Urusei Yatsura: Only You (1983)

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Urusei Yatsura: Only You (1983)

Post by bunniefuu »

A Kitty Films Production

Here. Over here!

Come on, over here.

Wait! Wait for me!

There! I got it!

What?! Did you really?

Yeah, really. I'm not lying.

On my planet, stepping on someone's
shadow is a marriage proposal.

I'm not really from this planet.

Now you'll have to marry me.
Is that all right with you?

Yeah. That's fine with me.

I'll be back in 11 years to pick you up.
Wait for me until then, O. K?

In 11 years, I'll be 17 years old.
That's a long time...

Let me see, Mendou Shutaro...

Mail call!

Messenger! Mail for the
young master! Hurry!

Bring the motorcycle around!

Get out of the way!

Get out of the way!
Notify all checkpoints!

Messenger will deliver mail addressed
to the young master.

Estimated time of arrival is just
before sunset. That is all!

Young Master!

Mail for you, Young Master.

Read it.

Read it.
Huh? But...

I don't care.

I don't care.
Yes, sir.

"We cordially invite you to
attend the ceremony..."

"...of the binding together of our love..."

"...of the binding together of our love..."
A wedding invitation. Rubbish.

This letter is signed by Moroboshi
Ataru and "Elle."

Eh? What! What
did you say?!

Young Master! Calm down!
Please calm down!

Moroboshi is getting married?
That Moroboshi?

Ridiculous. I don't know who made
this up, but it's a rotten joke.

No, but... contact the chief of the
intelligence bureau. Now!

Yes, sir!

I doubt this wedding
story is true.

If it is, though, then Lum's
unhappiness is assured.

When that happens,
I will personally...

...cut that bastard Moroboshi
in half!



Even though I, I, I, I love you...

Executive Producer
Taga Hidenori
Even though I, I, I, I love you...

Even though I, I, I, I love you...

...why are you, you, you, you
always gloomy?

I, I, I, I, have strong feelings
of missing you.

You, You, You, You, I will
seduce, for sure.

The world begins with you and I.

A woman is no good if she's
tired of waiting.

A woman is no good if she's
tired of waiting.

Love me, flirtatious Darling.

Hold me, bashful Darling.

Kiss me, wonderful Darling.

I'll always be ready to be
in love with you.

Even though I, I, I, I love you...

...why are you, you, you, you
always gloomy?

Hey, did you hear?

Hey, did you hear?
Yeah, I heard. I heard.

Yeah, I heard. I heard.

About Ataru getting married?
Yeah, I heard. I heard.

About Ataru getting married?

About Ataru getting married?
Married? That Ataru?

I heard Mendou, Shinobu, and Megane
got invitations, among others.

Even so, aren't Ataru and Lum
a couple? Why now?

I hear he's not
marrying Lum!


You gotta be kidding!

You gotta be kidding!
Then who is it?

Then who is it?

Is it Shinobu?
Then who is it?

Is it Shinobu?

Is it Shinobu?
Can't be.

Can't be.

Not now.
Can't be.

Not now.

Not now.
Could it be Miss Sakura?

Could it be Miss Sakura?

I ought to hit you.
Could it be Miss Sakura?

The invitation was from Moroboshi
Ataru and "Elle."


Is that a name?

Is that a name?

It must be a girl.
Is that a name?

Do you think that Ataru
would marry a dog?

But wouldn't that
be bigamy?

What's that? Is that some sort
of sexual perversion?

Lum probably doesn't
know about this.

Obviously. If she did, there'd be
thunder and lightning by now.

Don't you think someone
should tell her?

Could you tell Lum
that to her face?

I feel sorry for Lum.

She knows nothing
about this.

Still, Ataru sure has
some nerve.

He won't get off easy.

There's a rumor that Megane will seek
the death sentence for Ataru...

...at a secret tribunal of
the Stormtroopers.

I thought so.

Still, the main contender
is probably Mendou.

It's strange that he hasn't come to
school for the past two days!

In any case, this
will mean...

Yes, it's a matter of time before Tomobiki
High is drenched in a rain of blood.

But, you know...

Eh? What?

Exactly who is this "Elle?"

Hmmmm, "Elle?"



"A real cutie wants
to see you."

"Come to the rear of the clock
tower when class is over."

"Keep this a secret from Lum.
- Megane."

"The defendant's present action
of planning bigamy..."

"...has taxed our patience
beyond its limits."

"This is a grave offense that
we simply cannot tolerate."

"By Heaven, Earth, and Man, this
atrocity is unforgivable."

"Thus, we, the Executive Council
of Lum's Stormtroopers..."

"...have come to the conclusion..."

"...that it is our sacred duty and right to
punish the defendant, as well as..."

"...to find out the full truth."


We will now start
the interrogation.

Defendant Moroboshi Ataru!

Y... You guys really think you'll get
away with doing this to me?

Shut up! We will go to any lengths
to ensure Lum's happiness.

I did promise to introduce you
to a cutie, right, Ataru?

It is someone I think
you also know well.

The mere mention of his name will quiet a
crying child. A representative of the...

...Tomobiki High School t*rture
Research Club...

...weighing 350.5 pounds...
our comrade, Sadoyama!

S... Stop! Stop it!

I will begin with "Special Technique #1,"
which will impart hellish convulsions.

What do you say, Ataru? We
don't like v*olence either.

Start talking and make it
easy on yourself. Eh?

I'm telling you I don't know! I'm innocent!
I've never met a girl named Elle!

You don't know her?
You're innocent?

Never met her? Continue
the t*rture!

Stop! Stop it!

