03x02 - Aliens and Monsters

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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03x02 - Aliens and Monsters

Post by bunniefuu »

An enormous flying creature
born of a raging inferno...

a vicious three-headed dog
guarding the gates of hell

and mysterious sea serpents
terrorizing mankind.

But are such monsters just
mythical creatures; a fantasy?

Or did they actually exist
in the ancient past?

GEORGE NOORY: There was some kind
of experimentation going on.

Let's take this animal
and give him two heads.

Let's take this dragon
and give him wings.

creatures are direct products

of extraterrestrial genetic
experimentations in our past.

NARRATOR: Millions of people
around the world believe we have

been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And if so, might the beasts and
monsters of ancient legend

really have been the product of
an advanced extraterrestrial


Montauk, New York.

On July 13, 2008, a 26-year-old
woman and three of her friends

discovered the carcass of a
strange looking creature that

had washed onto the shore.

At actually looked like
a hybrid creature,

that had the claws of a raccoon
and possibly the beak of a bird

and the body perhaps of a dog.

A very unusual creature,
a photograph is taken and circulated.

It started popping up
all over the internet.

It went viral.

The people couldn't identify the animal
because it didn't look like anything,

it looked like a mixture
of different animals.

And because it looked so strange,
you know, it's provoked a lot of fairies.

Is it just an unknown animal?

Could it be some sort
of hybrid type creature,

something, you know, that had been
genetically tinkered with in a lab?

Some believe that the
mysterious creature

is a hybrid beast.

Perhaps created at a nearby
government testing facility.

The Plumb Island Animal Disease Center.

Crypto zoologists Lauren Callman
labels the creature the Montauk Monster.

This is a replica of the Montauk monster.

One of the things that we notice
about this creature was the

strange features around it's mouth.
It looked like a beak,

and actually looked like we didn't
know what was going on here,

was it a griffin? Was it a creature?
Was it a giant turtle?

But indeed, that was decaying flesh
that came away from the skull.

Other features were the
strange looking feet, and the

body, indeed-- because the
picture had no scale in it--

we thought looked enormous.

But on the body, these white
objects here really define the

size of flies on the creature,
which then determined a scale.

This creature was very small.

RUEHL: Unfortunately, someone
grabbed the carcass and

supposedly took it to his front
yard, and it ultimately vanished.

So the only evidence we have of

this creature is the photo.

But while some researchers theorized
that the so-called Montauk Monster was

the product of modern science,
ancient astronaut theorists

believe the animal could be part
of a long line of genetically-

modified creatures that have
appeared throughout human history.

TSOUKALOS: If the Montauk
Monster is in fact a reality,

then that could mean that if
we're able today to create some

very bizarre creatures behind
closed doors in labs all around

the world, it is possible that
our ancestors, especially the

extraterrestrial ancestors,
had the same capability.

Because in ancient texts, we
have numerous references to

monsters, bizarre beings that have
been described in great detail.

NARRATOR: Ancient Greek
artifacts depict terrifying

beasts such as the Gorgon... the Hydra...
and the ferocious Cerberus.

And in Homer's epic poem the
Iliad, the Greek author

describes a battle in which the
hero, Bellerophon, slays a

monster called the Chimera.

was a dreaded beast

that wreaked havoc and
terrorized the people of Asia Minor.

Homer described the Chimera
as an immortal beast,

with a lion-like head, a snake tail
and a third goat in the middle

that snored bright fire.

The notion of Chimera as some hybrids
has been part of the human

psyche for a millennium.

I mean, when you think about things,
just the Minotaur, Pegasus,

Anubis... This is something that
either we have imagined or

had been created at one time.

These beings, these monsters serve more
of a kind of an ethical purpose in

mythology than they are catalogs
of something literal.

Because story-telling in fiction are just
a part of what we are as human beings.

But did mythic monsters merely spring
from the imagination of our ancestors?

Or might they have
actually existed?

Ancient alien theorists believe
in their existence and that

evidence can be found in
the relics of the past.

