Lupin III: Dead or Alive (1996)

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Lupin III: Dead or Alive (1996)

Post by bunniefuu »

Burn in hell, shithead!

You'll be dead before
you get your next paycheck assh*le!

This man!

This man!

This man!

This man!

There are only two ways to leave this prison...

One is execution the other is natural death.

I've foolishly left the front gate open..
Do you think you can escape?

If you can... You are free!

Escape and you're free, fail and you're dead.
An interesting game, wouldn't you agree?

What are you waiting for?
We start the chase in five minutes.

The annual "Jailbreak" has begun!

It makes for good training,
sh**ting real human beings!

And in twenty years,
not one has made it out alive!



Warden! What in hell are you doing?

Whoa, WHOA, Watch it!
Are you TRYING to drown us?

I can't help it,
we're way over its carrying capacity.

I can see it!

This it?

It looks like it!

So, General Kubikari knew about
the treasure hidden here?

Yeah. But he couldn't get it.
Must be something up with this place.

Seems even soldiers
couldn't last long on this island!


Not too many labs out there
have this much equipment.

What we're they researching?

Good Question!

But it was definitely built
during the last king's reign.


One of Kubikari's men?


Chief research coordinator; Voltsky?

Rest in peace, rest in peace!

It sure seems like anything
valuable would be in HERE,

now doesn't it?

What in hell is all of this?

I take it this is prize door number one right...


Lupin! We need to withdraw!


I the great Lupin III should withdraw,
THIS CLOSE to the treasure!?


What the hell is up with this island?


Are you sure there was even
treasure on that island?

Trust me!

I hacked into the Zufu main
computer and stole it myself.

I checked and double-checked.

You wormed your way into the system
pretty well didn't you?

Get this,

in order to protect all of the
countries treasure the ruler...

Enclosed all the nations wealth
in that huge floating island!

Two years later, the kings only son,
the crowned prince Panish was slain...

In a military swoop,

so now the island belongs
to the Kubikari shogunate.

They're now searching
for the key to the treasure.

So anyway you look at it,
they hold all the cards right now!

That's not the half of it either,
when you look at the data.

So how 'bout it? It shouldn't be too difficult!

What a rip off!

If you don't want it get out of my face.


Save it! You'll get the same everywhere else!

Don't try and fool me!

Your spoiled food is way too expensive.

What did you sa..


We've been discovered! RUN!

Get back here you little shits!

Okay, now's our chance!

Get back here you little bastards!

Welcome back!!

You're wasting my time,

I'm not gonna fight someone
as weak and fragile as you!

Don't worry about it.
I'm not nearly as fragile as your thinking cap.


Are you okay!?


Who is that woman?

Fujiko Mine, she's Japanese.

ICPO special investigator Zenigata I assume?


My name is Crysis. I'm head of the national police.

ICPO notified us that you were coming...

But my I ask what your business here is?

To catch Lupin III


All of the Zufu treasur..

It must be nice keeping all that treasure
on that floating island to yourself Mr. Kubikari...

But soon...

I'll be coming to get it... I, the Great Lupin III!

It hurts just watching it, doesn't it?

Well... Let's go.

What is this!?

Are those military command
tanks coming out of that plane?

What's going on here!?

Certainly not.

Japan's forbidden to have
any sort of military isn't it?

They just look kinda the same.



What? What's the matter?

Nothing... Nothing at all, keep moving.

What the hell did you do with this gyrocopter?

Nothing much,
just flew around and took a sky tour of the city.

Treasure hunting eh!?

We're just tourists passing through, that's all.

If you've been sight-seeing
you'd at least have a camera.

And you wouldn't want to hear
what I heard in town would you?

You know General Kubikari
has a only daughter, right?

You mean Emerah right?

That's her,

word is there are deep-rooted connections
between her and that floating island...

On top of that I've heard
she wants to run away from the general too...

Do you think if her wish was granted
she just might tell us all about the island?

Not to any old tourists!

In return for the info,
I'll pay you well for a special order.

A special-design outboard and ad-balloon

Look up there!

What is that?

Ah, Here you are general.

If I may speak with you for a moment...

today I saw someone who resembled Panish...


At the airport this morning.

You were supposed to have ex*cuted
him two years ago, weren't you?

Y... Yes sir, make no mistake, I...

Do you think he'll really try and take my daughter?

He won't have announced it for nothing.
He's a careful and deliberate thief.

What's wrong?

What is it?

Who was that?

Follow him!

Sir, this is checkpoint 2!

