03x03 - Aliens and Sacred Places

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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03x03 - Aliens and Sacred Places

Post by bunniefuu »

Gods descending to Earth...
Converging on the same hallowed ground...

A holy shrine built to mark
the landing of a meteorite.

And sacred caves whose walls are lined with
images of strange, half-human beings.

Allahu Akbar.

Are holy sites around the world
the product of man's reverence for God...

Or are they the result of contact
with ancient space travelers?

There's no
question that these monuments

might have had some
kind of E.T. intervention.

They're just too immense, too perfect
to be constructed by ancient mankind.

Yes, it
was human beings who built this

place but with technology given
by extraterrestrials.

Millions of people
around the world believe we have

been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really help
to shape our history?

And if so, how did they influence the
creation of mankind's sacred places?

It is perhaps the most sacred
site in all of humanity,

the place where three of the world's
most prominent religions--

Christianity, Judaism and
Islam-- All converge.

It is the heart and soul of what
is called the Holy Land.

Temple Mount, Old City, Jerusalem,

and this 35-acre plateau,
surrounded by ancient walls,

has been considered
sacred for thousands of years.

The Temple Mount
is sacred to Jews and Christians

because it is at this spot
that Abraham bound Isaac

and prepared to sacrifice
him in Genesis 22.

For Muslims this side is sacred
because it's from the rock,

where the Dome of the Rock today stands
that Mohammed ascended into heaven.

What we have on the Temple Mount
really is a mixture of three religions,

and each one of them has * aspect to it
which makes the place even more important.

But in origin, really what we have is a place
where God touched down on planet Earth.

And ever after, this is the place where
communications with the off the life

with the divine realm
is to be made.

Each year millions of pilgrims
come to Temple Mount,

to worship God and
celebrate holy occasions.

But why?

In The X century B.C., King
David and the Israelites

chose this rocky high ground
to build a great temple.

This was the site that David,
the Great King of Israel had conquered.

And so it already had a kind of a blessing
about it because this was where

the people of Israel were destined to center
their lives in this sacred kind of place.

According to the Bible, King David who had
just made Jerusalem his capital

wanted to build in a
house for the Lord.

But for reasons that aren't entirely clear
he didn't do so and it was his son

Solomon who built the first
Jewish temple.

Completed in 957 B.C.
by David's son, King Solomon

the temple was set the house
the Ark of the Covenant.

The sacred chest believed to have
contained the stone tables

on which the 10 commandments
were written.

But according to many ancient
astronaut theorists,

the Ark also may have contained
a power source of extraterrestrial origin.

In the Bible you read about
the Ark of the Covenant.

Moses was ordered to go to
the Holy Mountain

and the Lord gave Moses instruction
to construct the Ark of the Covenant.

As we know later, the Ark of the Covenant
was something very, very dangerous.

Solomon installed it
in the Temple and it served as

the focal point of the Temple in
its innermost room, the holy of holies

into which only the chief priest,
the high priest could go.

It's in this innermost
sanctum, the holy of holies

where God was viewed as
resident, so in a sense, the Ark

of the Covenant was God's throne
in the holy of holies and the

place where God
reigned from Jerusalem.

According to the
Talmud, a central text of Judaism,

King Solomon possessed
a magic ring with a special

symbol called the Seal of Solomon,
today known as the Star of David.

This special ring
would allow him to accomplish

things beyond what mortals
could usually accomplish,

and part of what he could do with that ring
with the seal on it was control the demons,

and that gave him a
kind of power and an ability in

the construction of that temple
that others would never have had.

According to
Islamic text, King Solomon also

had a magic carpet of green silk,

sufficient for his throne
and all his forces to stand on.

Now, magic carpets,
do they exist? Of course not.

So what was it that our ancestors
try to describe in those stories.

So where was he getting
these strange powers?

Was he really in contact
with extraterrestrials who

had literally given him a
spacecraft to fly around in?

After studying the * geometry
and design of Solomon's temple,

even Sir Isaac Newton questioned if the king
had built the temple with secret knowledge.

It was very highly advanced architecturally
catching certains ** of light

being very precise in his
astronomical alignment.

And the question for modern
scholars and architects is,

what was the level of technology
available to King Solomon

that allowed him to design
and lay out the temple

according to these principles.

