please sitdown

After press the second piece

You were in all the 3 photos
had my doubts because ofthat

lt's good to be cautious

Anyway, l am Subha
Subha Srinivasan


l am getting a call as soon
as l switch the phone on

Ya got it.

am with a friend

Can l call you in

Is it Wednesday today?

Oh what time?

l am leaving right away

Arvind, No, not you


Hello this is Subha speaking

Hi, how are you?

You're having a super
ride on an elephant

Where are you?
How did you know?

There is a bridge next to you
can you see it?


There is a bus stop far away
can you see it?

Yes l can see

There's a girl in a black dress and

..a red shawl talking on the phone.


Do you know who
she is talking to?

To me, that's you..

Stop... Stop!

How are you?

l am good

sorry l couldn't speak
to you properly the other day

That's OK. We can talk today

Where are you going?

l am going to a friend's house

Come, let me drop you

On an elephant?

No way, l am scared

Do you like Elephants or not?

Yes, l do liked them
since l was kid

Why are you worried
then, com on

eveyone will look
it will seem ood

Don't worry about all that

Don't get scared.
l am there, climb up

Put your leg,
take my hand

Yes, that's it.

lt's poking me

So you think I should lay tiles on the elephant?

That's elephant hair

Where are you going?

Lakshmi is not well going
to the hospital

ls she coming behind us?

Lakshmi is the elephant
She is not well

Oh my god, are we sitting
on a patient?

Can't carry an elephant can we?

You are the light drizzle...

You're the search from
my previous birth...

You're that faraway song that
l hear when l am fast asleep

You're the flower laden path...

You're the dawn of morning...

And even as it dawns...

You're the dream that meets me
in the corner of my eye

Hey girl, In front ofyou...

My heart melts inside on its own...

Girl, when you come in front of me

there are vey few words that
can descripe myjoy

You're the _ilight drizzle

You're the search from
my previous birth...

You're that faraway song that
l hear when l am fast asleep

You're the flower laden path

You're the dawn of morning

And even as it dawns....

You're the dream that meets
me in the corner of my eye...

Hey beautiful. Hey[girl with]
beautiful eyelashes...

Even if it is in disarray your
tresses are a thing of beauty

even if it falls your shadow
is a thing of great beauty...

The clouds get thirsty and sprinkle
down as rain just to touch you

And aRer touching you, its thirst
quenched itjoins in the sea

Hey girl, In front ofyou

My heart melts inside on its own...

Girl, when you come in fornt of me...

there are vey few words that
can describe myjoy...

Be it dawn or be it dusk.

lt's a restless search to see you...

And only when my eyes find
you does my day go on

Oh girl, like a spinning top, you have
me turn in circles...

l stop nowhere...

And each day l stay suspended
You have me hanging mid air...

....without saying [your] love

Hey girl in front ofyou

My heart melts inside on its own

Girl when you come in front of me

There are vey few words that
can describe myjoy...

You're the _ilight drizzle

You're the search from
my previous birth....

You're that faraway song that
l hear when l am fast asleep...

You're the flower laden path....

You're the dawn of morning....

And even as it dawns...

you're the dream that meets me
in the corner of my eye...

You look happy today

My relatives are coming
from my hometown

They are here to watch the circus

Hometown? Aren't you from chennai?

No, it's Kancheepuram they
are coming from there

Block some 20 seats
in the front row

They have come

Uncle how are you?
How is aunty?

Uncle , you've brought
granny along as well.

How are you aunt?
-l am fine

What have you sown in the fields?

Nothing this season

Why don't you join
the circus with me?

Our house is like a mini circus
by itself, take all ofthem.

How can l do that, Aunt's
put on weight

Hey Gowri how are you?

- Fine
- Which class are you now?

lt's her midyear holidays now

What a grand Lineage we had...

look at what he has to
do for a living - l am doing fine

Don't start off on all this, why
don't you let the kid eat in peace

Here , eat the sweets we
made back home for you...

Are these made at home?

God! they've rung the bell

l have to put on my make up
Who wants to come and watch?

- l want to
- Come on join

He did not even eat
what we brought

- Can you...
- Stop cribbing please

Hey girls...

Hey girl, Hello

Who are you calling
out to like this?

Hey you
They are calling you

-Yes you

How are you?

who are you?

Don't you remember?

You came to our town a
year and a half back

you enquired about the lineage
of Bodhi Dharman?

That wasn't me.

why is she saying this?

don't you remember this girl?

