Stand by Me Doraemon (2014)

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Stand by Me Doraemon (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »


Over here!


- This is fun!
- Okay!


Wait for me!

Noby, wake up!
You won't have time for breakfast!

You'll be late for school!

A dream..

[[ He went back to sleep.
He'll be late for school ]]

[[ Noby! Wake up already! ]]

[[ Mom, Why didn't you wake me?! ]]

[[ I tried many times. ]]

I'm off!

I can still make it.

[[ See? I knew it. ]]

[[ Let's keep watching. ]]

We had steak 3 days in a row


Still standing in the hall?

How does it feel to be
punished for being late?

I wouldn't know.
I've never been punished.

Yo, Sneech.

Give him a break.

He's been standing forever and he's tired.

Big G.

You can play ball with us today.

Be thankful.

I have another plans.

What? Don't be so cocky.

Stop it, you two!
You're hurting him.

It's none of your business.

Don't talk to me like that.

I'm fine, Shizuka.

[[ He needs a girl's help. ]]

[[ He's more pathetic than I thought. ]]

Next! Noby!


Noby! Nice catch!

- Let me try, big brother.
- Okay, just once, Little G.


[[ Pretty bad at sports. ]]

[[ You're right. ]]

[[ He's studying. Maybe he's smart. ]]

[[ I don't know... see? ]]

[[ Something fell. ]]

[[ Let's not do this.
It's no use going. ]]

[[ We have to do something. ]]

[[ - We have to help him.
- Not possible! ]]

[[ Let's go talk to great-great grandfather. ]]

If not, I'm going to
push the button on your nose.

Okay, okay. Whatever you say.


It's opening.

Noby... You're Noby, right?


- Seal!
- Don't be so rude!

But I can't blame you.
It's dark in here

Good evening, I'm Doraemon.


Let me come out.
Oh, a drawer?

Hi, I'm Soby.

Why were you in there?

Stay calm and listen.

We're from the future.

Wow, how does this work?

Your things in the drawer are safe.

They're in here in my Four-dimensional Pocket.

I can fit anything in it.

Lots and lots of things.

Here you go.

Thank you.

In any case, I still don't understand.

You're my descendants?

Your grandchild's grandchild.

I come 4 generations after you.

I'm still a kid,
I don't have grandkids.


What is this called?

Yummy buns.

I've never had anything so good.

Great-great grandpa,
you'll be an adult one day, right?

You'll get married, right?

- I will?
- Yes. 19 years from now.


Who am I gonna marry?

Your wedding photo,
Her name is Little G.

- Little G?
- Your life from then on.

My wife... A bully like her...

You're lying!
Go away! Go!

Get out of here!
I don't believe you!

Don't get mad, okay?

Unless things change,
your life is the pits.

Look at this.

You can't find a job,
so you start your own company.

But, your office burns down in a fire.

Your debts from the fire snowball.

That's why we're really poor.
All our things are old and shabby.

Got it?

I'm sorry.
I caused you guys so much trouble.

I wish I could disappear.

Hey, don't get so down,
you can change your fate.


That's why we're here.
Right, Doraemon?

I still haven't said yes.

Hold on.

Doraemon, we talked about this.

All right then.
You're making me do this.

Until you help Noby be happy... can't come back to the future.

You're so mean, Soby!

Doraemon will take care of you.
I'm quite busy.

I can't! Impossible!

It's programmed so you can come
back once Noby finds happiness.


Even if you don't want to,
you'll have to come back.

Of course I'll want to go back.

I'm counting on you, Doraemon.

He could be a bit difficult.

But I'm sure you'll
be glad to have him around.

See ya!

Thanks, Doraemon.

I can't do this,
I'm going back to the future.

Improper words detected.

Okay, I get it!

I'll help Noby find happiness.

I can't believe Soby
really activated the program.

I hope I'm not hurt.

Can you really help me?

I'll show you how
amazing the 22nd century is!


- What is it?
- Don't worry.

What does it do?
Go out the window?

You'll enjoy it.


I'm floating!

Cool, right?

It hurts. I'm not dreaming.

I'm gonna fly off into the space!

Calm down! Calm down!

Stop! Stop! Stop!

It stopped.


