Farewell to Nostradamus (1995)

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Farewell to Nostradamus (1995)

Post by bunniefuu »

“First Month of Year ”

The world is on the verge of being enveloped in darkness.

Yet, only few are aware of this fact.

A great prophet from years past gives us warning.

This prophet's name is Michel de Nostradamus!

His book of prophecies is our guide.

Century II, Quatrain :

“Because of the solar heat on the sea, from Negrepont the fishes will be half cooked.”

This refers to the nuclear submarine that exploded two weeks ago.

I have more to tell.

The lost book of Nostradamus is in my possession!

I believe one quatrain within it shall come to pass shortly.

Century VII, Quatrain :

“When the great eagle with eleven warriors vanishes,

the time of great devastation shall commence.”

Pardon me!


Lupin the rd

Lupin the rd


Good luck on your exhibition match!

We present you with these special good luck bracelets.

Get back here, Lupin!

Air Brazil, Flight # toAtlanta has departed on schedule.

Radios, phones, and other electronics cannot be used for a short while.

Lupin! You're under arrest!

What the...?

Sir! Please turn that off!

Sure thing!

You heard the lady, Pops!

How's it going, Pops?

Lupin! I'll get you!

Knock it off. You look like a creepy guy.



You into little girls?


Then I'll take this.

Stop! Thief! Oh, geez...

Hey! Stop!

Is a hundred bucks enough?

What a creepy kid.I'd love to see her parents.

Julia. This isn't a playground.Stay in your seat.

Now be a good little girl and–


This pedophile was following me!

No, I wasn't! I'm not a–

What're you doing here?!

Gimme that doll back.

Treasure from my last job is in it!


A diamond worth . million dollars!

Come, now. That's not that much.

You can't be serious, Fujiko!

Knock it off...

Shut yer trap!


We've h*jacked the plane!

No funny business!

This should convince you!

We're heading to Morocco!

There's the jumbo jet!

We've provided your transportation as you demanded!

Release the women and children!

What about the million dollar ransom?!

It will take time to get!

Release the women and children first!

Alright, I'll release the Brazilian soccer team too.

I like soccer, you see...

We're the soccer team's director and coach!



What's Fujiko doing here?

Probably after some rich guy.

If the Moroccan government doesn't pay the ransom,

you'll all blow up with this plane!

Stay right there!

Um, hey, it looks like the b*mb activated...

I don't want it.

Here, you take it!

I know we're busy, but could I get your number–


Guess not.


Darn you...!



One minute 'til it explodes!

I'd worry more about running than catching me!


Darn. It's my duty to prevent a disaster before it happens...

The b*mb is armed like so, so I do this and this...

Huh? Oh yeah, this one stops it!

Take that! Eh? Oh? Huh?

That didn't work?

Blast you!

It's not stopping...!

That wasn't for the hijack, it was for something else!




My . million dollar doll...

Forget that! He stole a million dollar child!

As predicted, warriors, namely the Brazilian soccer superstars,

As predicted, warriors, namely the Brazilian soccer superstars,

were aboard a great eagle when it was h*jacked.

Nostradamus's prophecy came true.

It is imperative that mankind listen to his warnings of destruction.

Religious faith and organized government cannot save mankind.

The Nostradamus Sect is the only truth!

Behold, this book of prophecies!All truth is within its pages!

Master! Please save me!

Master! Please touch me!

It's so tall it could reach past Heaven and pierce the moon!

That's the Douglas Foundation's giant Earth Tower.

A super high-tech building that's stories and meters tall.

Hope it doesn't wind up like the Tower of Babel.

Hard to believe that brat is the daughter of such a big shot.

With any luck, she'll be theFirst Daughter next year.

Huh? First Daughter?

Douglas is gonna run in the presidential election.

Read a newspaper, will ya?

I do read horseracing newspapers...

I wonder how she's doing.

I don't look forward to seeing her parents.

Never mind that.

Talk about this million dollar thing...

She's the key! I have to get her back!

What're they after? Don't tell me it's what you're after...

Of course not.

Anyway, I get % and you can share your %. Take it or leave it.

