02x05 - Aliens and the Third Reich

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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02x05 - Aliens and the Third Reich

Post by bunniefuu »

Invading armies of

almost invincible power...

Incredible weaponry

designed to both intimidate...

And annihilate.

Secret experiments of an

otherworldly nature.

A lot of the information
that we've been told

about the second world w*r is wrong.

Did, as some believe,

Adolf Hitler base his

plans for world domination on

secret extraterrestrial knowledge?

The Nazis were looking for some kind of

technology that the ancients possessed.

And did the German

military develop an arsenal of

so-called "wonder weapons"

based on advanced alien technologies?

Not only were they able to cancel out

gravity, they could be manipulating time.

Millions of people

around the world believe we

have been visited in the past

by extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really help

to shape our history?

And if so, just what was their

connection to Hitler's Nazis

and World w*r II?

# Ancient Aliens 2x05 #
Aliens and the Third Reich
Original Air Date on November 25, 2010

During the second

world w*r, Germany possessed

the most technologically

advanced military in the world.

Weapons such as the jet aircraft...

Precision bombers...

And guided missiles...

All designed with one purpose

To help the Nazis and

their leader, Adolf Hitler,

blitzkrieg their way across Europe...

And create a "third reich",

or empire, that would eventually

rule the world.

And they developed two amazing weapons.

One was the v-1 buzz bomber,

literally the first cruise m*ssile.

And the other was the v-2,

the first ballistic m*ssile.

The German rocket

program was years ahead of any

of the allied nations.

By the end of the w*r, they were

developing the a-10, which was

also known as the New York rocket.

So that'd give you an idea of

what they were thinking.

They also had one in the works

that they were calling "the Mars rocket".

So I think they had some
pretty grandiose plans.

Even to their enemies,

German scientists were

the envy of the world.

But what was the source of

their incredible achievements?

Were they simply smarter than

their counterparts in other countries?

Did they receive more funding

and resources for their research?

Or were they, as some ancient

astronaut theorists believe,

guided by other, possibly

extraterrestrial, forces?

Hitler was always saying that he had

access to the most advanced

technology, that the Nazis would

prevail in world w*r ii.

And I suppose it is a very

important question to ask.

"What was giving Adolf Hitler

the confidence to assert to

masses of people that he was

going to essentially
take over the world?"

In his 1993 book,

secret societies and their

power in the 20th century,

author Jan Van Helsing told the

story of a strange crash in

Germany's black forest that

occurred in 1936, three years

before the start of World w*r II.

According to Van Helsing,

residents living near the small

town of Freiburg woke up to

what sounded like a massive plane crash.

But when investigators examined

the crash, they found a strange

disc-shaped object.

And inside were the remains of

what appeared to be

extraterrestrial beings.

Van Helsing also claims that

within hours of the crash,

Hitler's SS troops took

possession of the downed

aircraft and its deceased crew

and carried it away to their

top-secret headquarters at

Wewelsburg castle.

There, it was believed,

n*zi scientists began the task of

reverse-engineering the

technology found aboard the damaged craft.

But is there any evidence that

this extraterrestrial space

ship even existed?

And would it have been possible

to reverse-engineer it?

What exists are the

reports of scientists who claim

to have read reports of analysis

done on that craft and the

propulsions system.

The challenges in reverse-

engineering it would depend a

little bit on the nature of the

power source it used and how it worked.

Right now, because we are such

an electronically-based

society, and it's almost all

based on silicon electronics,

um, if it wasn't that, it might

be very, very hard.

But if it was close to what we did,

then it would probably be pretty easy.

According to reports
discovered after the w*r,

german scientists began

experimenting with anti-gravity

technologies shortly after the

alleged discovery of the alien craft.

One of these scientists was an

Austrian inventor named Viktor


He was very instrumental in talking about

creative ways of using fluid

motion to generate propulsions.

And a lot of it has to do with

studying the way animals

actually move through water or air.

He looked especially on the trout

standing still in a raging torrent.

And he thought of, "how can this

fish stand still in this river?"

And then he thought of how nature works.

And he stated, it's not the

animal itself, it's air or

water that moves this animal.

A fish does not swim, it is swum,

and a bird does not fly, it is flown.

So why can't we do this with machines?

Move the air in a special way

so that the vehicle is pulled,

not pushed.

Viktor Schauberger, he developed a

type of vortex engine...

artificial tornado, as it were...

where vortex activity and

gyroscopic activity could be

harnessed with liquids such as

water or Mercury.

