Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

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Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

Post by bunniefuu »

Open, Sesame!


Screenplay: Morihisa Yamamoto

Director: Hiroshi Sidara

Composer: Seihiro Uno


A-ha! Take this!
And this!

I'll show you...


Err, Captain of the Guard!
Your face always looks strange.

What an honour it is,
Your Majesty, Ali-Baba the 33rd!

I am impressed by your
mastery of swordplay!

You've already vanquished 3333
air balloons since this morning!

And I am terribly hungry!
Hey, Chef! Bring in the dinner!


Here is the food.

- Your dinner is served!
- Thank you.

Micke, this meat pie is for you!

Hey, and where is my dinner?

In the cat's jaws.

- This means there's...
- Nothing left for You.

I'll let you know that
I am the Sultan here!

I have the right to eat
as much as I like!


Bring in the mountains of food!
This very instant!

But, Your Majesty, it is
what I wanted to talk to you about...

Open quick, my little Snazzy!

Your Majesty,
you must say "Open, Sesame!"

Such a huge treasury... and empty?

Your Majesty, it was
once filled up with treasures...

...which Ali-Baba the First once
took from the forty thieves.

See this pit, Your Majesty?

It was created from the
weight of the sacks with gold!

Diamonds lay in this corner,
there were the rubies...

...and this one was filled with the sapphires.

But half of this treasure was used up...

...even before your father was born!

And the other half?

The rest was spent by You, Your Majesty!

Do you want to say I
have no more money?

Not a penny!

You've only got left this dirty old lamp.

Oh, such filth.

Yes! Even ragmen refuse to take it.

Good day!


I am, by the way, the Spirit of the Lamp.

The Spirit of the lamp?

So, you are... that very Genie,
of whom I heard so much?

That is so, oh my Master.

Order and I will
fulfil your every wish.

Listen to my order!

Bring us different food, and lots of it.

That is easy, my Master.

Oh, and don't forget
a couple of slices of dried tuna.


- What for?
- That would be for me.

Hey, what happened to you, Genie, dear?
Come out... Please...

I can't stand cats.

I can't do anything
if there's a cat nearby!

Hate 'em! Hate 'em!

Looks like he won't
be bringing us any food...

...if there are cats around.

Order to catch all the cats in the land!


And take this one of course.

Close, dear Sezzy!

You must say "Close, Sesame!"

Where to! Stop!

Stop, I tell you!

And catch this one!

Gimme the cat!

Hey! Stop!
What are you doing?

This is the order of His Majesty,
Ali-Baba the 33rd!

Get lost!


Your Majesty!
We caught all the cats in the kingdom!

Well done! You are able
when you put your mind to it.

Hey, little Genie!
Come out!

Ca.... cats...
Where are the cats?

Don't worry!

So long as there are
no cats, I'll do my best.

Splendid! And now, bring
here that mountain of food!

In a jiffy!
One foot here, the other's there!

Now I'll get
everything that I desire!

Ah, I'll have such a wonderful life now.

Sweet doughnuts!
Hot from the oven! Fresh doughnuts!

Eh, come in, come in!

Very-very sweet water melon!

Oh, such a sweet watermelon!

And for me!

Thank you...
What... is that all?

So... This is all you get.

You can prepare anything you like from this.

Not so fast!

What are you going to cook me into?

What a guy!

What? Again a cat?

Yes, and such an awful one!

- Captain of the Guard!
- Yes.

If you don't catch all of
them this time, I'll sack you!


Here, come over!




Oh, no...

I'm so clever!

All the cats have been caught,
not a single one left.

Run away, quick!

Idiots! Catch them immediately!
Don't let them get away!


So you didn't run away, yes?
Good p*ssy cats!

Dream on, gov!
Let's show him, Trampler!

May I start, Chieftain?

Sorry for inconvenience,
have a nice day.


- Dolt!
- Sorry...

- Slowpoke!
- Sorry!

- Brainless doorknob!
- Sorry!

- Good-for-nothing!
- Sorry!

- Braggart!
- Sorry!

Sorry is not enough!
Aren't you ashamed? Let go of the cats!

But Your Majesty, that boy...

