Flying Phantom Ship (1969)

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Flying Phantom Ship (1969)

Post by bunniefuu »

Studio Toei production

It is during such
moonless dark nights

at various longitudes of the Ocean

ships meet their mysterious ends.

Those few, who miraculously survived

saw a Ghost Ship appear
just before the disaster.

The Flying Ghost Ship

Hiroshi Ikeda & Masaki Tsuji

Hiroshi Ikeda

Lead animator:
Eitiro Otabe

Key animators: Reiko Okuyama,
Tadao Kikuti & Hayao Miyazaki

Animators: Noboru Seto, Takanobu Usuda,
Takao Kurosava & Koiti Tsunoda

Jukio Katayama

Takasuke Onosaki

Many famous Russian actors were
involved in the dubbing of this film.

A list of Russian dub voices follows...

Dubbed to Russian at studio

English subtitles:

We did not catch anything in the end -
we have no luck, father.

Nothing to do about it, son -
shows what "fishermen" we are.

Mother is with us today,
we won't even be able to buy some.

Do you remember the last time,

You know, mother understood
what we are up to a long time ago

Last time she told me:
"I don't want to upset father,

but I can buy the fish
in the shop myself. "

You see, mother forgives you everything.

Hei, already started making
fun of your father!?

A-ha, first you tell me you
like jokes, and then what...

Ah, two against one!

Be quiet, Jack!

You got entrusted with
the bag, so mind your business!

- Did you see that, father?
- Yeah.

Look! Where is the driver?

Who knows? Probably fell from the cliff?

Oh, this is mister Kuroshio!

Kuroshio? Is he the
president of your firm

and many other various companies?

Yes, that's him.

Oh, but he is the boss?!

I don't think we'll be able
to move him down from here

You know, let's try to
get him up to the road.

Yeah, let's.

Wife, take the boat to the harbour and

tell the police about the crash, understood?


You don't think it will be heavy for you?

Not a bit. Don't worry about me.

Don't drop him.

Most probably his wife was driving.

Oh, it started raining.

The rain was all we needed now.

We cannot leave them on the road.

Maybe we should carry them to that place.

What? To the Haunted House?

Stop saying stupid things!


A ghost!

A ghost? Where?

Excuse me, please, but I am so scared!

We were driving and then to our
horror a skeleton appeared before us.

Hm! A skeleton? But that's impossible!

Wonder what he forgot on the road?

Hold your tongue!

Madam, we need someplace
to sit out the rain.

So you want to go there anyway.

Jack, remember, you don't believe in ghosts!

You are a brave dog.

Hello. Hei! He-ei!!

Look - ravens.

And how many!

They don't bother me.

However, it's moist here.
I shall go look for some firewood.

What? What do you want?

Are you scared, Jack?

Do you want to go with me?

And I praised you,
saying you are a brave dog!

Madam, but you are completely soaked.


I shall find something for you to change to.

Oh, it's only a mirror.

Ah, light!

My father is probably in there.

What are you doing here, father?

Don't you hear me?

You said your father was in there,

but it was him again -
the one from the road!

But I know that it's only fables!

Ghosts... Skeletons... We must
have been imagining things!

These were hard to find.
Now we'll make a fire.

What happened to you?

Madam and I, we... we saw that ghost!

The one that was on TV. From the Ghost Ship.

What bosh are you saying?

Oh, yes, we really saw a skeleton.

He was in a sea Captain's uniform.

Excuse me, Madam, but that's nonsense.

But that's true!

Stop talking. Let us better make a fire.

Well, you see, he has come around.

I am here. I am with you.

An who is he?

Me? Mister president,
I work for your company.

Engineer Arashiyama. I work at the dockyard.

If it was not for this mister,
we would have been dead.

Much obliged.

The last candle is finished.

That was unfortunate.

There is still light from the fire.
Then someone will come for us.

Who is there?!

Who are you?
What do you want?

I am the master of this house.

I was cowardly
m*rder*d ten years ago.


I was poisoned. My wife and
child were lured to a ship,

then they set fire to it and sunk it.

Everyone thought it was an accident.

The culprit was never punished!

He is alive and thriving.

But we did not vanish without a trace!

Our righteous anger -
The Ghost Ship - still lives in this world!

And it will not disappear
until our m*rder*r is punished.

You are a brave boy.

I see we will be disturbed.

Excuse me, but I must leave you.
Until our next meeting...

Ah, it went well this time.

