Macross: Do You Remember Love? (1984)

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Macross: Do You Remember Love? (1984)

Post by bunniefuu »

You are saying that that vessel
is not Meltrandi?

Correct. During our previous battles,
we found numerous objects

of miclone size in the
wreckage of the enemy ships.

I shall show you.

Miclone size...

Indeed, it seems these do
not belong to the Meltrandi.


a number of our soldiers received strange sound
signals near the enemy vessel,

and became confused
and unable to fight.

Unable to fight!?

What kind of power could
they have aboard that ship?

The Super Dimension Fortress

Do You Remember Love?

Check your A.S.K. and adjust it
to the proper coordinates.

Delta-1 to ARMD-01.

Skull, Angel, and Apollo Teams:
start your engines and standby to launch.

All systems green. Good luck to the recruits.

Thank you!

He traces two big hearts

A love sign in the big, blue sky

I love you, you love me?

But he's head over heels

For his plane instead of me

Whoosh, whoosh! Whoosh, whoosh!

My boyfriend is a pilot

Good evening, everyone!

I'm Lynn Minmay!

Tonight's my first concert,

and I'd like to thank everyone
here for supporting me!


Thank you.

It's been five months since
our Macross left Earth.

During that time, we've undergone
many hardships.

But tonight, let's forget about
sad things and enjoy ourselves!

And now, I'll sing a medley from my
soon-to-be-released first album!

Remember! Dancing in the sky, the silver wings

Shao Pai Long!

Shao Pai Long!

Remember! The eyes of fire splitting the darkness

Shao Pai Long!

Shao Pai Long!

To save a diseased city, he has returned

Evil's Slayer! Slayer! Slayer!

Shao Pai Long!

Attention! Attention!

Our ship is to make a
Transformation in three minutes!

Go to the nearest shelter as soon as possible!

Attention! Attention!

The enemy!
It's the enemy!

Our ship is to make a Transformation in three minutes.

Go to the nearest shelter...

Delta-1 to Skull, Angel, and Apollo Teams:

Make a course correction to 308 +A15.

Enemy will be within firing range in 30 seconds.

Prepare to intercept.

Skull Leader to all planes: You heard the lady!

Assume Intercept Formation 17.

Got it?


Got 'em!

Don't celebrate so soon.

Match their speed before firing at them.
Now break formation and reverse thrust!


Three of them?

All right.


Take 'em, Max!


Three down.

He got 'em all?

He's a real genius!

I can do that too!

Got 'em!

This is Delta-1.

A battleship just de-folded in Area 108,
heading directly towards us!

Scanners detect a large number
of incoming enemies!

Return immediately to intercept.

These enemies were only decoys!

Delta-1 to Skull-11:

What do you think you're doing?
You should be attacking the enemy battleship!

Return to your assigned position immediately!

Are you kidding?

I just saved your life!
Is that the way to thank me?

Insubordination will land you in the brig.

Follow my orders, rookie!

But they were going to blast you!
I had to do something!

Let Defense Group 2 handle it!
Go to your assigned coordinates!

That's an order!

Like I'm gonna take that kind of order!

I'm going after the enemies
that went into the ship.

Hold it!

Damn. Who does he think gives the orders here?

Transformation starts in one minute.

Will we be all right today?

It's rougher than ever today.

Minmay! Run!


A male and a female!

A male and a female!?

A male and a female in the same place!

What did you say!?

It's unthinkable...

Transformation in T-minus five seconds.

Four... Three...

Two... One...



Gravity System 11 is malfunctioning!

Subsystem is also non-operational!

Enemy ship is approaching: Course of 107.

Course confirmed. Target locked on.

Energy level increasing. Main cannon, stand by.


No way!

It's really her!

Was it you?

Y... yes, ma'am!

You rescued me, didn't you?

I... I'm UN Forces Valkyrie Skull Team
pilot, 2nd Lt. Hikaru Ichijo...

