03x07 - Aliens, Plagues and Epidemics

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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03x07 - Aliens, Plagues and Epidemics

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Festering disease.

Everything was going on okay one

minute, and then all of a
sudden, people are kind of

rotting in front of you.

NARRATOR: Raging pestilence.

RICHARD RADER: The civilized
world went out the window.

NARRATOR: And death of
almost unspeakable agony.

GEORGE NOORY: Are we the
laboratory of the universe?

NARRATOR: But what if the
source of all this very human

suffering has a strangely
non-human origin?

be narrow-minded to accept

viruses wouldn't occur in other
planets around the universe.

PHILIP COPPENS: Is there somebody
who has the technology

to actually send things
to Earth, and are part of

intergalactic warfare?

that ETs would come here and

annihilate us in the way we
see it in the movies-- why go

through all the trouble
when all you have to do---

is release a toxin into the air?

NARRATOR: Millions of people
around the world believe we have

been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And could they even be the source
of our deadliest epidemics?


October 13th, 1917.

During what had been a
bright and cloudless day---

(booming thunder)

the skies suddenly turned
dark and foreboding.

For those who were there to
witness it, their world was

about to turn upside down.

Three children had claimed to

see what they believed
was the Virgin Mary.

She promised to give the
people a sign from God.

many as a 100 thousand people

watched as the sun seemed to change
into an opaque spinning disc in the sky.

manifestations, children were told that

God was very very angry with the world,
and that there would be punishment.

NARRATOR: The incident near
the small village of Fatima

was labeled a miracle by
some and a hoax by others.

But to ancient astronaut theorists,
the event is considered

an extraterrestrial encounter.

COPPENS: In Fatima we see
mysteries happening,

but we do not really know whether
we are dealing with a religious

phenomenon or whether we are
dealing with an extraterrestrial,

UFO kind of phenomenon.

We know that the apparition didn't
really identify herself as who she was.

It's within the context of religion,
that she is named the Virgin Mary.

The question is if she is not the
Virgin Mary, then who is she.

NARRATOR: Perhaps even
more bizarre is the fact

that less one year after the event,

an estimated 50 million
people were dead.

Victims of the worst plague
in recorded history.

Could this deadly pandemic,
known as the Spanish lnfluenza

have been somehow connected
to the incidents at Fatima?

CHILDRESS: Quite possible
that many of the plagues

really occurred because
alien beings came here

and brought with them microbes
and bacteria and diseases.

NARRATOR: Disease has been
responsible for more deaths

than every w*r in human
history combined.

And right from the start, we
have looked for an answer,

in the heavens.

ADRIENE MAYOR: In Antiquity, when
pestilence or plague would strike

it was very mysterious
and frightening.

Of course people had tried to explain it.

The easiest way to imagine disease was
like a shower coming down from the sky,

perhaps sent by an
angry or ruffled God.

RICHARD RADER: In the mythological
imagination plagues were always

the result of the gods being
angry or upset with us.

NARRATOR: Examples abound in
the ancient world of diseases

being linked to the gods.

In ancient Egypt, the god
of disease was called Seth.

And the Hittites called
their plague god lrra.

MAYOR: The name means
"fire" or "burning---"

and this was their way of
explaining raging fevers

that were something like wildfires
sweeping through the land.

RADER: There was a
conception of plague as a

physical ailment, something that
att*cks the body, but lots of

physical ailments were conceived of

as the result of
supernatural intervention.

The ancient Chinese also
connected plagues and

diseases to the supernatural,
and took it one step further.

They kept meticulous records
about when there were outbreaks

of disease and actual
celestial events.

WILLIAM BRAMLEY: They connected
reports of unusual comets,

things that today we would call
UFOs, to outbreaks of plague.

So, this has been universal, it's
not just have been in a few places

it's not just been a few plagues.
It's actually been very consistent

throughout history.

So many different ancient
cultures right across the world

this point of view that plagues

were caused by things
that happened in the skies

(wind whistling)

Greece, 430 BC

Athens is at w*r with Sparta.