A little city of sorts exists between here and the th floor.

Between the th and th floors are enough stadiums

to host the Olympic games.

See for yourselves! They could even hold the winter Olympics!

Between the th and th floors is the hotel area.

The giant pendulum at the heart of the building

is the secret that makes this super skyscraper possible!

When computers detect earth tremors, they move the pendulum

to absorb their effect on the building.

The issue is from the th floor and up. The security is very tight.

But it houses the center of the Douglas Foundation and private offices.

The living quarters are from the th floors and up,

and on the th floor is–

– the vault!

A special elevator is the only way to the vault,

and it only works with the family's ID cards.

So that's why you got close to the kid?

Being her tutor was the only way.It'd be impossible otherwise.

Nobody's ever made it there, except for one person.

Someone did it?!

Your Uncle Phillip.

My uncle?!

But he got caught soon after.

Now he's in a cell on Execution Island.

If my old uncle got that far, it should be a cinch for pros like us!

No, he's much craftier than us.

How about you tell us about this million dollar treasure already?

Nostradamus's book of prophecies.

His book is divided into “centuries” of quatrains each.

But Century VII only goes up to Quatrain .

Doesn't this new Nostradamus Sect have the other ?

I wonder.

But I do know that the lost book is in the Douglas Foundation's hands...

...in the vault on the th floor.

So why's it worth million bucks?

There's a rich man who wants to buy it.

One in Florida.


This is the contract.

Fujiko-chan! I'll do my very best!

Lupin. I'm counting on you.

Say, I'll hold on to that for you...


But no thanks.

Yes, ma'am...

The wife is finally back.

I hope you realize I'm the only reason you're allowed in.

Yeah, because you're oh-so-trustworthy...

Well, then...

Lupin! Quit with the bad jokes!

Sorry 'bout that...

Please come this way.

So that's the elevator, huh?

In here, if you would.

Need a hand?

I shouldn't have letJulia go on that trip.

I apologize. I couldn't stop them...

You're Julia's tutor, not her bodyguard.

But the situation is grave.

I will double-check whether or not you and your friends are involved with her kidnapping.

Until then,

consider yourself under confinement.

Did he lock Lupin and Jigen up?

Let's finish up the rest of the recording.

Alright. Roll film.

As a result of recent economic downfalls in Europe,

a shady group known as the Nostradamus Sect has reared its head.

Unfortunately, it has also taken hold in our country.

But mere mortals cannot possibly make “prophecies”.

What has yet to be cannot be–

How long we gonna go horizontally?

The treasure is up.

Yes. I hear the leader of the Sect is coming to America.

Therefore, I would like to confront him

and let the world know that the rationality that founded our nation

will also lead us into the st century!

I have a trump card!

Listen up, Douglas.Here's live video of your daughter.

Daddy! Mommy! How are you doing?


I'm doing just great!

Way to go, Daddy!Front page of the New York Times!


The president doesn't stand a chance against my handsome Daddy!

She talks too much.

I can make it so you never hear her again.


How much is the ransom?!

I don't care about money.

Just drop out of the election!


You're scheduled to hold an election rally in three weeks.

You will announce your withdrawal there.

Do so and I'll return Julia.

Contacting the police won't help at all, should you dare to.

I look forward to three weeks from now.

It's as if you prepared this building's high-tech equipment for today!


They're in the control room!

I thought so!

Sleeping gas!


Get the monitors back on!

Yes, sir!


We're saved!

That's not fair.

In here!

Pretty sure someone else used to be good at that!


Alright! Let's go!


What is this?

It should be the vault...

There's no walls or doors or anything to open...

– Hey, now!– What the...?!

Please stop!


Wind power...

{\alpha&HC&\an}Maria. Maria...! Listen to me!

{\alpha&HC&\q\an}We should go public about Julia's kidnapping...

...and about the filthy plot to drop me from the race!

That'd put Julia in danger!

So you're telling me to keep quiet?To give in to the criminals?

Julia is our treasure!Nothing can replace her life!

There's no guarantee we'll get her back even if I do drop out.

Plus, they can't k*ll her if we tell the public.


