Project A-ko (1986)

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Project A-ko (1986)

Post by bunniefuu »

Final check complete for the
unmanned probe Constellation.

Twenty minutes to departure.

Countdown will begin
five minutes prior to departure.

All personnel, please leave
the ship immediately.

Repeat, all personnel,
please leave the ship immediately.

Five minutes to departure.
Beginning countdown.

Ten, nine,

eight, seven,

six, five,

four, three, two,

one, ignition!

Welcome to "Fresh Morning."
I'm your host, lppei Ohgi.

Before today's news, a word
about a very important event.

Sixteen years ago, a giant meteor landed
on this city of six million souls,

turning it to a mountain
of rubble in an instant.

The blast leveled trees
for 50 kilometers around,

and the pillar of smoke could be
seen from 200 kilometers away.

And yet, with the help of the newest
technology we were able to rebuild this city

into the high-tech capital of
the world in just 16 years.

And today, our city was chosen
as the site of the ceremony

to commemorate the maiden voyage
of the deep space probe Constellation.

This is a great honor, and I hope
you'll all be able to join us.

And now, news and weather
from across Japan.

The big story today: Many were injured in a riot
that took place on Spaceship QR last night.

The problem was resolved with an apology from
Spaceship LF, considered to be the riot's cause.

For southern Japan, skies will be clear enough to
follow a spaceship launch to 20,000 meters.

Scattered clouds throughout the east.

For the north and west,
rain is expected this afternoon...

Whoa, look at the time!
I'm gonna be late!

A-ko! Time to go!

Good morning, A-ko!
We're gonna be late!

Oh, C-ko. I'm sorry.
Hang on. I'll be right down!

- Sorry about that.
- You're such a sleepyhead!

A-ko, I hope we can be
in the same class again.

Really, C-ko, you didn't have to
change schools on my account.

But I wanted to be with you.

- Sorry.
- That's okay.

Graviton High's just right for you.

Ah! We're gonna be late!

Doesn't look like we're going to make it.

Now, where's the school?

There it is! We'll take a shortcut, C-ko.

Are you serious?!

- Hang on tight!
- Here we go!

Oh, my!

Coming through!

y; it


Class! Here are two brand
new friends for everyone.

Girls, introduce yourselves.

Eiko Magami Shiiko Kotobuki

Eiko Magami Shiiko Kotobuki

Eiko Magami Shiiko Kotobuki

Eiko Magami Shiiko Kotobuki

Eiko Magami Shiiko Kotobuki

My, such a delightful introduction. Gee, I know we're
cute, but you all don't have to stare like that!

Gee, I know we're cute, but you
all don't have to stare like that!

How embarrassing!

And even our teacher is
beautiful, don't you think?

Anyway, I just love this school.
This is so much fun!

Miss Kotobuki, that's
quite enough, isn't it?

Oops! Got in trouble already!

Oh, C-ko...

Now, your seats...

_‘7\'§~AL‘ 'J;

Yes, B-ko? What is it?

Teacher, the seats on
either side of me are empty.

So they are.

Well then, A-ko, you sit by
the window, and C-ko, you can...

Aww! I wanna sit by the window.

That's okay. Isn't it, teacher?

W-Well, if it's all right with you.

Yeah! Hooray! Hooray!

I get to sit by the window!

Nice to meet you!

Now, now, quiet down everyone.

Let's begin, shall we?

Just a peek back...

Miss Kotobuki, would you PLEASE
face the front of the class!

Aww, how boring.

But this place seems like a lot of fun.

I'm glad I came.

Wow! Cool! I wanna do what they're doing!

Miss Kotobuki! How many
times do I have to tell you?!

- T liTiiilTTi Lgi j C j

Stop crying, would you?

Please stop crying!

Here you go, A-ko.

Hm? For me?

Yeah! I made it just for you. Isn't it cute?

Uh, yeah. Very cute.

Go ahead! Eat it!
It's really good!