Start working!

Start working! Please!

Noby! Wait!

I can't swim!

You're getting the hang of it.

This is easy once you get used of it.

Even little kids can used it.

What is it?

Shizuka's house.

- A friend?
- Yeah, classmate.

Let's go surprise her.

Is she still up?

She's sleeping. Too bad.

She's pretty.

You think so?
Even in future standards?

Really? I see, I see.

I totally like...


Noby, you're still up?
Go to sleep.

What did you just say?

Me and Shizuka... We're getting...


I wanna get back to the future.

I think it's the
surest way to make you happy.

Me? Marry Shizuka?
I feel awkward.

You don't have
to go through all the trouble...

So you don't want my help?

Yes, I do.

But how?

I'm go to school!


No more being late for school.

Anywhere Door!

What's that?

Say where you want
to go and open the door.


I got a new toy yesterday.

Good morning.

Noby's early. Unbelievable.


Hi, Noby.

Good morning.
You're early today.

Memory Bread!

Eat it and you can
memorize what's written on it.

Here! Here! Here!

I know the answers!

You got better score than me!

Doraemon, I wanna beat Big G!

Invisible Cape!

Mom! I'm hungry!

Hey! Who's doing that?!

Ouch! My boil!

Grabber Glove!

Being good at sports
can make you popular.

I caught it!

Nice catch!

I saw that! Mr. S!


Time Kerchief!

Things go back to the way they were.
You can also fast forward them.

You shouldn't lie like that.


Shizuka, what are you drawing?


Instant Wardrobe Cam!

Draw an outfit.

Sketchbook, please?

- Make it cute.
- You got it.

Say cheese!

You pervert!

Speed winder!

Put this on and it'll speed you up.

You sure are working hard today.
Doraemon is helping, isn't he?

- I'm finished!
- You are?

Helping your mom?
Good for you.

Will you clean the living room now?


Gulliver Tunnel!

So big!


Underground Tree House!

Extra Hot Cloud Spray!

Shizuka! Good morning!

Good Morning, Noby!

You're on a roll these days.
Thanks to Doraemon?

Yeah. I feel like I can do anything.

Shizuka! Can I talk to you?


Oh yeah! I forgot about him.

Good at sports. Good at school work.

And a really nice guy.
My classmate Ace...

Hey, Noby. You're early again.

You're saying no matter how much
you use gadgets of the future... can't beat your classmate Ace.

Don't underestimate me!

I'm a cat-shaped robot from 22nd century.

There's nothing I can't do!

Hang on. I'll find a gadget
that will make Shizuka...

...fall in love with you.

Imprinting Egg!

What's this?

Know about imprinting?

I guess you wouldn't.

Some animals, especially birds
treat the first thing they...

...see as their parent.

Even a toy bird.

This is called imprinting.

Do you understand?

You have no brains.

Putting it simply,
get Shizuka this egg.

Close it and a timer will start.

love with the person she sees.

Why you didn't tell me in the beginning?

What an amazing gadget.

Shizuka's heart will be mine.

This gadget is very powerful.

It has complete control over its subjects.

Me, I wouldn't use such a cowardly gadget.

No, Noby. Wait!

Boy, it's heavy.


Big G! Stop it!

Are you okay?

He's in the egg, which means..

Noby honey..

Go! Go!

What's this?

Hi Big G, what are you doing?

That was expensive, you know?

You're so cute!

You just noticed?

I just got this. It's crushed

Sneech! I'll never let you go again!


Help me!

Why you running?

Holy cow, that's strong.

Phew, that was close.

I don't think you should use it.

Why not?

You saw what happened.
It's a bad idea.

I wanna be popular too.

Are you sure about this?


Let's have Shizuka enter it here.


- See you.
- Yeah, see you.

Yes, Doraemon!

- What's that hole?
- Anywhere Hole!

It's connected to Shizuka's front door.

That's great!
Now we wait for 15 minutes, right?

Go on and get out of here.

I don't want her
to see you by mistake.

I can hardly wait for 15 minutes.
When she comes out...

Hey, Noby!

Now what?

That weird egg! It's Doraemon's, right?

I need help! Do something!

I'm busy right now.

Big G right around the corner.