No , l don't

She came home and did a blood test

She asked about our
ancestors our lineage.

That girl seemed a little fat

Oh come on

Hey girl, you came home and
enquired a lot about Arvind

l don't understand what
you are talking about

l don't know anyone
called Arvind

There must be some confusion
sorry. Excuse me

Why is this girl saying this?

Even l have feeling
l've seen this girl

After l give this gift
to her tomorrow

She has to fall in love
with me , just for this

l made this myself.


Do you know these things?

Did you read what is written there?

My friend Malathi loves dolls

You could have made one for her too

Make for her the next time ok?

Fine, l am going out
are you coming?


Are you coming?

One Minute

Hey did you give the gift?

- Yes
- Hey Arvind has given the gift.

what did she say?

She said l love you too

No, That 'l love you too''
had no feeling in it.

lt was just like saying
''Today is Wednesday''

Hug , nowadays girls say
l love you for evemhing

Father says ''l Love You''
to his son

Mother says ''l Love you''
to her daughter

lt's became like a 'hi' and a 'Bye'

The situation is turning different

l am inside the ATM
he is outside

He gave me a gift today
and said ''l love you''

l said something and
just handled it

What do we do?

Be careful be tactFul
while telling him


We need him

Handle it carefully

She's talking non-stop
what do l do?

all right she is coming
l'll talk later

Shall we go?

''Goverment Museum''

Arvind stay here for _o
minutes l'll be back- OK

Subha, l have been
waiting for you

Have you brought it?

Yes, l have

How is your research going?

l completed the research

l have sent my thesis
to China and US

l have application for
permission here. - Is that so?

You've taken a big risk
for me Uncle

lt's lying idle, let it be
of use at least to you

The inspection is tomorrow

lt's fine if we keep
it back before that.

You've told the guy,
haven't you?

Will you be free at 10:00 am tomorrow?

l want to talk to you

Sure, we can talk.
l need to talk to you too

We are probably going to speak
about the same thing

- Uncle
- Who's that girl?

did you see her.
She's my girl.

-Wait let me call her
- Stop it

For how long do you know her?

Around 2 and a half months.

Do you know she has been
searching for you...

... for the last 1 and halfyears?

No way

She came here to find a monkey
for research...

....that's when l met her
for the first time.

She wasn't looking for a monkey

she's looking for you

she came to our town One
and a half years back

She was enquiring about the
lineage of Bodhi Dharman

and took blood tests of all our relatives

She compared the portrait of
Bodhi dharman with your photo

and enquired about your name
where you work and all of that

l saw her here aRer that

She acted as if she knew nothing

She said she didn't know you

Your Aunt told me then

l didn't believe her

And now she's dropping you
off and waving out to you

Arvind hey l just dropped you

Who are you?

Have you been following me
for one and halfyear?

Tell me...

What do you want from me?

Arvind no... Look here

Everything is a plan...

You've cheated me with a plan

That is what l wanted to speak
to you about tomorrow

l am doing a research

l was a fool to believe you

eveyone asked me why
you were behind me

l never struck me

Lies , Lies all of it.

She's done a post morterm
on me when l am alive

l tried telling you earlier Arvind

Why did you have to?

do you explain things
to lab rats or rabbits

l tried telling you even
on the second day

You were the one who got it confused

...with love and all ofthat

Had l told you
l didn't love you

l was afraid you wouldn't
agree to the research

l was wondering how to tell you

lfyou assume love blooms even
ifwe just shake hands

What can l do?

don't utter a word

You were the one who followed
me eveywhere

You will do anything
to get your job done

give away anything

Arvind , don't...

Your words seem to mean
something else

l mean it all ways

lt's your fault that you've
never socialized with girls

For someone who has only
been around animals

even if a girl just smiles,
it will seem like love.


l thought it was love...

the animals have never smiled at me.

neither did they put up an act with me

You smiled...

and l believed you

Nothing you did is wrong

My falling in love is the
only thing that is wrong


What else do you know besides love?

Throw your love in the trash...

My dearest my love...

Why did you go away from me

My heart's been wounded...

Mu butterFly has lost its colour.

A man's love is like the lines
on the palm[permanent]

A women's love is like the

l kept her in my dreams....

but she has stolen my eyes...

She gave me a flute

but walked away with my breath...

Many men have been way
Iaid by women...

And now l am the last to
have joined this list...

lfyou dive down to get a pearl

You will hold your breath
on your own...