The battles are brutal and bloody.

But the w*r casualties pale in
comparison to the scenes of horror---

GALPIN: when plague
descends on the people.

They were thirsty beyond thirst.

They turned red, they vomited,
they had terrible diarrhea,

their fingers at times turned black

Their bodies were ravaged.

RADER: Crates were being
stacked with 12 to 15 bodies,

and when that fails, they're just simply
left onto the street-- dead, putrid,

decomposing bodies all over the
city, thousands of people.

NARRATOR: But was the plague of Athens
some biological consequence of the w*r?

Or something else?


not of this Earth?


RADER: The civilized world went out the
window as soon as this plague hit.

You can certainly correlate
plagues, epidemics, disease with

the decline and fall
of various empires.

NARRATOR: As far as the ancient
Greeks were concerned,

the plague was very likely
a curse from the gods.

NOORY: The wrath of God could very
well have been the wrath of ETs,

who wanted to control us,
manipulate us, change us,

and they did so, in a
very deliberate evil way.

(people screaming)

NARRATOR: In the middle the
sixth century, another virus

nearly succeeded in wiping
out most of humanity---

the Justinian Plague.

GALPIN: There aren't really
good records back then of how

many millions of people died, but a
significant percentage of the world died.

everything was going on okay

one minute, and then all of a
sudden, people are kind of

rotting in front of you.

Woah! like where
does this come from?

NARRATOR: Like the Plague of
Athens, the Justinian Plague

was accompanied by multiple reports---

of strange sightings in the sky.

IMBROGNO: People reported
seeing strange objects in the sky---

that they called "glowing
gold shields," and visions of

bronze ships in the sky
and headless creatures.

TSOUKALOS: And whenever these events
took place, in the middle of daylight,

by the way, people fell ill, and
something would be witnessed

again, up in the sky, and there
would be another outbreak.

According to modern-day
astronomers, at the

time of the Justinian Plague,
there was an unusually high

concentration of cosmic activity.

literature of the day was very

clear in stating that the skies
were darkened on many occasions

and people were frightened
by meteor storms and comets

impacting the Earth.

There's also direct evidence, I
think, from a subject called

dendrochronology-- thicknesses
of tree rings-- an indication of

the amount of light that we
receive during the summer months.

For the period from 530 to 550,
or thereabouts-- A.D.-- we find

that the tree-ring
thicknesses almost vanish---

showing that the skies
were really darkened.

That's, again, consistent with
comets breaking up, meteors

breaking up in the sky.

So one has to then speculate if
these dust particles that were

darkening the skies also
contained viruses and bacteria.

COPPENS: Is there somewhere,
out there in deep space, where

somebody has the technology to
actually send over things to

Earth, so that what looks to be
a normal mechanism of delivery,

actually becomes a very
high-tech method of delivery,

and we have no idea that we
are part of an intergalactic warfare.


The connection between deadly plagues
and phenomena in the sky appears

frequently throughout
ancient histories.

Most scientists today
call it superstition.

3,000 years ago, they called it fact.

But might an ancient sculpture
discovered in 19th century Egypt

prove that our ancestors knew
more than we give them credit for?

Naqada, Egypt.

A treasure trove of ancient
artifacts sees the light of day

after being entombed for 6,000 years.

Among the findings is the statue
of what looks like a bearded man.

It is dubbed "MacGregor Man,"

for the Reverend William
MacGregor, in whose antiquities

collection it once resided.

TSOUKALOS: In Egyptology, this ancient
statue is referred to as the "Bearded Man"

However, if you look a little
bit closer, you can see that

what he's wearing on his head,
and what extends from his chin,

is not necessarily a beard,
but it looks like a skullcap.

His entire body seems to be
inside some type of an overall,

some type of a suit, because
even where his cuffs are, there

is no shirt opening.

No matter from what angle, it looks
like a guy inside a hazmat suit.

NARRATOR: Other figures found
at Naqada also have pointed

beards that extend from the
chin, but without any hood.