Sunie-poo! Where are you?

He's here! Move!

Oh, I forgot!


Go get Doraemon!

- Where is he?
- Go find him.

There you are, Sunie-poo!

You're my everything!

Help! Mommy!


Noby, What's going on?

How could you let this happen?

I told you it was a bad idea.

Please! You have to put her back!

What? This will fix her but...


Don't you like me?

Of course I do.

I like you a lot too.

But I don't want to rely on a gadget.

He won't use a gadget...

I like you even more than before.


He's impressive.

He's just too perfect.

But me, on the other hand...

You're klutzy and slow
and you hate to study.

Shut up.

- Timid, lazy, dense.
- Leave me alone.

Bad at sports and a coward.

Forgetful, unreliable, goof-off..

You're so lame that
you can't be compared to Ace.

You don't have to be so mean.

Now you know you can't make
the gadgets do all the work.

You yourself also have to make effort.

Me, huh?

- Galaxy!
- Whoa! But that's...

I'm not good at anything.

If you don't at least try,
you'll never change.

You're okay with that?

Good night.

Next. 120 divided by 6...
This is hard.

What's going on?
Studying so early in the morning.

Did I wake you? Sorry.

I thought about it.

I'm gonna try not to
get a zero on my next test.

Mom gave me more allowance today.

Look. Noby's studying.

Wow! I'm so impresses Noby!

- 120 divided by 3.
- 40.

- 13 x 5.
- 65.

- 25 x 3.
- 75.

Good luck on your test tomorrow.
I'm sure you'll do great.

There you are.

Here, Sneech.

You're acting so weird, Noby.

I'm not the guy I used to be.

You better not get a good score.

Then I'll apologize right now. Sorry.

Okay, Start.

Oh my God! No!

Noby, you got a zero.

- Again?
- I'm sorry.

At this rate, you'll flunk elementary school.

I'm worried about your future.

I'm so reassuring to
have Noby in the same class.

Don't be so smug.
You only got 10 points

It's not that different.


- How was the test?
- Don't ask.

Come on. You studied so hard.
I bet you did well.

I'm not telling you.

Don't be so shy.

All right. Bring-It-Bag!

I'll just fetch
the test paper from Noby's bag.

What? Japanese Test?

You were studying for a math test.

I can't stand this!

I can't stand myself anymore!


Leave me alone.

Be careful when you run!

See what I mean?
Are you okay?

Come on, sweetie.

I made up my mind.

Hi, Noby.
What are you doing?

He's being weird.

- Mom, I need a favor.
- I'm not buying you anything.

It's nothing like that.
Let's move somewhere far away.

Don't be silly.
Why do we have to move?

Then let me go study abroad.
How about the U.S.?

Stop talking nonsense
or you'll be in trouble.

I'll just have to take
matters into my own hands.

Noby, you tried really hard.
Don't worry about failing.

If other people can do it,
so can you.

Here it is.

Are you listening to me?

It doesn't matter anymore.

I'm giving up on marrying Shizuka.

You don't like her anymore?

Yes I do!
I like her a lot!

She's everything to me.

Then why?

I thought hard about it?

If she marries me,
She'll be unhappy forever.

Until now,
I only thought about myself.

But If I really do care about Shizuka...

...she's better of without me.

It's hard saying goodbye. But....

It's harder thinking that
I'll be making her unhappy.

Shizuka! Noby is here!

I'm taking a bath.

I just came to return some books.

I'll always be wishing
for Shizuka's happiness.

Tell her I said goodbye.


I'm doing the right thing.


What's the matter?
Are you angry at me?

Don't ask.

We better not see each other anymore.

I won't leave until you say why.

What am I supposed to do?!

I'll make her hate me.


I hate you.

He's really serious.

I can't believe he did that.

I'm doing the right thing.
But it's tough.

Noby, what are you doing?

Ace! You're a good guy.

Take good care of Shizuka.

Noby, want a yummy bun?
These are especially good.

No! I'm not in the mood.

- Just a bite.
- I'm not like you.

Just eat it!

I said, I don't want it!

I don't usually share my yummy buns!

Noby's acting real weird.

I agree.

Noby's really depressed about
getting a zero on that test.

I would be too.