Hm-hm, mister Kuroshio.

Haniwa, thank you for coming!

I came as soon as I heard.

Thanks again.

HE was here, just now, not a minute ago.

What, Captain's ghost in this house?!

Do you know who that man is?
He is the chief of defence.

Yes? Look how much ado about nothing.

How many important people came here.

Hello, father.

This mister Kuroshio almost died of fright.

How could he not be frightened
when Ghost Captain himself -

he, who sunk so many ships -
showed up before him.

Many of those ships
belonged to mister Kuroshio.

He suffered heavy financial losses.

And so what? He is so rich. He has
so many companies, firms, enterprises.

Hm. Now you drink "Boa Juice",
and there is its advertisement.

It is also sold in our country
by a Mister Kuroshio's company.

Well, it's a very tasty drink.

But if mum finds that I drink it,
I'll never hear an en of it!

And why is that?

Mum says...

...that it's bad for my health.

She is most probably right.
How many bottle do you drink a day?

That is my secret.

As soon as I drink 1000 bottles,
"Boa Juice" will invite me

to complete an underwater journey.

Even an underwater one?

Yes, I'll have to present 1000
corks and then draw a lot.

Ok. Now, how long have
we been standing here?!

Only a couple of blocks to home.

Would have been there by now on foot.

Oi, look, tanks!

Give way! Out of the way!

I am the messenger of the Ghost Ship.

I bring you death and destruction.

I am a Giant Robot, or simply GiRo.

I am GiRo, the messenger of the Ghost Ship!
Behold my might!

Father, what happened to you?

I'll take you to the hospital. Let's go!

Not to the hospital.
Let's go home, it is nearby.

Father, just a little bit more.
We are already at home.

Mother! Father is wounded!

Come here quickly!

Damn that GiRo, it's his fault!

Where are you?


My dear mother!

Jack, what are you doing there?

Dear mommy!

My dear mommy... Why did you die?!

Why did you leave me?


My poor boy. I do not have
long to live, either.


Listen, Hayato. I am guilty.
I am very guilty before you.

I kept a secret. I did not tell you,
my boy, that you are not our son.


Once, ten years ago, a piece
of driftwood was washed ashore.

I came over and saw that
a little boy was tied to the plank.

His eyes were shut and
he was barely breathing.

Around his neck he wore a small
medallion with a photograph inside it.

Hayato, unclasp the band of your wristwatch.

You will find it there. It has an
inscription on the back, saying

"Our Hayato is 3 years old. "

Those two are your real parents.

I can't believe it.
I can't believe it!

That can't be true!

No, my dear son, that is the truth.


Don't die!

They were so kind.
They loved my like their own son.

And now I am alone.

Alone in the whole world.

Jack, you are the
only one I have now.

Jack, please eat the bread.

Stand up. Don't look like you
are grieving more that I am.

Ah, Mother's shoe.

Oh, good Jack.

Let us put it in your bag.

I will never leave you.
You understand it, Jack.

Never ever.

If our boy survived
he would be of your age.

You know, I feel like you
are my own son, already.

You can stay in our house forever.

Only if you want to, of course.

Madam, Mister Sato has arrived.
Shall I show him in.

I shall do for you everything
possible, gladly and sincerely.

I must leave you for a short while.

So, you told me you came
on business. I am listening.

Yes, I must... I want to revenge
my father and mother who raised me.

Hm. Revenge? Ha!

You are a funny boy.

Ask the chief of defence
to include me in the regiment,

which will have the task of
destroying GiRo and the Ghost Ship.

After all, it is the damned GiRo,
that k*lled my father and mother.

And I am not the only one who was orphaned.

We can't let him get away with it.

Why are grown-ups doing nothing?!

Because they are not as brave as you are.

It would be great if everybody
cooperated to put an end to the Ghost Ship.

The messenger of the Ghost Ship,
GiRo, showed up in the industrial area,

where he caused excessive destruction.

Oh, damn him. And what is the
military doing about it?

Argh, everything is destroyed there
and they show a commercial?!

Drink Boa Juice!

The prise is an underwater journey!

Guaranteed by trading company Kuroshio.

An unidentified floating object was
spotted in the waters of Tokio Bay.

Unidentified! Hm!
That's the Flying Ghost Ship.

Good, its end has come!

Yes, it's me. What is happening over there?

I am sitting and watching TV.

I understand. Well, if we must...

I have an urgent business.
Wait for me here.