There's a text, as a matter of fact,
called the Testament of Solomon,

that suggests that Solomon didn't
only use mortal builders and architects,

but he brought in demons.

He forced them to do some of the labor
because demons are especially strong.

Might an advanced
energy source within the Ark of

the Covenant have allowed King
Solomon to wield immense power,

and might that power have had an
extraterrestrial origin?

After King Solomon's Temple was destroyed in
the sixth century B.C. by the Babylonians,

a second Temple was built on the
same site in the first century B.C.

by King Herod the Great.

According to the New Testament,

it was this Second Temple that
played a significant role in the

life of Jesus of Nazareth

because it was here that Jesus
chased out the moneylenders,

an event which led to his
crucifixion and death at the

hands of both the
Jews and the Romans.

And it was also nearby,
on the Mount of Olives,

that Jesus reportedly rose from the dead
and ascended bodily into Heaven.

When we
get to the story of Jesus,

we find that his disciples believed
that he ascended into heaven

and then some day
he would return.

So this idea of the extraterrestrial
reality of which Jesus is part,

it's something that in the biblical
traditions says yes, you can buy that.

But might Jesus like King Solomon
before him really have been connected to

an other worldly reality,
as ancient astronaut theorists suggest?

The topic of * we're dealing with,
extraterrestrial contacts

are common one because we
have Jesus ascending

in the New Testament, these stories
give credence to the fact

that there is some type of
technology that is lifting up

human beings into a craft,
into a waiting ship.

Nearly six
centuries after the

Second Hebrew Temple was
destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D.,

Persian invaders built yet
another holy shrine on the site--

The Dome of the Rock, known to
Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary.

This magnificent
seventh-century architectural

monument of Islam was built over
a huge outcrop of bedrock which,

according to Muslim tradition,
was the site from which Muhammad

had been taken up
into Heaven by God.

In fact, there is a
hole in the rock showing the

exact route that Muhammad took
when he ascended into Heaven,

to Allah, to have a vision of the
divine, and to return back once

again to this very site.

So for Muslims the
Dome of the Rock

is a very significant and a
very sacred place.

According to the
Islamic Koran, the rock from

which Muhammad ascended is
called the Foundation Stone.

This rock is believed by
religious scholars to have also

been the very stone beneath
the Ark of the Covenant

and the holy of holies
in Solomon's Temple.

This is where God
came down to Earth and where

certain people actually are said
to have made contact with God,

so this is a piece of rock which
is of such importance because of

the fact that something of the
divine manifested itself there.

That stone
signifies the coming together of

the kingdoms of Heaven and Earth.

The problem is, we've forgotten
that whoever visited us in the

past wasn't God, but it was

Some ancient
astronaut theorists believe that

Temple Mount was one of the
earliest intergalactic gateways.

But could space travelers really
have landed here tens of

thousands of years ago?

It seems that the
reverence for the site of

Jerusalem may stem from it early
on being some kind of a spaceport,

a gigantic landing
pad for extraterrestrials,

and that's why King Solomon
built his temple there,

and then later the Muslims
built the Dome of the Rock.

Might Temple Mount
really be the place where

ancient aliens first made
contact with early humans?

And might its spiritual
significance help provide proof

of its unique
extraterrestrial history?

Perhaps further evidence may be
found only a few hundred miles

away in the heart
of the Muslim world.

Saudi Arabia, the
heart of the Middle East.

In a narrow valley
50 miles inland from the Red Sea

lies Islam's holiest city Mecca.

Here, in the year 570, Muhammad,
the founder of Islam, was born,

considered by Muslims to be a
prophet and the messenger of God.

At that time, Mecca was a
prosperous commercial center,

a port from which goods
brought from India and farther away

in Asia were transported over land
north to Damascus and by sea to Egypt.

It was in this commercial center that prophet
Mohammed received his first revelation.

If you want to encounter Mohammed,
if you want a way to meet with his ideas

one of the greatest places to go
is to go to Mecca.

Muslims pray in the direction of
Mecca five times a day.

So certainly as a holy shrine
it is the center of the Earth.

A Heaven's gate, where the
opening of Heaven takes place.

And that's why it is so revered.

In the center of
Mecca lies the Grand Mosque,

the largest and holiest place of
worship for Muslims...

And at the heart of the Grand Mosque is
the Kaaba, a cube-shaped granite

structure measuring 43 feet high
by 36 feet wide.