If Mr. S told me I might flunk..

...I'd be hating life.

[[ Tell her I said goodbye. ]]

Oh, no.

- Noby!
- It's Shizuka!

- I know you're there!
- Yikes!

- Come here
- What should I do?

- Noby!
- I have to make her hate me.

Don't be stupid.

That would put me
in a tight spot as well.

Just do something!

- If you insist...
- Hurry up!

This should do it.

Noby! Shizuka is here!

It'll make Shizuka hate you.
So will everyone else too.

Got it?
One sip was enough!

Nothing's happening.

What's wrong, Doraemon?


I don't feel well.

I can't stand it,
Just being close to you...

You make me sick!

I drank too much.
I feel sick.


Oh, no..

I'm going to die.



Get it out.
You'll feel better.

Go on.

How odd... Why was I running?

Phew. I feel better.

I thought you poisoned yourself.

Were you that worried about me?

Of course I was! You're my friend!

And don't be so weak!
It's just Mr.S!

You jerk.


Oh, boy..that was really tough.

Oh my God! Why?!?

She was so mad at me.

The stars are so pretty tonight.

What's the matter?

You see, because of today's events,
your future has started to...

I'm not telling you.

What are you talking about?

If I tell you, you'll get lazy.

Oh, come on.
Tell me. Just a little bit.

- Tell me!
- Why should I?

- I said tell me!
- That tickles.

It's dangerous up here.

You're right.

When your future
is starting to look good...

What? Look good?

Wanna take a peek?

Oh yeah!

Where did it go? Let me see.

Here it is!

At this point...

...this is your future.

A grown-up Shizuka.

She's so pretty.

The boy getting a spanking
looks exactly like you.

That means...

I must have married...


Yes! Yes!

This is awesome!

Thank you, Doraemon.
I owe everything to you.

You're wrong, Noby.

Out of the millions of possibilities... grabbed the opportunity.

My future changed.

Your new future.

Yeah, my new future.

Your kindness is about
to change the future.

Will you marry me?

Yes, I'd love to.

You're proposing to her?!
That's not fair!

No, Noby.
We're practicing for Cinderella.

We're putting on a play.


It's not working.

Actually I was surprised too.

Why would Shizuka marry you?

There's so many better guys out there.

Watch it!

When my future was
starting to look good...

She might end up marrying Ace.

If you're that worried,
let's watch Time TV.

You're supposed to get engaged...

...14 years from now on Oct 25.

So let's see what
happened a little before that.

Are you serious?

That's you grown up.

Same as ever.

Mountain climbing?

Are you going or not?

That's Shizuka.

I want to.
But I hate climbing.

I would if the mountain's flat.

You need to grow up.

Whatever. I'll take another friend.

I can't watch this.
Fast forward it.


Shizuka's alone.

She must have gotten
separated in the blizzard.

- She's in trouble!
- You're right.

What's grown-up Noby doing?

In bed with a cold.

Oh, man.

Wait. I got it!

Time Kerchief, please.

What are you gonna do with it?

This fast forward things, right?

I'll ride the Time Machine
and go save Shizuka.

Are you okay, Shizuka?

You're wonderful, Noby!
And we'll get married.

Will it work that well?

I'll go get ready!

I'm ready.

Come on. Let's go to the future.

Wait a second.

You're not thinking thoroughly.

Using the Time Machine could
change the future again.


It doesn't necessarily
change for the better.

You're so dramatic.

I have to hurry
and go save her.

Hang on tight. If you fall off,
you'll be lost forever in time.

Okay. Here we go then.

My house is a public toilet.

The neighborhood turned into a park.

Everything's so different.

Let's go. Get out Anywhere Door.

You make me work hard.

Take me to Shizuka!

There she is!

You stay behind. I'm going to
save her without your help.


Good luck.


It can't be...


The cottage is still far away.


It's been 3 hours
since we got separated.

Shizuka, you okay?!

It's me, Noby.

Noby? Why are you here?

It doesn't matter.

Everything will be
fine now that I'm here.

When you're lost in a snowstorm,
don't walk around blind.

First of all, check the map.
This is the iron rule.


That's a world map.
That's so you.

This Auto Compass
will show us the direction.