After you get the pearl of love

your heart will go made
cause ofthe woman

She has gone away from me

Her eyes have lied

Love is nothing but useless talk.

My heart's wounded because ofyou

The path of love is
filed with thorns...

There's no men who's got past it

Love is like an intoxicating drug

lfyou take it. It's a
tough journey ahead

My dearest my love...

why did you go away from me

My heart's been wounded

My butterFly has lost its colour

A bamboo that has holes
can play music

A heart that has been
drilled with hurt

still sings a song on you

A chariot from the divine garden
is who l believed you were

l am now sorromul cause

l realise you're just a strand
and not the flowe it holds

Don't steal me with a plan

Don't stand aRer and
[pretend to] brood

Don't distrub me like the black ant

My heartjust can't bear this

You are the contour ofthe rainbow

Where have you gone past my sky

ls there a place that has no love?

Can you blindfold me
and take me there

My dearest My love

Why did you go away from me

My heart's been wounded,

My butterFly has lost its colour


Won't you leave me?

l cannot leave you

Poor guy

He hasn't slept a wink

He has been looking lost

Can you come out for an hour with me?

Yeah right

this is how you took him
earlier and ditched him

What fault can you find with Arvind?

Keep quiet

Just come out with me for an hour

Hey go along....

You go and wait near the bike


Why did you ask me to come?

l'll tell you

There's a story behind each
and evey thing here

Those of us living here today
are not true Tamilians

The ones who taught the world about...

... Valour and civilization many
thousand years back

they were the true Tamilians

This is not a museum

This is a memorial for the many
Tamilians who lived like that

Will you believe me if l said
our ancient study of sciences is...

... around 500 years ahead of
today's modern science?

Today, space research scientists
tell you about....

...the 9 planets and their names
with the help of a telescope

But several 1000 years back

we worshipped the 9 planets
in our temples

How was that?

How was Ayabhatta able to gauge....

the weight ofthe earth

The forecast says it will rain
tomorrow but it's doesn't

They say it will be sunny
but it rains...

That's modern science

They can accurately arrive at
the full moon or no moon day...

...for even 20 years with our Almanac

That is our science...

Look at this Book

This book and l have no connection...

But you have a connection
with this book

Do you know who wrote this book?

The Great Master

'Bodhi Dharman'

A tamilian

Osho calls him another Buddha...

Before we find out what
is in this book...

let's go to one more place

Look at these childrens.

All of them have Cancer

Cancer when they are 7 or 8

what harm did they do?

Did they smoke? Or did
they eat guthka?

Why this disease at such a young age?

They are mentally challenged children...

While all other kids
go to school happily...

... they are struggling for life

What is the reason for this?

Genatic disorder

A man's DNA determines

his disease as well as his talents.

Each call in our body has this DNA

ln simple words...

hereditay disease
hereditay behavior..

both come through DNA

Heart attack , Knee pain , Diabetes

the disease that those children had..

the root of all this is
in our hereditay DNA

Diseases and defects that
are passed on through DNA

...can be rectified in the DNA itself...

... this is what my research is about

One more important thing...

We can also bring back hereditary
talents through this DNA research

An artist , A warrior's hereditay DNA

will still carry those talents.

By stimulating them

we can bring back those
hereditary talents

Bodhi Dhrman has written about
this in that book 1600 years back

a book that was written 1600 years
back speaks about DNA research?

We need to see these great people
as Scientists not as Gods.

Dug up the place were bodhi
Dharman was buried

Look at here

They got DNA details of Bodhi Dharman

through his hair and teeth from
his mummified remains

l saw this on the internet

This is Bodhi Dharman's DNA

l learnt that people from
Bodhidharma's lineage..

Your relatives still lived
near Kancheepuram

l want in search ofthem


l tested them to check if
Bodhi Dharman's DNA pattern...

...matched anyone ofyour relatives

That's when l went to
your Uncle's house

l saw something amazing
in that house

A picture ofyours that had a
striking resemblance in Bodhi Dharaman

l took your hair sample
from a comb you had used

As l guessed

your DNA pattern matched Bodhi
Dharman's more then 800/o

l came in search of you after that

When you got hurt at the circus and
were admitted at the hospital...

l took all the test that were needed
for my research through the docters

Bodhi Dharman's talents
are there in your DNA

This is called genetic memoy

When this memoy is activated , Bodhi
Dharman's talents will come in to you

Can bring back the Bodhi Dharman...

...who lived 1600 years back
with the same talents

How will those talents be useful today

Bodhi dharman was a great
Medical practitioner

ln our county's mountains
are filled with...

