03x05 - Aliens and Mysterious Rituals

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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03x05 - Aliens and Mysterious Rituals

Post by bunniefuu »

A 1,000-year-old temple

built to commemorate
a visitation by a god.

A coronation stone believed to
be a gateway to the heavens.

And strange chants designed for
communicating with otherworldly beings.

JONATHAN YOUNG: To enter ritual
allows us to reenter a space

where the gods are alive, and
allows us to spend time with them.

CLIFFORD MAHOOTY: You are going into
a frequency and harmony to actually talk

directly with those beings
that are supernatural.

NARRATOR: Throughout the
world, ancient rites and rituals

connect us to another dimension.

But just who or what are
we communicating with?

DAVID CHILDRESS: All over the world,
ancient people and modern people

are using rituals to
connect them with gods,

yet these gods may well
be ancient astronauts.

NARRATOR: Millions of people
around the world believe we

have been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really help
to shape our history?

And if so, might we find the
evidence in our most sacred rituals?

The Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

Here among the ancient mine
ruins of Chichen ltza stands

the great pyramid of El Castillo,

built by the Maya sometime between
the 9th and 12th centuries A.D.

El Castillo served as a temple to the
feathered serpent god Kukulkan.

It is also believed to be the site of
the Mayans' most important ritual:

human sacrifice.

bring their human victims

up the stairs of their temple, they
would cut up their being hearts,

and that would be the form of
sacrifice the Mayans engaged in.

RICK ROSS: In their rituals, there was
the sacred importance of blood sacrifice

That by shedding blood, they
could empower their desire and

be granted what they wanted.

So there is a theme of blood that runs
through this system of sacrifice.

That blood must be shed.

NARRATOR: Although ritual
sacrifice is no longer practiced

at El Castillo---
(horn blowing)

worshipers still come to
celebrate a time when the Mayans

say god Kukulkan descended from
the heavens to bring wisdom to man.

They light fires to unite with
the spiritual realm, perform

sacred dances and repeat prayers
in numerical sequences to enter

a deep state of meditation.

But the most powerful ritual
that takes place at El Castillo

is a reenactment of Kukulkan's
descent to Earth, a reenactment

that is literally built
into the pyramid itself.

JON C. LOHSE: El Castillo is
a stepped pyramid with some

outward radiating staircases.

And these staircases have big
high balustrades on them.

And on the autumn and the spring
equinox, the sun casts a shadow

across the corner of this stepped
pyramid, and you see the

shadows of the steps on the
staircase balustrade.

This is a model of the pyramid
of Chechen ltza in Mexico.

ERIC VON D?NIKEN: And every year, on March 21,

when the sun goes up,
directly on the stairway here

is created **** shadow
coming down the stairs

which represents god Kukulkan
has descended to the humans.

At the end, you see
the face of god Kukulkan

On September 21st, it is the opposite,
this time when the sun

rises up in the morning,
god Kukulkan goes up the stairs,

and ends in a bright light
up on the little temple

which means god Kukulkan visits
the earthlings, teaches them

and after a certain period,
it disappears into the sky,

with the promise to
return one day.

What we see happening in Chichen
ltza, it is a light phenomenon.

If we really see technology
being displayed here

we see that somebody
engineered this

so that at each equinox,
people would experience

stone serpent coming alive.

There was a visual reminder
of this connection to the gods.

It could be that not
only are the Maya,

celebrating their
extraterrestrial ancestors,

but it could well be that ancient
aliens who came to Earth

BILL BIRNES: instructed the
societies that they helped

to maintain a connection with them
by performing certain rituals,

celebrations at the appearance of stars,

and keeping the story of the
extraterrestrial alive in their legends.

Did the Maya really
conduct these elaborate

and bloody rituals to
honor a mythical deity?

Or might it've been as ancient
astronaut theories content,

commemorating and actual visitation
by extraterrestrial beings?

RICHARD BADER: A ritual is absolutely a
way to kind of reconnect with the gods.