I'? I

Well? Isn't it good?!

I ,5 Q

I'll never make lunch for you again!
And it came out so pretty, too.

l-l feel like I'm turning into a monster!

Agh! I feel like I'm going to die.

Uh-oh! Class is starting!

Who, why, what? Tan, ku, chi?

Consequently, it is the "We Are the World"
of the Muromachi Period that is "Aramahoshikere."

At daybreak, the H2O is a fermata.

Love in your Sigma Zeta, the path
of love is always of the Rias type.


C-ko To the side! To the
side! The t*nk is passing...

To the side! To the side!
The t*nk is passing...

We were late to class... To the
side! To the side! The t*nk is passing...

We were late to class...

We were late to class...
Using sugar instead of salt?

We were late to class... And steak
sauce instead of soy sauce? Gross.

We were late to class... And what was
with the heart? Where's your common sense?

We were late to class...
How embarrassing!

We were late to class...

We were late to class...

We were late to class...

We were late to class... I-I'm sorry. I
just got a little angry. Don't cry, okay?

$0.,- - .I.

Your first day here, and you come
to school and then to class late!

Just what do you think
school is all about, anyway?!

C-ko, would you PLEASE stop crying?

Just how old are you?

A-ko, do something!

A-ko, do something! Teacher!
Would you please continue the class?

Teacher! Would you please
continue the class?

I'm sorry. B-ko, be a dear
and translate from page 136.

Yes, ma'am.
"George's gloomy nature was..."

Now, C-ko, stop crying, will you?

But... But A-ko...

Really, A-ko!
Making C-ko cry like this!

There, there, C-ko,
no more crying, okay?

A-ko, today you can clean
the classroom by yourself!


B-ko, why did you stop?

I've finished translating.

All of it.

\ __‘:k

Well, thank you, B-ko.
Let's continue, shall we?

Eh? Um, that's all for today, class.

r/ .~

I'm sorry, A-ko.

Now you have to
clean up because of me.

That's the way it goes.

This might take a while,
so you may as well go on ahead.

No! I'm going home with you!

It really will take me a bit.

*[»&L:A\,‘If mii;,l M

Fine, fine. In that case,
why don't you wait by the gate?

- I'll finish as soon as I can.
- Okay!

Let's go.


A-ko's waiting for you behind the gym!

Huh, really?
What's she doing there?

She probably wants you
to help her with the trash!

Yeah! I'll help!

l'll go help!

Say... where's A-ko?

Uh, just a bit further!


Silence! You don't need to know. In seven
seconds your life will be crushed... like PAPER!

§,~1'fi_§.ijf.i- {IYQZTJI I; 'c-

Scissors, scissors!

Yay! I win!


I won again!

You're not very good,
are you? How cute!

A perfect strategy.

First, C-ko and A-ko are separated.

Then, I have Mari attack C-ko.

Whereupon I save C-ko.

C-ko becomes mine.

And A-ko is out of the picture.

Now what're you gonna do?

Mari! Calm down!
Don't get carried away!

I mean...

_»,L;é1f§7‘g g] f» 4i? Ti


_ __'Q ,__' _\ _ ,_V__

Wait. It's too soon.
Stick with the plan!

You're next‘.!

] fl; l

What are you doing to C-ko?!

* ,L '

That block! The secret
"Southern Cross Fist" technique?!

¥ 4};

Wow! Cool! You're the best, A-ko!

- C-ko, are you all right?
- Yeah, yeah!

Good. Let's call it a day.

Yeah! Let's go home!

They're not here.

C-ko. What an adorable girl.

My heart hasn't stopped pounding
since the moment I first saw her.

She's like an angel.

‘ ‘LN’. i I‘ V, I I V‘:

To do that, I'll have to get rid
of that nuisance, A-ko!

But even Mari was no match for her.
I'll have to be careful.

Just you watch, A-ko! I'll beat you!