According to Islamic tradition,

the Kaaba was built
approximately in 2000 B.C. by Abraham,

a figure who serves as
patriarch to both Muslims and Jews.

In the Bible it is
said that Abraham had a couple

of children, and his first son
was Ishmael and his second son

was Isaac, and it is said in
Islam that Abraham and Ishmael

were in fact the two that came
to build the Kaaba.

Covered by black
silk and embroidered in gold,

the Kaaba is the most sacred
structure in Islam.

Nearly three million Muslims
make a pilgrimage to the Kaaba

every year,
a journey known as the hajj.

Every Muslim, if he or
she can do so, sometime in a

lifetime is obliged to go on a
pilgrimage, or the hajj,

to Mecca, in a way, to walk in the
footsteps of Abraham and of Ishmael,

to walk in the
footsteps of Muhammad.

The main ritual performed
at the Kaaba is for pilgrims to enter into

the enclosure where the Kaaba is,
that cubicle structure

and circumnavigate the Kaaba seven
times in a counter clockwise direction.

In one part of that building
there's a black stone

that is imbedded in the
side of the building.

And nobody knows exactly where it came from
but the legend is that it came down from

the sky, it was brought down
by an angel and found

it's way into this particular
location of the shrine.

There's another tradition that suggests
that this rock had been worshiped long

before Mohammed's time and that it
is in fact an ancient meteorite...

Which for ancient peoples would
have been a sign from a god or gods.

Now, during the
time that they're encircling the

Kaaba seven times, if they are
able, they should try to kiss

the meteorite stone, but because
of the numbers of people,

especially in recent times,
that's impossible,

so the practice is that if you're
unable to kiss the stone,

you should point towards the stone.

That shows your respect for the
stone and your veneration of it.

People believe that,
of course it was a meteorite

that fell from the heavens,
that they had been able

to keep, some of it is in small fragments,
it's broken away but they kept it intact

with this * structure around it.
It is a magnificent artifact.

Might the black stone
really be a meteorite

as many scientists
and scholars believe?

If so, what does that say about the
historical and possibly metaphysical

origins of the Islamic faith?

It's kind of strange really that other
Muslims are all praying towards Mecca

and to this black stone that's there.

There are stories that the Kaaba in
Mecca is radiating some kind of energy...

That it energizes people and
increases their spirituality and health.

Perhaps it's coming from this

meteorite, this black stone of
extraterrestrial origin.

Today, because of its intense spiritual
significance in the Islamic world...

Any forensic examination of the
Black Stone is strictly forbidden.

As far as Muslims are concerned,

the Black Stone simply
"descended from paradise."

Archangel Michael
descended from the sky

and Michael gave Abraham
an information in a written form.

And this information
was sealed into a stone.

And this stone is the today's Kaaba.
It is said it is a stone from Heaven.

The ancients possessed an ability
to look toward the

heavens in order to get their
divine guidance.

This could very well be another
one of those cases.

According to
researchers, the position of the

Kaaba is precisely aligned with
the rising of the star Canopus,

the cycles of the moon, and the
summer and winter solstices.

But just how-- And where-- Did
the ancients obtain such an

advanced knowledge of astronomy?

Just as the planets are
revolving around the Sun,

the knowledge of traveling around
the Kaaba is a symbolic reference

for knowledge of astronomical
alignments taking place at that time.

In Islam we have stories of wind angels
that have descended with lots of light

and a lot of wind and the earth trembling.
So what was described there?

Wasn't necessarily a quote - unquote
divine encounter but a flesh and blood

extraterrestrial encounter.

Might the Kaaba's
interplanetary alignment suggest

that ancient Muslims may have
possessed secret knowledge?

And might their veneration for
the Black Stone really serve to

commemorate an ancient encounter
with extraterrestrial beings?

As far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,

the answer to both these questions
is a resounding yes.

And they point to further proof

in a series of caves located
halfway around the world.

Western India, April 28, 1819.

While hunting tigers just
outside the village of Ajanta,

British officer John Smith
discovers 29 elaborate cave

temples carved into the side of

a rocky cliff overlooking the
Waghora River.

Believed to had been
constructed in 200 B.C.,

the caves' architecture and artwork
reveal new insights into the

origins of India's mysterious
sacred past.