TSOUKALOS: To suggest that
all of these creatures were

nothing else but fantasy, in my
opinion, doesn't really hold

water because our
ancestors weren't stupid.

They depicted what they saw.

We find these mixed hybrid beings all
throughout Egypt as sphinxes, as griffons,

as bizarre creatures that,
according to the the ancient

Egyptian texts, they did exist.

They were not a fantasy of
our ancestors' imagination.

ERICH VON DANIKEN: Just imagine there's a
mother spaceship traveling

in the universe for
centuries and centuries.

Then they find a solar system with a
planet with the possibility of life.

Like the Earth,

and they observe on the Nile a crocodile.

A living creature which obviously
is resisting to the heat.

They observe a lion with his power,
his muscles, and now they start to think

we could use a mixture of these
creatures on another planet,

now by genetical design they start
to create mixed creatures.

Some of these mixed creatures
did exist in the past.

The Griffin was a mythological creature
that had the body of a lion,

with the head and wings of an eagle.

Now the lion is the king of the beasts,
the eagle is the king of birds,

so the Griffin was the king
of all creatures.

The creature is somehow two creatures
put together in a way that defies

normal sense, defies normal explanation. So
the question then is, how did that happen?

NARRATOR: By the mid-19th
century, scientists began to

look at fossil records around
the planet to study how

organisms changed over time.

Naturalist Charles Darwin
theorized that all life-forms

share a common origin and have
evolved over the centuries

through a process called
natural selection.

Might the hybrid monsters of
ancient religion and myth really

have been the result
of evolution?

STANFORD: Darwin's theory of evolution
by natural selection is a mechanism by

which life forms can change
from one into another.

It relies on the principal that
organisms that have certain traits,

permutations may be advantageous
in the struggle for existence

and in the struggle for reproduction.

And those traits are the ones that
will be perpetuated over time,

over many, many generations.

Certain different species can breed
if they are genetically close,

Like the donkey and the horse.
Like the wolf and the dog.

However, cats and dogs will not
mate because, first of all, they

don't have the biochemical
signatures to mate with each

other, and plus their genes
are so different that the

chromosomes just won't line
up properly to reproduce.

It's impossible.

NARRATOR: But if Darwin's
theories on evolution and

natural selection cannot explain
the origins of ancient beasts

and monsters, then where
might they have come from?

Perhaps the answer cannot be
found on Earth, but in a place

much father away.

Southern Pakistan.

In the middle of the Indus River
Valley lie the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro.

This ancient city, whose name
means "mound of the dead," was

one of the largest urban settlements
in the world in 2600 B.C.

RUEHL: The ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro,

we have what appear to be
streets that were made up parallel

and perpendicular to each other,
like a modern city.

The homes actually had their own
toilets and they had a very

sophisticated sewer system.

So it looks like a
very advanced city.

NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut
theorists have long thought this

site was also the epicenter
of a nuclear expl*si*n that

occurred more than
4,000 years ago.

RUEHL: Skeletons were found
in dead positions as though

there's an instantaneous death,
and some of those skeletons, as

measured by Soviet scientists, had
50 times the normal radioactivity.

They found pottery that had been
fused, then walls were heated to

such an extent they became
vitrified or glasslike,

suggesting some sort of ancient
nuclear w*apon involved.

NARRATOR: According to the
Mahabharata, the ancient holy

text of the Hindus, white-hot
smoke rose in infinite

brilliance and reduced
the city to ashes.

Horses were burned by the thousands and
corpses were vaporized by intense heat.

TSOUKALOS: And afterwards, a big
silence came over the entire land and

people started to have
boils under the skin.

Their hair started to fall out,
and their nails. There's only one thing

that causes this...

And that is
radiation poisoning.

It's radiation fall out.

So the question then becomes,
when ** happen,

in this place where there's
extreme radiation,

what impact does that have on human
life or on other life present there.

Could this explain, for example,
why creatures were born

with more than one arm,
with more than one leg.

Which then somehow became deified
because even to this day,

we know that in civilizations were
anomalous human beings out born

somehow the touch of God is seen
to be part of this creation.