So not only, you are reenacting
your faith to this god, right,

you are actually reenacting the original moment,

when the god did a very specific thing.

CHILDRESS: All over the world, ancient
people and modern people are using rituals

to connect them with gods.

Yet these gods may well
be ancient astronauts.

The hill of Uisneach, Ireland.

Each year on the first day of May,

the local citizens celebrate
the sacred festival of Beltane

similar to the one first
performed by the ancient Celts

more than 2,000 years ago.

Like the ceremony at Chichen ltza,
it is designed to connect

and communicate with beings
from outside our world.

JOSEPH NAGY: This day was the day
when you would set fires, bonfires,

And then you would walk your
cattle between the fires, as a

way to protect them for the
coming spring and summer.

And these Mayday fires were a
magical way of calling down

protection upon animals
and human beings.

But why fire?

But what was it about this most
basic of elements that made it

so important to the ancient Celts?

NAGY: The association of
hills and fire with Beltane

suggest that this is a time when extra
vision, extra knowledge is available.

And what the Celtic peoples were
most interested in knowing about

was in fact the other-world.

There is this notion that at
Beltane, there is a greater

opportunity for actually perhaps
meeting people from the other-

world or of seeing into their world.

We have some stories from
medieval Irish tradition where

a hero happens to come near
a sidhe-- one of those

otherworldly dwellings
which is in a hill.

And the sidhe is open, and what
he sees inside it is a fire.

Now, the fire inside the
otherworldly dwelling makes it

possible to look into the
otherworldly dwelling and to see

some of the details, including

the people there and
what they look like.

NARRATOR: But might the fire
rituals of the Beltane Festival

have been started by the early
Celts as an attempt to recreate

the strange lights and ignitions
they saw from an alien spacecraft?

Although no written records
exist to explain the event's

true origins, there are those

who believe that such an
incredible idea is possible.

And to prove it they point
to a ceremony practiced

each year by the Kayapo
people of Brazil.

A long time ago, Bep Kororoti
appeared descending from the sky.

TSOUKALOS: And when he landed,
there was a lot of wind.

The earth was shaking and trembling.
There was a lot of noise.

The appearance of Bep Kororoti
has been preserved to this day.

In fact, it's a medicine
man wearing a straw suit.

And that straw suit looks

eerily similar to a modern-day
astronaut suit.

remember the very special suit,

this man or alien wore,

which is essentially completely
enclose the body.

And what more interesting is
what a neighboring tribe said,

namely the Bakairi-- they already
had such a thing hanging

in a hut in the 19th century.

NARRATOR: But for the Kayapo,
the Bep Kororati Festival is

only one of the ways they honor
an ancient visitation by

extraterrestrial being.

They also recount his visitation
in their everyday lives by

wearing symbolic head
dresses made of feathers.

There is this feather
head dress that has

a row of feathers, and when it's
worn, it looks like a halo.

And these feathers represent
no more and no less

than outer space.

The Kayapo see outer space
as being a flat disk,

spreading out into infinity.

The band that holds these
feathers together is a symbol

for the rope that
the Kayapos' ancestors

used to climb down to
Earth from a celestial world.

Could the Kayapo's rituals
of Brazil really have been

inspired by an
extraterrestrial visitation?

Perhaps the answer can be found
by examining a somewhat more

traditional ceremony-- one
still performed to this day,

and to an audience of
millions around the world.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland.

In the crown room, lies a 336
pound oblong stone block

known as the Stone of Destiny
and also as the Stone of Scone

It is been present at the coronation of
nearly every English and Scottish monarch

for more than 800 years.

Its purpose to unite the
new ruler with God.

And there are those who believe,
it is part of a meteor

that fell to Earth more
than 3,000 years ago.

CHILDRESS: In England today,
all the kings and queens

are crowned on what's known
as the Stone of Destiny

And this stone, according to legend,
goes back to the biblical story of Jacob

who had rested his head on this stone.