Thank you, Lieutenant.

No problem at all. I'm a big fan of yours.

I'm pleased to meet you.
Do you listen to my songs?

Y... yes. All the time.

I guess everyone is worried.

So, Lieutenant, do you know where we...

Um... could you sign this, please?

What? Oh, sure.

Here you are.


We fell into the engine block.

Is there any way out?

I'll go look.

I don't think there is.

Can't you break down the wall?

That's impossible. It's made of hyper-carbon.

Just a sec.

There's too much static.

Can't you use the plane's radio?

That's also damaged.



Is anybody there?

I guess not.

Well, that's okay.

I was tired of my over-booked schedule anyway.

At least I can relax now.

What's going on, Lieutenant?

The Macross must be leaving Titan's orbit.



The artificial gravity system is malfunctioning.

W... wait, Miss Minmay!
Don't move around so much!


It was an accident!

A mistake!

Never mind! Do something!

Swing your legs forward and stop them slowly!

Like this?

Yeah, just move slowly.

This is fun.

Miss Minmay!
Watch where you're going!

H... hey!

Miss Minmay!

Damn, I forgot...

I broke the flashlight.

Look, look!

What do you think?
I had it made just for the concert!

There are some vegetables
and a tuna floating around.

They must have been trapped here too.

Look, there's even a doll of me here.

Zero-g love, zero-g love!

Zero-g love, zero-g love!

With him after school, on my way home

At the corner of that same old intersection

He made sure no one else was around

Then without warning, he kissed me

And I was so angry, I led him to think,

But, but, but

My head was dizzy and my heart was fluttering

Zero-g love, zero-g love!

Four, three, two, one, zero-g love!

My body floats up and I fly away on the wind

Our invasion troops report the unthinkable.

Miclones exist inside the
enemy vessel, as suspected.

Wait! Increase the magnification!

Those are male and female miclones!

Yes. There's more evidence showing
males and females in coexistence.


I have a terrible premonition.

Our ancient combat manual says:

Do not interfere with miclones.
Those who do will be destroyed.

Our fleet will be destroyed?


Is this a miclone... of a miclone?

Whoosh, whoosh! Whoosh, whoosh!

It moves !

Get back !

My boyfriend is a pilot

What is this!?

Sound w*apon !

What is this sound?

Shining, making a rapid descent
Then BOOM! he makes a sudden climb

Leaving a long trail of vapor

He traces two big hearts...

There's still no proof that they're dead.

Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.

Let's try searching the western block today.

All right, I'll leave it to you.

Excuse us, sir!
Excuse us, sir!

That boy still hasn't been found yet, huh?

Well, he has been missing for three days now.

Maybe he got scared and deserted?

Have you considered that possibility?


He isn't the military type.

A boy will be unhappy all his life
if he chooses the wrong job.

Well, what I mean is that he
would probably do a lot better

if he chose another line of work.

Blunt as usual, I see.

If you keep this up...

No one will ever want to marry me?

That's all right.

Since I was a little girl,
I've devoted myself to the service.

Not that again. Stop talking like an old maid.

But don't worry, I happen to know...

And then my mom and dad said:

Don't you know how hard your
brother works to take care of you?

If you don't behave, we'll disown you!

So, I thanked them for taking care of me,

and told them that I was
going to work very hard,

and without fail, I'd become a singer.

And then?

Then I left home and came here.

That's great.


But I think I was too hard on them.

I just hope that Mom and Dad are all right.

Aren't they on the Macross?

They're on Earth.

Earth, huh?

Do you know what's been happening on Earth?

The official word is heavy radio jamming
prevents us from making contact.

Not that. I mean the truth.

Earth was bombarded so heavily

that I doubt anyone remained safe.

I see...

Ah! But don't worry!

We'll be back on Earth in about a month.


By the way, could I ask you something?


The other day, on TV...


Yes. That TV show,
For Nights When You Want to Cry.

There're rumors floating around
about you and that other actor.