According to the ancient
Hindu texts, after the

♪♪ Mohenjo-Daro a ♪♪
some flying monster

appeared in the sky,
it was called Garuda.

In the Mahabharata the Garuda
is a massive bird like creature.

Red face, red wings, it's so
huge it would black out the Sun.

There are stories that would let a certain
God vision ride on him on occasions.

In each and every time, he would
show up descending from the sky

he would create hurricane winds,
and a ** descent, the Earth would shake,

dust would flap in the air and everyone in
the scene would be absolutely terrified.

Now, here we have a carving
of Garuda and if we look at the top,

yes, they look like feathers, but
at the same time they could be

interpreted as big gigantic flames.

According to Hindu mythology
Garuda is born out of this

cosmic event. There's w*r and destruction
that happens at the end of every age.

COPPENS: Could this have been
somehow connected to exposures

or to radiation being borne
within a zone of high radiation?

We cannot know the answer, but
we do know that within India and

within Pakistan there are known
zones of higher radiation than

there are normal.

The logic dictates that somehow,
genetic abominations will have

genetic abominations will have
been born within those places.

In fact the site of an ancient
nuclear attack, could it be

possible that Garuda was a mutant beast
created as a by-product of intense


STANFORD: We tend to have a science
fiction view about what mutation is,

we think that mutation is being caused by
radiation and they cause outlandish features

and, and, gigantic size insects...
But in fact, mutations happen all the time.

There's no recorded evidence of any
radiation causing a mutation

which changes at some species
into a different species.

Most of the radiation
mutations are lethal.

NARRATOR: But if, as modern
scientists believe, Garuda was

not likely the result of genetic
mutation, then what could

explain its existence?

TSOUKALOS: The Mahabharata
states that Garuda was born from

this raging inferno.

And what's really intriguing
is the fact that in some text

passages, we can read that the
exterior of Garuda did not

consist of feathers,
but of metal.

Now what kind of a bird is that?

No bird is made of metal,
unless it's a type of machine.

VON DANIKEN: Garuda was a flying vehicle.
And Garuda was able to travel to the Moon

and around the Earth
with very, very high speed.

Garuda even was able to shock mankind
with lightning, which fell from heaven.

TSOUKALOS: Garuda was considered
to be a snake k*ller.

In fact, Garuda needed to eat
snakes in order to survive.

Now compare an airplane at the airport
today hooked up to a fuel line.

Isn't that airplane eating Isn't
that airplane eating a snake?

If you see jets take off in the middle
of the night, and there's smoke and

fire coming out of the exhaust,
it looks like a dragon.

It looks like some type of a
mythical creature, especially if

you don't know what you're witnessing
is nuts-and-bolts technology.

So of course you're gonna liken
it to a living creature.

Those ancient aliens knew that
our ancestors would worship them

as gods because they knew that our
ancestors didn't know it was technology.

They thought it was magic, spirituality,
divine intervention, which it

never was.

To the East of India, near the village of
Wucheng in the Sichuan province

of China, similar tales of
flying beasts have also been

found in ancient texts.

In the IV century, historian
Chang Qu reported the

discovery of what were
then called "dragon bones."

RUEHL: A question occurs as to whether
dragons might actually have been actual

dinosaurs that had wings.

I should point out that the wings would
have been lost to the fossil record.

We're just recently talking
about dinosaurs having feathers

and having evolved into birds.

Well, it's possible that some
dinosaurs actually did have

wings and could be
described as dragons.

NARRATOR: But while most
mainstream scientists believe

the remains found were most
likely dinosaur fossils, like

those of the flying pterosaur,
ancient astronaut theorists

have another, more
provocative explanation.

COPPENS: Now a creature which
somehow was able to spit fire

obviously is not anyplace in
the animal kingdom of today.

So what we have here is either
an invention which did indeed

spit fire, in which case we're
not confronting a creature here,

but somehow a creation.