Adding to the mystery is the
fact that Naqada was believed

to be the ancestral home of Seth,
the Egyptian god of plague.

We don't know whether these things
were depictions of realistic apparatus

that was used to protect,
perhaps, extraterrestrials

from very dangerous chemicals, diseases
that they were spreading across humanity.

If you were an extraterrestrial visitor,
you'd wear something to protect yourself

BILL BIRNES: from the bacteria and
the virus that were rampant

that is one reason for
the hazmat suits.

Another reason would be not to
protect yourself, but to protect

the population you were visiting.

TSOUKALOS: Whatever the
Bearded Man wears around his

hips, to me looks more like
some type of a technological

device than what Egyptology suggests.

Egyptology suggests that he
is wearing a penis sheath.

Now, to me, it is clear that
whatever is attached to his

front of his belly is
anything but a penis sheath.

Is it possible that this is a carving
of a potential extraterrestrial?

But among antiquities,
Macgregor Man is not alone.

Throughout the world, there are
scores of ancient carvings and

figurines that seem to depict
otherworldly creatures in what

some claim is astronaut-type clothing.

America is full of these suits.

You really have beings chiseled
in stone which have helmets on.

Out of the helmet you have
something like a trunk coming up,

and in some cases you see,

on the shoulder of the helmet,
something like a t*nk.

But strange depictions
of cloaked figures

wearing what appear to be
breathing apparatuses aren't

limited to the ancient world.

In 1347, ships full of Italian
sailors died suddenly---

after being covered in oozing black

boils filled with blood and pus.

The disease spread rapidly
throughout Europe---

and soon had a name--
the Black Plague.

JONATHAN YOUNG: The Black Plague
was widely seen as an act of God

for the sinfulness of the people.

What you get is a slow
lingering painful death

WAINWRIGHT: and that's what is nasty.
And it completely decimates populations.

NARRATOR: Within five years,
this previously unknown

disease had wiped out nearly
one-third of Europe---

the equivalent, in today's
numbers, of more than

300 million dead.

And just like previous epidemics,
the outbreaks of plague

were accompanied by sightings
of strange aerial phenomena.

IMBROGNO: People saw strange bronze ships
spreading a mist around the entire area

shortly after that people began
to become very sick and die.

Bronze ships, just like those reported

during the Justinian
Plague 800 years earlier.

But what natural phenomenon
could appear in the sky

that would fit such a description?

And what was the mysterious mist
that people saw floating down

from the sky?

IMBROGNO: If you ask a historian
today, they would say

that they were hallucinating
because of the illness.

But how do you get thousands of
people hallucinating the same thing?

One of these supposed
hallucinations featured

reports of mysterious cloaked figures
spraying mist on the ground.

It was this report that gave rise to rumors
of a black-hooded messenger of death,

later known as the Grim Reaper.

PITTMAN: In one case, the
chronicle recounts a group of

men mowing down wheat, and their
scythes were making, uh, loud

swishing sounds, but not
actually cutting down the crops.

We can imagine that maybe what
was perceived in medieval times

as scythes, making swishing
sounds, were perhaps some kind

of wand sh**ting some kind of
aerosol into the air, that was a

pathogen that made
so many people sick.

IMBROGNO: People reported a
number of strange beings that

would spray onto the wheat,

and shortly after that,
the Black Death occurred.

And maybe our idea of the Reaper
was extraterrestrial in origin.

NARRATOR: Mysterious plagues
accompanied by extraterrestrial sightings.

And gruesome deaths preceded
by ominous apparitions.

But were those strange metallic
objects seen in the skies over

Europe really misunderstood
cosmic events---

like meteors and comets--- as most
mainstream scientists believe?

TSOUKALOS: In 1731, there were
UFO sightings over England,

Ireland and Romania, and they

predated the worldwide
flu epidemic of 1732.

IMBROGNO: People saw a red
object in the sky, and at times,

this object generated so much heat
that people had to take off their shirts.