It's as though the rockets hit a wall.

It gets up into the air.

Oi you, damned GiRo, got what you asked for?

Ah, did you see that, uncle Kuroshio?

Where are you?

Did you see what
firepower the Ghost Ship had?

Oh, he is not here.

Where did he go?

It looked as though
he went to this room.

But what does it mean?

If the Ghost Ship destroyed GiRo,

then it mean that the Ghost ship is good

What a laugh - the Ghost Ship
started to fight for justice!



And what is there?

Another moving chair.

This must be investigated.

Three ... Two ... One ... Start!!!

Ahh, we are flying with the speed of sound.

An underground factory...

tanks... rockets... amphibians.

It's unbelievably huge.

And how many weapons were collected here!

Wonder what is in those containers?

An underground base!

But that's GiRo!!

Hm, and his arm is damaged. It was
hit by the rocket from the Ghost Ship.

Yes, it's exactly the same GiRo.

Now I am completely confused.

How can it be?

GiRo destroyed the whole town,

yet it is being repaired at a secret
factory belonging to president Kuroshio.

It can't be true that
Mr. Kuroshio is GiRo's accomplice.

No, I don't understand it.

Oh, the sea is right beneath the floor!

How exciting!

We had lately had a
series of complete failures.

A familiar voice...

Yes, that's Mr. Kuroshio.

And there is the chief of defence.

Let's hear...

So, the Ghost Ship has
started with open att*cks.

Right in the middle of the day.

We must treat it as a direct challenge.

Once GiRo was finished, we did not intend

to make him look as a
Ghost Ship's messenger.

That was your doing,
Mr. Chief of Defence.

And what is the result?

The Ghost Ship disables GiRo.

Well, Haniwa, I am afraid that in this case

you must leave the post of Chief of Defence.

What do I hear, Chief of Defence
himself sent GiRo on the town.

He is the true m*rder*r
of my father and mother.

I hate him!

And whom do you want to see on the

post of Chief of Defence, Mr. Kuroshio?

Let me say you something!

Don't bother yourself with it.

I know everything you want to say.

That's right, nothing can
justify what you did with our GiRo.

We were of course prepared for
losses, but not in that scale!

During the operation tens of
jet fighters were shot down

and in addition we lost our best pilots.

losses in rockets and tanks,

neither that will be in your favour.

Your idea was too expensive for us.

As you know, everything has a limit.

All your blunders are
stored in this computer's memory.

I wonder what judgement it will pass.

Here it is already.


So, the Ghost Ship started an open fight.

We must take measures to destroy it.

So, the Chief of Defence
was Mr. Kuroshio's subordinate.

Which means that Mr. Kuroshio
is not only the richest,

but also the most important
and the most powerful.

Let me once again tell
you each of you roles.

- Ito.
- Yes.

You provide for our company
the state military orders.

Kato, your task is to stir
the press about necessity

of introduction of new
defensive spendings.

Sato, bids for repairs of the destroyed
buildings must go to our concern.


We might expect unpleasantness,
which would not be easy to settle.

I mean our patron, Boa.

But we import his Boa Juice
for already so many years,

which brings him a nice profit!

Is it true, Mr. Kuroshio, that you were

previously a friend of the Ghost Captain?

Yes, that's true, but he
stood in the way of my plans.

I warn you that also in the future

will I remove friends who stand in my way.

The battle with the Ghost Ship
turned out to be a fortunate one.

Captain showed himself.
He is no longer a ghost.

How are you supposed to
trust people after this.

And he was sympathising me.

Telling how nice it would be if everyone
cooperated in destroying injustice.

While he himself turned out
to be the evil mastermind.

It means that his is the m*rder*r
of my mother and father.

If I only could storm that room and...

Attention! Alarm!
Readiness state No.1!

The sensors have probably
detected a stranger on the base.

Now they are going to search everywhere.

If I only could get out of here,

I will unmask them before everyone!

I saw it myself, GiRo is
now at the underground base.

I saw it! Come with me!

Now, playing me for dumb.

First you read too much Fantasy,
then you come to the police with it.

But I saw Chief of Defence,
on that very base!

And I tell you to stop babbling.

I am not here to hear such nonsense.

Just think, another one evaporated,

and again nothing is left, but clothes.

What do you mean by "another
one" - it's already the 25th report.

Wonder where they get to.

Why do you not listen
to me, Mr. Policeman?

I tell you the truth!

Shall we write it in the records?