Something which was either engineered
by mankind or which was engineered by


NARRATOR: Machines that fly
through the air and spit fire

causing mass destruction, thousands of
casualties and radioactive fallout.

Could the Garuda, and other
so-called flying dragons, really

have been ancient versions of
today's high-tech bomber planes?

Or perhaps something else?

Something even more out Something
even more out of this world?

In March 2010 a

panel of 41 international experts concluded
that the impact of an asteroid that

smashed into Earth at Mexico's
Yucatan Peninsula 65 million

years ago probably triggered
the global climate change that

resulted in the mass extinction
of the Earth's dinosaurs.

But is there also evidence that
some dinosaur species survived?

And if so, might they
also have evolved?

CHILDRESS: Paleontologists tell
us that all these things

have been extinct for 65 million years.
Yet this still crop up.

And they appear to be
prehistoric animals, dinosaurs

literally, that have survived
right down to today.

Much like the coelacanth and
alligators and sharks and

turtles also have survived from
those same prehistoric times.

I believe that ancient
prehistoric monsters are still

living in remote areas of the
world, either in oceans and

lakes or jungle areas today.

In the Highlands of Scotland, the legend
of the Loch Ness monster has long been part

of Celtic and Norse folklore.

Recorded accounts of sightings
can be traced to the year 565,

to the Irish monk St. Columba;

A powerful leader who founded monasteries
in both Ireland and Scotland.

In his journals, Columba wrote
of an encounter with people

bearing a man near the shores
of the now-fabled Loch Ness.

MARTELL: They explained to Father Columba
that the man who died had been swimming

in the lake and was att*cked by
the water beast.

Upon hearing this, Father Columba sent
his own follower into the lake,

when the beast came out for this man
Father Columba made the sign of a cross

and commanded the beast
not to harm the man.

The beast fled and was never
seen harming another man again.

A lot of people don't realize
how big Loch Ness is.

It's 23 miles long
and a mile wide and

it's deepest point it's
about 800 feet.

And the water is very, very dark.
And then since so it is the prime location

where conceivably ** often,
they would sor of by pass detection.

When we are confronted with
the Loch Ness monster or any kind

of anomalous creature the question
really is, what does it come from?

Is it a remnant of the dinosaur
age or is it something which is

out of this world?

We know that, for example, St.

Columba definitely felt that
lake was sacred and that there

was something present there which had a
religious connotation, which is why he

went to that place
to begin with.

REDFERN: The intriguing thing
is that there actually

have been a significant number of
UFO sightings over the Loch itself.

Of strange, brightly lit objects
hovering over the water late at

night, which clearly aren't
helicopters or aircraft or

meteorites or anything
like that at all.

So in other words, Loch Ness
is a weird and spooky place.

NARRATOR: Could the so-called
sea monsters of Loch Ness

possibly be descendants
of ancient dinosaurs?

Or might it be of another, perhaps,
extraterrestrial origin?

And if so, what might this say
about other mythical sea beasts,

like the seven-headed Sumerian
sea monster the leviathan?

YOUNG: The leviathan is sometimes
describes as a serpent or a crocodile

or a dragon, but it lurks.
It is the gatekeeper to a portal to hell.

And this gateway to hell is
apparently deep in the ocean,

and the leviathan is there and the
leviathan is there forever, lurking.

In Greek myths, the Hydra was described as
an ancient sea serpent with many heads.

It was said to be a descendant
of the Earth goddess Gaia.

YOUNG: Hercules was sent to k*ll the
Hydra, but it was terribly difficult.

He would slice off the head,
and two heads would form

And he had to ask
help from his nephew.

And his nephew had a brilliant
idea, bring a torch.

Fire might keep the
heads from forming.

So Hercules would bash off one
of the heads, and his nephew

would, essentially, cauterize the
neck so another one wouldn't form.

And in this way, the Hydra
was finally defeated.

COPPENS: In the case of a Hydra,
we have something which

has several heads which is once
again a category of a creature

which you would
expect not so see.