I... l'm innocent!

This is... a plot, or someone's
idea of a practical joke...

Oh? I see, "a practical joke..."

Shut up!

Ataru, do you know why we had
a gentleman's agreement?

Why, all this time, we have
borne the unbearable...

...and been only Stormtroopers?

It was all for Lum's sake... for
the sake of her happiness.

It's because I painfully understand the fact
that Lum is totally smitten with you.

I... l, too, wanted to get to
know Lum, for real.

I wanted to clasp her
to my bosom.

How many sleepless nights have
I spent envying you...


I don't want pity!
Not from you!

You... You have trampled our feelings
under your dirty feet!

Ataru, don't you see?!

This time it's different!

We don't mind taking a back seat
provided Lum is happy.

So please tell us.
Who is this Elle?

I'm sorry. I really
don't know.

Continue the t*rture.

Stop it!

Next will be the three-stage electric
massage treatment.

Stop it! Stop it!
I... l'll die!


Shinobu! It's Shinobu, isn't it!
Save me, Shinobu!

You're the only one who
understands, right?

It's the same as
the last time...

When Lum first came to Earth,
you said I was the only one.

Then you cried to me when you got
messed up for being flirtatious.

You haven't changed at all, Ataru.
I just can't accept this.

Who is this Elle?!?

H... H... H... Help! Save me! Save me!
Somebody save me!

Lum! Lum! Lum!

Lum, I was so scared. Megane and
Shinobu have been picking on me.

Darling. Darling...

...who is Elle?

Exactly WHO is this Elle?

H... how did you find
out about that?

When this arrived a moment ago, I brought
it to Lum's attention right away, Ataru!

Mailing this to Lum
is pretty daring...

...or else just plain stupid.
That must be it.

Darling... who is this Elle? Just
what is the meaning of this?

You'd better have a very good
explanation! Darling!

Ataru! Geddouta here!

Go away, Ataru!

C'mon now. Aren't we friends?

Let go! I have no desire to commit
lover's su1c1de with you!

I believed in you.

I thought you truly loved me in the
deepest corner of your heart.

O... Of course. I think only of you
all the time. So really now...

Darling, you...


What the?

What the?
What was that?

Hey... over there...

It's Mendou! It's Mendou's
mobile armor division!

Finally, Mendou has acted!

Things are getting interesting.

Young Master, the troops have reached
their attack positions. Your orders?

All troops, standby.

But, sir...

I need no help.

I, Mendou Shutaro... will settle
this score like a man.

I will personally cut
Moroboshi in two!

Y... Young Master!


Now you tell me, Darling!
Who is Elle?!

I don't know. I really don't know.

Moroboshi! Not only have you
been unfaithful to Miss Lum...

...countless times in the past...

...but your barbarous actions this
time are like a crown of thorns...

...upon the head of this
beautiful, unhappy girl!

My patience is at an end! Hold still
while I put you to the sword!

I won't forgive you if you
try to harm Darling!

Miss Lum! After you have been trampled
on this much, you still...

This is between husband
and wife. Butt out!

That's no sign of repentance!

Sir! Radios are unusable
on any frequency!

A magnetic field of incredible
power is manifesting!


All students on the grounds, return
to the school building immediately!

Return to the school building

All students on the grounds, return
to the school building immediately!

All hands, battle stations!

Lum, where is that
spaceship from?

It's a type I've never
seen before either.

Look! Someone's coming out!

It's coming this way!

Moroboshi Ataru. I've come from Planet
Elle to pick you up. Come this way.

Planet Elle?

Does that mean
she is Elle?

Darling! Hey, you! Don't you
seduce my Darling!

Who are you?

I'm Darling's wife!

That's what SHE thinks!

What are you trying to do, coming
between a married couple?!

Ha! I don't know about
any "couple..."

...but the fact is, he got engaged eleven
years ago. I won't let you interfere.

"Engaged eleven years ago?!"

Darling! Is that true?

Ah, looks that way, after all.

The shame of it! To find out that you've
been having an affair for eleven years!

Miss Lum, please calm
down. Relax...

Shut up!

I'm coming!

Huh? Hey! Wait! Darling!
Darling! Wait!

Hello there! Ahoy!

I haven't seen you for 11 years now.
Really, I'm glad to see you again.


As I stand in front of you, I fondly recall
the time when we were together.

Right, Elle?

I am not Lady Elle.

She's the captain of
this spaceship.

Ah, that person there... is she?

Yes, this is Lady Elle...

No way! I refuse! This is perverted. At
your age you should be ashamed.

Now, why don't you go home and take
care of your grandchildren? Bye!

I am Lady Elle's nanny, Babara. All her
life, I have nursed and protected her.

I should add that the Captain's beauty
does not compare with Lady Elle's.

Oh, long time no see. In good
health, it seems.

You've put on a lot of wrinkles. You must
have really been through a lot.

Bah. This is the first
time we've met.

That's right. That's right. It's been so
long now. You got me. You got me.

Well, it's OK. It was indeed
a long time ago.

As Lady Elle's representative,
I am here to pick you up.

However, it appears the bridegroom
has some unfinished business...

...to take care of, so how about
if I come back tomorrow?

Oh, that's cutting it close.

We'll meet again here.

See you then.


Hey, Darling! And that woman
and old hag, too!

Oh, you're still here?

Take this!

That level of lightning won't
even scratch us.

Before the wedding, the well-being
of the bridegroom is essential.

So I have sealed him within a powerful
barrier so no one can harm him.

Until tomorrow, then.

Bye now...


Darling, are you really
serious about this?

Are you really going to trust that strange
old woman and go to Planet Elle?