Do you believe those rumors?

They're only stories made up
by the magazine publisher.

But... is it true?

That love scene seemed so real.

Oh, come on!

I was only acting. It's business, you know.

No way!

Want me to show you?

Show me?

Oh, Hikaru...

I've truly always loved you.

Tell me you love me.



You don't love me, do you?

No! No, I do love you!

Do you, really?

Y... yes, I do!

I'm so glad...

What a scoop!

Because you rescued Minmay,

the PR department told me to pardon you.

But any further disobedience of
orders will lead to strict punishments.

Remember that.

What, do you have a problem with that?


From now on you had better
watch your conduct. Clear?

Is that clear?

Yes, ma'am!

Jeez, is she really a woman?

You did it... you did it, Hikaru!

Ah, Sempai!

You lady k*ller, you!

Boy, you did pretty good!

So how did our idol Minmay taste?


I didn't know you were
that type of guy.

How unfortunate!

So tell us what happened!

I didn't do anything.


Do you actually think that we'll believe that?

You will have to accept the consequences!

But, I really didn't do anything at all!


You were alone with her for three days
and you didn't do anything?


What? And you still call yourself a man?


What was she doing with
Valkyrie pilot Ichijo?

Has she outgrown her 'innocent girl' image?

Let me see!

Her lover was a pilot... a filthy relationship?

See? Just like I told you.

You're right.

No one's innocent anymore these days.

These entertainers are all the same.

I wonder what number he was?

How despicable, jumping from one
guy to the next like that.

You're actually jealous, aren't you?


I knew it.

But the truth is she doesn't understand anything.

That's right.

Minmay and Ichijo could have
gotten out of the area

if they really tried to.

But they didn't.

And therein lies the question.

Why didn't they?

Major, I've brought the patrol
schedule chart for tomorrow.

Thanks. Why don't you have a
drink with us before you go?

No, thank you.

It's okay. Come on, have a seat!


I think I'll be going now.


I don't want to be in the way.

Come on, Hikaru. Your superior is
trying to make room for you.

Come on and sit down.


What's with this cold attitude, Hayase?

You should try to relax and act more
like a woman when you're off duty.

A person's habits are not always easily changed.

You've got a point.

Look, Hayase.

Even though you're an officer,

you're also a woman.

Even if what a man does is wrong,

it's sometimes important
to pretend he's right.

Hey, Hikaru!

Yes, sir!

You're a man, aren't you?

If you want a girl, you must
be prepared to go after her.

Don't worry so much about
hurting her feelings.

If you really love her... be aggressive.
Make her your own.


Uh, Roy. You've said enough.

I'll show you how a man and
a woman are supposed to act.

Open your eyes and watch closely.


Idiot! See, they both look speechless.

Ahh, that's all right.





Excuse me.

There's a phone call for Mr. Ichijo.

For me?

From a member of your family.


Umm... this is Ichijo.


G... got it!

I'll be right there!

Bye then.

What is it, Hikaru?

T... there's a sudden illness in my family.

Excuse me!


Sorry to keep you waiting.

sh**t. You recognized me?

I'd know you anywhere.
I have all of your pictures.

And I tried so hard to disguise myself...

Is it okay for you to be doing this?

Don't you want to be with me?


Tonight... I'll take you out on the town!

I'm sick of it.


My way of life.

Your dream is to be a singer, right?
I guess you've got to deal with some annoyances.

It's so beautiful!

I wish I could go there.

But are you sure we can
do this without permission?

I'm going to show you something wonderful!


Ready to go?

You can open your eyes now.


It's so cool!

It's the rainbow of Saturn.

Oh! Fantastic!

Britai 7018.


Your report has been analyzed.

Capture some enemy
miclones as specimens.


What is he going
to do with miclone specimen?

Supreme Commander Bodolzaa
must have some kind of plan.

Report, sir!

Reconnaissance reports appearance
of a single Meltrandi vessel

crossing the first defense line.