COPPENS: Jacob in the Bible has a dream,
he falls asleep on a stone

And he sees a place nearby from
which angels ascend in heaven

but also for which
angels descend to Earth.

And when he wakes up, he says
this is a gateway to heaven

where earthy things can go to heaven,
and heavenly things can come to earth.

ANDREW COLLINS: The Stone *** one day

the connection point between
heaven and earth.

It was almost like the English
strengthened their own belief

that Westminster Abbey
was the access one day.

They placed it within a throne
right in front of the *** pavement

Within this *** pavement, are circles
and swirls and linings

that represent the
universe as a whole.

And the monarch becomes what's
known as a cosmocrator,

looking over not just what
was going on on the earth

but the stars, heavens as a whole
while sitting on the throne.

NARRATOR: Is this ancient stone
merely a symbol of divine right

Or might it, at one time, have held
some strange unknown power.

Throughout recorded history,
coronation rituals have incorporated

devices like the Stone of Destiny,
as a way of linking the new ruler

with superior beings
beyond our world.

COLLINS: What is coronation
in the first place?

Well, it is the idea that the monarch
can embody some kind

of cosmic consciousness,
something that is divine.

And this is actually best seen through
the eyes of the old traditions

related to the Japanese Mikados.

They would have to sit upon the throne
which would be considered to be

the point of creation of the world

BIRNER: There is a notion called
divine right of Kings,

that a certain British kings had, that
somehow the sovereign is God's

represented upon planet's Earth.
But for the ancients, it went steps further.

But if some other worldly power
is actually being handed down,

who or what is the
source of that power.

NOORY: If you are an extraterrestrial
and you came down to this planet

one of the first things you would try to do
would be to mingle with leadership.

And I think the Pharaohs believed that
they might've been gods themselves.

ANDREW WYATT: The king was
considered a deity?

Did he go back into his room and
sit and talk with the gods?

I don't know, we weren't there.

But he did certainly communicate
with the deities through these rituals.

In addition to the Stone of Destiny
another ritualistic symbol

which features in most coronation
ceremonies, is that of the scepter.

The scepter is a symbol of
divinely granted authority

And in ancient times, often took the
form of a staff or a golden one.

According to historians, its use
dates back to ancient Egypt.

And there are those who believe,
it is connected symbolically

to the Egyptian Ankh.

When it comes to the Ankh ancient Egypt,
we find this intimate familiar with lsis.

!sis symbolizes the Ankh,
because she is the one

who is able to restore life.

It is the symbol of transformation,
the symbol of alchemy,

the symbol of ritual.

MARTELL: The Ankh is always a symbol
used in Pharaonic times as a scepter.

But an interesting play on the
word, Ankh, shows that also stems

from the word Anunnaki, which meant,
those who from heaven came to earth.

TSOUKALOS: And what's fascinating to me,
it's that the Ankh, in many occasions,

is also shown next to the Djed pillar.
And the Djed pillar also,

is one of the earliest symbols, we have
in ancient Egypt, and both symbols

describe a connection to the stars.

If you combine the two, in some of the
ancient Egyptian carvings that we see

something very technological
is described or depicted.

Now, over time, the Ankh symbol
turned into something divine

but it never was that, because according
to the ancient astronaut theory,

ancient symbols are based upon
something that our ancestors

encountered in real life.

You have to wonder here if the
original ankh wasn't some kind

of high tech device that the ancient
astronauts used and then it was given

to the kings for their use,
and with the coronation ritual

and the holding of the scepter, suddenly
normal people become as gods.

CHILDRESS: And today all we have
is a symbolic representation

of this high-tech object.

NARRATOR: If the throne and the scepter
are identified with a connection

to otherworldly or
extraterrestrial power,

what about the most iconic
of all coronation symbols,

the crown, itself.

What says kingship?
It's the crown.

It is clearly a device, whether
you see a crown as a symbol

or whether you see a crown
as a something literal

it is clear that somehow it was very
specific, something placed on your head

establish this connection.

Some historians believe
the idea for the crown

may have originated with
a divine image of the halo.