Immediately catch all the cats!
And that boy, too!

But they disappeared somewhere!
We can't find them!

Oh, such an idiot!
What kind of Captain of the Guard are you then?

I have no need for you any more!

My dear Genie,
please, come out!

What is you command, oh Master?

Couldn't you, using magic, find out...

...where the boy by the name of Huck is hiding?

Search operation? That's easy! Give me that...

Hey, what do you want with that?

Such a smell!

I only need to concentrate...

...and I'll be able to see anything
you like in this lamp!

- I see. I see...
- What do you see?

A forest deep!

Wow! And the boy is in that forest?

Now I'll concentrate even more...

I see. I see...
A hut!

A-ha, so that's where he's hiding!

I'll concentrate even more than before...

What's that? Cats?!

Can't stand cats!

After me!

And now, oh our worthy hero,
let this humble....

Come off it, no need!

Stop behaving like that
or I will not respect you!

You are right...
Oh well... My name is Stray.

And I am the leader
of all the stray cats.

- Chieftain...
- Ah, yes, and this is...


Today you saved thirty-eight
more cats from sure death!

Everyone, thank him!

And one, and two...

Thank you!

Huck, important news!

What happened, Rodent?
Something in the town?

Oh, bad news!
There is a large price on your head.

My head?

Such posters are everywhere in town!

All walls are covered with them!

Wanted for treason, Al-Huck...

...a reward of ten gold pieces
will be paid to whoever captures him.

Ali-Baba the Thirty-Third.

They only treat bandits that way!

He saved us after all.

I know.

What shall we do?

- After me, boys!
- Charge!

Stop! Where are you off to?

We'll raid Ali-Baba's castle, of course.

You've lost your minds!
You'll be captured immediately!

We know what we are up against.

We have our own cat pride.


Pride, they say!

I too have my pride,
human pride, the pride of a man!

I didn't save you for
you to get caught again.

Just try stepping out of here!

Wait! Wait!

Huck, such brave cat like these...
are a great rarity in our times!

Besides, I very much like the number 38.

Thirty eight?

we are exactly 40!


Oh, most worthy Huck!

Take these brave cats
and march against Ali-Baba!


I didn't talk about this,
but now I'll tell you:

The fate itself destines you
to clash your sword with Ali-Baba's.

What did you say?

The time has come to tell you everything.

Listen to the story of
Ali-Baba and the 40 thieves.

Ali-Baba and the 40 thieves?

Well, listen, Huck!

Learn your secret,
the secret of your origin.

Long time ago, there lived
one man by the name of Ali-Baba.

He was very poor and earned
his living by collecting brushwood.

Once, when returning from
the forest with his wood...

...he saw the 40 thieves.

The thieves approached
a rock and the chieftain uttered an incantation:

Sesame, open up!

And - what a miracle -
an opening to a cave was revealed.

The thieves put there their loot and then...

Close, Sesame!

...the entrance sealed itself
and the thieves left.

Ali-Baba, who saw all this,
also pronounced the incantation... the thieves' Chieftain did,
and entered the cave.

My word! It's full of treasures!
I'll take it all for mine.

Oh, thieves, you are out of luck!

That's fate. All that happiness
that we acquired in our ways... nicked by Ali-Baba!

Finally we found them...
Surround the hut!

By the way, the name of
the thieves' Chieftain as Al-Huck.

What? That's my name too!

So listen on, oh, Huck!

Finally the Chieftain found out
that the treasures were stolen.

he secretly went to the town
and tracked the robber.

He learnt who appropriated his treasures!


The Chieftain found Ali-Baba,
the robber of the treasures.

Then the chieftain bought 40 jars
and placed each of his thieves in a jar.

Listen up!

When I give the signal,
seize Ali-Baba and k*ll him!

...He was the thieve, but dressed up as an oil merchant.

I am travelling merchant, selling oil..
Could I stay overnight at our house?

That way the Chieftain and his thieves,
who were hidden in the jars...

...entered Ali-Baba's house.

But Ali-Baba's clever maid noticed
someone hiding in the jars!

Ah! I must do something!

The maid poured boiling
oil into each jar...