My grandfather

Viktor Schauberger made some

big inventions.

Inventions that lead maybe back

to ancient times.

This is the so-called repulsin,

or repulsine in German.

It was meant to be some kind of

propulsion system mounted in a

submarine or an aircraft

vertically to create a field

Viktor Schauberger called

"biological vacuum".

And the aircraft or the

submarine should be sucked into this field.

The special shape of this

device led to the story that

Viktor Schauberger is the

inventor of flying saucers.

At the time of its development,

the repulsin's inverse propulsion system

seemed revolutionary, but

Viktor Schauberger believed he

had rediscovered an ancient technology.

Viktor also refers to old Indian texts

where he reads out of these

texts that these older peoples,

they used some kind of flowing

magnetism that allowed them to

overcome gravity.

According to early

sanskrit texts discovered in India,

aircraft called vimanas

used a similar propulsion

system thousands of years ago.

Is it possible that German

scientists viewed ancient texts

like the Bhagavad-Gita not as

legendary myth, but as a source

of historical and scientific fact?

The Germans were

the best oriental scholars in the world.

So they translated the, uh, the

ancient text, sanskrit,

and later, into German.

And the Germans

studied these ancient Indian

epics and were familiar with

the ideas of vimanas.

And so, by combining that with

this vortex technology and,

allegedly, this crashed disc

from 1936 in the black forest,

they then came up with their

designs for these flying saucers.

In 1939, three years after
the reported crash at Freiberg...

German scientists developed

their own flying-saucer-shaped

aircraft and called it the Haunebu.

Early prototypes had a diameter

of 25 meters and were manned by

a crew of eight.

The Haunebu was a classic
flying-saucer design

with a dome and windows on the

top, with one large dome underneath.

It was sort of contained
ball lightning is what it was.

These two balls, they would

produce electrons and positrons,

and the positrons would migrate

to the top of the sphere and levitate.

Almost all my life

I've heard stories that the

Nazis had obtained a flying saucer.

And I do believe the Nazis were

in touch with nonhuman intelligences...

that gave them the advanced technology

that they developed right up to

the end of the w*r.

But how many in

Hitler's regime actually

believed in the existence of

extraterrestrial beings?

How close were they to the f?hrer?

And how far did they go to make contact?

The swastika.

This simple, four-sided figure

is the ultimate symbol of Adolf

Hitler's n*zi regime.

But its origins reveal a much

different message...

One that dates back over 3,000 years.

"Swastika" is a sanskrit
word from ancient India.

It means "mark of good fortune",

and the same symbol is found not

only in ancient India but all

over the world...

In many different ancient cultures,

ranging from Egypt to Iran

to the cultures of the americas.

During the 1930's,

Adolf Hitler and the n*zi party

used the swastika to symbolize

the Aryan race in its struggle for victory.

But were the German leaders

aware of the swastika's

extraterrestrial connection?

In the ancient

sanskrit texts, it stated that

the symbol of the swastika is

connected with extraterrestrial

beings, such as the hindu God brahman.

It's often used in worship in

temples dedicated to

extraterrestrial beings.

The swastika turns up

in the legends of indigenous

peoples all around the world,

and the theory was that it was a

magical power, a magical symbol,

given to these indigenous

peoples by extraterrestrials,

and that by using this symbol,

it could ward off enemies, ward

off evil, give them the power to

not only survive but become supreme.

Did Hitler choose

the swastika as the symbol of

the n*zi party because of its

extraterrestrial connections?

Did he believe in aliens from other worlds?

It is known that Hitler

surrounded himself with those

who believed in extraterrestrial

beings and ancient advanced civilizations.

Hitler was obsessed
with ancient mythology,

he was obsessed with the occult,

and more importantly,

he was obsessed with
trying to gain knowledge...

That he believed he could muster

before anybody else could.

So he spent an inordinate amount

of time, energy and money all

over the planet to try to get

information about things that

would give Germany an upper hand.

One of the main

groups advising the n*zi

leadership was a secret society

known as the Vril.

Members are said to have

included the commander of the SS,

Heinrich Himmler...

Air force commander Hermann Gring...

And the head of the n*zi party,

Martin Bormann.

The Vril society took their name

from a 19th-century book written

by Edward Bulwer-Lytton called

the coming race.