Ajanta is unique in the sense
that these other ** of India.

Here they started the work from 200 B.C.
and this work continued to VI century A.D.

As you walk into the Ajanta caves
you see all kinds of temples,

carved out of solid rock,
niches and alcoves, even statues...

But it's all been carved out of
one giant block of rock.

Visited yearly by thousands
of Buddhist worshipers,

the caves are considered
sacred even to this day.

Built as holy shrines and
temples by devoted monks,

they contain numerous places of
worship-- Complete with

paintings and sculptures
depicting the life and times of

the Supreme Buddha, often referred
to as the Enlightened One.

There are many different sculpture
subjects at Ajanta.

Many of the sculptures are of the Buddha.

In addition to those sculptures,

there are various depictions of
other mythological beings.

These are called Jatakas.

These Jatakas show these
previous lives,

and these lives could be related to, say,
the Buddha being born as an animal,

being born as a deity,
or being born as a human.

Even today,
modern engineers are baffled

as to how the caves could have
been cut from the 70-foot-high

granite cliffs more than
2,000 ago.

These caves were created
through the removal of

stone, literally tunneling into
the surface of the rock.

Rock was removed, it was
chiseled away, taken out, and

any interior space that you see
at the caves today, were created

through this removal of stone.

Any architectural details that
one finds at the site, any

sculptures, they're actually
carved from the same piece of

stone, which is the
mountainside itself.

According to researchers, the Ajanta
complex is significant because of the

deliberate positioning of the
caves around the cliffs--

An arrangement that reveals an unusually
advanced understanding of celestial activity.

The caves are carved
into this horseshoe bend, and

are oriented in
various directions.

Some are oriented towards the
west, others to the south, and

some are oriented to the east so that
they are oriented towards the rising sun.

It does seem to be the case that
ancient peoples in India were

very much interested in the universe
and the relationship of heavenly bodies.

Evidence of the cave sculptor's precise
knowledge of celestial

movements can be found in two
particular caves.

Each contains large stupas, or
dome-shaped structures featuring

Siddhartha Gautama,

the supreme Buddha and spiritual
teacher who founded Buddhism.

Cave 19 is oriented towards
the winter solstice,

and what this means is that on
the day of the winter solstice,

the morning sunlight would
filter through this large window

on the facade and the sunlight
itself would illuminate the stupa.

This is also true of Cave 26 at Ajanta.

It's oriented towards the summer
solstice, and so on the day of

the summer solstice, that light would
filter and strike the stupa within it.

Now, this would
have been very difficult to do,

itself, because you're cutting
solid rock from inside of a cave.

So you would need some pretty
high-tech gear in order to

tunnel and build and chip away
inside of solid rock in order to

really be perfectly
oriented to the solstice.

Might the Ajanta caves
had been constructed with

the aid of advanced
alien technology

as ancient astronaut
theorists believe?

If so, might they also had been considered
sacred by the locals because of their

connection to early
extraterrestrial visitors?

Many ancient astronaut theorists look
at the stupa and say it's a symbolic

reference from the power of light.
Many times is symbolically shown with

a young Buddha placed in there
and it almost looks like he could

be manipulating some type
of controls within the stupa.

The stupas were always used
as a, as a way for Buddha to

ascend or descend into the heavens.
And he do see stupas in this art work

very possibly saying that the
Buddha was going into space.

There was an obsession of
ancient human beings

to depict things that they saw.

And I think they did it with
carvings on caves and

depictions and
sculptures and monuments...

Because that's what they saw.

They were duplicating what they saw.

But what they depict are very
strange things.

They depict gods
and half animal/half god type figures.

So you have here what seems to
be some kind of special

subterranean temple that's built
for extraterrestrials or some

kind of space gods.

What were the
Buddhist monks seeing?

Could the Buddhist monks have
been helped by some kind of an

extraterrestrial presence?

The ancient astronaut
theory suggests that if

we find paintings or carvings
of half men half animals,

that that means that those creatures
at one point really existed because

they were genetically created
by extraterrestrials.

The sculptures and wall
paintings at Ajanta are

some of the oldest surviving
works of art from ancient India.

But was their elaborate
construction really the result

of early human contact with
space travelers?

If so, might there be additional
evidence of stone-carved shrines

in other regions of the world?

Evidence that might provide the
clues to our own origins.