...thus k*lling all the thieves.

Who would have thought that?

The thieves came to k*ll the robber,
but Ali-Baba himself k*lled them!

Ali-Baba is the one to watch!

Let's start...
Take them!

Well, let me continue, oh Huck!

I'll tell you a sad secret,
the sorrowful end to the story.

The Chieftain just barely managed to escape.

And the next time he presented
himself as a travelling jeweller.

I am a travelling jeweller!

I can cheaply sell you precious stones!

Ali-Baba got excited by a profitable offer.

He invited the merchant into
his house and gave him food.

The merchant was sitting
at the table by Ali-Baba...

...waiting out a suitable
moment for attack.

But the clever maid guessed the thief's plans.

Let me dance for you!

While performing her dance,
she stabbed the merchant in the heart!

Ali-Baba did away
with the Chieftain of the thieves...

...appropriated the treasures...

...and became the Sultan,
calling himself "Ali-Baba the First".

Who would have thought that?

Everything that was stolen by
the thieves, got acquired by Ali-Baba!

Ali-Baba is the one to watch!

That was the ancestor of
the current Sultan, Ali-Baba the Thirty-Third.

But what does it have to do with me?

Listen carefully, oh Huck!

You are the descendant
of that chieftain of the thieves!

That can't be true!


For your information, several
generations of my ancestors...

...lived in the attic of the house,
belonging to the Huck family.

See there!
It starts to get interesting!

The time has come for you
to return the treasures, stolen from your ancestors.

You, me and our thirty-eight friends.

Again are we the forty thieves!

Oh, let's serve Huck
and become the forty thieves!

Quiet, you!
Ali-Baba kidnapped our friends too!

Let's return everything at once!


Huck, you are under arrest!

But if you give me all your cats...

...I promise to spare your life.

Get lost!


Such rudeness! This is no
way of talking to your Sultan!

What Sultan are you?

Your ancestor was a petty robber...

...who nicked the treasures,
belonging to the thieves!

Captain of the Guard!
Destroy every one of them! Now!


Again. How I loath them...

After me!


Grab them as soon
as the hut catches fire...

...and they start running out.


I'll be the first to run out,
and you disperse after me.

And what's next?

We'll meet in three days...

...on the night of the full Moon
at the market's backyard.

So, at the full Moon,
at the backyard.

- Password: "Al-Huck"!
- Response: "Forty"!

Be careful, guys!

You too, Huck!

Forward, guys!

Catch them!

Take them!

You filthy Ali-Baba!

I so much liked this hut
and you smoked me out of it!

I'll too chase you from your castle!

One-two and thee-four,
two-two and three-four...

...three-four-one and two,
and four and four.

Your Majesty!
You have already deigned to wake up?

Ah, my brave Captain of the Guard!

Ah, what an honour it is for me
to receive a compliment from You!

You are in the good mood?

Are you kidding!

After what we did
to Huck and his cats yesterday...

...I had a marvellously relaxing night!

By the way, I have another good news.

Come out with it!

Looks like Huck and his cats
ran far-far away!

What are you saying!

We turned over every
stone in the Kingdom...

...and couldn't see a trace of them.

But don't stand down the guard.

Of course, Your Majesty!

Now, let's not delay any longer...
Genie, deary!

Come out quick!

Good morning, my Master.

Bring me the most gorgeous clothes
and the best food!

And what about the cats?

There is not a single one left in my kingdom,
not even a toy one!

It's so good to hear...
I feel like I've got the second wind!

It'll be done in a sec!

See ya, losers!

This monster is completely out of hand!

You know, I am truly happy!

Your Majesty,
You happiness is... the happiness of the people!

Well put!

And to commemorate my happiness...

...let's put monuments to me
in all the parts of the kingdom.

Ah, You have a wonderful idea!

Genie, be a dear, put
monuments to me, and lots of them!

Consider it done, my Master.

His appetite just grows...

Hey, you, simpletons, out of the way!


Oh, Huck, wait a little!

One more...

But why, Rodent...


Wait till the night!


The castle is well-defended!


Then how shall we enter it?

I was preparing for such a day
and stashed away something, oh, Huck.