In it, Bulwer-Lytton describes a

powerful master race and an

ancient mystical energy form

known as Vril that could be

tapped and controlled.

The Vril society in Germany
took their name from this force,

this universal force,

which, in sanskrit,

is known as Prahna.

Just like an engineer

can use electricity to either

heat a room or cool a room or

make sound or do so many other

things, it's one energy, but it

can be manifested in different ways.

The Vril society

believed that this Vril power

could power machines...

and devices, and they wanted to use

it for aircraft, discoid flying saucers.

According to their beliefs,

the Vril could tap into

this energy because they were

the direct descendants of

extraterrestrials from the

Aldabaran solar system that

had come to earth in the distant past.

Members of this pure master race

were known as aryans.

They believed that

aryans ascended from a race of

E.T.'s and these E.T.'s imbued

this Aryan race with tremendous

power and meant for them to be

the master race on earth.

And that was, in part, the

justification for the n*zi

political party to establish the

Aryan supremacy on the planet earth.

When the n*zi party

swept into power in 1933,

the Vril encouraged Hitler and his

henchmen to fund a worldwide

search for ancient alternative technologies.

German scientists and

researchers scoured the planet

for ancient texts and relics...

Such as the holy grail...

And the ark of the covenant.

According to legend, these

biblical artifacts contained

powerful energies that could be

harnessed and used as weapons.

The ark of the covenant was said to be a

wooden box that was overlaid

in gold, and the lsraelites

were said to revere this box

because it represented God.

The ark of the covenant is said

to possess tremendous power.

Whoever touched it dies.

Any army that marches with the

ark of the covenant can defeat

any other army.

And this is part of the lore

and the legend of the ark of the covenant.

But did Hitler

really believe these tales to be true?

Did he view the Bible as a history book?

When you see,

like, the Indiana Jones movies,

which tend to focus on these

secret n*zi occult expeditions

around the world to find the ark

of the covenant or the spear of

destiny or some secret libraries

and aliens, while those movies

are fiction, they're very much

based on truth.

Hitler was obsessed

with trying to find the ark of the covenant.

It was far more important,

I think, than just some religious belief.

I think the ark of the covenant

had a function, whatever
it might have been.

In the book

of exodus, there's a very

detailed description of the ark

of the covenant.

Supposedly it was the box that

was constructed to contain the

two tablets of the ten commandments...

Which were irradiated with

divine power because they had

been touched by the finger of God.

As soon as the tablets are

placed inside the box, if you

look at the biblical accounts,

that box becomes dangerous.

It starts striking people dead.

Strange voices emerge from it.

They weren't far off in the

Indiana Jones movie when it was

described as a radio for talking to God.

At his headquarters in Wewelsburg castle,

SS commander Heinrich Himmler

brought in psychics and mediums

who claimed they could contact

extraterrestrial beings.

One of these was an influential

member of the Vril society
named Maria Orsic.

Maria Orsic headed a

group of women known as the "Vriligen",

or the female Vril members.

And they were beautiful women.

They grew their hair very long

because they felt like their

long hair could act as an

antenna to the universal Vril energy.

They believed that

extraterrestrials, non-human

force, was right here on planet earth.

And they were the ones who

inspired the early technology

to develop circular-shaped

craft based on images that

they'd seen of flying saucers.

They inspired Schauberger.

They inspired other developers

to look into the possibility

that these disc-shaped craft

could fly through some sort of

antigravity, some sort of levitation.

The Germans were able to

develop a technology so far in

advance of the allied

technology, that people said

they were helped by extraterrestrials.

In fact, the one quote we have

was from Hermann Oberth,

and Dr. Oberth was in the German

rocketry program.

Hermann oberth said, quote,

"we were helped by people from other worlds."

Was it possible

that the Nazis made contact

with extraterrestrial beings?

If so, might the Germans have

received other advanced alien technologies?

Just how close did Hitler come

to building the deadliest

w*apon in the history of the world?

Berlin, 1938.

The world took its first step

towards the atomic age when

German chemists Otto hahn and

Fritz Strassmann split uranium

atoms and inadvertently

discovered fission, the basis

of nuclear energy.

When you have atoms

either break apart or come

together, you lose a small

amount of mass.

It turns out the amount of

energy in mass is related to

the mass times the speed of

light, squared.

And the speed of light is such

a huge number, that's what

converts this small amount of

mass into a huge amount of energy.

News of the discovery quickly spread

through the world's scientific community.