Sumerian described their gods, the Anunnaki,
as literally having a glow about them,

and this was carried into more recent times
as angels with a halo over their head.

These were the beings that
from heaven came to Earth.

Kingship now wants to have this same
lineage of connection with the gods.

by placing the crown,
on the king's head.

That head piece symbolized the translation
of a human being heir apparent

into a sovereign, to deify that sovereign,
to make that sovereign extraterrestrial.

Some of the earliest cave drawings, we
can find in the world, show these

humanoid beings with halos around their
heads and that is very fascinating

because if you look
today at modern day astronauts

if you have the sun rising behind them,
or even just with their flashlights

that they have on the sides of
their helmets, well, if someone

is not knowledgeable in technology
sees this, well it looks like their head

is surrounded by this divine light,
which is not divine at all,

it's a light source.

So over time, people, our ancestors,
started to imitate the gods,

these extraterrestrials,
by wearing crowns.

The throne, the scepter, the crown:

Could these symbols of coronation have
been inspired not by the imagination

or even spiritual visions, but by
some sort of alien encounters.

If so, what other ancient rituals
might find their roots in a kingdom

not of this world.

Tabasco, Mexico

00:21:16,988 --> 00:21:21,888
Prospectors drilling for oil
unearth the colossal stone head

weighing more than 20 tons.

50 years later, 16 more heads are
discovered, each with a unique face

and not characteristic of the
indigenous people

These gigantic heads are believed
to have been carved by a mysterious

ancient culture known as the Olmec.

But even more mysterious, perhaps,
is that each appears to be wearing

some sort of helmet.

PETER FIEBAG: The mother culture of
Central America was the Olmec.

In older images made by the Olmec, we can
see helmeted beads dressed in overalls.

dressed in overalls ascending.

They've wings and they have
microphones almost

in front of their mouths.

Are these the heads of rulers?
Or priests?

Or were they maybe aliens
that they wanted to portray?

NARRATOR: Could these giant Olmec
heads be the depictions of visitors

from another planet?

Some ancient astronaut theories believe,
these colossal heads are the proof that

the Olmec communicated directly with
otherworldly beings through shamans,

their holy men.

LARS KRUTACK: A shaman is an
intermediary or a messenger

between the spiritual worlds
and the world of humans.

Shamans can inherit their power
and their knowledge

but more often than not they're
chosen by particular spirits.

COPPENS: When it comes to the Olmec, we
know that they say that people were taken

to become transformed into a person who
was going to make the connection

between our world
and the other world.

In order to answer the spiritual realm,
the shaman must use

particular tools to get there.

These include instruments
like drums or rattles.

Aid the shaman in his or her
communication with that world.

Like the Olmec, many ancient cultures
throughout the centuries have believed

Shamans could communicate
with otherworldly beings.

But what exactly were these beings?
Were they really gods?

Or were they perhaps extraterrestrials?

NANCY RED STAR: There are star ancestors,
we call them ***.

That's a *** word, and so, they are
the ones that come from another world.

Similar to Hindus, Buddhists,
and even ancient Egyptians,

many native american tribes claim
to communicate with their gods.

by means of telepathy.

STANDING ELK: Telepathy is basically one
of the communications

that is practiced with
many spiritual people.

Feathers work as antennas and they bring
in a message at times when it's necessary.

CLIFFORD MAHOOTY: There's basically
three things, chanting, drums and song.

What it is, is that they are going
into a frequency in harmony

to actually talk directly with those
beings that are supernatural.

In the area of Horseshoe Canyon, Utah
graphic depictions called petroglyphs

can be found of ancient
native american shamans,

and the otherworldly creatures,
they claim to communicate with.

Here we have a classic shaman
with the hour glass figure

feet pointed upward, arms which
have birds, feet at the end

it signifies spirituality, and it's got
horns with the fringes coming out.

One of these petroglyphs,
called the Ghost Panel

depicts nine ft tall figures conducting
what some believe is an actual encounter

between shamans and star beings.