How shall we respond?

Reinforce our defenses.
Do not let the females get closer.


If we do not act quickly,
it is possible the females will get one first.

Understood. Begin the miclone
capture operation immediately.

You walk forward, ignoring me,

Sulking, I follow behind.

On the white beach, continually dazzling.

You say I'm falling for him,

But I love you more.

Always together on Sunset Beach.

A salt breeze blows, a big wave,

He begins to occupy my heart,

And he leaps in joy.

Surfing, the sun, a pendant,

An afternoon-

No use hiding, Miss Minmay.

I'm sorry.


I'm amazed!

Using a Valkyrie for a personal trip?

It isn't Hikaru's fault.
I asked him to take me!

Minmay! Come back immediately!



If the media ever found out about this,
it would be the end of her career!

The senior officers aren't going to
excuse your behavior this time.

I understand. I'll accept my punishment.

What a soldier!

Now hurry and get back to the ship!


Let's go home.


Oh crap!

An enemy attack!

I know!

Do something!

This is Hayase:
relay an emergency message to Major Focker.


Don't worry.

I'll take care of them.

Oh no, I forgot this is a training plane!


That's strange...

I wonder why they don't fire?

Dammit, stop toying with us!

Hey, Hikaru!

In trouble again, eh?


But you did the right thing.

You need to be aggressive like this
to win that girl, you know.

Sempai! You're drunk!


How can you fight a w*r
if you can't handle some booze?




Did you see that, Hikaru?

Oof, dammit!

Not good!

What are they?

We have successfully interpreted your language.

Answer our questions!

How can male and female miclones coexist?

Male and female miclones?

What's this?

I wonder what they're after?

We have already found that men and women coexist on your ship.

What's the use in finding that out?

It seems their culture is different than ours.

Why do you not fight?
Why did you become miclones?

Just as you are born giants,
we are born this way.

It's not something we choose.


Does born mean manufactured?


Is that not correct?

Sort of. Men and women cooperate to create.

Men and women cooperate?


Why do you not fight?

Fight? Are you kidding?

It's far better to hug a woman than to fight her.


Show us what hug is.

This is a hug.

What do you think you're doing?

Do males and females of your kind
always do such unthinkable things?

Yes. With kisses and everything else included.


Show us what kiss is.

Well... That is...


What are you doing?

Show us what kiss is.

I'll kiss her! Let her go.

Very well.

Quick, act it out, or they'll k*ll us.





Imagine that. They freaked out when they saw a kiss.

It seems that their men fight
against their women.

Now's our chance! Everyone okay?



The Meltrandi forces have infiltrated!

Three miclones have
escaped in the confusion!

Put the ship on full alert.

Annihilate the enemy and
recapture the miclones.

How could we let this female intrusion happen...

Pardon, Britai.

We still have two miclones
in detention.

We must take them to
Supreme Commander Bodolzaa.

We found them!


Hikaru! Kiss her!

What? Oh yeah. Excuse me.

Ouch! That hurt...

Hurry up and take off!

I know.

I have to rescue Minmay.

Huh. Weaklings...

Disappointing. Can't anyone
match my fighting skill?


It's a woman!

Their men and women are fighting!

What's going on?


Now's our chance to get out of here.


You will not escape, miclone!

Oh yeah?


Get out of here! Go rescue Minmay!

But what about you?


Tell Claudia goodbye for me...



Don't waste the opportunity
his death gave us.

How could you...!?

Minmay has a homing device.

Follow its signal.


Energy level rising.

Bodol Flagship coordinate
calculations complete.

Long-range fold,
stand by.



It's Hikaru! He's come for us!

It's a...

A fold! This ship's going to fold!



Hikaru? Hikaru!


Where are we?

How should I know?

And the enemy vessel?

No sign of it.

I see.

In any case, we're on a strange planet.

That looks like an ocean!
Can you fly us out that way?