That's convenient.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

When we were kids, Doraemon would
come to your rescue at times like this.

What did you say?

I wonder how Doraemon is doing.

Probably taking a nap or something.

Oh, Noby... You're so silly.

Just like a kid.

Kid?! She knows?!

There's a cave.
Let's take a break.

We have to make sure
we don't freeze to death.

Let's start a fire.

The matches are wet.

No worries.
I know how to start a fire.

I just have to rub

Now's my chance.

I have to...

Impress her.

It's not working.

Want my lighter?

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want to interrupt.

Do you have a cold?

I don't feel too well
but it's no big deal.

She caught it
from the grown-up Noby.


When you came to see me,
I must have given it to you.

It's my fault.
I don't take good care of myself.

Wear this. I'll be fine.

It's wet.

Your clothes must be wet too.
Aren't you cold?

Now that you mention it...
I'm cold.

You better take them off.

I don't have change.

I have an emergency blanket.


This is really warm.

I'm glad.

Is your cold getting worse?

What should we do?
You could die!

Don't say that.

You really haven't changed at all.

I worry about you. You need
someone to look after you.

Yeah... all right.
The answer to your question is...


I thought you'd be happier.


What should I do?

Help, Help, Doraemon!


This nice weather
is making me drowsy.


I'll take her to Anywhere Door.

This yummy bun is so yummy...

I'll share one with you...

It should be somewhere around here.

Warning. Pulse rate is dropping.
Contact a physician immediately.

Oh, no!

Ha! The Auto Compass!

I twisted my ankle.

I even lost my glasses.
I can't see anything.

Using the Time Machine could
change the future again.

Oh my God! What should I do?!

It doesn't necessarily
change for the better.

This isn't what I wanted!

Please! Shizuka will die!

I'll study!
I'll do anything!

I'll change!

What are you doing?!

I didn't think thoroughly.

It's my fault.

I have to do something by myself.

There must be a way.

I have to believe in him

The watch is still working.

I memorized the time
and the year right now.

Now it's up to the grown-up Noby.
I'll believe in myself.

Go! This memory!
Please, future me!

Remember this incident!

I wouldn't forget
the biggest crisis of my life!

Go! Go!


This memory!



The memory reached him!

Hey! You guys okay?!

You remembered.

Yeah. I was in bed with a
cold and suddenly remembered.

It's like the memory
flew into my head.

It felt weird.

I didn't know why
I had forgotten it.

Then I couldn't sit still
anymore and rushed to come here.

I was scared.

You're okay now.
Your plan worked.

It's weird saying
this to myself but...

Thanks for believing in me.

I only had me to rely on.

Thanks for relying on me.

Now let's hurry.
I'm worried about Shizuka.

He's back.

- How is she?
- She was in real danger.

But she's okay.
She'll be fine.

Thanks to you.

That's great.



- Yeah.
- Shall I go get him?

No, Don't.

Why not?

Doraemon is your...

My friend from childhood.

Cherish your time with him.

I should go home.
I feel a fever coming on.

Yeah. Um..Thanks, me.

Take car, me.

See ya.

The grown-up Shizuka said
something before she passed out!

She said something?

She said her answer is yes!

Her answer is yes?



Tell me again!

The grown-up Shizuka said her
answer to your question is yes.

That's... That's...


Ouch! What's the matter?

Yes! Are you sure she said that?

I don't get it.

I proposed to her.

I'm impressed by me, Noby.

She didn't give me
an answer for a long time.

Are you okay?

I have to go.
I have to go see Shizuka.


He completely lost his cool
just because she said yes.

He proposed and she said yes...

We're getting married?


What? Are you serious?

Really? Really?

Yes! That's wonderful!

Noby, that's great!
I'm so happy for you!

Wow! You're amazing!

- Shall we go watch?
- Yeah. Let's.

The wedding!

- We're here.
- Today's your wedding.

I'm getting nervous.


On the way to the wedding.

Let's follow!
We need Copters!


He's in a rush.

Probably running late
even on a day like this.

Wow, This is the future world.

Noby, watch out!

- Behind you!
- Behind me?


Let's go.

I'm Noby!
I'm sorry I'm late!

Your ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow.


The wedding is tomorrow.