In the United States, Albert

Einstein warned president

Franklin Roosevelt in an

August 2, 1939 letter that Germany's

progress could lead to the

creation of a powerful new b*mb.

How were the German

scientists in Berlin able to

make this discovery before anyone else?

Was this really a new breakthrough?

Or might these scientists have

rediscovered an ancient source

of unimaginable power?

Deformed skeletons and

vitrified stone at Mohen Daro, Pakistan.

Radioactive ash covering the

ancient city of Harappa, India.

And the biblical cities
of Sodom and Gomorrah.

According to the ancient

astronaut theory, the first

atomic blasts may not have

occurred during the 1940s, but

thousands of years earlier.

What they found in these cities...

Mohenjo Daro,

Harappa, Kot Diji, others of

these Harappan cities...

they found people just
lying dead in the streets.

It was like some doom had just

taken over these cities.

Some theorists have proposed

that what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah,

two cities right at

the end of the dead sea,

was some kind of nuclear expl*si*n

that wiped this area out.

Lot's wife was allegedly turned

into a pillar of salt.

The idea there would be that

when there is a nuclear

expl*si*n, people are suddenly

vaporized, incinerated, mineralized.

When an atomic b*mb

explodes, the heat is so intense

that it melts the silicon in

the sand into glass.

There are some reports that

such fields of fused sand,

of glass, have been found in places

including India.

But, if they do exist, this

would confirm the descriptions

given in the ancient sanskrit

writings that the people of

those times had weapons

resembling our modern nuclear weapons.

They were called Brahmastras.

According to the hindu texts,

the Brahmastras came from gods.

But who were these supernatural beings?

Many of these hindu gods
did look different than humans.

Generally they're often

depicted as having blue skin,

and that may well be describing


Could Hitler have been aware
of these same ancient accounts?

Might that have been the reason

behind n*zi Germany's

archeological and scientific

trips to India and Africa?

The Nazis were looking for something.

They were looking for some kind

of technology that the ancients

possessed that we had lost,

and they wanted to find it,

and they wanted to find it fast.

Throughout the middle east
and also in ancient India,

there's stories of jinn,

these genies, they've got magic

powers, magic lamps, flying

carpets and things like that.

So in my mind, it's quite

possible that this ancient jinn

are really the ancient aliens

with all their technology and aircraft.

Did Hitler and the Nazis uncover
any ancient atomic secrets?

Just how close did they come to

developing the ultimate w*apon?

And how much of their quest was

guided by an outside hand?

In a secret lecture in February 1942,

German physicist Werner

Heisenberg spoke of building a

nuclear reactor designed to

control fission and enable

uranium to be converted into plutonium.

In layman's terms,

how the atomic b*mb works,

it's basically two stages.

The key element is you have to

get uranium to split.

So you need a trigger for this

reaction to happen.

And then you need it to have

what they call a "critical mass".

Enough of it together that once

you get it to happen in one

place, it can cause the next

reaction, and next reaction,

and next reaction.

So it's actually a series of explosions.

Hitler was now on

the brink of having an atomic b*mb.

But then the Germans suddenly

stopped trying to build one.

But why did the Germans give up

on their atomic program?

Most mainstream historians

believe it was due to its high

cost and commitment amid a

losing w*r effort.

Others suggest that the German

scientists lacked the knowledge

or possibly even sabotaged the

project in fear of what Hitler

would do with his new w*apon.

The Germans came very

close to developing a w*apon

that would have allowed them to

win the w*r.

All I can say is, "thank God we

beat them to the punch",

because if they had gotten that

technology perfected, we'd all

be speaking German right now.

But might the n*zi

scientists, as some suggest,

have turned their attention to

an even more advanced w*apon,

one that would allow Hitler's

army to travel through both

space and time?

In a remote valley

just outside Ludwikowice,

Poland stands a strange

circular structure known as the

henge... or fly trap.

We are in the middle of a valley,

which was taken over by the SS and

transformed into a secret

research, development and

industrial facility.

It was closely guarded.

Inside of this valley, we have

three security rings, closing

specific areas from each other.

Inside of the innermost circle,

this structure stands, and it's

quite mysterious.

Mainstream scholars

believe the structure served as

the concrete support base to a

cooling tower used by a coal mine.

But according to Witkowski and

others, the German high command

would not have devoted so many

military resources here if the

valley contained only an energy plant.