So we're either confronted
here with something which was

genetically engineered or which
genetically went wrong, but

clearly it was of such importance that
it was adhered to in mythology where it

attained a status over the
years, over the centuries, up

years, over the centuries, up
until this moment in time.

According to a Scandinavian legend,
the Kraken are legendary sea monsters

of gargantuan size and are said
to have roamed the seas off the

coasts of Norway and Iceland.

This fearsome beast was infamous
for its att*cks on sailing ships.

YOUNG: The danger was not
only being att*cked by the

Kraken, they would come up to
the surface, and were enormous;

The size of small islands.

So you could have a collision with a
Kraken that wasn't even out to attack you.

Another great danger was that if
it submerged suddenly, it formed

such a great whirlpool that it

could pull a ship under.

Could such legendary sea monsters
have actually existed?

Might they have escaped extinction
in the safety of cold deep waters?

According to ancient astronaut
theorists, there is evidence of

the origin of giant sea creatures in
the sacred texts of the Hebrew Bible.

YOUNG: A very early account
of an encounter with some

kind of monstrous sea creature
is found in the Bible,

the story of Jonah.

Here Jonah was not fulfilling
his destiny, and his punishment

was to be thrown off a
boat into the ocean.

CHILDRESS: Jonah is swallowed
by this giant fish sent by God.

He spends three days and three
nights inside of this giant

fish, and then is spewed out.

RUEHL: If Jonah, a human being,
had been swallowed, he

first of all would have been
ripped up by the creature's

teeth, then been crushed as
it was swallowed, and perhaps

stomach acids would have destroyed
his skin and internal organs.

So I propose there's no way
he could have survived being

swallowed by whatever this entity
was, if it was a fish or whale.

TSOUKALOS: So the question I have,
is this truly a description of Jonah

being swallowed up by
a biological animal?

Because in some references, we
can read that the ribs of that

whale were made out
of gleaming bronze.

Now, that, to me, is a
description of some type of

technological device
that was made of metal.

Jonah was, in fact, not
swallowed by a whale, but by a

USO, an unidentified
submersible object.

COPPENS: Jonah disappeared into
an object which was clearly

of a manmade or extraterrestrial
origin, and which was of such a

specific interest that he not
only related the story, but that

thousands of years after it occurred,
we're still talking about it today.

REDFERN: I think we need to look
stories like this at a date level.

Not to real the matter
of just mythology

but to determine if the people reporting
these things actually had real experiences,

but they were just trying to
incorporate into their...

The way they understood the world,
the world at that time.

NARRATOR: Could alien beings
really have lurked beneath the

seas in submersible machines?

If so, why were they there?

Might they have come to share
advanced technology with humans?

Or did they come for another,

perhaps more sinister reason?

Medical University,
Russia, 1954.

Soviet scientist and organ
transplant pioneer Vladimir

Demikhov surgically produces a
fully functioning two-headed dog.

GLENN: What he did was he
took the upper torso of a dog

and grafted it onto the
neck of another dog.

And surprisingly, this creature
lived for a few weeks.

Demikhov brought it to
medical shows as evidence

that he could do this,
that these sort of

hybrids, that these sort
of things could be done.

NARRATOR: Although, highly
controversial, the transplant

pioneer's audacious experiments
paved the way for the first

human heart transplant in 1967.

But while the image of
Demikhov's dog is disturbing,

ancient astronaut theorists
believe our early ancestors also

left behind evidence of
equally bizarre creatures.

TSOUKALOS: The great thing about the
ancient alien theory

is that we can compare modern achievements
with stories from our ancient past.

And so if today we're able to
create a two-headed dog with six

legs, is it possible that a similar
creature existed thousands of years ago?

And I say yes.

In the Greek epic poems of Homer's Odyssey
and the Iliad, a vicious three-headed

dog named Cerberus guards the dog named
Cerberus guards the gates of Hades.

According to the myths,
Cerberus was descended

from the Greek gods
Typhon and Echidna.

But might the so-called gods
that created the strange beast

really have been early Earth
visitors misinterpreted as gods,

as ancient alien
theorists believe?