You may be older but you haven't changed.

Then why did we arrive today?

I made a mistake.

Everyone makes mistakes.

But now that we're here
let's stay and watch you.


Hi, Sneech.

Where are you?
Tonight's your bachelor party.

At Big G's house.

Oh, yeah.

I still can't believe it.
You're getting married tomorrow.

I bet Shizuka is gonna
look so pretty tomorrow.

We all had crushes on her.

But she fell for you.

Make her happy, okay?


I wish I were
the one to make her happy.

But she said I can do
everything on my own.

I see. You too, Ace?

- Noby! Stay right there!
- Yeah, stay there.

If it was Ace, I could give up.
But why you?

You're just Noby.

You're so lucky.

That hurts, Big G.

What's so funny?

Keep it down!
I have a deadline!

Little G.

Hi, Little G.
Long time no see.

Noby, congratulations.
You're getting married.

She became a manga artist.

If you make Shizuka cry,
my pen will coming after you.

I know, I know.
Thank you.

I look so happy.

You're practically drooling.

I can't watch anymore.

I wonder what Shizuka is doing.

Probably crying about
her hasty decision to say yes.

Thanks a lot.
Now I have to go see.


Come in.

Dad, I'm going to sleep now.
Good night.

Good night.

She seems down.

You can't blame her.
She's marrying you.

Good night.

That's it?
But she's getting married tomorrow...

It's hard to talk
at times like this.

Truth Transmitter.

If someone has
something they're holding back...

...this makes them want
to get it off their chest.


I want to call off the wedding.

- Why?!
- Dad...

What's wrong?

You'll miss me when I'm gone.

Of course I will.

You and mom have taken
such good care of me.

But me...

I haven't done
anything for you in return.

Don't be silly.

You've given us
so many wonderful things.

I have?

So many I lost count.

Your first gift was that you were born.

It was 3 a.m.

Your first cry sounded
like an angel's trumpet.

The most beautiful music I've ever heard.

When I left the hospital,
the sky was beginning to light up.

But there were still
stars scattered in the sky.

In this vast universe...

...a new life was born
carrying my blood.

I was so moved
that I couldn't stop crying.

And everyday,
every year since then...

All the happy memories.
We can't ask for anything better.

We'll miss you but those
memories will keep us happy.

You don't have to worry.

I'm afraid.

Will we be all right?

Sure you will be.
Have faith in Noby.

You were right in choosing him.

He's an ordinary guy
with no particular talent.

But he wants people to be happy
and cries for their pain.

That's what makes a good human being.

I'm confident he will make you happy.

And I'm proud of you for choosing him.

Don't worry.
Everything will work out fine.


Why don't we watch
the wedding on another day?

Yeah. Let's go back to the present day.

I miss Shizuka, the one in my era.

What's up?
What's so urgent?

- Shizuka...
- Noby?

I'll make you happy.
Forever and ever!

I promise you.

You're so slow, Doraemon!


Can I borrow a Copter?

Okay, here.

Come here.

What is it?

You see...

Right now...


Just say it.

I'm so super happy that I want...

...the whole world to know!

[[ Noby's happiness confirmed.
Mission Program accomplished. ]]

[[ Return to the future in 48 hours. ]]

Oh, yeah.
That's how Soby programmed it.

I'm so glad.

I'm relieved.

Now I can finally go back.

You really are...

...klutzy and slow.

You hate to study.

You're timid and lazy.

You're so bad at sports.

Cowardly and forgetful.

You're unreliable and you goof off.

You're a wimp and a slow learner.

A pushover and a luck pusher.

A spoiled baby...


Uh-oh... What's wrong with me?


I need a gadget for
eating pasta through my nose.

If I don't, Big G's gonna beat me up!

Don't make promises you can't keep!

You always depend on me!
Do things on your own for once!

Why are you so mad?
What's wrong?

I'll tell you what's wrong!

I can't help you anymore
when you're in trouble!

What do you mean?

What's gotten into you?

I can't stay here anymore.

Do something!

I'm sorry, Noby.

I have to go back tomorrow
or I'm in trouble.

Noby, that's enough.

Let him go.

Come back and visit us.

But this program...

...won't let me
come back to this era.