What's the point?


Going there won't reunite me with Minmay.

What are you saying?

Minmay will probably be k*lled.

Just like Sempai was.

If I hadn't taken her out, this never
would have happened.

But it's our duty to determine where we are.

Duty! Duty!

Is that all you ever think about?

I understand!

I'll do it myself!

W... wait, Captain!

That was damn stupid!

What's that?

UN Forces... Pacific Fleet...
Offensive Aircraft Carrier...


How could it be?


This is our Earth!

When the midnight bell tolled,

the magic spell wore off.

Down the staircase she rushed,
as if trying to outrun it.

And at the top of the stairs,
a single glass slipper.

Just like Cinderella's love,
the clock hands move

Let everything that ticks out time

Please stop

until day breaks.

Please stop

until day breaks.

Protoculture !!

Protoculture ?!

The miclone's culture is called Protoculture.


Even I do not know
much except that it means:

Creative activity
that is not fighting.

Our creators did not teach me anything about culture, except for our programming:

Never become involved
with culture.

That unthinkable
sound is culture?

That is called a song.


I am a Mobile Fortress that has endured

In my many battles, I have not learned much
of the culture of Protoculture,

except that culture
can be very powerful.

This song may have the power to
unify the Zentradi and Meltrandi.

Such power!?

Power that deprives us
of our will to fight?


What's this?

A Fragment of Culture that was
captured a long time ago.

Fragment of Culture?

The two c*ptive Protoculture may know
what this Fragment of Culture is.

In the end, Tokyo was also destroyed.

The UN Forces High Command at
Alaska Base was buried in lava.

We haven't found one single
survivor in a whole week.

So, Captain Hayase, where are we off to next?

London? Or maybe Paris?

What about New York?

Just give me your orders.

Stop it!

Please stop.

There now, it's cooked.

You haven't eaten a thing in three days.

At least eat a little.

I would rather die before I eat that.

I put the anti-radiation drug in the recipe.

So, a little bite of this won't hurt.

Survival is also a soldier's duty.

It doesn't matter anymore.

But we finally made it back to Earth.

And if the Macross is safe, it'll be here soon.


Don't you understand?

The Macross can't do anything
even if it does get here.


There is no one left on Earth!

The people onboard the Macross are still alive.

Earth is totally lifeless!

in just a few seconds!

How pathetic.

To be an officer in an army
whose defeat was so absolute.

But you're much tougher than I am.

Major Focker told me...


That you don't have any family.

Your mother died when you were very young.

And your father died in an accident.

He screwed up during an acrobatic maneuver.

It was, Whoosh! Thud.

So, you've lived by yourself until now?

I've just been an air-race prize-hunter.

I've flown planes since I was small.

But that's why you're so calm now.

But not me.

I thought I was a soldier,

who'd struggle for survival even if
I were the last one left.

But look at me now.

I'm sorry. I...

What's that column over there?

Let's check it out.

It looks like it sunk a very long time ago.


It seems deserted.

But it looks like some of
the devices are still working.

They're made for our size.

If it doesn't belong to the giants, then who...?

It's a...

A fold communications system?

Fold communication?

It still works!


Maybe we can contact the Macross with it!

But it'll be bad if the enemy intercepts our call.

I know, but we have to give it a try.

If the Macross hasn't been
destroyed, I'm sure they'll answer!

No response.

It's probably damaged.

Or maybe we pushed the wrong buttons...

Let's try the other ones.

We have been waiting?

Waiting for us?

You can understand it?

Yes... a little.

Who are you?

Space emigration vessel central computer?

No, we're people of this planet.

Genetic manipulation?

It vanished.


I still have more questions!

It has diverted its power.

What for?

It's using the last of its energy to raise the city.

Raise the city?


We're moving!

Long, long ago...

there was an interstellar
civilization called the Protoculture.

They were advanced in genetic engineering.

Eventually, the men and women separated and
were able to reproduce themselves on their own.