; ‘vukfl ;; l’: j mg; 1

I'll have to investigate.


l-l think we'll make it today!

We're going to try!


A-ko! What is this?!
I thought I told you to clean up!

So how did it end up like this?!

You are going to take responsibility
and fix all this yourself.

Oh, boy.



C-ko, is that you?

I ~ g

W-What's wrong?
Are you feeling sick?

Oh, I see.

You can't eat it, can you?

You can't eat it. You c-can't...

I know! I've got a great idea.

Let's go see a movie! Okay?

Let's go, A-ko! Let's go!

Huh? You'll go?!
I'm so happy! Hooray!

= I"

Thank you!

Wow! It's huge!

g7;;_iim”, 1

Spartan X-ko

That was fun.

I'm just glad you're feeling better, A-ko.


I didn't think you ever worried about me.

- I'm not that insensitive.
- Sorry...

We interrupt this program
for a news bulletin.

Earlier today, all signals from the
Science Academy's deep space probe

Let's go, A-ko! Earlier today, all signals
from the Science Academy's deep space probe

Earlier today, all signals from the
Science Academy's deep space probe

Constellation ceased abruptly
while close to Iapetus.

The Constellation, which departed
from Space Station L-3 last week,

was supposed to have passed Jupiter
before leaving the solar system...

Next time, let's ride to the top
of the Seaside Building.

They've got a planetarium
and an aquarium there!

Yeah. Let's come again.

, I

Thanks! I like you too, C-ko.


Wow! Would you look at that!

Gee, miss, I'm sorry about that.

Who'd have thought the cable
would break like that?

But, gee, that was something!
This is unbelievable!

Q 1JL4;i;1:x{U;;~lfr];

_ L _: Q 1 Tl

Can I have your autograph?

I I? 5L L'; I

Did we just hit something?

Something must have been
caught in our hyperspace window.


A small crack is visible
in the hull of Block 21.

Make the repairs quick.

Captain, a signal from D.

- Again? Let's hear it.
- This is...

...CD138621 S113, code name D.

What is it, D?

Well, Captain... Ouch!

I believe I've finally located someone

who may be the person
we've been looking for!

~__ L, A ‘j

- Really?
- I believe so.

- Have you confirmed?
- Not yet.

But I'm 80% certain at this point.

I think I'll have a more solid
confirmation next time I report.

Right. Understood. Get on it!


So we've finally found her, have we?

Miss, the report you requested.

Thank you.

Graduate of Yurikago Kindergarten

_ 1;‘ “fl ;

Good morning!

Just as I thought.

¥ 4};

- A-ko, did we just hit something?
- I think so.

I've been waiting, A-ko.

What is it, B-k0?

A-ko, we have some business
to settle from 10 years ago.

Business from 10 years ago?
What are you talking about?

You've forgotten about our time
in Yurikago Kindergarten?

Yurikago Kindergarten?!

You two haven't
changed a bit since then.

After that incident...
That horrible incident...

C-ko changed!

Yes, A-ko. After you came,
C-ko changed completely!

And after that, you were always,
always, ALWAYS together.

Ml f. ti' 13:5; I §T1@;;' I; I ' ;

Always having so much fun.

J I J Q ' , jvz c II C

A-ko, do you remember the girl who
challenged you to a fight to the finish?

Fight t0 the finish?!

Wait. A fight, huh?




my"; l ‘,
JJL: ;__L'f-..‘ i: ;_J_\l~_\ g1

Hey, don't you remember the girl
who was always so mean to us?

an _ E _
l’Li,[?_[f7,~‘,i, [;=;;V1»»f; H311? ‘LJ,‘, 1IJ QJ"ifit

And the nasty look in her eyes!
She was always picking on you!

Oh, yeah! I remember!
But you always protected me.

And one day she and I were
supposed to have a fight to the finish,

but I moved away that day.
I guess I blew her off.

What was her name again?
B... Burp... Bug...