Is that right?
We'll miss you.

- Take care.
- No! Don't go, Doraemon!

I don't want to.
I'd stay if I could.

[[ Improper words detected ]]


I'll go back to the future!


Are you okay?!

I can't defy the Mission Program.

Noby, I don't know what to say.

Don't be so sad.

Your future changed.
Be happy.

It's meaningless without you.

You changed as well.
You're not the guy I first met.


I'm worried.

I wish I could stay with you.

Will you be okay without me?

Will you be able
to stand up to Big G and Sneech?


- Where are you going?
- Leave me alone.


Doraemon, you idiot...

You know I'm not okay on my own.

Hey, Noby!

I'm glad you're here.

Big G...

Have you decided?

Eat pasta through your nose?

Or get beat up by me?

Help me, Dora....?

[[ Will you be able to stand
up to Big G and Sneech? ]]

- Hold on!
- Huh?

[[ Can you do it alone? ]]

If we're gonna fight...

Let's leave Doraemon out of it.

How brave of you.
Now you're talking.

Ready to start?

It already started!

I wonder where Noby is?

It's our last night together.

So you give up?

Don't ever disrespect me again.

Wait. I haven't lost yet.


You haven't had enough?

I'm just getting started!

He's still not home.
What is he doing? Where is he?

Making me worry even on my last night...

Had enough now?

Not yet!


Where is he?


He's been gone too long.
Something must have happened.

Let go of me!

I've gotta beat you...

...on my own...

I have to show...

...Doraemon that...

...I'll be okay without him!

Buzz off!


Enough already!

Okay, okay, you win.

Forgive me, Noby!


I won.

You saw, didn't you?

I won.

By myself.

Now you won't
have to worry about me.

Right, Doraemon?

Noby! Finish your breakfast!


[[ Doraemon.. ]]

[[ My room feels empty without you ]]

I'm coming!

[[ But I'll get used to it soon ]]

[[ So don't worry about me, Doraemon. ]]

[[ What?! Tsuchinoko? ]]

I thought they were a myth!
That's amazing!

Keep your voice down.

I chased it in here
so poke it from that side.

I'll catch it here.



Serves you right!

Ouch..that was a mean prank.

Thank goodness I found you!

Stay calm and listen.

Guess who I just saw?








Are you okay?

I'm okay.

Is Doraemon here?

What? Is he back?

He's not here?
That's weird.

Oh, I know!

He's being shy and hiding
with an invisible Cape.

I can't wait to see him.

I think I'll go buy some yummy buns.

I hope Doraemon is here
when I come back.

Yummy buns, yummy buns.

My lie was better than yours.

Yes, you win.

You were lying?!

Today's April Fools' Day!

You're easier to fool
than anyone I know.

- Lie and get us back then.
- Yeah.

There's a ghost behind you!

What is this Kindergarten?


Oh, yeah!

When I'm gone...

...and something really horrible happens...

Here it is.

[[ Press the switch on the nose. ]]

[[ You'll find whatever you need inside ]]

This potion is called Liar Liar Liquid.

Drink this and
everything you say will become a lie.

Perfect for April Fool's Day.

That lie about Doraemon was the
cruelest thing they could've said.

They're gonna regret it.

Oh no, a ghost!

Look, Big G!

He looks pumped up.

Another stupid lie?

Give it to us.

Go ahead!

Will you apologize to me?

- Then fine.
- Listen to him.

Nice weather today.

That's it?

It's raining hard.

What did you do?!

What next?

He's spooking me out.

Let's see..


Won't be bitten by a dog!


Dog! Help!

Big G.

Your mom is gonna be super nice to you.

There you are!

You're supposed to be
helping out at the shop!

You're in big trouble.

Mom! I'm sorry!


- I'm home.
- Hi.

Did you find Doraemon?

Of course not.

Doraemon's not coming back.

I'm never seeing him again.


Why? How?

It was so strange. Suddenly
I was allowed to come back.

I know why, you drank this...

...and said I wasn't coming back.

I'm not happy...

Not happy.
I'm not happy at all.

Not happy at all.

Really not happy.

Forever from now on...

Doraemon and I won't stay forever...

No we won't.

We will not stay together.

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