Do you have nothing else to do?

You should drink less of that Boa Juice.

It's your 8th bottle, if I am not mistaken.

You say 8? I haven't noticed.

I drink and drink it.
It has become a habit.

You should unlearn this habit.

Jack, let us go from this place.

Saw an underground base, eh?

But I really was it, mister!

With my very own eyes!

I am telling it to the sixth
person and everyone laughs at me.

Does it not bother them?

I must sneak into that base again

and take pictures of everything.

Then they will believe me!

He just melted.

Only a puddle is left!

Another one. How frightening!

He was also drinking Boa Juice.

There is the bottle.

Can one really melt from Boa Juice?

And in our school every pupil drinks it,

and even complete who can drink more.

Hayato here you are.

Mr. Kuroshio sent us to fetch you.

The must have understood
that I know about the secret base

and now they want to finish me off.

I must run!

Where do you think you're going?

Master ordered to find you
and you will come with us.

I don't want to!

Let me go!

Where are you taking me?

Don't want! No!

Let me go, do you hear!

Let me introduce you this
brave young man, who decided

to go alone against the Ghost Ship.

He also saved from death the president

of this TV company,
Mr Kuroshio and his wife.

Our boy-hero, Hayato!

So, Kuroshio is here.
He'd better be ready.

He is guarded. I must think of something.

Well, young hero, the viewers
are awaiting your speech.

He will now tell you how he intends

to destroy that odious Ghost Ship.

I want to tell you about something else.

About the one, who sent
a murderous robot on our city.

That crime was committed by Mr. Kuroshio.

In his house he has an
entrance leading to a military base.

The murderous robot is hidden there.

Kuroshio has a patron,
some terrible Boa.

Listen to me, Kuroshio
sells you Boa Juice!

People are dying from it!

Melting before your eyes!

Let me go!

I am sent by great Boa!

Here is his command.

Letting GiRo out, you did not
manage to destroy the Ghost Ship.

You did not solve the main task.

Because of you everyone
knows about Boa's existence.

Thus your own existence
has become meaningless.

And everything meaningless
is annihilated by great Boa.




So comes the end of almighty Kuroshio.

Jack, come to me!

Let's get out of here!

Yes, you are really a brave boy.

Few would have the guts for this.

I saw and heard you on TV.

Well done!

And you, Captain? Do you
never take off your mask?

No, never.

At some point it hid my burns.

Later I got used to it.

You got those burns when
Kuroshio set your ship on fire?

Hm? Where do you know that from?

But you told that yourself,
in the haunted house.

So it was you frightened.

Me. Later you also showed
up behind the window.

You hanged in the air.
How did you do that?

Ah, I did not hand outside the window.

You saw my image on the
glass pane, as if on a screen.

Mr. Captain, tell me why
did you sink so many ships?

We sunk only those ship which

transported weapons from
our to several other countries.

Just imagine what would happen if all

those weapons reached their destination?

Who is Boa?

It's on his orders the
monster crab k*lled Kuroshio.

That crab is simply
a mechanic robot.

Boa, on the other hand, is a monster.

He has a powerful military
fortress on the sea bed.

Reserves of terrible weapons.

And you forced him to show himself.

And why does he need all that?

Does he plan something evil?

He wants to dominate the whole world.

Oh. Is he very scary, this Boa?

I don't know how he looks.
No-one has ever seen him.

But that's not important.

He has concentrated enemy
forces at the bottom of the sea.

Take a look.

This is Boa's underwater fortress.

And here is the entrance.

The fortress is serviced by robots.

We should simply b*mb that fortress!

It's easy to say, "b*mb".

Boa's fortress is a
powerful defensive system.

Then what shall we do about it?

My report, Captain.

Boa's fortress fired a rocket.

It exploded at the deflection sphere.

Deploy radar wave absorption system.

Aye, Captain.

What is that for?

Why absorb radar waves?

It's so that our ship won't
be reflected enemy ship's radars.

It becomes invisible to them.

And when the ship is
invisible, you can't detect it.

And it stops being a
target for enemy rockets.

It's not for nothing that
our ship is called a Ghost Ship.


Yes, Boa won't have
an easy time taking us out.

If you want I can explain
you how this ship works.

Yes, of course!

This is a cross-section of our ship.

The nose part
holds a nuclear reactor.

In the stern, there is
an antigravity system.

It gives the ship its ability to fly.


This is a laser canon.

An this is a magnetic one.