What if that girl with the bowl
haircut and the freckles was me?

Yes! It was I, B-ko!

What?! No way!

Well, A-ko? Shall we
settle that fight now?

If I win, C-ko is mine!

Oh, come on!

Why bring up ancient history now?

This is embarrassing!

Well, class is beginning, so...

- Bye-bye!
- Whoa, whoa!

‘Y Y, ~
_'_l_~¥~ Qi

Didn't you hear what I just said?!

But that was 10 years ago!
I'm not interested!

Besides, C-ko isn't an object, you know!

f lie i1 41» l; u:

If I say we'll do it now...

...we'll do it!

You've had brute strength
since you were a child,

but it seems you picked up
some skill along the way as well.

Well, let's see you beat this
powered suit I've designed.

Um, are you sure this is a good idea?

- Silence!
- Y-Yes, ma'am.

Y-You call this a fight to the finish?!


Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

If you're going to concede,
now's the time.

I won't be responsible for what happens...

- Go!
- Yes, ma'am!

Wow! Way to go, A-ko!

- Oops! The bell!
- We're late! We're late!

~__ L, A ‘j

My brain... I don't understand!

With this, C-ko will be mine.
Tomorrow... tomorrow's the day!

A-ko, dear... just you wait and see!

Die I You Stink I Stupid

We're gonna be late!

Today I'll confirm it for sure.

Hey, wasn't that guy
there yesterday, too?

Oh, really? I didn't notice.

,,j ,7
; _~_~/::

A-ko, so you found the
courage to show up, did you?

What?! Of course I did!
I came to school to study!

Uh, yes, but... But that's not
what I'm talking about!

Come on out, Max 5000!

. 7 '.‘F~\‘ \ ~'~"'T‘
‘y’! "t ;‘~‘L*_'_ Q‘, QLLYJC #;,_.L ,5 f5}

If you're surprised now, just wait.

¢Q~fl Q-;E ;‘3‘._‘,_1

The ultimate Spiner Machine, Max 5000.

- J 'i f- - a I I n:

First, the Max Arm Crush.

Max's heavy alloy drills can plow
through five meters of solid steel per second,

enabling it to move
underground at high speeds.

Second, the Max Bomber Saw.

Tires from both sides are
fired at super-high speeds.

Cutters extend,
shredding the target.

Third, the Max Beam.

Heat beams, 10,000 degrees Celsius,
are fired from laser cannons.

And lastly, Max Vision.

Through super-high speed hovering,
Max creates afterimages of itself.

A true blue god of death...

‘ i x ’ / x
_JL., V:

A-ko! For you, there
will be no tomorrow!

Now, then! Let A-ko experience
the full power of the Max 5000!

A-ko, it's late, so I'll go on ahead.

_ [Li] Jilgu;

What's the matter? Go, I say!

What's wrong? Can't you hear me?!

Uh, well, it's just that...

What?! Speak up!

You see...

Q1; XV

- Rlsht, right!

There's always tomorrow.

It's perfect. PERFECT!

A-ko, you're going to die. Die!


You're in a good mood today, A-ko!

Of course! I got up early today.

We're sure to get there
before B-ko does!

- Yep, yep! Yahoo! Full power!
- Yay! Hooray!

- Here we go!
- Dat-da-doo!

I've been careless, standing in the
middle of the road like that.

_ I} J "C

Good morning!

Guten Morgen!

- Good morning!
- Good morning! You're early today, aren't you?

Yes, ma'am. Excuse us.

My, you don't see that often.

We've got time to spare today.

Yeah, now if we can just avoid B-ko...

“'5 A-ko‘.

- A-ko!
- Hey, it's A-ko!

I wonder who will win today?

What's going on?

I've been waiting, A-ko!


Wow! There's a lot of them today!

Today, we're really
going to settle things.

Try to beat the Arashiyama Five!

Aww, would you knock it off already?!

Today we finally get to school early,
and you have to ruin it!