Lalibela, Ethiopia.

Hidden from view within this
mountainous African landscape

lie 11 churches carved entirely
from a single block of stone.

If you approach to Lalibela
you don't even see anything.

But the moment you get closer
all of the sudden the ground opens up

and you have these huge
magnificent churches

that have been cut
out of the bed rock.

So really rather than building
Lalibela was cut from the rocks.

From upstairs to downstairs.
So really what you have is

an amazing engineering
feet which literally tops

everything we know
about building technics.

Religious ritual is central
to the life of Lalibela.

Each year nearly 21,000 Christian
pilgrims come to worship.

Ethiopian Christianity is a much
more directly tied to the Old Testament

than the Christianity practice
in the rest of the world today.

Christianity was introduced to
Ethiopia at about the same time

it was introduced to Western
Europe, to France, for example.

Interestingly enough, that of
all the Christian world,

Ethiopia is the only place where
they have these monolithic churches.

archaeologists believe the

churches were carved as early as
the 12th century.

But engineers who have studied
the design of the churches have

concluded that their construction
is scientifically inexplicable.

When you see the
churches of Lalibela

you can see that they are using
what probably have to be power tools.

Anytime you're cutting hard
stone, you're looking at

specialized cutting tools, you
need iron tools.

Even today we would have to use power
saws and grinding wheels and chisels.

But if, as ancient
astronaut theorists believe,

the churches of Lalibela could not
have been made without modern

technology, then who,
or what, built them?

Now, according
to the story, the life of King Lalibela,

which is written down
in the 15th century,

the angel Gabriel came to King Lalibela
and took him off to the heavenly Jerusalem,

where he had a
conversation with God,

and God said that he wanted him to go
back and build these churches.

So he came back and had them constructed,
he had them hewn out of the rock.

It took years to complete the job.

It was 24 hours a day, but
Lalibela had the help of the angels.

So according to legend angels
came down from heaven.

And at night they did the work
that the human beings could not do

because they were sleeping.

So there were actually two shifts
of workers at the rocks of Lalibela.

One, human beings working during
the day, and the other,

extraterrestrial beings working
at night, doing the night shift.

To me, that is a
very fascinating story,

because in my opinion,
angels do not exist.

Angels were merely a
misinterpretation of

extraterrestrials who descended

from the sky with
means of technology.

And that is what these
quote-unquote, "angels" used.

If the churches of
Lalibela were constructed with

the help of celestial
beings, why?

Was it to worship God?

Or was it to honor some other
mystical-- Or extraterrestrial-- being?

According to the Kebra Nagast,

the ancient holy book
of Ethiopian Christians,

the Hebrew Ark of the Covenant--

The gold box containing the
Ten Commandments--

Was transported to Ethiopia from
Jerusalem sometime in the 9th century B.C.

The child of Solomon
and the Queen of Sheba was named

Menelik I, and he is attributed
with being the first king of Ethiopia.

When he was 22 years old, he
said to his mother, the Queen of Sheba,

that he wanted to meet
his father, and so she arranged

for him to go to
Jerusalem to do that.

And he spends an extended period
of time there, and got to know

the young noblemen of his age.

And the night before they left,
they went into the temple and

they took the Ark of the Covenant
and together Menelik

with these noble boys made their
way off back to Ethiopia.

Could the Ark of the Covenant
ever have resided in Lalibela?

There is no historical reason to
believe it could have,

but inlegend you do hear that there
was a time when it was in Lalibela.

Now, interestingly
enough, in Lalibela there is an altar,

which is in the exact
dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant.

And then the question is really,

what if some of the churches in
Lalibela at some point might not

have shielded the Ark of the
Covenant as well?

According to the
Ethiopian Orthodox Church,

the Ark no longer resides within the
churches at Lalibela but instead

lies 200 miles north
in the city of Aksum.

Even today there's
a special temple that's guarded

by the Ethiopian priests, and no
one else is allowed inside it,

and it's said that the Ark of the
Covenant is kept inside of this church.

And there is one
big cathedral, it's called the

Cathedral of the Holy Virgin
Mary in the city of Aksum,

and down there is a tunnel, and
under this tunnel are the

remains of the Ark of the Covenant.

This is known, this is not a a secret.
I have been there.

Is it really
possible that the Ark of the

Covenant might still be hidden
deep within the cathedral at Aksum?