The last thing they want is me to win.So they can't k*ll her.

I would win by sympathy alone!

I'm finally starting to hear your true motives!

You want to use your current situation to your greatest advantage!

You're going to take this threat head-on to show the country your “fatherly sense of duty”!

You want to put on an act!

Just to win the election!

Maria. Calm down.

If it comes down to Julia or the presidency,

I'd of course choose Julia.

But we've made it this far together!

We can't just let this chance pass us by!

I would, for Julia...

So what do you want me to do?!

You'll step down for Julia...

...and I'll take your place!

You...? President?

You can't be serious...

Who're you?!

Like father, like daughter, I guess.

I can't help but sympathize for the little brat.

Hold on, don't misunderstand.We're not the kidnappers.

We're much prouder professionals.

Next time we visit, we'll be raiding your vault!

You'd best forget about my vault.

I'm better at telling the future than your hated Nostradamus.


I've inputted Lupin's height, weight, smell, voice,

and type of women into this Lupin Detector!



I figured you weren't just her tutor.What are you after?!

I'm not friendly enough with you to give away secrets.

Where's Julia?

Get a little friendlier and I'll tell you.

I can find out without being friendly!

An incident!

Stop right there!


Pops! Fancy meeting you here!


I stayed up all night and most of the day making this Lupin Detector!

You have way too much free time...

And this lets me arrest all four of you at once!

Too bad Goemon and Fujiko aren't with us...

Oh, I just saw Fujiko get taken away by some guys...



Now two people are missing.

Maybe we should get Pops to make Fujiko and Julia Detectors!


The lone man arriveth when required!

Hey, Goemon!


Whatcha up to lately?

I am wandering the world in search of the lost book of Nostradamus.

The Nostradamus Sect's lost book of prophecies is a fake.

I figured as much.

Alright, I'll go see Uncle Phillip.I'll need your assistance.

I'll get the real book and reveal the Sect's true colors!

Just you wait! I'll make my great rise to the top yet!

You sure got no luck, getting sent to the island just for shoplifting...

The only way off it is as a corpse...

That's Execution Island there.

Those are women...

They belong to the Nostradamus Sect.

They “volunteer” here once a year.

Fujiko...! That's Fujiko!


Alright, you!

Enough of that!


What's she doing with them?

Testing, testing...

Lupin? Did you see old Phillip?

Leave it to me.But get this, Fujiko is–

Who're you talking to?!

Ouch, my cavity...!

Hey! You alright?!

Huh? Uncle Phillip!

Get me a pill...

Hey! Here you go!

Well, if it isn't Lupin...

Sorry, I got this bad heart...


So that's why you're in here?


You're the only one who broke into the vault.

Could you tell me how you did it?

It's impossible for you, Lupin.

I'll get revenge for you!

We can't talk here.Come to my cell tonight.

I'll write you some notes.

Got it.

But it's Hell up there.I don't wanna remember it.

I'm Zenigata from the ICPO.I'm here to see Lupin.

Yeah, I'll get on it–

You bustin' out?

Don't be dumb!

Nobody's ever escaped from here!

Life's all about figuring out how dumb you can be!

Hey! Escaping is more important than that old guy!

Do whatever you want!

That you, Lupin?

What's in that capsule?

Bastard went and swallowed it!

Hurry and get it over with!


Go to the vault on the top floor.

It's the vault!

Almost there!

This is the most important part!


– Up the power.– Yes, sir!

He's dead.

Get that capsule he swallowed.

Yes, sir!


Are you alright?!

Hang on a little longer!

You swallowed the capsule, right?

Nice one. Does it contain the strategy for getting into the vault?

Hang in there!

Don't die on me!

Now how do I get the capsule?!


There is no escape from me!You're under arrest–

Stop sh**ting! I'm from the ICPO–

– Why're they sh**ting at me?!– Ask 'em yourself!


What now?

We know where they'll come out!

Alright, Lupin! You're under arrest!

This isn't the time, Pops!


Can't you do something about this body?!

Be careful with it! I hafta get a love letter out of his stomach!

Rest in peace, Uncle.