I mean, they were just
glowing up there in the sky.

Later on, a plague broke out.

BRAMLEY: What people called
comets back in those days,

we would not call comets today,
because anything that moved in

the sky that was unusual, that

was bright, they would call it comet.

For example, in the Chronicle of
Marvels, by Conrad Lycosthenes,

which was published in the
1500s, he talked about a

comet that was seen
in Arabia in the 1400s.

But when you look at the woodcut,
it looks like a rocket ship.

(engines roaring)

NARRATOR: But if alien invaders
really have been coming to Earth

and spreading disease and
plague over the centuries,


to k*ll us?

to strengthen us?

Or is it simply to reduce our numbers?

NOORY: Why would you drop a
virus down on this planet?

They're trying to build up
our immune system?

Are they trying to wipe us out?

Are we the laboratory
of the universe?

"Let's see if this bug wipes
out this civilization

in order to protect ourselves."

All possibilities.

NARRATOR: If extraterrestrials
do have a sinister agenda,

why not just attack our planet
with a w*apon of mass destruction?

TSOUKALOS: Why go through that
trouble if all you have to

do is release a toxin into the air,
a plague, some type of virus?

It's way more efficient.

NARRATOR: But there is another theory.

One more incredible than tales of
bronze spaceships and grim reapers.

Because it is a theory so simple
and so potentially devastating,

it has mainstream scientists

scratching their heads and
running for cover.


The Rio Grande Valley.

When Francisco Coronado and the
Spanish first explored the area

that is now New Mexico, they
brought with them a devastating

w*apon they did not even realize
was part of their arsenal--


Smallpox, chicken pox, and
measles spread through the

indigenous peoples far faster
than the Conquistadores

themselves could actually travel.

Viruses and bacteria caused

severe plagues that have really
changed the course of history.

So when the Conquistadores
came over to the New World,

they inadvertently carried small
pox, they were immune to it

but the Native Americans had never seen
small pox and they were devastated.

That led to the Conquistadores
with 900 or so soldiers

that were able to destroy
the Aztec empire.

COPPENS: Hundreds of thousands of
people, maybe a million or more people,

died simply because they were exposed
to the viruses of the white man.

NARRATOR: The native populations
in the American Northeast

suffered a similar fate
when the European colonists

first arrived on their shores.

The islands of the South Pacific
also had their populations

decimated by Captain
James Cook and his crew.

GALPIN: Are we like the other places where
if we get something we haven't seen before

would it wipe us out
quickly for us to react?

"The w*r of the Worlds" was a
beautiful story in the sense

that, at the very end, the
common cold k*lled the aliens.

Because it's too hard to believe
the other thing could happen,

that the alien sneezed on us,
and they didn't have to do

anything more than that.

Why is that any more farfetched?

NARRATOR: For many ancient
astronaut theorists,

the possibility of alien diseases
being transmitted in much the

same way is a distinct possibility.

NOORY: My take is, if we've had
diseases since the beginning of time

and we had visitations, it's very
possible that they accidentally brought

these diseases to us.

NARRATOR: Here on Earth, viruses
often thrive in new environments.

Could the same be true of viruses
entering our planet from another world?

And if extraterrestrial viruses
do exist, could they survive

the interstellar journey to Earth?

Many scientists believe the answer
can be found in microscopic organisms

called extremophiles.

WAINWRIGHT: An extremophile is an organism
that can survive extreme conditions.

High temperatures, low temperatures,
high pressure, low pressure and so on.

Now of course, the term is based
on humans, what we find extreme.

But from its perspective,
we are extremophiles.

You know, we live in oxygen,
which is poisonous to this

anaerobic organism.

So if it was studying us,
it would say,

"Hey, them humans are
amazing extremophiles.

"They can breathe oxygen."

Life has been found on almost

every single environment on Earth.

And this is so exciting
because other planets

have very different
conditions from Earth.

And it gives us hope that if life can
exist on almost any single condition

on Earth that it can also
live on another planet.