That lady captain is quite a beaut. If my
fiance is even better, then... heh, heh.


Darling, you idiot!

Hey, Lum!

Still in all, the universe
really is vast.

To think that someone existed who could
compete with Lum's bad taste in men...

Ten. Ten, I don't have
any place to go now.

The only place left is Darling's room.
What should I do now, Ten?

Looks like you've run
out of places, Lum.

Who said that?

I'm disappointed that you
forgot my voice.

Hi there.


Just a moment. Let's finish what
needs to be finished right now.

Over there!


Didn't you realize you
were being tailed?

Boy, when someone is depressed, their
senses sure are dulled, as well.

Hey, you'd better explain why
you were following her!

Jeez, what a funky getaway. Lum, do
you know what that was all about?

You talk too much. Hurry
up and leave!

I see. So you and Oyuki received
invitations as well?

Yeah, it looks like they sent invitations
to anyone with a connection.

Even Kurama and tiny Kintaro
knew about it.

Really, those people
have some nerve.

I came here as a representative of every-
one to see what the hell's going on.

I see your husband hasn't changed
a bit. Ah, could you pass that?

I'm sorry everyone
is so worried.

Don't tell me you're going to sit still
after being trampled like this?

I'm very angry, but I don't
know what to do.

You're really irritating. In a fight, they
say the first move wins, right?!

"The first move wins?"

As I was saying...


...you're being watched closely. Tonight
is your only chance to act.

When that old witch Babara comes
back tomorrow, it'll be too late.

All right. You just watch. I'm not going
to let anyone take my Darling!

Thanks, Benten. You're
a true friend.

OK, OK. Just get going.

Take care of the tab, OK?

Hey, wait! You forgot Jariten!

She's finally become serious. But now
things will be more interesting.

I'm gonna use your phone, Pops.

No long-distance calls.

Mister, your dishes have lots of meat.

Mister, your dishes have lots of meat.
This is going to be very involved.

This is going to be very involved.

Yep, heaping helpings. And more.
This is going to be very involved.

Yep, heaping helpings. And more.

Yep, heaping helpings. And more.
Galaxy Rental Service?

Send one interstellar microbus
here immediately. With driver.

There's a possibility of a sh**t-out,
so have it armed with a Maser.

Eh? What? You idiot! Isn't that
why you have insurance?!

If you're in fear for your life, you
shouldn't be in this business!

Send the bill to Planet Elle,
attention old lady Babara.

All right? And throw in a dozen
missiles free of charge. Bye!

Ah, M... M... Miss... are you
planning to start a w*r?

What did you say? Nah, something
more interesting than that. Eh?

I want... a beef-bowl...
...extra large...

...with miso soup and
pickled vegetables...

Hi there, Rei. You're late. Too
bad, you just missed Lum.


Sorry, but I don't have the time
to feed you beef-bowls.

Here, change his diaper
and call Lum's dad.


Don't just stand there! This is for
the sake of your precious Lum!

Go! Hurry up and go! Go right away!

Go! Hurry up and go! Go right away!
...with miso soup and pickled vegetables!

Get your mind out
of the beef-bowl!

Hey... th... they didn't pay!

Darling! I'm coming!

I really am getting fidgety!

More than anyone else, I love you,
love you, love you the best!

To think that you're saying
farewell to your parents...

...and to the Earth tonight because
you're going to get married!

Why did I have to go through
the struggle of raising you?

Dear! If you're his father, then
say something fatherly to him!

Ahem! Ataru!

Yeah, what, Dad?

You're still a high-school student.

Just don't borrow money to finance
your wedding and honeymoon.

What the devil are
you saying?!

Now, Madam. Screaming like
that is a waste of time.

Shut up! And why are you
eating in my house?!

I see an ill omen in this proposed
wedding. An incredibly ill omen.

I came here because I feel I am the only
one who can remedy this situation.

Then say something to him!

Hey, Ataru!

I'm going to marry Elle.

That's what he says...

You worthless imbecile!

Now, Ataru, Ataru... are
you really going...

...to the planet where this
girl Elle is staying?


You're going to...

...abandon your mother, and go away
just like that? Don't you care?

A boy must someday break
away from his mother.

That is karma.

No, no. You're my only child!

Who... who will take care of me in
my old age, when I'm all alone?!

Darling! I'm here
to pick you up!

L... Lum! Whatever you say now
won't make any difference.

I'm going to Elle's planet and marry
her. I'm all through with you!

I'm not going to pay one damn
cent in palimony, either!

In fact, I should be the
one getting paid!

I don't need palimony, because
you're coming to my planet...

...and we're going
to get married.

What did you say? Lum, now that I
think about it, I feel sorry for you...

...because you fell in love
with a guy like me.

Have you forgotten?

I'm totally protected from your lightning
attack by this barrier's power.

My will of steel cannot be
changed by anyone.

I'll take my time and change
your mind later.

Wha? S... Stop it, Lum! Stop!

This is an "Uzushio" fully a*t*matic
suction device.

As long as I don't use lightning,
the barrier is ineffective.

Mr. And Mrs. Moroboshi will also
attend the wedding ceremony.

You too, Cherry.

Ah, no, I have to...

Lum, how'd it go?

Mission accomplished!

All right. Once the wedding has been
performed, it's a fait accompli.

We're going to gather the
rest of the guests.

Step on it!


UFOs approaching from the north-
northeast, altitude 200 meters!

Speed Mach 10!

Alert! Alert! UFOs approaching!

Alert! Alert! UFOs approaching!

Air alert, Young Master! Please evacuate
to the air raid shelter! Hurry!