Looks like a group of figures surrounding
or standing or hoovering around

a central ghost-like figure, which
is called the Holy Ghost.

If you look at the head of the Holy Ghost,
you'll see that there are two eyes

in the front of his face,
but if you look to the left

you'll see the side of his head.
This is a device which you do not see in

any prehistoric art.

And this mostly is one of the reasons why

I feel that this represents an event.

Does the Ghost Panel really
depicted an actual visitation

by extraterrestrial beings?

And if so could the horns coming
from the shaman's head,

similar to the feathers found in
the native american head dress

really represent some sort of antenna?

A device for giving and receiving
information or energy

perhaps from another world.

And is this energy at all connected
to ritualized chants and prayers

employed by the shaman in
their effort to communicate

with star beings.

In the early 1980's, using a device
for measuring electric charge,

called an electroscope, biochemist
doctor Boguslaw Lipinski,

claims to have successfully measured
the amount of energy created

through rituals and prayer.

called electroscope

measures the flow of current between
two oppositely charged plates.

Electrons are the purest form of energy.
And this form of energy now is

being explained by physicists
in terms of vibrations.

NARRATOR: In 1985, Dr Lipinski
took his electroscope

to the shrine of Medjugorje,
in Yugoslavia.

To measure what if any energy is
created by large scale group prayer

For decades, thousands of people have
gathered here claiming

to see an apparition of Virgin Mary,
floating in the sky above.

I found out that during the times of
apparitions, particularly when the groups

of people pray, I got readings
on my electroscope.

This graph shows measurements of the
energy when people start praying

the energy comes very quickly up.

(People praying and chanting)

Somewhat similar to Dr. Lipinski contention,
that the ritual of prayer generates

energy is a scientific concept called
quantum entanglement.

This theory supports the idea,
that human beings might

be able to communicate telepathically.

The idea of quantum entanglement
is that a single particle

can split and become
two individual particles,

COLLINS: and they still somehow retain
a link between each other.

They can communicate
with each other.

It's not only real but it can explain
the idea of telepathy and remote viewing.

And if we assume that extraterrestrials
do exist, then it becomes

the most obvious form of communication
that we can use between us.

Maybe this is already occurring,
just maybe this has been going on

for tens of thousands of years.

And this can easily be induced
for the use of sound

of tones and notes.

Could the provocative implications
of quantum entanglement

help to explain why so many cultures,
claim to communicate with

otherworldly beings telepathically.

And could the elaborate head dresses,
like those worn by native americans

and even the crowns of ancient kings,

be linked to some sort
of ancient technology,

for communicating
with alien beings?

Perhaps the answer can be found by
examining more contemporary examples.

The times of rites and rituals still
practiced by billions of people

around the world.

The Giza Plateau,
May 26th, 1954.

Egyptian archeologist
Kamal-el-Mallakh is lowered into

a long narrow pit he discovered
on the south side of the Great

Pyramid of Khufu.

With the use of a torch and a
mirror, he catches sight of a large oar.

The oar belongs to a
143-foot-long ship that has been

buried beneath the earth.

The ship was constructed for
King Khufu, the second pharaoh

of the Fourth Dynasty, who
reigned from around 2589 to 2566 BC

and is generally accepted
as the builder of the Great Pyramid.

It is what egyptologists call a
solar barge; a funerary boat

that was built for the sole
purpose of carrying him across

the heavens.

AIDAN DODSON: The significance
of boats in the funerary context,

are intended as, were a posthumous
pilgrimage to the city of Abydos.

Abydos was the sacred city of Osiris,
the God of the Death.

ROBERT BAUVAL: The word God, according
to ancient Egyptians is ***,

it means a being that
came from the cosmos.

The word origin doesn't exist
in Ancient Egyptian.

They truly believe, they were
very adamant about this,

that their origins is in the sky.