RADER: The humans and gods
were kind of still living among

one another, all of this
interbreeding, this fertility

like produces all of these monsters and
you do not want to meet these monsters,

it's another kind of thing you
don't want to encounter.

And if one guard dog is ferocious
and terrifying you can imagine 3

of them, but all on one body.

If Cerberus is a factual creature,
then really what we're talking about

here is somebody with the knowledge and
technology to create a multi headed animal.

And so we are dealing with
extraterrestrial technology.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
Cerberus and other hybrids, like

the griffon, the Egyptian Ammit
or the Greek Chimera, were in

fact created through advanced
alien transplant procedures we

have yet to discover?

COPPENS: Any civilization
which has contacted us in the

past or which is contacting us
today, roughly needs to be at

our level of technological

It's probably going to
be a bit beyond that.

And that also means that it's
not just the science of space

travel, but all sciences which are
going to be somewhat more advanced.

So we know that the
extraterrestrial who comes to

Earth from a distant place will
have this medical knowledge.

NOORY: There was some kind
of experimentation going on.

Novelty, a zoo.

Let's see what we can do.
We'll play with these creatures.

Let's take this animal
and give him two heads.

Let's take this dragon
and give him wings.

Let's let him breathe fire.

Let's have some fun.

Maybe that's what they did.

NARRATOR: Depictions of
monsters that are half beast,

half human can be found dating
as far back as 5000 B.C.

The centaur, the Minotaur and
Medusa are all hybrid creatures

described as being created described
as being created by gods.

Researchers point to the origin stories

of these creatures as
further evidence of alien contact.

YOUNG: In Greek mythology, the Centaur
was half human half horse.

The torso of a human would be
joined to a horse at the shoulders.

And this would leave them in
perpetual attention between the

row animal instinct of the horse
and the more civilized morality

of a human consciousness.

And interesting the enough when
we start looking towards mythology

we actually find specifically in the
case of the Minotaur

this has to have been done
specifically by the Gods.

In India, the epic text
the Mahabharatah

details the ancient account
of a Naga.

A half human half snake deity.

The Naga was a serpent God in
both Hindu and Buddhist mythology.

It was known to have human
and serpent like traits.

It was also know to be
persecutors of all creatures,

very poisonous and
with great strength.

A question that raises as to
why ETs might create

these various hybrids.
Of course, first of all

point out scientific curiosity.
Once you develop the technology,

you wanna see where you can take it.
Would humans do that?

I think any intelligent beings would.

But they might have created
these very hybrid creatures

tu actually intimidate the
existing human population.

So they would give no trouble.

Or perhaps they created these
creatures so they would be thought as Gods

and be worshiped.

Even if they know they are advanced aliens,
they might ** attention from humans.

Perhaps they wanted some type
of sl*ve labor that would just not be

a dumb animal. By adding human
intelligence to, let's say, a bull,

they could create a creature that would
be able to move quite a bit of weight,

and work without exhaustion but still
have the intelligence to follow rules.

In 1970, scientists from Case Western
Reserve University School of Medicine

led by doctor Robert J. White performed
the highly controversial operation.

Transplanting the head of one monkey
onto the body of another.

He was an excellent surgeon,
superior technician and

had come to ** from Mayo clinic,
where I think he learnt

a really excellent care in the
operating room.

Within this room there's a large amount of
items from my dad's original laboratory.

This is a halo, a brain transplant
halo device, it would clamp the brain

in here as such and then he
could actually put the patient in

and complete the transplant
with the body here.

This would hold the brain, the
monkey's brain and

then the transplant could occur here

with the spinal connection and
the connection to the neck, right here.

They transferred the head, it was
essentially a brain transplant,

but taking the whole head.

He was able to resort consciousness
to the head of the monkey

who had been transplanted and
kept it alive for approximately 3 days.

The monkey was able to open his eyes,
he was able to hear, see and smell.

And as a result he could show that this
procedure could be done and could work.

Even in our stage on Earth we have
the ability to transplant one head

onto another creature. Now, that certainly
argues to the possibility at the very santities.