What? The Mendou Air Defense Zone
can't be breached that easily!

Never mind! sh**t them
down without delay!

OK. On to the next one.

Right. Here we go.

Hurry, Benten!

I know! We're gonna pick
'em up right now!

Hey, driver... Make sure you fly
the course I outlined earlier.

Got it.

One more to go. Man,
what a drag.

All right. Got some extras, but overall
we got everyone we wanted.

Listen up, everybody!

Sorry to be so abrupt
about this...

...but you're all invited to attend
Lum and Ataru's wedding.

In any case, thanks!

You can't! This is crazy!

All set, Lum. Now that we've got
everyone, we're leaving Earth.


Dashing through the dreaming
galaxy to our rendezvous.

Chase a sh**ting star, and keep
running until morning.

Cosmic Cycler, cycling in the starry sky...
Run Run Run Run... Runaway Home!

Cosmic Cycler, wheeling in the starry sky...
Run Run Run Run... Runaway Home!

Cosmic Cycler, cycling in the starry sky...
Run Run Run Run... Runaway Home!

Cosmic Cycler, wheeling in the starry sky...
Run Run Run Run... Runaway Home!

Cosmic Cycler...

Eh? Ahh!

Five seconds to rendezvous point.

Relative velocity: 0.004 parsecs.

I must apologize for having to
ask you to take us aboard.

Bah. Normally, I wouldn't want to have to
accept an invitation from an Oni, but...

Hi there! Right on time.

Long time no see, Oyuki. I'm really
glad Kurama is coming, too.

I didn't come to congratulate you. I came
only to witness your marriage to Ataru...

...so that I can once and for all escape
the awful fate of marrying him myself.

Man, what a jerk. I just
don't like her.


B... Benten! Why'd
you invite Ran?!

Well, I'll be... I wonder who
invited that airhead?

You're so mean, Lum.

If I hadn't asked Oyuki, I wouldn't have
found out about your wedding.

I don't like how you tried to keep this
a secret from a childhood friend.

Oh, woe! Oh, woe! I'm going to
cry! It's too much to bear!


Eh? So the boss of the beef-bowl
has finally arrived.

Rei! Where's Lum's dad?

Barrier: Forcible removal complete!
Barrier: Forcible removal complete!

Darling! Darling, I'm so glad!

If the barrier hadn't come off I would
have been really worried.

Come on. Our folks are waiting.

Here we are!

Finally finished? Sit here,

It's been a while. I haven't seen you
since that matchmaking incident.

In any case, let's
have a drink.

Ataru! We have been talking
with Lum's parents and...

...oh, thanks...

...whatever the initial reason...

...you and Lum have been living
together for more than a year.

It's about time you
tied the knot.

Lum is too good of a girl for you.
It isn't fair to keep her waiting.

Be a man, and accept
your responsibilities.

Ataru, it may not matter to you
because you're a boy...

...but girls want to be
properly married.

That's a woman's happiness.
Do you understand?

Besides, her parents are
very nice people...

...and I've become good friends
with her mother.

They've even promised to
give your father a job!

[Skipped item nr. 493]

Oh, really?

...and there are no Japanese-Oni dictionaries.

Oh, you're so good. Ataru,
do you understand?

Now, now. You don't have to push
the boy. He knows what's right.

Right, Son-in-law?

Uh, yes...


Son-in-law, make sure you take
good care of my daughter!

This is so romantic.

Boy, what a mess I'm in!

We've been through so much, but at last
we're going to be properly married.

Oh, I want to see Elle. Somehow,
I've got to get out of here.

I can almost hear footsteps
of happiness.

I can almost hear footsteps of doom.

Somehow I have this feeling that we're
not on the same wavelength.

Huh? M... Must be
your imagination.

Oh, yes. I have something
to give you. Here.

These are Tiger Stars.

On my planet, they say these stones
connect lovers' hearts together.

"Tiger Stars?"

Darling, here.

W... wait! If I wear that, isn't it like
wearing an engagement ring?!

It isn't like an engagement ring,
it IS an engagement ring!

N... No way! It's Elle
I want to!

Darling! Darling, are you
still talking like that?!

Wait! S... Stop!


I'll give you a super-duper electric
lynching if you try to take it off.

OK! I... I get the message.

Finally, we'll be together forever.

Eh? What's this?

What's the matter?

There's some sort of distortion ahead
of us, and it's getting larger.

What is it?

What's going on here?

Boss, you'd better take
a look at this.

Huh? Reverse thrust!
Full speed reverse!

B... Boss, that's Planet Elle's
fleet! What do we do?

So that old bag was waiting
here to ambush us.

I didn't think she was going
to let things go quietly.

Man the weapons! If it's a w*r
they want, we'll give 'em one!

All hands, battle stations!
All hands, battle stations!

So the Oni-girl got her daddy to help...
Fat lot of good it'll do her.

All right. Phase One complete.

Commence Phase Two.

Contact the infiltrator aboard the enemy
ship. Initiate operation immediately!

Eh? Still one inside?

Here, kitty, kitty...
Meow... Meow...

Listen, all of you! What ever the cost,
you must protect my son-in-law!

Show your fighting spirit! Onward,
like a hundred-million fireballs!

It's all-out w*r.

Don't worry. My dad'll
protect you.

Lum! Don't you feel any responsibility
for bringing about this situation?

Don't you feel that we have
to do something?

Hey, Lum, it isn't too late. You
must turn me over to them.


Don't say another word. If my solitary
sacrifice will avert this w*r, I...

...I will gladly offer
myself up.