This is checkpoint 2!

How do you propose that Lupin could make it
into this heavily-protected area Zenigata?

Do you really think he'll show up?

He'll show up, he always does!

He's shown himself!

Guards! Aircraft coming from the southeast!

Guards ATTACK!

What's wrong? Respond!



Sorry pops, I'm taking your daughter!


Who's the "Lupin expert" again?
You won't leave my country alive!

To decide the outcome before the final word
is a silly mistake general.



What does this mean?

I told you didn't I? The final word isn't in yet!

What do you want from me?

It's you who wants to run away right...?

That's why we rescued you.

Is that a g*n?

Well if we helped you escape the country...

You'd reward us somehow wouldn't you?

If that is the case,

would you be so kind as to tell us
all you know about the floating island?

I figured you'd want that.

That's right.
And afterwards you can go anyplace you like.

What the hell kind of coffee is this?
It's too strong!

It has more body that way!

Please, I don't like cigarette smoke...

Tastes much better with cream and lots of sugar.

There's no time to lose!

Let's go Crysis!

The Enemy?

We're closed in!


A whole load of them,
they seem to be arriving by air.

So, Kubikari has shown is true colors has he?

Do you think we can deal with them?

Don't you think you went a little too far
on what you paid for this hideout?

You've got to spend money to make money.

Nobody Move!

Better quit while your ahead,

waving around things you don't
know how to use will get you hurt.

Oh, I don't think I'll have a problem working it out.

I'm an undercover agent for the national police.

Ah, of course!
Kubikari uses these methods, does he?

It wasn't the general's idea,
it was Inspector Zenigata's, from Japan.

I thought so!

You fell right into our trap.

What are you gonna do with us?

I'm turning you over to a bloodthirsty general,
who enjoys executions.

Make them stop!

I can't believe you're doing this!

In this country "arrest" and "execution"
are one and the same..

Why are they firing at their own people?

This is the general's way of doing things...

So, why in hell are you working for him?

Who's the guy in the picture, someone you know?

I'm sure I've seen that face before back in Zufu.

When are you talking about?

Two days ago.

Then it wasn't the same man.

Whew! Man, that was awful.

Hey, Goemon!

Are you okay?


Ah, you've come at a good time! Check this out!

Isn't that the guy we saw
at that downtown bar the other night?


It can't have been him,
this man died two years ago!

Here they come!

That's far enough. You've nowhere else to run.


You win!

By the way I didn't catch the name...

Yours I mean?




That's the name of the flower "P. Paris"

In French your name means
"beauty" and "honesty".

In English it means "danger" and "warning".

What's our next move?


Well then it's up to YOU Oleander,
do you want to speak English or French?

See you soon!

I take it you'll be leaving us soon inspector?

There's no further reason for your being here.

Ole! Thank goodness you're okay!

Feisty as always,
I never thought you'd catch Lupin...

But I knew you get out all right.

Lupin got away.

Ah, but there's no way
he'd have survived the fall.

He'll be fine,
he always gets out of those kinds of situations.

You're very naive Crysis.

I want you out of our country
by tomorrow morning!

Do you hear me? you've got 24 hours!

If you're here any longer than
that I'll have you arrested!

Shall we get going?


I'll protect your daughter without fail!

That's not all I want from you...

Monitor her behavior at all times!


This is your new consultant, Fujiko

It's an honor to meet you your highness.

Pleased to meet you too!

Don't let her out of your sight.

Yes, sir

Why must he treat me...

Like a child...

Your father is just worried about you is all.

He's not my father.

You're not his real daughter?

"The woman who knows the secret."
That's all I am.

What secret?

Don't play dumb, the floating island.
You're here for the treasure aren't you.

I don't know what you'r..

If you help me escape here I'll tell it to you.
I'll tell you the secret!

You make it sound simple.

Okay, leave everything to me! I have an idea.

It ain't safe for a pretty girl like you
to be in this part of town!

I'm looking for someone.


Even if I move someone else will stop you!

And If you're lookin' for someone,
maybe I can lend a hand...

You still look good, Ole.

So it's true. You've returned!

I thought it was just rumors!

I've been gathering allies for the resistance.

The resistance?

Yes, to topple Kubikari.

The man who tried to k*ll me!

Who k*lled my father, and
stole control of this country.

They said that you had died!

That was made up so Kubikari could take control.

I can't believe it.

He said he'd taken revenge for your deaths.

He was lying, he's lied to everybody.

Please lend me your strength.