Space, 2007.

A bacteria-ridden chunk of rock
is strapped to the outside of

the lnternational Space Station.

After 18 months in the hostile environment
of space, the rock is retrieved.

SEAGER: And one colony of
bacteria actually survived.

And the lnternational Space
Station is in low Earth orbit.

It's going into orbit
day and orbit night.

It has wild temperature swings.

It gets cosmic radiation, and the vacuum
of space, and the life still survived.

NARRATOR: Though many scientists
still reject the idea

of microscopic forms of life
existing in space, even NASA

takes great precautions in
protecting people from any

potential alien contamination.

IMBROGNO: When the
astronauts went to the Moon

they were in two weeks of isolation,
because the idea of dormant viruses

on our Moon surface was
taken very seriously.

BIRNES: In the same way, that ancient
aliens might have come to planet Earth

in hazmat suits to protect themselves
and us from contamination,

so NASA does that very thing today.

NARRATOR: In 2006 and 2008, biologists
on board several space shuttle missions,

made a frightening discovery.

Salmonella bacteria exposed to 0 gravity
actually got deadlier by as much as 700%.

WICKRAMASINGHE: It's interesting that
what they found was that at 0 gravity

they have mutations on the
culture led to a huge increase

in virulence of the salmonella super
bug, they do the best in terms of

their mission to self replicate on the
0 gravity, to me it's another indication

that bacteria are space travelers.

BRAMLEY: What you have is this
risk that if you are bringing in

viruses or elements from outer space
it could become a much more

deadly form of that same germ that
initially had developed on Earth

NARRATOR: The ability of viruses to evolve
and mutate at an incredibly rapid rate

was also at the root of deadliest
pandemic in recorded history.

The same one that followed
the Fatima event in Portugal,

the Spanish lnfluenza.

We don't know why it came, why it left.
It made World w*r I look puny.

No weapons, class debarments,
nobody had raised the level for

defense, it k*lled with little effort.

Thinking in terms of today's numbers,
the 50 to 100 million people who died

W. IAN LIPKIN: in the course of that
outbreak would represent perhaps

300 or 400 million in today's terms.

WAINWRIGHT: It was a normal
influenza, but it changed.

It was mutated.

We had a pandemic flu that
was k*lling young people.

They were dropping dead like flies.

BRAMLEY: Scientists more recently
have come up with this theory

that, yeah, it must've
come from space.

It opens the possibility that
there is a UFO connection.

Perhaps they are managing us in
a very brutal fashion.

NARRATOR: The Spanish
lnfluenza eventually

disappeared just as quickly
as it had arrived,

fading away completely
just a year later in 1919.

Scientists believe it had
mutated to the point it was

no longer harmful to humans.

But how did this incredibly
deadly virus strike

simultaneously all over the globe?

Could it have had any connection
to the strange events at Fatima,

and the dire predictions
communicated to three children,

supposedly from a heavenly,

or what some would call
an extraterrestrial source?

September15th 2007

Residents of Carancas, Peru,
watch in fascination as a

gigantic fireball
streaks across the sky.

There is a loud expl*si*n---
(expl*si*n thunders)

and a crash that shakes
the ground violently.

Something large and mysterious
has fallen to Earth, causing

a crater that scatters debris
for nearly a mile in every direction.

Fascination turns to fear
when, just a few days later,

hundreds of people become
strangely and violently ill.

PITTMAN: An extraterrestrial fireball
impacted the ground near Carancas in Peru.

This impact sickened a great
many people in that area.

That was never explained by authorities
who couldn't really have an answer

for why a meteorite strike would
cause all these people to get sick.

CHILDRESS: Meteorites are thought to
very be clean and without bacteria or

noxious gases.

Does this event suggest that
microbes and other living organisms

not of this earth exists
somewhere in the universe.

GALFIN: It would be narrow-minded to
accept that all our trillions of bacteria

and viruses are so unique
to take to her everywhere

and every part of this world,
that they wouldn't occur

in other planets or other
systems around the universe.