Offer yourself
up to whom?!


For glory and honor, lay down
your young lives, gladly!

I... I have given myself, body
and soul, to you.

Why won't you let me be responsible
for your life?

I'm responsible for the lives of
each and every one of you!

We're still husband and wife,
even though it isn't formal!

When we die, we'll
die together!

When we die, we'll
die together!

Big brother!

Think of the circumstances. Romance
is not all there is to life.

Go! Die for the sake of love!
Die for the sake of love!

Is Elle really so special? Do you really
want to go to her that badly?

Why do you prefer a girl you've
never even seen over me?

Man. Why don't you understand?

Lum, I...

Nothing you say carries any conviction!
I can't believe you!

Is that so? In that
case, so long...

No! You can't leave me like this!
Darling, you belong to me alone!

Look only at me! Think
only about me!

Hey! Don't be so unreasonable!

Lum, if you really love me, then why can't
you accept the way I live? Eh?

B... but...

This is the end!

Sorry, Darling. I'm going to store you
in the safe until we reach my planet.

Now you know the might of
the ultrasonic hammer.

Now, I'm going to borrow your
face and body for a while.

Lum... Lum... Where
are you? Lum?

Hands up! Come any
closer and I'll sh**t!

How dare you point that g*n at me!
Hurry up and open that gate!

Like hell! Who the
devil are you?!

Oh look! A UFO!

What? Where?

This is the 36th one so far!
Hmmm, I don't get it.

How come they can see through
my perfect disguise?

What is that thing?

Hey, look at that fighter!

All right, man!

Real w*r is so intense!

Oh yeah! So this is w*r!

Hey, you guys!

You're all so immoral!

Are you really so happy about
w*r breaking out?!

A pun on the Japanese protest song,
"Children Who Don't Know w*r."
You bet we're happy! Now we're
"Children who know w*r!"

It's a rare opportunity!

Miss Sakura!

Oh! Ten!

Oh, Shinobu. Where's Sakura?

She just left with Cherry to eat.
They say it's "all you can eat..."

...so I doubt they'll be
back anytime soon.

Nobody asked you!

Oh, well, excuse ME!

Ten, is something wrong?

Oh, yeah. On the
upper level...

What was that?

Hey! Who's flying that shuttle
without authorization?!

They finally noticed. Idiots...

Oh, so you've come
to, Bridegroom?

What the! Where am I?
And who are you?

My name is Rose, the Woman of Seven
Disguises. I work for Babara.

It's a spy! A spy has kidnapped
my son-in-law!

Thank you! Thank you!
I'm saved!

There I was, in hell, and along
comes an angel. I'm saved!

Lum is so persistent, I really thought
that my luck had run out.

Still, you shouldn't
give up hope.

At the last moment, a savior
comes along...

...and best of all,
a pretty girl!

Oh, you're so kind.

That idiot.

Now, let's go on to my rosy new
life with Elle! Full speed ahead!

Shame on you, Son-in-law!
Stop that! Stop!

H... Hey! The room is moving!


Darling, I won't let anyone
take you away!

Miss Lum, don't! That fighter is...

This is Gate 2. Miss Lum has taken
off in a high-speed interceptor!

She shouldn't have done it!
It was down for repairs!

If she uses the afterburner,
it'll explode!


Lum! Lum! You mustn't go!

Come back! Lum, Lum,
that fighter is...

Darling... Darling, I won't
let anyone have you!

Eh? We're being pursued.

Give my Darling back!

Give my Darling back!
I... lt's Lum!

Damn her!

I've got the edge on you
in speed!


Whew. She managed to eject safely.

Whew. She managed to eject safely.
I guess you really do care for her.

Ah, no, not really...

Darling! Darling, don't go!
Darling! Darling!


A little right, right. Steady.
Reverse thrust 40%.

I ordered you to bring back just the
groom. What's with these others?!

Ah, well, it just happened.

Babara is furious! You're
in big trouble!

Yes, Captain.

We're tens of thousands of
light-years from Earth.

What will become of us?

Who can say?

In any case, we're stuck with following
this idiot, even if he leads us to hell.

Hey, Ataru. Ataru.

Eh? What?

Ataru, are you really planning to live
on this planet from now on?



W... What?

Don't you miss Mother
Earth? Our home?

The Beef-bowl Restaurant in front
of Tomobiki High School?

The taste of the rice as the
sauce seeped into it?

Don't you miss that?!

It looks like there's a Beef-bowl
Restaurant here, too.

Let's go eat there later on.

Well... Well then, how about the noodle
stand in front of the train station?

The taste of fried tofu atop
thick wheat noodles?

How about the smell of the sauce
of fried octopus balls?

Eating our fill of them at the park
where the kids were playing?

And that ramen stand we went to
after going to the public baths?

Are there such places
on this planet?!

No, probably not...

It's over! My wonderful
life is over!

Listen, Megane. There are men,
and there are women.

Life is pretty much the same, no matter
what world you're on, right?

Furthermore, I'm going to marry Elle,
and become the king of this planet.

The king. Do you know
what that means?

You don't mean...

That's right. I will be the most powerful
person on this planet.

Everything on this planet will be
mine, including ALL the women!

I'm going to create...
a harem!


Debauchery as I've
only dreamed of!

Ataru! Ata... Uh, I mean,
Mr. Moroboshi.

Don't worry. I have a position for
you. You can be my gatekeeper.

No problem. No problem at all!
I see! I see now! A harem!

I have to do it! It was for this purpose
that I was born! I'm going to build it!

I'm going to build a harem on a universal
scale... the ultimate harem!