...thousands of herbs that cure
severa diseases.

The details ofthese were erased
with the many invasions that happened later

Bodhi Dharman knew the use of
evey leaf and evey root.

That[knowledge] should
benefit the whole world

All this can happen only
ifyou agree to it.

what should l do now?

Hey what are you doing there?

Yes , you?

He doesn't look like a Gurkha..
Who are you?

What are you doing?


Look at what this is...

Needle, Medicine, Gloves, Box...

l can see the skeleton

Who are you man?

- Thanks Arvind
- For what?

For agreeing to be a
part of my research

The meeting that is going to happen
now, it's been my dream for 3 years

What's with 3 years?

l started my research 3 years back

l've taken a lot of references and
have finished it theoretically

Sent it to America , China , Canada

None of the countries
responded though

why, can't this research
be done in India

It can be

but you need Goverment permission to
conduct research on a live person

That's why this meeting

Vey big scientists are going
to be a part of the meeting

but l can explain my research
very clearly

This is my prof.Rangarajan

He is well connected with all
the scientists in the world

He encourages me a lot

l have to cite a lot of examples
from Tamil histoy...

...and Tamil Medicine to
support my findings

Can l speak in Tamil?

Bodhi Dharman was a
near equal to Buddha

He lived in the 6th Centuy

He was well accomplished in
Martial Arts and Medicine

when l did a DNA test on family
members from his lineage

l found that Arvind's DNA had most
of Bodhi Dharman's talents

My research is about activating
this genetic memory

This is advanced DNA research

Even America is at a preliminay
stage in this

No Sir, Bodhi Dharman has written
the methodology for this in a book

You cannot do DNA research
based on a Tamil book

Should we ignore a book only
because it's written in Tamil?

This has become a fashion Mr.Nelson

They bring up Tamil for
everything. Nuisance

Yes.. if English which is 800
years old is important to you..

Tamil, which is 20,000 years
old is important to us.

lt's just been 2 lakh years since
mankind evolved but been...

....10 lakh years since Monkeys did

Does that make monkey more
important than humans?

Tamil is like the monkey

lt's been around longer
but of no use

Let him utter one more wrong word
about Tamil and he's had it...

Eveyone here knows Tamil, right?

Then why snigger when
l speak in Tamil?

lsn't your grandfather from
the village nearby?

Will you forget Tamil because
you are settled in Germany?

lf one has grey hair and speaks
in English , you'll believe

You'll laugh if one speaks in Tamil

How can youngsters achieve anything?

Reservation , recommendation

That's why all the talented
ones are running away abroad

The English came here and enslaved us

now we go there and
enslave ourselves

What's the difference?

This is why l did not want
to call youngsters.

ls she a girl?
She said she'll hit us

what happened?

People abroad don't respect
us because we are Indians

People here don't respect us
because we are Tamilians

What are they saying?

They are not ready to even listen

Excuse me...We read your
assignment yesterday.

lt will be successful for sure.

But they won't encourage you here
you head to the U.S

Won't they listen to all ofyou

Sorry sir, If we say something
they play with our internal exams

- How?
- This is our numbers

lf you need any help with your
research please call us

Are there any alternatives?
-We cannot do anything without their support

Are you, Subha Srinivasan?

Yes its me

There's an enquiry

Don't be afraid .Can
we go to the station

Can l come along?

Most certainly, come

Do you know that boy?

Who stays below my house

Why is he....

He slashed his father's neck

Man's dead on the spot

This happened in front ofyour house

He's bluffing, says some Japanese or
Chinese man came in search ofyou...


l didn't do anything

Dad heared a noise and went to check

A Chinese man was tying
to open your door

He tried stopping him and
was enquiring with him

l followed him...

l don't know anything after that

He has been saying the same
thing again and again

He is the man

He came.. Run...
He is looking for you

Go away , he is coming
in search ofyou

Sir, go away...

Listen to me please...

What are you doing?
Who is he Sir?

Don't stay here Please go

He just looked

and the policeman fired

Who is he?

l didn't even believe it when
the boy spoke about him..


That's Hypnotism

That went from India

But why has he come from china

What is the need to k*ll us?

Don't know why?

Turn the auto around

We need to go back there
turn the auto around

Hey, why? We've just escaped from him

Where has he come from?

Why is he k*lling?
We have no clue

Let's find out something

Turn the auto around

Arvind, let's not take a risk

Follow that car , turn around

Someone who helps him is here

lsn't this the Professor?