The Stardust mission.


A NASA spacecraft plunges through
the tail of comet 81P-Wild---

collecting comet particles on
blocks of a sticky material

called aerogel.

The findings stun even the
most cynical scientists.

SEAGER: The Stardust detector came back
to Earth, and the particles collected

were studied in detail and many
organic compounds were found

including the amino acid Glycine,
which is a building block for life.

Might asteroids and
meteors really be the

delivery system for alien
microbes and other

extraterrestrial life-forms?

Could strange germs and deadly
diseases be the result of

biological hitchhikers in space?

at the historical records---

plagues come suddenly,
from almost nowhere.

So I think comets are the natural carriers
that one could look to as to being

the source of these epidemics.

Comets were feared by almost
all ancient civilizations---

as bringers of pestilence and death.

But were they really
primitive superstitions?

NARRATOR: In the 1960's,
Nobel Laureate Harold Urey

developed a new field of
science called cosmochemistry.

He theorized that meteorites
contained the fossilized remains

of space bacteria.

dismissed almost instantly by

a huge establishment of
American meteoritic scientists.

There's no way, they said, argued
that life could be inside a comet,

and so it was sort of---
essentially swept under the rug.

In 1996, NASA researchers,
led by David McKay

of the Johnson Space Center,
announced that another space

rock found in Antarctica--
meteorite ALH84001--

contained the fossilized
remains of life on Mars.

confirmed by other scientists,

but clearly, the fact that
something of this magnitude is

being explored is another
vindication of America's space

program and our continuing

support for it, even in these
tough financial times.

NARRATOR: Even as recently as
March of 2011, NASA scientist

Richard Hoover published evidence
of life found in meteorites.

Hoover found really stunning

images of microscopic organisms
resembling modern organisms.

This was published in March of 2011
in the Journal of Cosmology,

and it's caused the biggest rumpus in
science that I recall in my entire career.

High officials of NASA were livid,
because here was this guy

at Marshall Space Flight Center
trying to overturn a paradigm.

BIRNES: If alien bacteria
has entered the Earth's

atmosphere, could it have
been sent here deliberately?

Well, the answer is yes.

If they were trying to invade
a planet, they would do it by

putting their own bacteria on
pieces of rock and making sure

that landed on planet Earth, and
in so doing, create a series of

violent epidemics that would wipe
out the planet's population.

Kerala, India,

A cosmic bang---
a massive expl*si*n in

the atmosphere, and then---
(thunder cracks)

a downpour of red rain.

It is eerily reminiscent of
ancient myths and stories about

blood coming down from the sky.

Homer writes in The Iliad about
a blood rain foreshadowing

slaughter in battle.

Gregory of Tours witnessed a
blood rain before the outbreak

of the Justinian Plague.

And in 14th century Germany,
a shower of blood reportedly

preceded the Black Death.

RADER: It is like the human world seeing
the effect of the immortal world

The gods are so affected by our
lives that they are willing to

change the laws of the physical
world so that something we

experience as rain, in fact,
comes down as blood.

NARRATOR: After the incident in
Kerala, biologist Dr. Godfrey

Louis is able to collect samples
of the strange red liquid.

the rain as clean as possible,

and it was discovered that they

contained cells that
looked like living cells.

some kind of organism.

Now where's it come from?

Does it come from space or
does it come from Earth?

This is the big question.

Because, of course, the
meteorite immediately puts it

into the realms of mystery, space.

NARRATOR: To date, there have
been no verifiable reports of

illness connected with
the blood rain in Kerala---

but if meteors and other
falling objects from space

really do contain deadly bacteria,
is it simply an accident---

or is it possible that what
we think of as natural

phenomena are really part of

another, perhaps more insidious plan?

NARRATOR: In 2001, Mary Leitao, a
former hospital lab technician in Boston

discovers red, blue, black, and white

fibers in sores under her
two-year-old son's lip.

Eight different doctors are
unable to find any disease,

allergy, or anything unusual

that might be causing her son's condition.