All the women in the universe
will be mine!

Lady Elle, a message has just
come in from Babara.

He has come. I can finally see
him. What should I do?

My heart is pounding so hard that
it's like walking atop a cloud.

It's been so long!

These 11 years have
been so long!

But I can finally see
him again. Right?

Yes, Lady Elle.



Oh! Ataru! Wait!

Over here.

Honey, are you sure you're not angry
about the mistake I made earlier?

It's still bothering you?
Don't be silly.

Come on! This way!

Wait up!

Damn! Ataru's having a ball.

We came all this way, just
to watch them flirt?!

A beauty of such caliber... Will I ever
understand the hearts of women?

Still, if Ataru is acceptable to her,
then I have a chance, too.

Beautiful girls, honor, rank and
a harem. Not too shabby!

Love is cemented by how
a couple first meets.

Eleven years of waiting... I, Mendou
Shutaro, will fix that.

How nostalgic...

We first played tag just like this,
on that day 11 years ago...

Eh? Oh, yes.

Even now I remember.

The sunset on Earth that day, the
small park, our long shadows.

For eleven years, I've thought
about it over and over again.

Eleven years ago...

I'm really surprised that you grew
up to be so beautiful...

...and queen of this planet as
well! That's something else!

Is it?

It was decided from the
time I was born...

...so I haven't thought
about it.

Whatever I want, I'm given. Everyone
obeys my commands.

But you're different, because you
chose me of your own free will.

Uh... well... y... yeah.

Excuse me. Lady Elle, it's time for
fitting your dress for tomorrow.

See you later, Honey.

Allow me...

Tonight, here...

W... What?

Mendou, don't waste your time.
You'll just embarrass yourself.

We shall see.

Miss Elle...

My apologies for keeping you waiting.

The others found it hard to sleep.

I, Mendou Shutaro, knew from the
moment our eyes first met, that...

...destiny meant for us
to be together.

This key you gave me today... is it, as
I suspect, the key to your boudoir?

Not bad looking. I liked
you right off.

Looks like at least SOME
Earthmen are handsome.

What a dark room... I wonder,
is this your private room?

W... what's this?

This is my sacred inner sanctum.
Now use the key and open it.

They're all handsome guys!

I won't be beaten! You
won't beat me!

What do you think? Aren't
they all handsome?

I love all of them and they all love me.
You will be the 100,000th one.

W... Why... Why do
you do this?

Love is a fragile thing.

Love that is bright in the morning
fades by sunset.

To keep love always fresh, prevent
spoilage, and make it eternal...

...I developed this refrigerator of love!

Now come. To commemorate
the 100,000 mark...

...I will ensure that you
are thoroughly frozen!

What kind of woman is she?!

We seized an opportunity and followed
them, but now this... this isn't funny!

When it comes to harems, this
girl is way ahead of you!

We'll have to escape from here, even
if we have to hijack a spaceship!

We're outta here!

Help me! NO!

Help me! NO!
W... What do we do?

I'm sure we will never forget the name
of Mendou, who sacrificed himself...

...to buy us precious
time! Sorry!


No! Stop it! NO! NO!

I'm afraid of the dark!
I'm claustrophobic!

Mendou! Mendou, hold on!

How did you get in here?!

How dare you interrupt the
sacred ceremony of love!

What ceremony of love?! This
is just some collection!

Don't mix up the hotblooded passion
between man and woman...

...with frozen tuna!

You dare to lecture me?!

Help! Help me, Miss Lum!
Miss Lum!

Men be damned!

Lady Elle!

Where's Honey?!

Let go! Let go!

I don't want to be turned
into a popsicle! No! No!


Honey, why did you
try to run away?

Don't come near me!

Why? Honey, don't you
love me anymore?

Damn right I don't! You flirt! You
floozy! You enemy of all men!

I never want to
see you again!

No! That's not fair! I love you! I love
you with all my heart, Honey!

Then what's with the refrigerator?!

It was just flirting, a little like a hobby,
something anyone might do.

You yourself lived with that
Oni-girl, you might recall...

The scale is totally different! No! The
whole thing's intrinsically different!

It's disgusting to call this "flirting!"
It's absolutely unforgivable!

Then, you mean...

I want to cancel
the wedding.

The wedding is tomorrow.

I have no intention, absolutely
no intention, of marrying you!

Honey, no one will take you from me.
Lock him up until the wedding!

Let go! Let me go!

What shall we do
with the others?

Freeze them all...

...then put them inside a cardboard
box and send them back to Earth!

I never want to see
them again!


No! Stop! Help!

Lady Elle...

Not a single word! Hurry up with
the wedding preparations.

Why are you so intent on
marrying such a man?

You'll never understand.

The engine sound is almost there.
Rei, hand me that wrench.

By the way, Oyuki, what are
you going to do now?

I'll give you a lift if you're
going home.

Kurama says she's taking off tonight,
so I'll ask her for a lift.

It's unfortunate that I couldn't attend
Lum's wedding ceremony, but...

What a sorry figure that
husband of hers is.

He's so stupid, it's not even
worth storming the place.

Lum must be in pain.

Lum... what are you
going to do?

Goodbye, Darling...

Think only of me...

...look only at me...

...that's what I told him...


Stupid Darling...

Darling, the ring is shining.

Look, I'm trembling in the wind.

I seem to hear a gentle whisper
calling to me.

Though there is more love
than there are stars...

...there is only one love
for you and I.

An unbroken thing...

...that is my "love" for you.

Darling, are you wearing the ring?

Now, I'm looking at the stars.

Like a screen projecting our
memory, you're smiling.