Come in, quick

This doesn't look like
a professor's house

We don't know when they
are going to be back

search quickly before they are back

You haven't told me
what to search for

Search for some connection between
this Chinese man and the professor.

lf you find something odd
tell me about it ok?

Arvind l am tense not knowing
when they're coming back

l asked you to search some significant place

and you are searching the trash?

lf you want to know something
good about a man...

look at the Books he reads

if you want to know the bad
search his trash

ln his trash mails

They planning something called
operation red in India

They have sent someone called
Dong Lee for that

This Chinese man's name
is probably Dong Lee

But what is the link
with this professor?

They have illegally given him

-300 Crores?

l will send a copy of
this mail to my mail

This seems like something big

Let's meet the Professor at
the College tomorrow itself

We'll thr*aten him with
the things from your mail

and find out what this is about

Can l meet you at the
Department tomorrow?

Yes , l want to speak to
you about that research

He's asking him for an idea

They are looking for us

they will ask to meet at a public
place, not in the department

Subha, can we meet at
the Alwarpet signal tomorrow?

Not at the department...

We can chat up at any coffee
shop around there

Ok sir thank you

He has asked to meet near the
Alwarpet signal at 9'o clock

Let's wait and see who the
real prey is going to be

Been wanting to ask
you for a long while

Where's your family?

Are they from Chennai?

These questions struck you just now?

Dad was a big Sidha practitioner
in Tanjavur.

Very talented

He could easily cure diseases that
even big doctors could not diagnose

This affected their business

hence they framed charges on him
cakked him a quack and

Jailled him for 3 years

He stopped speaking to people and

died shortly after that

that health centre at Thanjavur

has been converted into lodge

l get rent

My friend's house is near by

we can freshen up there
in the morning

You don't sleep please

forwarded message at this time

Subscriber sleeping

l have to stop eating
rice immediately

Have to start power yoga again

l look fatter when looking
at the mirror

Abi and l had a big fight today

She wants me to tell Arvind that
she interested in him

lf l refuse, she asks me
if l am in love with him


Shouldn't l?

He kind of agreed to the research
in his love failure mood

But l shouldn't get confused
with all that now

This is not love

but if l am with him

l am happy

feel fearless...

Let's look at things
aRer the research

A forward message

You were sleeping...

get a message

Yellae Lema Yelley Yelama

My heart springs without telling me

She came in to the heart corner

and are the waves of love
going to engulf me

her glance flashed across
my window pane

And in a flash of lightening

l was drawn by the golden rays of love

And my legs leaped to touch the skies

Yellae Lama

Yelley Yelama

My heart springs without telling me

She came in to the hearts corner

and are the waves of love
going to engulf me

his glance flashed across
my window pane

And in a flash of lightening

l was drawn by the golden rays of love

And my legs leaped to touch the skies

Nemon discovered gravity
As the apple fell to earth

l discovered the gravity ofyour
eyes, as l fell in love with you

Beethoven composed music without
being able to hear

Friend, you love me
without telling me

You're the one who kind
of checked me out

You're the one who has
my heart unsettled

And l've turned more and
more handsome dear

Yellae Lama

Yelley Yelama

My heart springs without telling me

he came in to the hearts corner

and are the waves of happiness
going tp engulf me

Her glance flashed across
my window pane

And in a flash of lightening

l was drawn by the golden rays of love

And my legs leaped to touch the skies

without a small root

without the drop ofwater

without the warm of sunlight

you gave me the happiness to bloom

without leaning on my shoulders

without slight touch ofyour hands

without the shadow ofyour touch

you've stolen me away

Shall we create a world
just for the _o of us

shall we tell the day thatjust
the night will do for us

and with nothing more to do
come lets be in love

Yellae Lama

Yelley Yelama

My heart springs without telling me

she come into the hearts corner

and are the waves of love
going to engulf me

her glance flashed across
my window pane

And in a flash of lightening

l was drawn by the golden
rays of love

And my legs leaped to
touch the skies

-Where do you have to go?
-to the post office

tell me Subha

where are you?

You said you will apply for leave and be back

We have to meet the professor at 9 am

The time is 9.10am now

l'm coming there only.. by bus

by bus...?

Are you even serious?

l am waiting here because
you asked me to

OK, how do we meet the professor?

Dong Lee would be
with him right?

Message the professor's number to me

there's a 30 acre property
coming upon ECR

would you like to buy it?

Who are you?
What do you want?