A glass eye...

I'm taking it as a keepsake.


Pops! Over there!

Here! You first!

– No, you go first!– Quit your loafin' and hurry!

Not good! Let's go!

Quickly! They've caught up!


You can't be serious!


What in the world...

Tidal wave...!

Still no contact from Lupin?

It's been three days. Might be hopeless.

If Lupin dies, what will have my life been for?

I abandoned my country and parents and pushed women aside

so I could chase him...!

We'll make them pay for Lupin and Fujiko. You can bet on it.

If I can't have Lupin...

Jigen! Goemon! You're under arrest!


It's no use. He's frozen to the bone...

Sergeo. Come now.

Come bring this man something to eat...

You're alive again.

I'm alive again!

Is that you, Fujiko?!



I think I met your guy back in Algeria.

You two worked together?

He was stationed with the foreign legion there.

This him?



My doll...!

It's Mr. Pedophile!

This is my doll!


How are Julia's kidnappers and the Nostradamus Sect connected?

It's pointless.

She doesn't remember anything.

Don't worry! I'm not here for the doll...

You quit liking kids?

It's women I actually like...

Oh? Nostradamus crusaders?

How long are we keeping watch?

Until our Chris shows up.

His ex-foreign legion will definitely stock up on weapons here.

Plastic expl*sives!

A submachine g*n has low accuracy.

If you're going to pray to God...

...then you should believe in Him first!

Guess God still hasn't given him up...


You had us worried...!

Where are you?!

Yeah, about that...

I got caught by the Nostradamus Sect.

The Nostradamus Sect?!





Why do you keep calling me that?

You look like the woman I got the hots for.

And she's Fujiko-san?

She loves money and jewels, has an iron will,

and always betrays me.

What a terrible person.

That's why I adore her so...

I almost look forward to her backstabbing me...

I wouldn't understand such feelings...

I'll help you remember your past...

Yep, Fujiko's definitely the best.

You got it dirty.

I'll take it off for you.



What's the matter, Tanya?


I'm Fujiko!

You're conscious again!

Where are we?

The Amazon.

The Amazon?!

And what's with this lame outfit?!

I guess nobody likes you...

not even the sharks.

So you're the boss, eh?

It seems you were after the lost book too.

Did your Uncle Phillip tell you anything?

You can steal it if you'd like.

I'll buy it for a lot.

Is that why you kidnapped Julia?To get it?

I could've gotten that thing long ago!

What I want is something much bigger.

It doesn't look like Douglas plans to drop out.

I thought he'd concede in exchange for his daughter's life, but...

Proceed with our next option.Is that clear?

Yes. But that's our last resort...

Ruin awaits those who oppose us, and the final moon draws nigh.

But our goal was domination of the world's wealth and power!

I'm afraid that we're the ones that ruin–

Afraid? It is uncharismatic to let your faith waver!

Yes, sir...

We no longer need the girl.You may take care of her.

Yes, sir.

Whadya think?

I'll get you out of here soon.

What's the matter?

I won't have fun if I go home.

Daddy and Mommy only think about the election and money.

I'd have much more fun traveling with you!

And that pedophile man can come too...

Pedophile man?


Sorry for the wait!

Time to leave!


Don't k*ll the kid! Now go get 'em!


Get on, quick!

Paddle...! Paddle...!

What're you doing with my canoe?!

Oh, it's you!

Leave it to me!

I'm Sergeo! Catch!

You help too!

No way! I've never even touched one before!

It's finally just you and me...!


Knock it off, Lupin!


Your memory's back?

Looks like this was controlling me.

It used a wireless signal to hypnotize and control me!

So you don't remember when we were all lovey-dovey...?



We've located the escapees!


Take this!





Help me, Mister!

Help me!


Get down!


Sorry. There goes your stock-in-trade.

What will you do now?

Work in Belém.

In the city?!

What about your village?

They burned our houses down and k*lled everyone!

Even my sister about Julia's age...!

Julia's actually a good girl!


Please! Save her!

It's difficult at a time like this,

but we did bring the international soccer team here for Julia's birthday...