Even though you're
not beside me...

...our love will be one forever.

An unbroken thing...

...that is my "love" for you.



Hey, you!

Answer when somebody
talks to you!

Ah, maybe it's too
much to ask...

Tomorrow, you're going to get
married to that woman...

...but its more like a condemned
man's last night, isn't it?

Even an idiot like you
can understand that!

Well, good riddance!

This is your punishment
for mistreating Lum...

...the inevitable consequence
of your prior misdeeds!

You deserve to be stuck on this
planet for the rest of your life...

...chained to that girl.

Better for Lum... Better yet
for universal peace!

I hope you're miserable! I
hope you're suffering!

I hope you're in pain!
I hope you're sad!

Poor Lum felt just the
same way about you!


That's all I have to
say! Good night!


Are you crying?


I... I...

I... l'm a jerk!

She was always getting
in the way...

When I even got close to another girl,
she yelled, screamed, cried...

...and finally she'd pulverize me
with high-voltage electricity!

And yet, and yet, she always
thought only of me...

She always cared
only for me...

She always cared
only for me...

This is the City Guard! No civilians or
tourists are allowed past this point!

Greetings to all of you
out there in TV land...

...on Planet Elle, and to all you Bug-Eyed
Monsters watching via satellite.

Today we're live in Baran,
the capital city of Elle...

...to bring you the wedding
ceremony of Queen Elle.

Look at this!

The central gate area is packed with
people from nearby star systems...

...who are here just to see
Lady Elle's wedding.

Wow. This is pretty incredible.

I read in a magazine that Lady Elle has
waited for this day since childhood.

Eleven years of patient
love... How romantic!


Gimme another, bartender.

Hey, Rose, cut it out! Drinking during
the day is bad for you, you know.

All right, all right.

Eleven years of love. And who
brought her lover to her?

But even so, I get a reprimand
for a minor mistake!

Now I'll interview people
from other planets.

Ah, excuse me, Miss...
where are you from?

Eh? Ah... I'm from nearby...

I have to go now...

Hey... Miss...

No, it can't be.

Ladies and gentlemen! Thank
you for your patience.

The wedding of Lady Elle and Moroboshi
Ataru will now commence.

Ahem... I am Kemododos, your
Master of Ceremonies.

I am not used to this so I beg
all of you to excuse my...

Shut up! On
with the ceremony!

The groom and the bride will now enter.
Please give them a warm welcome!

Look at Lady Elle's unparalleled beauty.
Her wedding dress is most beautiful.

The groom, who came from Planet Earth,
looks so happy he's grimacing!

Oh! The groom has collapsed!
What's wrong with him?

The strain must be affecting
him. He looks very pale.

It might even be said that
he is all worn out.

I'm back.

So, how was it out there?

Incredibly tight security.

The church is located in the central
tower area and is off-limits.

Heh, I expected as much.

Hey, you really think
Lum is in the city?

Absolutely. She's just waiting
for her chance to act.

She'll get it when we create
a little diversion...

Anyway, what are you
doing here, Ran?

Don't you want revenge on Lum?

Perish the thought! We're childhood
friends. I'm just here to help!

How about you, Kurama?

I know better than anyone the pain
of being forced to marry someone.

Ah, you're all so full
of good intentions.

That's good... In this case,
the more the merrier.

We'd better get going.

...and so, I feel that Lady Elle is
most fortunate to have found...

...such a pure-hearted groom.

That excellent speech was by Gunpot
Sigma, the matchmaker. Next is...

Hey! Hey, you! You
over there!

This area is off-limits. What
are you doing here?!

Calling all cars!
Calling all cars!

An unidentified airbike is racing
toward the central tower!

All units, pursue the intruder!

Repeat: An unidentified airbike
is racing toward the tower!

All units, pursue the intruder!

"A crimson airbike"...Benten!

C'mon. Follow me. Follow
me some more!

HQ calling all cars!

The speeding bike is heading from
Block C-17 to Tower #27.

Calling all cars! Open
fire when in range!

Repeat: Calling all cars! Destroy
the intruder immediately!

Intruder at the central gate!
Security unit is in combat!


This is the security unit! This is the
security unit! HQ, do you read?!

The armored shutters are
completely frozen!

Unable to attack due to
severe snowstorm!

A monster has appeared in the
restaurant district, Block B-18!

A monster?!

A giant tiger-cow is eating the
food inside the restaurants.

The beef-bowl restaurant,
the noodle stand...

...and many others are being damaged.
Request military assistance. Help!

What next?!

Someone has blown open the entrance
to the underground chamber.

The frozen men inside the refrigerator
are all defrosting!


This is the refrigerator!
This is the refrigerator!

The defrosting studs are rioting because
they heard about Lady Elle's wedding.

Send help immediately!
Send help immediately!


Smash the wedding ceremony!

I've been kept waiting so long! No
way I'll be her second lover!

You lucky stiff! I'm No. 99,202!

Hey you! Won't
you marry me?

What about you? Wouldn't you like
to have a strong child with me?

Somebody help preserve
the Kurama line!

You over there! No, you!

Send the 3rd and 4th mobile
units to the central gate!

Half the patrol cars and the 2nd and 3rd
air wings will destroy the monster!

Everyone else, take
care of the riot!

Patrol Car 101. Patrol Car 101.
What's wrong?

Commander! Patrol Car 101
is not responding!

At a time like this? Get
them on the screen!

Oh no!

Th... That's the Oni-girl, the one on top
of the Anti-Wedding Group Blacklist!

She's heading toward the church
dome, with no pursuit!

Air wings, return immediately!