Heard you received 300 Crores
Rupees from China

Asked you because you would
need some investments

What are you talking about?

l don't understad

How would you understand
if l speak in Tamil?

Yu would understand
If l speak in Chinese

That's where a lot of transactions
happen these days

You are playing with danger after
hearing some half baked information

Shut up!

I have seized information about
the 300 Crores...

....from China and about...

...Operation Red from your computer

l need that. Give it back to me

what am going to do with that

l need answers for 2 questions

Why does he want to k*ll Subha?

What is Operation Red?

l am getting another call
l'll call you back

ls your Chinese buddy calling you?

lf you dare hang up

all news channels will flash information
about Operation Red this evening

No don't

What should l do?

get in to an Auto

-An auto?
-get in to an auto

Did you get in?

Where should l go?

Ask him to go to Pary's Corner

Go to Pary's Corner

Where are you now?

Am at the Mount Road signal

Get offthe auto and
walk fast on the platForm


Get offthe auto and walk
fast on the platForm

Can you see a Subway there?

Get in to the Subway

Have you got in?

Go up at the
Shanthi theater point

Have you gone up?

Get in to the bus in front ofyou

What's up?
All of a sudden...- come in

What happened sir?

-Who hit you Sir?
- Me

Do you know what he did?

He has been paid 300 crores
Rupees from China

They are going to do something
called Operation Red

Tell me what that is

Operation Red is a Bio w*r
waged by China on India

Bio w*r means?

Earlier when countries
were at w*r

they had sword fights

then they shot at each other
from a distance

later launched missiles and dropped
nuclear bombs from wherever they were

but this bio w*r neither g*n nor a m*ssile

lt's a virus

ln the 6th centuy

millions of people in China died of
a virus called ''Hong Se''

Dong Lee is the specialist sent
to re-create the same virus...

... and spread it across India

He has injected that virus
to a street dog

ln 24 hours, the injected dog would be

...fully affected by the disease

By now this disease would
have spread to many dogs

from dogs it will spread
to humans quickly

Earlier scientists discovered
cure to diseases

These days they invent
new diseases

No one can find a cure to this disease

But the Chinese has a medicine
to treat this disease

lts the medical notes Bodhi Dharman
wrote more then 1600 year back

ln 60 days more than 30 million
ofthe Indian population will die..

..because of this disease

When people get frantic without
a cure for this disease

China will release their medicine

To get this medicine India will have
to agree to any policies China poses

That's the reason for this Bio w*r

Oh My

But why is he behind Subha?

l sent Subha's thesis to China
three months back

Bodhi Dharman's DNA research
was a shock to them

lf Bodhi Dharman's
talents can be activated

he can easily find a cure for this disease

He is trying to k*ll both of
you in order to avoid this

What do you want!!!

Will you do anything for money?

We already have problems of spurious
medicines and fake doctors

And as if existing diseases are
not enough now a new one?

won't you think that this disease
can get your family too?

Arvind one second

We need to find out ifthis
disease has spread in the city

My Uncle works with the City Corporation

can find out if we call him

Tell me Ashwin

l need urgent information

ls there a new disease that
has spread in the city?

has someone died?

also want to know from
the veterinary hospital

lf there is a new disease
that is spreading to dogs

Give me 20 minutes
l'll call you myself

He said he'll call in 20 minutes

Yes, it was our car that leR from
the Mount Road post office at 9.30am

lt was booked by Subha Srinivasan

But can't tell you
where we dropped her

lt's against our rules
to give you the details

The car will be there in 10 minutes

Haven't you left yet?

Can't give details for
a name like that

Hello Uncle tell me

Ashwin you were right

Madha hospital yesterday

ofthem one died at 8.30
and another at 11 .3O

They are unable to diagnose the ailment

More than 300 dogs have
come in for treatment at...

.. the veterinary hospital on the same day

This is all l have for now

Ok we need to go to
Madha hospital immediately

What do we do with him?

lmran , is there a land line
in this room? - No

Let's take the stairs

-Where is the general ward?
- Third floor

God! It's the same disease that
came in the 6th centuy

Bodhi Dharman went to China
to stop this coming to India

and now it's here

What a huge betrayal

need to find that Chinese man
and k*ll him

No Arvind that's not
important now

The disease that he has
spread is more dangerous

lf we keep patients in
the general ward...