It destroys the memory of enemy computers

and disables rocket launchers.

Au, it burns!

What's with you?

Nothing, it's already gone.


Now, let's go to the bridge.

Here is the control centre.

I program the memory of
this computerised robot.

And he in turn sends
my orders in code

to all the other stations.

Au, it burns!

What's this?

What's the matter with you?

It burns in my throat!

Doctor! Doctor, get here!


What happened to him, doctor?

A light poisoning from Boa Juice.

I'll make an injection and he will be ok.

That explains it.

Yes, it could have been worse.

What is going on?

A rocket hit a board compartment.

Investigating the extent of damage.

That can't be.

Captain, radar wave
absorption system is disabled.

How? I see.

Probably the boy accidentally
pushed the button while falling.

What a favour you did us, little friend.

Are you conscious? Feeling better?

I don't know myself.

Where am I?

Who are you?

I am a girl. Doctor told
me not to leave your side.

Was I... Was I ill?

Doctor said you had a light
poisoning from Boa Juice.

Boa Juice? Why did
I not melt from it?

What are those
fragments sticking out there?

Boa hit us.

How? But we are invisible!

So we became invisible.

And whose fault is it? Yours!

Stop it. Don't say anything.

Yes, Captain.


I already saw that face.

Yes, that's him!

Mister Captain, you are my father!


My dear son!


You are alive, my dear son.

For so many years I mourned over you.

An mother. Where is mother?

She died, my son. I barely managed
to tie you to a wooden plank.

When I jumped after her, she was gone.

It was when Kuroshio sunk your ship?


Poor mother.

If I only didn't drink Boa Juice,
I wouldn't have fallen on the button.


Our captain is injured,
but I can steer the ship.

Let us attack Boa's fortress!

But our rocket launcher
is disabled, how can we attack?

So what, we can ram them.

Ram them?!

Why are you so
surprised like a small kid,

as if you hear the word
"to ram" for the first time?

Once we hit it with the whole
hull, the fortress will explode.

You are one brave girl.
Didn't know such existed.

And you mustn't be afraid -
we do it for everyone, after all.

And who will fight those
who helps Boa on the surface?

You only try finding excuses.

I think you are simply afraid.

Who? Me?

What is this?

Collecting Boa Juice corks, are we?

Correct. I understand it now.

What are you talking about?

This is it! It's all here.


Even schoolchildren were
guilty that Boa gained power.

They competed who would
drink more of this poison.

I saw it myself how people died from it.

Now that Kuroshio is gone

someone else must be
selling this damned Boa Juice.

But if we manage to destroy Boa,

Boa Juice will also be gone, you see.


Boa and Kuroshio are true criminals.

The k*lled my parents
and my little brother.

If not us, who will
revenge our kin?

Full forward!

Oi, look, something's approaching us.

We will now hide behind a rock

and turn on the radar wave absorber.

Turning it on now.

Now, quiet.

Will they see us or not?

Phew, looks like it went well.

Now we can continue
to our destination.

The sunken ships.

According to the computer,
Boa's fortress is located

right after the ship graveyard.

Get ready to ramming.

We collided with a mine.

Here it is, Boa's fortress.

Your day has come, Boa!

A giant squid.

What shall we do?
He'll crush us like an eggshell.

Why not hit him
with the laser canon?

We can try it. Ready.

Laser does not affect him.

The rocket launcher is
damaged. Don't know what to do?

Ah, I see, this giant
squid is also a robot.

We shall take him out
with magnetic cannon.

I doubt magnetic cannon will help us.

This squid is so huge!

It bound to help. This
squid is simply a computer

and magnetic cannon will disable it.

You'll see, its memory
program will get confused

and the robot will become harmless.

Yes, right, turn it on!

So, we got rid of the squid.

Now we can begin ramming the fortress.

We are almost over the target.

They are prepared.

They'll start sh**ting at us now.

Ready. Full speed forward!

- Looks like we passed them.
- Yes, it seems so.

Hayato, get ready!

Starting to ram!



Immediately eject the bridge!

Well, my boy, you
look like a true sailor.

You told me yourself that I
shouldn't get full of myself!

How am I supposed to do it now?

You can take free time now.

Dismissed until dinner.

Aye-aye, Captain!

I'll be waiting, my boy.

We'll be back soon, father.

Don't be sad, Jack.

We'll buy you a new
bag, better than this one.

And if you are a good boy,
we'll buy you a new collar, too.

The End.
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