I want you to return to Kubikari
and tell me his every move.

You can contact me using this.

When the frequency is between 80 and 130,
it start recording.

I'll do it! Is there anything else I can help with?


I don't want to put you in anymore danger.

I'll come again.


Are you the one who called us?


And you're absolutely sure this is the man?

Yes, no mistake.
He's at the table farthest back inside.

Okay, let's move!

You're warned that if you didn't leave the country,
you'd be arrested, isn't that right...


The only person who can address me as just
"Zenigata" is the general inspector.

From here on out, everyone'll be calling you, Bitch!

That's what happens when you're put in jail!

Wherever Lupin III appears, Zenigata is there.

I will leave this town with Lupin in my custody.

Tell that to Crysis!


Don't hurt me!

I won't hurt you if you get me some coffee base...

I wi.....erthrow Kubikari...
son of the true king...Panish!

Prince Panish!

You were led to believe I was dead,
but as you can see I'm very much alive! you can see I'm very much alive!

He's overridden the signal

The man Kubikari ex*cuted was an imposter,
a faithful agent of mine.

The resistance which we have
organized over these past two years,

WILL overthrow Kubikari!

The people of this nation
have suffered long enough!

We won't let Kubikari push us around anymore!

We WILL take back...


So it was Panish you saw at the airport?

It doesn't matter anymore...

Capture Panish!

Without hurting him I assume?

Of course, don't k*ll him...

I want him brought before me...

While he's still alive!

The tide is about to turn.

Drunk again are we...


When you see him like this,
you kinda forget he's an informant.

You know that's why I had you hire him right?

It's about the island right?

Right. Let's hear EVERYTHING you know about it.

Well from what I understand.

It was originally the former kings idea!
I know a fare amount about it

So spill it old man!

You can't steal the treasure it's impossible!

Ah, you're finally opening up.

You were att*cked on the island weren't you?

Uh-huh. What the hell was it?

That's the defense mechanism. A nanomachine!


That thing that att*cked us and all those soldiers
on the island was a nanomachine?


So, how do we get passed it?

You can't!

It's clear!

Will you be alright? Won't you be in danger?

Don't worry about me.

More importantly,
will you tell me the secret of the island?

The secret of the island?
I'd give that up if I were you!


The islands defense system was
created by order of the former king,

by my father, Voltsky.

It can't be destroyed by anyone!

But you know the secret don't you?



I'm sorry.

Before my father died he told the general
that I was the key to the secret of the island.

But he was only protecting me.

I don't know anything.

I don't believe it

There might be some kind of hint
in the General's computer room!

A computer?

Thanks for your help. Farewell!

Have a nice life!

General, what can I do for you?

Emerah, your father is here.

I don't want to see him!

Miss Emerah!

Get out!

Don't take your eyes off her.

Yes, sir.

His highness is angry!

That's right!

Even the reinforcements for the
imported weaponry are not supervised!

The west gate of the royal palace
in particular has remained untouched.

It looks like they've no money either,
at least at this moment in time!

Understood, I'll check into it

Panish, wait..!

Alright watch real close...


You know why we let you have
this place in this area?


Panish is strange.

He's stirring up trouble
in this ignorant nation,

trying to overthrow the general
and take over his own country.

I saw it... On the TV.

Don't you be taken in too!
He's bad for this country.

All we can do is hope that
this will end as suddenly as it began.


We must take this fight to them,
right into the hideout and take out Panish.

We must, in service of our general.

I know.

Don't ever forget it.
Remember I'm the one who got you where you are.

I'll do what's needed.

All right, that's all for today.

Don't let Ole out of your sight!

That's what an informant's supposed to do right?

I'll give it a shot but it'll cost you...

Looks like you plan went off
without a hitch doesn't it boss?

I saw it on the net...

One million dollars to the person that
brings in Lupin and his g*ng...

"Dead or Alive"

Dead OR alive, huh?

Hey, boss wait up!

Don't pretend you know nothing about it!

I don't have time to waste on
Lupin with Panish around.

Did you see those two? They'll bring him down.

So, that's sand from that island,
that you found on your ass?

Yep! Let's try enlarging it a bit more.

It kinda looks like metal...

It moved! What the hell is it!?!?

I'm trying to analyze it...


This must be what Spunky was talking about.

The nanomachine is mankind's ultimate machine.

Only one nanometer in diameter it's so small it...

Can be injected into the human body
to hopefully k*ll harmful germs...

They say it'll enable survival in outer space,
underwater all sorts of places.