In the case of King Khufu,
we find there is a literal boat

thought to be a boat of a million years, even
though this might appear

to be a normal ship,

it is actually something far more,
it can also represent a spaceship

because they just didn't speak of years,
they spoke millions of years,

and this is precisely what
space travel is all about.

Somehow, the dead body was
able to go on this voyage.

But could funerary boats, like the
one found near the Giza pyramid

have been the early Egyptians
attempt to recreate an alien spacecraft.

BIRNES: What could this represent?
Could it mean that the ancient Egyptians

believed that their honored
dead would then rejoin

the deities in the sky,
the extraterrestrials?

NOOBY: Ancient Egyptians were
experts at mimicking what they saw.

And let's assume that Gods came down
from heaven, or ETs came down from space

The Egyptians tried to
emulate what they saw.

TSOUKALOS: In order to mimic the
idea, of returning to the Gods

who have descended from the sky,
funerary boats were created.

And the idea of funerary boats came
after the egyptians encountered

the heavenly barges which
descended from the sky.

As in most modern societies, funeral
rituals are usually based upon the notion

that the spirit moves
on after the body dies.

For some, there is the belief
that the souls or spirits of the

dead reconnect with god
or some sort of deity.

And for many ancient societies--
like the Egyptians-- death

also meant a return to the stars.

BAUVAL: What is also interesting
about the ancient egyptian belief

is that after the final fall or
conversion was going back to the stars.

I always quote Carl Sagan on
this: "We are star stuff."

Some star exploded some billions
of years ago, and we're it.

But we're star stuff become conscious.

Having said this, it is not
impossible that we contain

the knowledge of our origins
literally within us, and that

there's a way to retrieve
that information.

It may well be that the ancient Egyptians
had found some sort of inner route.

NARRATOR: The use of funerary
boats during burial was not

unique to ancient Egypt.

The Norse Vikings also
incorporated boats into their

funeral rites, sometimes burying
their dead with actual boats,

but more often forming the shape
of a boat with large rocks above the grave.

On certain occasions, they would
even create giant pyres to burn

their dead within these rock
formations, believing the pillar

of smoke would elevate the
deceased to the afterlife.

Burning the dead on a large pyre

was practiced in ancient
Rome as well.

And in India, most Hindus still
use funeral pyres to this day.

SHIMKADA: The cremation ceremony
basically is performed

by the male members of the family.

and then there are the priest
who guard them on how to do it

And they put them on, you know,
the pyre, and then the eldest

member of the family
has to light the fire.

And then they sit there
until everything is burned.

BIRNES: It purifies the soul that it
could pass on to the next life.

NARRATOR: According to some
Ancient Astronaut theorists,

the idea of burning the dead may
have been inspired by an ancient

encounter with
an alien spacecraft.

BIRNES: There's still
another aspect to this.

If we look at the Vedic texts
and read about the Vimana; the

ancient craft that made w*r upon Earth,
these were craft that came in fire.

Could it be that the passing of
the soul from one life to the

next is like the
appearance of the Vimana?

The appearance in flame?

and so that flame emulates
the actual craft itself?

Is it possible that
when our ancestors

witnessed rockets or spaceships
taking off and landing with

all of this fire and this
smoke that they, over time,

thought that by burning their
dead, they would imitate what

they saw in the past?

Meaning, as the body burns and
the smoke rises up to the sky,

that they were ascending into
the sky, becoming a god.

NARRATOR: If rituals of
burial were ancient man's

attempt to reconnect with
gods or alien visitors,

did they succeed?

Some would answer by pointing to
the billions around the world

for whom death still acts as a

gateway to Heaven---
or somewhere else far, far away.

Vatican City, Italy.

Pope Benedict XVI walks down
the aisle in St. Peter's

Basilica carrying a golden crucifix.

Upon reaching the altar, he
lifts the thurible, a metal

vessel suspended from chains in which
incense is burned for purification.

(Pope Benedict speaking Latin)

The Pope recites the Eucharist
Prayer, and then he and his

congregation consume the
consecrated bread and wine.