When the males separated to
become the Zentradi,

and the females became the Meltrandi,

then the w*r between them began.

That's when they created the giants

who knew nothing but fighting?


But when the giants' fighting
became too intense,

and they realized, at last, their mistake...

they sought to start over,

with men and women in coexistence.

So, they took refuge here on Earth.

After they arrived on Earth, they
manipulated the genes

of the indigenous creatures to
create our ancestors.

They created our ancestors...


So then...

Where did the people of this city go?

reached this solar system.

They sunk this city to hide it,

and temporarily left Earth.

But they never returned?


So, the computer mistook the Zentradi
attack six months ago as their return,

and raised the city?

So that we could live here.

But after waiting for 20,000 years,
we're the only ones to return.


Everything seems to be in ruins.



I wonder what this could be?

Did you find something?

There appears to be some kind of writing on it.

Remember... remember... you remember...?

I can't understand it that well.
The language is more complex than the giants'.

I see.

This looks like it's just an ordinary house.

Let's go look somewhere else.

Can we stay a little longer?


I don't really have a reason, but...

I just want to...

I see.

Well, I'll just go have a look around.

I'll be right back.

Nothing's changed...

No one's here, as you'd expect,

and all the machines are useless.

Welcome home!

I... I'm home.

So, shall we eat?


Please sit down.

I want to go back... where everyone is...


Is it starting to move again?

No, this sound is coming from the sky.

The sky?


Our transmission reached them!


Misa Hayase and Hikaru Ichijo,
reporting for duty, sir!

It's good to have you back.

What's the situation on Earth?

Yes, sir.

During the period of a month,

we searched 15,000 kilometers of
ground and this alien city,

but found no survivors.

I see.

I'll expect a detailed report later.

But for now, I suggest that you two
get some well-deserved rest.

Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.

Did Roy... die well?


Thank you.

Knowing that is enough.

On the cafe terrace, dyed crimson with the sunset,

The fragrance of Turkish coffee fills the air

Along with a listless tango rhythm.

I'm alone and lonely, but if I dance


A breeze will blow through my heart.

If you don't show up,

It's strange, isn't it?

Minmay is somewhere so far away...

I wonder who I'll be dancing with tonight?

and yet we can still hear her songs.

Silver moon, red moon

Her songs...

You're so cold, Shanghai dandy

As though she were still alive.

The smoke from the Gitanes gets in my eyes


It's kinda nostalgic, isn't it?


It's only been a month since
I took Minmay out into space,

but it seems as if it was long, long ago.


The night makes the gypsy violin cry,

The wine bottle and the two glasses,

I burn for you, and I feel wretched.

I'm alone and lonely, but if I toast...

Milia 639.

Yes, Molk Lap'Lamiz.

The Fragment of Culture must be in
the Protoculture ruins.

For our victory,
seize control of the ruins.

Understood. I swear, on the pride of
the Meltrandi, I shall not fail.

Enemy fighters approaching at
sea level, heading 027 degrees.

We believe they are the all-female Meltrandi.

Only women? That sounds GREAT!

They may be women, but
don't underestimate them!

They might even be tougher
than the Zentradi!

That's interesting.


What's the matter, Ichijo?

Did you lose your nerve all of a sudden?


Flight Leader Max is right!

Maybe it's because you got a woman now!


So much for Protoculture!





This is unthinkable!

I won't let you escape!

A battleship!

Dammit, at this rate...


What is this?

Where's that singing coming from?

Why? It's Minmay...?



Our soldiers' fighting
efficiency is dropping!

What is this sound?

Is this the Power of Culture?

It is a success.
The Meltran have retreated.


If we can augment this Song
with what Minmay calls the Lyrics...

...then we will be able to make
the Meltrandi surrender.


The Zentradi are proposing peace talks.

Peace talks?

Commodore Global will now make
his official announcement.