And this time you come up
with these enormous things!

Aren't they a little out of date?

A-ko, the depth of my vexation
is beyond your comprehension!

F-First, you take my one true love, C-ko.
Now, even my friends and peers!

The gods may smile on you,
A-ko, but I never will!

Do you know what
she's talking about?

Nope! Not at all!

A-ko, since we got here so early,
why don't we go inside and start right away?

You too, B-ko. Finish your
business and hurry along!

Yes, ma'am!

Girls, let's all go inside now!

Yes, ma'am!

- What should we do?
- If we don't hurry, we'll be late.

Ll _|' I 'J :

Jeez. Hey! Why don't
we watch from inside?

Yeah, that's a good idea.

Quick! The bell's gonna ring!

Hey! Wait for me!

Left in peace at last.
And now our battle begins.

I woke up early today...

That may never happen again!

But then for this stupid,
petty nonsense, you, you...!

B-ko, you're an idiot!


.“'_ _ I; .—U -“. ._U


It can't be...

Effla; l

I'm late again today, thanks to you!

Just who do you think you are?!

What did you say?
You... you have the nerve to say that?!

And every day you bring in more robots.

Don't you ever learn?!

You think nothing else matters
as long as you're on time?!

You've always been like that! That's right!
Always playing the good little girl!

As long as you're all right,
you don't care about me, do you?

I've always hated the fact
that you get to be the hero,

"Q11; l

Well, fine! If I'm the villain,
then I'll settle this like a Villain should!

Don't you think you're
taking this a little too seriously?


What do you think of
these breathtaking curves, A-ko?

The Akagiyama 23!
This is what I'll take you on with!

' _= j _-~;g[__j |_'-'*_'- .1 .:f-i.;',jjji=j:- 3' g Egfi; T; if I]

- Can you believe it?!
- The worst!

;‘;_J-i i1[,_w §7L

How embarrassing!

- Right?!
- Enough already!

C-C-Come on.

A-ko, I'll go on ahead.

Sure. Could you answer for me
when the teacher calls my name?

Yep! Bye-bye!


Sorry, but this is going
to be the last time!

Hmph! That's my line!

- Well? How is it?
- No interference at this point.

So then it wasn't an accident
that destroyed the Constellation?

That's how the Space Agency and
the higher-ups see it at this point.

g»! qr, g‘

They say the ship was checked
thoroughly before departure,

so there's no chance someone
could have planted a b*mb.

I »_* I I I

It's a strong possibility.

.L_ 3,“. _-/ _ J I |_
_' I; _"-'; ML' If» 1,;

Isn't it curious that
we were able to rebuild

and advance so much
in just 16 short years?

A call from D.

Put it On.

Yes, sir.

This is CD138621 S113, code name D!

You're in worse shape
every time you call.

Uh, yes, I've been throwing my body
and soul into this investigation.

_ _ "

Right! Sending now, Captain.

I Liélli i. I *°"Flf§_~'.3i I -

, M1 pm ,:

Routing it now.

There may be some horizontal
bar noise and glitches

caused by accidents
during the investigation.

It was set to auto-record,

but the subject approaches and
recedes at such high speeds

that the sequence monitor burned out.
Since then, I've been recording manually.

- T-That's a second generation Egota class!
- The shutter was set to AE 11.

Aperture was 28 mm, and the shutter
speed was, I believe, 1/1000 sec.

No doubt about it!
That's the Princess!

Right! We'll start heading
your way immediately.

Proceed to phase two of your orders.

Yes, Captain.
Proceeding to phase two.

We've been wandering space
for 16 long years...

But now it seems we'll
be able to return home at last.


Just when I was
savoring the moment.

A UFO has appeared within
our final defense line,

and is approaching at high speed.

~[_,~' _"J_ _',_\1g, V, ~_'__\.__ LJ_\.. f, \r_ __\ gj ,JL _ ,‘ _,§J_‘_$,»j

¥ 4};

Objecfs combat power
estimated to be above 300.