They are, according to the most
sacred laws of the Church,

eating the actual body and
blood of Jesus Christ.

the priest is empowered

by the prayers that are said to
energize the substance of the bread

and the substance of the wine, such
that it becomes transformed

or transubstanciated, changed
into the living presence

of body and the blood of Christ.

Communion, the Transubstantiation

of the eating of the body of God
allows us to ingest the divine energy

this is called Manna, or magical energy.

And the almost the cannibalistic
aspect of the ritual is crucial

for a ***, which is head one,
to become one with the divine source.

NARRATOR: In the New Testament,
the Second Letter of Peter states that

believers in this practice "become
partakers of the divine nature".

They become united with God.

The Roman Catholic Church
adheres to this interpretation

of Communion so strongly that in
the 16th century, the Council of

Trent declared anyone who denied
it subject to excommunication.

And during the infamous Spanish
Inquisition, nonbelievers were

branded as heretics and were
often burned at the stake---

or worse.

But what does it mean to become
one with the divinity?

Most historians say the ritual
of the Catholic Mass can be

traced back to the Last Supper,
when the act of Jesus serving

bread and wine to his disciples,
during what was actually

a Passover Seder, created a powerful
spiritual bond that must not be broken.

But there are others who believe
the Catholic Mass stems from a

ritual practiced thousands
of years earlier.

YOUNG: Scholars have
speculated that the Mass

is actually inspired by Egyptian
mythology and a similar

ritual that was done
for the god Osiris.

The idea is, we take the divine
substance, the body of the god,

into us so that we are one
with that transcendent energy.

NARRATOR: The legend of
Osiris tells how he was k*lled

and dismembered by his jealous
brother, then resurrected from

the various parts of his
body by his wife lsis.

Egyptian priests reenacted this
ancient event with a ritual

involving clay and wheat.

YOUNG: The ritual has to do
with making wheat cakes that

resemble the pieces of the
dismembered god, which are then

hidden, and a--- a woman playing the---
the wife, uh, goes and

finds the pieces.

And then, in the end, the
priests eat the pieces.

NARRATOR: Those who ate the
sacramental wheat cakes believed

they had brought the god Osiris
back to life within themselves.

But where did early Egyptians
get such a profound idea?

COPPENS: The question then is ---
are they mimicking things which they saw

And it somehow involved this
transformation from a dead

Osiris to a person
who was regenerated.

When we're looking at some of
these rituals, really, contact

with the divine is a technology,
whether it's the ritual or

whether it's practical or

whether it's to mimic

NARRATOR: Could the Roman
Catholic ceremony of eating the

body and blood of Christ
actually have its origins in

the ancient Egyptian
story of Osiris?

And if so, does it suggest that
the Catholic religion, like

other ancient beliefs, has its

roots in an extraterrestrial encounter?

LOHSE: A ritual is a participatory
performance and the main objective

of the ritual is to communicate
something about

an underlying belief or an idea.

These ancient rituals coincided with the
appearance of various constellations

in the sky, various stars.

BIRNES: All across the world
in ancient societies

there was a belief that human beings
were placed on planet Earth

by the star people.

YOUNG: Mythology, like
legend, has real history in it.

There's a strong sense of
connection to those sources

when one enters into ritual.

Our deepest yearnings are for
things we cannot remember.

We yearn for lost wisdom,
lost possibilities.

It seems we work toward
goals we do not understand.

It seems we are driven by aspirations
that are truly mysterious.

RED STAR: The ones who come from
another world are relatives

are the ones that bring the loss
and the instructions in the ceremony,

in the rituals here, so the people will
go through this process of evolution.

Are today's frequently practiced
rituals such as prayers---

funerals--- and coronations---
really based on early man's

attempts to emulate
ancient alien visitors?

Or are they something
even more profound?

Could they provide an actual
means with which humans may

communicate with-- or even
return to-- another, perhaps

extraterrestrial existence?

If so, we may only know the
truth when we ourselves

make the journey.

Or perhaps--- when they return.
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