Today this condition has a name--

Morgellons disease--

And according to the Morgellons
Research Foundation,

it has affected more than 12,000 families
from all 50 states and 15 other countries.

CLIFF MICKELSON: No one knows what
Morgellons is, it appears to be

a brand new arrival in the medical scene.
To have Morgellons disease,

is to live a waking
nightmare without end.

R. WYMORE: To the best of my knowledge,
there have been no cures to Morgellons.

And partly I think it's because
we don't know what the cause is.

A physician who's trying to
treat a patient with Morgellons

is pretty much just
sh**ting in the dark.

NARRATOR: Sufferers of the
mysterious disease complain of

neurological problems similar
to multiple sclerosis

and massive oozing skin rashes
that seem to have a life of their own.

MICKELSON: The overt
dermatological symptoms would be

open sores on the skin-- usually round,
volcanic almost looking in nature.

WYMORE: Most people with
Morgellons have crawling

sensations in their skin.

Sometimes they describe it as
almost as though something is

inside there, biting or stinging.

NARRATOR: Inside the lesions,
sufferers have discovered

colored fibers, like those
found on Mary Leitao's son.

WYMORE: You wouldn't believe
how many dermatologists have

gotten phone calls and e-mails
from, saying, "Sorry, humans

don't grow red and blue fibers."

Well, as a physiologist, I'm
quite aware of that fact, but it

doesn't change the fact that
these fibers are present, and

this mystery is, well, where
are the fibers coming from?

Is there a microorganism that
is producing these fibers?

We have absolutely no idea.

MICKELSON: The university
forwarded a number of samples to

the Tulsa Crime Lab, who ran
them through their database, the

FBI database, were unable
to find any match.

The earth is being bombarded
by tons of debris from

outer space every year, and so,
is it possible that an organism

that we wouldn't recognize came
down with that debris, and

that's the cause of Morgellons?

Well, I just try and stay open-minded.

We can't really say yes,
we can't say no.

NARRATOR: But what is the
cause of Morgellons disease?

Is it simply an Earth-based
mutation of a known virus?

Or does it have other, perhaps
interplanetary origins?

GALPIN: If we look at something
that came from a distant planet

it's so different, that it
could do anything from

makes us better, makes us the same,
or in the long run, create a new disease.

Or maybe it doesn't produce disease,
because diseases don't just produce fever,

headache, it may change our thought
process, our reality, how we

move, how we think, how long
we live, even our emotions.

microbes in outer space.

Bacteria capable of mutating and
becoming more powerful in zero gravity.

Comets carrying deadly,
alien life-forms.

Could humankind be at the mercy
of extraterrestrial forces that

are invisible to the naked eye?

LIPKIN: The best estimates that I've heard
are the number of bacteria in the world

is something in the range of 5 followed
by 30 zeroes, it is a staggering number.

We're discovering more
and more all the time.

BIRNES: The real question is this---
who is really leading the world?

Us or the trillions and trillions of
viruses that we walk upon, and may be

playing a much more intimate part of
our lives that we ever thought.

COPPENS: Is it possible that we somehow
are being prepared for something

which is going to affect Earth
as a global civilization.

It's, somehow, is very important
that we are strong enough so

that we will be able to cope
with something which might be

coming our way?

GALPIN: The more you
know all the details,

the more frightening the thoughts
are about what's coming next.

The clock begins when the
disease hits, and we don't know

how much time the clock is giving us.

That's the fear of the future.

NARRATOR: For thousands of
years, we have wondered if we

are alone in the universe, but
could alien life-forms have been

among us all along?

If countless strains of deadly
bacteria are coming to Earth

from other worlds, is this the
proof we need that there is life

on other planets?

Could it be only by coincidence
that these life-forms have made

contact with us in the form
of plagues and epidemics,

or is there another, perhaps
alien, intelligence at work--

an intelligence which seeks
to reduce our numbers

or maybe prepare us for something

If so, what and when.
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