Like the Minotaur, the Hydra,
and even the Griffin.

Could be created by
advanced transplantology.

If extraterrestrials visited Earth
in ancient times

might the tales nd depictions
of weird hybrid monsters

actually provide evidence
of alien contact?

Or do they provide clues to
our own future?

A future that may be
closer than we think.

In 2003 Chinese scientist Wishan Cheng
at the Shangai 2nd Medical University

successfully fused human cells
with rabbit eggs.

The embryos were the first
human and animal hybrids

created through genetic engineering.

He took rabbit egg cells and removed all
of the nucleus material from them

all the instructions that tells
them to develop into a rabbit embryo.

She replaced it with a similar
instructions set but from a human cell.

So essentially the embryo was human
with small elements of rabbit.

Why would researchers want to
combine rabbit DNA and human DNA?

The first reason is for medical
research purposes.

Perhaps for organ transplantation...

The second reason is to create
an in-hands human.

That is give the human some sort
of quality that might not have

unless ***. Although is hard
for me to imagine what that would be.

A year later, in 2004 researchers
at Minnesota's Mayo clinic

created pigs with human blood
flowing through their bodies.

One of the animals that is
actually quite close to us

surprisingly enough in terms
of genetics is the pig.

And one of the ideas these
people followed is the idea

of luxury having almost like
pig factories to grow hearts.

The people who need heart transplants and
lately, you know, you have a pig's heart

inserted into your body and, you know,
with certain dr*gs to prevent the organs

being rejected you could
live a full and viable life.

At this moment in time,
medical technology is able to

create weird situations, genetic
things which shouldn't really happen

and which do not happen unless you
start to make genetic modifications.

This is evidence of manipulation of
the genetically available material.

We are creating hybrid monsters
as we speak.

If modern science today
would be able to create

a hybrid being, a mixed being,
then that would in essence

corroborate the ancient alien theory
because we are merely saying that

what today is being discovered is a
rediscovery of what already took place

thousands of years ago.

Meaning genetic experimentation.

But is there any actual evidence of DNA
splicing in the ancient past?

In 1849, in what is now Iraq,
British archaeologist Austen

Henry Layard uncovered numerous
Sumerian clay tablets inscribed

with cuneiform script
dating to 4000 B.C.

Based on interpretations of the
tablets, ancient astronaut

theorists believe an advanced
race of intelligent beings

arrived on Earth 450,000
years ago, during the age of

Neanderthals... and through genetic
engineering, they created h*m* Sapiens--

what is commonly referred to
as modern-day human beings.

NOORY: The Sumerians talk about
a civilization that came here from above

on another planet called Nibiru.

And they called these creatures
the Anunnaki.

High level people who came here
to mine for gold.

And in order to do it, they
need to genetically alter the

species that happened to be
on the planet at the time.

They created man according
to the Sumerian texts.

ARMSTRONG: It is not impossible
that we exist as the

result of gene
manipulation experiments.

There are so many stars and
galaxies out there in space that

it's impossible for a scientist
such as myself to say that there

are not alien species out there
who could have visited the Earth

at some point in
the distant past.

So it is entirely possible that
someone or something could have

come along and manipulated
those organisms.

TSOUKALOS: So this inherently
means that if extraterrestrials

tampered with our own DNA, they could
have also tampered with animal DNA.

They could have used all sorts of DNA
from every single animal on planet Earth.

GLENN: The creation of a
chimeric monster is certainly

something that will probably be possible
within the next 20 to 30 years.

We have the technology now to
create these kinds of chimeras,

something that might be perceived
as a monster, but what

we don't have right now is the technology
to bring such a creature to term.

But that's only a
matter of time.

NARRATOR: If the mythical
monsters of the ancient past

really did exist,
what were they?

Messengers from alien gods?

Products of genetic

Biomechanical weapons?

And if they did exist, where
is the physical evidence?

Still buried miles
beneath our feet?

Or are they, in fact, still out there,
somewhere, waiting to return?
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