I'll go make the speech.


We both need to keep our spirits up.

I'll announce my candidacy tomorrow after all.

You can't!

At least wait a little longer!

I've already decided.

I also have the police searching for Julia.

I won't accept this!

I've called representatives of the state police, FBI, and ICPO here.

I want Julia rescued immediately.Use any means necessary.

– Sir...– What is it?

With Lupin dead, I can use her data to find her with my detector...

To think that this is my last resort...

You. Show him around.

Lupin. I can't bear to throw your data away,

but you're no longer with us...

Wait, that means–

Sorry, but I–


Their bracelets!

They couldn't be...

Ever since the ' World Cup and the ' Olympics held here,

soccer has become popular with our country's youths.

Having the world champion Brazilian team here is like a dream.

Even after the recent hijack, theBrazil have returned as true heroes.

Julia, the crown of this tournament,

is the only daughter of this building's owner, Douglas, and myself.

How excited she would be to be here!

Now she might never see another soccer game...!

But that's not the half of it...!

The one trying to rid her of that privilege is none other than her father!

Raised as the inheritor of the Douglas empire,

he thinks only of money!

My husband has acquired wealth and power by creating this building,

but he's so absolutely arrogant!

He has no sense of love whatsoever!

He plans to announce his presidential candidacy tomorrow,

but is someone with no sense of love even qualified for that?!

– intensity of the–

One, two–

My wife has reason to be distraught.

I will now explain the terrifying truth behind it.

Our daughter was abducted, and the kidnappers are threatening me.

The cowards are threatening to k*ll her unless I drop out of the–

Now I'm really worried about Julia...

The vault is why they're keeping her alive.

Who'll get there first?

With any luck, we'll meet up there!

What's this?

“You also need an ID card, but their eyes are the key.

Without them, you won't see anything in the vault.

Only the members of Douglas' family have been registered.

So I made a fake eye.”

Fake eye?

We'll never make it in time...

A keepsake of Uncle Phillip's.

So tomorrow it is!

But those bracelets on the Brazil worry me...

Go check 'em out and see!

I will go and have a look.

That's the Brazilian International Team.

They're still rarin' to go, even after their big win today!

Still, shouldn't we do something?

They'll leave soon enough.

What's going on?

How'd we get here?

Three o'clock tomorrow!

Not good!

I was too late!

Today, I must impart upon you something most dire...

...an extremely grim passage in Nostradamus' lost book of prophecies.

Century VII, Quatrain .

“When the Great King of Terror sparks flames,

the Tower of Babel will come crashing down under the wrath of God.”

To be specific, the flames are

Douglas's announcement of his entry into the presidential race!

He has become this “Great King of Terror”!

Douglas even abandoned his own daughter!

Please save Julia!

Please tell me where she is!

I've come to believe in you!

We now have with us Ms. Maria, a new member of our glorious order!

She should take her husband's place

and become the first female presidential candidate!


Tell us, what does the “falling Tower of Babel” refer to?!

None other than this Earth Building!

So they are going to blow it up.

Can't we prevent it somehow?

We can't get all the expl*sives.

Right, Goemon?

Let's get the treasure and skedaddle before :.

We'll be cutting it close...

That's why it's our best chance!

Don't let yourselves be deceived!

That man is a fraud!The lost book is in my hands!

Listen to me! His book is a fake!

This is the th century's greatest building! It would never fall!

Is it that?!

Open it!

Hurry it up!

Yeah, yeah, quit yer yappin'!

– Let's get going.– Yes, sir!

I beg of you!

Use your powers to find Julia!

Very well.

But first I must leave this area.

Come with me.

Don't tell me that Chris is–



That you, Lupin?I knew you'd come rescue me!

Once I show the bad guys to the vault, I'll capture them!

I will not run away!

Screw the book! I refuse to let the building collapse!

Time bombs've been set.

I'd suggest you get out.


Wait, you're–


You planted the bombs!

Nothing of the sort.

It was the same guys who kidnapped Julia.

They're at the vault if you wanna see her.

But whatever...


Hey! Wait!



What's the meaning of this?!