They say the henge was used to

test a new, highly-advanced

machine known as die glocke,

or the bell.

The bell, die glocke,

was probably one of the top

secret projects of the third reich.

It was so secret that it's even

unclear on how much Hitler was told.

There's a great deal of evidence that

suggests that the scientists,

including hermann oberth and

Wernher Von Braun and others,

were working on a bell-shaped

craft that was electromagnetic

in its propulsion system.

This, some say, was

the Vunda Vava, the wonder

w*apon, a w*apon so powerful,

so exotic, that even in the last

minutes of the w*r, as the

Soviet army closed in on Poland...

It could have changed the whole

course of the w*r.

Surviving sketches

depict the bell as having a

ceramic covering and dimensions

measuring ten feet high and five

feet in diameter.

Its design appears contrary to

modern aerodynamic principles.

If you're starting

to think about a bell shape for

flight, the challenge you're

facing, I think, is making it

aerodynamic when you move around

side to side and forward and

backward, 'cause you're

presenting a very large

cross-sectional area to the air,

and you're gonna generate a lot of drag.

So you might be very good if

you wanted just, like,

a hovercraft that went up and

down, but once you start moving,

I think you're gonna run into trouble.

But if the bell was

not a new type of aircraft,

then what was it?

According to some ancient

astronaut theorists, the bell

may have been a time machine.

There is a kind of

vortices named solitons...

vortices isolated

electromagnetically from the

outside world.

Recent research and experiments

show that the link between

gravity and electromagnetic

physics is much stronger than

the scientists thought for some time.

The laws of the

universe being universal, if you

take the right electromagnetic

field, and very high voltage,

pulse it or phase it in a

certain way, you can get some

very strange phenomenon.

You can make things disappear and reappear.

Therefore, it follows to reason

that this would be studied,

and that the n*zi bell was probably

an attempt by that regime to

develop some type of flying

machine that would use these

sort of advanced electromagnetic concepts.

But was time travel even a possibility?

According to German-born

physicist Albert Einstein,

humans were theoretically capable of it.

His theory of special relativity actually

showed for the first time that

time can slow down when you go very fast.

And so, that has an impact on

going into the future.

It allows you to travel really

fast somewhere, and your time

goes slower than somebody else,

and you end up in the future

relative to what you thought

you re doing.

The harder one to think about

is general relativity, where

Einstein talks about gravity,

and how to describe gravity.

And there, you can start

thinking about space-time,

and bending it, and actually by

warping space and time in the

right way, you end up going

backwards in time.

While no records

exist indicating the bell was

ever used during the w*r...

As the allied military forces

pushed into Germany, the entire

project and its commander,

SS general Hans Kammler,

suddenly disappeared.

SS general Hans Kammler

was going to defect in

exchange for immunity.

But then, by the end of the w*r,

he disappeared.

So where did Hans Kammler go,

and what did he take?

I think he took the bell.

Did he create a wormhole?

Did he create a Stargate?

And this is what the Nazis
were working on.

Did Kammler and other Nazis
really use the bell

to escape justice by

disappearing across time,

or possibly to another planet?

Reportedly, the rest of the

project team met a more sinister fate.

The engineers that worked on the bell
were put to death by the SS.

They didn't want this technology

falling into the hands of the

east or the west.

I mean, you have...

like, all these people

are being m*rder*d.

Okay. I mean... I mean,

top scientists, you know.

They blow themselves up in their own labs.

It was also rumored

that Maria Orsic, the psychic

and member of the secret society

known as the Vril, sent out a

coded message to the remaining

members, hoping to escape with

the help of extraterrestrial beings.

What I have been given to understand was,

that was the agreed-to code to

gather at a certain location.

I believe it was somewhere near

what was left of Hamburg.

At that time, a ufo was seen over Hamburg.

She disappeared.

Several other key members of

the Vril society disappeared

and some say, Martin Bormann the major

league occultist, also disappeared.

There have been rumors for many,

many years that they went to another planet.

The ironic thing about

all of this is, years later in

Kecksburg, Pennsylvania,

a similar object was witnessed by

a number of people...

That looked like the bell.

Is it possible that the Nazis

perfected these things?

Or is it possible that the

aliens looked like Nazis in uniforms?

How bizarre would that be?

In the spring of 1945,

Germany's w*r effort collapsed...

As the allied armies
advanced towards Berlin.

German scientists and engineers

abandoned their laboratories.