- What is it?
- Shhh!

Oh, Huck!

This is the world-famous flying carpet.


It was one of the treasures of the first Al-Huck.

Before Ali-Baba appropriated the treasures... ancestor managed to hide the carpet...

...and save it in good order!

On it, even a sea can be easily crossed.

Thank you, Rodent!

Well, the password.

Come on!




Every single one of us!

All thirty-eight as one!

And with you... forty!

- Forty!
- Shhhh!

It's for this day
we sharpened our claws.

We waited for this...
We're 38!

Let's take the treasures from Ali-Baba!

Chieftain, I need to be excused!

Yes, we are gathered here
to return our ancestors' treasures!

For this day
we sharpened our fangs.

We hid, awaiting...
We're 38!

Let's rescue our friends from Ali-Baba!

You have come here primarily
to save your friends.

But here is what I understood:

There is an even more important cause:

...more important than getting back
the treasures or returning the friends.

Much more important cause.

We must return to all
the people of the country...

...the happiness, that very happiness,
which was stolen from them by Ali-Baba!

Ah, so clever!

You put it so well, oh, Huck!

It's not for nothing you became
the Chieftain of the Forty Thieves!

All in all, we all have our wishes.

That's right!

We must get back both
the stolen treasure...

... and the stolen happiness.

Let's get back everything in one go!

We'll return all!

It's for this day
we sharpened our claws!

We waited for it...
We're 38!

Let's take everything from Ali-Baba!

Let's start!

Quick, sit yourselves on the flying carpet.

We'll fly on it and get
directly into Ali-Baba's castle?

That's right!

Who will think that we'd
try to enter from the air?

A secret w*apon, now we are talking!

- Well, let's get seated!
- A-ha!


Looks like the carpet does not
want to have cats seated on it!

What nonsense!?


The same happened to me!

I got on it, but it threw me off!

If so, everyone, jump on it!

Hey, carpet! Come back this instant!
What, are you disobeying?

Looks like the carpet got angry because the cats tried ... jump it, while it dislikes them,
having spent so much time with mice.

Our brave warriors!

Tonight we hold a banquet to celebrate...

...the 3333 monuments which
were raised in honour of His Majesty.

Let us congratulate our Ruler.


Thank you!
Eat and drink to your hearts desire.

So, let me say a toast
in honour of the Sultan!

For the Ruler!
May he live a thousa...

Such an utter impudence!

Hey, Ali-Baba!

Ah, what a hero!
You are still hanging around.

I came to take from you the castle!

Maybe you'll also say
that this is your castle?

Why? Yes!

Your ancestor built this castle
using the thieves' treasure!

Esteemed Huck is the
descendant of the thieves' Chieftain!

Oh, yes?

You should know, Ali-Baba the First
not only appropriated Al-Huck's family treasures...

...he also stole the happiness
of all the people of this country!

And cats' too!

You are going to return to us all that.

Keep you tongue, you pauper boy! Let's see...

- Genie, Genie, come out quick!
- What is your bidding, oh my Master?

Teach this boy a lesson!


Very well!

You can t*rture him
if it amuses you!

And on our side... the magic flying carpet!

Commencing an attack!
First operation... {\i1}"Ear"{\i0}!


- Catch, oh, Huck!
- Yes.

The second operation
under the codename {\i1}"Sneeze"{\i0}!

Are you waiting for a special invitation?
Come on, hurry up!

Chieftain, are You sure everything
will turn out all right with this thingy?

Are you questioning my invention?

We will fly as soon as I chop the rope!

Let's go!

- Well?
- A wonderful invention!

That's better.

Only 33 meters to the castle!

Prepare for attack!
Make terrifying grimaces!

A tiny little bit more...

Come now, Genie, scare him properly.

And one more time!



We are off!

What a catch!

And again...

So scary...

Genie, stop torturing poor little crocs!

Feed them.

Very well.

He's trying hard.

Come now...

Oi, spinning...

Make a strong kick off with your feet.

Chieftain, are You sure about this?

Don't be afraid.

Oh, wow!

It works!

How can this be?!