... the disease will spread faster

We need to shift the patients
into isolation immediately

Ashwin, contact the health minister
and explain the situation

lmran, collect medical reports of
all these patients and mail WHO

Give the full details about the disease
through telegram and mail

Nisha , Malathi both ofyou contact
news channels and explain

Arvind, l'll go and meet the Dean
ofthis hospital

You go and find out where
the Chief Doctor is

What are you saying?

A disease that came in 6th centuy?
-Yes Doctor

this disease came to China in
the 6th centuy and lakhs...

...of people died because of it

A man called Bodhi Dharman from
Kanchipuram went there and cure it

Oh! the first doctor
who went abroad

Now that disease has
come back to India

admited in your hospital

What are you saying?

Patients in bed numbers 76 , 77
and 78 in the general ward

Oh the patients from Ayanavaram

That's Chicken pox

lf we give a dose of anti viral
they'll get discharged on Monday

No doctor , they need to be
isolated immediately

lf you keep them in
general ward...

...it will spread to other
patients in 3 days

Shift them to a private
ward immediately

and give face masks to the
Doctors and nurses attending to them

Look here girl, need to do
the blood test...

...urine culture
and all of that

lt will take 5 days for
the results to come

They'll be treated for
chicken pox till then

We'll change medication
if they don't get better

Doctor please ty to understand
we can't have time for that

l don't have time either
l have to attend the out patients

The chief doctor is vey strict

you can't see him without bribe

Hey! this is vey important

-Hello Arvind
- Yes Subha

Get out ofthe hospital
through the back gate


Dong Lee has come here
in search of us

Where is he now?

Arvind don't be in hury

We can't do anything
to him

evemhing will get wasted
if he spots you

Where should l come now?

Come to the rear side of
the hospital, l'll get there too

Hello, this Dong lee

Dong Lee how are you?

l tried controlling someone's mind

l don't know why
but l couldn't

l need to speak to the master

That's impossible

Dong Lee can control
anyone mind

where is he now?

He is in Tamil Nadu , South India

-He shouldn't be there

-Ask him to come back
- l cannot come

Why couldn't l control his mind?


That's Damo's bloodline

We have k*lled Damo himself

Let's see what his blood can do

Call them and ask them
to come here

He's here
He's looking for us


He's coming towards you
Iook down

Did Subha call?

l believe he came to the hospital

ls seems like a big problem

She's asked us to come too

What happened Subha?

He's more dangerous that
we thought he was

We've fled to save our live

What happened Arvind?

Back then in Tamil Nadu

lf a male child was born dead

they'd make a mark on his
chest before burying him

They told never to show
your back and flee at w*r

and today was it really brave
that we ran to save our lives?

They struck us is Malaysia

Struck us in Sri Lanka

and now they've come to
Tamil Nadu to strike us

We can only run from them

lt was different back then

You said we taught Valour
to the world

Can you see we are getting
beaten in everywhere now

We have to hit back

He shouldn't get back
alive from our land

No Arvind,
he's too powerFul

We can't win against him

Right we can't

That's what we've told

and locked up our valour
along with the swards at the museum

We need to bring that out

Arvind we need to first
understand our situation

Our neighboring county fought
in the name of Valour

did they win?

We only died

Get the difference between
Valour and Betrayal

lf 9 countries got together
to k*ll 1 Tamilian

...that is not called Valour

That's Betrayal

l understand Arvind

l didn't say we should let him go

We have to first stop the disease
that is spreading by the minute.

Then go after him

Both look impossible in
the different situation

lt's possible

Only one person can cure
the disease and destroy him

Bodhi Dharman

We need to start that DNA research

We need to bring back Bodhi
Dharman's talents

Let's hit back at him
the way you wanted

We should strike back so hard

that no one in the darkest
unseen corner of the world

will dare to raise his
hands on a Tamilian

We need a Human
Genetic Lab for that

No one should know about it

He shouldn't spot us for 12 days

-There's a lab l know

lf no one should know where
we are going to before 12 days

one of you needs to stay back
and help from the out side

And even he should not
know our whereabouts

We need to de-activate
all our SIM cards

just 2 new SIM cards

One for us and the other for Malathi

All the things we need will
come through Malathi

but she won't know where
we are going to be

l'll tell you how

Malathi, throw out your
cell phoen SIM card

We'll send you a new card

Now tell us where the lab is

This is the Adayar bridge

This is Gandhi Madapam

This is the Cancer Institute

The IIT campus is in between this

This is the place Ashwin
was talking about

There is a big forest behind IlT

IIT is spread across 650 acres

Of this 450 acres is a forest

No one knows of such a big
forest within the city

This is the composites
Technology Centre

This the Machine Dynamic Centre

The Genetic Engineering
Lab is 4 kms from here

We are going to this Lab

What if someone comes
there in 12 days?