Destroy the patrol unit heading
toward the church dome!

The bride and groom will now
exchange their vows.

Everyone, please be quiet!

Following the ancient customs,
after the exchange of vows...

...the ceremony will be concluded with
a kiss between bride and groom.

Lady Elle de Rosenbach, 888th princess
of the Kingdom of Elle...

...do you take this man as your
lawfully wedded husband?


Moroboshi Ataru, Tomobiki High
School 2nd year, section 4.

We'll skip the rest...

And now, the kiss.


Hold it.

Let... Let me go! Stop it!

What a sore loser.

Honey, you're all mine now!

Silence! Silence!

The ceremony isn't over yet!

Now, Honey.


Darling! Darling!






So you're Lum, the Oni-girl?

And you're Elle, the Darling-thief?

I'll make you eat those
words! Babara!

Guards! Grab them!

Smash the wedding!

You're not getting away!

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Lum,
stop! It's no use!

All right! Activate the
vacuum, full power!


Wha... Lady Elle and the groom have
been kidnapped! sh**t 'em down!

OK! Recovery completed.
We're out of here!



Stop, you idiots! Lady Elle
is inside that...

What the?!

Ooops! I accidentally hit
the warp switch...

You imbecile! If you warp from
here then we're going to!

Eleven years ago, when I
was still a little girl...

...Babara brought me
to Planet Earth.

The sunset was beautiful.

The small park, with the jungle
gym and swings...

...and then behind
me was Honey.

Under a crimson glowing sunset...

...I was invited to play shadow tag.

You, a stranger, chased
my long shadow.

Happily dodging you, my tears

Why is my heart so happy,
cheerfully pounding?

If the two of us run, smiles everywhere,
I won't be lonely anymore.

All alone, swinging
on a swing...

...I don't even pretend
to be happy.

Like a page from
a picture book...

...I dream, in the midst
of a light breeze.

I want to play always; Night,
don't you come.

If the two of us run, smiles everywhere,
I won't be all alone.

Why is my heart so happy,
cheerfully pounding?

If the two of us run, smiles everywhere,
I won't be all alone.

I've heard of a custom whereby people
get engaged by stepping on...

...one another's shadows, but it's a very
old custom hardly anyone remembers.

That girl runs fast. All right!

There! I got it!


Stop! Hold it! Hold it right there!

Look everyone! Look at this!

I remember now! I remember
everything now!

The little me was so determined to
catch her that he got giddy...

...and blurted out that he'd stepped
on her shadow, when he hadn't!

The engagement is
null and void!

Uh-huh. So that's
what happened.


Don't you feel that even for you, this is just
too irresponsible?! You son of a!

I'm speechless with disgust...

I am afraid that my younger self has
caused much trouble. I'm sorry.

It's clear that this was the action
of a small, ignorant child.

Please smile and forgive.

You apologize, too!

Darling, you shouldn't
make yourself cry!

It's nobody's business
if I make myself cry!

Now, now. Don't cry now.

Now, now. Don't cry now.

You brat! Where are
you touching her?!

You did it again. Why do you like
to make yourself so miserable?!

This is all his fault! This brat!
This me! This me!

Lady, you're pretty.

You'd better go home.


Lady Elle!

Lady Elle, I'm so glad
you're all right.

Leave here immediately! Don't ever
come near this planet again!

Babara, what is the
status of the riot?

A few hundred of them are still at large.
But it's only a matter of time.

Not one of them must escape. All
of them are my handsome lovers.

As you wish.

I'm stuffed. Can't
eat another bite.

I'm sorry, Lum.

Don't mention it.

Everyone wake up. We're here.
Hurry up and get out!

In another hour we'll be charged
another day's rental.

Who do you think's paying
for it, anyway?

I sure wish they could tell the difference
between landing and crashing.

Still, I'm finally back on beloved
Mother Earth... huh?

W... What the?! What's
going on here?!

This is OUR wedding.

Now that we've settled the Elle
problem, we can begin anew.

Darling? Darling, don't
you want to?

Uh, no, not at all. I... l'm just surprised...
It's so sudden, that's all.

Now we will perform the
exchange of vows.

Do you swear to love this man
for the rest of your life?

I swear.

And do you swear to love this woman
for the rest of your life?

What's wrong, Darling? Are
you feeling all right?



Catch him! Today I'll
say his requiem!

Let Moroboshi go!

I haven't given up hope yet!


NO! No, no, no, no!

I, I, I, I won't put up with

I, I, I, I won't put up with

I, I, I, I won't put up with

I, I, I, I won't put up with

You, You, You, You, need
courage for love.

You, You, You, You, need

Everything is born from you and I.

Everything is born from you and I.

I don't want a man who just
puts on a tough act.

I don't want a man who just
puts on a tough act.

I don't want a man who just
puts on a tough act.

I don't want a man who just
puts on a tough act.

Love me, strong-willed Darling.

Hold me, weak-willed Darling.

Kiss me, wonderful Darling.

Kiss me, wonderful Darling.

I'll always be ready to

I'll always be ready to
be in love with you.

I'll always be ready to

I'll always be ready to
be in love with you.

I'll always be ready to

I'll always be ready to
be in love with you.

I'll always be ready to

I'll always be ready to
be in love with you.

I'll always be ready to

I, I, I, I, want to be loved.

I, I, I, I, love you.

I, I, I, I, want to be loved.

I, I, I, I, love you.

I, I, I, I, want to be loved.

I, I, I, I, want to be loved.

I, I, I, I, love you.

I, I, I, I, love you.

I, I, I, I, want to be loved.

I, I, I, I, love you.

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