“ .

Roger! All strike units,
scramble immediately.

Repeat, all strike units,
scramble immediately.

All units standing by for
departure. All green!

Roger! Commander?

g V£“J_V‘J‘\ Li"; sf L 1/; ELL

Aye, sir.

Strike units, launch!

All units, enter attack formation E!

Repeat, all units,
enter attack formation E!

Target maintaining speed
and has penetrated Red 2.

Target may attempt to
penetrate atmosphere.

Strike units, move to intercept!


What's happening?!

S-Surprise attack!

- Engage synchronic deflectors!
- Hydrotaun pressure dropping.

The enemy is from the third planet.

I _ 3

ls this the kind of
planet the princess is on?

We've got to save the princess
and escort her home.

When the second wave comes
strike back immediately!

Crush any who stand in our way!

I-It's huge! What a monster!

Captain, we've located their home base.

We have no time for games!
Dispose of them at once!

Fool! Don't you know that
evil can never prevail?!

A-ko! Prepare for defeat!

‘_ n_,@¢1@


I'm just beginning!

That was too easy.

Hah! You're good, A-ko! But...

Not good enough!

Don't you see that
you haven't got a chance?

If not, then I'll make you feel
it down to your bones!

Black Jacovini sh**ting Star Lash!


And thak...

, ijik A 1n

f - ;

I've got to move this fight
to someplace better.

And just where do you think
you're going, A-ko?!

On track number five, a cuckoo,

moving along life's path,
with all its variation...

moving along life's path, with all its
variation... I wonder where A-ko's gone?

I wonder where A-ko's gone?

I answered for her when
the teacher called her name, but...


Ah, Teacher!

Don't you "Ah, Teacher" me like
you're innocent! What's going on?

*1 ; 5;;*[" ‘~_~ll_l_ ‘M; 7;

Um, well, you see...

] fl; l

C-ko! Where are you going?! Come back!

What on earth is
that silly girl thinking?

Girls! Where do you think
you're going?! Stop!

A-ko‘? A-m

A-ko, where did you go?


Well? You're worried
about A-ko, aren't you?


- Let's go!
- Are you coming or not?!

I see smoke!
They must be over there!


- Akagiyama m*ssile!
- Agh! Not that again!

What ‘m the...

The enemy spaceship has
penetrated the atmosphere.

The advance force will make
contact in five minutes.

So they've come.

Headquarters, this is Apple 1.

Still no visual contact,
but I have 'em on radar.

Apple 1 to all units!

Take 'em higher and try to
get a bead on the target.

All units, move!

So this is the enemy?!

A 6500 meter-long monstrosity.

Apple 1 to Headquarters.
Target confirmed.

Beginning attack according to plan.

Attack force engaging
enemy air forces!

Would you cool it, B-ko?

Sheesh, you're persistent!

L? V 3 ML A L 5L

En garde, A-ko! Muscle Attack!

F - ;

A-ko, where are you?

I'm sure they're
around here somewhere.

But there's something
strange about the city.

Now that you mention it,
there are tanks and stuff all over.

Ah! There they are! I'm sure!


Mari, just hang on a little longer!

F'; I,,_';.:l_. I" I _ " 'I "

A-ko t*nk Cannon, fire!

Spider Shot Counter!

] fl; l


] fl; l

Effla; l

- A-ko!
- B-ko!

C-ko? What're you doing here?

It's past noon, A-ko!
You must be hungry!

Look! I brought you lunch!


Whoa, what's that?!

- sly XA-JLLLL



A-ko! What could be more
important than our battle?

More important? Didn't you just see that?
C-ko's been kidnapped!

Don't you care at all?!

W-Well, l...

We've got to get C-ko back first,
then we can finish this!

Hold it, I'm going too!
Wait for me, A-ko!

You lousy punk!
Put me down! Take me back!