Effective September 11, 11:00 am,
UN Space Forces SDF-1 Macross,

and the Zentradi 425th Bodol Fleet,

have agreed to peace.

And now, as a result of
investigating this alien city,

we have found that the aliens who
built it were the descendants

of a highly advanced interstellar
civilization called the Protoculture,

that prospered over 500,000 years ago.

Originally, we humans, the Zentradi,
and their enemy the Meltrandi

all had the same genetic
structure as the Protoculture's.

We were created by the Protoculture's
advanced genetic science.

Please observe.

By utilizing the Protoculture's
genetic engineering techniques,

it is possible to change the
Zentradi back into human size.

These three gentlemen sitting with us now

are the Zentradi soldiers you have just seen.

They are a warrior race that
knows nothing of culture.

They are split into two forces,
the males and the females,

and have been fighting each other
for over 500,000 years.

I thought we were forbidden to receive

the Protoculture's broadcasting
until the operation succeeds.

What is it?

Can you see those three?

The three we sent to make
peace with the miclones?

What about them?

I, Britai, have never seen a
Zentran so full of culture.

I wish I could become a miclone.

That's disgusting!

It is a joke.


Do you not know?

No, I don't.

Minmay, the Protoculture, taught me.

I think it means I am not being honest.


And now, may I introduce the
galaxy's greatest superstar...

Lynn Minmay!

This melody you hear now

comes from an ancient Zentradi
memory plate we decoded.

Unfortunately their memory plate
did not have the lyrics recorded.

So, our songwriters on the Macross

are writing wonderful lyrics
to this melody right now.

And I wish to broadcast
this song to the universe,

so that we can negotiate
peace with the Meltrandi,

and establish a warless, peaceful world.

We can take this first step toward peace

because of the countless
sacrifices people have made.

We have all suffered through
many unhappy times.

Many of our young people were
suddenly forced into this w*r.

Some became prisoners of w*r.

And many have lost their lives.

Now, hoping for a reunion of joyful tears,

Lynn Minmay waits for some special people.

UN Forces Chief Systems Operator, Major Hayase,

and Valkyrie Skull Team
pilot, First Lieutenant Ichijo.



Hikaru! Hikaru!

Hikaru! Hikaru! Hikaru!



A Girl In Love, a Season for Dreams?

Eh, that's not great...

Do you remember...

...the moment our eyes...

Do you remember...

...the moment our eyes met...

That's it!

Just a sec!


You're very busy now, I suppose.

By the way, are the lyrics to the song fini...


I love you.

I don't know what happened
between you and that woman...


...but still...

I still love you.




What's going on?


Do you remember this?

Huh...? Yeah...

This is the plate I found in the city ruins.

I discovered that it contains
the lyrics to that melody.

That song?

I wanted you to confirm it first, but...

Wait a minute!

It's not what you think!
You're misunderstanding!

It's not what you think?


I can't stand it.

I can't stand it!


Hurry and go after her.

You two were just reunited.
Don't hesitate because of me.

It's too miserable to be
receiving sympathy from you.

That's not it!

That's not what I was thinking!

When the two of us wandered
across all that devastation,

and barely made it back to the Macross,

and heard Minmay's song in town,

and saw her on the screen...

That's when I knew.

The one who I want by my side forever... you.

I still feel the same way.


There's no telling when I might get k*lled.

But if you don't mind someone like me...

What's wrong with me?

Isn't it strange, Hikaru?

I can't stop crying.



It's a Red Alert, priority one!

Attention! Red Alert!

Attention! Red Alert!

Take positions for maximum impact.

Repeat: Take positions for maximum impact.

This is not a drill.

Multiple de-fold signatures detected!

This is not a drill.

Take these lyrics to Minmay.

Spaceships are approaching in a cluster formation.

We are supposed to have 60 seconds
before the Meltrandi warp out.

The Lyrics are not ready yet?

Correct. Also, the broadcast says that Lynn Minmay is missing.


The Meltrandi are de-folding!