Luckily it's the Semester
holidays time now

lt will be closed for
the next 18 days

lt's all German equipments in there

lf we need medicines or herbs

We'll get them through Malathi

When will Ashwin come?

He'll bring the keys to the Lab

buy the new SIM cards and
come here by 11 pm

Has eveyone de-activated
their SIM cards. - Done

Lets go

What's left my friend?
For many days now

we have lost ourselves

Can you not believe?
Can we not do?

Let's make tomorrow
the day of victoy

There's no one to stop us

ther's no one to access you any less

Let's agree to walk with faith

What is that you don't have?
What's the yearning in you eyes?

With pain is victoy always born

lfwe rise we will
rise like the waves

lfwe fall we will
fall like the seed

We will rise and soar
again and again

We will firm this up
more and more

Our lives will melt inside

Army ofyouth, come on, Arise

What's leR my friend?
for many days now

we have lost ourselves

Can you not believe?
Can we not do it?

Let's make tomorrow
the day of victoy

when the mind thinks the
same thing each day

the heart will help
you achieve it

The horizan is within our reach

Let's get all our hands together

When we sow good seeds
can cactus grow from it?

Even ifwe have come past
many generations

will the valour handed
down ever go away?

One mind one character
one track for the future

The same strenght the same will
power, within and outside our bodies

The mysterious disease
that has been spreading

has claimed 1 18 lives
in Tamil Nadu so far

People are on the roads protesting
against the lack of medical facilities

A hospital in Kallakurichi was
att*cked for refusing treatments

The central Minister for health
has condemned the v*olence

We bear a w*apon around
our necks in our arena

We taste the w*apon the power
in our words, in our language

Will the blazzing sun ever disappear
because ofthe mist?

Will the eyes ever sleep before
seeing the enemy's defeat?

Now we have come together
have joined hands

There we see the place
in front of our eyes

There's no one to stop us
there's no one to assess you any less

Lets agree to walk with faith

What is it that you don't have?
What's the yearning in your eyes?

With pain is victoy always born

lfwe rise, we will
rise live the waves

lfwe fall we will
fall like the seed

We will ise and soar
again and again

We will firm this up more and more

Our lives will melt inside

Army of youth come on


What is it?

Did you check for everything
in the list?

lmran , how is Malathi's
phone with you?

Where is Malathi?

Why are you giving
the address now?

What happened Imran?

We cannot continue the research now

He must be heading here now

Today is the last day

do you want us to run
just to save our lives?

No subha

Arvind's life is more important
than ours now

Bodhi Dharman's DNA is important

lf not us, someone else will continue
this research after 50 years hence

but for that to happen
Arvind must live

But where do we take Arvind

sunlight shouldn't fall on his body

Even if we all die, we will
save Arvind's life. Come

Cover his hands


Dong Lee is here

Just as it is important for a lost kid

to know about name of parents

and the address

it's important for us
to know our history

We've forgotten our science because
we have forgotten our history

The many rulers who ruled us
didn't want us to know...

..about our Greatness or Valour
they hide it from us on purpose

They erased our identity in the
name of conversion be it...

.. Language , Race or Religion

They made us burn priceless ancient
Palm leaf inscriptions...

...during the Bogi festival

What's worse..

Records of histoy
numerous inventions

thousands of rare books were
burnt to ashes in Yazhpanam library in Sri Lanka

Know our history and teach it to
those who don't know about it

Don't give a religious connotation
to the usage of turmeric

talk about the science behind it

teach them it is an anti-biotic

And because we failed to do that

a country that doesn't grow turmeric
has taken the patent rights for it

To avoid germs from
entering the house...

cowdung was sprinkled
and kolam was drawn

as we did not teach
this why we are

sticking kolams in tiles

Tell them neem tree, thulasi tree
in your house are all medicines

We must teach our next
generation on how we

...were living. We were the
pathbearers for this world..

And because we have
not done this

we lost everything and

We are awe struck
by smaller countries

and are tying to toe their line

That's not all

just like we send export quality
clothes and fruits abroad

we are also exporting
intelligent Tamilians

We've not only forgotten
Bodhi Dharman

but several thousands of great
scholars and great minds that lived here

They are all alive in your DNA

They are alive in our blood

lt's not that you have to bring
them out only through research

you can bring them out
through our efforts
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