Report by: DR. Voltsky

Wasn't that the dead guy
we saw on the floating island?

Well, he sure made that thing
a big pain in the ass for us.

So what does it say about the treasure?

Inside, huh...

One more glass, please!

Okay, but this is it for tonight!


Well, well, well.

How original using a bar
as cover for a secret agent...

There are no hidden cameras I hope!
I've been looking for you, you drunk?

I've only had a few


I can take my drink!

we're talking about how to fool the nanomachine?

I told you, It couldn't be done!

So how was the King
supposed to get his own treasure back?

Obviously the heir, prince Panish.

Panish is the key is he...

Oh right, you hate cigarette smoke!
Please forgive me!

Forget that let's drink! Bartender get me another!
Getting wasted is what life's all about!

Looks like you're finished for tonight pops!

...One more...Glass...


Hold it right there!

You do know that there's a price
on your head don't you Lupin?

One million dollars... Dead or alive!

No hard feelings. I mean, you'd do the same, right!?

Huh!? Oh shit!


Wha.. Who are you?

Sorry, I just need to borrow your bike a sec!

Thanks for the ride babe,
slow down I'll get off here.

Like hell! Ride with me a little longer Mr. Lupin III.

What? You know about me?

Of course you're the million-dollar man.
You're real famous around here.

Don't tell me you're a bounty hunter?


Old man!

Fell for the woman as always Lupin!

Wait, what about me!?

I've chased you for a long time.

No matter how often I thought
about giving up I never did.

And now to capture you this easily...
It's kind of a letdown.

Well let me go and we can try again!?

You've got to be a little disappointed right?

Well, you know I'm gonna work my way
out of these ropes somehow so...

Are you kidding!?

The only escaping you'll be doing
is from gay men in the prison showers!

They've called for you sir.

That so?
Could you bring the phone down here please?

I don't think the cord is long enough sir...



Watch him closely, until I get back.


You don't look like much of a thief!

Well, stories get inflated you know.

What do you mean? No I'm not joking!!
It'll take too long!!!

There isn't even one chopper!?

We can't just leave him here in this country,
can we?

What's that? A truck?

No, no five is fine, I'll be there!

See you then, thanks for your assistance!

What poor taste.

Where in God's name
would you hide anything in this room?

What's this?

Awesome! The latest model!

Download the necessary access files in storage...

There it is!

Come to momma!


"Copy to D/:"

Come on...

What the hell?

F-From where!?


He's in the forest, near the second water gate.

Yes, sir.

What's happening Crysis?

Return to your room!
Dispatch troops to the second water gate!

Yes, sir!


We've set off a brilliant display of fireworks so far.

Are you hurt?

You go that way!
I'll search the stores down below!

We're closed!

They've gone.


The streets are crawling.
You'd best leave through the back.

Thank you, Ole.

This time you really will end up dead you know!

Don't worry about me.


Kubikari needs me! he won't k*ll me.

Right now, your safety is much more important.

With the help of my friends,
I will lead the people in rebellion.

I don't want you in this mess.
Please, leave tonight.

I will overthrow Kubikari.

A revolution!?

Nothing so outrageous. Just...


I just hope we can all live happily again.

Look after yourself, okay.


You said, "we can all live happily again."

Does that include me too?

After I turn you in,
I'll head to the hot springs to relax.

Me, and the Geishas, every night!
Finally relaxing.

Then I'll write my memoirs,
they'll be a number one bestseller!

How's this for a title:
"Zenigata: Love and w*r with Lupin III"

You were good,
but you must've wanted me to catch you really...

That's what the "love" part refers to.

You're unusually quiet, what's up?

Actually I can guess!

If you really want to get
something positive out of all this,

try reading "The Analects of Confucius"
while you're I..

You bastard Lupin! You've screwed me again!

So what you got planned?

If we don't know the secret,
it'll just be the same as last time!

I didn't say we didn't know the secret!

Optimistic people sure are strong...

Ole! Who'd have thought YOU were a double agent!

I knew you'd been communicating to Panish.

Backstabbing bitch!

Tell me, where is Panish?


That's enough Crysis.


We still don't know where Panish is...

If she's not talking, then she's useless...

General! A report from the field, sir.
The resistance has started to attack!

Is Panish with them?

Uh... Well... We're not 100% certain, YET...


Tell me the truth.

...The floating island...

Okay, so we can get this far!

Now the problem is getting any further.

Oh, thanks!

Hi! Long time no see.