P-Please, Miss, don't interfere.

Please don't cry!

You're going home
to your own planet!

Waahhh! I don't know
what you're talking about!

Let me see A-ko! She'll save me!
I don't wanna be r*ped!

What?! Why would you even say that?
Hold on, we're going up!

I'll be a good girl!
Just don't r*pe me. Help!

Realize that this truce only lasts
until we've rescued C-ko.

All right, I get it!

A-ko! You can't die yet.

Oh, well. Them's the breaks!

Hey! Move it! I can't see!

~__ L, A ‘j

Size isn't everything, you know.

_ n:

Princess. Why have you
closed your heart to us?



Forgive the intrusion,
but you're needed on the bridge.

On my Way-

g L , ~, A‘ J Q;.“~1_a

You're back, D.

Forgive me, Captain,
but some rats have snuck aboard.

- Rats, you say?
- Yes.

It seems the princess' companions
have chased her to our ship.

¥ 4};

Leave it to me, Captain.
I'll take care of them in no time.

h/‘Jylaf,’ 1
f‘ ’/

C-ko! So this is where you've been.

Super HG HiFi Excellent Atomic Missiles
For use in Akagiyama #23

C-ko, what's wrong?!
Speak to me!

They've done something
to you, haven't they?

Hm? W-Where am I?
B-ko, what's going on?

C-ko, you poor thing.
They drugged you, didn't they?

Oh, now I remember!
I cried so much I fell asleep.

Anyway, let's get out of here.

- Right! Where's A-ko?
- C-ko! Who cares about A-ko?

Let's get going already.

V_ K_‘_VLLVQ~ [I; ,

There, there, don't cry.

Now, then. How to escape?
I can't take C-ko out the window.

Maybe if I steal one of their planes...

Yick! Dirty laundry!

What is this place?

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Heh, you dodged that nicely!

That was dirty!
Attacking from behind!

I can't let you proceed any further!

If you do, it will be over my dead body!

Stop jumping away like that.

I'll put you to rest before
you know what happened.

Hey, now! Cut that out!

How dare you!

How dare you scar
a young girl's face!

You think you can beat me so easily?

I can't. I can't run anymore!

Hey, maybe that's an exit there?
This place is a maze!


i Lij=;’fi

So you're the boss, huh?

Give me back my friend!

Your friend, you say?

That child is the fourth princess of the fifth
queen of the Lepton Kingdom of Alpha Cygni...

What're you mumbling about?!
Give me my friend!

I see there's no point in talking
to this ignorant creature.

What's wrong?


What?! Just give me
back my friend!

To hell with that! I need booze!
If I don't get some booze...

Huh? Wrong again.

] fl; l

C-ko! You're all right?!

% L"

A-ko. So you're alive.

] fl; l

Well, no matter.

I've saved C-ko,
so our cease fire is over!

How dare you!

That's really low, B-ko!

A-ko! I missed you!

Why you!

Stop it, you fool!
You'll hit the princess!

Stop it! Stop, I say!

Ah! Stay away from there, fools!

D, the bridge is
no place for a battle!

Damn you! Stop!
Please stop! Stop, dammit!

So you want to fight, do you?!

Why, you!

Huh? What's happening?

~~ _

Booze, booze, booze,
booze, booze, booze!

Oh, no! That was the...

¥ 4};

What's going on?

Ah, it's all over!
We're going to crash! Crash!

Not only the double cherry blossoms,
but also the seven lights of...

What on earthm?

- '\~ =1»; I!

Hi, Teach!

_‘7\'§~AL‘ 'J;

Yoo-hoo, haha! Yoo-hoo!

Miss Ayumi! Yoo-hoo!

It's me, C-ko! Yoo-hoo!

Everyone's just fine! Yoo-hoo!

Mmm, just a little bit longer.

A-ko, time to go!

- Good morning, C-ko.
- Good morning!

- Shall we go?
- Yep.
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