Hey, you, the Monster of the Lamp!
Catch me if you can!

You are underestimating me...
I too can fly, by the way.

Just you wait...

Genie, what are you doing!
Catch him quick!

Finish him off!

Just a little more...

Here, after me!

Genie, deary, faster!

Why so?

Damn you!

Something strange is happening to the carpet...

Our carpet is tired...

Where are you, silly guys?

Yes, where are you?

Now I'll show you...

A-ha, here they are!

What are you doing!

I know what I am doing...
They are here.

Oi, it hurts!

That does it!

Water... water...
Give me water... Quick...

Huck is about to be eaten.

This is our last chance.

Let's stimulate the senses.

This is our favourite treat:
The cat mint.

Hey, Chieftain...
Oh, smells delicious...

Our bodies loose weight,
becoming lighter and lighter and lighter...

You are the birds,
you are tiny little birdies...

And me too...

Fly, fly!
Fly to the castle!

Stop, stop! Don't eat him...
Better t*rture him a bit more!

Yes... Just so...

Get this... And this!

Oh, smashing!

Show me, show me!

That's it, go on!

There, to the right, finish him off!

There! So! Got him!
k*ll him!

- Can I do it myself?
- Oh, sorry.

I'm completely out of breath...
Let's see...


Genie, why is it taking you so long to chew?

He stuck in my teeth!
Right here.


This... what?!


Oi, a cat!

Hey, stop!


You have nowhere
to run without your Genie, Ali-Baba!

Don't get all merry!

Come out and fight, Ali-Baba!

Impertinent boy!
You will now witness my might!

Grab that boy!

Very timely!

Huck! We are here!

Oh, it's you?

Take care of Ali-Baba!

- Very well!
- A-ha!


Well, Captain of the Guard, are you ready?

Not again...


How I hate the cats!

Hey, wait!

Hold it!

Here it is, the lamp!

Oi, he's here again.

Now I am really saved.

Are you coming here?
Well, climb in!

I hate cats!

That's it! Give up!

No! Don't let go!

Maybe I should let go?


I think I'll be going now...

Hate cats! Help!

Oh, you are here too?

Those cats...
I'm afraid of them.

Let's hide here...
{\i1}Open, Sesame!{\i0}

Oi... Who's in there?


That's it... My end has come.

Oi, stars... How pretty...


A-ha, here he is! Over there!

Help! Spare me!





Where are the treasures? Speak!

There are no treasures.

- What?
- What d'you mean, no treasures?

I've spent all the treasures,
there's not a single coin left.

Excuse me, I'm off for a minute...

Where are you going to?

Fly, fly, fly away, carpet!
Fly, deary!

Flew away, flew away!

Filthy rug!

Huck, you can't even imagine
what is possible with such a carpet!

Bye-bye, guys!

Hey, Ali-Baba!
The carpet can't fly for along at a time!

You won't fool me!


Save me!
Help me!

Hey, don't stick your heads out!
Hide yourselves. Hide, I said.

Chieftain, if Huck manages to get the treasures,
we will also get our share, right?

We won't pass by that what is ours!

We'll get some fish, prepare such a feast...

- Too right!
- Shh! Stupid dolts.

Hey, Genie, come out!

I greet you, my new Master!
Congratulations with the victory.

I see you are very agreeable now, right?

I wanted to ask you about one thing.

I am all ears, oh my Master.

Turn this castle into
the best amusement park in the world!

- Into an amusement park?
- Ah-ha!

And what about the feast?

Let it become the place,
where everyone can have fun!

I so wanted to at least once
do something good for all!

Then do your work honestly.

Right away!

Open up!


Look, that boy yawned.

Look, that girl is getting bored...

Come on, get to the street, come to us!

You'll find the road easily.

The clouds will show you the way,
the wind will whisper you the directions.

The stars will guide you.

There you will always
find something for yourselves:

Gigantic, inducing laughter...


Merry-go-round on which you want to sing.

A huge fire
to jump around it and scream.

Here something can
always be found for us.

Come on, get out on the streets,
come to us!

You will find the road easily.

The clouds will show you the way,
the wind will whisper you the directions....

The stars will guide you.

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