It's dangerous here you know.

Don't worry about it!

Last time we were here
we ran into all sorts of trouble.

Why do you think Fujiko stayed back!?

It's incredible that
they researched nanomachines so long ago.

It says here that it's
energy source is a solar cell,

it's self-regulatory,
and could conceivably operate forever.

So with this sort of operating system
it must have..

Exactly. There's a research program installed.

And this is?

I don't know,

but it looks to me like it has
something to do with that door.

H-hey, come on show us a little more!

I risked my own life to get this information.

So, let's work together on this one!

I want 70%...


I get 70% of all treasure found
and you guys split the remaining 30%!

Highway robbery.

You don't have to agree,

if you think you can get the
treasure without my help...

As soon as we get involved with Fujiko,
SHIT happens!

Now then, where is Panish? Where is he hiding?

The door? Is he behind that door?

You went to great lengths to save your skin.
You shouldn't make it all for nothing.

You're gonna k*ll me anyway,
and when you find Panish you'll k*ll us both!

General! Any further, and..

We'll be fine as long as Panish is there.


Panish is the key to this whole defense system.

It's all in the previous king's computer files.

As long as Panish is here
the nanomachine won't budge.

This is it, this is the door!

He's inside?

Panish! Can you hear me?

Don't waste our time,
we know you're in there! Open up now!

Ole's out here, and if she lives or dies is up to you!

Open the door Panish!

It's useless...

What is?

We're only here to draw you away from the palace.

I was asked about the door,
all I had to do was nod...

Panish isn't here!

Where is he? Tell Me!

Right about now he should be
fighting in the city of Zufu...

Fighting an army without
the two of you leading it!


So, you were here after all!

I will take Ole.

Not before you open that damn door!

Are you Okay Ole?

I noticed the helicopter and followed it here.

The pendant. Give me your pendant.

This is it...

What is it?

It's the nanomachine control system.


You father had this system
designed for the sake of the people,

for the sake of peace.

But I had different plans from the start.

And so you had my father and me k*lled!

Of course I regretted it
once I realized you're the key to get in here.

But you're still alive.


As long as there's a system like this,

the nanomachine will obey
someone's every command.

You and the resistance will be crushed!

This is the most advanced w*apon
on the face of the planet!

All that's left is to take care
of certain unnecessary elements...


I guess it just noticed that
no one looks like Panish anymore!

Hurry and let's go!

If you're so eager why don't you help little?




Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!

How many knives does that guy have!?

This is where it ends Lupin...

Let's go!



Let's go...

This is incredible!

Is all of this gold!?

The Zufu monarchy used gold altered
at an atomic level as its base material.

That means everything's back to its original form!

When did you realize I wasn't the real Panish?

When you kissed me...

He wasn't a smoker.

My act wasn't good enough, huh...

What I still don't understand though is....

Getting wasted is what life's all about...
Just one... More... Glas..s...


Ah! I had Jigen wear the disguise.
Just the once though!

Looking back it was a cheap trick to play...

Hey is that...?


Sorry Lupin, but we're going home.

WHAT? Just leaving the treasure like that?
Are you crazy..

What can I do?
Only the guy behind you has any say now...

I've got you!

Old man! Didn't think I'd see you so soon!

I don't know what you're looking for in this country,
but you'll be captured by the shogunate!

Don't you worry about me!

The Kubikari shogunate is no more
and the resistance has liberated this country.

So, peace has finally returned to this country has it?

Yes, and now I've got you I can at last be at peace.

Well, let's see if your "peace" can elude you again!

Not this time...

I've had these cuffs made just for you.
You ever heard of a nanomachine?

Admit it, it's over, you're done Lupin...

Are you an undercover agent?
Or a resistance member...? Which is it?

Well, I guess I'd better go...

Uh, Inspector Zenigata!

What is it?

Lupin III...

... Got away!

Thank you.

It was fun while it lasted.

Well it's over, and what did we score?
A useless mains control system!

No, all I'VE got is a useless mains control system!
I did the work to get it!

Hey Jigen where are you going?

I'm tired of this country,
think I'll head west for awhile...

This warrior will head east.

I got south!

If only the discs where made of gold!

What a shame,

he didn't even know his
own body was made of gold!

This isn't the fruitless effort we thought it'd be!

This is easy the best job we've ever pulled!

This time it really IS over.
Now, where to, everybody?

I'm all for west.

This Warrior will head east.

I say south!

Well then,
I'll remain impartial and take the middle road.

North it is!
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