Hitler's search for a wonder w*apon failed.

But as the w*r neared its end,

what happened to the German scientists?

While it's known many ended up

in the U.S., just what secrets

did they bring with them?

On April 30, 1945,

as the allied armies closed in

on Berlin, Adolf Hitler committed su1c1de.

Two days later, the city fell.

On may 7, 1945, the German army

unconditionally surrendered.

After the w*r in Europe,

many leading n*zi party members

disappeared... some never to be found.

Two months after the defeat of

Germany, a group of American

scientists, led by Dr. Robert

Oppenheimer, gathered in

a remote area of new

Mexico known as jornada del

muerto or "journey of death".

There, at 5:29 A.M. on July 16, 1945,

the us military detonated

the first ever atomic b*mb.

But how had the

Americans discovered the key to

the world's first successful

nuclear device?

Did they do it themselves,

or might they have had access to

the same ancient texts the

Germans did that described

powerful weapons and

extraterrestrial aircraft?

It's something

that's never denied by people

that research this thing.

There's a geophysicist in

Germany, Dr. Axel Stoll,

and he's done a technical

translation of some

of the ancient Indian texts

with an eye towards the idea

that it may have had something

to do with the German flying

discs built during the second world w*r.

So this idea is a possibility.

Perhaps the most
amazing technological

advancement in the history of

mankind was placing a man on the moon.

On July 20, 1969, less than 25

years after the end of world

w*r ii, astronauts Neil

Armstrong and buzz aldrin stood

on the surface of an actual alien world.

But how did such a

technological leap forward

happen so quickly?

And could it possibly have been

tied to ancient technologies

discovered by Germany?

If you think about all the
technology we have today,

there isn't anything that

either wasn't invented during

this period of time, or greatly

enhanced by the Germans during

the reich years.

The Germans pretty much

invented our modern world.

Following the end

of World w*r II, many of

Germany's top scientists,

engineers and technicians were

captured and brought to America

as part of a secret project

known as operation paper clip.

Operation paper clip

was a us government project to

bring German scientists to the

United States to work, either

for the military or for industry.

They were taken into

custody, they were granted

asylum, they were brought to the

United States.

Their horrific w*r crimes with

concentration camp victims were expunged.

The most important

and influential of these former

German scientists was

Dr. Wernher Von Braun,

the commander of Germany's

Peenemunde space research center.

Von Braun was really the developer
of the v-1 and the v-2 rocket.

He was a member of the n*zi party.

His commanders were ss generals.

He was privy to some of the

most secret projects that n*zi

Germany was developing during the w*r.

Once in America,

Von Braun quickly established

himself as the leader of the

us military's burgeoning rocket program.

He would eventually become one

of the key architects of NASA.

In fact, the first

rockets that the United States

was launching out in new Mexico

were essentially the v-2 rockets.

In fact, I think the only real

difference was that we'd taken

the swastikas and iron crosses off.

The whole space race

almost seems like a joke,

as I look back on it, because the

fact is that there wasn't

an American rocket program

versus a Russian rocket program.

We had a German rocket program.

We didn't have an American

rocket program.

There's no question, as you

look at NASA, there's no getting

to the moon without Von Braun

and the other German rocket scientists.

In many ways, the American
government has just

carried on what the third reich

Building underground

bases and factories, developing

secret technology.

And this technology was also in

ancient times, too, and is the

same technology that was used

in the vimanas.

In 1970, UFO researcher
Allen Greenfield

claims to have met rocket

expert wernher Von Braun while

examining declassified files at

Wright-Patterson air force base.

And I said to him,

"how did you develop that
much technology so fast?"

And he looked down the rows of UFO files.

And he said, "we had help from them".

And I said, "you mean, them?"

Meaning the aliens.

He said, "yeah, we had help.

We all got help from them."

And that was, like,
the eye-opening moment.

The evidence that the

Nazis were aware of non-human

technology is simply the fact

of the existence of this

incredible technology that they

had by the end of the w*r.

In the end, Adolf

Hitler's quest for a powerful

new wonder w*apon failed.

But the technological

advancements created by German

scientists did succeed in

changing our world... and even

threatening our very existence.

But could today's space-age

technology really be the result

of ancient alien research?

And if extraterrestrials once

possessed deadly weapons

capable of mass destruction...

What happened to them?

Did they become victims of

their own super-intelligence?

If so... will we?

Perhaps only time...

And space...

Will tell.
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