You have to get Minmay to sing this song!

Lap'Lamiz's fleet has now de-folded.

If the song is incomplete, we cannot
make the Meltran surrender.

We must annihilate everyone.

Target the Macross and the Lap'Lamiz fleet.

All Zentradi ships prepare for battle!

It was only a short peace after all.

Lift off immediately!
Let's get out of here!

It's started!

Damn you, Bodolzaa!



You came...

You came for me, right?

I want you to sing this song.

What's that?

Why would I sing the
song that woman found?

Stabilization circuit damaged!
We can guarantee only one shot.

Prepare to fire immediately.

But there are tens of thousands of
our own ships between us and the Lap'Lamiz fleet!

No matter! Fire!



Even if I sing that song,

there's no possible way we
could win with such a thing!

If we're going to die anyway,
Hikaru, just stay here with me.

It's not just our problem.

It's for everyone onboard the Macross.

That has nothing to do with us at all.

Why can't we be the only
two people in the world?

Except for you and me...

I don't care if everyone else dies.



they died.

They must have had many things
left that they wanted to do.

You can still sing, can't you?

I'm sorry, Hikaru.

I don't know what got into me.

I chose a singing career for myself.

And if I don't sing, my mother and father
won't be able to rest in peace.


I'll sing with all my heart!

Now, I hear your voice saying come here to me

When loneliness is about to overcome me

Now, I see your figure walking toward me

As I wait with my eyes closed

What's that?

Minmay's song!

Until yesterday,

Strange... This song...

everything was clouded with tears

I feel as if I heard it a long time ago.


But my heart now...

Do you remember that moment

when our eyes first met?

I understand.

The culture in our genes is being awakened.

Do you remember that moment

when our hands first touched?


After an interval of 500,000 cycles...

That was the first time we set out on the journey of love together.

Can culture be brought back to us?

I love you so.

we will protect you from now on.

Protect us?

We cannot allow the
culture of the Protoculture to be lost.

To all listening to Lynn Minmay's song:

we have only one enemy.

Defeat Gorg Bodolzaa!

Bring culture back to us!

Now, I feel your gaze

Though you're not here with me

And in my body a warmth begins to glow.

So, this is Lynn Minmay's song?

Now, I believe in your love

So won't you watch over me from far away?

Until yesterday, everything was clouded with tears

But the whole world now...

Do you remember...

the moment when our eyes first met?

Do you remember...

the moment when our hands first touched?

That was the first time we set out on the journey of love together.

I love you so.

I'm not alone anymore

Because you're here with me

Do you remember...

the moment when our eyes first met?

Do you remember...

the moment when our hands first touched?

That was the first time we set out on the journey of love together.

I love you so.

I'm not alone anymore

Main target is at A133-Z165.

Because you're here with me

I'm not alone anymore

Because you're here with me


I'm not alone anymore

Because you're here with me

Skull-1 to Delta-1:

Mission accomplished.

Returning to ship.

This is Delta-1: Roger.

Now the true hardship begins, yes?

In this galaxy alone, there
are over a thousand fleets

led by mobile fortresses of the
Bodolzaa and Lap'Lamiz class.


But if a single song could bring all this change,

we can only believe in the power of culture.

So, in the end... what was that song?

Just a pop song.

A pop song?

Just an ordinary song that was popular

in an alien city tens of thousands of years ago.

Of course it was...

...a love song.

Twilight glistens, floating down to my window,

I breathe in the twinkling wind

When I look at the sky.

Even my heart,

dyed blue by sadness,

I will color again with an angel's paints,

anyway I like.

When we met, I only longed for the heavens,

and the love that always protected me,

I didn't notice it.

For just a short time, if I say farewell to you,

I love you

Would I end up in tears?

If I look away,

everything will end up shattered.

Someday, the light of eternity

will lure me away.

Even my heart,

dyed blue by sadness,

I will color again with an angel's paints,

anyway I like.
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