If so, why has it been
concealed for so long?

According to ancient astronaut
theorists, the extraterrestrial

source of the Ark's legendary
power will return one day to reclaim it

and some believe the
return will happen at the same

sacred place where alien beings
first arrived.

Eastern Lebanon.
The Bekaa Valley.

Here at this archaeological site
stand the ruins of Heliopolis,

built in the fourth century B.C.
by Alexander the Great to honor Zeus.

But beneath the Corinthian
columns and remnants of both

Greek and Roman architecture lie
the ruins of a site that is

much, much older.

According to archaeologists, it
dates back nearly 9,000 years.

The ancient city of Baalbek, named
after the early Canaanite deity Baal.

Baal is the god of life,
the god of the sky, the god of the sun.

He was the god that was venerated
on the sight of Baalbek

during the Canaanite and
the Phoenician times.

And so because it was already sacred
to the God Baal, then later the Greeks and

the Romans then would build
temples on this very same spot.

surveys have revealed that the

enormous stone foundation that
lies at the base of the site

dates back tens of thousands of years.

Baalbek, as we know
from the archaeological

evidence, must have existed
during the Neolithic Period,

between 6000 to 8000 years or
even 9000 years B.C.

But even more
significant to ancient astronaut

theorists is their belief that
the colossal stone platform may

once have served as a landing
pad for space travelers.

We don't know why Baalbek
was chosen as this specific sight,

may well be some kind of
special power place.

But was originally there,
before the Roman temple was this

spaceport platform that was
apparently used for

extraterrestrials coming and
going on Planet Earth.

As evidence,
researchers point to the

gigantic megalithic stones
incorporated into the

foundation, each weighing
between 800 to 1,200 tons

and perfectly fitted together.

This is the real mystery
of Baalbek. Heavy stones came to be

there, why they were placed there,
and specifically how they were

transported into place, because some
of the stones are of such magnitude

that modern machinery is incapable
of putting them there.

But somehow our ancestors
were able to do this.

Some have suggested that this
stone alone weights an excess

of 1,200 tons. How was it moved there?
Because obviously it's situated

on top of these stone roads that
we can find down here.

Which means that this stone had to
be lifted and then set on top

of these stones down here.

And because these stones were gigantic
ancient people assumed that

extraterrestrial or unknown forces
brought them to the site itself.

It is one of the oldest, oldest
megalithic sights on the planet

and it has these huge stones laid out
in a precise geometrical shape.

At a time, when the prehistoric people
who would have lived there,

who would have gone to the back of
that alley in Lebanon

would have no concept of how to
move stones of that nature.

But if the moving,
hoisting, and setting of such

massive stones was so incredibly difficult

then who-- Or what--
Placed them there?

And perhaps more importantly, why?

We know that the
ancients always went to power

places and Baalbek clearly is
one of them.

It is a place where the gods
were worshiped, where the gods

this were said to be present, and so
when it comes to Baalbek,

platform was built there for a reason.

For what purpose it was used is
a question we can't answer at

this moment in time, but what we
do know is that whatever was

happening there had a great
religious significance to them

and was linked with worshiping deities--

Deities which clearly are
of an otherworldly origin.

Is it possible, as
ancient astronaut theorists

believe, that Baalbek had been
considered a sacred place for

tens of thousands of years
because it was where

extraterrestrial beings first
arrived on Earth?

The answer may have been found
on excavated clay tablets

inscribed with cuneiform script,

written nearly 5,000 years ago
by the earliest known human

civilization, the Sumerians of

What's really interesting about
Baalbek it's that has always been known

as the landing place.
There's an actual text from Sumerian

times called the
Epic of Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh actually claims to
have seen rockets descend and

ascend from Baalbek, the landing place.

A comparison
between Baalbek, Lebanon and

Jerusalem's Temple Mount reveals
a striking resemblance between

their massive stone platforms.

Might they have been built for
the same purpose--

To support the weight of spacecraft?

Hopefully at one
point archeology will be so

open-minded that they actually
want to explore this further.

We may never get the
answer, but at least trying to

find out what happened, I think,
is what drives all of us.

Did otherworldly
forces really descend from the

heavens at the world's holiest places?

It may be that the world's
faithful already know the truth,

or perhaps the truth will be
withheld until some day in the future.
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