I merely wish to be your successor a little sooner...

If I let you keep running the sect, your destructive ways

will make our pile of treasure a complete waste.

You won't get away with this!

I can blow it up whenever I want.

If it doesn't blow up, you'll be wrong and lose your reputation.

Damn you...!

You'll pay for this!

We need her eyes even to open the heliport.

Alright, look at the eyes.


k*ll them!

Keep 'em busy!We're heading for the vault!

Make a forced landing!


Julia's in the heliport!

Doesn't matter! Now do it!


So you were working with them!



I'm glad the place is empty, but it's a pity the elevators are stopped.

– It was around here. Right, Jigen?– Yeah.

Here we are.

It must only open from above since it's for emergencies...

Talk about having your head in the clouds...

It's like Heaven's right there...

Jigen. We're going up.

I'm in a skirt, so I'll pass!

I'll find another route!

I will remain here and stop your pursuers.

We're countin' on you.

Looks like we made it without running into Lupin and his g*ng.

Put the girl in front.

Stand guard here.

Open it.

Lupin! He's alive...?!


I'm going to arrest you!


I can't play with you today!

See ya!


So this is the vault room we snuck into...

This is it, Uncle!



They took Julia to the vault!


At last we meet,Sir Presidential Candidate.

You're the head of that Nostradamus–

Damn you...!

Stop right there!

Show me to the vault.

Unless you want to see the First Lady's face splattered all over.


You there.

It looks like the million was never to be yours!


How does he know about that?!

The vault...!

This doesn't look good...

Put this in your helmet.





Sergeo says hi!



Virtual reality!

These helmets take you into a virtual world

by stimulating the various senses!

So he's still falling into the depths of Hell?!

Huh? Where's Julia?


Here's what those bad guys are after.

You can hold on to it.

Here it is!

Fifteen minutes left!

Whadya say we scram?

Daddy! Mommy!






Don't move!

Seems you can't use g*ns inside the vault!

Bring the book here.

Remove it and place it outside.

Die, you filthy traitor!

Damn you!

I'm burning up! Help me!

I'm burning up...!



Hey! Stop him! Hurry!


The Devil's fingers have moved...!

I thought it was set to blow at :...?!

Lupin! Let's get moving!


Lupin! Hurry it up!






Damn it!

I refuse to die!


Save Julia...!

You got it!

Hurry, Lupin!

See you down below!

Now put this belt around you...



What's the big idea?!


You alright?!


I can't hold on...!

– Goemon...!– Into the helicopter!



I can't hold on...!


Ouch...! Hot...!

Lupin! Get back here!

Darn it...!


There we go!


Here goes nothing'!

Luck's still on my side!





Mommy! Daddy!




– Mommy!– Julia!



Please forgive me!


Huh? That's strange...

Definitely strange!

You have reached theNostradamus Sect, Miami Branch.

All our lines are busy.


You sure you weren't swindled?

It looks like the million was never to be yours!

The guy who wanted to buy it for million dollars...

...was Rhisely! That lousy fraud!

Don't be mad.

Can't you sell it somewhere else?

This is in no condition to be sold.

Poor girl...

The vault was where she played all by herself...

No need for this!


You're under arrest...

All that and nothing to show for it...

Uh oh! Where'd Fujiko go!


I'm taking the diamond! Bye!


You can't be serious!

I need to put another bracelet on her...

Is this what you wanted?


Say now, did that book say that Julia would be Lupin the th?

She definitely has the makings for it.

To think she comes from a financial family...

I'll give this back to you guys, but I want you to buy something.

You don't need to, but I'd like you to buy something too.

– That!– That!


A canoe for Sergeo!

There is a place that waits for sadness

There winds a sloped road that searches

for the continuation of dreams

Scattered clouds look down from afar

and convey the form of yesterday's love

But the world is right here

I hold on to my quivering feelings

and gaze with you at the sky that still knows no stars

The light leaves the town

As they envelope both of us,

gusts of wind blow one after another in the sunset

The world is right here

Believe in the continuation of love

and pick up the pieces of a nearly-forgotten dream

You and me, once more
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